The Signal, 1920-5-6, Page 3Stiffness
It ill a!ly(,iishin11 how
quxkly 11111,141.1. Luu-
ment rdw, t•.tia.
Gives Great
Nn A a !'•1,4t, 16
P .A.. ..,Jet
r..d Merge • Lamer"
haierily. •1..., ,te
are rebuke /...d. a
ter ..d we me 1641
&mew velar
.1 .,, +a. tu. Ta"o.,.-
ryy,, r.. ma h try .Ir ) I✓t ler
r.mlrb"1 l 4"a•+edy'w4.". .rt
roe. 1'14, mewl' and Mwl.• ,2 r, m {•ei.
.de e i,wV ower s Mewl* . l:n.....1 , .
s■•s a' 1,W 1, r us w
K(ng o/ Pealn
Yatttawtk Noe. Iktith
PATH. specials' in women's and children'
diseases. acute, chronic and nerve.. diseases, eye
roe and throat, Partial deafness, lumbago
mei d
rheumatic conditions. Adenoa removed
without the knlle. (Mice at r e4 nce, corner
Veber and St Andrew's streets. At borne office
Wadays. Thursdays and batudays. Wu' eveurog
WV ofpwotment.
Graduate Toronto Univerrty. Grad to
al Coley of Dental Surgeons.
Successor to the tau
Il,l (Mica
"gears tad mat street. Godes
Ras C. Goden h. A11 est r oc tione by mail or
Mt at Sigma (Axe 1.d1 tx n nlpiIy attended to
residence telephone 1114.
TlR. solicitor. notary pubo
wort. Gode,Kli, third do (
or ttu
;rest huh to ban et luuagtra,ae
-k C HAYS,
euis c. ETC.
Maaatlta Hk
C=Sttrl,ni'Bank, ak, Il.m,hosOust
Tdephme alk - -
Rasp Satan. Loans aW leaurance.
Dried on eke square, aeeoed {door from Hamid
on !Newt. Godersh.
Privets funds to loan all lowest rata
W. Muwout. K C. - J. L. Ka,Waae
H. J. D. Cocas.
RISTER. attorney, aolK+tor, etc.. Godencb
loaned at lowest rates.
heel 01C, rioter public and Convtyttocer,
—Court Hare. rich. uy. 2m
eryhANNCdE CO. -Farm amd iwtata4 tons prop -
Jas. n
Connolly, Pres, GodechP. O.
• Evs, Vice -Pm. Beechwood P.O.; Thomas
Ir ys, Sic. -Trees., S'tafortb P.O.
Dwear,-D. F. McGregor, R, R. No. a,Seea-
orta; Joie G. Grieve. No. it, Walton: Witham
Geo. 2, e . John fo7, Se
Dred -Geo. McCartney, R. M a. Me -
g oes,
Mort Ferry, Har k; Makatea Mc-
gwes. Clinton, Janes Evan Beechwood: Janes
Gornotly, Goderkh.
Argenta: J. W. Yeo Goderich; Ales. Leitch,
1L R. No. 1, Chalon; William Chesney. Sealorth;
g Hu1Wer, SeAtort h. IroiseAdcan o par all
payments and Rcar
t their ds temptedet .
orrm.h's Clothing Store, Clinton: R. H. Cutts
('sneer}, Kingston suety. Goder*h. or J. H.
Rads General Store, Wybeld.
Brophe) Bros.
iie Leading
Funeral Directors
sad Embalmers
Order, carefully attended to
at all hours, night or day.
She -"it's funny you should be so tall.
Your artist brother is shori'tisn't
e Y'
He (absently)-" generally."
It) Ian Domini.
(Maas, N1sv a.-AinI !u f it Is with
um 1141441. Despite Many attempts to
reach it nubility. the Fill 1ti11 ed-
emas-. front the wilderues4, 1s poodle('
Mond at stage or two, then again
lapses lino IiudN,, us' wherever such
bilis go when tlwy are not In the
11ous4. This Uwe it is the leas ccon-
twlGoux (knows rather than the non-
contentious ulN's 1,111(11 are Ielug
argued out, but there is 1.1111 a teu-
deu.•y on tlw pert of the (,lverumeut
to push aside ,11,y (daUm• which appears
tel large to bolt without rueful chew-
ing. 111441 -pass (lune• which meet with
cuwlutratively•little resistance.
