The Signal, 1919-8-7, Page 6-
-Thursday. Miguel' 7, 111111.
and i Tealth
1 here ii. neither agc
limit nor exemption -
every man, womansand
child has a daily fight
to carry on against
germs and microbes of
disease. tise
for a victorious and
delightful, toilet, for a
refreshing bath,and for
:1 thorough cleansing
nl the home.
Ifre nenfielic odour
Me nes of
proferfir •
quo, klyogernsh
neg aftry ate
1 ry,r Itrother•
Toronto. ()nt
Tbe Doable Track Route
het * eeu
Unexcelled (lining can servItie
hileeping twee ou night trains. and
moire ran. .111 pIiihlpI day IfaiOtt.
infornastion from any tirant1
1 yowl. Ticket &out, or U. E. Horn -
int Monet Paesenger Aiteat. To-
G. H. Imader.11tation Agent. ItlitMO
Town Ages', Phone 8
Change of Lawn- Service
Owing to extreme hot weather,
the Inge use of water hs.'. C11113.'11
(0101/11010 that the town punt's..
ale working to eagniity, and :411,1
pC/1.0111. f(SUIldi using water contra v
to tiny -roles and regulations will
he prosecuted. Hones form 7 to 8
a.m., 5 to.111 p
1,asso itertice users are requested
to rase the water as moth as po..•
Ni perium is allowed to u,e
Valet (OF Irian --cr‘ne until
cation Inc sante been matte..
Hydro Store (laved every Wee .es -
day aftetnoon during Jul.
arid August
e:itel 1.141.t tales paynI1e
.1. 11. KELLY.
Nalco and Light Commirssion
Town of Goderich.
ON account of pres-
ent weather con-
ditions the wholesale
companies have been
able to wake better
deliveries of Coal and
we are now able to
supply :
Pea and
Egg Coal
Soft and Cannel Coal
in any quantities.
MacEwan Estate
Feb. it, toy)
G. W. V. A Has Flan for Soldiers Era -1
ploy:neat Bureau.
The regular meeting of the town emus ,
cal was held on Friday evening lag, the ,
Mayor in the char, and the Reeve: the;
Deputy Reeve and councillors Wallis,'
Story and Humber also present.
The tax collector submitted a state-
ment of collections since May la, and
was instructed to iiisist on payment of all II
1917 and 191S arrears. Thr am iunt of
taxes in arrears has been largely red uixd
by the pressure exerted during the last
year or SO.
The request of Ahmeek Chapter, ;
tfall fair fur the ben lit of
I. 0. D. E., for the privilege of holding a
tag day at the I.
the 1. (). D. E. funds was sent ts the
special oonunittee.
The secretary of the Board of Trade
wrote submitting a resolution passed by
the executive council of that body at a
recent meeting: "That In view of inform-
ation brought to this executive cooecil in
reference to infractiqns of the pnlice by-
laws perpetrated on several instances
withist the past morith and the apparent
leniency of out police. we request the
Lown council to see that the police wooer
ly •perform their duty. or be replaced by
competent men."'
The council passed a resolution asking
the Board of 'Trade to make a specific
Charge in the matter.
A petition from the sewer employees,
for an increase of five cents an hour was
referred to the chairman of the public
emks committee and the street 1116pm:-
the. witheiower to acL
The following letter was received
tIse secretary of the local branch (dt:
G. W. V. A:
• "I have been instructed by the mem-
bers of the (;. W. V. A. to inform the
local eniployers that we have formed a ,
local bureau fur returned men, the ideal
being to get the 0o -operation of the em -
Moyers in this stherne, tor we feel sure ;
you will be willing to sive these men the1
first opportui ity ta ftll am vacancies that ;
may ,ocur in any of your departments. I
'•We wall It clearly understood that we
are not asking you to take a useless man '
out of charity, for we are confident that
any !nail sent you by us Will be abit to do
his bit with the next man. Al: we ask i*!
a chalice fat the man who has come
back to get placed n employment again.
1 might say this scheme has been worked
A preparation which has won its eaviable reputation
solely on its merits. The safe, sure and speedy remedy
for all Rheumatic complaints.
for Gish -rich H. C. DUNLOP, PH". B '11'1 and
Sole %gent
B. Iiruegist
Mall $1.04 to Ili, address or to Templeton's. 142 King St. N.. Toronto and
T.Ilt.C.'s will be sent poll paid.
still another of our soldier lads. Private
Arthur Barber This time a double wel-
come is extended, as he brings with him
an English bride. Pte. 0arber enlisted in
November. 1914, and went across with
the 4th C. M. R. from Toronto. tie saw
much active service is France until June.
1919. when at Ypres he was taken
prisoner, and remained such until the
arnuetice was signed. Arthur could no
doubt tell us much of the horrors or
prisop life. but has only assured us that
had it npt been tor Red Crow provisions.
provideclby friends here, he dues not hest-
, tate to say he would not have come hack.
He arrived on the 11 a. in. train at Gode-
rich on Monday. and was met by Messrs.
