The Signal, 1919-10-30, Page 8y w
Thursday. October M. 119.-1
Pepe will give you relief.'
Simply dissolve a Peps tablet in
your mouth. Your breath carnes
the medicinal Pine vapor, which
Is released, to all parts of the
throat. nasal and air passages,
where' liquid tnedielne could not
possibly reach. This vapor de-
stroys all germs wItiMrmekich It
cones In contact, Soo hr and
heals the iaflaar,J enennbr roes and
lortiIley you erg .inst ctsug:., colds,
s re us. at. be . &shills an 1 grippe.
Peps r., halo sisulutely mt hanu-
1.11 darts and are therefore the
so feat r•vs;•dy r `r chit wren.
11,AV- .1.1%' ` L Cut out this
oat.. .. •...•.,r,..• article. wfiis
across it the to: to and dairof this
paper. a.. 1 marl It (with lc. stamp
to pay .xttirn postage) to Peps
Co.. 1 or,.:un. A free trial packet
will Then be sent you. All drAg-
gIsts and stores sell Peps, Sac. boa.
M1$13 LAURA JACKSON, pupil of
Mr. r. 'P—Egener, reMos. Bac., la pre -
tared to motive pup
Pupils prepared for 'l'•rosto con-
servatory ezawhuit 0 ria up to and- In-
(Judisg Intermediate. For terms apply
P. Cole has disposed ori his fift7-acre
farm at Kippen to Thomas Cunsitt, of
Sealorth.for $5,000.
Martin . Armstrong, q( Hullett. has
purchased a residence at Blyth and has
moved into the village.
George Brock, a returned soldier. has
purchased the blacksmith busineue o1
'Thos. Sharpe at Hensail.
The 117 -acre farm of Valentine Foer-
ster. east of Cranbrt sok. has been sold to
John Wileoa, of Elms township, for
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Bosman, Hluevale,
announce the engagement of their
daughter Clara to A. Davidson, the
marriage to take place in November.
The executors of the estate of the late
Samuel Koehler have sold the fifty -acre
farm. south of Zurich, to David Du-
cbarnte, and the kitty -acre grass farm on
the lith cook aamon of Hay to WiWam
At an enthusia•trc gathering in the
Stanley township hall the council
presented medals to the boys woo server'
their country in the great war. Thee
was a program of saw. speeches, etc.,
and forty medals were presented.
to dtwv.•.•r s hole like Oils in the eow-
f„rloble Awe", Ihnt you ex tw,-Ir•d would
In.( for a maple of mouth.. !stager any-
wuy. 11owe..•r, if pas wend [hew 10
it. for our -
we eon r.'wd.• thein, rewton• tlw•Ir g.rrd
14...1.0. owl pot th.'u' hr .vu.sltlon ht Rlcr
you long semi t. Why apt try it'!
UM Street (iodence
This is a call to National Service—
The Victory Loan 1919
which opens to -day.
Miss Mary Ann Watkins, of the Base
line near Clinton, died on Monday. 20th
Inst., after a brief illness. She is sur-
vived by two brothers and two sisters:
. hos. J. Watkins and J. H. Watkins. of
the Base lute. and Mrs. G. M. Kitty and
Mrs. R. J. Draper. of Clinton.
The death occurred at h, r home in
Hullett on Saturday. Pith inert , of Mrs.
William Jenkins, aged seventy-eight
years. Deceased was a native o1 Gode ,
rich township. Besides -her husband. she
leaves three daughters and one son. also
two brothers, William Dempsey of
Hullett and Joon Dempsey of Clinton. I
While a lo, ging bee was being held at
Arthur Ward's. 17th concession. it Gre),
the part) was st rprisea when a stump was
upset t i dlscovci some hidden stoney,
mostly copper. In additionto what was
taken by members of the party as sou o
ventrs, Mr. Ward counted $7.75• The
hiding p ace was near the C. P. R. track,
and it is conjectured that the money may
possibly -have been put there by an Italian
navvy wbo ptenbiy was not too sure of
the honesty of his 1, lbw -laborers.