The Fielding tuemhueut to restrict
the appointment of returning officers
to persons holdlt such official posi-
tions as sheriffs. ertw,lsters, regis-
trars, pie., met the fate It deserved.
It wow well and trul swawpedL, by a
rote of K1 to 40. The (dohs-bxeut•hers,
or National .1'rogreudt s, supported
the Government and hell I vote down
the atw•hdmeht, and in thi they were
14,04144(4441 by Angus Milken Id, fresh
(rola the hills of Tewiskaw IR, who
had bat a, few hours before to en his
most with the followers'of Hem. T. A.
('recur. lir. Nielionait' was ell rel
by Ow cross-IN•m'hers when he took is
Milt'. hot It was notietab{e that the
was almost entirely confined t
that s'e tion of the Douse.
7'here have lira several lively tilts
during the weak. and there are wavy
wore iu store Ns the debate on (he
Fr n 4tise -14441's. Th' ttrm.rn•
wells. apperently, is playing 11 Nate
game au,rietting the opposition talk
itself out on w''ers1 of the minor
clauses. in the bo e
'414! alien the big
outs (4)1ue along there will be uolNsly
left \crrh duos. enough to change the
crossing of a "t ' or the dot rove 1414
committee. '111 in alight out be all the
legislation but it 'was all Kir Ge,rg,
had In idlest ut t1Wt tlm.8.
It actually Iwgina to appear a9
though the desks were being Bleared
for the '.big stt4R." 11'ednestay of last
a to ► sit 1 a lot of smaller fry pu ked
away for I:e•ps, as far as the Hoole
of 1' 1. rone.ruel. and then.
just to show that there '4)14)4 no hard
feeling, the wklols were gnawd 1,111,
oleomargarine in the evening, fu pre•-
paraII.0 for things slipping by with
even greater sped!.
Sale of Opium and (hugs.
()plum and drugs, sleawshlp hspet•-
llou fees, 1)4,411 and trust companies
14gi4Wtiou and civil service 11001 MOM
are not a lad grist for nue day, but
the Commons got through the final
stages of all these m,a.snrts Wednes-
day. The' first -nau1wl 11111 was put
through n crying commit -1m- stage, and
t4iH' emerged %kith little more than
the original skeleton. and (even tint
Madly shattered' in spots. This
prompted! I). 1). )1i'Kettaie. erstwhile
l.11s'ra1 Hous' leader, 10 urge upon the
llinlster that he draft his le'gt,elatkul
before bringing it luta the 1101144.8, tn=
stead of l'IWhging every 11114' of it alter
arrival. it seams (ill the porter* of
the 1411 is (o k(o•p ('21100111 hl line with
her promIs•s made When she signed!
the International ()plum Convention.'
Dr. Peter McGibbon (Muskoka 1 ,11s-
approved_of_ the whole thing. The
pe)ple, he deelit 1 `y!\)rere sick of re,
strlctiuus. They w'rlltN1 a litt4'free-
dow, instead of 1Wving ' 'someone
eternally guarding their footsteps rod
morals. Other members( fought for
the rights of the druggists, gelwraf
ercIWnts--soil a few for the rights
the consumers. They protested
t well-known medicines (imagined
of the Tirnglr whteti flits k'gt'a=.
would prohibit except by .101410i D'
Niue, (41(41 they wanted the
Towel to buy these medicines
1'44 Angling hrllln out a d ors
144 0x'414
• the bill teas amended to
Sessional Program.
George Foster gave Hon. Mac-
k,•' .k' ',Una_ 00([(m4 'tat _.the- logia.
I which 11 0(111 (0 be brought
down. 11e said It would include hills
to emeriti the Iiaukrupti'y, Llla11411
Jtev,rdiue, Immigration. Irrrlgatiou,
l'ewlofIce gad Railway Acts and to 1
prod ldt• for retirement of certain civil
servants. Thorn would also to a 11111
lased on the reports of the p•nsio:e
Unless row Iliad Y
oat dr tiorimath
ter I.y 1s F.kaa tai o1
No .-' -L1 r Boar bap to iia
domed smoneshillp.
