The Signal, 1920-3-18, Page 2ift< 11110 .1.1y, )Ln• h l' It, -tit
1 tri iatit t i it h is so far iw duced bet ,re
it 1 get mtscb "intention frtnn•. busy.
beast ••Inlnded•peope,
Tbnrsday, March Is. heli!,
Welcome. Spring.
,Goodbye, Winter. Don't hurry back.
Seeing the Maitland in flood. one is
forcibly reminded of the propoeal to put
the liver to ' work making electrical
energy. WEEK AT r I ' CAPITAL.
rich this last week --not because prohi '
bition doesn't prohibit. but because the clay Ian 1/u lis.
snow went off so quickly.
Have You Ever Thought of
This? -That a Cup of
properly infused, is one of Nature's greater
blessings as a harmless stimulating beverages.
Observers of European affairs
combination of the Hun, the Tu
the Russian Rdisheviat to maks;
for Poe allied -power They
• lovely. trio.,
fear a Ottawa, March 13.-Wha ver etse
and Hon. Ntackenzie King may hav accotnr-
Sliehed by introducing his amend•. at -to
'nth -the address in verity to tate
the Tt:r ane In the Comm,,ns. he savor
political goal when he forced the them
r Oliver Lodge has been visiting_
T. -oto and lecturing on spiritualism.
He h d a large and sympatnetic audience,
and e -en scoffers could find little for
Were c ticism in his address as -retest -test;
but still doubt if Canada will prove a
good fiend the spiri:uali"stir cult. The
climate is t o igirous. the conditions or
lite -ate Toa (glil?JL. tam -emit -!tf arty
great amount o ttention to a subject so
far outside of w
practical and ir,cess
-like at f pt'tspl • of,
are dads cnafront
life. a d. have little
unreal ail uasubsta
*elope 1 'rum the at
cat wen the spi:cit•
to the esu h have
am in: r.tem. ws are toil: h•flt•
least in••r.'f -it the claim - of sjt
ion is t.t.rly ex est ve. ,Ih,ugh pr
even Va r. i sr Lam )-:iet.e" there
den s :pass n.i - (e every skip
there :ir's a hire lr •cl prick w�i-r are pro-
.oundly ind;'f'rent..-Sp.tritua!t+m wlti'.1
veto show sidtething better than the
• on the Gave:nment side of the Nouse- t
&declare against anelectiunand _thu. place
i!hetnselves under the charge of 1•otittl. to
' braid their seats as long as possible.. For,
'Particularly as rl.tards the Western men.
in th capital_ for their last session as
• memb� s of Parliament. _
The t iendrraent was oiefeatecl. That,
however, Juierl m iteart•b,.t.;;r„c.
wag a ,foregone conclusion. and both
et are c 1nsidere4 • the Liberals and • Progre,sites -'-the cross
ry !burps. Canadtat.s omni! •rs• sorts Itillial
l«►t,Iwer:te a-drtheru latitude- the ertd of Last wthe G.,vernmentgentzatl ottlt aro tontsctiis!117!11world carr: thIt tragi oily aelfy-the realities of cant :.t ns 1 ticnt g wJtltp:fur anything sn he. and hawlt maaw w u d lea et h the Voters. to. 54P1),
nti5fls h is yet di- &.overnment bo supp•)rt - the nminate. by those uaoatstPmi! befog rauwd cittl>C�1xstwtuld.",i�nrtghb•ors rnt;s�tx''j ala( t>dmre•1al
soles as, :equi equipped their
itidangerato others 1 aX,XIIM%r' `'a11 r`a)r%'r tlI)III `IIII't�f 11)t1't�rll♦11%t `tX>)♦tXtlxl♦r�rr;�r■
sole hat,• , ul , wel !belt tors. �
While .tmerira Plays Patltifa. n•
St. John 'tA•Iegraph.
I .1s 1111 eeautpte of the way the Brit- 1 The New and the
' bd. are 1 residua ptu,ple who M few 1
!mull» alio !erre fighting the allied Exclusive in
armies. \Ir. Balt • told Parliament .
, recently that Great Britain had al -
1 reedy spent :nearly it:4.4M10,110M1 ($0,5,- X
TMMI,IMMII to relieve the sllfferlua hi 1
\ irwlU, where thousands of women
• :111! ihth4r•u have die? from wtarvution.
