The Signal, 1920-5-13, Page 5Springtime is Kodak Time-- > --Developing and Printing CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE THE PENSLAR STORE" Next Millais Scotch Store Phone 90 Z'JEd QODLL LOCAL TOPICS. ('eagrattdallotw ! Ill the examination lists of the L'nl- ver•ity id Toronto School of Science we spurt• the names of Mr. Wilfrid A. Dams.). and Mr. J. Kelleher, of town, who have taken the fourth-year ez- atnJtuttlou iu electrical engineering with honors. The Mrrry•go•round Man. Alonzo Palmer, of St. Thnwau- ,the own of the werry-go-round—ln a letter 10 the Cali fair hoard says the new and earlier -dates will he Just right for lin and that he will be on hand with his new and up-to-date merry- go-round. and will give all the kiddies in the (seamy a -ride around the 'solid.'. This will be g'uutl news fur deft_ youegateys. A Detroit Welding. The marriage te.)k plat* at Detroit on Weluestlay, 'clay 11b, of Mina Marlon Lenore Harland to 41r. Alfred .lain )Durr, of that eity., The bride is 11 former Goderich girl who has lived at 1)t•tr0lt for a'nuwlwr of years. Her friends Ile* wish her much happiness iu her wedded life. "Mentioned in Despatches?' Mrs. James Leonard has received ANNUAL EXC-URtSIOEN FAST STEEL STEAMER GREYHOUND Goderich to -Detroit and Return •r GOMM* OW "Letters to Friends" Oa John's Correspondence " An Invitation to the Reasonable" will be the themes at the Baptist Church Montreal Street at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., Next Sunday, May 16 Bible School at 3 p.m. Young People's Meeting at 8 YOU ARE INVITED. • i ported ?hart' Ia,t iwt•tlug : Mss. Jaa. Wine, Wlughate $2: Mrs. Peter Wanner. Blyth!"' 41; un maintenance account, s:49;/1: Mrs. D. Millar, $1: Ledlei AW, 'Liam . Methodist church, 11 wailers frust and pickles: Knights of Cuhuubus, cake and waudwielles: Eureka ltlble class Victoria stere' church. howeulaele biscuits;alwastiku Club, free tickets to eutertaIn ent for-. all the children; ladies' Aid. Christ eliureh, l'urt Albert. a quilt : (;utlerich \\'omens Institute. eight new pillow - eases. two Maukels, two quilts, new clothing made for chlldreu: Ahwe'k Chapter. 1. O. P. E., cake and sand - 1 t;. M. Elliott was ap{atiutrl a dele- gate to attend the annual meting of Chlldreu'd Alit Nts•Ieticu to be held 1u the Parlament Rtriidiugs, Toronto, ou WeluesiIay and Thursday, May Ill and 20, Zany items of interest pertaining to the future welfare of the Society are on the inr,graw. The "'reinter is to address the convection the first day. PERSONAL MENTION. I)r. Heih•muwt Is leaving for Chicago and will be back about Wehlesday. Misa MacVicar was in Toronto this week attending the summer millinery openings. Mr. and Mrs. John MacDonald have returned home after a week -end visit with their daughter, Mrs. John Wylda, jr., Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jeffrey an- nounce the engagement of their daughter. Gladys. to Mr. \Villiam McGuire. of tiodench township, the marriage to take place this month. Mrs. Sneyd has returned to town after spending several month* with her daugh- ter, Mrs. J. Heale. at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. Berriman have 're- turned to town from Ford City and are again making their home here. Mr. N. F. MacLean, excursion agent of FA:'$3.00,$2.00i:°NE INCLUDINO wAR TAX ....."Nedmenweet 81111111 ,.Q • *0" ..a= -- _ - , ear • STAUNCH, SAFE, SPEEDY AND COMFORTABLE Str. GREYH ND wi►l leave TUESDAY JUNE 15th GODERICH DETROIT, 9.30 a.m. rrive Port Huron 2 p.m.—Detroit 6 p. m. Returning, leave DETROIT for THURSDAY JUNE 17th GODERICH. 