The Signal, 1920-7-15, Page 7• • ?R $IOIAT — GODWCL Oil. sr Thursday, July 15, 1a21. T CHO PLUG OBACCO 7,0 Irl as mar .25 THE freshness, and flavor, of ANCHOR PLUG is hot equalled, nor approached by any other chewing tobacco. That is why ANCHOR PLUG is supreme. it1b/drit)Jar' WIITE SHOE DRESSING 4R KEEP YOUR SHOES NEAT 'IiiE BlG VALUE PACKAGES LIQUID AND CAKE ti 8, •' 1 11r NS ORM TA, SUMS IAN OW, WTe L US P i DAUNT COILPOSAT1ONS l.TD.. 11AaOLTO01. CAlt .t..,, ` -IlISI ' ►ISSIAJ./td 111111 111Ihnt► t\••‘‘'VZ‘� BEAVEKDO mss ssissi►wiraa CO.IINTY AND DISTRICT The Dominion Day eelebration a Centralia was well attended and was marked by the pre's•oee of Premier Drury. who gave an address. The death occurred at Nand.•.dooro un July 6th of Mrs. Johg bre, in lwr righty -seventh year. New Iliad lived in this county over fifty yen Harry Waller. a forme the 1(ilst Battalion, has 1 postmaster of Wrnzeter. bite W. M. Robinson. While Mrs. John ('a rhur•h, was driving t horse took fright and out. fracturing Ole e After a Iiugerit 14tepbeuson died o member of n appointed succeed the oell.'01 White- 11'i'wham the she waw thrown er lim'bs+. Illness (:e try. Friday evening, July 2nd, at Como owe, at the age of seventy-three year . His wife and one Won survive. At the hour of Clark, Walton. Florets*. Ago) ring*. to Tho lend Mrs. Wi Lundy ollk•I tel. The happy couple will reside con tlw groom's farm. loth eq e'.*isfun of McKlhop. An esteemed resident of East Wawa - nosh passel *way on July 2nd. In the person of Mrs.• William IL -Gowan. She had [reit in poor health, lout was thought to 1s• improving, and tIW Ilew-w of he suddep death was a shock to inanity. Mrs. McGowan. whose name was ..gees (odds, was iu Itlyth fifty -sic years ago. She uryivel by lwr hrseband, two sons it ons• daughter. all at home. Catharine Ant Grand. widow of the to James Jarrott, diel at her Inoue Mr. and Mrs. Thomas iwlr eldest daughter. . was united tel mor- s Howard. son of Mr. . Hackwell. Re•y. It. A. t la' ev•/ man u Nor 15 et 'Why Live with Cracked Walls and Cane When They're Easily Covered Up • wearer Board will cover them up for all time and you'll never Ilawe the job to do again. While Beaver Board is doing away with the danger .sof falling platter it is covering' up old dingy wall paper on walls awned calings and giving you an ideal surface for painting and decorating. Slimy em old homestead has been revived films of the spruce tree. Each plural b u4i this kaods.u,Make. manufactured treated with the patented Ssr(ttra pm. &miser. Room risme has been made tswar-war at a time if ro jM. — itb- a.es nem ex Heirs Seaver lard breed [./ebbe. it built up lase large psNM tram We strong, pure l cess which prevents w•rp(ag. • 1!piell s need en build or re -build. mew ler .nl•rge ask ns bow you 441 Mi )� teeny board. T1eGoderic .110.1•1111 aning Mills,Ltd. Ontario Phone 47 .e l mss, ' , � ..J}...?t .� .ci• WINNIPEG BRANDON REGINA SAUATOON 7jeLAW y to the Wes DAILY SERVICE 11.n. TORONTO (Onion Station) 9.16 Pall. CALGARY EDMONTON VANCOUVER VICTORIA Tee Nationd! Wail/ B •Il�TUDOT RS'. OVT,NKBBINO NEW *s.I-$rasa TSARIST a[ES See. N1... Wed. 11r1.-0sasd1sa 11.41.sa1 all tk. war. Tees. Thur. Set—Vis O.T., T. & N.O., atle•br... thee, S. N. Nye. Tasbett.-.d tela I.f.vrastl.. free Dearest Scalls. Natl...l •allays' Agmst. .r ••••r al Passe.ger N.p.it/e..t, T.r..l e. •I.d..telal Nsee•le.aa, Tote.** WI..1.N 0111 f isl.h tell parV..SFs reg•rdly l..4 le gloaters Sa..1• .s.11.bl. f.. /••ma•g or ether ••••••••• Canadian National Ra;sways travelltug suit ovary taffeta,' w4111' navy 11.!t and taupe 'tuarabout, and. left with her hns1 lnil for,t1wtr mew home in Wellborn. W INOHAM. The tlermru trench mortar presented to the tuw•II of .Vlughaw by the IJo- winlon Government has arrived and has leen placed temporarily to front of the town hall, where It is au object or great Interest. It wait captured by the Canadians at %lmy Ridge. t)u Dominion 1)ay there was a happy fatuity reunion at the Inane of Mr. and Mrs. Tlwmas Carruthers, Lower Wing - hum. It was the first reunion of the family in forty years and all the children were present : John mud Frank Carnttbers of Kitchener: Thomas Carruthers of Waterloo: Mrs. Co - of New York: Mrs. 