'WI` hart tale, 44ffere 144 Spend 11114411e1-
nottw'rt'lo.Mwt,IMMI," he s11111, -1100 ,0±.11 others
...t••ynatety share the htsrleu, A do not
Is•lier0 any man ht the Ilouwv, feels
mor• acutely than I do 111r horde of
!slat i. '401111g oil outside 'unr o -u
I h,ltlnhlries.;:,y gr. Balfour was 1 II
104',.L w,rri 1P saki abut Renato!
should uaeke veers. reusonahle effort to
help. se Nether the people tine our es
eIeutic- or our allies."'
ment sypp eters. is to do little and wait,
then after the session is past to
repave for an appeal to the people.
tiow•ever, the growing opposition may
have a somewhat different effect whenever
awy vote cones up in which the East and
%Vest, or the Liberal and Conservative
sections of the Unionist support dash
very aro •giv. It would not take ver -
many. d •fectons to put the -Government
in a s,rioushole. tog fti.. y..11 have Anne interest in the
Lord Je.tic ,e's report on a naval programt fns hiedite•.. 1 take- the liberty or pre -
h t= been tabled hut not lulls. discussed.-s.•nttlu yon with what, ar_rutseto me a
Tl: "ni iflt>ers" are waiting fot punted most tt..nt rr uT' i >< Pru w.sition.
caps m tri Ir:aa4=aft trete-pant -'end, :loran t.nkn Tat i -n r, ti win NIA, -u
whilesth-First Sea Lind p: 13ritatn mala "hely feta tryst•end I-orhalw wire nit the
a general recommendation as to efriuus ,uo,ut.• „i sf.wk diet ton want is sol:-
types of fleets which might prolate y be s,.rih,• reward the fou elation of tli,
tnaugurated. he dues not specify t ,.wit{.:rit.. The object o obis cwm{wnr ,
Ca:irdt ahuuld adopt .any . tote - of _
tans he suggests. However, he. fav,
area rierMentor a sip rate Minieter
th Navy; with, the naval hoard to:unsult-
wit htm. and points to the needrot protec•
rine 11 . t. The Gov rnmeut-is to earuduee
a mea e embodying -its unto lts;and-r►
while the s vet tato to be an interesting .
d -hate on tat the merllbers are still arty %fact
c t rtea regard -10 their'att it • •,- lira k1114,
wardd the g pncJ s.
(area! Scheme. 1
1. 14411 r'. try lite.
Th.: follow Lug letter, ilaletl fruul ' 1
i tear,. r. 1'.durudu. old . tthtlwrl "F. 1'.
L11'4W.." 4'1uhww111a a tweet prr�ttra� 1. at► 1
{ami mil}' lni, i,I,4l`iiir t1t 'Nitrite cit mi
1rf!4 et,lti.hasitiektt.''5tiil lila like. X
('otnlui9lt141 If 1. uiii e•.vulry : -Know-
Women's Spring Suits
A showing of individual styles and a standard of splendid tailoring,.
and finish. fbr instance, a suit d navy or black fine all -pure -
wool Serge is cut on splendid simple lines with slight tucking in
the back, ivory button -trimmed and nicely lined, sizes 36, 38, 40.
This value we can not repeat.
Price !$30.00
Tri ti _e-ent��4rench
Serge Sum's
Beautif ' ly trimmed and embroidered.
Coats lined ith Pussy Wiilow Taffetas.
Black and na , sizes 14 to 40, at
tz•-tt rrperere a -terms rat rate, hr -or 1
a netir ryukLaut, where Lod can le, pins ur
rhes .el •.-1114:11 for 't1its. To
start coat{!. Vis.• will eualett say aloin! Ifti
hMill rat« iieh a •.wlll arer•l re X►
u wEfTP
Weise k • efts it ;reyr. Thr skirls
it, )js_1•ach for ike *bile of l•' 1
i is f'rr the pare black, Thai :rill 1
to-Art-uterest 'iluation1i1tthef4.t(ernt'nionist mt•m. s has arisen with tht ' ' •repoif runt lie st tliftht e-rs fir- ,
t ' • ua- tt111>•dthe ••e m n.
tEry ure•k t. pl �
o .'noon Iii- a eend(nsnt '
I',tirttMll skins a year to w•11
res i•,ii . prlt•e of �IU'-eeuta eta, :t.
tan• r.rwtt11• ulatut 41n.IMr1 .c
% 111,10 t°auo akin all ea1-
_. 1t will t:1ke 11M) torn- 1-.
rtia4h. 44+141 tIw-+wt-*s•+nt
l Iw•r dry. We slit f...l
s. and will start th.• teat
whaevrr fateye:
<r .t • r. •'I hr rats m.a:.
