The Signal, 1920-5-6, Page 22-. Thursday, May 6, ltr_o. TEE RRONAL -- OODERIO$ ONT. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. Ltd. Publibbers Thin daay, May 6, 1A_'9 EDITORIAL NOTES. The flat rate idea for Hydro power will never strike a sharp note of popular favor.—Toronto Globe. Na in Toronto, anyway. The Farmers Sun predicts a serious crop shortage in Ontario this year, the result of labor scarcity, combined with the backward season. A magistrate at Woodstock, having to deal with two youthful burglars. gave them suspended sentence. a condition being that they stay at home every night for a year. Does this come under the head of reformation or of punishment ? The Ontario Government has reduced the proposed tax on racing to 17,500 a day for one -mile courses and 12,500 a day for half -mile courses. The public is still anxiously awaiting a pronouncement as :o whether there will be some special dispensation for the "farmers' trot" at the fall fair. The pastor of one of the leading churches of Toronto has resigil over a dispute with the organist, whie com- plains. occupies so much time with the mu-ical service that he has to cut his sermon down to twenty minutes. Good- ness ! what does the man think people go to Chilts-iir, anyway ? "MN days of cheap newspapers are ended," is the comment of a Toronto editor on the increase in price of a Mont- real daily from one to two cents a copy. Yet when it is considered that a newspaper can be procured for a whole year tor the amount a man would spend in one night at the theatre, or for the price of a few gallons of gasoline, a newspaper is still one of the cheapest things one can buy. The Farmers' Sun makes a vigorous Used in Millions of Tea -Pots Daily Its Intrinsic goodness in Tea Quality - makes it the most Economical in Use - • !t LABA" keep the l.overuweut In potter. One would imagine the Western twople, if they am sincere. would resent the re- peated exhibitiou. of this kind on the part of the member. who are supposed to represent them at Ottawa. The Liberal Government went down in 1911 in a tight against the protected inter- ests : but the ''honorable gentlemen'. from the prairies do not intend to sarriths themselves for principle. They will do their fighting with their mouths ■nl tang on to their comfortable seats as long as they possibly can. If the West really wants what it says 1t waits it will have to rend men to Ottawa who will cute that., way at severs opportunity. Liberals who lave leen fighting privilege all their lives are becoming tired of the pharisaical attitude of some of the members frena the West. By a vote in the Legislature last week, Ontario asks the Dominion Government ' to submit to a referendum the question of the importation of liquor into this Province. The prohibition laws already on the statute book have' been found defective in that they allow the bringing in of liquor from outside the Province. The Legislature cannot prohibit this im- a portation. but on a request from Prov- inial Legislature the Federal Government sill -grant a referendum, and on a favor- able vote,will piss legislation shutting off importation so far as that particular Province is concerned. There is- some dount as to just shat the Federal legis - attack upon the Boardof Commerce and Cation means, arid by a section of the the chairman, Mr. O'Connor, In corsage- prohibition workers it was urged that tion with the recent investigation into before asking for a referendum the law the wholesale grocers' combine. As The should be made clearly sufficient. but the Signal said at the time, this matter is not view prevailed that the vote should be to be allowed to rest, and The Sun praises taken and the Ottawa Government be Attorney -General Raney for his defiance held responsible for making the law of the Board of Commerce and his declar- effective if the referendum results in a atmoo that he intends to use his office for ; prohibition majority. It is expected that the curbiri; of combines. If the Attorney ttx%feretldum will be taken in the fa:1 of General wishes to make himself popular, this ryas, he is on the right track, for the people of Ont orio have