The Signal, 1919-10-2, Page 81
Hym; i
Get your ( .py of the
New Presbt :Pian Hymn
Book and td New Meth-
odist Hyrni Book, while
our stock is mplete.
Where quality counts
Vest rot , more property , than
alt the wars and means loss from
every point of view.
Insurance alone can reduce your
la..., and not be' regarded as au
unavoidable item of expense, but
rather as your hest ally in pre-
venting los.. Before lour place
"goes up in .utoke" and becomes
a smoldering heap of mens, in-
sure with
T. R. Harrison
W net 1,1',e1 NO 1 .'.1.1.0..
+i I I Milt i 1 1 4 O-4-1-++•:-:-4--,•-+
VERWARE, Etc., Etc.
Repairing done to
your satisfaction
E. C. Robertson
(.ern.-. 1..' Street anti Square
Subscribe for The Signal New
by the Referendum Committee
That la the platy to mark .1..ur
baud ; put
a crow, in thle space under_
.NO• after each sliest lull.
Thr Beer of the Ballot.
The laver aolitiuned ill questions 2
and 3 of the refenv..hnu Hull'( la
rather akllfully euu.uutlug..I 141 the
first pia.•.•. It is ...tiled -light- bar, MI
if tt were s.rlu.• tali l " tewlx•rau.e"
beer, such as can he *bid under the
0. T. A.; In reality, it is more than
J. •
lwire as strung. ll, the s-1.wud place,
it in described as eoutaining nut more
111110 2.51 per cent_ aleobnl by weight.
as if it were about .quit1 in strength
lu the 2144 per lent. beer p'i•witt.vl by
the (1. '1'. A. The confusion arises fn.w
the two m.4110.1. of measuring the
alcohol in the laver. 1'uder the O. T. A.
It is mewsure.l by volume, while the
alcohol of the beer of the ballot is
Measured 11y weight. As alcobol is
light. more of it Is required to make up
2!11 per reef. by weight than h> tr..lume.
The 2%%1 per melt. allowed I.y the 1r.T.A-.
is really only 1.15 pr Petit. by weight-
less Than half the 2.:111 per .cent.
N•IItd Gin the ballot. lu 1:1.141
ltri�an "and in 11.. unite.( $tsl.•u the
alrndaotl gel fur dile-hut., i.atiug light
herr is 1. r cant. by weight or 1.09
per cent. by Inane. "illy one-afth of
the strength oft loner we are asked
to vote upon. Th f.IIuwheg 1:11.11
shows the, ,owpwriW111 trelwe•tt the
hitter a1111 the sla whorls 1 by gov,
.rnments :
..tivhul Ahuhul
by weight v'ulunle
British tiurerau eat 1.011
Uuiterl Stater .au 1.011
llutartu Temperance AM 1.13, Vat
The !leer tat the Ballot 2.51 5.411
Let the People Ikeide
Kay 1141• I.11.,•rty Leaguers. Cellaiuly,
that is what 111.7 are going to du on
Ql totter .11111. They have decided lung
'ago a11d lave .epress.rl their d.sur.
for prthlbliluu again au.l again. Itut
the liquor party do not want to bet the
people deckle; they want to have their
ow'u way, no matter what the majority
oily. That IN why we have to cute
again utv this question. Let us icivo
thew an vut$wer •'N.." by a majority
au cur)4. that it will 'h -id.•.
The Soldiers' Vote
be not all going for ts.•I and wIII11 .y,
I.y *any nue•aas. A large number of
straight "X..s" will he pulled by the
boys who have been overseas sad have
reen there the evils of intomperanae.
They kt.uw that intemperance means
Plover) " not -liberty."
Thr Futility of Government Central
las 1a -•u proved uvgryuud over 41)411411
by ,M,uutries and states that II*.e tried
it. Alcohol will du its evil work, i.e.'
blotter by whew it is sold. Ala' If it
is way to get. there an• tunny who ewn-
nul resist the temptation to drink and
get drunk. beep it out of right and
reach, and thus protect the weak and
save the boys from the temptation to
begin drinking. ii••sid.s this• what
. itic,n wisis. t.. he a pertner In tlw
; liquor ba.11tess, 145 w.• woyld all b
itinjef giNernment 1111111»I. tote "X.,
! Gill glwsti.its 2 and 4.
t-..-.7."... --41*."''''S,..
House 'Phone
EACH (lay brings us closer to frosty weather. Why not be prepared ?
'Ninny garments will have to be replaced and we have anticipated
your wants and built our stocks accordingly. We are at your service for
fall and winter. merchandise.
Again we wish to draw
your attention to this world -
which is made in Canada.
With your new frock it
is necessary to have it fitted
over the new lines which
els in D. & A. Corsets.
are given by the new mod -
Every pair is guarantred.
Goddess front -laced Cor-
sets, which are guaranteed
for one whole year, are
very popular. We have a
style for every figure in a
range of pnces.
Have you inspected our
new practical front Corset ?