•• ti ons t ^n f a tato a tt?. Ina. ally
carnpantn! s st I 1r':1/ 1 ammo rats we w,11 Ir14
t teettYrlwoc ii rte. tit i, tore. ft r r.11s Iw•r (Illy for 1!
there is a con•iderib.• t e 1 r) )etre atm'�rsdrrWa.taed a.'rsasthr halt
atmeslurure. and ij,,,,ru:t'al�ti tn. v .... .o rlectiim, it Is ;tat. -d. 1 he
-,e at
$40.01 and $50.00
"$ess Ging1iams i
Finest quality; and best American and
English Ginghams in the Targe stylish 1
Plaids and over -check designs in every
conceivable beautiful combination of col-
that is desired for dresses, skirts.
wa'-ts, for women, misses and children. 1
Colo : absolutely fast. This Gingham
retails : t 75c. See our window. At 1
per yar • X
cia! 55c - ' - X
Finest quality heavy all-wpol 46 -inch
Suiting Barges Lyre Navy, blank, plum-,.
XThisIII French Serge" was bought by ua
months ago and is of exquisite \ quality.
111 -Today's value is $5.00 or $5.50 r yard.
1111 Samples mailed to. anyaddress.
Special- price $3.95
s at. the Inst 1%11 4.1` t :1.1 t is• pleat r.
:tubers hen. th ,.. tt .11 . Leel .the r. is oft 1114.
1' aert.,c:•.'ec. les • by .1.1; T Pretest, are working on the tiraft c
voted a •:idly Wait!. the-)si'ter.tls .Tal, whieh thio .411 this a nmitu•u
-(:•weir.rnenseniea aswir-tenicse.trJ and rtit give at sib itttct ;'e.
4 fur- tlxv knew who Is to cit the cinch
Ysutts-tut. Il.e�ittu , t eti� ti
drynten)aera os -the at of th 1S,) .,1 er l 1114 Wick'.%lets of '(Gent :re
were indite:1 tat charm `.it „with It t;i.l , a refer urea -v ..ver the situation.
115 -rise they `w • :ut-d-lei to tiOrdeeh it I'n' Fr ten w:a- :} ( e -aa T=ang- on
tr,rety t+n Tat es. Il e`` i • Ili[ tedunprc•p:.rrci l-l-Attr on. 1ittirad4y bis 1
used ai-, !Dora that el .4.0, pr,.
• w•.•i., IiuRh GU' !Vie; it pant( -s a told -oral
re were seventeen absenteds oul, .;franchise for al• an,o and women uvr: -rile and le..nn r,( the: Gnvrr:
wheat It v, yt•venty•one .i ho have resided In Ca•lad,
Mere scrip tere-vrere vtut of the H-iset r one year JOin the c r li:{Ittney t,>r
it s. astaket:.:Jlewerh, tI re twektnotill►tln+4Ftrrh.sare Tani -h citizens.
. e• r. t 1 ' - 1 The existing 1'tovin.tal vote..' lists are t, \t ht
a tetter `til . ear.
to watt ,- leen ta
e usu. int . , t t. r of a 1•11.
41 I t. .1i tit IT'71.1' ' .
t; I:alai's::em illt.ihuithe
The ars sill .. t
n 14o- r. -' 4 4i -.-.I {Ise .wt�, at
t.,.• y .loan:!!;; y.,ut•
;'t, i. t 4:1 u. Ilc.t y 1 will
i l i.•:'1 tines w alis a 1 Civ
t. .11 :mike iota -Heil of
tent tittle Wife.----- 4
ani to snake your future height.