long bee 1 loolting for .some champion of their cause against the "interests.' Nise Mhos eirshdlay. Al a 1 at't.k' iimproptan has 'been merrishe _ed a tier %Iters_ sl Cries when her Iiuslarisit forgets her "rustica▪ tion of the assessment 1.1L—ti-Firthday and mists when -We advertises. marks The Belleville Intelhgencer. is.one tf,-1iullas News,• of the surest methods of equalizing the assessment and is worth the money which Progressive Town. costs: The Anesttnent Act provides a "I see.'' remarked a gentleman as he basis ofasse.Mment and as Torg as all are, Paid a small newsboy tor his paper. -that Yeti are as-essed equally a blah ass&tiient'nied y putting up a good many new ilTlings yo" Lott hold any terrors.;..in fact, it is aria.- b "t isin theur matown. ty kind we put up here. tinct advantage to any municipality. Thefm,°'-xeplied the tittle fellow, with a touch only foundation for objection in any as- } Of civic pride.—Jtidge. ses sent Is inequality. If a property worth 130,000 is assessed at $25,000 and -a property at $500 is assessed at $800 or rttrwtr=00estaa110 even $500, the burden of taxation is not equitable. A high assessment if it come' plies with the Act is fair to everybody, I The secret of buoyant, vigor - An Open Secret need not cause any worry,. but the task of 0 ous health, is a well-nourished raising an assessment is not one to be body. It is an open secret that lightly entered upon and should be the' aubj 'ct of careful consideration and re• vision by a competent board appointed for that purpose. is of wonderful help to those mho are run-down in vitality f oak any cause. Try it! Scott & Towne. Toronto, Out. 10-07WIMINOIWWONWWW Scott's Emui THE Ll'('KY IRISH. -When a man is born in Ireland, sure the men that are so wise Gather round and spriekle wisdom in the little fellow's eyes: And they give him power to do a thing to other race can do. For his eyes can tell a false friend from a real friend who is true. When a man is born in irriand. sure, the wits all leave their graves. And they gather round his cradle and , become his willing slaves: And they whisper humor to him. and they let it soak in deep, 'Till the lucky little darling has to chuckle, in his sleep. When a man is born in Ireland. sure the stars gaze througn his soul. And they'll let him die a-bornin' if it rsn't clean and whole: And the angels sing an anthem as the soul goes down to earth` For they know the Lord just loves to hear about an Irish birth. Oh. lucky sons of Ireland, you are blessed beyond compere, Whatever Wit or Wisdom yields. in that you're sure (0 share: The saving sense of humor makes an Irishman elate, He'll pass a joke with Fortune, or he'I throw a kiss to Fate. SENATOR PROUDFOOT DEMANDS FAIR PLAY. j■■■iiixdliimiiiaiiiXMNXi011X11111111X11•Mx110i111XxM, 1 ming Chinookan Barred freak Casada. N . S O N but His S5011 Fee Is Retained- W 1Inde a, April 29.--t'auadlau Trews.— t• . ACHESON Ill TIN• espulskre of a young Celestial . after he had paid $;dal to enter Canada N formed the subject of route tvtWweut hu the Senate yesterday. Senator WOMEN'Sx theProN ibje t:eslrrirh, who l treatment the subjer4, urged the tivatwrut me - i /11 coolest this young man was not lu ac- • tats oats all )A young wan had nut only been sent back bans. but the WO had not been re- turned. 1t appeared that the young roan in question was Lee e.uuigr Kip. brother of Plug Lee, se•n•tary of the Ontario Chinese Society, whirls looks after the welfare and to 541111e extellt the education of Chinese. The brother lis Ontario sent the brother in China 1it)0 to crane to Can- ada for education In English. He Ianik'l, paid the $4100 Ulla was detained In Vancouver. There he Was exawluel by an immigration uftk sal, who ordert.l his deportation on the ground that he was not of the permitted class of ' Chinese. 