The Signal, 1920-5-13, Page 8R Thursday, ltay 13, 1920.
New Tapestry
W all P apers
Something entirely different
in wall decorations. Papers
representing the old tapestry
wall coverings, forestry, floral
and Needle effects, ranging iu
price from Sic to 90c per roIL.
Regular lice of Wall Paper
front 12#c to 50c.
We are special selling agents
Waternian's Ideal Fiestais Pea.
Continued from page 1.
•was rel to the special eomueittee.
The resolution passel by the Board
of Trade commending to the t,nua'll the
waking of such repairs and ituprul•e-
wents at the .agricultural (:rounds as
would enable the Society to hold the
fail fair under favorable euawhtions
was not:aivtd and referred to the piddle
works commate.. with power to act.
A communication from the Air
hoard. Ottawa, stated that as solo as
possible Au officer of the Board would
visit Gotlerich to assist the (sonnet, re-
garding the selection of a site for an
.► further letter from Btahoio-Itarker
.aeroplanes Limited. Toronto. regard-
ing A proposed visit to Goderioh, was
Neuf to the Speialecommittee.
Reports of Committees.
The finance t'omm(ttee passed a num-
ber of se.•uu its and reommeudel a
further payment of $•'SO on the grunt to
the :Ktrd Itegimeut Itarwl Assoelation.
Thi• cemetery and parks committee
recommended that twenty -flue maple
sapling. be taken from the cemetery
and plal,tel on the streets where
petitioned for and that Sunset Park I.
cleaned up and put in gaol condition
for the summer.
The water. light and harbor com-
mittee reuwmewlel -that the life -
preservers be put in eoraiitlon and in-
stalled along the dock front.
The pahlic works committee reported
having met the Agricultural Society
and dnan.Nel the matter of repairing
-the buildings at the Agricultural Park.
Th- twoodsors of the. klovloty _Agretsl_
Howe's Great London Shows are coming
t.o Goderich May 23(11 and will perform in
k'ivtoria Park.
Ma. Sydney 9rtw is opening a garage
at Auburn. and solicits the trade of the
prole of that section.
Richard Chaatney, who had been in
custody fur two weeks. was given over to
the charge of his father on Tuesday and
was taken back to his home at Westfield.
Ile had being showing some violent tend-
encies. but his father undertook to take
care Of him.
The Boa col of lieokIth has engaged
• man to look after t1w• co114Y•liou of
garbage. A shilatu•nt of cans is ex-
pece�l to arrive lmaiediately, and
eieirsenas wdao wish to have their gar-
bage eolle'tee may prrn,lre cans at the
town hall as soon as they arrive.
Baht and Sold
Be a Mutualist" in
The Mutual Life Assur-
ance Co. of Canada
T. R. Harrison_
w itat SSZCT
asst in putting the train building
back in position and in erecting the
foundation for the south wing of the
main building. and the committee
Asked for power to engage Mr. 1►.•Mae-
laeren to have the work done with the
*mi..t:autr as shove nientiond.. The.
committee. reported that it would ob-
tain an estimate of the cost of com-
pleting: the .south whir and repairing
111e sheds and -finers and crake a n„om-
wenllat' with refcre iae thereto at
the next meeting., The emmittee Ind
examilled the gravel pit at (he foot of
Wolfe street Awa had the excavation
on the roadway partly tilled In and
rsommeudel that (1(.111 ashes he
dump,l there to complete the tilling in.
No Action r* Early Closing.
The special eomwitter recommended
that the 11001rloom A 114 howling -alley.
Menses of F. IL \Vuoll I, renewed
upon payment of the proper fees, and
with the understanding that if tttete1
is any gambling on the premises the
Ileenses will la• eant,•Iled1._ In the
matter of the petition from the cloth-
iers and men's furnishers for an early
Nosing bylaw. and ■ similar ;trillion.
from boot and shop dealers, the tend-
'mitte. nro11lmendel that no action be-
taken "until further Information on
the nutter i.. obtained.” '.VIth regard
'to the petition from a-nlumber of citl-
rens reties -sting that steps Is taken for
taierection of a new town hall on (lie
CO carne hotel 'site. the committee re -
cum inlet that the petition be fllel
old that the council consider the ad-
visability of submitting a bylaw to the
ratepayers. in the matter of the re-
commendation f • the court of re-
vision tuff the town pay one-half the
cost of the newer on Thomas street
(non Wilson street to Warren street.
the committee found Ippon etamination
that the town now assumes within
approximately $.'O of one-half of the
total coat and toe committee was of
opinion that the. mat to be derived
by the individual if the suggested
change were made, mild be so trifling
Moot it world not justify the time and
cost of earrylag-out khe recommend-
ation, and therefore resnulmetelel that
the council take no set esti-ihw prn-
posel. It was reeommene•11 that Mr.