It is the last word in cor
etry. Ask for practical front
thing entirely new and can
be had only at this store.
for btorial. beitair Helottl 111441 1.y Mr.
(-eased. aimi 4.tha-r relatives. nod 1.)
Toronto. w 11. -re he Will. v610111)1.11 toy
I.ANE.- dcath of Mrs. Jailors
isnosed toot lawn it. foiling healtl. for
by keeping your powers et
resistance at highest peak. 1 is
as natural for
Scoff's Emulsion
to strengthen as it is fee your
food to nourish the boiy.
II you would conquer weak-
ness increase your resantence--
take Scott's EmuLsion often.
Onlere. I' Cles, 194
The Appearance of a Shoe
Iwill often lure you to buy it, irrespective of its
E interior qualities. Be sure and get Footwear
with a foundation which is consistent with its
I outward appearance.
here, ready for your in -
Our stock of new lines is
spection and approval,
and embraces a complete
range of Ladies' and
id- charming and most artis-
Gents' Fine Shoes, in
tic styles, by the leading
manufacturers, Shoes
which are an embodiment
of appearance and sound
value, in Kid, Velours,
Gunmetal and Boxed Calf,
in blacks and browns,
made on a varying range
of lasts, ensuring a chs -
tined ve expression of
fashion, comfortable fit,
and, above all, long life.
We have not forgotten the
children, and have a full
stock of strong, service-
able School Shoes, at
prices which will appeal to you.
The Rubber Season is here, and we are prepared
to fit you all, from the tiniest Child's Rubber to
the heavy Gum Rubber for the outdoor worker.
Repaii-ing as usual
elly to stasist thue of need or
11.1e. • Her maiden 'mine was Klix•
Caswell. 411,.. was born near
Fieshe "It. 4 Ola.. beIng the second of
al lig ii t w 'led. The de•Waried was
I a faithful uwmher 'l the Methodist
!etiiireli for ruins years'u, always took
ding on May 5, 1111s.-
eitiveits learned oil September 23rd of
'the death of 01/0 of the town a early
settlers, in the persoti of Mrs. John
linker. Itorn at 4 'ap.. Breton in the
rt.+ ii. hen a child with her parents.
.ettlitx it, the southwestern tort of the
town !.toi lat. r nit;•ing to William
She W/1,' • 'member of the Presbyterian
eloirch and V1 115 kteIVirl UM a loving
Mother awl a kind friend, always with
. U WIlEng and helpful hand. She was
1 nuirrhsl fifty .years ago to her now
bereft husband, who mourns her logs
with nail- .iat tighter., and two WHIM :
..4 t.,wn. 11aniel and Anglia Matheson.
of Vore Jai,. two isr,;thers of the de-
lesey•li, Wt. r.. !WV' for tile futteral, nod
, a third brother.' Noruntn. was unable
I 140 be here on 4011.4ii,t of 11Inass. The
I funeral took plats- front the fatally rest-
inuttiell and Angus Nlatheson. Ernest
towtispeople join It. sympathy with the
: family In thelt great low..
Saturday morning we
are putting on saie 184
pairs all -wool heavy and
medium weight worsted
Stockings in seconds at
25 per cent. less than
firsts. These Stockings
are exceptional buying.
Any defects have been
mended and they are just
as good as firsts for wear
but 25 per cent. less in
price. They come ;n
all sizes and range from
IHair Nets
Real Hair Nets in
Iall colors for Saturday
selling, 3 for 25c.
Black Cotton Stock-
.iings, plain and in all
sizes, regular 85c, for
65c. We are showing
many broken lines of
cotton and silk Hos-
iery for women at re -
i -limed prices.
Watson's l'nderwear
is the brand that we are
carrying and it is known
to everyone. A full range
has just been put iuto
stock and the lines are
Ladies' Continuations
are exceptionally strong.
and %Tare showing them
in many qualit es at low
If it's a Blouse we have it in Jap
Silk Voile. Georgette, Crepe de Chine
or Striped Silks, and we carry gar-
ments for every pocketbook and an
individual style for each customer.
The newest in blouses is
here for your inspection
Sweater Coats
A good range of Sweaters and
Pullovers is being shown in all the
leading shades and combinations of
colors. Each coat has a distinctive
touch of its own which makes it
Turquoise blue and rose shades
are being worn greatly and are in
demand. We have them in many
styles and in a range of prices.
; Remarkable Achievement for Purel)
f'angsdian Concern.
' evidence of the way In which 011e
enterprising l'anadian firm has pushed
the sale of its produet into the'eorners
of the earth. It is intereating to know
that the "Salado- Company 4.11
their peoduet not only through the
United:States, hut in Franey. Retsina',
Spain, Portugal, canary Islands„4 I -
British Wed 1011 4/1 Wane. Mies I'll.
ColuinIda. Venezuela. Paraguay.
Chile awl the A rgentiee.
