The Signal, 1920-5-6, Page 4r
4 -Thursday, May 6, 1921.
. ,
About two dozen in the lot. Regular $5.00 quality.
On sale Saturday, May 8th $1.98
Sec them in the window.
About three dozen, bought before the big advance,
good strong, roomy garment, high-class grade.
Present price, $3.00 i
, s ------
About five dozen in the lot. trod large, well
made, strong Oxford cloths, will we ' II and wash
well. Sizes I4' to 164. The pr ue is $1.50
to $1.75. , .
if the above bargains were offered in a large city
store they would not last half an hour. Dont miss
this and then complain about the high coat of living.
Here is:a real chance to save. . -
WalteeC. Pridhani
•, Phone 57 •
1MK. N. F. WHIARD iti the agent
-for THE SIGNAL at Dungannon.
Orders left with him for t‘nliserlip-
tionti, advertisements or job print-
ing will rtswive prompt atteutiou.
, Telephoto. it:Nitwit-Li Rural) r39.
Thursday, Mu'. 0.
TI1t weather is a little %%antler and
farmers ure bust Oil the
St. Paul's church is nuArgoing ex•
teusive improyvments.
Rev. H. J. Itoss, of Auburn. will con-
duct the service itt Erskiiw church
siert S1111141gY 10Venillg. at 7 o'clock.
There will be no sert-11.e itt the morning.
The telilfellows *Ill attend service
at the Presbyterian church ou Sunday
Mrs N. F'. Whyitril and Master Bert
leave on Monday for the W4.141 OH, 41
visit to Mrs. Whyard's
!trios Dialler returned from Wing -
haul last week. haviug successfully
liassed his examinations it the 'od-.
new. 4 '.allege.
A nuniber itt our burg are la id up
, with colds at present.
lettigatinon now has a lonelier shop,
Mr. Ibtker of Goderich having °petted
1 up in the two. Allen block. where .ht.
wUl do business ou Tuesdays and Sat- '
Thr district meeting of the
tilait Wountlia• Ilis•ionary Society is
beim held in the Methoiliat ebusets
! here today. •
Miss Itervie. ntillint.r, of Whigham.
spent • few days visiting friends iu
the village.
ktra. Roy flarris. of Stratford. re-
turned homelast Scutal$iaiada after a tWO
weeks' visit with her fl, M. •
Mrs. T. G. Allen.
A toad ot young -people from the
loge attcudcd a duster at l.wkuow
Wednesday . ereniug. .
Aerepte talL-Itev. lir. H. R. Camp-
!, of Toronto. hits accepted the call
ex Ord to him by tht. Presbyterian
itt tions of Dungannou and Port
Alber and it 111 be Inducted in Erskine
church n 1St. He will be here
to suppl. from May Itith until the titue
of his in ii•tion. •
, Box Bee and Ceneert.-Uuder the
auspkra of he Ittiugatinon Women's
# Institute a bo. :saint and comert will
he held in th Agricultural Hall on
Friday. May 14 The prawns -in will
' Include solos l,v t Misses Tichborne,
Stothers anal Anzi 'tine. readings by
the Misses Lowe. We is and Hamilton,
and instnimental and rchestral
tion,. l'rogratti s at S o'elock.
Admission rs-ic. ladles wi boxes :reel
00D211014 ONT.
Friends !
Weare pleased to be able to in rin the public that we
are now in a position to supply a • quantity of hard coal
in all sizes. Also any quantity o oft coal for domestic use.
X - We wish to extend thank to our customers, who have
been very patient during the tress of the coal shortage, abd
now that it has been reli •ed we midi give, our_ old-ti_Te
service and prompt delive y.
The ults Coal Co
• , Phone No. 75
0 ,
B. J. Saults' residerfice :. W. W. Saults' residet:ce
No. 275 / No. 202
You save when you buy
You save when you bake
Egg -O baking Powder Co.,
ited, Hamilton, Can ada
The Brandon !trips. have tat
the mail contract from Mr. Ed. 1
.' and aro stow tiaaaitiitg t110 atilge bet
firto-etielil and itaytield.
