The Signal, 1920-5-6, Page 8R Thomlay, May 6, 1920.
A New Shipsaea(of
Popular Fiction
at $1.00 per copy
Host. you read "1'he U. P.
1'i nil "
by Zane Grey h now in the
popular lit .00 edition.
s1.75 and $9.011
"The Doctor of Pimlico" h) Wil -
Ilam le Queux.
"Lynch Lawyers b William
Pattert.'u White.
"Mary Minds Her Business." by
Gem ge Weston.
Nun 1- the time to paper your
Krone w lide our stock of
in compiete. ie"►trtes, All-
dainty lit tripes, Plain
Tints and 9. M. Fe a
We can save you money in
Wall Paper. (-owe in and see.
Bought and Sold
"Bra Mutualist" in -
The Mutual Life Assur-
ance Co. of Canada
T. R. Harrison
Continued from pap 6.
Very few of theta eau afford leather
shoes. 'but wheu they do buy a pair
they pay extra to ensure a itqueak.
For what's the uie of ow•uiug such
graa0eur if you don't anuouuc-i• the
fact ?
1 hada letter from Rev. Kenneth J.
Beaton, of Klatiug (Julia iug1, this
week inviting we to conic to their
cottage et ttmei this summer. Meas
Mt. lutosb is included in the Incitation
and we are bNh accepting. I)r. Lewis
is going to timed and well li• aIle to
e*nitium. our language study. Every-
one says you should go to (►incl your
first year.
1 have a bouquet of pensles its my
little hand -painted vase, and violet, In
au porcelain dish. There is mull -
dower in the garden ready to use and
the sweet peas are in bud. We've had
very little sunshine during the last
three week-.
Sunday. May 9th. is Mother's Day, and
services throughout the day at Victoria
street Methodist church. including the
Sunday school, will be conducted in the
spirit of Mother's Day.
A large contingent of the members of
t1►e Women's Missionary Societies of the
tem Methodist churches of town is at
Dungannon today attending the annual
W. M. S.'dtstrict meeting.
"The dope of John's Gospel" and "An
Invitation to the Willing" will be the
themes at the Baptist church next Lord's
Day. Tire Bible s.:houl at 3 promises to
be of especial interest. .The young people
meet at 6 o'clock.
Oddfellows to the number of about one
hundred paraded to St. Georges church
Sunday morning, in observance of the
101st anniversary of the foundation of the
Order in this country. The rector, Rev.
A L G. Clarke. gave an eloquent sermon
on an appropriate theme.
Divine worship morning and evening
next Sunday in Knox Church will be
conducted by the minister. Titles of
sermons : 1l a. m„ "Woman's Widening.
Service;" 7 p.m.. "Second-hand Religion,"
Sunday school and organized teen-age
and adult Bible classes at 3 o'clock.
Tne Methodist district ?fleeting for
Godench district will be held at Seaforih
on Tuesday and Wednesday, May IP and
19. On Tuesday evening an open meeting
will be held. and addresses will be given
by Rev. R. J. McCormick, on "Christian
Fatalism." and Rev. J. F. Reycraft, on
"Big Places for Little Men."
North Street Methodist Chur*M.
North street Methodist church services
next Sunday will be as follows: At 10
a in.. classes, Mission Band and Men's
Club The Club topic. "How can we help
our Home and Foreign.Missionaries?" will
be introduced hy the pastor. In the
afternoon. at 3 o'clock, the Sunday school
Begins to pay you back the minute
\ you put them on--
PaX you in satisfaction of good ser-
ICe, fit and style.
The Tailor
Phone 318
Safferei Theo. Years Until She Trued
Pointe St. Pierre, P. Q.
"I think it my duty to tell you how
much your mi•.'.icine has done for ale.
1 sejered fes :three ,years with terrible
Ecseata I consulted several doctors
and they did not do me any good.
Then, I used one box of 'SootAa-
Salss' and two boxes of'Frwr:rrirei
and my hands are now ekar. The
pain is gone and there has been no
wturn. I think it is a marvellous
erre because no other medicine did
nit any good and I tried all the
ren dies I ever heard of, without
bene t until I used 'Seat ..Ssiic'
and ' r.aes.' -
'Frui a• 'tint$'--o00i0d--aha blood
ved Mestere of the disease,
vs' eosspleted chi
Dahl. P ' ER LAMARRE (4b).,
50e. a'hox, 6 or $2.fl0,trial size 25e.
