The Signal, 1919-8-7, Page 8-9Tgr+.das. August 7. 190
This portable Grafo-
nola solvei the problem
• of sumnit•.• music. You
can take it wherever
y,1t1 go as easily as you
can a valise. It will
give you a summer of
song, of dancing, of
music of • every kind.
Come in and hear it
BISHOP F'AI.1.(IN'S • in %aloe, the priests alwu pledged thetn-
SILVF:K .ICBII.I:k ,.•lava u• glturautea• the interest 4411 au
issue 44f bonds amounting to $1 1111,1100
W ). Father Nest, Formerly of Geode- w order to titt1141tV • ndow St. Prier's
rlek Becelyea a New Dignity. seminary.
1 ,01.1011, slut.. .lily ;al si. Nrter's Bishop Fallon replied teeli11K1y to the
n4)4)ry , and wllf. 1I t,I) lug theta der•p-
a•a1h,4hnl w1). the• wa•4.m of in imp',+-''. h, for the spirit whirl had prompted
ire o,•r,•wo111. )••aerdap morning,
esty. wilep„ 1 them in ilia him w/ targe u gift for
a priesthood
ri a th 44) fou-
tlrh )cif ler the p,.° •.(•sal toot fou,- lie shouldunot accept stated
la...aurae he t he f at-
invespriests ,of the i.ho "' Uf lenulu.t wet,- 1•I,ulty 11114) a wlliiou (kw,' as lunch 1444
414ii.I,1! by Ili•• pr ate a Nith the l,. l,••,l.'.I. al11 tri million time. mutes
reale to (Ill 11.1 it prelate and The tllh 110111 ll ,1••w•rv,d. He' world 1hrrrfore
Iuf \T.uor. Choy wcrc: key 1 P14,1 h. ;;int, whi•-h, it is uuderatewd,
41,,,1 hither* T. .114, of !It. 'Monies; 1.; i l.ltn,uliterl to al«MLI $7,14141, to the cattai-
mng ('areal. of '1'tlbury : 1'. E
\at:tr•, of :It. '1'loutas, „lid l'. .I. 441c- ll.•bw••ut of a fund whereby worthy'
students desiring h, ••user the seminary
I iye4ul. I1 city.
III :l. ins' t ,. a•,uhedral t" study for the pri.sth..od could re-
in int , Itr. Following' the' •Y•remseiitruy y,i�,, duuleial wieistau.4 if it tyre
n dint/IT N:,, 111411 141 Ili.• '1'w•ultsae), ,,,.•.•rs,u�y.
Mouse, while t4 fh.• rcenini Ili•• vta11 I 1111 belief( •dibe laity of flee (Uwe*.
iug ..t'P and ocorku t •.• tin` guests-!, %1 r. I'tiilte I'o.'.ji k also read a 4'011-
1( i„.. Philip 1'IMYM'k at Port lame)'.
( i„..„„14 the .•n•wouy ler tie e7lthr•';r+ItuL•;tnry ad•Irrss to Bishop Fallon
ori t ,M. •a„iun of his rilcrr jutihw.
big e the
eve a The I:ish•q replied in worm tern's, ibriefs. libel+
luvial., his esteem 4411.1 regard for ,. w'''''ets 01 _the 4)1
thew. :inn al..• 114.0141 lin• r•rrb,•, for I Itis.Irp Fallon waw the• 1,ost at ti,•
whl;1, II,,•r s r' being thus i. ird 1. 4)441441' 141I ,at tl• Ter•I;n!srh Hua"• to
The Bishop then iure"t,,i r:a,ll in tura the ••1.•rgy and ".we of the laity of th'
with 1114 '1.11 hers for furca ••f--11rplia• dies,•"•, the newly -metaled monsignori
denoting the r,u,k or monsignor. H„ being the guests of hotwr.
mitlresrl the Mewl) -1.14.4:.1141 muoidR ALL\ANL/LR LW/LK BEAD.