11- M. JOhn*on, C. E., be tort
ilslt to uoderbeh .. make a
report eq the extenmion oft wrtRr•'
Until He Took "Fruit-a-thrsrl
The Fruit Medicine
R. R. No. 1. Loasa, Osie.
"For over three years, I wall
wafted to bed with Rhenl Befit il.
I treated with duelers, and tried
aearl7 everything without benefit.
Fatally, I teed "Truits-tires".
Before I had red hmlf s bar I tow
aim ie eesf: tbs paia was easier
and the swelling jaarted to go down
I con tin uedg this fruit me-
dicine, improving all the time, and
now I can walk about two miles and
do light chores about the plain".
60c. a box, 6 for $2.110, trial else 25e.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by
Trait-a-tivis Limited. Ottawa.
works Intake pipe and on treating
sew•wgee at flu• sewer outlet as suggested
by the wettest officer. ,
These reports were all adopted.
('onncalor llumlwr suggested float
the town do something iu the way of
Nes-oaring n supply of seed potatoes to
sell at wholesale prke to p•rsma wish-
ing to plant them. He thought the
toad distribute potatoes to the lnuni-
cipaalities. bot as the. Goverumeut was
not doing it the einincil should act.
\ power was delegated to (tae special
t•OWal 'tree to deal.wlth this matter. •
re wax considerable discussion as
til hat action should ie• taken in con-
nect n with the proposeol Old Buys'
reuni n. but as the arranitrmenta are
in the heads of an' outside committee
ale. ism 'ii was at a loss to know what
shoulddope at this end.
In rep v to.,an eugntry regarlhlg
the vernieriti st the ltritieb Exchange
hotel. ('hi. 1'uatlethwaite . said the
hotel people ere going to take It down.
The !* sla ry of t parka caretaker
will beww7s. la' morals, instead of $59,
a mot teeing pas to this effect.
At the suggest n of Mayor. the
public work.' cum `lase as: sedO�
take the necessary tepa In retarget
tor this year's -se r cuustrnetion.
a motion that*
vonsM[daf*g bylaw 1* prepared, with
lie interest rate 00 sewer ded,entsrel
vis yet' etytt. Instead of Ave and a.
liar adopted.
Dominion Day Celebrities.
Tu ',report* for the 1hrmltiop t 7
velebratio11. a public Meeting 111 to be
called 1 v !Thr Mayor.
The. yor again brought .up the
natter trophies. and t desk
Is to writ to the proper auth Inks
to me 1f sontething in fibs line be
procured fur Goderlcb.
The harbur committee was' *skel to
tuushler the appolntua•n( of watek-
front ponce, to guard against accll•n
during the lasting ural loathing season.
Uylsw"a Nus. 11 anal 12 were passed.
amending the pollee bylaws to provide
increased salaries. that of the chief
!wing .now Etat and 1 the aergeaut
The eonnetl then adjtnitratd.
AY weather is warm weather and each day we are. closer to the" time when
we will have to wear Spring clothes. It is, well to be prepared and 'have
the necessary garments in readiness for the_hot days. We are showing a won-
derful„assortment of Spring merchandise in every department. Goods that are
real new and up -t -the-minute styles. It is a_pleasure to show you through every
department and w want you to see our,Readyato-wear Department especially. -
Every style of garme t is represented her, for we have made it, a department
where all lines of ready- • wear are carried.
Each day we are selling coats, for the reason that the styles and values are right. rrEvery__cosd_is-._new.
having been bought this season. Both long and short coats are being shown in Velours, Serges and Tricotines.
The colors are navy blue, fawn and sand. lig t blue and tweed effects. All sizes are represented in this range, so
it will not be hard to select a style.
1f you are not buys g a coat it will likely be a suit. As you know, Northway's
Coats are leaders in style, t and workmanship. This is the line that we are carrying.
They are made in serge', . '(•lin and tricotine. Navy blue predominates, but they
are shown in black, fawn an, tweeds. Every size is still in stock and it will be easy
to find your size. Colored lint • s are used in all suits. These linings, as you know,
are the newest creations. But • and braid trimming is used effectively in combina-
tion. Pretty vests are set in som . suits, while others have a plain front. -\ -
. We wish everyone to inspect t garments at your convenience.