'Erosible of Kit{ heir, apd Miss Mary Carruthers of 'Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. ('arruthers are among tlw- pioneer residents of (his sertuu. haring settled in lower Wingham fifty-eight years ages. They have been married for upwards of sixty ye•anc Three bylaws were rubel ou' in 11'Inglwm ou July :pth and all were carried. (toe bylaw provides for the raising of MOM f) to extend the water mauls to the north aide of -the Mait- land River. Another is to provide (uudu for tlw building of a new bridge to replace the old one near the How- dead in the morning. He had been in son mills. On the question of placing poor health for some time. He worked the town waterworks department under I for a number of years as a cooper and a eommissfou there was a l:u•ge ma- then purchased a grocery business. which )((vita iu ensue. he conducted until the time of his death. The tender of the Hunter Bridge & I He is survived by two daughters, both at. (toiler t:o: for the constna•tion of the home. new bridge and dam across the Malt- A. E. Bennett, of Saskatoon, Sask.. Dud. at a:atmt), has been accepted he visited, his brother.in-law.A. J. McDonell, the town council: .Word has been rewired to town of the death at Harlisty, Alberta, of Mrs. John Itnbinsou, who Irv) hem a few Co. is running at full capacity, having weeks ago, accompanied by her (laugh- efOuat orders to keep busy until next ter. Mfrs. Thos. James, to visit in ,the February. Nest. 1 B HEALS ZAM-$UC stopsthe burn- ing and pre. ventsblistering. Just as good for tender or blis- tered feet, aching muscles, mo.4ulto bites, cuts, bruises, and all skin Io jsrtes- A sura cur. for ermi- nes ra♦nes and all skin dis- eases. All druggists Sec. box. SUNBURN Mr. and'Mrs. Wm. 1Viner, of Stephen. The young couple will make their home at London. James Gould, a well-known resident. died in his bed between Sunday night and Monday morning last week. being found for a new days last week: He also visited relatives at Clinton and Goderich. The local branch of the Jackson Mfg• SEAFORTII. The death occurred at Vancouver June 23rd of James T. Doble, a former resident of Seaforth who left here fifteen years ago to act as Western agent for the Canada Furniture Company. Mrs. W.D. Bright of town is a sister. Mrs. R. L. Clark has received word of the death of her brother, James White- head. which occurred at *Winston, Mon- tana. on July est. The deceased was born in Tuckersmith fifty-three years ale. NBJi) I The gents' furnishings store of W. D - Bright & Son was considerably damaged by fire and water in a c,xnflagration which originated from an electric iron which had been left turned on by one of the employees. Marie Kathleen, second daughter of Edward. axwl ave, Lowed a deter - wasand Mrs. Wm. Duggan, Seaforth. was married at Detroit on June 28th to minaticw not to go to Whesoi ler all. Herbert J. Bruder. of Stratford. Mr. FIaalty hes favorite !mit :was milled in and Mrs. Bruder will reside at Stratford. to use hair persuasive powers. "Surely. Fdwar.' she Auld. "you want to go to Best, of town, who graduated this year school with your big bn,ther in the at the Law School, Toronto has opened Laughogiaphs. • A recent examination in the public schools' of Brooklyn brought forth the following answers: "What is an impulse 1 An impulse is what the doctor takes bold of to see if you are sick. Name the vowels., Vowels ain't got no names. under the stumik. What are the duties of a citizen The duties of a good citizen is not to spit on the sidewalk, and to hold his banana peels until he meets an ash can. Name the races of mankind. Bicycle races. horse races. potato races. automobile races. and other kinds.—New Screen Magazine, They are 4. R. H. Best. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. a law office at Timmins. New Ontario autumn." -No. ma'am." mild Edward: Chas. A. McNamara, a returned soldier, "I have il'(;iilel not to go to 'whop!. I son of Chas. McNamara, died nn July 1st t'ao t read. 1 can't write, and 1 can't at Speedwell hospital. Guelph, after a sit*• 10 what use should I be at hoot ?"—Ha — Magazine. long illness. After his return from over- eerper seas in 1919 he worked at his trade of at Hilleegreen on July bit. in her 1 tinsmith until forced by ill -heath to give ,seventy -Sixth year. She was one of up. The body was brought to Seaforth the pioneer settlers of the district. for burial. Four ems Avid One daughter survive. BLVTH. R'illi:un $klurs•r passel away it his J. C. Heffron ras repurchased the home, onlsr sston :o, t:Pilo/w ile. on tl'ed- butcher business sold by him to John neslay night. June le, at the age of Garniss some months ago. sixty-four years. ` He'tras Moro in the The marriage took place at Clinton on township in which be dill and passed July 3rd of John R Bell. of Morris. and _ Mrs. Edith E. McElroy, of Blyth. Rev. S AndetSon officiated. Mr. and Mrs. HFIl will reside in Blyth. his lite. He is int rue three mons. 1 quiet welding t 9ithh�heh at the home of Mr.� Nalldice. F:lmsdale township. (;rel• moody. wli , sarong daughter of the Mrs. S11ou1d14•e. Iss'atur er. E. L. Anderson. It. A., sun of ,Her. anti Mrs. S. rider 'linton, Rev. S. Anderson 'eon- tbe rtwtwmuny, assisted by Res. azelw•ekx1. of Listowel. The 'ride en n'el wlfh her brtit .-W. J. Shouldice. o the strains of the "Bridal Chorus." t Syed by Mies (arrow F'Iemiug. ane' took la•r pbiee tinder an arch of fi•rns 411141 marguerites. banked with paints. She wore ivory georgette +nal satin. with a grneeful vell of silk chlRon adorned with orange blosw,ms. and earriel Sweetheart roues. Miss Mahal Stockfish was bridesmaid. and tlw gr -'nm was supported by V. W. Shonhdiee. brother of the bride. Dur- ing the signing of the register Mrs. T. W. Hiiwlwood sang. After the wel- ding breakfast the bride doune•et her 'red by a widow k give Jane ml Mrs. 1'. S. m. Keppel 11 Lucinda to W. J. brine Bays of 11.11 s)n, dne•tit T. W. If You Have High Blood Pressure You Must Be Careful —0— Whim the Blood Prewar* 1s much above normal there is always the danttgt• of rupture of a blood vessel. moat frequently M the Brain and producing • stroke, or In the Kid- neys, producing Bright's Disease. One 4io'uid guard against overexer- tion or excitement aad paha HACKING'S HEART AND NERVE REMEDY to d mmlve the Uric Acid deposlta that form In the Veins and A• :t ries, making them Stare and brittle. Tbia remedy is a wonder; k hands up the mitre system by i'u>lfypog the Blood. Strenert.henhig the Heart and by ptodsotug a rsormel and healthy condition of the Nerves. Mrs. Wm. Mortify. or Palmerton. need quits a number of boxes of Haekleg's Heart and Nerve Remedy anti they Ibeneetted her so mach and Ms was so phi••ed with them that she rw onimends them to ail ber Monde oho have'thta trouble or who are all ani dues and Nervous She rays "you must W sura to get Hack - I constipation N nee of the aggrav- atleg (ssasel. of High Bled Pressure wad it fs advtiMs to am Hankerer. Kldwsy Mad Uver P11N to Moe oat Ste Poisons rag gnaws. in the, 1#• - MIL Tblar. » vweo••N*+s• e• well 'swam and 'vs caned bey a few hetes hum year Sealer today. ansttara IJmflad. Waved. Otto Harhftrg w Reswediee are wild 1. (i.de- rkh by J. A. Campbell. Druggist • Dr. Milne has been appointed medical health officer, succeeding Dr. Guest, who ' has removed from town. f�July 28th is to be civic holiday in Blyth and a "big day" will be put on. CLINTON. At the home of Mr. and Mgr.. William Higgins, on July 1st. the marriage took place of their - Oke. ughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hugh e of Exeter. to,Thos. J. McNeil. The wr�difig ceremony was performed by Rev.