'wing only seventeen years old. Senator I'roudfoot maid the regulation fixing this limit of classification was pasvd after the young Chinese bad 1 lauded and paid the $:0l. Thr ease was appealed to the ltritlsh t'oluwbia court. which declined to intervene ou ' the ground that 9 was debarred from A Senator .Snubbed. London Free Press. Senator Reed. of Missouri, one of the Democratic Senators who fought the League of Nati ns, has been rejected by hs State ccnven los as delegate to the Democratic natmonalconvention at which a Presidential candidate will be chosen. The reason was that the fern icrats of Missouri are wearied of being misrepre sented by the blusterer, who on other occasions has set up his opinions in pref- erence to those of the people of his State. The rebuff has -something more than, local significance. it illustrates what we have every reason for presuming, nameh•, that the people of the l'mted States believe in the League of Nations. and are strongly of the opinion that it should have been incorporated in the treaty of peace without delay and without bickering. The way of the politicians in the United States is not unlike that of the politicians in other countries. Some of them are, as The New York Times Says, merely can- tankerous, others are cunning. others are frankly honest. National sentiment sooner or later makes itself felt. no matter the politician. Some day will find the United States a member of the League of Nations in good standing, The More You Give the More YoiHate. Keep well in mind this precious truth And daily try to live it: We borrow half our happiness From those to whom we give it. Some very handsome garments have just arrived in this department. Values are exceptionally good and prices very moderatc ; indeed, they are surprisingly so, considering everything. Suits of All- Wool Serges In black and navy. Well made and nicely lined and trimmed,. at each. $30, $35, $40 aad SSI, Coats Tweeds, Serges, Cheviots, $IU, 125 acrd PS. Dresses Silk, Taffeta and Georgette. at each 118, $00, $25 acrd $30. •e Applied After Shaving Beeps the SAM Soft awl Smooth MANY men suffer from &TA irritation of the skin as a result of shaving. With some it assumes a forrn of eczema and becomes most annoying and unsightly. Dress Silks and Poplins 3G -inch Satin, Duchess and Taffeta Silks, in black, navy, browns and greens, at per yard $2.50, $3.00 &A $3.25. Silk Poplins Mast serviceable sad practical Silk and wool mix, in a score of Slut weaves, in all colors. Floor Coverings Several hundred bright new Rags, in Brussels, Tapes- try, Brusselette and, Wilton Rugs. Every size up to'3} z 4} yards. Vtalne best in years. Linoleum. 4 yards wide, in dzcellent at per square yard 51,50 sod 51.00. By applying a little of Dr. Chase's Otatsssat after shav- ing the irritation is overcome and such ailments as Barber's Itch and Eczetinattb'e cured. BO cents a box. all dealers. or lidmaasst, Bates & Os., Ltd:. Toronto. Di: Chase'F Ointment AchesoiP �/)R���ii�i•i1X//�i1R)•�iX1KiXiA>R/)K)•� _�, At per yard 11.51 a doing s, by the lomlira tio11 art. An appeal was also nude to the Minister of Immigration for his intervention. hat the Minister declined to lake any at•tIun. To Pretest the Gardener. , As an enthusiastic amateur gardener we favor an ordinance requiring the muzzling of chickens and requiring dogs to wear boxing gloves on their paws during the gardening season.—Arkansas Gazette. lsd Can't Break Metre. Editor—Here's an item about an avi- ator breaking the altitude record. He went so high his altmmetre broke. Reporter—Gosh. he ought to borrow the altmmetre from High Cost O'Lmving; be's gorse so htgb hes broken alt records. Gdardltsg Her Health Her Mother —1 should think you'd be frightfully cold in that low-cut waist. Fanny PAippe—Why. no- Don't you KV I'm wearing my winter beads ' Yonee and Chile. Su Teens, 1, owed thr.,.itwt Curds M kill **Jo weak . Great d...nd hr .w tir•d••tw. Car sN ,..r. sere no._ Wr,,. ter Cwso as. W 1 tt .LL3Tt, trios/fa This advertisement in one of the Tor- I onto dailies is a sign of the times which should be heeded: "A minister, finding it impossible to live on remuneration received in present t_ employment, desires engagement in tome other business, preferably with motor concern, but if you have need of a man of ' good character in any honest business paying good wages, apply to "etc. Men of the cloth are supposed to be above money consideration—and most of them are so. or they would not be where they are—but