The Signal, 1920-5-6, Page 7e Ws vs.- TBZ SIGNAL J GODUIOH. ONT. cu gain washing now rade very easy • It used to be a tedious business. didn't it) But .1ow-ws have a way that means very little work- takesverylittle time -and really no great skill. Thanks to LUX. This way your curtains take on a fresh newness. the colors are brightened -the saggeest and limpsst curtain becomes a thing of beauty. All due to the satiny. foamy lather of • COUNTY AND DISTRICT;! It it Ed. tVillert has sold his 100 -acre farm near Dashwood to Dan. Haugh for 810.000. Mr. Haugh now has 300 acres in all. Thomas Harris, the -well-known stock buyer of Ripley, intends to sow 100 acres of tlax on his farm in Ashfield, known as the Taylor farm. The tiftyacre (arm of W. F. Schnock, concession 13. Grey, has been sold to Wm Ward, of the sante line, for 83,900. Mr. Schnuck will remove to Flint, Mich. Gladys A. Foster, wife of Hugh Shannon, 12th concession of Hullett, died Tuesday of last week in her thirtieth year. A baby daughter, burn dust a week before the mother's death, survives. Dr. J. Grassick of Grand Forks, North Dakota, formerly a school teacher at Hensa!l, and now a successful physician in Dakota, has been visiting his brother, Donald Grassick, of Hensatt.- The late John Bell, whose death occur- red recently at Lloydminster, Sask.. was an old resident of Londesboro'. He went to the West about fifteen years ago and built a hotel at Lloydminster, which he conducted for several years. He had been at the Coast all winter, returning ly a week or so prior to his death. w •ch was quite sudden. The body was bro ht to Londesboro' for burial. At t. Patrick's church, Dublin, on a! morning, April 'pith, Miss Lucy Agnes - 'ans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Evans, Dublin, became the bride of John H. Quigley, of Stanley township. Rev. Father Noonan, P. P... performed the nuptial ceremony. The bride lived for some years at Detroit and the groom also spent some years in the same city. Joey are now giving up city life and settling un a fine fardttnar Clintoo. CLINT*N.. The friends of M. J. Tokpnce, who had charge of the last two Victnry loan cam- paigns in Huron county, will be planed w learn that he is progressing favorably after his recent operation for append' at Toronto. purest surest ans gentlest of all cleansers. Thewasbi*g of curtains is described in "The Cars of Dainty Clothes". Let us send you a coy now. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO ONT 72 The increase in value of rm land,( was ' evidenced when the fifty -acre farm occu- pied by Richard Fisher, on the Huron road east of Clinton. was sold at auction for 87,500. George Holland was the purchaser. There was spirited bidding for the prcperty. Off Wednesday morning of last week at the Presbyterian manse. Rev. J. E. Hogg united in marriage Milts Anna M. Watt, daughter of Mrs.!llargaret Watt. and W. Glenn Conk. both of town. The young couple will reside in town. due, no doubt, to the windstorms and the good sleighing of the past winter. The anniversary services of the Pres- byterian church will be held on May 9. Rev. G. M. Dunn, of Royce avenue. Toronto, will be the speaker. Sam. Murchison, who has been em- ployed with the Lucknow Hardware and Coal Company for several years. has severed his connection with that firm and is going to D.aruit. His place here is heing taken by Austin Sokxrwn. Mrs. Robert Johnston, wife of Reeve Johnston, has returned home after under- going an operation in Wingham general hospital. A quiet home wedding was solemnised at the home of Mrs. James Irwin, of town. on Wednesday morning of last week, when her eldest daughter, Margaret E., became the bride of Kenneth 1). Agnew, of near Milton. Rev. R. F. Irwin officiated in the presence of only, a few relatives