The Signal, 1920-5-6, Page 6-""•"*--
114 Tbureday, May
THli health If your
skiai toeimport-
ant for s :o to be careless
about the bath soap yeti us*
illecp the iihis clear sad
sianiiik and p skin
to wades by usiag
h is the beet of all soaps
yet it isomers than • el
It disiefeote too
rs• reriolir
Ito I 11/44 I, Is
111.• •Iirs Orem.,
ti•• eiraIrthis anes•
f,11 i.s Nth* 4/1.•
•,,e Brother.
P 1 o. -novo
\reli Grandmother's Recipe M
Restore Color, oss
and Attractiveness.
Ainicast everyone as dial Saes
Teia and Sulphur, properly compound-
ed. brings back the natural color and
lustre to the hair arisen faded. streaked
Sr gray. rears ago the only way to
rt this mixture was to make It at
oma, which la Imlay and trouble -
Some. Nowadays. by *eking at any
drug store for "Wyettes Sage and aut-
hor Compound.- you will get a lards
bottle of this famous old recipe. Im-
proved by the addition of other In-
gredients. at a small cat. •
\ Don't stay gray' Try It. No , one
\ can possibly tell that you darkened
your hair. as It does It so naturally
and evenly. You dampen • sponge or
soft brush with It and draw this
through your hair. taking one small
anted at a time. by morning the gray
hair disappears, and atter another ap-
plication or two. your rstr 'becomes
beautifully dark. glossy and attractive.
*Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Corn-
gesusid to a delightful toilet requisite
ter those who desire dark hair and •
pouthful appearance. It is not In-
tended for the cure. mitigation or pre-
vention of diocese.
Row To Get Relief When Heed
and Noe. ars Staffed Up.
4 , ( :
Gity! Vour cold ia head or
-s disappears. Your clogged na
oII. the et ir passages of your
elnd ,ar eyou can breathe 1 a more snuffling, hawking,
rge. dryness or headache;
- PO breath at night.
bottle of Fly's Cream
r druggist and apply a
-es fragrant antiseptic cream
Ant rib,. It penetrates through
er passage of the head, soothing
raatiate the swollen or inflamed
qsnabrine, giving you instant
IRMA colds and catarrh yield
Mit stay stuffed -up and
Relief is sure. •
No More Gentle Than
"Cascarets" for the
Liver. Bowels
11 is just as Oelkliellt u it is danger
lbws to, take 'violent or nasty cathartics
Illisture provides no shock -•bsorbers fo
pair liver and bowels against calomel,
'sank pills, sickening oil and r -alta
Ca/carets give quick relief without in
jury from Constipaties. Biliousrieiii. In
Gases and Sick Headache
ICasearets wort while you sleep remov
fang the. tosina. poisons end sour. in
digestible waste without griping o
faceetenieeee. Cases rets regulate by
astresigtheeing the bowel muscles. They
west so little too.
Rats f, ILirttere Retched from
Ma Elisabeth Wilson.
Mrs (Rev.) J. F. Ileyeraft has rc-
.•.,%ed ieverri letters from her e ter,
MI,. Elizaiwth ViIsuii, at Cliengt u.
China, and the foliiiWing extracts tell
of opine of her experiences in that fie
count ry :
1 have been struggling all week with a
cold in my head and the Chinese langu.
age. They don't go very well together, 1
assure you. Each day I have sat at the
School with my feet an a foot muff. my.
steamer rug wrapped round me and my
coat and fur on. Even then part of the
time 1 was cold. My head ached so that
some nights I just came home and got
into bed.
1 had dinner On Friday with Dr. and
Mrs. Lewis. 1 enjoy them both very
much. Mrs. Lewis has been wrecked toice
and was once through a riot. At the time
of the riot they just had to walk out ot
the house with the clothes they had on
and leave everything. The cook rescued
the baby's clothes, but she herself had no
change of clothing and the other foreign-
ers were in like plight. It was July; that
would be real suffering such as I have ;
known nothing about. I felt as Mrs..