At all dealers •r seat postpaid by
Fruit-a-tiv- `Li ited, Ottawa, Ont.
- i
MAY weather is warm weather and each day we are closer to the'tirn-
e when
wear Springclothes. 1 t is well to be prepared an dhave
we will have to
the necessary garments in readiness fthe hot days. We are showing a vlton-
derful assortment of Spring merchandi in every department. Goods that are
real new and up-to-the-minute styles. It is a pleasure to show you through every
department and we want you to see our Rea4y-to-wear Department especially.
Every style of garment -is --represented here, for have mad it -a de [hutment-
. where all lines of ready-to-wear are carried.
Each day we are selling coats, for the reason that the styles and values are right. Every coat is ilMw.
'-having been bought this season. Both long and short coats are being shown in Velours. Serges and Triostines.
The colors are navy blue, fawn and sand, light blue and tweed effects. All sines are represented in this 1aao/a Ito
it will not be hard to select a style.
will conduct •n expt'.nally fine Moth-
ers' Day service. tri whic • all are invited.
The pastor's m, ruing topi• will be: "Thy
Mother." Evening, ••Me i hrist's Stand-
ards of Conduct Practicable "
The adjourned meeting of the official
board will be held on Monday ight. The
annual congregational meeting\ will be
held on Wednesday night. Every'member
and- supporter of the church is u ed to
be present and hear the reports' f the
year's work. It will be a mee;tdg of
inspiration and delightful fellowship.
k -Smite In Every Dose �
Baby's Own Tablets.
Baby's Own Tablets are a regular joy
giver to the little ones -they never tail to
make the cross baby happy. When baby
is cross and fretful the mother may be
sure something is the matter, for it is not
baby's nature to be cross unless he is
ailing. Mothers, if your baby is crosv, if
he cries a great deal and needs your con-
stant atter-Ilion day and night, give him a
dose of Baby's Own Tablets. They are a
mild but thorough laxative which quickly
regulate the bowels and stomach and
thus relieve constipation and indigestion.
colds and simple fevers and make baby
happy -there surely is a smile in every
dose of the Tablets. Baby's Own Tablets
are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at
25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont.
If you are not buying a coat it will likely be a suit. As you know, Noss wap s
Coats are leaders in style, fit and workmanship. This is the line that we are carrying.
They are made in Berges, poplin and tricotine. Navy blue predominates, but they
are shown in black, fawn and tweeds. Every size is still in stock and it will be easy
to find your size. Colored linings are used in all suits. These linings. as you know.
are the newest creations. Button and braid trimming is used ellectivelyaombina-
tion. Pretty vests are set in some suits, while others have a plain front.
We wish everyone to inspect these garments at your convenience.
- Your Spring outfit will not be complete without a new blouse. Never has our
range been so large as at the present time. The newest styles are here for your in-
spection. Smocks are greatly favored in georgette. voile and crepe de chine. These
garments come in every shade or in combinations of colors.
Voile smodis at $ 10. in plain white or colors.
We were fortunate m buying our Habutai Blouses when the silk market was
low ; thus we have them now in stock much below the market price_ Either high or
low necks are represented.
11 it is a Blouse we have it.
Middy Blouses
We have been greatly complimented on our
range of Middy. Blouses. It is the largest we
-have ever carried and the beat in value. Plain
white or colored Middies. Also white with col-
ored collar and ti imming on arm. All sizes
from children's to women's. They are to be
found in the Ready-to-wear Department. - --
dress or
or pumps to\Jie strictly up -to -:tate witirtbat sew
snit. Nothing could be more becoming than our
smart, stylish and now very popular
Ladies' Kid Oxfords, in black ter =4.50 to ;9.75
brow,' .................................