Rslsuas tark.-.&d pomp.
MAIMS OE SCOTTS 11011/0111
for men at a
markable price
Mea's Tweed Raincoats.
coat is 'cut in the Hullo-.
breasted style, a tame -
belt with buckle. Sizes
34 to 42 at
fee. Fina
allow goner: l men•Iwuts to carry medi-
cine.' with a e'rt,1n amount of theme
prublblteti den , in hlwm. ----
The oleomargarine Bill.
The ole)tha rga die bill, with a pro -
V141011.1 for ex Poulin the time of 11141111 -
filet tire and sale to March int,
gives every promise )f developing a
really hot tight. Also'ft hex already
brought to light slgux ' f tremble be-
tween (vrta4l F ' bits. After '1/r.
Toluic had explained the il,Dr. J.
\\'. Edwards ' Fron(ennr) reuse to
assert that the whole 14111, lock, 14101'k
and barrel, was an imposition on the
farmers 'anti dairymen and a huge. mis-
take. Tlw dairy industry tars til;
lug because oleo wax being „sold
Witter, he declared.
Itefnn' cluing. however, Dr. 1"etWEard,2,
turned Ills gnus oh members of Par-
liament from city constituencies w- ),
he mild. had hot shown anything 1lk
the saute desire to protect the dairy-
ing Industry as they had to protect
their own illy Industries. If
needled protection the other 4.144 en-
titled to ir. He referred pxrNcnlurly-
to W. y. ('o(kshutt, rind raked that
Itentlem14u's ire to such an extent that
as both were leaving the chamber on
adjournment they could be heard in-
dulging In sentiment,, toward nue
another which indicate warmer times
11'hou 1)r. Fwlwarits flnislietj there,
A -11M a general nisi for the floor.
Several members started to rise at
$12.45 and $16.45
Men's Fawn Rai.coats. Made
in single-breasted style,
double -stitched seams.
Sizes 34 to 46 at
M. Robins
Sash Side Square Gedsridi
Attractive Spring Footwear
(fur Spring Footwear comprises a *bowing of
the latest designs from the hest makers. You
will And our pedes Right, consistent with Quality.
R's' Invite your inspection.
Women's I'Umpe. ('oloniale and Oxfords,
ranging from 112.73 (0 $I e.•
Women'', Fine tiigh Hooke from Mid to $13.1141.
For Men's Flee !toots and Oxfords we have
the }toot up-to-date In style. Quality end price.
Remember thin la where yon get Qltsltty In
Repair Work.
Our Slognn Is -":%11 -round Sal haart ioon."
,4 l
Arras Ct ovaa comas !hiss rs,
Arrsa Drsrotrosecr coup Joy.
Arran Stemmas (owes Hsai•Tg.
Arrsa Wsauesae comae Sr'aRworn.
In the spring when you're all
in" -fagged out -blood thin, if
you will turn to Nature's remedy,
a tonic made from wild roots and
barks, which has stood fifty years
u the best spring tonic -you will
find strength regained. No need
to tell you it's Dr, Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery, put up in tablet
or liquid form, and sold by every
druggist in the land. After a hard
winter -shut up indoors, your blood
needs a temperance tonic, a tissue -
builder and blood -make such as this
"Medical Discovery"of Dr, Pierce's.
KawIIA. Oft'.-"1'wu In s very bad
roonditlon. I could not eat without feel•
in/distressed Had indigestion so badly
1 was always In mleery. I bad liver
trouble as well and the two just put me
down and out' for about Ave years. I
had many good doctors but got oo relief
I took Doctor Pierce's ()olden Medical
Discovery and before I had taken two
bottles i wu much Improved, and In less
thee six months i was wall. i could eat
anything and do my work with pleasure.'
-Mas. Assts Bastion. ata Durand 81.
(-1 Course
You Want First-class
$ Photographs.
We Make Them
!L L
■ R
— OOD=R3C![, OUT.