• D. N. McCamus. The death of Mrs. George M. Kitty occurred on Monday, 5th inst.. after an illness of two months. The deceased was the • widow of the late Rev. Geo. M. Kilty, a well-known Anglican clergy. man. She is survived by two daughters and two sons. Mrs. (Rev.J H. P. West- gate, Mrs. Alfred Morton, of Sandwich; Clarence and Harold. of Toronto. After a prolonged illness Samuel Cante- losl died on Monday, July 5th, at the age of sixty-five years. He .wee a native of Goderich township. The wedding took pla St Ot1awa recently of Miss Lilian R. wreaCe. eldest daughter of Mrs. W. Se wrence of Ottawa. formerly of Clinton, t Percji. Daniels, B. A., late lieutenant in the Canadian Engineer!. Mr. and Mrs. Daniels will spend their honeymoon yn Algonquin Park and then will reside 31 Toronto. A fine team of chestnut horses with silver manes and tails has been purchased from an Usbotne man for use on the farm at the Huron Couhty Home. Mist! Helena Middleton is away on a trip to Great Britain and the Continent with a party of school teachers. Mr. and Mrs. W. Plumsteel and family left last week on a trip to the West. Principal Bouck left last week to take charge of the Summer Model School at Bracebndge. Mr. and Mrs. M. 1. Torrance. who had keen visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Torrance of town. for some weeks. habe gine on a trip to the West. Mr. Torrance is recuperating after a severe illness Mrs. McDonald. who makas her home with her daughter. Mrs. Jervis, fell fast week and fractured her thigh. Frank Eadie Foull., B. Sc. Agri.. of the Clinton Collegiate staff. was marred at Toronto on June 30th to Vera Lewis,. widest daughter of Mrs. Wesley Latimer. Dr. C. W. Thompson and Miss Lucy Stet•ens motored to Centralia nn the' morning of July 1st and were quietly married at the Methodist parsonage by Rev. A. Sinclair. They continued their motor trip to cover a week or two. iex !melt R. A sledding was solemnized at Trivitt Memorial church rectory on July 5th. when Miss Florence Wood. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wood of tomb, was united in marriage to Owen Winer, son of 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••O • • •• •• •• ••• Made to Your OMe' •- A WE ('AN St !T 101 �. • • • • • • • • McLEAN BIROS. • • • Semi -Ready Tailus and CNB' . Punishers • • • THE SQUARE GODERICH • • • Summer Suits! • • • • • • • • Semi -Ready OR •••••••••••••••••••••••••• JIIIIIUIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIH1HIIIIIIIdllIIIIIIIIIHHIUIIIIIIHIIIHHHIIHIIIIIIIIILL TRIMMED HAT SALE F' EXTRAORDINARY" SMART HATS SPECIALLY E- a 1 tC PRICED AT E These hats are selected from our regular stock and show f pretty color combinations and up-to-date styles. $3.75 MISS M. R. MAcVICAR KINGSTON STREET, GODERICH OMNI flllllHHHIIIHIUHHUIUIunmUmulfhItIUUIHUifnumm�mm1HUUHUUUUir GET WEDDING STATIONERY AT THE SIGNAL e'l'se, madam, this is the grade of Imperil Polarise specified for your car by the Imperial Polarine Chart of Recommendations, and you will always find Imperial Premier Gasoline of uniform huh quality. My customers have learned that operating costs .is kept at a minimum through using Imperial Polarise exclusively." Reduced 'Operating Costs /IMPERIAL Polarine reduces automobile operating costs in many ways. By providing a piston -to -cylinder seal which assures maximum power. it helps to save friction waste in every moving part, keeps the engine running smoothly and out of the repair shop and minimizes depreciation. Imperial Polarine prevents friction by coating every wearing surface with a heat and wear -resisting oil film. it seals all the power in the piston chamber. Imperial Polarine gives correct lubrication to every part of your car. . - One of the three grammes a`escfi'bei below itipeciafly--guited to your motor. Look for the Imperial Polarine Chart of Recommendations when you bus oil and learn which grade to use. Imperial Polarine is sold in sealed gallon and four -gallon cans, 12j¢ allon steel kegs, steel half -barrels and barrels, by dealers everywhere. There is an appreciable saving in buying half -barrels and barrels. e. IMPERIAL POL-ARiNE . POIARINE HEAVY IMPERIAL PURINE A (We made lady) homy WI) Mitre bevy Mfr) A GRADE SletiOALLY SUITED TO YOUR MOTOR po‘• et- - Heat - Light - Lubric tit if>'il Branches in all Cit les '4..'