and intimate friends of the bride and groom. The wedding march was played by Miss Pearl Irwin, sister of the bride., After the enjoyment of a nice wedding dinner and a pleasant hour in the home, the young couple left by the afternoon train for London. They will make their home on the groom's [arm near Milton. EXETER Edward P. Snell died rather suddenly on Monday. April 26, in his twenty-ninth year. He had been suffering from tuber- cular trouble for some time. His wife and three small children survive. William J. Clarke, a former well-known businessman of Exeter. died at Winnipeg on April 21st. For twenty years he had been the Western manager for the W. R. Brock Co. of Toronto. Sam. Clarke. of Cobourg, Ont., a member of the Ontario Legislature, is a brother. John Fisher, who formerly conducted a barber shop in Exeter, died recently at Toronto. aged sixty-six years. Miss Eva Marguerite Lenore Fanson, of Regina. formerly of Exeter, was mar- ried April 19th to William Fleming Clark of Winnipeg. SCHOOL REPORTS. 8. S. No. 8, COLBORNE. The following is the report of S. S. No. 8. Colborne, for the month of April: Sr. IV. (pass 1160) -Kenneth Allis 819, Clive Ilin 6.'10, Carman Feagan 463. Sr. 111. ss 6001 -Dorothy' Robertson 755, thy Fowler 711. Gladys Treble 680. AIIin 660, Lucy Hardy 660, Mar- in 588, Wilbert Thom 384. Sr. 540) -Oliver Aihn 635. Willie 7. Josie Walters 55,5. Wilmer Minnie Millian 365. Jr. 11. Douglas Feagan 507. Arnold Robert Moore, local agent for the Alhn SOS• f rn Thom (absent). Pr. A. Prudential Insurance! Co., has received OR 240)- eytgie Allis 320, Frank Arlin 1 promotion and laves at once for Hanover 31*. Pr. B. (Pais 2401 -Christine Rob- . to look aftet. the Company's business ertson 341, Margaret Mitchell 317. Pr. C. there. (pass 2401 -Ivan Bean 336, Roy Athn I Levi Strong has purchased the grocerY 1 business of J. Reid. 1 Rev. C. W. Hawke and Mrs. Hawke, tot- Tiverton, will make Clinton their home after the end of the present Confer- , ence year. They have purchased a resi- dence from Mr. Rosefl. The Clinton lawn bowling club held its annual meeting last week and elected officers as follows: Hon. president. W. Brydone. president. H. R. Sharpe; vice- . ' president. It. Wiltse; secretary. F. Jack- son. treasurer, Dr. Axon. it is prgpoaed { to hold a tournament in June. WINGHAM. BROWN AND a MOE' POL THE BIG VALUE BOX Also for Black, Tan and White Shoes` TIM F, P. GALLEY COitrORAT10NS LTD, I4AMILTO CAtI CONSTIPATION By the term CONSTIPATION Is meant either Infrequent, dldcutt or ealseleat evaeuetba of the contents of the Lower Bowel. Let Mens J. A. Nlorton, owing to failing eyesight, has resigned the position of secretary - treasurer of the Wiggham public library bo.ird, which he had held for over forty years. He is succeeded by Mr. Dudley , Holme,. 1 On Wednesday, April `28th, at the Methodist parsonage. Rev. E. F. Arm - Strong united in marriage Miss Blanche Mae. elde-t daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1 R. J. Cantel n. and Herbert Kent, of Brantford. The yoi(ng couple will reside it Brantford. _i__ -Jahn Neelands, a former resident of LondeIboro' and tVingham. died at IToronto On April 22nd after an illness of Several months. For over twenty years Mr. Neelands was High Treasbrer of the Canadian Order of Foresters, resigning in 1905. He was in the eighty-ninth year of his age.. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Pickett recently celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of their ,.ertdingday. L. F. Hinkley. manager for the Bell Te:ephone Co. here, is bemgtransferrtd to Springford, Ont. Mrs. Smith. wife of A. E. Smith. banker. of this town, died' Friday morning after a few hours' illness. Besides her husband. one daughter, Nora, survives. The burial took place at Mount Forest. 