The Signal, 1919-8-7, Page 7ivtaikA,
• • • • 3'
A(' •
' ,•
TEI .1110,3111L GODIRIC11. 011T.
summer months
Messrs. Tipling and Mills are busy with
the flax crop. Over one hundred Indians
are in the district from Southampton and
are working in the fieIds.,, The flax crop
• BE
in Ontare, this year IN lway below normal.
but Messrs. Tipling and MiLls had thro
MISS LAURA JAcKsoN. pupil of
Mr. F. T. Egener, Mus. Bac. is pre- S.u1d Read Mrs.ksonyassal ,s seed in early and will have a fair crop.
pared to receive pupils on tills pla110. Letter Published by Mary Cuutts. wife ot Howard Beatty,
• died at London July 23rd, in her thin y: -
Pupils prepared fur 1..ronto 1.011- .
vs tory examinations up to and ill. • Her Permission. oft h year The deceased spent ole 4reat :- r
iluiling intermediate. Fr terms uppig I; paTrthoepeoplefheriic,f1%n,mw re f y.
ifs in W.Iieghhaans,so
to M 1St+ LA 1 ' RA J Ait'istst iN. Auhuru. Mitchell, Ind.-" Lea E. Pinkhsrn's
Vegetable Compound elped Mar much 1 hear of the death of Mrs. How•ion, wife oi
Brussels had a very succifsful three during the time 1 Rev. W G. Howson of Loniiiin. Mr. and
daysold boys' reunion last week.
The death is announced of Miss Jessie
.McTavish. of Wroxeter, in her sixtY•filth
lames Morrison. an old resident of
Whitechurch. died suddenly on Saturday, : i
Jil y 6th, aged eighty years.
Your Dainty Silks, Georgette or Crepe
always give an idea of quality, but -
how to keep them dainty. That problem
is solved. Your daintiest garments can
always be kept beautiful and fresh by
washing with Lux.
The pure Lux Rakes will not hurt anything that
pure water itself will not hurt.
Miss Lovettei Baliarrtyne, of Brussels.
and Miss Marjorie McMath, of Clinton,
will trach in the Etikl public school the
coming year.
Mrs. Geo. Forrest. formerly of Bruce-
tint. died recently at Chesiey. where she
had made her home fur some years with
her stepdaughter.
The body of Alex. Forrest. a forsake
resident of Morris township. who was
killed in a snowslide in British Cuitimbia
lag fall. has been found. f around and do all
• Mrs. James Campbell. an old resident my housework. My baby hen seven
months old weighed 19 pounds and 1 feel of Weat VS'awarioeh. died at her home on .
better than I have for a long time. I
: the 13th COMX•1151 41 on Sunday. July 27th,
• never bad any medicine do pus so .
. in her ninety-seventh year. much good."-Itre. Pain. MOWTHA14,
William Rae. barrister. of Edmonton, - Mitchell. Ind.
i who came East to attend the Lioeral con- ; Gond Imelda daring maternity Is a
vention at Ottawa. spent a couple of ! moat inwurtant factor to both mother
'weeks visiting his old hame in Mchillop. and chikl, and many letters bay, been
A lire . at the Seaforth creamery on , received by the Lydia E. Pinkbans
Sunday, July .17. thrrat-ned the destruc- Medicine Co. Lye", Maas., telling ef
' tion of the buildtrig. but - the firemen • health reetort4duriagthi• trying period
managed to confine the damage *aunty to by the %wept Iris. Z. Pinkhans's Vero -
the engine roorr.. by C.ess
After a life of over seventy five years in
the community. Silas Handiord passed ; - - away at Exeter on Tuesday of last sveek.. Fred Cananan of rarkhill. became ex-
. naviiit• been in failing health for some haunted and was drowned. Too little
months. He te survived by tits wife, children were the only oem who it i messed
three sons and iwo daughters i the event. The body was recovered a
i Rev. J. A. McConnell. of Heneall Pres- i fess hours afterward and taker. to the
' byterian church. I- reolve:ing nicely fr m . home in Parkhill. The lad had been left
hub recent serious 'lines,' aid expects soon , on camp duty while the rest of the boys
(4.. [KUMe h14 pulpit oork. -He and bus . were out with the scoutmaster. He went '
family are at prevent spending a month at to the riivr bank and acmes in a boar.
land attempted to swim back. but being
their former home in Toronto.