Mr. Al.. Itratubm returned fro
last vo.k. bringing his bride
with • him.
A FRIEND is one who knows all
rl about you and loves you just
the same.
. • .
THEY know all about poor
people. They love them and
their love is reciprocated by the
TE poor and distressed are not
ashamed or reticent in their
THE wicked are reproved.
The young encourage&
The. old sustained.
Dishes. floors and clothes are
Babies nursed.
Medicine provided.
Food supp-ied.
Meals cooked.
And a thousand other things done'
to strengthen the body and stim-
ulate the soul.
THIS work goes on in sixty-six
I countries and in forty-two dif-
ferent languages.
e Salvation.
308 Citadels
and Institutions
in this Territory --
-Use them !
Monday. May 3.
Personal Mentien.-Ills•es toltre and
I.lus Willis. of Port Albertwere the
guests of Miss Irene Milkmaid ou
Sunday Harold l'ollinsou, of tbe
G. C. 1.. was home for the week -end..
John litelker. of Auburn.
and Dave McGill. of Myth. are visiting
at the home of Mr. DuticauNit-Kay ....
..Miss Hermann Grldin has gone to
l'arkhill Mhos Alberta Iteckett
entertuintst it 'lumber of her friends
last Friday evening.
Rich, •Red Blood Needed to
Keep Up Their Vitality.
If growing girls are to become well de -1
loped. healthy women. their bio d sup -
mug br carefully satched. Mothers
el not ignore their unsettled moodsl
Mr. ,und 31N. Thos. Itrullt11)11. of pl
,WItichamare guests of their tuotht-r
I 1
Why Live with Cracked WaUs and Ceilings
When They're Easily Covered Up
Beaver Board will cover them up for all time and you'll never have the
job to do again. While Beaver Board is doing away with the clangs,
cd falling plaster k is covering up old dingy 'wall paper on walla and
ceilings and giving you an ideal surface for painting and decorating.
Meer so old homestead bee been revived
with this booms, crackle** maandoetured
lumber. Roma after room Itas been muds
ever -ewe at a time if you pleases -with -
mut muss er litter.
Sewer Beard 1. real lumber. h k bulk
rip ism large tweeds from the strong, pure
fibres of the spruce tree. nth petal lb
treated with the patented Seagate pia.
nese which pre...Inns snicriniti If pie
seed to build or re -build„ Main w
enlarge ask us them you ma pelt W
using Beaver Board.
this vveek. , or th various troubles that tell of ap-
Mr. Levis. clatitou. dellversarN a proach g womanhood. It should be
new Chevrolet car t.. Mr. J. H. field constant • borne in mind that pale blood -
on Moseley. less girls 'erd plenty of nourishment,
At a public meeting held on Saturday plenty of si p and regular open-air exer•1
t.venipg it was derided to purchase cise. But a -k of appAite, and
the Spacktna it, lot. ail,bauing the town aching !nobs t to binder progress. To
hall, awl t.• retibire the old burbling save the weak. td sufferer site
to it. usher lat jsart he foundation' u1- mug- have new. rich red blood. and -
rustily boils els the list. It Is to Iw nothing meets a ca.. of this kind as well •
00naltli. expenses Goderieb. in..
hoped the work will be prometleit with as Dr. Wiliam, Pink Its. These pills not
"The Scotch Store"
Floor Coverings and Window and Door Drapes
Rugs for All Rooms
A specially fine assortment of Rugs, in Tapestry. Brusselette, Axminster, Brus-
sels and Wilton. Almost all sizes now in stock. at most reasonable prices.
Congoleum and Linoleum Rugs in most lovely carpet designs. sizes 3x3,
and 3x4, very moderately priced.
Floor Oilcloths 85c. sq. yard
2 yatds wide, in first-rate designs of tiles, blocks and floral
Linoleums $1.50 sq. yd.
- An ideal floor covering, comes four yards wide, very choice designs and most
durable quality.
Window Curta
ns and Drapes
The finest and beat selection we have ever hown. Very choice Curtains in Vella
Scrim, Marquisette. Lace and Swiss. Pres from $2.75 a pair to $12 a pair.