281. Best spellers for the month were - Kenneth AIIin, Worthy Fowler. Dorothy Robertson. Margaret Aflin, Willie Treble, Douglas Feagan. Present every day - Carman Feagan, Margaret Aloin. Lucy Hardy. Dorothy Robert • . Wilmer The Symptoms are Headeche, Uiszioetse, t 1 StuRRiahaesa, a I The marriage took place at the Wing- Concestratfon. Lassitude or a feeling of General Indisposition, Bad Breath. ham Methodist parsonage on April 21st become dry and'bf bliss Stella Elizabeth Bolton, of Me- IMp township. to George Glousher, of lett township, Rev. E. F. Armstrong ting. Mr. and Mrs. Giousher will t Wingham. HRI-SMELS. Coifed Tongue, Loss of Appetite, Sallow Skin w-.-- roagb and Pimples may appear. Sometimes there is Heart Palpitation, Hysterical Spells and Nervous Exhaustion. 11' I8 IMPORTANT to treat Constipation promptly as this condition reeawotty tsadii to any serious disorders• o remedy; ordln- Careful judgment should be used In aeleettas a proper err Cathartics and Laxatives have a weakening effect upon the system, others Gripe and Purge and Mineral Oils. f1 taken several times a day may retard eacretlon of the gastric juice and also interfere with the obsorptioa of food. BACKING'S KIDNEY AND LIVER PILLS form an ideal tonic - laxative for Constipation and Its evil results. We give herewith the medicinal action of the Ingredients of HACH- iNG'S I IDNIEY AND LIVER PILLS In order that you may form your own opinion as to the value of this wonderful medicine. CASCARA - Laxative, Cathartic, with intestinal Torpidity. This acts Deet when used In combination with other drugs sod herbs. Tonle to the Liver and Intestines, does not esus* Griping or unpleasant *ragtime, good for Chronic Constl- pation when need to small and repeat- ed donee fora considerable period of LION. MAY APPLE -Useful In Fevers and ladammatioes of almost every true and for all disorders of the Liver sad Splen. For Indigestion. Jaun- dice. Ptlea, ConsUpatJoU, Dropsy and oda Pr*pUoes. CtR.YSter8 ROOT -A Laxative sad Tonle, *Meal fa DyspepSfa, Jaun- dice, P13.e, D4arbeea. Dysentery. Cholera. Correete Liver Troubles Glees toe. sad vigor of 'teflon to the entire seeretve apparatus of the ea- ten'. Abu for Inflammation of the =adder. GAMBOOK--Nd In Obstinate HYOSCYAMUS -Helpful to the Kidneys. stops pain. soothes the Nerves. lessens irritability of tea Pal- pitationNerve Centres. For Funetiosal of the Heart. 8.191ul to the Mucus Membrane of the Kidneys and Bowels. Chiefly employed to re- lieve pain and to Quiet Nervous ex- citement. • s CAPusefulgin FeeD a andnLaeg d Stole - ache, Atodle Goat, Digestionya . DpeDSla, Colic end Cholera. PEPPERMINT -histol is Tlatnent SpaNausea Colic. Spasmodic Pale of the Stomach achsad Bowels, for Neurattia aud-J3heame- Ham. prove*ts griping aad SR gas ea CesegMties p d d the stomach. Reset and Dro SISI atter a lag's Kidney and Liver Thiess are tie principal Ingredients of One. yea W11i fad that this eomNuatioe will produce a healthy ee*dltfe* tba 1tosaeb, LNST, Kidneys and Bow•M. 11M or par He eater drugs or eomblaatteln of drug', oils, laxatives. 1 with bare melt beaedetal effect as HACKING'S KIDNIKY AND LIVER but you mast be sure to get HACKING'S gooier'so* stymaftladd wi ll dm Mao altms e.lLeahos.flterBl.s(1• Sold by Usalmil. unwire. • , H offi re Mr. and Mrs.George Lott, old residents of Brussels, are moving with their family to Winghaniv, Fred Hillsc . who went overseas with the 16Ist Battlion in 1916. arrived in town a few day ago. He was wounded near Mons five da s before the armistice and since getting hack to Canada has been in hospital at Cohourg. He has now received his drschaidc and expects to remain in Brussels. The London Board o1 Education has appointed G. N. Edwards. of Brussels, who is at present attending the Faculty of Education, Toronto. as teacher in one of the public schools of the cit . 