114411 ill I,•rtus of the higio "I piI.l1,', yob
graUlhlliul Ill n, 4444 I4 :lig Fs4•n taus Prominent Blyth IKesideM and a
h114 11.1 I�r Ili 14+(+.- •w+a1•.elliliZ Ii*VI' Pioneer Merchant.
ow hope Ih:u the) w„old lour have Iayth. .\ugnst eta-Alrxauder Elder.
health :11111 sliength to .tarry •rel the for 4, 1, tone years a resident of
work in „hid, Ih1y end Iw••n w. aur- Myth, 441141 un.• of its pioneer general
,Yn•.fuL un•I,Ita11144, 411.41 at Zia home here. Mr.
.\ s•druln 411otiNln,l high masa V( • for twenty
It Farber H rd 11
fug rent the palua w N , ' ;m•4'4141 lits 'tel:ard for all the lay
laeliue.' 1114• P11411' 1Y411\'1 to 1h.• new ',11r•w•.
Wllen you're lust
and thirsty Mac-
1,arcn's Orangeade
will (quench your
thirst. A bottle
makes three (warts.
•;OC a bottle. You
can get it at
Robertson & Mair's
Phone 164
(.ol Harnd'Hn St and Square
$OOIRELIEYED Perfect Treatment For This
Distressing Complalet
wash. Owe.
° "I had an attack of Weeping
Eczema ; oro bad that my clothes , ■
would be wet through at times.
For four months, 'suffered terribly. ■
I could get so relief until I tried ■
'Fruit -a -thee and 'booths Salva
The first treatment gave me relief. ■
Altogether, 1 have used three
boxes of 'SootfSalve' and two of ■
'F ruit-a-fives', am entirely well" X
Both these sterling remedies are X
sold by dealers at 60e. a hoz, A for X
1.60, or sent on receipt of pries by ■
Fruit -a -fives Limited, Ottawa. ■
"Trait-s-tivee" u also put up la* ■
trial sue which sells for 26e.
Cooler evenings. and shorter days make one think of
sweater coats and wool to make pullovers for evening wear.
We have just placed in stock several lines of wool
materials for dresses, suits and coats for early fall. These are
the advance numbers and as goods are scarce it will be to
your advantage to see these lines at once. It will be a great
pleasure to show them. X
-- -- : Voile Blouses
classified to such a nicety, than the most ■
critical audience cannot help but be ■
pleased. X
The Sparks Shows will give two
complete exhibitions in Goderich. Wed -
ranee. an
F Ode r was town treasurer nesday. August 13, at the show grounds.
i •p
thnuk,t i, 44,1 anr1 thele vele .rated b) veyrs uud t•Iwn ,leek fur tb 1'H u
Iti.luq, 1Ib.• .s,-dslua wurkittyt ! vrar'. H.• was 111 the township
th t l •tl • d IN W,t4 dor )coli ill H i Ion Frov-
the priesth1s111. His sf1,er n 11 e1' war.. filar• of goober. Ill 1s•1-, uud waw lrtive
lake' wd4nuingc td t) tin• iltittg
t Trout River against the
lords •d the dnaddl to present s Fenian.. when they invaded Ontario
,• •'1411 . , ,.1 ,
j bidlot 1:IKiu, trnnllr a un 4444 •
lordship NIU, II II addles: and :, poem,.
4a•rs.1u•el Kitt ler addition 111 1`4741. 111141 war later• awaraward.,"a
,f 111 n 1 rior ler cowing to Blyth he was
' I•" . '
to Iht. 8111, whi••h•+uu•nuu•,l 1.. 1r($41 ,w.vlal.
_ Isnrkkwga r for •;ooderham k Worts,
X 1f01tnr11Atr1crt11 X X) ■ i :i. ll•rs nod me1:rir s, rt Fine t; ro4e.
, noes ,1114) whit• in the employ of tlwt
r A.
Smith of tlwt p1aec. The' late Mr.
Elder was createdjnsti•r• of the peace
ninny years ago. He WON HU active
m,•nds•r of ter Presbyterian church
0444) .• L•rk of the• session, for many
X)oars. I11 144 iIt ice hs was a l'ollser-
catly.•. i1.5111e• his wife. he leaves
e• dalh:er. Nit's. Incr.) Walter Mc-
Lean. .,f Hunor.•r. `The funeral will
nfk „ 141ke )'la,•• )•'ri•lt4' afh•rn,hm.
>iJI tiwa•• Married t0 Nies Ya y
X -r 1 ii � r-_
1 11"1 E
Never Repeats Itself
X A photograph of yoairselr s.-
)011 111,k [...lay will be treas-
ured more than y.n1 can plus.