Ret. IIr. Fletcher to Retire after a
Long and Useful Ministry:
The Presbytery of Huron hetet its
remota r May_ meeting on Tuesday. the
11th. at Hensen. Every minister wax
preatltt__aud thelollowing elders: T.
F'- Tnrlahnll -*4---44-mnd fiend, W7 -A
Turnbull of Thames Road. J. 13. Mc-
Lean' -of Rippe'', J. J. -Gemmell of
Flaw...fie.Id. W. Somers of Itlyth, 1. Mc-
Lellan of i';gmondville and J. E.
Sparrow of Varna.
— Mr. Macfarlane was appointed to
grvs1ln (tri f rhes 1'rf .
to the I'Iesbytprlal of the W. M. S. at
the September meeting( at hayfield.
A further report from the Forward
.lirvement committee ahowesi that the
objective had been passel by the
awdpht or $::,OOO. The thanks of the
I'n'shp•tery were tendered to Mr. Tel-
ford and Mr.• Mct►ermld for their ser-
cieeK In`•that partleofar department.
The e$ mitdse appointee to make
arrangem to for Varna *1141 Make
askeol that 4n case nothing was dots
by the eumink Assembly that charge Ill•
Minded .over to the care of the Tome
i*Iss {w► r cwa1. In the menu -
tine. the euma ttee .111. prepare by
conference with other denominations
for such (o -operation as la possible and
for organic union 'f1r. Fitaeher tr-
signed his charge of Thames Road and
Klrktoi and it was agreed to make
application on his behalf to the AA -
'ruddy for leave to retire from the
active work of the ministry, Tlw con-
gregations w911 present their case ret
the next regular meeting of Presbytery.
Prof. Itallantyne, of Knox College.
was nominated for the moderatorahlp
of the next General .assembly. The
i•reabytery then engaged in confereh e
on the anhjeet. "The Message of the
Pulpit to the 1?tr'at of the Present,"
In which Dr. Larkin led in his ex-
hnnstive style.
The following was uhanimm,sly
adopted by the Presbytery : -That
boards of the church before they pre -
parr recommendation's to the General
AMenably, to important poste assets a.
college professorship., general were
tsry'A And general anperintendent'N
offices.. Is• required is send nntlee
thereof to i'reahyterles. that they may
he able to make recommendation's Ani
suggest to tn•'s. s
or Pumps to be strictly up-to-date with that new
dyes 011e nit. Nothing could be more becoming titan our
'smart, stylish and now very popular
Ladle*' Kid • f • , in black or
brown $4 I ASD t0 $9.75C
ladies' Patent Oxfords, high or low heels, with Vanity Plate,
Goodyear Welt Soles. Turn Solea n
end McKay Stitched sS•�� to ;9.51/
and preaounced by critical buyers as "extreme pretty," is a
Kid and Calf Oxfords, in black and brown ; also the new
Scotch Brogue, in Oxfords and Balmorals for men.
Slippers for t1y misses, girls and infants. A shoe to 6t every
foot and every purse.
Your favorite ice cream soda is here.
Nate but the purest flavors used. H. T.
Your Spring outfit will not be coal fete without a new blouse. Never has our
range been so large as at the present time. The newest styles are here for your in-
spection. Smocks are greatly favored in geote. voile and crepe de chine. 'These
garments come in every shade or in combinati1gts of colors.
Voile smocks at $10, in plain white or colors.
We were fortunate in buying our Habutai Blouses when the silk market was
low ; thus we have them now in stock much below the market price. Either high or
low necks are represented.
if it is a Blouse we have it.
Middy Blouses
-Biel-We have been greatly complimented on our
range of Middy Blouses. It is the largest we
have ever carried and the best in value. Plain
white or colored Middies. Also white with col-
ored collar and ti imming on arm. All sizes
from children's to women's. They are to be
found in the Ready-to-wear Department.
Ale r 7Anderson i Oilhams at
65c a 7atILMAR—Viide. These Gingharll�
known by everyone as the best that can ba- pylar
cured. -
Canadian Ginghams at 40c and Sae a yard.
These also are 27 in. wide. The patterns are
new and bright, in large and small checks.
House Dresses
The largest range we have ever carried. They
range in size from 34 to 44. Shown in blue
chambrae with white collar and cuffs or with
self trimming.
Print and Gingham Dresses in the newest
patterns and in many styles. These garments
are bought from the manufacturers and are in a
class by themselves.
Buy your House Dresses from this depart -
Skirt Lengths
Just arrived, several skirt lengths for sport
skirts in stripes and checks. They are the new-
est and they are very chic and attractive.
