The Signal, 1920-3-25, Page 3■Mlrw,liira�l. +M...4grrw.M• ti.. -. TER SIGNAL - GODHR•IOH, ONT. • Thursdfuy, March 25, 1W20.-3 Stiffness 1t Is •unnithing how quickly Al u..rd', ment rehear, stifl- atr and lame sew. Gives Great Relief ale. A R t'.kM1. 16 P4.Ate tit, mora,. -d, harsaihee sand Wasted L Lowers kaase•iJ.tRaud wir 1r.de d Ire one ,t ks rike..u• him and tell me 11.1 a anew grew wd.' ❑ ❑ Mr. I:m1 J *na,w. Re. /M. Thorold, ()mot- •'Iwawdterym a•tth Wei m, I. e1.,' mo;ntn.• d. toad o try .tied , Lo .deal .d ,mn11duy.. Iter hest eopl...ii 1 ter (awl , u„ea t n' has ,e Is (+a. Tl,..,ntn I n p t., hw. •�netp.rt i.d• awl an. 144. r.d tom"at,n.N • L.,n.n, H. ural wt.4 pew* about Manwe/err.1 other. w. 0 NS° MINARD'S King o/ Pain LINIMENT Yarmouth -_- ho.s Ste11a MEDICAL. 1)R. GEO. HEILEMANN. OSTEO- PAIH,stet ailed in sin .n'. and children' mat»es, u uta. chrt1,t and nee aou. diorama, eye nose and th.eal, partial dewiness, lumbago sod rheumatic conditions. Adenoids removed •about the knife. Caact at residence, corner %Owen god St. Andrew's streets. At home office Monday.. Thursday. and Satudays, any evening by appointment. DENTISTRY. ARRIVED AT CHENGIU. Mire Elizabeth Wilson Reache., the Fatal of Her Lung Journey. Mrs. lteyeraft lira received the first letter from her "dater, Ulla• 1'1lxshet lt W'1114011, Mihir fair latter readied her destination at l'heingtu, West Chinn. It is dated January 10th, and portions of it are as follows :• Yesterday 1 reached my ,journey's end. I sent a card to you from l'hung- kllig saying that 1 was starting. mu you would not expert to hear for the tru days' interval. I dreaded the Journey overhand very much, largely Iwcause 1 wile (liming our '011aall slots•. A10104 She road it didn't matter, for you are satiny in your chair anyway, and when got out t0 walk M1r. }Abney was al- ways at hand to Join me and 1 tujuyell our walks and talks. As dusk rale 1111 1 Isyran to (head the night. The inn molted. any elixir alas garriwl in. ami with • exeeptfun 1 was table to My sleep was restless and when morning iter the best room. My (d was set "I' came it always got up feeling tired and OO top 111 tut• of the Inds and as It worn out. • Iaraut, dark my lantern was lighted. Here is how I got hold of Tanlac and. 'finals our had suplw•r, the -cook washed, the dlslws and 1 closed my dour. hues I/V....MUD 111111 liereral en- trances II1111 PS 1t1.1 and 1 s'ldoui felt wand'( about fastenings. I always had h*uches on a table beside Ill. 111141 II cradle. Tlwre were a lways strange wirer, -r*U r -*ltd. 191101111ga.. to tau rt we awake. . Every . nynrning • daybreak found u• on the road. We always trnvellea s collude of hours before breakfast. 7'111• „ark went ahead with the food boxes and • meal was nearly always ready tat • wayside eatin4 plat•.• wheal w.• sound at night and get up Of mornings arrival. For breakfast we had µa•- feeling iximlul of life and energy Yes, ✓ idge, eggs awl- syrup out ofa tin van sir. I am a new man today and feel years which we (andel "tie widow's e1111141. younger." HF:.11: I'll 1'F:RF'E('T NON. • 1.11, DROWN. Suffered Ten nears-I.r Relined by Tanlal% Says 1t. John Man. "1 had suffered from indigestion for ten years before I began taking Tanlac. and the way it has built me up is something remarkable, for I am feeling like a young man again," was the statement made recently by T. 11. Brown. proprietor of the Valley Meat and Fish (Market. who nivel) at 41 Winter street, St. John, New Brunswick. f have certainly had my share of suf- fering in this world, for l have been bothered for the past ten years with the worst sort of stomach trouble," Mr. Brown continued: "1 had nearly lost my