„ib!) Imagine long years from
now -not merely by yourself
but by your rtlatives and
5 lrin September i= orfs ut the mos
court* Bros. have bought the resi-
dente at the corner of Victoria and St.
David's streets oelonging to the estate of
the late Mia Reynett and are having the 1
property imptoved. X
Mr. Robert Davidson, •f Dungannon. X Linoleums
has purchased from Mr. 1. J. Moser the•
hots. on Trafalear street occupied by X
toMr.t H. R. Long and will shortly remove X Two -yard -wide linoleum on sale at 51.00 a yard. There is just a small quan- •
to town. X }r
Mr. W. T. Millar. treasurer of the , X tity of each pattern still to sell, but they must be cleared. All widths in oilcloth at x
Soldiers' Memorial Fund. acknowledges■ 75C a yard. t
a contribution of 111.00 trcm Mrs as. ■
Mitchell. • •
All members of committees in tonne- : X
tion with the Golden Gate Midway are X Gi[]g'1]�m S
requeeteld to meet in the jury room of ■
I the court house on Monday evening next, j
Just ninety voile blouses Wt to be sold and they must be cleared at once. X
Every blouse is in good condition and the pattern and style this season's creation. X
They range in price from $2.65 to $5.00. There is a price for everyone and all "f
■ blouses in voile are reduced.
■ x
OBITCAEI. {at 8 o'clock. ■
HOIX;ENS.-Mrs. Hodgens. widow of I �purnbsr In Algonquin Park
the late John Hodgens, k 1Q one o1 the
men of Ghnton, died ,
leading husine t delightful ■
very unexpectedly at her home in Toronto, I months of the year in the "Highlands of X
un Sunday morning. July 27th. She was , Ontario." and Algonquin Park oilers at- ; X
in her usual health until about 9 o'clock. tractions that are not found in other
• and was getting ready for church when distncts. It it situated at an altitude of X
Let u, de%lrk I t ,h ed a stroke of paralysis. '1000 feet above the level of the sea. as- X
{, nal prin )0,,1' r experienced
1)140. * which rendered her unconscious and curing visitor of pure. bracing air that
41.41 fatally 1 a few hours later. Deceased
) les body and mend A few days
�c� XX en a ai y
X XCXX X f 1uf 1< ■ born t h tie bang a Id g
of Toronto. She came to Clinton a bride. 1 en!If' north of Toronto and 17(1 miles X
and was for a number of years one of its I Wert of Ottawa. "The Highland inn," a
most highly esteemed residents, being a
womanly woman in the lullest and hap. I charming caravenaery. affords most coin X
pieta sense of the term. She was a lifelong I tortable accommodation at reasonable' ■
member of the Methodist church, for 'rates. The Inn Is heated by steam. Grate? X
, years with old Rattenbury street. and fires for cool evenings add cheer to the
Oster with Wesley, and filled with unusual I indoor pleasure. The cuisine is all that t ■
can be desired. Good fisbing in the many
lakes in close proximity to the hotel. A X
fine clay tennis court offers a means of X
physical exernse. "The Highland inn"
as operated by the Grand Trunk Railway'.
and will close for the seasoo on September ■
dao iter here is better than ounces of tonics and X
Are you fully insured?
Increased cost of materials
necessitates increased insur-
ance for adequate protection.
Phone 316
T. R. Harrison
Fire, Life, Accident, Plate
Glaze and Automobile
Cor. \\',est 't t • •., .and
nlumuunlnuuuunumnnmlelllllllAlllf unnuuunuullmnuunllnnnitL
A Shoe when we see it, also WE KNOW what
it is made of and how it is made. Our stock is
composed of Shoes made,of the finest leathers,
by the Fest Canadian manufacturers, and by the
most up-to-date methods to ensure comfort and -
durability. We should' like to show you any of
our Shoes, Oxfords or Pumps, in the newest de-
signs and styles, and WE KNOW that our
prices will hear comparison with anything else
you ever saw.