Ciirtiiining by the yard in Scrim, Marquise'
-dims,- in white. cream and ecru ; also fancy color Nets in floral and bird designs.
Prices ranging from 2itc a yard to $150 a yard.
A splendid assortment of Chintzes. Cretonnes.
Vi1ours in roll the newest designs and colors.
Nottingham Lace, Voile and Ma -
nt Cloths, Tapestries and
We cotdially invite you to come and inspect these goods before purchasing. You will find
the quality good and the prices right.
Before leaving the store we would ask you to take special nolice of the Bargain Tables on
the main floor. One table is devoted entirely to remnants of all kinds, comprising : -I)res.s
Goods, Voiles, 'Muslim, Prints, Flannelettes. Curtain Materials, etc., etc.
Another 44,1e is well filled with Ladies' Lisle Hose of a very fine qualitYpresent values be-
ing 60c. a pair. \ All being cleared at 25c a pair, while they last.
Summer DreA‘esGoods are being dtsplayed on other tables at old values,
less than present
._ . . .
Orders by phone or mail receive oar best and prompt attention.
Millas Scotch Store
The Leadink Phone and Mail Order Store
at •11111`.
, only enrich and increa the blood supply.
The funeral of tis lute Miss Sara they help the appetit knd digestion,
It',. -,,in took fdisc to the 8uytteld-JTelieve the weary back limbs. thusi_
,esuosry on Tuesday. Miss Beacom promptly restoring health nd strength
was a former resident- in litiderleh and transforming anaemic girls and
, It.Wii.Ialp anal died In Clinton hospital women into cheerful, hap people:1
Saturrday. of puetuituula. Among the.thous.inds who have btained
Mt: soul Mrs. Jas. Stirling. of Piek.: new health and strenrh the u of Dr.
ford, on. u
gests of the form . er:AVilliams' Pink Pills is Miss Violet th.
-ne-tier. Mrs. Wm. • iatirling. Glenarm, Ont., who says: "For a ang
Miss Whirr. who has been a guest time I was in a badly rundown conditi
of7-5fier-htimi-Itertregrir for-vforyamr- fwas pale, breath -1e,, at the least exertit
w..Is. utictic and could hardly el- o any housework with-
- - -,M000tny, • --• • - - - out stopping to rest. often had severe
Mrs. 1,.w. has returned to her home headaches. and my appetite was poor and
in the village after a few week.: :.1,13. fickle. and t" -would get up in the morniogi
in I:Isl.-re-tt. without feeling the least bit rested. 1 had
tried several medicines, but did not ittA
benefit from anything until I began the
NILE. • , use of Drn
Dr. Willas' Pink Pills. When I• -
TVgawAr• flay 4.than taken two hoses I could s. e an
A Yeti -attractive wedding took placel
at the home of .\ r. and Mn. mprovemer.t. and after using six boxes •
s PLUM. West Wawanosh, on the-evenulg '
James found my health fully restored. I feel
of. April 2sth. hen their youngest altogether different since I used the pills1
that I strongly advise them for all weak,
rundown people.
If you are weak or ailing in any way.
avail yourself at once -o( the splendid
ime freaTlinetilwhith-Dr. Williams' Pink I
Pills so easily afford. and you will be
among those who rejoice in regained
health. These pills are sold by all dealers l
in medicine or may be bad by mail at 50
cents a box of six boxes lot $2.50 by
writing the 1)r. Williams Medicine Co.,
Brockville. Ont.
Jamieson. expenses to Gesierieh. $10;
Harry Haekett. repairing 2 v•astiouta,
The Goderich Planing Mills,ltd.
* P.O.Bi18 Collaicklitarie Noe 47
daughter, Mis Flossie Myrtlewas united
in marriage to Mr. Anthon,.. Lorne trent.
of West Wawanosh.
The weather is warming up at. last, but
1there is very little growth yet.
0 E S
We are sho nig a range uf late -
Buoy Tensile. • rting and (outing
Shoes that will urpsidi anything
we have yet off sad to out-
class any simile line being
These goods are well *Down for
their superior wearing aualities.