Ladies' Patent Oxfords, high or low heels, with Vanity Plate,
Goodyear Welt Soles. ,Turn Soles ss
and McKay Stitched.,
.00 to 19.50
and pronounced by critical buyers as "extreme pretty," is a
kid and Calf Oxfords, in black and brown ; a� the new
Scoteh Brogue, in Oxfords and Balmorals for Men.
Slippers for the misses, girls and infant. A shoe to fit every
foot and every parse.
15'. edits. •a4ARMAN
Put this date under your bat -Thurs-
day, fitly 13th -Model Thastre--benefit
Soldiers' Memorial Fupd.
Mr. Jas. Gallagher, . Of Colborne town-
ship, has purchased a handsome Gray -
Dort "special ' from Mr. T. F. Holland.
of the East street garage.
The Mission Band and Sunday school
of St. George's church are preparing an
operetta to be given some time this
month. Watch for announcement of the
The May meeting of the Children's Aid
Society will be held next Tuesday, May
Ilth, at 4.15 p. m., at the court house, in
the police magistrate's office.
Herbert W. Piercy, interpreter of liter-
ature, the popular dramatic story reciter,
in Victoria street church on the evening
of May 14th. Adtaission 26c. Keep the
The regular monthly meeting of the
General Brough Chapter, I. 0. D. E., will
be held in the Board of trade rooms on
Monday, May Sth, at 4.15 p. m.
The W. C. T. U. will held its regular
meeting at the home of Miss Ba lie on
Monday, May 10th, at 3 p. m. Mrs.
Beavers, the county president, is expected
to give an address. All are welcome.
Mr. S. B. Stothers, the agricultural
representative for Huron county, is
already arranging for the school fairs to
be held at various points in the county
next fall. There will be twelve or more
of these fairs this year.
W haat. per bu.h 1 5.00 to 5 (51
(vets. per ten+h:. 1.00 to 1 05
Barley. per booth 1 N to 1.75
1.w. to 4.00
1.40 to 1.6o
... t. 5.70
a tamS
large r• _,_Anderson's Ginghams at .
"65c a yard, 27 in..rnde. These Gingham[ are
known by everyot'tas the best that can be pro-
Canadian Ginghams at 40c and 50c a yard. -
These also are 27 in. wide. The tterns are
new and bright, in large and small Becks.
House Dresses
The largest range we have ever carried. They
range in size from 34 to 44. Shown in blue
chambrae with white collar and cuffs or with
self trimming.
Print and Gingham Dresses in the newest
patterns and in many styles. These ais
are boughtfrom the manufacturers and aIle i i oa
class by -
Buy your House Domino floors ?itis isport-
Skirt Lengths
Just arrived, several skirt lengths for
skirts in stripes and checks. They are the
est and they are very chic antl'attractive.
The regular meeting of the St. Augus-
tine Women's Induce will be held on
Wednesday. IViay 12th. at 2.30 p. m.
sharp. at Mrs. John Thompson's. The
election of officers will be held. Topic:
"How to save this on wash day," to be
taken by Mrs. Bert Thompson.
PIMA, per bn.h
Dock wMoat, per bean..
e lour. family. per oat
Flour, p.te,.t. per ear
Brava, pet to f 43.00 to 44.00
Sb.w4.. pct ton ... ....... 66 W LO 56.00
Her, per ton
70,10) to 45.1•6
ttrwwIone. .., per ten.. .... ..... 6.60 to 10.00
dry Mutter,perlb80 to .61
reerneri Hotter per lb .at le .70
Rwtr+. rrw.h, per 100. ...4a to 40
Pa w, stoper bush.. . 2.00 to 5.511
Cattle, buleher•• nhotre. per cwt. 11.00 to 12.51
CaiU., butcher.' trot Ion.,pse .wt 111.71
gm.. N RLN
H... Ilse welpht, per owl. 1.25 to 15.71
Weide. per 15 16 t0 X�1i1i
wheeklne. to 4.60
De net fftt6a�
tttag ells. o
511 r e 1e a
atlo■ r.q.I
Dr. Chewed 0ta01011 tent eoHoye yes at OOa.
e. emetal lr 001.0a eel • as
.line or K4..a.en. lryr a ( , IJ.ityik
eawaa��'�. bpi frwe W yes mention tats
roper sal eaefose fa stamp q 507 posts...