They have lately mode a large ship.
mem to and reeeiv.s1
ontitirles from Egypt. Bulgaria, .7A,110-
$1.0:tkia. Turkey, Norway, Alsace.
The lel1M 11114 10 these countries
are roletly the mune 'virility no you
; buy- under tlw aorta. familiar label,. In
I any part of Canada or the United
States. The poptilaril.v of this ton (fur-
' a household word in America.
The girls' class et
eltunda hod Friday night held sun
prime party Hi the hoine of Mr. and Mrs.
.1, 1.eVy i1111101* M 4P1M Rea Levy,
oho is leaving 411r eallforala. An ad-
dress and a halnitanne fountain pen
vvere preHeIlted 40 Mites !tete am of her Carlow
TUESDAY, Sept. 30.
Anniversary services will he held at
Nile on Sunday, October 12th. Services
Reycraft. of Victoria street. Goderich.
will be the preacher of the day.
The W. M. S. of Sheppardton were en -
J. H. Colborne & Company
tertained at the parsonage on Wednesday,
September 24th.
The Rally Day service was held at Nile
on Sunday evening lam and was a grand
success. The church was well filled and
the irsrvice was very instructive and in-
spiring throughout.
Upwards of twenty friends from Blyth
were entertained at the parsonage on
ThurSday evening, September 25th. in
honor ot Mr. Richard Moore, of Toronto.
father of Mrs. (Rev.) Hisey, of Nile. Mr.
Moore was presented with a purse by the
Blyth relatives in honor ea his seventy-
fifth:birthday. One driver pulled down a
few fence posts on the way over, but no
one was seriously hurt.
Baby's Own Tablets
of Great Help.
Mothers. if your baby or growing child
is sickly; if he does riot sleep well at
night. if he cries a great deal; constip-
ated and his little bowels and stomach
are not working right, give him Baby's
Own Tablets—they have proved of great
help to thousands of mothers. Concerning
the Tablets Mrs. W. H. Decater, Cor -
son's Siding. Ont.. says: "1 have used
Baby's Own Tablets and have found
them excellent for the little one• and
would not be without them." The Tablets
are a mild but thorough laxative and are
guaranteed to contain no harmful drug—
that is why theY always do good and
never harm. They are sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from
the Dr Williams Medicine Co.. Brock -
Presbytery *1 Haws*
The Presbyter) of Ilitrou met on
Tuesday last at Seaforth to soy fare-
well to one of, the brethren who has
•wettpied his plate for a period of
sixt4ven yeara, with no slackening of
energy on him own part, and no foiltire
of enthusiasm on the part of the people
—Rev. D. Cantwell of Huff's church,
and Caren church, Winthrop.
! press•si by yliTIOTIR 1:04.1111:1CM, all of
whom spoke of thorough en -operation,
!genial friendship and earnest service
; rendered by the 011e taking his 41e-
' porton,. The elThltreglitiOtel W110 are
rendered paatoriese expressed
their 1,4.111.0 a 11 great 10MS III a 'wand
fully rah lios441 resolution. H1111 oere
mondrIlle. Is to act as moderator of
session for the vacant congregations Ilnd
is to 'teflon- the pulpit vaeunt on the
first Sehloth itf November next. The
Presbytery also considered the For-
ward Movement and the budget and
arranged for Hn exchange of pulpits
and also for group ralliea in different
torts of the Presbytery in t•ehalf of
these clauses.
Currie, Hillsdale Parm, Enid Wawa -
nosh, was the Weill' of ti very pretty
wedding on Wednesday. September 114,
when their eldest danghter, Laura
Mabel. became the bride of William
Hilton 1 WOO Of Mr. find Mrs.
Ir. Armstrong officiated. The bride
entered on tlo. arm of her father to
the 'drains Mendelsaohn'a niarch.
played by Miss Annie Currie, aleter of
the tirld•• The bride was beeomingly
A Bright Store to Shop in
tDominion Chautauqya
— Concerts
A Treat in Store
The G. W. V. A. have arranged a
series of four concerts to be given
by the Dominion Chautauqua (Coit -
e first of thiTIeries will be giv-
en in the last week in October. Tick-
ets for the whole course will be sold
The concert party is to be the
Morrison Girls in Stories and Songs
of Today and Yesterday.
See Further Aassmicenests
ard Wood
per cord
Delivered to any part of the
Also a quantity of
dresseil In georgette over white satin
with ilea ri trimmings, her bouqnet being
of white roses. liwendolyn Nell, niece
of the groom, and 1 Saris 144-ott Were the
flower girls, carrying Maskers of sweet
peas and maidenhair fern. During the
played wedding music mud Mi.o, Edn,,
MeNen sang "To -Day." during the slew
hig of the register. Aftiu- no. ceremony
the mode, shout aeventy-live num
her, were served with dainty buffet
Itineheon The happy couple left AP
the lifter noon train for Toronto.
Niagara Valls and London On their
return Mr. and Mrs Ogden will red.'s
It Whalen
Phone 16.5
Robert Wilson
Hamilton St. Goderich