1.1'CK NOW. John Sharman, of London. egainst whom breach of promise proceedings were commenced by Miss Julia N. Knowles of this place, announces that a settlement of the misunderstanding has been reacher] and that he and Mia Knowles are to married June 10th at the Lueknow Methodist parsonage. Several reports have been spread that Lucknow would not have hydro this year. and to put a stop to this Reeve Johrnton went to Toronto to the office of the Hydro Commission and informed them of the special conditions in which Luck - now is placed at the present tinle. that of havingdwrresult far was will bebrought here by The Table Co.'s ion commenced the season'* open week. have a much largerThomas cut In charge. Theyt than usual this year, Latest, Styles in MiHinery, New Hats are Very Large or Very Small --- 1 ' Old Portrait Hats clouded 1 r with feathers or tulle, broad -j r sad -drooping of brim, vie wiez wide ,spreading tri- I i corner cap like toques and 1 British Admiral effects with 1 bushy mounts darting out from one side, or flowers trim- ' ming the crown or brim. Miss M. R. MacVicar Kingsto. St. -- G.ierid ROBERT WILSON is still in business for the pur-, pose of looking after the wants of the farmer. We supply Binders, Mowers, Fertilizer Drills, Cultivators, Harrows, Rollers, Cream Separators, Manure Spreaders, Gas Engines, Tractors, Delco Light and Power Plants, Buchey Incubators sad Brooders. Then we t)ave thousands of rods of Frost Woven FM.' dog, Barbed and Smooth Wire. Tons of the best of Clinical Fertiliser always carried on hand. 7 brow sf Wa.J delivered to any part of town. IMASSEY-HARRIS STORE PHONIC 165 Hamsktsa St SARA MY DEAR! Are you aware that so oint- ment ■pplled to the skin is absorbed Into the system Just as surely as medicine that Is swallowed? It Ie! You see, therefore- how necessary It is we should use a pure oint- ment; and the purest you can get for yourself and your children is -Lam-Buk. Dr. Scott, the great English analyst, says: "I hart analysed Zam-Buk, and have no hesita- tion in certifying Its purity." There is another retaon why you should prefer Zsa-Buk. It 1 such a ., relined nature that ens penetrate to the very seat of 'lin diseases; whereas ordinary continents, owing te their year. ingredients, remain •n the surface skin. Sion d'seases. like plants, have their ' roots." Zam-Buk can get down to the very root of the disease. Lill the germs and thus eft r t 1asi.ng cures. L'here u nothing like Zam-Buk for ending ecsema, old sores, or eruptions; nothing tial .an so quickly draw out the soreness of a cut. burn or scald. Try it! Reef. Mrs. A. J. Cameron of Mehta, Man , wines: "My little son's bead and treads were com- • pktety covered with eczema. 1 tried numerous ointments, and he was under doctor' treatment for some time, but nochi s would cure him. Then 1 tri Zam-Buk. Alter a week's treats* t 1 noticed a marked improvement and per- severance with lam -Bu resulted .is *complete sad permanaot cure." All srsarl.0 ad atom. Sec. M' or Z.-- 5,5 Ce., Towto. for snag. sad lc. 1140, ear fns (nal Ma. WILL HEAL THAT SOME! Hardy. Arnold AIIin• Douglas Feagan. Number on roil, 24: average.attendance, 20. LILA M. HOwATT, Teacher. Tburstl.tr, U.ty 0. 11190. -Y - •••••••••••••••••••••••e•: • WHAT ABOUT THAT SPRING• • SUIT OR • • TOP COAT • • • • We have up -to -the minute styks in Spring and Summer • • Suits and Top Coats. • The place to get that Shirt you have been wanting, • •• •• •• •• CONFIDENCE IN AGRICULTURAL REPRESENTATIVE!'