The Signal, 1919-10-30, Page 6FOR SALE Model 25 Studebaker, Touring Ciar in tirst-class shapg •fro* •r• - 6 h. p. International Gisoline Engine - extras ''0vrnod and Operatml., by is East Street Garage Practical Man e GODERICH - - V ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover onirescionwonommo(*sionimovomomm.awatwoostavoramb000somosamnX $450 with all $150 rIARDEN COURT ‘". Face Powder as pictured and describ- ed in the October Ladies' Home Journal and Cosmopolitan can be had at Campbell's Drug Store The Peeslar Store Goderkh -- Ontario It is the finest face powder we know of -- Come and see it. 1002Ciiii Latest Styles in Photographs wilibe lo-Uridslipur studio. • You are invited cal and • i see them. This is the best time for a sitting. Thew we can fin- s ish your photos before, the xusual Christmas rush. LOCAL TOPICS. . • Charges Diiimbeied. • Charges against Robert Ervine, of steal - an automobile from Reeve Davis' garage and of embezzling money belong- ing to Mr. Davis. were heard by Judge Dickson on Saturday. On hearing the explanations of the accused. His Honor dismissed the charges. Happy Anniveniary. 4411 Sunday last, 4 kitolier ;MM. Mrs. 1:reen of Sliiippoi rayon celebrated her eighty fourth birthday amtiveraary. 111 addition to her daughter. Mhos 4freiiii. licr ...is Mr. Ifreeat town. ydit• had with her her son .Ntr. Jo. W. Green. who cause front home at Manville. tante of Wyoming. tor the occasion. B'e are glad to lie able to NO' Iliad Mrs. Green is in goo.' MAIO, MIA tile positesalon of all her nod sve trust she will be spared to her family and (Heade for tunny years yet. Khaki but Friends. . The count y good roadi cemmigaion met here Thursday\ of last week to con - oder several matteks of importance per. taming to the county roads. The mein- , bers of the commission are Reeves ti.1.--To FELL ,School 'of, Conimerce Climes sad GoisrielcOmario ,> Mix theliilItoolitircoursas el:AINEASs` ErrENroakarstic SECRETARIAL_ CIVIL SERVICE and taxman Special Courses for students. The following advantages : H ghly qualified teaching staff Actual business system of bookkeepog _ Credential typevvriting tests Positions guaranteed A /141441•4Y. FAure me parolee itself in • le. awnthe Now e• the tune ler the youver man sr we-4mo to make ea eromeoreene thee sive eplerwieel return. on at an t• come. For woo ett F. WARD B A . M Are ts Pru.spel 'PHONE I AS RI A. FIONE. nen Sp. talse4. PIVII0P0 CLINTON Students may enter any time TEN SIGNAL Govenlock, Livingstuu and Duig, with Warden Campbell. The two first named are "old 'standbys' of the county council, both having been on the board a dozen years or so, and although they were rival candidates for tbe Centre Huron seat in the Legislature tkey are too big and. broad to allow political differences to mar the harmonyof their association in county work. The county is tortunate in having such men to interest them- selves in its affairs. Jeffrey-Mel'onneiL A very pretty but quiet wedding took place at St. Peter s church. Godench, on Tue day morning. 28th inst., when Miss Elizabeth McConnell was united in mar - nage to Mr. Joseph Jeffrey. the ceremony being performed by Rev. Father McRae. The bride. who Aasgiven away in mar- riage by Mr.V.J.Pridham, looked stunning in her travelting suitof brown broad- cloth. with hat ta match. The brides- maid, Miss Vera Page. was "de luxe" and performed her part in a charming man- ner. The groomsman was Mr. Frank Shea. The guests included only immedi- ate friends. After the ceremony break- fast was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Prietham, Nelson street, and the NIPPY couple left on the..earle.. morn- ing train to spend their honeYniodn