The Signal, 1920-5-13, Page 4Thursday, 4 Thursday, Mac l:i, 19'41. TEs KOVA . — 00D13110H, o>IIT. GoodDressers all over Canada are wearing 20th Century Brand Clothing They have learned by ex- perience that there is Qual- ity, Style, Workmanship, and prices are moderate considering what you get in 20th Century Brand Clothing. DUNGANNON. MR. N. F. WHSARD to the agent fur THE SIGNAL at Duugantwn. Orders left with him for aubscrip- tlons, advertiseweuts or job print- I lug will receive prompt atteutlou. Telephone (Goderich Rural) r39. 1 LIOR SALE. --A GOOD WAGON HORSE. Ap,.ly to JOHN McNABB, Uun• Bannon. Ioutwit. A utlsslouary offetlmtt will be taken up fur slit • Sunday shod. Every- body, especially mothers. Is urged to I be present at this servhe Mother'a Day was observed at Bethel and North Zion last Sunday. The attendance at Bethel was exceptionally ,.•1NNt *n.1 the program well carried out. At Zion the pastor preached uu "The ideal Wo- man." as mother, teacher, Lowe and nation buckler. THCMDAY. May 13. Rev. Mr. Watson, of Toronto, wilt i occupy the pulpit in the Dungannon and Port Albert Presbyterian churches on Sunday next. Mr. A. Stewart is assisting Mr. A Culbert at the mill. About fifty brethren of the 1. 0 O. F. including a number from Lucknow and • Goderich lodges. attended at Erskine Ichurch on Sunday evening. Rev. R. I. Ross, of Auburn, occupied the pulpit. ! and the choir rendered special music. Mrs. Dreany is confined to the house at present by illness Si. Paul's church is undergoing repair, and the services are being held in the Orange Hall. Everybody around here is busy seeding, fencing, shtngltng, gardening or house- cleaning. What about the consolidated school ? t is not here yet. The picture show held in the Red hall last week was well attenied. Dungannon is gettirg in the movie class. Seeding is nearly completed around here. FATALLY BUR: MED.—Mrs. john Smith received word thilf week that her son-in- law, Clarence Ca on, died in the hos- pital at Niagara Falta on Monday, having been badly burned same days before by taming in contact wit in electric wire. Mrs. Cameron is to typhoid fever. Besides two children. The rema taken to Ripley. where people live, and the funeral tomorrow flatter C. lrthbam SOLS AGLNT It2R *h CENTURY AND ART CLOTHING BORSALINO HATS T � LAMES. \ Monday, May Lanes Lotala.—W welcome Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Reed bark to the farm again Mr. Orrie Griffin. of ih•- troit. is visitiug his stater. Mrs. Joseph O'IANughdin MY, -Pal rick Murphy 1111111-11-111 IR 11-111 Water and Light Commission is visiting his nephews. Frank and Iternard Murphy l'ha,a W. Aron anti T. .1. Lannon are ap.irting new Ford ears Thos. Kelly is back to the farm after spending the winter in Detroit Fred Johnston is home after undergoing an operation 1p Wing- ham- hospital. t`u1.Ht►RN E. Notes.—Mr. and Maitland Ca�� N . Mrs. It. F. }lt•hwtsua spent the wtr•k- eud with friends at Creollton Mr and Mrs. M. Older motored to Sebrittg- vllle oil Sunday to visit the Tortures mother.. Mrs. Wm. littler. who has been very ill for some time Miss Rose Durst, who has been teaching near Ayton. Out., is visiting under the par- ental roof Our popular teacher, Mr. W. 11. Raker, spear' the week -end at Clinton Mr. J. C. Thirst is sporting a new car this spring Mrs. A B. Dural is visiting with friends at Auburn ` ation was up from Hamilton foranf r days last e hospital with wire he leaves s have been . Cameron's takes place ASHFIEI.1). Soldiers' Aid Clrek: The Ashfield Sohlierx Aid Clrele will hold a final meeting In Blake's church. 