1 demoralization that a few determined i
men with an armed force behind them can they remained frigidly silent,gas there %sere
, the people. Events at Berlin. hos ever.
plan b jr
Laurier alb
in the use
craft are .of
in the new plan
ideas 1,c a Cana
prmboli- 1 in the
oduct d m the J
Ladies' t Dred se
Serges and P ins. al
navys and `f cy fie ts.
rate Skirts of
izes, blacks
Ranging$8.00 to . 15.00 •X.
r e at tei.+tun r Don u u,<. I.he boll, t
h..... it . xturr-ria !!sags..;- -iii. syr .
or .they' 'a iii term the basis ft r, - i ou
• House d ' 't, to g til i -s. u: r when tiie;Fed-WTI" suhiect ti) netessar r re Who
ieliieie'it rspn upon a naval l're t
nada is a vindication of the The ciosi
The lessons 'nfpate war fait of
-submarines and Hying that a vote,wou
y .night Pf the first
urse . given due effect result of "srliokia
but substantially the the other fanners •
n fleet which were members -found it net
urier policy are re. lh tn• Th -s -brov ht
White, former Minister
re.'ortmendations "carre -un" message.
Instead of a money con ;i3uti1n to Great' The sprach of the for,.er, Minister
Britain f ,r the hu:Idut. o Streidn'eights c'u.ed mare comment the.,
th corridors of
as peer -serf bs tire 6crrrrntnertt� i'ar;1a11)Qtt-gYgD than did i of _ -Mr.
' great and his supporters, and the chief
there i= to be a dtstuicti -_ .a•tadian interest lay not in what Sir Tho . s had
navy, -:t;l provision Ie ,peratien said but in what he might hays int hated
with "the Imperial navy as mw advrs•/flad hs •itoken all that w•a- in his sod.
able. a, Ifclyden. pia{t-f-was fm: 1st The_qur:rnvrti'Iely ariw4e
whether or nn not •Ser Thomas %voted ce
and •its t;t lnatira knew•it. for yhe ,cOn• i back: indeed. there, was a feeling. when
fronted h' the Serrate.with a chahen to urg.d7Sir Robert Borden to field a na-
•altberrt )t t� lttr lama t:• t • co:njosed gf all his suppxters
after pi{eonitoling the- leu Lei (:ave ,- in the liberal and Conservative winters
that If such a --Daily were termed- and
tment't. plans' jor a Canadian 9avv the teader.dt_ysvttld.
did noshing until the war broke nut in _ca*• nt 'whittlta d• 1'11 come to you,
1914. Then [p_,dismantled 'tial + lads.' There are many who heel that
called by the [inrdFn press) were brought • Si -Thomas would quite readily come
bac given the primer -conditions ed a -new
foto mm nission and did u.ejpl work. n tti • 1 party pining for someone to lead
Old throughout the war the Australian It In v "tory.
fleet,- embodying the- same ideas .as tate fie rt e. 1 rs whoa fvllutyed. the
former- finance t mister in the d date
Laurier proposals, gave a magnthcent ex- called aft lien to the f�act�thet the man
ample of what could have been-accop- whnaas-
liabed by a similar Canadian fleet if it had WAS the first get out from under during,
been its existence. • Canadian soldiers are the war strai Also, they remarked. if
Union Govern int (Mold s weep the
oeptul to the words best, and Canada , country, there s ould be ilia -hesitation
• -pa; want proper --training lacylities. •pro- • about having ane coon. fmirrte:rte ,rf' a :tint rite
-with-the(. a,wtit tt
days of this debate e'er
It had been an,aiutmtrd
he -taken on Thursday
eelsand this ,had .the
ou " 51r Crerar and
11141(415; 1% here no Provittktal fists exist rout. h
t1ie lirole-s folte'7n:lowed wan -be -that of • ss•h;, tell,
te{tiattatioa t4-. :be--,Ct*- imel- town• Are one
and enu;nerttinn• in ' sural dtstraes. _ through.:'
Ttie office -of the Ckrk of the Crown Wit,.. the brat
in Cllarcery will be •abolished by the :tit Your ti tle.wil
en tire Government ani in hta stead would be appointed, nn a tale) pats your
sirs. to .reply to permenert basis. a chief -eelectoral Officer home . .
nut Sir Thomas with power similar In that enjoyed by the Your little wile. .
Finance with ,t chief returning ,,f t&er 'duripg the 1917 �Lhn sm•stths the thin
el titn, Railwaymen and sailors. arida Y,iut mut-wife.
other persons unable to vote nn the reg- 11'h t bks at you. her -
ular day. would have their votes polled And. nu¢gfirg to you ext
in advance. There will bra lively debate ea ., ••3
:fir wife.
to p 'Dura tem t ;u
. he
r'romeri ft lends that you the
and husband thrcugfi and
'rl you ever knew-.' • '
.Acheson & So
xXR1; X■X"MXIN1 111X$$$XMM$XL■1XX1
tack more faithit:_1s,'n•td most of the .11 kat- of men_ go_1lfoksitas
o t ! �!, rr. � , r•
rk t tc rt e t Jtn�ai talking. to k ..
pr g, lit •r,•at
fled as he s.eppc'd ourritdly through
dour. - - --
The idea. •
Tenon "If you please• sir, we w..uld
eeks whey yqU tet like to ha a tittle more heat."