Thursday, May 6, 1020.-3
.1. M. llovenlexk, M.P.P., Takes Part is
Learned of Titular Through Others and
Meal Now Tell of Own Benefits.
"From a weak, nervous and sick woman
to a we.l, strung and happy one is a long
step, but Taniac enabled me to accum-
phsh it in a few weeks," said Mrs. James
A. Henry, a well-known resident of Lingan
Road, Sydney, Nova Scotia, recently,
"It is not only a pleasure but I regard it
as a duty to tell I'uu how much Taniac
has benehtted me, ' she continued, -fur it
w,.s by reading such statements Lom
others that 1 was put on the right road to
"1 contracted the influenza during the
epidemic and it left me in such terrible
condition I could hardly keep on my feet
and was real,} too rundown and weak to
do my housework. My ltomacb had
never been strong, but this attack left me
in .such bad condition I could not eat
anything without distress from bloating,
and my appetite became so poor 1 did
not care whether 1 ate at all or not. I
was very nervous, too, and would roll
and toss all mght long and feel so tired
out when 1 got up in the morning that I
could hardly dress rny,elf. Then my
whole system seemed to give, way and 1
lost so much weight and got so weak I
thought I would have to give up entirely.
My condition was really deplorable and 1
was much discouraged because nothing
seemed to benefat 'tree, althcugh 1 tried
everything 1 would think of.
"1 noticed some statements in the
papers about what a*cerlent results of her
people had gotten from Taniae and l
tried it too. However, 1 was in such bad
condition that 1 took the first two bottles
without being ab'e to tell that it -was
helping me. 1 was )Rote discouraged than
ever but resolved to stick to it a labile,
longer, and 1 telt you that was the wisest
decision 1 ever made in my life, for the
third bottle of 1 anlac took right hold of
me and ID t'
time 1 was
do much ins -
proved I hardly knew myself. I have
taken five bottles in all and am enjoying
better health than I have known to
several years. My appetite is splendid
and everything 1 eat agrees with me
perfectly. Every bit of my old strength
has returned. 1 sleep as soun4 as a child
every night and when mornin comes I
fed so refreshed and strong my d8y s work
is a genuine pleasure, and I feet years
•1 think Taniac is the finest heatth-
builder in the world and I am sure it all
do for others what it has done for me if
they, too, will give it a fair trial."
Tenho. Is sold In G1N14rith by E. it.
%Vlgle and the leading druggist in
every Fowl..
owe, but Han. W. R..: Fit'411bg was
first to make the grade. #fe whit tie
w such r glean* of battle in the•..y-es
tl( members that there was no pnu-
sit>jlity ,of getting through that night.
Ira a waked the Minister 10 adjourn
the 0 Nite no that everyone could have
u go . it. This errs dune and the
nutter rule 1n abeyance for the time
Revision Pensions.
There Iws n ea emelt Interest in
the pension en mlttee this week as In
the HOUsI. Tw ty-three memters of
the Hous', ,11111 fie Iswdk'rshlp of
Hume t'ronyll- f1 111; are hearing
the complaints and ( ims of disSatis-
fled px'n$ioues f""nnre, there and
everywhere. And the ism tisfaction
appears to be pretty get rel. It will
he et('onplc of tl•eekx at rant before
the (-dimwitted' is through wl the huge
task It has Al Idertd, but eve at tills
stage It has become evident hat a.
llheral Int•re'sae in the pensions scale
for certain (lasts 4s needed, and Int
at the pres'ut time Mashie,' ua'n
dependents of de.21std soldiers ,f
actually suffering le'anse their p•n-
a1(11(x and allowances are too low.
►n inereasc of twenty-five per (rat.
111 Senate,« t4, dep'ndent% Is usewtioiwd,-
A large part of the trouble, however;
secret to be 111 a too hard and fust
interpretation of the present regula-
tions. In swine eases the p'1wlon cum-
minxi(ne're appear to hare too little
disl•retiou and in others too much.
Members of the committee freely pre-
dict that several diw'repancdew in file
act will le ironed out in their report.
To Regulate Inland Shipping.