Aaron Fisher and Vtm. Hill, sr.. the latter
takmg the arrivals to his home. That
evening a large crowd of friends, front
both Bethel and Benmiller, gathered
ID meet him and extend a personal wet -
coin. to both Mr. and Mrs. Battier. Our-
ing the evening a purse of Money was
presenttd to him, while the following
address was read by Mr Ezra Fisher:
To Mr. Arthur Barber.
friends of tbis neighborhood. have gath-
ered here this evening to extend to you a
hearty greeting and welcome you hone"
again from your perilous tnp over land
and sea. •
While we are in the midst of rejoicings ,
that the emblem ol twilit' is again waving
over the world, we are hot unmindful of
ths brave work which you and your noble '
comrades have accomplished in the face
ol gravest dangers
The foot of the aggressor has been
leaned, our fair land is tree from the civil •
t)ranny of the enemy. and words fail tol
expres our heartielt appreciation of what ,
you and others have done that we may ,
enjoy the air of freedom. so dearly bought i
on the battlehelds "over there.' We feel I
that for the sacrifices you have made and
the dangers you have so brave y faced we ,
can never repay you, but would ask yob .
to accept this purse as a small token of
our deepest thanks to you.
Yes. peace is again our lot. by the hand
of a great Providence you have been per-
mitted to return to us with health and
Strength. and our kindest wishes we ex-
tend to you and your estimable wife in
the new sehere ot Iffe which you will
shortly begin. May God's richest blessings
be yours and prosperity attend you both
with success m other towns and we feel
sure it sill also in ow town it given a fair -
"I have also been instructed to put the
names of the employers on tile who are
willing to give us their dippr rt M this rnat-
ter and would be greatly °bilged, if you
eould give me your views on chi; subject
at tour earliest cenventence. I
"Yours truly.
" H. Milton. Secretary."
1 he communication was referred to the
spenal committee. •
A letter .ftom the secretary of the
Board of Trade submitting prices for
road signs received 'tom a Woodstok
firm, and suggesting that the town might
obtain a supply for placing on the roads
leading to Godeitch. was referred to the
special committee.
Another letter from the Board of Trade
asked the council to help in improving
the fall fail and making a "a cotnplete
Some of the members seemed to resent
what appeared to them to be the insinua-
tion that the council had not in the past
its duty by the few:- Theletter wall
notificaticti was received from the
Ontario Railway and Municipal 13olird
appointing Tuesday. August 12th, at 12
°clock boon, for ti hearing in the matter
of the investment of the funds deemed
from the sale of the,assete of; the 0.- W. S.
Railway Colopany. The Mayor was
'appointed to appear before he Board i
behalf ol the toen. A reeolution was
passed expressingle wish of the counci,
that the funds abut: merino ed, now in
the hands of the 1 or�o(* General Trusts
Corporation. should ,be invested in
Ihminion of Canada bonds.
The county rate this year is St1.543.96
-14.410.00 for general (minty purposes
and 12,133.90 for good roadt.'Tie county
rate for IUDs was 17.531, Which
included ttie Provincial war lax er
The finance cemmetee, besides Pie ing
a number of sec, was, recommended a
grant of $602 to the Peace fhiy ceiebee-
lion committee. the amount named bong
dollar fordollart ith the amount raised
by the committee from private subscrip
lions. The rectinimendation was referred
hack to the conimittee for further con-
The fire committee r- commended that
permission be gi‘fri the tire brigade to
go to Clinton on Aueust 4th. substitute
f rensen to be arranged for for that day
with Mr. E. C. Belcher as rue chief: that
the council grant $2.5 trrwards the ex.
'senses of the brigade in taking the band
to Clinton on the same occasion: and
that the chief of the tire department be
requested to send in without turther de-
lay his teport its ' asked lur bythis
committee on NI mon :Sch.
The report was adopted. '
The public works ''eimmittee recom-
mended that enielo) ers'' liability insur-
ance he placed on men aorking on *ewer
constructicm and thot a policy of the
()ccan Accident an.. Guarantee -Company
as submitted at a rate rif our per cent.
be accepted. The committee reported
that the St. Andrew's street sewer was
practically completed and the Mimics
street sewer' waS under construction.
Adopted. •
The Goderich Organ Co. and the
I)ominion Road Machinery Co. have
been using some of the machines formerly
in the Whet Rigs plant. and now that
the (God( ricli Mercantile Co. is taking
over the plant it was decided to waif Y
thew companies to return the machines
not later than, August 901.
The solicitor Ifht. instructed to take
action to collect arrears owing on account
of the Keneington Furniture Co.. and the
finance committee was instructed to
arrange for the collection of arrears owing
by the Goderich Manufacturing C,.n.
The special committee was asked to
bring in a report as to the completion of
the amassment roll.
The council then ad,tourned.
lIntentInd kw lam week.)
Mr. Melvin Jewell has purchased a new
McLaughlin Sta.( ial car. "
Rev li
Mr. ne. Mrs. Rutherford 'and
farnik. of Avon. Ont.. are renter/mg eld
acquaintancee here this week.