visiting at London, Windsor and Detroit, after which they will make their home on Nelson s reel Goderich. Ramped from Stratford Jail. lador a limit seventivit. years of age are in einytorly here on i7liarges of burglary and jail-bnaking. They were !arrested a week ago by Chief Pestle- titwaite and Countable Ifinalry al the SO-Parlyind mummer house mt the Hay- field road ifiel although at first giving Ammummiumak, MODEL THEATRE - - PROGRAM - - ••••••••••••• FRIBAI and S.tTURDAli this week Ethel Clayton in "Woman's Weapons" MOMAY and TUESDAV nest Vivian Martin in "Her Country First" Also First Episode Pf . Pearl White In 'The. Lightning Raider witigoLstp,!kv, AND THURSDAY Doug. Fairbanks In He Comes up Smiling On Monday matinee at 4.15 p. One Cent (nar 11lIl ant)) will be the sylminsion. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • 4411 • Dorenwend's Beautiful Hair Goods Display • • at the Hotel B • 0. • on • Thursday, Nov. 13th - GODERION, ONT. TEMPLE'TOKS RHEUMA71C CAPSULES row NIEUHATISM, TKA ,NEU OAK Ity KM Tit KOOK /MUT irrhanWNUIM IM PER Woman's -Weakness A wornan's reproductive organs are CI the moat in- tense and cominuous sym- pathy with her knitter'. Theslightestdisorderinthe kidne.vs brings about a corresponding disease in the reproductive 011/4T18. Dodd'is Kidney Pills, by re- storing the kidneys to their perfect condition, prevent asd cure those fearful dia. ordreek peculiar to women. Pale young girls, worn-out mothers, suffering wives' and women entering upon the Change aUtc, your best friend is • Dodd's Kidney Pills Bunwatty has backed a retreat rtsennade teniedy aims lime began. Gramm are spent yearly at hot llprings, eleetrielagas •ed hos* tale to obtain relief, yet letUrei vomits are achieved right at bine by leaint T.S.0 's "tint commas se use treatment." JIM compere coat God reintai Hut • other trestaireil end you will be convinced ANIL roes struggist or write as tor our neer bookielt'tt ill lutenist. lag and omts yea teething (Templetean Itg eloesion/Olt .. Toronto). WM wail saywberetta UAL Heat. agent for thirlerich. H. 41'.-I4i1*1- hop, It . 1'114411kt and MrtigrOst. Redford ltlo, k. faiicv Witten and aildreinws they tifa admitted they were Alfred Millen of Michigan end Mahal McPherson of Thoriold. They had escaped from. AO at Stratford, stAterie they were awaiting trial on odutoges of burglary of stores at St. Mary's. Maritsa Ilw summer they worked .111 ik 1110411 Emitting twin vela 'forollto and PtIft !tall ))))) Me, and their aptwarance aud elltiVey1411i0U nollid in- dicate that 111*','. started out on a Tout Saw ser- Huckleberry Finn rather than Hutt they are deliberate criminal*. However. there is a 4- on- .111ernble lief of tubisleuwanors on the necoril 111111 'rim is authorities ere olellhetatiug flier how to handle the Mite. Mr. M. I ; ILLierurr. K.e.. lifter the Interests the boys. PERSONAL MENTION. Miss Evelyn Jones is spending a couple of weeks at Toronto. Mies Gladys Jeffrey spent the week -end with friends at London, 1 Miss Stirling has returned from a two months' viot in the West. Mr. Beall Kelly in holmU1* 4aftr apendliag two or throw months Ito NeW York Ilty. Mrs. C. Newell, Keays street. w' o has been seriously ill tot sonL firm, is Andy; recovering. or W Selo. luta been nIl tile Wei list tow post week, lint expects to be at his work again 1.. at day or two. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Stirling and son Donald, of Hanna. Alberta. visited .111es Starting, Cambria road, last week, - Mee. Strickler has returned to her " home at New York after a visit of IWO tWeil141111 Will ite olosowsall ii IfietWelch 147 *Moor meeting Of Snottily sellouts $ o'eltyek p. i. in North i4treet Meth- orftat churlh. tu be cottilOrted metier the aunpleee of the W. e. T. P. The var. four itehools an, to nowt iwparately-aint then* mart•ii to North street rhumb. The program will •4*. largely In the nature of a thatikagtring for the t victory of the refenouriftna Group conferencein connection with the Methodist national campaign are being held this week thtoushou the Godertch distric . On 'I ueiday a conference was held in North street church, at whici Rev. Dr. Irwin of Toronto was present and spoke. Other conferences are being held at Auburn. Clinton and Seaforth. l'ffe churches of the district re organizing for a great forward movement that will mean the undertaking of the, biggest program ever attempted, and everything points to success in the carrying out of this program. North Street Methodist Church. Quarterly services in North street Methodist church nest Sunday will begin with the fellowship service at 10 o'clock and othammuiou at 11.- The union ',mislay *reboot Temperance Day rally nudee the *minkes of the '11/.C. '1' F. will tier "held in this church at 3. o'elock. The North street ischool will meet in the echool-rooto at 2.45. Ti,. bastor's eveeing theme will be: "lieroinee of the Prohibition Reform.* The quarterly bops; will meet ott Nloraday-might. Nevem bee 3, of 7.30. As thia to a in0.4 important mantling. ;stall attendance is desired. \ Tuesday. ut tn.. is tally at North Street Epworth.- due. 11.1erS anti r114101.4 114114 . On Sunday evenmg.-November Oth. t thanksgiving aroma, entitled. "The Rollins Seasons," will be given by the choir of North street Methodist church. This is probably the moat popular thanks- giving cantata published is modern times, having been givers. and enthusiastamily commented upon, in many of the larger cities of Canada as well as in Europe. Thank -Offering Meeting of OUR WEEKLY DAR New Fruits Just\ Arrival Lemos and Orange iPesk a lb. Citron Peel, far a lb. Mixed Peel, 55c a lb. - - - New Currants, the kiad w�. had before the war, 30c a lb. 2 lb. for 55c. Fresh Mincemeat, 25c a lb. Robertson & Mair 'Phone;164 Cor. Hamilton S. and Square • • • • • • • • will be of special interest to men and women in need of anything ;n Hair Goods. _ OUR SPECIALTIES TRANSFORMATIONS, • POMPADOURS, SWITCHES for Ladies, and TOUPEES ansl WIGS for Gontledien. A visit m HU show meat will wit .lig- ate yew to purchase. llogisigitsents arranged at residence if deified. • • DORENWF:ND'S -11 • LIMITRD Head : 105 lONGE STREET • - • TORONTO • • • • • • • • • • • linos Chun+ W. M. S. The annual thank -offering meetingof the Women's Misenonary Society of Knot church has come t� be regarded by t women of the chitrch as a very impor- tant occasion. and this year's meeting wh.ch was held on Tuesday afternoon last, proved no exception to the estab. fished rule. The president. Mrs. Mc- Dermid, was in the chair, and a number of visitors and members elset w 're present as well as the Society's regular menOier ship. The speaker for the afternoon was Mis Telford of Blyth, +eh, was introciuced and welcomed by Mr. McDermid at the conclusion of the usual- opening exer- t:wool'* with her peiresitA. Mr. and Mee. cises. It was Mrs. Telt ri s first public J. B. Kelly. ' appearance in Goderich. bu• we feel sure " The misses Florellee Joel oriel- Batts'. it will not he her last, for the message a nil Mr. Arthur Its tee. of Toronto, that she brought was spoken so eloquent - visited their father, Mr. l'harlem itaterk, , . the peer uwek. -r --- Mr. Cohn McLean, Innerkip. wlrte- cently returned from overeeac was re. weenie acquaintances in town before • resuming hit (censer position at Toronto. Mr. Walter J Brimicombe and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. %ides, of Detroit. took a $ •in up the lake shore by motor and spent the week -end in the old tnwn. Jr. mei Mrs. Lesiii• Yoimig. Ikedon, *petit few days 1, --re sisiiiite 41t.4r mot I wr. %I n. lining. and sister. Mr. Sillidsolt, Victoria stns.!. awl 14.ft on "Wetillenday oil 11 trip to California. Mrs. Jo jf Huron road, announce., the engage -twit, of Iter sister. Mho. I M.