I only a learner the 4wirti was too much for
George Pierce. an old and highly
; him. The boy's father war a section man
respected resident of Morris township.
died - on Wednesday. July 23. in his . at -Parkhill and was kiled by 1 train feur ,
nghty-seventh ear. Hlb wife. who was ; ,___Yest:saflon delicate
The mother is Miss Annie Asquith of Auburn vicinity. ' "'tilt'ndthe trod -hearted campers
collected$150 to defray the eipenees of
survives. with seven soon and three , the funeral.
The death of John F. M. Ehlers: of The Exetet' Times calls attention to the
1 ,
i Dathwood. uerur.ed suddenly on joy lack of lite -saving apparatus at Grand
' Bend. where a drowning took place laet
13rd. The deceased had been in good I week. It sacs: "In addluon to the
; health unt0 a week before. and two day, drowning accident at Grand Bend on Sun
dav there were several near drowning
9trc'ket He was sistY-seYea years of age. a&idents that occurred dc
orm the week.
Thumb' e. Angulo( 1, 1919.
was lookingforward Mrs Howson spent a four ,•ear term •I
to the coming of my - Ingham about ten years ago.
0111. that 1 arts I A happy event took place at St. And -
recommending itt. reys's manse on Monday of ;alit. ores,
other exp•ctant atlen Thomas M:Kee and M Cora
mothers. Betors (bwendoline Sherrifl, of Star City. SaSk
takin somedaro were Joined -in ardlock. 'The ceremony
I muttered with Deus as performed by Rev. D. Porre. T'te
might se badly that bride is a daughter of M. and Mrs. James
1 thought 1 could , Sherriff. formerly of this town. and t e
not live, bat after groom Is a wrmer re ent of Ford% wh.
taking three bottles
of Lydia E. P1 a k -
ham • Vegetable
Compound I was en-
tirely relieved of
neuralgia, 1 had
gained in strength
and was able to ge
Ten Dozen
ladies) silk
1 I oleproof
Begin Now to
Wear Them
A Cole of "The Care of Dainty Clothes" with roc:4os
for washiat Silks wed other choice articles sent free os
rimed of name and address to
'4f rid and Charles St . T,atuatv
Our r. -cued, foe gra. war. gar mipt4
in pulsations have 'WWII NV ft *imported .n
Cannes. Oto• tetweswe t, .• woo
known Write le Ise at vague
W 1 ELLriTT. Pflncips1
' before his death he suffered a paralytic
A speech made at a banquet is called a 1 hree mamed daughters survive him. The -r
toast because of the dryness thereof. David Dunkin. of Turnberry. pasted , of a young lady from drowning by Mr.
imes last week reported the rescue
to bus reward on Tuesday. July 2itth. in . Ed Taylor of town. Fishermen at the
, his suov-eichth yea-. Hs conducted a ! Ien 1 a h • sass the rescue stated that the
Advertise in The Signal. It rys.