Joseph E. Armstrong, of Laminon
Fast, Is a most engaging. end at the
sine time a most persistent chap.
For more than one 'wanton he ham been
striving( to hate the Inland shipping
cumpanle14 brought ler One juris-
dlrtiun of the ltnilw1(7 ('ommissiun,
and wltl a perseventnee worthy of
n'sultn he has returned to the fight this
session. 11e claims that these cow -
modem have made huge profits in the
paid few years, and that the people
who must depend on water trans
ptrtation for ,i1e glwwls they either
wish to sell or buy are made to pay
the shot. The comory has uo protec-
tion aga hint the rnpll'IIIUN tendencies
of theme shipping lords, according to
.It 8., who wishes to have N0111m11e
1111aedl in a position to admiulater a
1 trounei ng whenever such 1N•
comes ne4momry.
His bill is meeting with any amount
of opposition, for IN)th Nteamship ,erre
pslde4 rend railways ■re against it. In the House and out of it there
are foreros working against the Lamb -
ton member, w -ho la putting up a hard
tight against the 041,15. The bill will
probably h1, digested 41 rallw-ay com-
m11te fhb; session, and there is a
cloned of its receiving 'rapport there.
Senate IHaerniaes Gentian -wade Goode.
The Senate provided a flurry In its
delete on the h111 relating to the
men•handisifg of German-l0adc gool114.
The mensnre was defeated. A numMWr
of Hens tont supported the hill, which
would hare (vmryelleil a merchant sell
Ing German gusts (0 place a aigt, over
Ills store, "German Goode Kohl Here"
The Hymn 0f lle(e Idea, however, war
not modern!. Other Senator.' thought
then' would soon be no ninny signs
that the edge of resentment against
Germany would aeon he worn off.
The motion for a six gt0nths' hoist
tarried on a vote of 39 111 23, so MP
hill Is well ah elyel.
Man Needs Rel !Attie.
A mattress concerti advertiees that
"you .pend one-third of your life in bed."
and a shoemaker says "you spend two-
thirds of yon) life in your shoes," ao we
Wegather that all we reed to get through
is a bed and a pair of shoes.
Debate In the Legislature.
7'he member for Centre 11nrou took
part In the debar.- oh the budget in
1114' Legislature this week 11141 114 thus
reported by The (:lobe :
J, u. (:uyrults k, Liberal member
for Pentre Hun,% thought the text
book,' 4t the primary schools might
be ri'viseel. Instead of the "('at, liar.
Hat" lessons of the first readers' lie
W1111111 !Wye lessens like those In the
iv:liters of 1Mnwark, which start off
about rots and horses. They teach
agriculture early, anti as a (cmaquelue
agriculture! eminent ion 4t Denmark Is
the hest iil,t♦y gorld, he sold.
Hydro *DS u necessity in rural dlN-
1rlots,he declared. The Province Nees
the bunker for the municipalities In
Hydro matters, 44141 the hitter ,4xsume1
the responsibility, as they should. As
a bisiuess proposition there was not
ranch liability against the Province.
H.• rc\iewell the details of the ar-
raligements 1,114-11 the township of
'flicker+mitt 41 Huron cuuufy had en-
deavored to wake with the hydro. al r.
(:ovt'n1,s•k lueket the u►cwber for
Parry Some, 114 his request for a rail- '
load to $Int great like pert.'
He enwludel l.y saying that he Was
111 favor of Goverluueut control of
t141U)r - by "+hdng away with The
d.wters' as far. as -it 1,,1,4 e)nl''•r111'el.
fie also thought he '. u. worth more
looney than the present indemnity `141
the members of th,' Legislature.
In Terms of Antranwaty _
"I wonder,' remarked _a y thful as'
tronvmer. who . was
what was expected of him, "i
will let me associate you with a
Venus, perhaps, the star of love?"
Well, n
o " replied 11
young g
dressed, thoughtfully. "1 would.
you thought of me as Saturn.'
"Indeed! Why ?'ti -
"Oh, welt, you know, didn't you tell me
that Saturn has a riiig-?'e"-"
He bought one on the following day.