•Niiiiirliton. to Mr. Jack lei Wyr011 IAoIlv,of I hikland, eau- fornia. the truirrlitge to take Wave In I '11 is a go 11..- la t ter pert 411 tlw month. Miss 'tore Aitken. utter faking a rest of it few weeks. has ',Merest Intim a rotator in social service at the Methodist *atimuil Training School st Toronto. Aitken ham o give her -Perial onlallniations for this work. which appetite to bright ultra's and broad sympathies. - Miss Marjorie Aitken 11114. renamed from Toronto after taking month's cornrow in library work In at A11141(11 (.011 - dm -11A by the Ilepairtment of I.:titiva- tion. Miss Aitken. who im 4 kalerleles ettielent public lihniritni. endeavors to keep tip with the.tatest inethislic In her work. . Mr. Alex. I '..Kay. of NIelrone, Minty, Wart at visitor ill 10%11 thin Week, 1IW attest of WM brother. -Mt.; Robert Kay. Tlw two had not 14e4.11 each otlwr for thirty -yds years until they tnet itt tte- troit a few days ago. Another hmther. Mr. Jame,* Kay of Itirident: Who had iteeil away filial -Maw parts for nudity years, alley wee nt -Detroit. The Kay brothers went horn at Kini•anaine, and Mr..Alex. Kay recalls trips he made trout that town to lioilericit fifty years arto,,liefore KtnerinlIne .bpil a railway. ILigliow_lorty-one yeant.ltioce be left. Klaranline. RUBBERS NOW is the time to get prepared for the w e t, • stormy weather. Be sure you proCtire the Rubber Footwear tIrttwill give the best satisfaction. Life -Buoy Rubbers have built a reputation for a quality that leads them all in giving the most wear; up-to-clatestyks and Lum- berman's Rubbers that are second to none. These goods are now in stock at MacVicar's Shoe Store at the ldwest possible prices. / 4411••••••••011111000111101111•0e000 ----.5-- - REPAIRING - . Geo. hiscV100 North side Squire, ClOthifkii • Iv. and with such earnest anneal, that she stirred the hearts of all who heard her. For a few moments she dwelt on the attribute of loyalty. recalling how Canadian women all through the war had prided themselves on their loyalty, their devotion to King and country, to a righteoue cause, and most of all to their men who were upholding that cause on the battlefields. Then she spoke of the miesionaries being their representatives in tie front line of battle today. and pleaded for greater loyally to them on the part of those who stay at h .me. She illustrated her rmint mom impressively by reciting tiepry'Van Dykes -Story of the Other Wise Man." Familiar. dopbtless. to many present. the beautiful legend gained new beauty and significancein the telling, while those who heardfor the first time will not soon forget the story of Artahan: he who yearned • ta offer his mit- '4 *wtils with the gold, frankinceme and myrrh that Ow. other Magi brought 10 their newborn King, yet was not per- mitted to achieve his desire. Only when death came thirty-three years later did he kern that the long hard- years of self- sacrificine toil and ministry to the af- flicted had been accepted by his King and hsd won for him the precious revelation. "Inasmuch as yet did it unto one of the least of these my brethren ye did it unto me:' Mrs. Telford sail that her applica• _ _ • _ Tinley/lay, October 11),` 1010 al COMMERCIAL success is based on good buying and selling. In order to