We have on sale some broken lines and odd
Tots in White Shoes and Running Shoes, spec-
ially priced for quick clearance. They are in
Men's, Ladies', Boys', Girls' and Children's
sizes. Be sure to come early while your size is
was 1'n a ewc..- waves doctor bills 7 he terntory is also
of the late Mr. Rowell. a farmer alderman of access via the Grand Trunk, 200 , ■
tact and ability several offices connected
with chui,' work. Removing to Toronto
a few years ago. she made her home in
' that city. her daughter. Miss Edith.
living with her. A short funeral service
was held at Toronto on Monday evening,
and was conducted by Rev. R. Jobtle. a a0thrso make your. reservations early.
Illustrated descriptive literature. telling
tanner pastor n. Wesley church, and the X
remains were taken to Clinton. where the You all about it, from any Grand Trunk
' funeral took place from Wesley agent. or write Mr. H. T. Clarke. Man- ■
church r
h h m Tuesday many of her ager. H ghland inn, Algonquin Park, Ont. X
old friend= gathering to pay a last
trlbate of respect to her. in addition to
the daughter mentioned she leaves three •
son,. H. E.. of Peterboro, late of Gode-
• rich: Frank R , of Toronto. also late of 1
Griderich, and George, of Toronto.
MATHESON. -The death occurred on
Saturday. July 'pith. of William Mathe-
son. Hinck street. in his seventy-fifth
year. The deceased was born on a farm
1 on the H.Iron road near Goderich, but '
lived in Oxford county for many years; +
before coming back to Goderich about 1
live years ago. He is survived by bis
wife.ome daughter. Mrs. Fhck,of Leeburn.
1 and two sons: William. of near Listowel.
and John, of near Brantford. Surviving
brothers and sisters are Angus, of Cali-
tornia: Neil, of Florida; Alexander, of
Tuckersmith; Mrs. Jas. Stewart, of town:
Mrs. John Porter. of Godench township;
Mrs. Pratt. of Petrolia; Mrs. Burk and
i Mrs. Phewings, of Millbank; Mrs. Ander-
son, of Brantford; Mrs. Stevenson, of
Stratford. The funeral took place to
1 Maitland cemetery on Tuesday afternoon,
the services being conducted by Rev. R.C.
McDermid. The pallbearers were Angus
I and Alex. Matheson, John Porter. John
Phewings, Jonn McAuley and lames
Stevens. All the relatives mentioned 1
were here for the funeral with the excep-
tion of one brother and one sister.
YOU KNOW that WE KNOW hot' 10 repair
these part -worn shoes, Quickly, neatly. and at a
moderate cost.
.t Big • F values in Circus Program of
the RNrki Shows.
The management of the Sparks Shows'
have made it a study for years to give a
circus program repiete in all particular,
• and, knowing full well the importance of
some high-class animal acts on the pro-
gram. have this year imported from
Europe several acts that Wince fail to '
create a sensation.
The ac'.s imported front' across the
ocean this aeawm include a spectacular
e4uine drill and pyramid performance by
a group of Arabian stallions that is said •
to be the most beautiful piece of horse
training ever attempted. The herd of
performing elephants under the direction
of ihcr famous trainer, Louis Reed, will
produce gfoucings, pyramids and mance-
uvres heretofor7_th uaht impoe lbl
group of forest -bred African lions will
also hold an important place on this
interesting p ogram on account of the 1
wonderful control their fhiner has over
, thee, really ferocious man -killing besets.
The extensive menagterie earned by the
show also affords unusual interest to
those who are fond of studying animal
life. in it are presented many new
specimens hitherto unknown to the zoos
of America.
Besides the trained animals some of '
the worlds greatest gymnasts, aerislifl
acrobats and equestnarls have a place on
the bill. and after the grand opening
spectacle. which is brilliant In its coloring
and massive in effect. the program will go
1 forward with so much vim and vipr, the
acts will all be of such s high alder and
VERWARE, Etc., Ete.
Repairing done to
your satisfaction
E. C. Robertson
Corner East Street and Square
If in Trouble
with a leak in your plumbing,
call us and let us mend it.
:on't pot it off until it
becomes so bad that your
place may be flooded. "A
stitch in time saves nine."
Hatwltles Street Phe1e 1SS
)tavesttolsghf ng -
Metal Work
We have a large range of ginghams this season and there are still in stock
Many good patterns. These cloths range in price from 35C a yard, in small and
large checks, to 75C a yard for Anderson's best quality.