She Rests while Sunlight `'Yorks
Why not ? That's what Sunlight's for. How
does this happen ? Very simple. Sunlight's
gentle purity is alone sufficient to cleanse the
clothes without wearisome rubbing. Of
course, this is easy on the clothes, too. How
is it done ? Just read the directions.
insist ow feting the Soap you ask for-
A Give -Away.
She -"Anyhow, you must admit he is a
well-bred roan. Did you notice his
krowledge of Ruskin ?"
He -"I
did, and if you want my candid
opinion 1 don't believe he's ever been
PeeuDie Explanation.
"I can't imagine - srhy Bettie is so
;Fan you :)" •
's a theory thal.he was brought
upon a vacuum bottle.' -Boston Trans-
Noes Explained.
"Brooks is real a clever pianist, for he
p:aye everything b, ear."
"Ah. that explat s it. then. i never
believed he could mak those soot ds with
his fingers." -Boys' Lt .
"No" Would Have Done as Well.
The ouija board, having been asked,
"Who is the greatest. pianist omptty
responded. "Yes." Evidently tie ouija
board is not as fo..hsh ds those who con-
sult it.
In a confidential little talk to a gr
medics, students an eminent physician
took up the extremely important matter
of correct diagnosis of the max'mum tee.
"The hest rewards," he said. "come, of
course, to the established specialist. For
instance, I ch'rge 125 a call at the resi-
dence, 110 for an office consultation, and
15 for a telephone consultation."
There was an appreciative and envious
silence, and then a voice from the back of
the theatre, slightly thickened, spoke:
"Doc,' it asked, "how much do you
charge a felow for passing you on the
street ?"-Chicago Journal
Mostly Flak
Stranger --"In what direction does the
village lie, my friend'"
Villager -"Well, sir, it's liable to lie in
any old direction that comes handy. but
,at this time of the year it's mostly about
A U, S. newspaper says the prices of
spring hats suggest the desirability of a
reduction in overhead charges.
t i
tfiR11013EE OLJ7T
For sale by
,1. A. Campbell, Druggist.
R. Tait
Electrical Contractor
Wiring of all kinds op -to -date
for Telephones, Burglar Alarms,
Police Patrol and Fire Alarm
Private Resibl once+and Flnslncss
Plates -a specialty.
All Work Guarantee!.
Electric iron•%, Ta►etere
Fans, Vacuum Cleaners, Waehing
Machines, F1ashIlghta a n d
Berterfee of all kind.; always on
Ring up sci or 198 and have no
give yen an estimate on your
wiring. it will be done ght.
Robt. Tait
Wen Street Next Peroffsce
Phmus-Shop 12, Hone 11)
Don't •uy a bicycle just because it looks good. A
bright appearance often hides poor materials and work-
Buy a C. C M. Bicycle.
The beauty of the C. C. M. is more than surface deep.
There are three cuats of brilliant, waterproof enamel over
a coat of anti -rust. That means an enamel that will stand
wear and weather.
The smooth. high! polished nickelling is over nut -
proof copper. That's y C. C. M. nickelling retains its
bright appearance and w ra so long.
You don't always spin v ng smooth pavements. Some-
times you have to bump evet\ruts and cobble stones. So
the C. C. M. frame has the long., strong "Fishmouth" rein'
forcement at the joints. This makes a powerful fraise
which a large margin of safety.
CCM' Bicycles
Thio trade mark'
on w Mime or...
C.C.Y. Bicycle.
are also easier -riding.
The special construction .of the driv-
ing parts gives the direct drive that
makes the C. C. M. a joy to ride!
And the new Hercules Positive Drive
Brake -the Coaster Brake without a
side arm -is included without extra
charge. The C. C. M. dealer is waiting
to showou these EXTRA - value
\bicycles. Call without delay.
ISO"i' Made in Canada -100% Value.
Canada Cycle & Motor Co., Limited
Meastel iMMls Wluirsg YaaeNN,
• We are dealers for C.C.M.
iiicycles== Bicycles. rive us a call.
Save Your Shoes ---Buy a Bicycle
if yonm rr interested in Bicycles, we can show you the very hest
value Arthe market -The Cleveland. Also Ric)cle Accemories.