sell. you must 'tidy. The rgan who saves pro - vides himself with the means . of buying- that he may after- wards seN with a profit. The Bank ortiamilton will take care of your savings for you until your opportunity comes. PiAD °rest - HAMILTON BANK OF HAMILTON Goderich Branch -‘N.N. McKay. Manager 1 -5 1 a - lion of the story had been au ed by hearing someone remark that those who were not able to go to the foreign fields were like Ib, Other Wise Man, and ,must emulate his spirit. A pleasant feature of the program -was a solo by Mrs. Russell Coutts. whoee clear sweet voice will make her doubly welcome at all future meet- ings. At the conclusion of the program tea was served and a pleacent hour of social intercourse was enjoyed. The special thank-ofieririg amounted to al- most 5100. d Wrod Toner and Cherie. St.., Toronto F.11i0vA on excellent reputatton for high.graile business training 41141 for placing gritiluatra in goal •posittoo.. Ritter any time. Write for catalogue. W 1 ELLIOTT, Principal. Hern's Boot Shop Light Wood From $2.00 t� $6.00 per cord Delivered to any psrtof the - town. A \Also a quaniitylof KINDLING WOOD Phone 1 65 Robert Wilson Hate -ton • FALL and Winter is the a' time of the year when shoe service is of first con- sideration. Attention to health prompts everyone to secure proper footwear. We have a large range of sturdy Boots to choose from in Ladies' Street Wear or for growing Girls, Shoes with heels that give com- fort in walking. Our stock is about corn. plete in Rubber Foot- wear, Rubber Boots for the Little Gents, Youths, Boys and Men. Remember oar REPAIR SERVICE is of the best he "I"nr 4 W HERN N. • i t • T I 4.1i tor • II r . bUtialeiitYP -for_ I•I' S.t 11. ,y WRIGLEY'S All in seated , • packages. 4 unday, November 2 id. will be missionary Sun- day in Nile Sunday school, and an espec- ially interesting program of music and readings will be given. 6 letter from Miss F. Gray. missionary among tht Ruthenian% will he read. Come and h inspired and. help swell the missionary offering. CHURCH NOTES. Orange Lodge No. 102 will attend service in Victoria street Methodist church on Wednesday eve ling. Novem- ber 5th. t 44 o'clock. Rev. J. F. Rey - emit will give the address. KIng'istleography Lemon" and"The Cate le Come' will be the aubJecta con - tilde red at the Ilapost church next Lord's Day. Bible lichool convenes At 2 45 and H.Y.P fiat 44 o'clock. The choir of Victoria street Methodist church is brinsing Miss Marian Henry. of Springfield, and other outside talent for an entertainment to be given in the church an Monday evening. November 10th. Rev, P F. Sinclair's titles for Sunday, Noveinber 2nd, in Knox church are Morning. "A rrmori sugeesterl froni a mnversation with .a lawyer." Evening: Series -No I, • The Cense of Life." being the firkt of a Penes of tout lemma to the young men and *omen No 4ervIce wit) last kinger than one hour and a -quarter. :Nest trimilay. November 2n1. 1Y ,yorld'e Xemperspee Sunday, and the Keeps Baby's Ski II lth n ea tF every mother could only realize the danger which /Strict; in the neglect of chafing and skin irritations she would not take chances on being without Dr. Chase's Ointment to apply after baby's bath. It •rresita the development a sesame and makes the skin soft. arneoth and velvety. 110 Nate a beg, 11 Halite, ee Idtallama, Bate. a , Ltd., Threat*. Dr.Chase's ointment M.= fieIvs aooetite and digestion. Three flavours. 11S not enough to make , WRIGLEY'S good. we mi t KEEP it good until you get it. Hence the sealed Package -impurity-proof -guarding. preserving the delicious con- tents -the beneficial goody. ' The Flavour Lasts MADE SEALED TIGHT us KEPT RIGHT CANADA esdided:'