even a clergyman has material needs to be supplied, and if his salary is not sufficient for the purpose what is he to do but seek a position giving a living wage ? When we make our contribution to the collection plate on Sunday do we consider what relation it bears to our other expenditures, or are we still giving the same amount as in the days when money was worth twice as much as it is now ? !tome of the Unionist members of Parliament from the West are never (/red ofteiling how firmly ■ttaehed tier at! to low tariff principles, and (tow tll*y cannot trust the Liberals beeauae In their term of °filer they did toot give Canada free trade -and so nn Then* save members make epee hes in tb. Motu* of Commons against prnt*t• tine and the "hlg interests." but when • vote cense. which threat*ma the ex- tensor* of the Government —and their saata—they line np with the repre- .aatstivsea of the Interest. and the R/v ate• at paeamuon sae rote to The Trouble Man It's a comfort to know tisere'i s- s gun on whom you may can in your troubles—the Plumber. We know our business and ' are (tore to save you. FRED. HUNT ~TML FLA/MISER" stdw,seaw Street Phew to Plumbing Heat.ing Ravastroughing Metal Work Garage Phone 83 House Phone 336 Davis' Garage SOUTH ST., OODERICIt +I EV-RO-LET -Fare the agents for tftetteCf tet Autos. CIIl oreaend us word and we will demonstrate to yon. • This is the Garage to save money on all Accessories, Oils,w Gasoline and Dry Cells. TIRES AND TUBES We have them in all makes at lowest prices. OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT is tip -to -date with good machaqics, quick service and satis- faction guaranteed on all makes of cars. FOR SALE CHEAP ---TWO FORDS New tires, new tops. Have been overhauled and are in good condition. e; We handle genuine Ford parts. A COMPLETE LINE OF CHEVROLET PARTS Agent for the Willard Storage Battery AUTOS FOR HIRE T. M. DAVIS, W. McCLUSKEY. Manager and Sales. Repair Departraent. • QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY Rlystoa. - Oat. ART/ 14rt elf tae Arb r�yrN "ay Ae eonred by eorragod..o SCHOOL Or COMMERCE BANKING MEDiCINE El*)CAT1O Nlaial. Deankal, Clvll, - McJealsa) sad Rl.etrlesl ENGiNEERING 11sMKe MINNS satrallN scauui july sed August December to Apra AWCZ CING, Aedmit Rogsnr •••••••••••• G R 0 E � R 1 E s Always at your service with the beat goods at most reasonable prices. J. J. McEWEN Seed' Side Sean Neiman 40 .111.111111. e: , ool of Commerce Chale. acrd G.dsfk Ontario Offers the following coarses : Bl SINF.SS STENOGRAPHIC SECRETARIAL CIVIL SERVICE and arranges Spec,al Courses for students. The following advantages : H ghly qualified teach,nt staff, Actual busmen system of booMospirg Credentialtypewntng tests Pommes guaranteed Voeatlonal Training School rut the diwit, by G•w,.,,.nt .p,n..d g entrnr. D.rtwa. R Fut amts., .t., epee B F. WARD. M A. STONE. B. A..M:Aeles. c.es Swaske.t. r11se • VipAsi*.I PHONE ttfi • CLINTON end, Impact/ea by sold.n GnI egoist:4Am * spring term begins Tues.. April 6. '10 Oataria's Bee Besiaas Callow CENTRAL •TttATTOltD. ONT.. We give thorough courses. We give Individual lmi truction. We have no summer vacation. Mtndeeta may enter at say time Counmenoe your course now. We place graduates in posluona. Write for our free eel- alogne. D. A. MCLACHLAN, Prtacspsl The Doable Track Rule, between MONTREAL TORONTO DLTROiT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car eervice Bleeping cars on night trains, and parlor cars on principal day trains. Full information from any Orsad Trunk Ticket Agent. or C. E. Herr- ing. licence Passenger Agent, To- ronto. 0. H. Lender, Station Agent, phone 29 P. P. LAWRENCE & SONS Town Agents Phone The New Decors West Street Store .0409~eenseesesseekeetn.0.00.0~ese.~ "eV Iii"Mskinsesesans "wet en In addition to our lines of Well Paper, Paints, etc., we handle all kinds of GLASS WINDOW GLASS PLATE GLASS BEVELLED GLASS NUORS, see. If you are thinking of doing any decorating this year, call on us and let us give you an estimate. siesessisessaikeeeekesawareekerweekteeesereAesessooroveseesesosoisosersotoefet J. Cuthbertson North Side West Street Ooderkh. Ont. eW