Dresses X
About ten voile dresses still to sell. All of these gowns are new this season X
and the voile in each is of fine weave. They are made in the newest styles and the
colorings are good. They range in price to $15.00 each: X
We are also showing a large range of house dresses at reduced prices. These X
111garments are all in good colors and styles and run up to $4.95 each. •
Just a few white skirts at reduced prices. ■
D. & A. J. H. COLBORNE Standard
Corsets Fashions.
WEDNESDAY, August 6.
Miss Eva Cox and sister. Mrs. (De.)
Stevenson, of Toronto, are home for a
short vacation.
Rev. J. E. Ford. of Goderich, occupied
the pulpit of Union church on Sunday.
Misses Frances Roberts and Sara Cox.
of Stratford. spent the week -end at Mr.
Clem. Newton's.
The Ashfield Soldiers' Aid Circle will
hold its regular monthly meeting at the
home of Mrs. Wm. Stothen, 9th conces-
sion, on Tuesday, August 12th, at 2 p. m.
Everybody invited.
Subscribe for The Signal now.
• .' .,,;.:' ••
••. *1 •
Ariu:RJI. •
WEDNESDAY, August 6. •
Mr jas. Howatt Tett on Thursday to •
visit his brothers in Manitoba.
Mr. and Mrs. John Smylie and children I •
1 left for their home in Star City. Sank., on 1 • f - . gasMv
Miss This Ons
Mrs. 0. Wenzel and Miss Melinda. of
Hespeler, are visiting relatives here.
Rev. W. A. and Mrs. Conway and
1 family are renewing old acquaintances
here and are the guess of Mrs. G. L.
Mises Con and Blanche Ferguson
have returned home from their visit with
i the r brother at Windsor.
The auction sale of the M. Lockhart
estate was held on Saturday. Auctioneer
Gundry taking the bids. The farm of
208 acres was sold to Mr. Robt. Lockhart.
I son of the late M. Lockhart, for 19,700.
Mr. Stanley Riven left this week for
Owen Sound.
Tttuasnat, August 7
wheat,garl40 g 1111 to11.02
tAite. Per a ba 0 a .W
Barley. bad cele 4.511. 1.00
Buekwlwtl Ver baso,........ ,.M t. .0
Floor. family. p.eewt
Floor. pwt.nt, per ems
Bran. ports,
w. per ton
1• per
Straw. less, per ten
Dairy Bolter. petits
Hatter o2710
Aso t. {.fle
cotes tie 4(00
Nssto 17.00
17.0 to late
100 t. wan
.20 to 02
fg�s..i'fw�a$*4Spo tAFt. aM
t*1(h, Md.Ael *times, Vee ext: 11.76 N 41.714
cattle', betaken( eewl l ow.PSr cwt WS to 12 76
HoV.• lire twofold, per owl 11.70 te 71.71
Hsae.. per Ib ..,
•• 4._ -.r tom. - t 1 •Y.iti .�
• _ _
Steamer Greyhound leaves Goderich Thursday, Sept. 4
• 9.W a. m. old time 10.00 a. m. new time
Arrives Detroit 6.00 p. m.
Returning leaves Detroit Saturday, Sept. 6th, 1 p. m.
• Detroit time (Detndt timely the samo as (3olerlch old time)
$2.25 Round Trip, $1.75 Single
• • Cbiklren between 8 and 12 half fare
•Don't miss this oppnrtnnity to visit America's most beautiful wad
moat prnsperoes city. A Million pnpnlatl"n, a city of besntihil parks,
• grand boulevards and a wonderful waterfront. Canadians catalog to
•I Introit for a temporary stay are not required to pay a tax or make a
deposit.. iT. R. immigration officers will be on the steamer to p,tse ex-
•-cnrstonlats. Good music and danlcttsg tie route. Fine tate and lunch
•room aboard steamer. See some real baseball with the marvellous Ty
Cobb in action. The St. Loris Browns will play the Desrott Tigors
• at Navin Park Friday, Rept. 6th.
out of Ooderloh, WEDNESDAY EVENING, Rept. art. 1,») old time.
g.80 God* nets time, age.
• Three hones on beanttfni Lake Hnron
• Orchestra Music and dancing in steamer': ballroom•
_1>L »tor- ,
t»a ttia •••••••••••••••••••N••1'••