appetite and when t did force myself to eat a little something it was almost im- possible for me to retain it. 1 even hated like the sight of food because everything I ate Mr. Wm. Doerr has moved into the, would sour on my stomach ar.d give me ase he bought from the H. Lawlor an awful distressing feeling afterwards. estate. Mr. and ,Mrs. Thos. Straughan are visiting their daughter near Holmesville. Mr. John Houston is wearing a broad smile. Another little girl has arrived tg brighten his home. Mr. Nelson Hill spent Sunday at Port ._- Miss Zelda Dyer has returned home after her vacation of several weeks at Toronto. The river cleared of ice on Tuesday forenoon. The ice was very thick. It went away very quietly. the flood not being nearly so high as in some years. Mr. -Joseph Cartefbl Sault Ste. Marie. Mich.. visited his parents a few days last week. too were at supper. They ttuilwl 1114' with joyous eaves anti I spent a -pleas- ant few tuiuutes. -I'd like to hair hugged the pea' 101 14. 4 rutulier t'hlld• reu. Afterwards w't• wet Dr. Stewart anal he walked with us mull wanted tltr story of the wret•k, of ...airs... Out here our (mold (nanny forget she N•MP hl ('hila. for there Is a regular street bf foreign him., and ••ady the warrants are 1'hi11•su. 11 i, quiet purl lovely and 1 am sure I 11111 goingto Tike R. AI'lll'ItN. ' (tnten4ed for last reek WEDNESDAY, Mar. 17. - Mr. John Pfeffer and Mr. Janis" Howatt are both able to be out again and are gaining slowly. Mr. Donald Patterson has been orf the sick list the past week and is not recover- ing as fast as his many friends would started taking it. A customer of mine had been trying to get me to take Tanlac, as he had tried it with remarkable resttltt. but 1 kept putting it off. Orme day he walked into my shop and put a bottle of Tanlac, down on the counter and said: 'Try that.' 1 took his advice and I want to tell you that proved to be the turning point of my life. That very first bottle hit the spot and I kept taking 0 until now I am in absolutely perfect health. 1 eat heartily now ant) -enjoy every meal. My digestion was never Iter and I am not troubled afterwards at all. 1 sleep of R. H. G. MActONELL.-HONOR gall °liege of Dental Surgeons. Toronto University. Graduate gall of Dental Surgeons. Succemer to the late Maas Sale. Offices cwt Square arid Wast street, Gudench. AUCTIONEER. THOMAS CUNDRY, AUCTIUNEER. Moa r, Godmich. AU i.ats4ctione by mail or aft at Signal Mite will be p,ua.ptty attel.otd to residence teleologic 115. LEGAL - G. CAMERON, K. C. BARRIS- W. TER. solicitor. notary pall , OMare asansdtaa Street. daticb. thud door Irons Sonar.. 1 (:urust lands to loan at limiest rano. L -D C. HAYS U. aARRISi 'R SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUrtLIC. ETC. .__ STgyytctlGitin taaoa street ai s titan Estate. Lahr Ilia iatarisor. ' PROLDFCOT, KILLORAN & CCOKE BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. NOTARIES PUBLIC. ETC. Once on the .yore, second ,door from Haunt w Street, tioderich. Prorate funds to loss at lowest retry m. PwtTru0T. K. C., J. LLKI&LCSAN H. J. U. Cuosg, i'HARLES GARROW'. LL B., BAR - I,/ RIS7 !R. atton.y, su&IEsttr. etc., (.vderKb Meq locoed at beast rates. �tSEAGER. BARRISTER. SOL- . (.icpublic conveyancer. elCowt Hou e. (oticp. WJS IRs' BUICIi, LOANS ETC. 01 ANCEY 04. -Form andel iads�<M town prop. arty ,retrad.. .. Cabrera --JM, Germany, Peer., Goderich P. 0: J..,Hors.nSec. Trim.; Seaford, Thomas Thoaa R. U,rectorr U. F. McGle*or, It. R. No. 3, Seo oath, John G. Greve. No. 4, Walton: William Rain . R. No. 4 Sralotth. N R cu /.4*L a.odi,ageo Geo. Mc(ar y orth. Robert leis Hartock; Malcolm Me• Ewen. Clinton; J•n••a