LUNNEY. — From The Collingwood
Bulletin of last week we take the following
reference to the death of Mrs. Lunney.
mother of Mrs. J. H. Johnston. of God-
ench : A very tad and quite unexpected
toes was sustained by the town at mid-
night on Friday when Eva Hill, wife of
Mr. Geo. A. Lunney, parsed away. Her
death was due to pneumonia, front which
she had been ill but a short time, lest than
a fortnight. Mn. Lunney was a da
of the late John Hill, a merchant in
Coltingwood in years gone by. She was
born here and spent all her life in Coiling •
wood. About thirty years ago site married
Mr. Lunney. foreman in the office of the
Enterprise Printing Co.. who with are
daughter, Mrs. j. H. Johnston, of God-
erfch. mourns ha death. She is also sur-
vtved by one brother, Mr. J. H. Hill, of
town, and three asters, Mrs. Perry, of
Toronto, Mrs. Webster. of Hamilton, and
Mrs. E. R. Lewis, of Winnipeg. Mrs.
Lunney was a member of the Maple street
Methodist church and a regular attendant
at its services. She was also active in the
work of the church and by her cirde of
friends both ih and outside of its organiz-
ations was greatly beloved. To the be-
reaved husband, daughter and relatives
the sincere sympathy of the town is ex-
tended. The funeral took place on Mon-
day, the service hying conducted at the
los by the pester of the deceased, Rev
not men. tu
F,. J. Adams, president of the Toronto
.wroth', as well Methodist Conference. in the presence of
I t e h I A haws. a large nutnher o(1( hf friends en( the t o
iia I i 1, ' reseed and her busily. interment wn
a� ut �rani�'.1( oo.w I nude in the Methodist cemetery.
1(h. ('Deese'. (llntee.ns wtu r+iesra u Leal,
and ae owtalnlr reed �en� __
TQenn+, ex Itifa,anw,. room �. ret ltd, Blackaton,'a is aha place to get t"t
Tro.+nan gamy'' Aor :room
re's .ala tlNa
paper and a0laloaa 14 ststap M Parapo.t , gift box of chocolates.
The regular meeting of the Country
Woman's Club will be held at the home of
Mrs. H. L. Salkeld on Thursday, May
20th. at 2 o clock.
Sunday, May 2.1r.l. will ie ('once to
('hunch Huntley In ((oderle-h.
"Letters to Friends" (or "John's
Correapnnl'n e" i gad "An invitation
to the Iteasomahle" w111 toe the subject
at the naptlst ehureh next 1'.ord'a Day.
Bible School at 3 and 1t. T. 1'. C. at
R o'clock.
Divine worship in Knox churelt next
Sunday morning and evening as fol-
lows : 11 a. m., Rev. James Hamilton,
It. A. ; 7 p. m., lair. McDereak1 wall
preach nn "The I're,went ihnre*t." Han -
day school and teen-age and adult
HMIs. Hawse. at 3 o'clock.
The Deanery of Huron has been In-
vited to hold its annual convention
In ((oderich, and the program is being
prepared for Friday, May 2,411- Mer-
•Ire will he held In Ht. George's church
and the Deanery ateetinga and enter-
tainment of the dela ate,. will take
p111(0 at hotel Hemet, through the
kindnei.. of Mr. Lee.
1/'IC[ IMO
Heryicea In North street Metheolist
ehurch next Sunday will be a* follows:
At 14) a. m., dames. Minion Band and
Men's Club. The ('rub will discuses.
"Can a man he just before he 11
generon. ?" Mr. J. H. Johnston will
Introduce the topic. The pastor's
morning theme will he "The i4octrine
of Holiness." Evening : "Dom it
matter what a man helleves ?" Free
spats and a cordial welcome.
The annual eongregatlonal meeting
of Vletorla street church WIN held on
Wed newlay evening, May 5th. The
reports of all the different departmenta
and clams* were very aatlsfaetory,
showing a suh.tantlal increase In every
department. interaperxed with the
reports the conniption bas enter-
tained by Ilttle M1w Marjorie Doerr
Mrs. Ilutchl*on, Mrs. Hoggarth anis
Miss Redd, fire Mimes Lymbarner, Mr.
Hwaflleld and MINA Tabb. Lunch waw
Nerved and an hour *pent in good'
fellowship over the coffee sups.
Vittoria Street Methodist Church.
ll a. m.—*ubje•t, "When the Brook
Dried up." 7 p. m.—epeeist Ldkw'
Aid 'service. AybJect, "The Place of
Women in the Modern Church." 3-
p. m--Runi}y school.
to be sure of dollar for dollar quality
and extra value in smart style 1s to
buy your clothes from
MARTIN the Tailor
Phone 318