1.00 p.m. (Detroit time) Arrive Goderich 9.30 p.m. All Day Wedne i_.Thursda..y Mor Trip to Detroit — Leave This will be your only opportunity to visit Detroit by boat this Summer. Pio other steamer service out of Goderich this season. ALONG THE WATERWAY OF TWO GREAT NATI.NS Crossing majestic Lake Huron, the Steamer enters you a passing vir ew of and stops at Port Huron. On coo jaland, St. Clair, Marine City, Sarnia. Marysville, the new industrial city; Algonac and other river ports. Then the steamer glades down the south channel, passing the wonderful St. Clair Flats with its miles of cottages and club houses, through the Ship Canal and across Lake St. Clair, past beautiful Belle tele Park and along the great Detroit River front to the White Star landing M. the foot of Griswold Street, where you will meet scores of fa- miliar faces, waiting for news of the and old theorne t en route.s a grand trip. Good music and dancingbcan bring your lunch Cafe and lunch counter on the steamer, or you and enjoy it on the way. •U. S. Customs a ' imeniVetien OfficeflAboard the steamer to pass exc>steieeists. AND M ON LIGHT EXCURSION B \ • "9 °�,-in �° DETROIT oderich—Fiiday, June- tech;930 ant. Good Music and Dancing in Ball Room on board the Greyhound. THREE HOURS ON BEAUTIFUL LAKE HURON lisday tag, June 14, 5.00 p.m., - 50c. UNDER `2 2� Detroit, Mich. White Star Line - from the Imperial War Oak* a docu- ment addressed to her son. Sergeant "'toddle" Leonard, in acknowledgment of "gallant and distinguished servlees' to the wart ter which he was dwntionel in despatehe*. lite ackuowithi gment reads us follows : 'Me War of 1514-15. - f44110:.! $jt. It. Leonard, LKl I:u. 1 1'. Ontario Regiment, was mentioned in x Despatch from Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig, K. T.. G. t'. 11.. G. 4'. V. O., K. C. I. E., elated the sth Nov- ember, 1111s, for gallant uud dis- tinguished services in the Field. I have It In command from the King to record His Majesty's high appre iutiou of the merrier* rendered. This Is signed by Wlastou S. ('hurcb- fll, Secretary of State for War. "Moabite— is away stalling on the -, lakes at pre.t'Ut Pubik library [leak. The regular meeting me the public library hoard was held on Saturday. May $th. Memlwre peepent : alt'aars. Tum. Long, Galt anti Rev. J. E. Font. Mr. (;alt was appointed ehui'm+al pro tem. to the absence of Mr. held. The subscriptings to The Detroit Frere Press. The Canadian Dtnokman. ('anedlen Horticulturist.. Canadian Woodworker. The Furniture Manu- facturer and Artisan. and Etude were renewed. The l'ansdlao Woodworker and The Furniture Mtaunfactnrt'r and Art isn't are two magazines which shontd Iw of value to our townspegllr who are. futereetel lit this- kind of work; the current numbers may he read in the reading rutin and the oiler numbers may he. borrowed for seven cloys. The librarian fe_perrtel roeetpts'from —Ones' ?� ion from cards r2tr13, and a eireulatlofa of 1;21 Iostk1 said magszinae. The adult leuoks issue) were 74,t, Juvenile 519. Magazines :1.'t4. 'A nnmher of resnlneiutts (rota the Ontario Library Association were laid ov9r. until the June meeting. The house committee was tor• trncttd to pee -that the tweeararg.-xeyak5lg_IPMde to the roof and chimney, f) Wwwwwwwwsnesk Thursday. May 13. lt1:d $$TA LISHED 1072 Sim) OFFICE HAMILTON TH E successful -business tman knows the value of saving. In all probability the -,,•habit of saving made him suc- cessful. You may get on the right road to success by depos- iting your money so that when your opportunity comes you may be prepared to take ad- vantage of it. BANK OF HAMILTON Goderich Branch—A. J. MacKay, Manager the White Star Line, Detroit, is in town this week preparing for the annual Grey- hound 'trip. He is accompanied by Mrs. Mac Lean. Clinton News -Record: Miss M. Taylor, who has been staying with relatives in Goderich for the winter, is in town again. As the house she has been occupying has