vans. Beetbwuod. James Leonia ly. Goder,ch. Agent) J. W. Yeo, Goderlcb; Ales. Leitch, R. RR ho 1, Clinton; W filum Chesney, worth; i. H,ncbity, Sealo(th. Policy -holders ran pay an pyments and get their cards receipted at R. J. stoma s's Clothing .Store, Clinton; R. H. Cutts Corry, 1Cinaatni street, Godtnch• se J. H. U Re,d'a General Store. .yfield. . Brophe3 Bros. 1 a4. Leading Funeral Director and Embalmers Orden carefully attended to at all hours, night or day. GODRR101} 1A1,'' Iwc•auw'lever riim r. r- Tamar ht mold In c:.atrrkh by F Around nM while We ate a curious Wigle and the leading druggist in every crowd gathered-rligarel• filthy --draw- town. hag as .11)144 as they flared to watch our movements. fltit we were M1 hungry that didn't natter much. For diluter we lust' Irish stew which Mrs. Alla•rt- atan-diad prepared fur us. helium from the 001111e sourer. or after these failed e stew of the evink's devising or r-atnso( mat. .1t supper we had void iciest o ral fruit. titer bread lasted all the A SPRING TONIC AIDS EFFICIENCY. Lay Foundation of Good Health Now by Building Your Blood and Strength- ( ening Your Nerves. The good old fashion of taking a tonic in the springtime, like most of the cus- toms of our grandparents, is based upon sound common sante and good medical practice. Winter 1s always a trying time for those who are not in rugged physical health. Macy men, women and children go through the winter on reserve strength they have stored up during the sunny, summer months. and grow increasingly pale and languid as the spring days ap- proach. A tonic for the blood and nerves at this time will do much for such people.' by putting color in the cheeks and ban- ishing that tired feeling th.tt worries thousands of people at this season of the year. It is impossible to be er,eigetic if your blood is thin and weak, or if your nerves are frayed or shattered. You cannot compete with others if you do not get refreshing sleep at night, or if your appe- tite is poor or you are losing weight. 1 ou need a tonic at this time to add to your efficiency now, as well as to save you from suffering later on. And in all the realm of medicine there is no safer or better tonic than Dr. Williams Pink Pills. These pills tone and enrich the blood which circulates through every portion of the body.strengthenan jaded nerves and rundown organs, and bringing a feel- ing of new strength and energy to weak anile tired, despondent men, women and children. Mrs. J. N. McNeil, Glace Bay, N1 S., says: $ "For years past my home has never been without Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and i have good rasbn to praise them highly. Following an attack of la grippe. I was left in a badly rundown condition. I had no appetite and felt so weak 1 could scarcely go about the house. I was taking medicine, but it was not helping me. and a friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. i used them for a time with the most beneficial results. MY appetite improved, my strength re- turned and 1 was soon able to do all my housework. I now use the pills every spring and find them a splendid strength - bringing ton'c. i have, recommended the pills to other friends who have used them with good results." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a tonic, not a stimulant. They build up the blood, and through their use not only the dis- astrous aftereffects of influenza but also troubles due to poor blood. such as anaemia, rheumatism, indigestion and the generally worn-out feeling that affects so many people, disappear. You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail. at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Nothing annoy+ a gabby man more than to bump into someone who can talk sista' fast and as long as he can. t. way and when it Income tattle We pat IRON butter on It. S(mlrllmest we hultght letrkr1 rl't_ R1a1 ateIt Joca1'- 111114 wiles. -- t. Caw road lay- through beautiful Wily, (iuntry. 