blacksmith shop atG a in. nal for a numb r Ili rs . f Tay tor was both heroic
ot 'ears and prior to that had a black- 1 and sintIful. A returned soldier
AISE A •mith shots in East IA awanoish. He is tur- who artemoted to swim the distance
v.ved by four sons and four dauchters. to lb. fulling nets and back •
me poem
Pair to Wiwi MO frsts woe sicsdis In a violent electrical storm on the became exhausted when about 100 yards
nig,lal of July 7..Sch. Men Scott's barn inlout from she re. He tsp,rescued after
East Wawanosh was struck by oghtning going down a couple of times. These ac.:
r•ll'uAw° vi.'"u".'""."- and set on tire. he live stock were got cidents emphasise the fact that there o
out sifely. but a large quantity of grain. no life-savtng apparatus of any nature
Ithe reason's hay and all implerner ts were ; that is available at Grand Bend. At the
X.'::".inlarffiall ,.,..5E.• zameingrx destroyed. Mr Scott had $2.500 insur- I dock there is not even a life-beit that
anor. but:still is a heavy loser. ! might be thrown to anyone struggling in
On Sunday., July 27th. there
passed I the water. The dragging for the victim
School of Commerce . assay at his home in itensal:in old and
;of Sunday's accident was tint done by fith r
respected reeident. in the person of Robert nets and later a rope was fitted up a ith
i fishhooks. Such a matter might well
eighth year. He came to Hay
' Carlisle. The deceared was 0 his etitht y• i
town,han I receive the consideratton of the township
Clinton and Goderich, Ontario. • when a young man and lived on the farm
; council or tht county council and steps.
ago. 1 be taken to Provide sime life-saving
until moving to Hensall a few years
1 Five sons and five daughters survive
On Tuesday of last week. after a linger- apparatus for this popular resort.-
ing illness. Mrs. M. Donaldson (formerly
i bliss Gertrude Petty died at her 'ionic at Keep Children Well
Ileroall. Mrs. Donaldson. who was a During Mot Weather.
1 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Petty.'
When It became definitely Inowa
that the Pella!, of Wales would
open the Canadian Natinual
tionsthls year the managemer' at
once got Into touch with the official
photographers in. London and request-
ed a profile pleitograpn of him for re-
p:oduction on the Victory Near Medal
to be awarded to the winners in the
Agriculture: and other sections of the
Big Fair. The photo shown above was
received atter considerable delay, and
immedtatcly a cable was rush, d back
to this effect:
"A mistake -has been made, An
official picture 01 •• 1. One
you sent show • the Prier., withnt ,
hat or cost and with khaki 6114\
Offers the following courses :
STKM61.-.41•II IC
SErBET.1111, IL
trod aria111es Sperial Courses Jr Students
The following advantages:
Hi211 12unlitied Tearhin Staff
wirtual Busiqess S ystem of Bookkeepinf t .
• Credential rifflewritine Test 4
A Business Education pays for itself in a few months. -
Now is the time for the young man or woman to make an
investment that will give splendid returns in the years to come.
For terms. etc., write
B. F. Ward, M. A. Stone,
B. A., M. Accts., Com. Specialist.
a If Phone : : : 208 • •
went overseas as a nurse and while in ,
Franccontracted the disease which Every mother knows how fatal the hot
, caused her death. She was the second summer months are to small children.;
member of tbe family to sacrifice her lute Cholera infantum. diarrhoea. dysentery..
in freedom's cause. her brother Hanson colic and stomach are rife at
being killed in action one year ago. thus time and often a preen little life ,s
• A pioneer resident of the township of lost after only a few hou7s. alness. The
Hullett. Mrs. Lear. widow of the late motner who keeps Baby's Own Tablets in
• Elias Lear. died on Wednesday. July 23, the house feels safe. The occasional use
aged ninety-three years. The deceased of the Tablets prevents stomach and
, was born in England and a year atter bowel troubles. or if trouble comes sud-
their marriage she and her husband came denlv-as it generally does -the Tablets
to this country and two Years later took will bring the b iby safely through. They ,
up land in. the township of Hullett. This are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at
was in the year 11451, when the township 2.5 cents a box from the Dr Williams'
war a forest wildernese. 'Mr. Lear died in Medicine Cos -Brockville. Ont.
1943, since then the widow had made her
borne with her son Henry at Londesboro.
The surviving family !includes four sons
and four daughters.
.Attempting to swim the rivet at Grand
Bend on Sunday morning. July 27th. in
order to get back to the Boy Scouts' camp Annie, became the bride of Alex. Butler
befose the return of his comrades. Leon of Clinton. The young couple will reside
!Carignan, aged fifteen yews, son of Mrs. in this town.