Lewis talked as•if I had been making a
big (uss about very little. I like Mrs.
Lewis* humor. She complained that the
table boy was slow, but she kept him, she
said. as a means of grace.
1 had tea on Thursday afternoon at the
Canadian schciol. Miss Marcellus and 1
are responsible for some doings on Shake-
speare Day. April 23. We have decided
-that the children of the the school will do
the Trial Scene (root the Merchant of
Venice. Miss Grainger -will look after the
Shows Remarkable Curative
Power of Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable
Compound. -
asosley, Ont - "Before using Lydia ft
Plnkham's Vegetable Compound I was
a total wreck. I had terrible pains in
pay aides and was not regular. Finally
I got se weak I court not go up stairs
without shipping to .it half way up!
the steps. I tried two doctors but they
did ora no good. saw your medicine
advertise le \the newspapers aad
thought I would give it a laird. I t
four bottles of the Vegetable Compound
and was restored to health. I am mar-
ried, am the mother of two children.
and do all my housework, milk eight
cows, and do a hired rnan's work and
enjoy the beet of health. I also found
Vegeta(. Compound a great help for
my weak back before my babies were
born. I reootnmend it to all my triads
who ars is need of medicine, and you
may print this letter if you
J Axis, R. R. No. 4, Chee-
ky, Ontario.
It hardly mama possible that there is
a IIF0RIA12 in this country who will coil-
timie to suffer without giloituLidia
Phikham's Vegetable Ocirn a trial
after all the evidence Oki is continually
being published, proving beyond contra-
diction that this vend old medicine has
relieved more suffering among wuvelet.
than any other medicine in the
— costumes fOr us.
Mis Grainger is about twenty-one. Her
'--1YRUP OF-FtS7 father and mother are missionaries here,
belonging to the C. 1. M. Mission,. Lily
was brought out here with them from
England when she was eighteen months
CHILIrSH LAXATIVE old and she has never been out of China
since. She was educated at Chefoo,
which is on the coast somewhere between
Shanghai and Pekin. It is a healthy
Look at tongue! Remove poi-\apot %here the C. 1. M. have a big school,
sons from little stomach, sanitarium etc. itis UUSSiOnaries send
liver and bowels -• heir children there and leave theft tor'
years. The two older Grainger gills have
gone home to England and have married
there. Lily has not seen them for ten.
years. The only son Is nearly ready to go
home for higher education and Lity and
May are going home soon to train as
nurses. May has just tome from Chefoo,
Lily is helping in the Canadian school
while waiting to go home.
The University has opened again after
the holiday and the men have returned
from Council. so that work will begin in
earnest next week. I like to see the
smiling at the Chinese students playing
tennis in their long gosns-and to see
students getting back. 1 never get over
the teachers holding up their skirts on a
rainday is to me most amusing. The
sun has shone only a few minutes all
Accept "California" Syrup of lige week, but this morning when I wakened
o --look for the name California ea it was very bright.
the kage, then you are sure your None of my magazines have corne yet -
child having the beat and moot harm- no one has got the January number of
leo* lixative or physic for the little any magazine as far as 1 know. but 1 do
stomach liver . and bowels. Children not lack reading matter. Everybody has
love its delicious fruity taste. Full plenty of books and there is a good deal
diree"oas. or child's dose oa each brit- of Interchanging.
tie. Give i without fear. The Chinese characters on the front
Mother, You mint say "California." page. The two by themselves are Chengtu
and the four Chinese -Western Uni-
I surely did enjoy my big foreign mail
last Sunday ,nd am glad you are all well.
1 hope I haven't burdened you with my
Take • ghum of Beta to hush 'kidneys
if Bladder bothers you -Drink
lots of water.