111e fields terraced anti (niti- t711441 111 111*' very top. \\'e nalss.MI ,tlgn rem tie really to be .111. wheat just beg' 114g 11. gr/11A, Leet S, p•11 el, I,ei. rap' and, other vegetables in tmrlous stages of grow'th.. There are • few !Hoses 111 the country dud rut many t r.'es, T11•rl• art• uo fel11rs. but the femmes and the different levels of the rive fields made 1w,tu1darh•s Mm that one 1114 114t mfrs the fences. The "Itlt Uinta" nloig wldch we travelled 177. paved with stone moat of the way and 1' about as nide as the or11insl•y si11e•• walk nu Mr mak' atrw'ta of the towns at home. 4)nr way 1141 111rongll vil- Illgea; towns. wallet cities and sllurl,s. Nowlrre 41141 we ll'- it the homes w( passel any sign of comfort .or 4111un11- twee: - Thin,^ trrt_--alark, witdlowIts strlu•ttires of utud, with thatched roods in the country and tiled rtM,fs in town. often it woman sat outside her 111ur /inning: most piopII had fire baskets whk11 they rather wore tled 1111 under their clothing In front or behind tyuu ran Iumgin• how funny they looked,. Mat on or (mrriwl. 1n the fire 17177ket is a pd (lintshlitg (ha mat which' glrt•tt out a little heat._ Everywhere w'1h (mold buy oranges and peanuts. on the slx 10 night we ensue t., TaiIId.w and there we called on some foreigners -a Mr. and Mfrs. ihunmrrulfll of the .American Mentalist Mission. They kept us for ted dud me all night. But 1h.• tenth morning 4.111111. 111 Inst 11 1111 s14IIl found ns almnost• at 1111 end of the Journey. Miss Mlarellus and the pupils of the s•hoyl ea me Hat 40 Meet me and gave me a gay and Juyons wt It./111r. They escortrel we almost to Mrs. Hre•ken•s, where I am to stay for a while until my language study 114 well under way. There are Mfr. and Mir.. itr.s-k,-n /I MI 111 th. Arthur and they 101 1.4. 11 very nice home --lot tat ail ('hires•. 1 hear rumors of 14 servant that 1 mast have, of a W181111 11 to Mrw, x ha of a Metter. - t find it -rather appalling, btu I - suppose it will be broken to me gradually. nada Itusaell-of Essex -was here for dinner yesterday, stayei all nigh! amt Is here still. Beulah Shepley was here all yesterday afternoon and there "% elf' pM 'm111T-Pallt•ra : Mass Mutnrostr: Mrs. Mayne. Mr. and Mrs. Cat-A.allen. Sir. and Mrs. Wallace. Mrs. Kelly, Slims Sh-Naugltton. Slims M1xrrllus, Mlles IlraInger. 'Miss Barnet t. MISS The ton, Mrs. Sticker, awe after supper De. Lewis, who has charge of the language school. and 1)r. and Mrs. Wewart. i am going to Wallace's for dinner today and to Mrs. Spencer IAMts' for ten. Tomorrow Miss Mc- Intosh Is coming for dinner 111111 11evt weehredl 1 am to apenl with the \\'. -M,--)t, girls in the city-. I don't a 4.•m IIk1•Ijr to be lonely. Mr. ('rnteher',i' death was very told a1111 his loan to the -Mlstlin willale great. He leaven five little eh11dTT11.` Mn*. l'rutellrr has anhoumeel that wants an appointment and Here iliTalk ..f making her matron of the Canadian school. 1 have heard nothing of 51rs. Taylor's pians. Patel 114 0111 herr. Mr. Walker was improving the Inst we Ii141r1 and word has POMP flint II 14444 Itihtrone Is (owing soon with Mrs. Yard of the N. E. It. Mission. There are millions of things which 1 know' 1 am n/ft getting toad, but POMP of them will get w ritten gradually. Saturday evening. Work Boots FOR - - Moulders and Factory Men We have special values in men's Work Boots suit- able for inside and outside use. Our heavy Gaiters are just (tte boot suitable for moulders. Moulders' Gaiters, while they last. at $3.75 a 'pair. 