Janitor- Outrageous. Why, 1 threw
a piece of c.• in the furnace only yester-
ir on your dame'* day. '
wen eyes clear.
Stilt Same.
vela stitch used to
m to have gone out
' No. They sell for ..i0 now."
on tke ane;are-betrwr -it -pa.setr ttt mitts l .,- '�1' J74it►' '--
the (lp;a,sitinn hne of action has not yet " 'r haw wlfte, shock our ant e,tnr t
been intimated.
Canada and her place in the League of erre Esptaraatlen. -
Narions was again before the Commons ; 13i.hby , e. ding title on b , ,:, t -•'I a
with The disciewion fintrinan peace what'ssa 'wife in name
treaty. Don N.W. Rowell, wha is acifittg Pa --Fh 4-; er.. M. that's tes airs
tewatt Canada in the Leavens. It
tit will ratify . the.- otOy
o commence.'
tleftx4-the me �� � -
I S h With Flow
Faster Flowers must
be•ordered earlyto
insure delivery.
GEO. STEWART, Florist •
• winnow I���cc
,` . - ts,orterichl (trttario
IL _incluturc.hrogrrtnil. leed.t
alto ienr°Idaymwfiltber
msrerte epee -
at Ion aired.
There's a Reason.
con mon that Canada status be reduced, -wilts a
re t .1.1110 s al anr,(:)/aile111.).atment will relieve you et ono.,
at oerf.,o.ty cure you. w bort aU
any imp
A della
for an eigh haur workday gat
such meant h d times for the
n ft It
dment III status.
the farm -
Cue that
mew in
There rs u like mod of the res than
' The Fla Rate.
premier 111-111v . le le an
lin a Nturphy vets Rowell et al. duel. jun. ,,„ih. ri,„„
as her sotdiers proved to be. shich might well h e been. dispensed oi ibewith.
ssilh. It waa fall of veluen ate! personal- onIS fair attitude for rake if 1111
ities, and religious and racial animosities,
Prussia is attempting -to resum its and tfie Speaker had hisintervene fre-
• rely when the terms became too un ear -
1 hamentary. lhe net result •was several
the Ebe:t Government (a sort nf com-
promise •agaitis has --beetts-SuPerseded- helped either nationai unity national
temporarily:id least -by a Government progress The galleries were croWded for
which is said to be representative of the tale °erasion. and Hon. Charlea s cons
Mit when alt. Rowell was making reply.
accepted the peace terms imposed by the It is suggested that nest time the for
Liberal Secretary of State wishes to ri
up the North Ray election speech matte
the contenders hire a hall. ordet diction -
sties for two and coffee for rine, and then
are rep ased to adhere to the Ebert Gov- go tO it.
ailment hut the country probably is in In the debate on the address. the cross.
benchere now known as the National
such a c• ,ndition of disorganization and
ghee long way in Imposing their will upon. .allibcient farmer ember! onsthe Govern- 1
doninatioa over the German people, and one
heurs of vituperation which no wav
The Itturrien Retiree.
t-routtle about cs,'Itithaes if -she had i
-borne only- her men ttnaneint share hi '
Think of this record : 012..eillstet,twei
lent to Itit-..itt.a2.3744.4eNt.teet to From....
the same 'to Italy. :4320.1e01,414144 to
glim. arid Astro 11s- same to halloo'
Faroe.. If this metes. were repaid. say
people of 144.01
atilt could Amy- the 1.nited stares
seeress. of imports ft that
ry, Mal 11144 pooh,', ()rear Britain is still peering for ,
le nit :ss ItIch lakes such: shit is-,
for Arent! and sun& Miser
hike jt for ranted that Britain shall
lo4itr their Is rdetio.
pentile who !..4 -• their she Ps"? apd ei)""e stsauli 1. pay Pei" ".
Could Not Sleep
Allies. The new Government appears to
carry no weight a ith the southern Ger-
man states, and the industrial districts
mi on for the r.ational eight-hour law.