Mr, and Mee. George Davies last week
celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their
wedding. They were married in Clinton
EVEN if cll makers were to
use the fine materials in
Holeproof, this famous
hosiery would still excel because
of specialized methods of knit-
ting. For more:Ilan I 6yearsHole...
Isroofs hive amazed Ole public
by their durabilit.,r-uncl they aro
just as durable today as ever.
besides bei nc more
Our new styles ,are
ready --a good time for
you to "stock up."
?ma. Abu.
All s1ia41es
-r hese will
not last long,
is prices
October 1 st.
Get your
supply at
old price
Semi -Ready Tailors sod Gents' Furnishers
collar turned in Charuslug des-
habite. but hardly drgalfed
Then came tt,e answcr:
"Sorry you dislike it. It's the
Prince's favorite picture. taken
with the Canadians in France and
to every sewn,. official."
And that I.. the reason wLy •.le Peo-
ple's Prince will appear on the Cana-
dian National Exhibition 191, medals.
bailees. coatlees and In the careless
attire of the Fighting Man In France.
He will open the Big Fair on Monday,
August ESth
A New idea.
A British gnriner who had st:ccessfully
Passed a blacssmith's tourse was home WI ;
furlough, stearin.; :the hammer and pint:.
ens n his arrriN hte was iwcosted hy
a cis Man hu juiet aha: the decoration
was for.
"Oh." rePied Tommy "I'm an army
dent ist."..
I re, said the civilian. "Of course
the p ncers are for extracting teeth. But
w is the idea 1 the hammer?'
WtP. you see. 'II.; :Ikr this. Srtnie ol
the 4 haps are a bit nervus. we use the
hammer thheoform them.- 14.,s the
rtp y.
-The dignity and decisions of the court
must be upheld," said this judge. address
ing a class at law students, "hut some
queer things have to be done to nye up to
this creed. Take a case 1 heard of in
China The Downer had been arrested
as a pickpocket and been tined V. But
he's only got a dollar on him. your
honor,' said the officer who had made the
arrest. •0. well.' said the Judge. 'turn
him loose in the err ed until he can raise
the other four.' "
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Wash. The Kidneys!
M.:Innes. of Kinloss too nship on Wed
nesday, July 2:3. their daughter, Mik
SVCS 1810
Jule 211th, 1409. and have lived in this
town ever cnce, with the exception of a
short period spent at Stratford. .
Clinton's big day-Nionlay. August Sth
-was a most successful occasion. There
School opens Tuesday, Sept. 2nd. wee a big crowd in town.
imelogimmximpimaimpt ,i;Ixgommumix 30 RUC COUGHS
Farm Laborers
t I ,
'Ishii Trip Wost"--$12 to WINNIPEL
34 cod per Ms Maim to lestbeisa
In Western Canada
,a "Return Trip Eist"--$111 from WINNIPEC.
ast per No start; pit
001410 DAYS*
August 12,
August 14.
rem sestasan in Ontario. Swath • Falls W sod holoillos 'terms, so Lain °starlit *aft Lift
sad Nevoisch-Peowborti Use.
TJsemies to Redrew /sorties. lomtestve
raw wettest es Toteotailudbert drew
Mai Mathias cruiser Istiettes Pew hi•Wlemil and sweeten to 11.064170,01.. isrludite.
mew mistiest Mote sod We. et taws* II sod WitZso mad Inetessm.
tow options co 0...fissot rtiostetst. Lissowel. Otteerteit. It. Mary*
Port lierwmil as/ W. There brooches
tea mistiest. Permits esti Neste te Wow istiodee
Augur14, I,
August 21. r
opessiks. 111114140•101 TWAIN* MON 1/41110111TO
1511 I..... 1..44, 114405 T'. 5,1 %win. • W 8 HOWARD. 0111tfict Pesimeetr Ammo. Term%
H. A. route has resigned his position
as prinii•al of the Lucknow school and
will tate a similar position at Port Credit.;
Mr. ard Mrs. Ashley Blair, former
residents of Luckriow, n.tvr of Hamilton, •
have been bereaved by the death of their I
eldest daughter. Bertha Anetra, who died
of pneumonia at the age of eighteen years.