'Built -to -Wear" Boys' Boots for school and all kinds of hard usage. ,Cion'! attention siren 14) Repair Work. at=r=HERN'S BOOT SHOPz Most people would rather preach half a day than practise half an hour. MU'NIC'IPAL COUNCIL. t 'WEST W'AW'ANUIMIi. latrnla, 1,, 1..01'11114 W. .1. Furan, A. Kin:thaan. Al. Cummins, W'. Armstrong, Mel 'rust le, \1'. Humphrey, 1', M.•- fkmarl.I. E. Tin tuts, It. Maids. A. .\itchi•tsin. 11. Ferrier. 4', Taylor. W. 1.. Medd, F. \t.-IMluu1.1, J. 1.yo11a, .1. ,tudt•1•Mnl, W. 4', Wt'I.1. F. Well. W. -Jt. Ferrie', 1'. 'Inglis. 1). 11'4'111111 g11an, J. Pu rtIsl. Hub1. )Ir - Allister, It'. Sproul. four kw•dw'rs -J. Taylor, 11. 14+1. '1'. Doyle, C. 4'. itruwn. .I. \Vanni, Jos. Klttulwu, M. Iltlih- plirey, W. yllller. 1►. Alton. Fence- viewer- -.Ins. 1:Illoll. S. .Iuhtietull, 11. King. Ji.hu IMIrufu, \\'. .\rne:to ig. W. F:. Mlvl'tersu11. G. A. Weir. The tm►tfer -of statute lanes 014 (amity r.a11,i ward fully considered by (/uu,ll 111111 it w•as 4e4.kM1 that all t•urut•r hot 11'014 11111 ou ddesIg111111sI roans 4 viz.. .est„ west uud north IMou111111 ' 11114.14. ,11111{ work their statute - tial ole -ani .orwes,l*ll 111• Mtdel'uld t•'pl14 must 4' 4.uiirltt and (1141 11 is 011111111111 for /1'111'e 1111, ID tl.. ,like ii.e or cunlane the anuli• at $1.25 per day. The price to 114• paid for gravel tor rigid purpura was ti1wi at Y',_e per cold, yard. The clerk was Instructed b. notify 1111 parties lu'the P11tte•snl 1117111 that the e•11gi*e•r's report will be i•o,tsidereI alt lk'1t 1(1e•t- (llg. D. 11. Murray has been rlptr.hded .51,114.1 1St len11amr utllt'tir 1114 lir Stntnte J.0 that-A.111dt_. A,cwtul[l( Int (111• anion l of $1147.sa weri• i' ltd:\ "H•11 ad• Juun1'tl Meet t MSS *jilt at 144 a. 111. aM a court of ret Isiuu,o iissesmvin roll awl for itt'ueral btslu. a. \4V, A. WILtION,_i'h7k._ - The Inuliriµa1 co11u,it of --\1'rMt- Wrwauosh held- its regular'lu.e•tlug Maedi 17. Members 1411 pmscut. 111..•v.• 1'urloi Presiding. Minute, et Inst Meeting' read and (onfirluwi Trcis• carer's statement rend. Al r,w nue a 17111. an•.• on hand from all sources of *1141.:f2. 117114 y No. 2. 19277. was passel providing .for Iu,tIdna ste's, p ntalke'p•rs and tetH•t•q'iewersl, as follows . 1'athulastera, .'. Mit Ilwalit. J. l'ampte.11. W. Wittstm.', K. hence, W. SI'Illa.n. J. linker. S..1Atwior, Geo. 1'olll�tk. J. Elliott. 11. 111utehlus, G. Hallam. S. Juhgstuu. U. 1Addy. J. Washington. W. H. Parr. W. ('uniplw•II, A. rnllwrt. It. Smyth. Ii. Finnigan, W. A. iloyh', W..18. -\ndnews, .1. W'nlsl 11. Muttony, W. J. Robb. I:. F:. Mlhytb, J. Cameron. 11. McAllister. W'. 7'11ouip• sop. J. Itwlauon/l... ('rung. M. Mlurphy. J. I.aaenby. ld- Harper. .1. iuniIAu; l'v' When The Day Is Over 1/111 't,/� r one gotten up When the household cares and the worries of everyday life have dragged you down, made you un- happy. and then is noth- ing in lide but headache, back- ache aid worrrryy, turn to the right prescription, by Dr. Pierce fifty years ago. Everything growing out of abs ground Lama intended for some Use in establish- ing natural conditiosr. Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., long lass found out what is naturally heat for women's diseases. He learned 0 all through treating thou- sands of rases. The result of his oodles was • medicine called Dr. Pierre's Favorite Pteseriptios. This medicine is made of vegetable growths that nature surely in- tended for baekaeh., headache, weakening pains, 'macula/Sties. and for the many dis- orders oonusoo to women in all ages of Ids. Ghillie, Ont.: -"I suffered f rdan a bad cam of woman's trouble with backer w . disordered digestion. fere I had great pun all the time, nom would faint at my wort. I hal one elan after another but they did me no 1 than took i)r. Pieros'e Favorite Prase tion and it fired ino up all right, I look in better and fwd fine. I will rwravgomeod this 'Prescription' to all suffering as I did." - MRA. MAYBF.LLE B. ORATRIJI, 116 Albert 81. Write Dr. inertia's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for confidential advioe and you will receive the medical attention of a saseiali/b wbeay without fee -no charge ROBERT WILSON Lois Russell, Mlles A0.011 and 1 were guests of the Wallace,. for dinner. WP had n grand 111 •r, Just like Christman, with roast go.s0 1114(1 /III the 1rlmmlruts. minr• pie, nuts and PS11dy. Afterwards we ant a d the tire and had some marl( on the tittrola -very• classic all of It. They bid me tell the story of the wreck during dlnner std it nearly upset ale. as talk- ing aAiint it always dost. I like to forget It ■n41 all the thinge i have lust. Slims McIntosh called for nil and we Went to 1►r. Lewis for afternoon tea. It was 1)r. Irwie' birthday and all the langtuge atlydents were goests to his honor. The Lewises are of the Amer - Iran Methodist Shannon. 11e Is quite an elderly man and hes been shoot � thirty years in West China. 1 met 'lona. new ;ample. among them Miss Lome of the W M1 M. I have liven for n week with M11w MI,Intnah. We went around 1,y the Canadian a'honl and I went inside. It Nooks very attractive i found my Way to the dining -room where the child - ist 01 in boldness for the pur- pose" _ of looking after the wants of the farmer. Ree supply Bioefen, Mowers, Fertilizer Drills, Cultivators, Harrows, Rollers, Cr..as Separators. Manure Spreaders, Gas Engines, Tncten, Dolce Light and Power Plants, BueheyIncubators anti Brooders. Then we have thousands of nods of Frost Noses Fen- cing, Bathed and Smooth Wire. Tons of the best of Chemical Fertilizer always carried on hand. Nay, Straw et Wood delivered to any part of town. MASSEY-HARRIS STORE PHONE 163 Hant1tss St. W$I>il& COLBORNE. Colborne township end(d•1) met township ha11. Mls'Fli 111. All u1.•11i present. the Reeve in the ,•hair. utast of last meeting read ant adopt 1 with .'the following e.r•e•tnou -Jas. Jewel!. repairing a141 -S eltnrl}', (fres 011 grtd.rr. $4.7•.1, IOU 111141011 ..f Fisher end t-+trww, A wtaatuttu4 Mead from the United Boards of Trude. IA1111ou. asking that the folios ing rete 11111,14 b.'''11/1s0071 and forwarded to the Ilan. E. 1'. Drury : "Resolved. that the WIPStern 1►1115rk/ 1'101411 hoards of T111414. 111141 Farmeri ('lobs 11 1111 111nn1- cllwt (.iuncfls of Western (interlo. In tide .set n• 1 1'111lfeli4nie• tass'nlldtMI, dale( to Ill 11 Attention of the 1'rovlIs tat Government to the seriousness of the present Ia1..1' scarcity Iii rural 1111tarfo, to the neces- sity of taking immediate sta')a, to pro - 1 MC additional d.air'bh• I 14nia11111. to the iugwertane• of proper instruction 11 1141 supervision for 'immigrants s'ulhlg 011 Unna rio tannic, HMI" to the Hi 41 of s. uu1411fylug .ulr w14•h1ul system that rural 44111111 1 1011 w'RI Is• prop'rly 4111- pliaslzt'11 and lulde-a•1•t'sstble to boy. and girls who sleslre-In identify 1114•I1: Ihos with rural -industry.»1 „Moved by Currey and Fisher that the af<,o r mar/, 'Minn 1e 1111..141 and forwarded to the Hou. K. 1'. Drury, Carried. Moved. se•ou11e.1 and (Irrlel. that the Weer \IaHw x11010.11 18(•on111 114• 111111 ov.•r for further Invest lgation. A not ie• was reivived f • the Department of Edu- est1lu *tattoo tluat a survey In the interests ores neilidntwl schools would Is. 11111111• 4411 14.11111 aS )MMMi11I1•. MOW'S' 1 by Fisher. s.41,u41el by Mh•Neil. that A. `1'. Mhrpp•rd be school (tten,u11.e' ofthrr for the township. 