Mr. Crerar and his followers were not
I are not so disquieting as those in the Near
. East. An Arab Prince has.been set up as enamoured of the terms of the King
meg o' Syria. and the control which the amendment, but the spirit of it was good,
agsed powers, principally Britain and 'so they supported it in a' body. On the
Prance. have 'been exercising in Melo-
posonila and fhe adjoining territories
I formerly under Turkish rule is being
next resolution they may he found young There sm.,' ,e iie.itotimi i
with the other gide. t tire In 110/111 With the hen d •
'The long -looked -for Government caucus fight glitrt1 111110.41 am. Every
resulted in a report on the premier's laxly and erica Meatier' latereetell in the
health. shic in ima a 1 i. imbjeet has indorsed the peed of such
or less openly disputed. There is a ery continued he would be in Ottawa
giagAdon that the Turks and the war-
, within six or eight weeks. and a niessage
' , Ikeda of (;ormany are working together to of greetings and goodwill from the caucus ' /Telt:1'1,, . Iiii7
tete of headtightt nn 1
l'ition NMI every ot he
the allied peace, and that the events to the Premier. That was the information ' ,.,,.„ .,,,,. th,Tbere I,
given out in an innocuous statement Owned nn-t,.;„,--fl'i;i7s.,'"''
nn lark of
Berlin and the developments in Asia
several hours after the close of the meet -
a common purpose. In the meantime ing by Sir (;eorge Fos:er. However, it
lamer Kaiser keeps on sawing word was learned. through other channels, that .1107t.:if.ifittri,itento:s1t1whind(rs'It^irnsIng oft hem Inhlibli 1
Ilidiand. At Washington the Senators the members decided to "stand pet" and ..s d not he a difficult nfatier. Nor
allaying politica with the peace treaty, not"itainrIk Siofr aRosrenwoort's ret.uarndts ,tihnartthertheythadidt .u."1 pbri, leopintion work anmiruy irenar:
r lighbi. stet Peen If they are put to aoMP
pew coadaides has even on, hope to i brought ftwth. The ides, according to
the failure of the United States to
with the allied powers is the settling
those outside the ranks of the Govern. "__Pen"r* ore not rntItled to nmeh
_ , Earnest Clark, Pones_
r, 338 King At., Kingston,
Ont., writes:
"For three years I suffered
from nervousness and sleep-
lessness. I believe my condi-
tion was brought about by
overwork. I had frequent
headaches, neuralgic pains and
twitching of nerites and
muscles. I had indigestion,
was short of breath and easily
tired. I commenced a treat-
ment of Dr. Chase's Nerve
nod, and seven boxes of this
tnedicine cured me of all mY
symptoms. I am now feeling
one hundred per cent. better
than I was, and have to thank
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food for
the good health I am now en-
ekswee None food, Oh eases a boa.
Dr Chase.s
•.000roomvo oho,
-The Trouble Man
The Double Track Route
School _of Commerce
Chides aid Goderich, Ontario
Offers the fanning- courses
and ilittatehes Spestal_Coursei for students
The following adenntagt,
highly qualified teaching staff
=napalm. by Nrher (1,11 Re estebheam,,,t
Far tenor. att. wile
Whiter term begins Mon., Jan. Ith
any time, and giso• our 'owls a trial.
firing your old sautes N tad ire us
',how yon whet'
OUR SHOE itErAtitiNsa
will do for you %Illy wear Illsa ahora
that hut -Lis -hen ylat 41111 have your old
0111`ol that are so comfortable fixed up
so that they 10Olt as good am new again.
It's a cornfort to know there's
a man on whom you may call
in your troubles -the Plumber.
-,, We know our business and
ate here to terve you.
Harholton 801110 Phone 135
l'hitithing Heating
Ea vest rv,iighing Metal Work
loo 441,111
Sleeping earls on nig
peel* ears on principal
Pull information front ny Gnus]
Trunk Ticket Agent. or C. E. Horn -
tralna, too
f.f1 ider:14tation Agent, ph 29
Town Agent, Phon
Ile New Decotatkg Store
West Street
In addition to our lines of Wall Paper, Paints,
etc., we handle all kinds of
If you are thinking of doing any decorating this
year, call on us and let us give you an estimate.
J. Cuthbertson
North Side West Street Ooderich, Ont.