been sold Miss Taylor will store her fur- niture for the present. as she intends spending the summer in the West. The eight dummy pedicemell have again leen Omeeel on the t:oadnay en the Square, fvr the gulden.r of m,e}urists. zpvxmcxxxxxxxmcomcxxxxxxil EAST STREET GARAGE , IF YOU WANT X Loiuha A NICE, NIFTY_ -GAR One that you will be proud to drive, get a GRAY -D 0 RT is Rheumatism of the back. The cause is Uric Acid in the blood. If the kid- neys did their work there would be no Uric Acid and no Lumbago. Make the kidneys do their work -The sure, positive and only cure for Lumbago is Wiley Pitts • Accessories of all kinds Oils and Greases at the right prices Fresh stock of Columbia Dry Cells We have on hand a good stock of Dominion, Michelin and K. & S. Tires andTubes All kinds of • Repair Work Promptly -Attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. The Reliable C. C. M. Bicycles are sold•here; and we have a full lint of Bicycle Acces- sories always on -hand. Genuine Ford parts. --Give ns a trial and you will come ,agaia------ T. F. 71:110L a�YX'rirl 'tt'>X Extensive Interests in Alberta. Mr. 7. 7. l'ri.ih:ani a few days am) rer'Ived a l,usiue-- letter from Mr. Fred Davis. M. 1'. P.. of Calgary. and our former townsman ❑ elteleal n synopsis of his extensive farming in- terests in the Western t'roviw*.. lie w'rite's • "We have had an awful winter. Had ' to feee*t all our stock sine October 20th last. without one break. and, white thousands+ of horses and cattle have starved this winter. out of a btuwR' of over OW (1lousauel cattle we hate only lost two to date. MiraY your visit here we hate formes) a comps ny, Mr. ihtlin o, Norval and mps*1f .having nearly x.1100 acres of freehold ,land a :id a very ' large stork of horses, -cattle. sheep and hogs. We expect a man In Ncw• fork to put ht two hundred thon+nud this spring. at winch time, we will acquire a farther tract of lata) of alselt ten thousand acres, which will he meet wholly for the cattle business: the 'tow River til sAfr-Mr '111West,t Fw, business, and my own farm for grain production. The compualy is real.. temd as the (/avis-lNitro Form & Ranch Company : air. 1)abrn president, Norval director. and myself vice-presi- tie'nt sad gena•ral manager. wllary eight thomsnnil per tea r. 4'atpifalizel at *I1Slat.fM><I. with a pnid-mp capital of $.'I(aldagl. Mr. lhthru having $200,t(N1, and Norval and myself $.'l(N),(rMI." C'hildren's Aid Society. ,r11M■M1r THE Model Theatre Program -. RIGLEYS MONDAI and TUESDAY . A PARAMOUNT PICTURE -for mother. '_. fiber, the boys and Oils. It's the sweet for all ages—at work or play. . " Rustling a Bride " The regular monthly meeting of the Children's .t1ed 31144i1s held on '1'711'4 day was well attended. and Noose pres- ent took a great interest In the mat- ters that came before the meeting for dl,a'nwwlem. The enmity secretary reported har- ing rnrestlgated several caaea In differ- ent pprts of the comity. Some were cases where the fatlwr had diel leav- ing a family of ',Mall cinders, and the mother without any means of support Mom* of these mothers would glre their children the twat of care were the means provided In the xray of 1 mothcr'a {scnalnn. in the routine hind - newt whetter neroonts were peeped amounting to 551 41 The notice of motion regarding the petitioning of the Ontario Government for the appoint- ment of a Juvenile Court judge wan left over to he brought up at the animal meeting The followlni donations were re- Also EPISODE 8 OF "ADVENTURES OF RUTH" THE HAREM MODEL 11 EDNESD.11" and Tilt'RADAY A Paramount Picture Marguerite Ciiik in "Three Men and a (jirl" Alan Christie Special Comedy The Flavor Lasts h'RiDAY and SATURDAY Lewis J. Setzeick presents OLIVE THOMAS la "Upstairs and Down" Ain COMEDY.