4'ariel. 'Tilt• fallowing accounts were )aid :.1. Alin', Inn limits of gravel a. 1:14•, Sl:,: E. '',Isektuall, braking roads, $13: E. Phil- 4 lips. irons for grader, :dM•; N. F. \Ytlyard, ass's/1•M 114.x, $.t: 1. Ilether- 1 iu4ton,-glstratl,i of birt1o4. mar - r•Hagler and deaths, AH: sl•rv14-M ulsbt•r In.• !Well... 11114 11 -la ter'all•M's set, The NI 11111c111111 \Carli I. legal advice. ,ah'; A. .1. Goldthorpe. refund of •(11.4 hryes, 511. The following donations were 111111,' : Children's .Ud W14•lefv, >F2;,2 G.Mtericll.Alexandra Mlrarine hos- pital. $25. on motion of F'Isher and McNeil the (111111ci1 adjourned to meet on Mitireli 210th at 7 p. tn. 1. 111•:TII1at- LNOTION. Clerk. - - , r; Hoard of Health. _The-.I'ollwrrne taw'nshil local Issrr of health Mel in alar township 'hall Mat rib 111711. AN members present. The question of altking for volunteer nurses 1n V41114. of on epidemic ward 411s - --r401144.4 100 1t.. awtiwt. aa+ Laken. The luelitvl otllce•r of health rep.rted that the "'flit'- epidemic was not s1•rlo,s and was kept well h1 hand. NO other come rltlinh11 blr 11101111144.04 were r'plrt.l. The turrettry w•na Instructed to notify the sanitary limpet -tors' fa inspect the sanl- hrrh•-ee.nrlINo iiM .41 the different shod grmrl11s. The following tievonnts were ordered paid, on motion of Wilson n and Yong : 1)r. 1t. C. Weir. 2 meetings of he IM al l•f1 mal mileage, $11.411: G. Youlig, meetings of the I14.ar11 n1141 mileage. tt 4; A. Willson. 2 meetings of the I14x d and (r lenge, $4: 1, liethertngton, 2 nu •dings of the heard and mllrngr. JKet5t:- Moved 14y Young. seconded by hat thv`lunrd adjourn to meet th at 't i✓ m. I. HF:THER• e•r1•tarr. 1/ Vaudreuil" Estimative \Yllson, on Slay INGT(IN, III1�UE �N ■=r=,r Electric Wa GU and see it at the store. Water and Light Commission North Ride Hquara Distinctive Semi -ready clothes, - are nitely planned f men -men of socia rconsequence - men judgment tells them that sound structure service --the only Ch rf.ctertMyling and tailoring. r substant and busine hose keen lity. is the upon whie to build true measure of value. is ohown in bot teuttu.o. McLEAN BROS. HEADQUARTERS FOR SEMI -READY - t Canadians eat tons daily of is Jersey Cream Sodas Sold fresh everywhere. In sealed packages. Factory at LONDON, Canada. Branches at Montreal, Ottawa, Hamilton, Kingston. Winnipeg. Calgary, Port Arthur, St, John, N.B. GET WEDDING STATIONERY AT THE SIGNAL. ` 1 Footwear There is no line of foot - we. 1 oot-WCoi tlld' car Surpass MacVicar s aos suc:.esstuily meeting the' big popular demand or attractive, reliable, mod- ately priced Shoes. Buy now and save mon- ey on your footwear. - REPAIRING -- Geo. MacVicar North side Sqnare, Coderic`h Yonge and Charles S.. Termite ince. sure. - we sum.. los pennant a1 tenotraphen, pr.vata . ttut,e.. a oununo .11 ea malar and goo. none ,.1 a Mrs• Demand f•a.M aduarec Marl than ten . our 1e884r. Open .114. rear. *num any i.oe. Wrn. fou C..dnus. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal 1 HUNGRY BUT DAREN'T EAT Take "Pape's'Diapepsin" and Cat favorite foods without fear Your meals bit back! Your atosash ie sour, arid. gassy and you feel bloated after rating or you have heavy horse of indigestion pain or headache, has mind. Here is instant relief. Don't stay upsets Eat a tablet of Pape's Diapspali sad immediately Use fedigsstinn, gases, acidity aid all atom- seh distress carred by oddity ends. Page's iliapepsia tablets are tae surest, quickest atlmaeb relievers is the world. T1ey coat very little at drug