The Signal, 1920-5-13, Page 6(
s—Illiwoks. Wu ai, am --IR
Pleases the Men r
Ryery man appreciates the difier-
eaoe whew his bees and woollens
hews bees washed with Sealight
Soap. They are .sowy-oleos
and frgh like sew. He likes his
wile N have the freedom from
toll and the leisure that • Sun-
light wash -day brims He
knows that an absolutely pan
soap—gaslight—mast be more
ecoaomioal then common soaps.
insist on denied tea Soap you
Mar .w ►Cart
t+v, r r..
Iram laves Way alul Bridge Collator..
-.\ Narrot% Escape.
Wtngham, May 9.-A tragedy was
' narrowly averttd here about 1.30 Satur-
day afternoon, when only prompt action
in putting the brakes on his auto aid
�reversing the car prevented Roy Mundy.
a local grocer. from be ng culled down
-the over with masses of debris, when the
upper Wingham bridge and dam buddenly
collapsed in front of him.
Mr. Mundy had stopped on the far
side of the bridge, which was a narrow
wooden structure. to allow two autoists
conning from the opposite direction to
cross and had just started his car to cross
over when he w: s startled to see the
floonng of the bridge suddenly sink into
the eighteen beet 11 water at the back of
the dam. which provided power for
iiousion & Brocklebank's grist mill.
1 he collapse of the dam dragging with
it the bridge. is believed to have resulted
!tom damage dome to the abutments by
ire during the winter. Ilie dam held
back a two-mile Wretch of water with a
head of from seventeen to eighteen feet.
The damage is estimated at between
$1.700 and $2.000.
The sudden rush of water let loose by
the collapse of the dam caused consider.
able consterration in Lowir Wingham,
and for a brief time lhrestened several Of
the housm with flood conditions. but this
danger was scorfover.
A.Iittle lad of five came to his mother
in a great fluster and exclaimed. "Olt.
muvver, Eddie and Vose found such a
nice dead cat, and they are going to have
a tueerat, and can I go?"
and whew-tAs
boy returned he aasgtlestioned about the
Canal Ship -'SEEANpllelt" - "CtrY OF ERIE" -' CITY OF BUFFALO"
BUFFALO Daily. May 1st to Nov. 15th -CLEVELAND
Uwe Dewace w 9.00 P. M. t gannetf Lea,Ctay.ram WOO .- 0 P M.
110.5e, emaimaem- 7:30 A Nm
. 1 $T..o D Taw l Are.- C v.Lo 1,30 A. IL
Qiesa.nm. k C:a.ol.ol far C.1r Point roar. -B.1. T.ioS,. Detroit mad *Ow Heists Railroad
O&M readmit betrw. Buffalo awl C lerei..1 seers., for t:-cu-+7tt.:wa anger A.k
ae�_tirMt yowl a Assn -.n Crpe.�, Aa+t far li 5 t em C A U-L.o.. ti w Tmr,..t Auer
YraY&.4.- .1 &. .I T w wtta _ denrctrw h.*,curun..51o..lV5 I7.-s+ewiaa
tell/ o.lo.. i «.-u....1 t.arsl. A.rt of MT. Groat Stip -S AADUt:k .eat oo race,µ 4
trPi'mto Also sea r. rev t..00do weans! and d.amwtive t.nwlet fro..
.*h• (.omit il & Bwe...'
C 1. tfh., r
Tb. G.wat aide
P a n a AMD D a E•
-aa. i..1mm mad
ersr■pr a.. imlaml
w.r.ev.ftba. : Slay/day
,.parity. 1.7.051Troareagars.
FARE 4463
°ir i Your hair n , s 1 little "Danderine"—that's all! When
it becotho lifeless, thin . r loses its lustre; when ugly dandruff
appears, br your hair fall out, a -35 -cent bottle of delightful,
depend Tole derine" fru any store, will save your
also double It's beauty. Yo can have .nice, thick hair, foo..
Boils and Carbuncles CANADIAN NEWS
Are Very Distressing
1H C.P.R. Tdepopkt
Ottawa, Ont. -The Soldiers' Settle -
meet Board announces that action to
1 was advised to nae "MECCA" Oita -
?tient for a carbuncle on my right arm.
1 found it drew !tout clean, leaving my
arta perfectly well. 1 write this to let
you know the Value of •'MECCA."