9th ht oi) cessiuu, ou Tuesday. Lay 'th P. w. A cordial invitation Is extended Ito everyone who can po•.ihly come to do so, as the Circle wishes to Imre the preserve of both ladies and gentle- men who contributed xad helped to make it a success. Kindly rememlR r the date. The Groceteria THE TROJAN Cor. North St. and Square 'The latest and most intprmcd Electric Washing Machine Electric washets are corning into more general use, and Flydru always aims to have the best. Call and set it. Large supply of Eictric Lamps and other Electric Devices Al ‘c ays ou hand. North Side Square. 1/12-1411111.7±4-111111.11 I 11c. a package Lots of them, fresh and good. Pruit of all kinds—lemons, oranges, bananas, apples, and a first-class variety of dried and preserved fruits and mar - !Bacon, picnic hatn4, cook- ed ham, cottage roll. etc. Our Canned Vegetable4 are good and reasonable in -price. Try them. - Fresh Bread-daityr.1-ies CASH AND CARRY— H. McFADYEN BEN if1LLER. Tuesday. Ila, 11. MN. Clarence Walters 4s "slow , re- covering from a severe illness. Many people in Mho community are suffering with bad colds. Miss Maisie Walters Is able to he out again after her reteut operation for appeudicdtis. Mrs. Edgar Vanstone has been eon - HUM to her home during the past week with the grippe hit Is now recovering. At the Farmers' fila. tweeting held in iteawifler last week Rev. H. F. Kennedy delivered an address on The Ideal Rural Life," which evoked con- siderable dls•ussiun. In recognition of the grotefulneas of the flub for the address. \\fr. Kennedy was made an honorary ember of the l'lutb. May '24tpruwis•s to be a great day in liensnitler. The people_fif this plate are puffing on a big supper and convert in the evening. They are call- ing it a "Victoria supper and eoneert." If will be a great red in the vacant 1from 6to830 111 ler given in feast. It will be parr of the publk se o'clock. The concert the church. boart.,pf the Remitter hureh hare extenifed • unanimous in Ration td return for the seems! year: 'roarer& has been reported along ere line. notwithstanding the fleet that th work has lawn hindered very mueh ft ac - roma of stormy weather. bail Y1 been expessilts1 upon the tiarsonage. an a likt. amount was raised for the "national campaign." 4 over etion has oils -ii rained for swissions and nearly 1 m of fatuities have removed from the I 7;tie,,, eirentt during the year : six have died. ' :Aare ing Mr. and -Mrs- Begley of the West. -are-maw resitting its Seawater -A few young people have ,also ed with the chturcii_ _during the The Ladies' Aid of •Zion met -k ago in their annual' inertia asuror gave it splendid re' eight months' wprk sifter or- -about $270 having been lust t time. Mrs. Akle Mies Mrs. Ernest Mitchell. Airy Auxiliary he ,. ir. annual meeting on Wed sday' of this - week i et the home the president. 1 Mrs. 8. Gardine Next Snit - 1 day morning 11 M ers' Day iser- • rice Will 1.. held iri the Ben - miller charcii. The today tochool and congrega tion will to ite in Gila service, which will (-mum( r at 10.30 BAY FIR1.1►. Tuesday, May •ll. Iter. Mr. Pitts is at Brantford this week attending the tutetiug of the Anglican Synod. Mr. A. T. Cooper. of Clinttooo k -MS itefrltr 1.. the Mefla•t all Sundry evening in the *bgeiwe of Rev. Mr. Anderson. - Mr. Casey Atkinson. of I►etroit. bo visiting his brother and his w,fe at their t•ottage here. Mr. yip. _Metcalfe la at work putting up a summer cottage:Wart ties aide commenced on Mr. Robinson's cottage. opposite Lakeside Park. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert McLaren. • Mr. and . Mrs. Hugh Mcl.areu *1141 Miss Marion McLaren. all of Port Elgin. and Miss Mated Stirling. of Toronto, spent part of Sunday and Monday with Mrs. Ww. Stirling. The Meruer family of Clinton spent Sunday with friends In tht'illure. Miss Edith 8psc * is spending -a couple of weeks with her brother.._._ _ - - - - . Rev. A. Macfarlane oras' at He, *U on Tuesday, attending a meeting - aI ti�l►SIerZ___�_ Phone 56 "The Scotch Store" STORK HOURS t 8 A. M. TO b P. M. t SATURDAYS 10 P. M. Phone 56 -WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO V SIT OUR Show Specialof Floor Coverings! COMMENCING SATURDAY, MAY 15TH and continuing for the .following seven days, in the large, well -adapted room recently annexed, on the second floor. A Fine Collection of Rugs for All Rooms Jute Rugs, strong and durable, in good designs and colorings, almost all sizes From 58.50.desi From $1 Z.SO Brusselette Rugs, a first-rate selection, in principal sizes. good designs. Tapestry Rugs, really good qualities. a splendid range of patterns. From 525. Axminster and Wilton Rugs of Al quality, choicest designs, chief sizes. From $4240 Wilton Runners. Prices from 517.50. Grastex Rugs, an ideal covering for verandahs and bedrooms, very durable and easily kept clean ; sizes from 1R�3 sty v �)2 strong ft.Prices and sfrom beautifu�lly patterto n5. ed, an sizes. Grex, well-known Sanitary Rugs, very Prices from 57.50 to 537.30. Linoleum $1.50 square yard JCA fine assortment of patterns in this first-rate floor covering, four yards wide. OficTotbs 85c."—ittimli yard Two yards wide, in clean clear ati'figlils of blocks, tiles- and floral, very serviceable. Congoleum and Linoleum Rugs A fust=class range of theselent Rugs just to hand. in choice carpet designs. All the principal now in stock, at most moderate prices. 'r. HELENS. Wednesday. May 12. Mr. J. Joint started operatdt.rts in bb' sawmill on Tuesday. with a staff of eight men. John Me1AFuatd ,11.E head .sawyer. • Mr. John Phillips sports -a uta l'hevrolet ear. Mrs. Robinson. of Brussels, is lug her friends. the Misses Me Mr. and Mrs. Rob. Tay Auburn. visited friends haree1 1)r. J. R. 31. Gordon. o anti Mr. Wm. Gordon. o visited St. Helens on Sun the guests of Mr. and Donald. It is thirty y Wm. Gordon visited his old bdrthpl*cv. O., account of the anniversary In it t week. y and were re since Mr. McCall's Patterns , Oen of the greatest means of reducing the high cost of dresing is by "your own clothes otad-by using the McCalhpattero i is simplicity itself, as bas been proved by\tbousands, %.1.\ and many thousands more are realizing e day that they can dress with infinitelybetter ma- terial (by buying their own) in the very lates style at one-third of the cost formerly ixpended. .With the McCall patterns, dressmakiii* at home is a pleasurable pastime. We krep a fan -range of all ,their patterns ; patterns for every garment required, and in all sizes, and we are at your service at all times to.assist you in your selectiou of pattern or material. The Of the was re-elt peeretary, SI treasurer TENNIS SPORTING OUTING *Wednesday. May 12. Mr. and rs. JUT-IWO Scott have re- turned to tit village after spending the winter in t. with their &tighter. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. drew Johnaton are With agalS -0 ter spending the WITIYPT at *totem) Mr. Clayton los given up store- keeping ',wing to th-trealth and Mr. Clark how In charge of tloe callow There will be a 'epeeist' service at Smith's 11111 eliiireh DPI t Sabha th afternoon for the tillers of the soil. The music will Is. led by a mate rhoir. The serT lee prow 100* to be rery\inter- PHONE Si Millar s Sco The Leading Phone and h Store Order Store PHONE 54I The Wednesday half -holiday came into 1 effect this week in several lines of busi- Your Wds in_plettily papered, hut without PICTURES they look barren and cold. Make your home more at- tractive by adding a few new Pictuves this Spring. We have a splendid variety of subjects, artistically framed, at prices to suit all. Come is and see them. THE GIFT