Rating meat regularly eventually pro.
deem kidney trouble in some form or
other, says a wellImown authority', be!
seem the urie acid in meat excites the
baileys, they bosoms overworked; gee
sluggish; elog up and cause all aorta of
distress, particularly baokache and mis-
ery is the kidney region; rheumatic twin-
ges, severs headaches, acid stomach, con.
atiyation, torpid liver, sleeyiesanenk
bladder and urinary irritation.
The comsat your back hurts or kid.
.07. arse% saber right, or if bladder
bothers you, get about four ounces of
Jed Salts from any good pharmacy;
take. tablespoonful in a glees of water
before breakfast for a few days and your
kidays will then act Ana. This famous
mita is made from the acid of grapes
sad lemon juice, combined with litkia,
sad hes been need for generations to
Saab dogged kidneys and stimulate them
do Normal activity; aim to neutralize the
acids in the urine so it no longer irri-
tates, Uwe ..ding bladder &Bonier'.
lad Salle ansmot injure anyone;
makes a dsllgtU.l effervescent lithise
water debar old& millions of men and
wows Woo now and then to keep the
=goad misery organs clean, thus
eseteras icidasz diatom.
Girls/ Your bair needs a little "t)anderine"—that's all! When
If becomes lifeless, thin or,lbses its lustre; when ugly dandruff
' • . appears, or your hair fatls out, a 3545ent bottle of delightful.
Illidependable ull
anderine" from any store,, will save your hair.
Abe double it's beauty. You can have nice, thick heir, too.
-March it.
MOO( Daptlid girl's -Hiss Handl
and lir Therolf-who were here
wheiell2tme bur lately went to Xitio.
are on their wry down to Shantlial
in.! 1141W..1111111114 been bitten bL mad
doe. They hope to -get ia time
for treatment. The linimeflts! must he
horrible. We have beeves. alarmed
1111 11/1t.. 14111.....-ritird 42 each for a
t Intent for hydrophobia, which will
eost\ VA. It w Ill he here am a pro-
limier the charge of Dr"..THorse
• I be -available to any of the
y 'unfortunate enough to be
bitten. I d u dog eatch hold of the
tail of my' enat the other day and was
beiplutely terrified.
There was a BUMP of Indoor base -
boll on the campus this afternoon.
There were foreigners and 4 •hinew. nn
both sides and it was great fun.
Several of the students discarded their
long gieweim a and 1...)1iP(1 quite sporting.
It seemed mining! to hear them calling
o " (pow R hii•11
11141111S to run. A foul ball is "chili -
Everybody thitik4 that we an. work-
ing very hard st language school. It
I. hard work. ML.. Wall remarked
the other day, "1 am not learning one
thing. My head be hest lite -Fourth
of July celebra She wail born on
liti isliend in the Deltic. so that Inualsh
• really her mother tongue. She
came to Anwrica.., learned English.
Which she .41.f.Hk.‘ brok('nly, was 11
nurse in France during the war, rood
has 1114)W POMP to china. She helongs
to the itaptiat mission. 1 am mild to
lie -hod eating up the larunnige,- but
1 don't feel that way ;shout it at all.
Dr. Stewart poorer' forth A florid of
4'111114..4. et me the other 1111y of which
1 understood smireely word. I hist
said. "Shadel hum ! "-which means
"What kind of talk ! " or •Nonsense! "
and raised great laugh among thinm4.
who were listeniug. 1 always did
get credit for knowing more than I do.
Mrs. Taylor hat arrived is liti her
two children and for the present is
next door at tlw Stewart). Little
Evelyn 51110 114 go lialne. With the Mor-
gan,' to Enclif.W. The Morgan'. have
110 ehildren. Mr.. Taylor 1.1 to fetich
in the middle school asap ham
already hog*, %ark. lir. and Mrs.
Wilford have also arrived 115' 11.
1141111 in the college and toodat at
operations in the 'poplin!. Mni.