(. in Spite t,f mutterings to tliie w 1Iwt t1N' agrbrolt11ral representative System would. he subje'tiMI to severe criticism at the agricultural a*mmittee• of the 1o•glshtture. nothing of the wort developerd this week. says The Farmers' stmt. Instead of this. When the matter e ua- up It resulted its 11 chorus of ap 'oval fi•utu almost every member, thou 11 defects in the .system were ad - mitres and several suggestions roe int - Proven is or changes were 'made. TIN• int 1 radk•ul of all Was advancer) by 1,. W. Ie, of Ta itibton. w fin hold* rattier prom uta•WI views, foul was to the effect th t from three to seven eauuHe. migh Ili• se•t,s•hr1., and the Ia'st repreontnl es in 111ttitr•!tr hhteed on them to condor them .rn n scientific basis to show than s •ientitle nark-11ltun• Would liay. i .•rwtrm v, he was of the opfuhiu that it would • )tF, bat the es IM.rTthPriT wile a'if1W , settle the question I.0 vont A t tit la*r SilrUresi ram "wear of the representatives diem' hunted of management 'consist representative of the 15 -labii Agricnlhnr, the county eomiu•Il ear county 1".F.11, 1/9$aiiSaitto,. This gostfon was altrenceit by F. 1i. ilia aria wee litreorrd- try- nr'rrrat- elf - Liberal members. n is t dill not seem to else. in it any polit)..-u1 suggestion. A further suggestion was that the "Rebs." should be more t•Ios'1y linked 1111 with the Department. mutt that they sheiuld he sllnw ea to work Inures' as ,8 triple molt : the -Deportment. the ILA.('. autl the Reps. as Ifelel men. 11170114 1111'.. not tang , very detitlltd ,ru,+. ad- i'alieed. The general consensus Of 1/14111011 w' it that the representatives err duo's( a good work. and where there Is failure (aside from some Instances of personal failure to make good ► it IS attribr(table to the tact that farmers di1 not rnnke use of *hem. "it's our own fault If we don't." surd more than one rrpitatte'r. It became_ 'something like a 1C11011 Ohl MethodfeLktifferr theetlig, when amen! member* began to glt'e their "esperi- rnee " A. Hicks. 1'.I -'.I). whip, ad- mitted that he had considered the Huron representative a failure fr en agricultural standpoint, lint when he been me acquit ttvl with him he found that he wits doing it great work, and only needed 0, he know-' to he ■pprev IatMI. There a ere °titers who had had the same experience in their 1•ounties. John Joynt. of North Huron, w'Isln-I that the repr.•aentstivea could assist is little n ore In providing "nasayv" of eommerclal fertilizers wt that their value could be ascertained; while several other members sald that they were being helped In that very way, s I ready. Major Kennedy went so for ss to say that anyone In feel county who would it' antagonistic to the agricul- tural reprenentatire would tinel hinl- welt unpopular In the farming rum- stlnity : and J. W. W iddln.'ld referred to the pleasure with which I' !witless received the prupoaal to remove the °Mario county °Me•e from Whitby to that point. and how It was opposed by the Whitby people. Summing up, Hon. Mr. Doherty oh - served that it was evident that the Slaters le right, anti that it Amply re- quires now that ntepa shcmld he taken Oa work out tit• details to arrive •t a better rotwlltinn. In which les was ap- plauded by the committee. , • •• • • •• • in fact, anything that goes to make the 11 WELL - DRESSED MAN" i • 1 • • - ,r, • • THE SQUARE GODERICH • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• McLEAN BROS Semi -Rudy Tailors and Genn Furnishers GET WEDDING . SWIONERY AT THE SIGNAL ,1 • AMC made such a success of Automo- bile , rd Tires, we are giving bicyclists the first BiCYCLE CORD TiRE. q Traction Cord is now obtainable fro any bicy- cle dealer is Canada. -- All the ingly good points • the "Dunlop"combine with is latest feature of tire cc struction to produce a real and true "Master Tire." bnlop Tire & Rubbter Goods Co., Limited Head Office and Factories: TORONTO • Branches in the Leading Cities 1113 e ....*. --w Jaaw..-.. , ' ...40a,Yw-e. .r„a•r...