No. 26 Brunswick Ave , Torodb. Out
25c 50c — $1.00 — $1.25
For sale by
.1. A. Campbell. Druggist.
ceremony. _.._ •
whey didn't h -i. -c it aU," he e3id.,
'And why not :
ubtuvver," was the answer, ''the
was too dead."
Apply Cream hi Nostrils To
Open Up Air Passages.
Alit What relief! ] Your clogged nos -
open right up, the air passages of
yr head are clear and you can breathe
freely. No more hawking. snuffling,
mucous discharge. headache. dryness—no
struggling for breath at night. your cold
or catarrh is gone.
Don't stay stuffed up! Get • small
bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your,
druggist now. Apply a little of this
fragrant, antiseptic cream in your nos-
trils, let it penetrate through every air
passage of the head; soothe and heal
Cite swollen. inflamed mucous membrane,
giving you instant relief. ,Ely's Cream
Balm is just what every old and ea-
tarrh suerer has been seeking It's
just splendid.
Don't Stay Gray! It Darkens'
So Naturally that No-
body can Tell-
Tou can turn gray. faded hair beau-
tifully dark and lustrous almost over
night tf you'll get a bottle of "Wyeth'a
Sege and Sulphur Compound" at any
drug store. Millions of botUes of t_
old famous Sage Tea Recipe, Improv_
by the addition of other ingredients.
are sold annually, says a well -knows
druggist here. because it darkens the
hair so naturally and evenly that no
one can tell It has been applied.
Those whose hair is turning gray or
becoming faded have • surprise await-
ing them, because after one or two
applications the gray hair vanlshee
and your locks become luxuriantly
dark and beautiful.
This Is the age of youth. Dray
hatred, unattractive folks aren't
wanted around. so get busy with
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound
to -night and you'll be delighted wi
your dark. handsome hair and your
youthful appearancewttlkil---s
days •
This preparation is a toilet remit
and is not intended for the cure, mid-
gallon or prevention of disease.
Nova Scotia Lobsters Tempt American
Palates ,
bu!ng taken to dispose of 75.000
acres of Hudson's Bay resent land
in Saakatcbewan and Alberta. which
have been cancelled by the Crown.
also 10.400 acres of Doukboiwr re-
hires lands neat Kamaack, Basket-
Akewan. Another 30.000 acres of
grazing land will also be opened up.
1'bs whole 115.000 acres will be
imitable for soldier settlement after
' pr11 30th.
Ottawa, Ont. -A return brought
'Own In Parliament places the total
'nilatments :n Canada for the Cana-
dian Expeditionary Force at 590.57..
fly provinces *Le number was as fol-
lows : Ontario. 243,677; Quebec, 32.-
793; New Brunswick. 25.864; Nova
Scotia and Prince Edward island.
Manitoba. 66.319; Saskatche-
wan, 37.666; A;berta. 45,146; British
•'olumbia, 51,438; Yukon. 2.327.
Ottawa, Ont. -The applications of
over 100 Imperial -veterans who de-
ath to take advantage of O. Soldier
Land Settlement scheme, have been
approved. These veterans will be
required to spend at least one year
en farms In Canada to become fami-
liar with Canadian methods. The
others will be absorbed Into the
Hoard's training establfahmenta and
will be required to spend at least two
Years farming in Canada before be-
omtng eligib:e for the loan beuetits
or the Act.
Quebec, P.Q.-Durtnj the last 15
year* the Province of Quebec haa.
spent $22.000.00, on highways. Is
1920 the ordinary annual provincial
grants for education are 32.000,000.
The capital invented 1n pulp and
paper plants within the province Is
631..000.000 and the number of mill
employees about 30,000.
Sherbrooke. P Q.- The Campbell -
Howard Machine. Company, formerly
the Sherbrooke Iron Works Ltd.,
taus .old thc!r business to O. L.
Bourne and F. A Schaff. of New
York. These gentlemen are respec-
tively president and vice-president of
the\Locomotive Super -heater Co., of
NtaYwrk, railway supply peopl.,
and is the intention to manufac-
ture 1pallway euppltes foe Canada,.
also to carry on a general foundry
and ma bine business.