Crit( -her Is In tlie city and will move
out to the Canadian echoot III a tweet(
or two to assume her ituties as matron.
wen. at (las' lecture on 111115et
this afternoon. Ruch of it was in-
terestIng and we lesrnisi miteh about
worn Invent poke of my
selvaged shoes and they show no PVI -
11011e* of is .4*1411.7k TIM( 11'1)11111 11.1.
great disappointment to iv l'hineise.
l'ontinued on page n.
itVX 111 T
1 net 111 friPlItl the other
.51 leamt, they ran him t
Sap* lw, boy, come
Ile tucked nay chin s 1111
Anil then he openlv
He didn't tackle : toll
day, his name is Jasper Ne();
luit for short. and, isey. he's full of pep.
alt with miand listen to tny gab" -
le 1.14 II MI WHIP wy ribs a Jab,
rislit sal, %%WI (pelt fist
! it n was I he pimisiwiet.
"The chap who's always grumbling H1111 W1111 Dever is content
With life a lid all at 110111 11111111.1'S at the rent
14e pips tit live and let live on this grand old earth of ours.
Should buy himself a casket atel bedeck the thing aid* flower's.
Crawl into it and chow his eyes, so that in passing blind
Ile may confer a favor ou the rest of humankind."
11*' stopped to catch a breath or two. and then he crossed his legm,
Anti then says lie. "The twssitniiitS an. Just like empty kegs.
tide* prohibition Value in tome. there's nothing now within..
And the hoops begiu 10 attle, 'enuse tlw future vlsiou's this.
Oh, hearer help me, Barry ! If 1 ever losestny way,
Oh, forbid that 1 should tarry, listen to the doubter way."
Now Jasper is a hummer. he's a bird that's bound to win
Jo the tight to put Ultima over. put Oxon over with a grin.
111 ne'er forget his lecture. Oh, 1 tell you It was great,
It tickled every rib I have, 1 felt that 1 could skate
On rollers on my oeighbor's roof or kiss the Micheal maid -
It's little timely chats like that tlist help us make the grade..
We're living in a country that the God of Love has blest.
lie has given opportunity, expects we -U do the rest. -
Fie a greater faith than ever now. 1 never more shall wilt,
Itecause old Jasper told me that n11 thriving towns are built;
They do not grow, that's what tie said, we build and theu we plate,L
So count me for a builder, please, on Huron's Golden Cate.
-- Barry Shannon.
Their Appreciation.
• •Do the girl's folks like you pretty well?"
asked a friend.
-You betcha tnumphantty
Late Lopp, a youthful swain of Straddle
Ridge, Ark. "Why, whenever I go over
to the house adiperkin', her -paw and maw
and her Uncle Dud and three, four of her
Wethers..,and such of their kin -folks u
happen to-be.visiting there all come right
into the parlor and set there the whole
e -ening!"-Kansas City Star.
- Hadn't Seen It,
Servant-" A poor man is here who has
lost a leg, sir."
Absent-minded Professor -"Tell him
we haven't got it. James." -St. Paul
rone t
About thirty profiteers sin the United
States have been sent to jaiL That is the
right place for such sinners.
Mike Wood Recommends
-Dears Kidney PUlti.
Arden. Ont., May 3 (Specia0.-"Dodd's
Kidney Pills made me feel like a new
person." That is the statement of Mts.
Miles Weod, a well known and highly
respected resident of this place.
"I was troubled with my kidneys. and
my feet swelled. 1 tri d Dodd's Kidney
Pills with the result that the swelling es
nearly all gone and 1 ieel better in every
way. To any person who is bothered
with kidhey trouble or with their feet and
legs swelling I would recommend Dodd's
Kidney Ping." •
The womestof Canada have tome to look
oo Dodd's Kidney Pills as a standard rem-
edy for the kidney ills. They act directly
on the kidneys. Ask your neighbors if
Dodd's Kidney Pills do not help all
kidney ills.
Destitute Jewish Children of Eastern
Europe Suffer Terribly from
tlw Cold.