The remains were bought to Lucknow
for interment.
David GUies. a resident of the boun-
dary a les miles earl' of Lucknow, died
on Mopday. July 2141h. He was fifty-six
years of age and leave, a widow and a
grown-up family.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jovnt and Miet
Letitia are visiting friends in the Canadian
West and in W:scorsin.
11. D. Worlds has sold hit grocer; busi-
ness to T. Smith. who recently moved
into town from Huron township.
* I NGH A M.
Clarence B. Armitage has returned to
Winghem with his bride. formerly Miss
Fern Martin 01 Waliscebunt.
C.E. Lepard. proprietor of the Farmers'
Home, is having a large cement barn
erected to replace the one but.nted las(
It is rumored that Wirighata is to have
a new skating rink, with acconntionation
for roller-skating and dancing in the
After Bad Colds or Influenza
Look to Kidneys and Bladder!
Owing to bad
colds, over -eat-
ing or intemper-
ance, or to the.
Niter effects of
i nfluenz a -uric
3id and toxin!'
peltent • are
stored up in the
body and cause
backache, lum-
bago, rheumatic
pains and stiff
-es Joints.
It is most ee-
spatial that
treatment be di-
rected towards
prompt casting out of the poisons from
the body which cease thele pains and
aches. This mean" that the excretory
organa -(the bowel's akin and kidneys) -
should be excited to their beet efforte.
Every one should ckan house -internally
-and thus pmteet one's self from many
germ disesiere. by taking cantor oil or a
t laxative such as lar. Pierce's
Vi=not Pellets, which ans tootle of May-
apple, slow and jahip. Take theme every
other day. This will excite efficient bowel
action. If you suffer from backache, irri-
tation of the bladder anti the kidneys,
abown by the frequent calk to get out of
bed at night., onneiderable 'sediment in
the water, brick -dust deporat, perhaps
headache in the morning, you should
obtain at the drug store "Anuric" (anti -
uric acid), fuel mit up by Dr. Piers*.
To build up the strength and improve
the blood, take an iron tonic such as
°Imntie," maaufacturevi by Dr. Pierce,
to be had in tablets at drug stores,_or
moms good herbal tonic rush se Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
made from wild mote and barite without
alsolssl. sad out an is tablets sr lisuld.
A quantity of dry summer wood, I2 -in. long, at
$1.50 per single cord
or $2.00 delivered. Terms cash with order or
C.O.D. We will sell only on cash terms.
Orders may be left at house or store.
Phone 155
The Western Fair
London, Ontario
September 6th to 13th, 1919
This is the Great Agricultural
Exhibition of Western Ontario
Johnny J. Jones
Speed Events
Very Best
Than Ever
Auto Entrance corn, nimlaa and Egcrton Srs.etn. Usual Entrance at
at eS. (intuit stand 2:M•.
Prize Lints. Ent "mans and all information from the Secretary
L1..('or. W.thi. it nsl IOU E. Prssirlant. A. M. 111TniT, St cretaty.
We have installed an up-to-date
Steam Vulcanizing Plant
and are prepared to do all kinds of tire repairing at
reasonable prices.
The. it done by taking one which has the tread worn to
the fabric for the inside and another which has a good .tread
but rim cut or blown out on the side for the outside and
stitched on with • patent lock -stitching machine. This will give
you from 2000 to 5000 Miles of service and is practically
puncture -proof.
Cal and ask us about your ties, and we will ad% 1St you
and suggest a remedy.
Hamilton Street Goderich
• • .• ••••••••ts • 0.4 3... • . : • • .. ••
r •ft -s•
'• „., •••• • .,••ts.•-• •• s • • • ,
. ,