The Brown Rover, with extra
heavy %oleo for boys, is 'About
exception the beat on the market,
• and is sure to give fustatiractine.
The prime are most reasoitable.
Let tut do your Shoe Repairing
and have it done right.
Geo. MacVi car
North side Square, Oodericsb
As1164.1.1 Virtinvil met April 12Ih
ss•r /141..1411111WItt. Minutes of last
,s',11 II ,.f.motion of Sullivan
a 11.1 it rilsou were isIrsptest. 4'01
borne Sc -omit was read and favorably
reeeived. T. G. .111en'it Iteessunt was
j then present...! and ..n motion of ftleh•
unison awl Johnston was oniered paid
!Minnie salary $40.061, express $2.00.
T1w following accounts' were ordered
(11 11
t".11: %
"11. lIlIng vf'/•wnastnti°1,13'
elialstnit and teatulng plank. le:
J. Recerthy. rep. 2 culverts, D. line.
115; G. Hall, rep. 1 ettivert, S. R. 0 Sind
10, *1; Wes. Clare. breaking road. con -
emotion 9, 114; T. (Bean, dlaelng road,
coneem ion it, ; Andrew S t 1•W a rt
plank, $32.04; J00. Rogan, breaking
rood, emits...ion 10: $5; Wm. Finnigan,
digging hill. concemion g, $1.75; 0.
Free, diseing, foneesslon 4. $2.110; .1100.
MeKenzie. diseing. ..nheeswion 4, $2.50;
sr., breaking, divi-
Rion lin,. $4.t1; Jno. Tigert, lIlInj
wailhout, division lints, $41; Frank
Murphy. rep. calvert, coneetusion 8,
Jno. P. Minivan, dboonot mod
plowing, erineesition 6, 1110; Jno. Mc-
Namara, Waring, vont-astatine 10, $2.50;
Geo. Drennan, dicing, erineemion 10.
$2110; Jas. ()rant. digging mit grader,
Vic; IF. le inleama. removing ice on
11; Roderick M.•Kenxip. road to lake.
&MO: Thom Stmog, breaking end plow -
ti114ik7..."1141(11/11:u.Irde4. Halekhiart:
..xpetuies to 11oderieh. $4.27; C. L
• • •••
%sr '.., • •
Frame Your Pictules
.ThoseThOtos and Prints you
have put away, intending to
have them fronted some time,
bring them in and bairn, them
done. They will brighten up
your home for Spring.
Fast St.
Phone MN
al. aimed hy t4tilli%/111 and Richard-
son, and resolved, that the statute
labor be left as it Was. lait where labor
has Mon cut off 1.4 ilesicuated fond
system the turtle,. on typo- r4.44to have
the preference to eitherpny 11 lb talifii
or go hack un eimeriedeb or sideroail.
IIIIIN•r%Imisl by the, commit:nets of their
division, *tut • vote of th• el...tors 14
tahen at next election re st•tuts•
niutiun intuit...1u and Johnston,
(-outwit adjourned until Hay 26111. at
1 o'clock. rot, fillet of revision ..f aa-
siessment. 1. I. Mcieinagh, V7i•rk.
We. 10 your work
Good ArIll Clock
is a real necess!ty-----one that will
awaken you exactly when yon
wish to awaken, not sootier or
later. lOar Alarm Clocks, which
can heart "intermittent" or
"continuous," will give you •
complete satisfaction and will -
keep exact time.
In our line of Clocks you -
find table clocks, mante, wait ••
---C-WCYST etc.
Fast St. and #Square Goderich, Ontario
Ladies' Whitewear
with the new pointed effects.
Ladies' Collars
and many other lines of wo-
men's and childred's wear.
Remember that we have re-
moved to a new stand on the
south aide of Square.
Give us a call.
Miss S: Noble
Smith $a, square -
There are Tires and Tires
When ypu buy tires why not
make them Dominion tires and be
sure of their service in an emerg-
ency In repairing tires we have
found them the best built tire,
built of the heaviest and best fab-
rics, which is the whole support of
your tire. Call and see thern.
• • •ar-
I ,