5000 Rolls Wallpaper
All up-to-date patterns
From & to 75c rpn
W. T. RIDDELL - Auburn
WEDN*IOAv, May 5.
Mr. Peter Patterson left on Tuesday
for the West after ,pending the Inst year
and a -half with hie mother. Mrt. Wilson.
Mrs. Wm. Brown, of Monkton, spent a
few days with her brother Mr. Donald
Patterson, who continuesill.
Mr. Campbell, of 13radfor is putting
on his ure show on Thursday night.
Mr. F.G. Matthews left on Monday to
take charge of his new position as man-
asggeerr of the Steeling Bank at Monktos.
Mrs. Matthews and children retnsin here
for a time. Me. Smart t6 relieving in the
Sterling Bank fora few weeks until the
new nwanage, arrives.
SAWMILL t*sTanvim.-The fire hell
rang at 2 o'clock this mortiirtg. Mr. Bert
Marsh having noticed a fire in the saw,
mill of Howson & Lawson. near the C. P . R
station. A number of villagers gathered
and by their efforts the lumber piles were
saved, but the mill was burned to the
ground. The loss will be heavy, es there
was only $1200 i t.urance on the building
and contents, and there was still a
month's sawing of logs in the yard.
Townley, May 4.
'less 'Mei "roes Ie. who ham been vfslt-
Ing Iwr Ant itliii ..M$le for a few week,.,
returned to Mr. W. U. Mi4'r(ttle's on
Korn -to Mr. use Mrs. Router Tay-
lor, a son, on' May 3rd. Congratula-
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cranston are mov-
Ing Into Mr. Joynt's eemeut house.
Mr. Cranston will work with Mr. Joint.
The Women's institute held Its meet-
ing at Mrs. 1t. Naylor's on Thursday.
A motion w -as made that the institute
raise giro for the Mick ('hlhiren'm Hos-
pital to be erected at London. Twenty-
ftve ladles were pre cent.
Mr. Hugh Me('rnstle, of the Dental
College, Toronto. Is making a short
visit with his mother and brother here
before returning to the West.
RItt4 ('Inn Ke-ergaslard. -- A 'making
was held on Friday evening to te-
orgaulz(• the tit. Helena Rifle ('lul,.
The follnwlirg oskwrs were elected •
('apta4n, James Portion secretary,
Jmorph Anderton; trowan rer, T. 14.
Taylor; committer, Captain John Web-
ster, D. H. Murray, W. to Miller. Al-
ready forty have signed tip and the
members are looking forwanf to e
g o(sl ,.(ssotl'm shooting. When the
rifles arrive they Intend practising
every Matnrday afternoon.
PATTorr-BAKIP -The home of Mr.
and Mrs. John E. Baker, Waterdown,
Ont., was the scene of a pretty wedding
on Wednesday. April 28th when in the
presence of immediate relatives their
daughter, Hanel Lilian, was united in
marriage to Victor Art. Patton, of St.
Catharines, Ont., only eon of Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Patton. of Goderich town,
The ceremonywas conducted by Rev.
Albright, of MiIl5mve. The bride, who
way given in mathageby her father. looked
very charming in a wedding gown of
French blue me•saalaine silk. She was
attended by Miss Nora Raynr, of Wa-
terdown. who bore a frock of brown
duchess satin and georgette. The bride
and bridesmaid carried leaner bouquets
Of carnations and maidenhair ferns. The
rrxn was assisted by his cousin, Mr,
yY. Cox, of Toronto. The grooms
favo? to the bridesmaid was a ,et of pearl
eardrops, and to the groomsman a pair of
gold cuff -links. A dainti wedding luncheon
was served. after which Mr. and Mrs.
Patten left on the even•ng train for Ham-
ilton, Goderich and other points west, the
bride travelling in a smart suit of nsyy
blur, with small French hat to match. On
their return the happy couple will MDR
at St. Catharines.
Hydro Store
A gest saver sf time afar
The Thor
Electric Washer
Call ani sat B at the stare.
Fad supply sad of Hydro Lumps
ui Irons okays
its deck
Water and Light
North Ride Square