That Always Delight, tbe recipjent is an article of de - jewellery such as we nament purchaa-W\hEtia 111 sure to prove a source et perpftna pleasure and pride to the one who receives. We suggest an - inspection of our exhibit if y(01 plan the giving of a gift - WALTHAM—The World's Watch Over rime - Wislacsday. may 12. Wedding bells are ringing laetrile along the concession. Look, for further yeport. consPletetl. the weather ilibiliteekinet Hod has been etteeilent Ow work on the farm. the seed bed ia spiendid. and with warm weather now things will . about as far 'ahead as usual. Fall vrimat COMP through the winter in ex renew shape and looks tine. our merchant ix on the road again and report. a geed trade. .11r. Lloyd Young has moved from Nile to the farm lately purchafted Mr. amen, Wise. We with him much success In \his uew location. is going in flir improved farming •nd has purchased a tractor. • Mr. Andrew Young, of the Oth eon- eession. has rented his farm for it year to Mr. J. S. Cox for grazing parposei. Nfr. Young will still reside on the farm. He has sold him two big purebred short- horn cowa to Robert Medd. of Auburn, getting a good long price. Why Live with Cracked Walls and Wise's They're Easily Covered Up „ Beaver Board will cover them up for all time and you'U never have the of falling plaster it is covering up old dingy wall paper on want= job to do again. While Beaver Board is doing away with the ceilings and giving you an ideal surface for painting and decorating. fibres of the spruce mow FAA peg b treated with the patented Seetilltg pleo rem which presents ~pima 11 Irall need to bad ot ro-bund, tears fa enlarge ask um hew you seill reds by win Beaver Beard. 'Many as old homestead ire been revived lumber. Room after room has bean made laaltr—ona at • time if you plueee—witb- peel mime or Otter- DIntrOf SOMA is real lumbar. ft Is bulk up into Imp peseta &Denali, strong, pure . The Goderich Planing Mills,Ltd. ^P.O. Ba 18 Galeria, Wiwi. hoe 47 SHOES We are showing a range of Life - Buoy Tenni*, Sporting and Outing Shoe* that will iturpaas anything we have yet offered and to ma- cho» any similar lino being These goo& are well known tor their superior wearing qualities. The Brown Rover, with extrs heavy soles for boys, Is without exception the best on the market, and In sore to give satistactIon. The prices are most reasonable. Let us do your Rhoe Repairing and have It done tight. Geo. MacVicar North side Square, Goderleh ERTSON WATCHMAKER AND JEWF.LLER Corner East St. and Square Goderich, Ontario \SI1T1I'S ART STORE EM( rowel* MIL TrESDAY. May 11. 11 the people in Colborne had adopted the fast time they might have had grass for their cattle by the 10th of May. Most of the farmers wid be thmugh seeding this week. The weather has been very favorable for working on the land. Mrs. Lawrence Gray and children. of Stratford, are visiting her parents, Mr. and MTS. Percy Stewart. James Johnston and Freddy Glidrion, of the steamer Franz, caliM on their friends at Leeburn and in Ashbeld Sunday and Monday while their boat was unkading at Goderick • See our select stock of Ladies' Whitewear With the new pointed effects. Ladies' Collars and many other lines of wo- men's and children's wear. Remetnber that we have re- moved to a new stand on the south side of Square. Give us a call. wslosommoviasosimmeosaammenetelsese Miss S. Noble is :There are Tires and Tires When you buy tires why not make them Dominion tires and be sure of their service in an emerg- ency In repairing tires we have found them the best built tire, built of the heaviest and best' fab- rics, which is the whole support of your tire. Call and see them. VULCANIZING AND RETREADING H. J. FISHER • GET WEDDING STATIONERY AT THE SIGNAL