Vadeonv , 8 r.—Ateordtng to an-
nouncement de by R. J.. Leconte.
vice-preetden of the Trans -Canada
Theatres. Lt this company will
shortly start t construction of a
new theatre toerected. close to
the C. P. R. Vane Iver Hotel. which
will have • seating apaetty of abont
2,000 and Coit $4110. • construction
of which wilt start rt1v.
The Hard -Drying, Long -Wearing
Floor Finish
• align PURS't
'ibt paint for w -,
sad weatber.
- a
It wean and wets
sad wears.
beautifies and peas
serves (hl CW'
and Lhk,L --- -
..WOOD -brad
Improves the nese--'
—renews the old.
The sanitary, wash-
able Flat Oil Paint
for Interior Decor-
Nothing adds so much to the beauty of a horns
as Boon that are properly cared for; on the
other hand, Hoon that are not protected are
ur�npleasant to look at, are hard to keep cleat,
become injured through wear. Don't
oeg4tt yroo.tstr doors, beautify them and save
them. Seem the .urface and you ems aU.
Ii1ARBLt-TTI Floor Finish is the perfect
treatment for soon of all kind& It is the one
boor finish that has a money -back guarantee
attached to every can.
in 24 hours MARBLE-iTB drip hard with •
beautiful finish that will not show heel marks.
1t has a high ``loss, yet is tough enough to stand
any amount d wear without injury. It can be
washed with soap and water and it will not
mar nor scratch white.
We invite you to call and discus this method
of beautifying and protecting your noon- We
can give yip hill details regarding this or any
other painting or varnishing problem. We have
a complete stock of MARTIN-SEINOUR Paints
and Varnishes- For every p.trpase--For every
Goderich, Ontario
,NoON SF,yo
rioting --The Best is Cheapest. l'/ie Si
Get it at
•Look at tongue! Remove poi\
;sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
Accept "California" Syrup of Fio,
only -look for the same California on
the package, then you are sure your
child is having the beat and most harm-
less laxative or physic 'for the little
stomach, liver and bowels. Children
love its delirious fruity taste. Full
directions for child's dose on each bot-
tle. Give it without fear.
Mother! You must. pay "California."
sags F BACKACago �oH�sn gum
Drink line of water and atop eating
meat fora while if your Madden
troubles yon,
The Immigration bulldinae at lin
et 'the Domin.on's ports of entry
relent a curious Nicene of hustle \
til hirOto shortly after the arrival
o one of the giant ocean liners, and
a t Ines' is not likely to soon for-
`r.n. the commotion created by the
cd dnigrants. A vat uses
- Ot--hit it, surges through the
gaiter act the Immigration ofM-
t gree --and th various inspectors, and
9't/Y apts) for ('
--17, mencce, wheaten, andanadlan cbtldri6cltlzen-
every kind, \loaded down Wltb
homage of every shape and form
tonsil hither and, thither making
tnnititndinone Inquiries of everyone
' '-nerally .inacgnalrlted with the
next steps to he taken to further
prnetrd on their journey,
1' l.' h.lther pleasant nor cots-
fortahle M ILnd friendless In ■
arrange land The hardened travel-
ler feels this and more deeply these
who set foot In a foreign land where
etaetoms, conditions, and >nmlbly
Irnguate differ from those to which
the emigrant has been accustomed
from oft 'Idhood.k Then the petty
worries Incidental .3. travelling are
intensified by the tgtai unfamiliarity
on every hand, ant! each move 1s
Iranght with embsrrasment. Tet
each mouth thousands of potential
C..nadian citizens are arriving at the
tMminln.'s shores from the British
isles, Prance, Belgium, Holland and
Reandlnavta -- people who have
briers tea homes and fife -long ties
at the promise rat the great new
land. into a whirl of unfamiliar
e'It:a. end sounds. in a cnnfuabn of
humanity ..*d baggage, many un-
Sc'nainted with the language they
h •.+r nn every hand tens. at the
gs'rwsvm • r the Dominion, arrive
11.5' tont. es'nre of the Canadians K
to "iM40,o,
F'Ir.t Impression. ere often linger -
int; they are apt to have a era.ldor-
F"e nearing on future outlook.
r • •thtnt this and the erpMleney of
MIAOW IM 111111.3 ..reset N
l;Ar:Ce. a Da[ , .SEr-Mer ' Sly enter
).row Scvoeis
caned* prodses. fe per east of
the lobster .apply 0t the v ild. and.