On Wednesday, 15th inst., at the home
of W. M. Harburn. Hensall, his eldest
daughter. Sarah Lavine, was married to
Maurice Ray Johnston. a returned soldier,
sun of Charles Johnston of Varna. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr.
Medd of Exeter. assisted by Rev. F. L.
Harburn. of Lina. N. V., uncle of ;the
bade. Guests were present from Elmira.
London. Parkhill. Saforth, Varna, Staff*.
Cromarty. Michigan and New York
State. After the ceremony the happy
young couple took train for Flint, Mich.,
where the groom ha a home.
Abut 1 o'clock Thursday morning,
loth inst.. fire was discovered in the rear
of Bert McElroy's grocery and confec-
tionery ator at Myth. and nothing but
the pearnpt response of the fire brigade
t:nd an excellent water service ;laved the
building and that of Messrs. Popiestone
& Gardiner. 1 h• damage dont by the
flames was not nearly so severe as that
caused by the water. and the loss to
Mesa'. toplestone & Gardiner is con-
siderable. Mr. McElroy, who carried
only $500' insurance on his stock and
fixtures. has received a satia accory
adjustment and has .'pend
in the Commercial corner.
The coogregation ' of Dufl's church.
McKillop, met on Wednesday evening of
last week to do honor to their pastor,
Rev. D. Carswell, who is leaving after
having labored faithfully among them for
the• past sixteen years. During the
sowing an address was read by Mr. M.
Murdie and Mr.. R. Habkirk presented
the pastor with a oell-filled purse. and
Mie Elizabeth Henderson presented his
family each with a beautiful present. It
was a memorable meeting. Mr. Carswell
made an excellent reply, also Miss Jean
Carswell. They recalled the pleasant
days spent in the community and alto the
many kindnesses received. Dr. Larkin,
of Seafor h. was present and spoke in an
agreeable mar his cordialorelaaions
with the pastorserved
church. An excellent supper was ,
in the basement- ,
R Tait
Electrical Contractor
Wiring of all kinds up -to -late
for Telephone/4, Burglar Alarms.
Police Patrol and Fire Alarms
Private Resides await Business
Places—a specialty.
All Work Gaaraatesd.
Electric Irons, Toasters. (frills.
Fans. Vacuum Cleaners, Washing
Machines, Flashlights a s d
Batteries of all kinds always un
Rinptnp 11Y or (pia and have us
give you an asomata on your
wlrin& It will bo done right.
Canada is a fair, free land.
.Canada is your country.
Canada—now—has need to b y from you—Lend:
Left) without restraint of polite or fine distinctions of creed or party.
The leaders of the political panties endorse the Loan. -
It is CANADA that asks:
And why—
To clean up the last of the War's commitments and expenses; •.
-Td esT<aisiish beyond an question the capacity and credit of yodr country;
- 10 are fur the wounded and maimed soldier;
To finance the -bonus of the returned soldier already paid;
To enable the fruits of Victory to be garnered;
To ensure the prosperity of you, her citizens.
The guns of war are silent -but they are not yet mg.
The Victory Loan 1919 is a War Loan.
• Canada's (nook of war is glori;
ously written—make this, the closing chapter. •
worthy one. The responsibility is yours. LEND 1
See Oijirn l Prot /seams
on andker tag.
Robt. Tait
praise these pills too highly, as 1 believe l
they will cure any case of St. Vitus dant*.
or restore anyone who is weak. nervous or
You can give Dr. Williams: Pink Pills
to the most delicate child. or take them
yourself with equally good results when
you need a blood tonic. These pills are
sold by all dealers in medicine, or will be
sent by mail, post paid. at 50 cents aone
bor s x boxes for $2.50 thy the Ur
Williams Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont
West Strait :-: Next Postoffies
phanaar•%op 32, House 133
Needs Rich, Red Blood to
Regain Health and Strength.