The destitute Jewish children of
Eastern Europe are almost entirely
se:11110nd clothing to protect them from
the ravages of the winter, according
to Samuel Cherney, a Jewish writer
and critic of Vilna, Poland, who bee
recently arrived lu New York.
"It la not a question of their heinir
witbOUt eboea, or without uuderwear,
Or without any one tiling." he report-
ed. "It is a question of their tieing
altogether without clothing to cover
their mikeduesm. and to proteet them
from the cold. There is almoet a total
lark of linen, vottou or woollen cloth-
ing In Eastern Europe, and what there
in mold at a prohibitive. price. The
rime that the poverty-istrIeken Jews
have worn all through the war are
falling from them. The clothing prob-
lem is almost a greater issue than tbe
food problem today.
-The help already given by the
Joint distribution committee of Jew-
ish funds, the steel Cross, and the Can-
adian A1111 American relief adminis-
tration is all that has kept our rare
alive this long 10 Eastern Europe. I
wax an eye -witness to the suffering
there and can gay that except for
America they would all he dead now.
except a very few. Only Amerita can
keep them alive through tiw winter
that confronts them now. There im
almost no wood in roland, even for
those wilo have the looney to buy it,
and thousands of refugees and remake
whose homes have, been destroyed are
living almost nn the street. Almost
none of them have sufficient clothing."
M. Chantey, who was the editor of
a Jewiah paper in Vilna, came to
Your grocer will appreciate
your discriminating taste
when you insist on having
Kellogg's Toasted C or n
Flakes --- wrapped, sealed
and kept always fresh
the "Waxtite" moisture -proof package. \
It insures all the crisp freshness and
• oven-tcasfe4 gonees of these Corn
Flakes reaching your table just as
they left the ovens in our Toronto
'Kitchens. Guaranteed by this sig-
• )6eilieloyi7.4
Ketlogg's Products--Toarted Cors Elakc ----Shred-
ded Krumbles---Krumbled Bran --are made in our
new modernised kitchens at TORONTO and
41111111,8Ys wrapped "Wartite"--Sold Everywhere.
America with his family by means of
a remiss purport Melt wee necured
for him by Samuel Gompers and en-
dorsed hy such prominent Jews ita
and NatTir;trauti. He was thrown
Rabbi S M. W Ise; thear lit roue.
into 1:tripwire In Vilna along- with many
other prominent Jews of Vilna. Four
daya later he was released •nd Went
with his wife -and two small children
to Paris, where be miled for America.
Net Hopeless. '
Stage-struct Maiden (after trying Mr
voice) -Do you think I can ever do asp- -
thing with my voice-'
Stage Ma Well, it may
handy in case of Are. -London Blighty.
Accused of watering his milk. a Wanes -
borough. Pa.. farmer look his cow around
with him and sold his milk served hot.
be cows 61,
Waken and Canadian Capital
Thousands ofGray-Dort Owners
hulorse its Value
All the sterling qualities which made the Gray -Dort dominant value in
, the past are embodied in the Gray -Dort of to -day. .
-- -Ten major improvernerits and a dozen refinements have heaped value
on value.
Gray -Dort dealers will show you these improvernents--will explain hove they add
hfe, comfort and beauty to the car.
They will also ten you that everything points to a abortage of Gray -Dort canr thaw
year in spite of doubled production. lt would be wise to see your dealer at once.
The Gray -Dort S-passeager touring oar k 111144.5 f.o.b. Chatham, war tax extra.
Tho 2 -passenger rowieter is the maw
The Gray -Dort Spacial. with extra madonna shod boautifupy fusiehed. is 1150 Mt the
Greral-Dort Ace. the room beautiful light car of ro-dor. is *255 Vitra ea the manclard.
GRAY-DORT MOTORS - - Chatham. Ontario
T. F. HO
East Street Garage
Goderich, Ontario
owls.. :mane. ...maw 0, •
• :4.