0. addition. th. llasst lobsters. Tib
toasters at the New 1Caglesd meet
are the little Moiler■ of the amble
I'rtt,tmceens native to the tmoreaeth_
• tiro mad colder wafers of iehrader.
• •54 Indeed. Canadian female lobsters
'• elected for me in Asserkma
•n•. to Improve tbs strata.
, e .' :cal rnaar has the grsstaot au pp; e. hit la toe dletoat Ile
aveliela e�s.
ai p......
40bMefatimr• dove fret long.
—0.1.1p lea welt.Tata rrtnrt,
Bail been ver, aati.tactnr, t r.
tmath is given as 5.325 n"(
valued at 81396146. The
...gayerwas seowh.t ••saer than 'n
wires the quantity was 1.21-5..
ponds, bid a much blither *sill*
le pin ea the 18111 notch. 3"...
value eft Me 1811 catch was 1791 21T.
IV 1818 there were 1,0t0JU4 onnnde
et kthsfiges put no 1n no. eanberlr
sad 11.611.112 pequals of the lobster.
furs eigartsd. Is Nevi pectis the
iter dee lobsters was 14 emu $
bat Ott; Metier prices were
r 11Mw ,OMs eaaa.# Nows
lthdsr Isiesailt Ill coats s
IMM swan lasted en1y from
1 ` 31, lsetead of from
If ID WI 31. as la pr0-
When yon wake op with backaehe and
4011 misery in he kidasy region it gee -
easily means you have been eating too
much meat, says a well-known authority.
Meat forms uric acid which overworks
the kidneys in their effort to filter it
from the blood and they beeome sort of
paralysed and lomgy. When your kidneys
get sluggish and slog you mud relieve
them, like you relieve your bowels; m-
inoring sal the body's urinous west%
else you have books/die, sick headman,
dizzy spm; your stesaaeh sours, tangos
le costed. end when the wwather fa bad
yini have rheostat* twinges- The Mile
cloudy, full of .sdlmsaf, .heeneb often
et sore, water .ealis and you an
to .eek relief two er three times!v
the night.
Minim semen a Reed. reliable pbya&
elan at suss er Aft flew ,your pke�a.��
about leer eases of Jed Baltic; bake
a tableeps nful is a gime et ester
before bresklest for shim dais ad year
kMe y. will then set fir. MY broom
end loam Juba. with
enl*s is Sisa
mod. tram id mit �apss
. s used et adgewetlene
se it
es Meger
We �
irritates. nanus iMather
Jed Rahe is a life meet ler regular
emit eters- it le baenpen.H% seamsa
Were sad eashes a 101111"
(1) Capt. MacDuff, at C. 1'. R. Colonisation Departinmate
meeting first party of emigrants (season 1920) at St. Jolla.
A fine type of prosperous isettlers,
(2) British emigrants arriving on the C. P. O. B. Grampian
for western farms.
these Dominion builders -to -he, the
Department of Colonisation and De-
velopment M the Canadian Pa.ei90
Railway, interested among other
ntotre•esive phases. In the human
development of the country, has ap-
nn'nted a cnlontzatlos semi •
foetal. parent to migraine arriving
on the company's Moats. When •
vessel steams Into port he 1. them
to go on hoard with the tmmlrratlnn
°direr Capt. Andrew MsDnff, vat -
one of two wars, versed In many
languagce, •ympalhet.M, tactful, sad
aehneled in the missy aides of human
nature H• Is at the service of these
new arrivals to asal.t with lnfnr-
matlnn and advlro He shepherds
t— t4 !1t L waAtllia
train, secures modal/ and sleuthed
.csosSodatioa, refuses tb
lags ale imams. ei baggage. des
e•ryth8sg Inenlaaf y pesslb1. fs batt
to ensure a eats •td entlre army'.
at the nutty potato of da.tlastl.m
area to imeet spsayhig the train dB
the fleet part of its }eanssy.
It le • greet week this ',aborts"
of the Do.Tlsbs's ensue- -4m
not only temporarily aa..meeOMtleig,
Mit Imparting the %.afine hlspvesdarm
to these that
welts.,. sad that casae a
them. A cheerful seed -off. tree frame
ansoyieg worrt.., mus a greet
deal. sail to this sed the Colon3aat3ea
Agent bee M.s amebaed, t