The Trouble Mau
It's a comfort to know there's
a m whom you may call
in ydOr troubles—the Plumber.
We know our business and
are here to acre you.
Moon* on
MaatwsM afoot
Metal Work
nes. The had had two strokes of paralysia.¢4\15a
inst. all carried by large major$
Hydro enabling bylaw carried by 390 able to read even aftei he century nark last May, and the
h tithe
votes to 13; the bylaw to provide $40.00(3
to court the coat of the Hydro dnstribut- intelligent sbrn nstanding of Roes -shire, wSmd aha on
May l5. 1819; a few days before the birth
of Queen Victoria. In his early years he
taught school for a while. In 1858 he and
his wife came to Canada..naking the trip
direct to Lucknow. After living for a
year on the 4th concession of Huron
township the family moved to the 12th
ing plant had 206 votes to 18, and the
bylaw to give the Aero Inner Cushion
Tire and Ruober Co. a fixed assessment
of $5.000. exemption from taxes except
school and county rates, and free water
carried by 270 to 53. This Company is
establishing a large plant in the town.
Th death of Henry Rintoul occurred
at his regi fence October. 16th. a to the 12th of Ashfield, where they
BRUSSELS. 1 lingering illnfes. Deceased was forty until theymoved to Lucknow a few years
eetin yarn of age and is surviv.d by his 1 a o
Miss Louise Sinclair has gone to De- I rank one daughter and two eons•
trent to take a postgraduate course in 4
Grace hgap'tat err dietitian. She had J. Wells met with a ntul accident l vending
e rrYMthe mal months$ town after
(ter a concession o' West Wawarosh and later
alieady - graduated; at the Dietitian while working in C. Llo�& Sons oor
Technical Sc Toronto. factory. One of his hands as drawn into
The prior of milk has advanced to 12the planer and was badly bruised.
cents a quart in Brussels. Dr. G. H. Ross has received his dis-
A public meeting w 11 be held shortly to charge his dental atams the rmors here• and has again
discuss the question of a suitable mem ops
orial to our soldier boys who died in the EXETER.
Many children start school in excellent
health, but after a short time some work,
examinations, hurried meals and crowded
school rooms cause their l�trwt!'to become
weak and thin. their nerves ovet-wrou
and their color and spirits lost. It to a
great mistake to let matters drift when
boys and girls show symptoms of nerv-
ousness or weak blood. They are almost
sue to tall victims of St. Vitus dance, or
drift into debility that leads to other
troubles. Regular mals, outdoor exercise
and plenty 6f sleep are necessary to com-
bat the nervous wear .1 sctrol life. But
it is still more imp ,rtant that parent[
should pay strkt attention to the school
chiki's bond supply. -Keep this rich and
red bygiving Dr. Williams Pink Pills
s and the boy or
girl according
will be study and fit for school. The
value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in cases
of this bind is shown by the statement of
Mrs. Pearl G. Harrington, Kingsville
Ont„ who says: "1 have often felt that I
should write you and let you know' what
Dr. Williams Pink Pills did foe me. At
the age of thirteen 1 was afflicted with St.
great war.
Mrs. John Downing has gone to Guelph 1)r. McGillicuddy has sold his icer
to tale electrical and massage treatment practice here to Dr. Graham of Rddney,
for her rheumatism. who tikes possession after November 1st.
Miss Muriel Brothers, B. A., sails today Dr. McGillicuddy is yet undecided as to
from Vancouver for India. Where she will his future location.
engage in missionary work as the repre- A Boys' Parliament is to beheld
the n
sentative of High Park Baptist church, Exeter November 7, 8 and 9, under
Toronto. Before leaving Brussels she auspice* -.of -.the.-South. Huron Sunday
was given ma ,y tangible evidences of School Association, F.aili-iiT--(ht"t trtr.1-
inter st in her work and kindly retard Ixeight Khania in South Huron is entitled
herself. and at Toronto she a d other to representation in the pa. liamen•, and
Baptist missionaries were given an en- the
the re held
os. lasAt Y M Sunday
thvsiastic sendoff at Massey Hall. nspeaker is to address the parliament.
WiNGIIAM. Saturday afternoon will be devoted to
John Hawke. who conducted a garage recreation acid a banquet will be held in
in Wingham for the last few months. ha the evening -
gory to London, where he has secured a Mr. and Mrs. John Rowe left last we •k
situation. for Ontario. California, where they will '
E. Zurbrigg, of Markham. has pure spend the winter. They were accompanied
chased the photograph. business of M. E. by Mr.. Campbell and daughter of
Zur riot. who will devote his time in Hensall, who Mtend to reside in Cali -1
fnture to the Aero Tire industry. fornia.
An auto driven by Mr. Meahen of Exeter's rate of taxation for this year is
e ridden Russell 33 mills on the dollar.
Mr. and Mrs Donald Henderson. of
Chicago, visited last week at the home of
the former's mother, Mrs. Wm. Hender-
Joe McBurney, who lived with his
parents near Langside, was found dead in
his bed one morning last week. He had
suffered froth heart trouble for a number
of years. ' !— ----= --- -
Goderich women will be surprised at
the INSTANT pleasant action of simple
glycerine. buckthorn bark.
etc., as ANY mixed
in Adler-i-ka. One spoonful
CASE gas on stomach or sour stomach.
Because Adler-i-ka acts on BOTH upper
aad lower bowel it often cures constipation
and prevents appendicitis. One lady
reports herself CURED of a bad case of
bowel trouble and constipation. Camp-
bell's Drug Store.
The loots ends of the war will be caught
up by the Victory lean 1919.
interest on the Victory bonds 1919 will
he paid without charge a: any Canadian
Bank on May 1 and November -1,
The practical ratan will not Imitate a
moment over invddaatting in Victory boldo•
GRAND 1RiU fit`'.°1:TEM
The Doable Track Route
• Y,Awassi
Unexcelled dining car service
HIMOsten, cart on night sten, and
parlor ears on principal day trains.
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent. or C. E. Booz-
ing. District Passenger Agent. To-
G. II. Lauder, Station Agent, phone 20
Town Agents Phone e
Vitus dance. The trouble became s' Turnberry and a brevetby
severe that 1 had to betaken from school.
Tervitt "Allied on Josephine street one
I was [even medical treatment but Litt did morning
last week. When Mr. Meehan
not help tyre, in riper advised pus the danger he
' turned
1 was steadily row- wheeled the auto with
mg worse. Th vena friend my such speed toward the curb that it
IPills, 10 gash m did, with tbems Pink over completely. but not until after it
resresults, as t she mply ured struck the bicycle. Both auto and bicycle
anser the ells completely � damaged; Mrs• Maben, who was
and 1 pane again able to take up my travelling with her son, had two ribs
owe, and attend school. Aske about; fractured and was taken to the hosnital
place Han ago 1 was attacked with and Tervitt was bruised and cut ab rut
nervous penetration ands once more took the legs. face and bodY•
� Dr, Willies's' retPink Pills, and after using The bylaws voted on bore on the 17th
Ave beret has fully restored. 1 cannot
Mrs E. Elsie of town, ninety-four years
of age, was one of the eldest women in
the Province to cast her ballot on the
20th of October.
George Mackenzie, believed to be the
• d at his hhome here on }the 1S•county,
insl ,
of the age of 100 years,h•Mackenzie
three days. Atthou$
Baking Always In EijeLe
1.HE clear glass door leanly one of the
modern features of this dependable
range. Its baking qualities you Urso$*.
The cooking top will take ilia bailer either
suess or hingthwtm. smoking It way to cask
the regular dinner no waslhAry.
Orates work .seedilynot water esssrvele is saeasd.
sad slay las removed M cleaning A dependable due- .
tabs s(1 gum -week u not ha • N5 ,'
nap wef quite Noddy youyou ees the
MCIaiy 1'8ndora 1
Bold by