A I mom F RECKITION. -Sine! Illst 'Reel(
we ate pleased to report the safe return of
through the coming days.
Signed, on behalf of your old friends of
this neighborhood.
Pte. Barber made a suitable reply;
afterwards a lunch was enjoyed by all'
and about midni,ht the friends left 'for
t heir homes.
.enlmal Statues.
The Sparks' Circus which is billed to
give two exhibitions in Goderich,
Wednesday. August 13, has many
noeelties and new features this season,
among which is the justly famous
Woodford's Animal Statues.
This display consists of snow-whtte
Arabian stallions and pedigreed white
English setter dogs. There are three of
these acts, exactly ahke, one in each
ring, and from an artistic penile they easily
hold the posoion of the most beautiful
display ot thr entire circus program.
A number of different famous hunting
scenes, and the wardrobe, trappings and
paraphernalia being in the purest of
white give an appearance of matble that
leaves a lasting impression cf beauty
with the audience.
Then Mr. Gillmor Found Relief in Dodd's
Kidney Pills.
Second Falls., N. 13.. Aug. 4 (Spe
Those who spend sleepless nights
use Dodd's Kidney Pill:" Such is the
advice of Mr. W. A. Giilmor. of this
place, and -et -os given out of a full
heart. He knows what it meant to toss
around on a sleepless bed and get up feel-
ing hardly alive next day. He used
Dodd's Kidney Pills and now goes to bed
and enjoys a good night's rest.
"I had not known a good night's sleep
for two years. I dreaded going to bed. I
also had a very lame back. caused, as 1
thought, by 'driving through the country
for twenty years. Reading Dodd's Al-
manac led me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Surely they are a wonderful renady. and
will do all that is claimed for them. I
now get six hours of beautiful sleep, when
one or two was all 1 could get before.".
Subecribe for The Signal now.
Developing a New Clover Seed District
"Just Wright"
ust Wright Shoes for men are
We are fortunate in securing the
Agency for this high-grade
Shoe for Goderich
Get them at'"
oderich Board of Trade
In tut* ti y plates Pubtie Library Mounts are taking special interest in
providing books that /are intended tot ethnulate .a more warm!
/fere I lire it fen UMW taken (nun a 'splendid list that Imo iwently
Intere-,t in community% weffert. and elvie improvement. '
!sett published: /
"The Problem of/lidueation.- by Edmond Keil.
-Taxatioii•Theory iinti Pravtiee of Tryntiou.- by Pastel Wells.
-Hours /11/14 Wawa. In Relation to Prodnetiott," by ludo Braiitano.
AdJle-tment of AVages," by W. J. oteliley.
-Water Stipplyi' by Frederick E. Turimanrr.
-too/lain Anil ,Lialbor." 117 itlIte itelirlbrir. .
-Hlandiuttion of 2111k for Public Flralth Purposes." 1.y .1.... Rao,
°Anions aiile roubles and flow to .Remosly Timm.- liy 1 'harks lbs.,
TM---tutly I ma 11 bunks is espeeially bellif'd hi. the-, da.ts.tif rm...
41 met' tt
n. •
Make go441 use of our orplendicl Puhlle 1.1braryi
August 7th, 11119
During the last three years Mr.
Don H. Bark. Chief of the Irrigation
Inveetigation Division of the Depart-
ment of Natural Resources of the
Canadian Pacific Railway, has been
conducting a number l'f experiments
in the growing of Moyer seed in
Southern Alberta, and has met with
susprising success Before coming
to Alberta in 1915. Mr. Bark was for
Several years connected with various
irrigation enterpi•ises in Idaho. His
sxperieneed eye noticed that the eke
ver growing on lawns, ditch Danko.
end waste places in Alberta, ?rote the
boundary line to as far nerth as Ed-
monton, gave promise or good re-
sults. Thie premier was fully roe -
firmed when hi. shelled hundreds of
heads that he gathered. They re
vested a large quantity of Reed of
unusually good quality.
The following year, therefore. he
arranged for several plots to be
planted art the various Demonstra-
tion Farms of the. Canadian Paelfle
Railway situated 111 the irrigation
block, east of Calgary, Alberta. The
results of these experiments,, welch
have been rontintied ever sinee, have
been very satisfactory. Not only
have they proved that rlover aped
ran he grown ancressfully in South-
ern Alberta. hui they have also
111111/4/0 than the send obtainable is of
an exceedingly high qualitY. with the
yield woo &bole the air -rage.
(Inc of th, targeei Plots planted
during the first yeal was threr and
• half SCrf.a, w ere planted to
ainikr t•lover at Tiller. Alberta. 'rids
area prodeted the following year 2.-
617 prom& 'if an excellent quality of
machine rtin seed pei acre; an aver-
age yield of 748 pc:utile, or approxi-
mately twelve and a half hoshele,
nor acre. This aPP(i eallIfi bat, been
solti readily, salami recleaning, to
dealers at twenty rents n twiund,
which would have given a arlt4P
011110 $149.e0 per acre But such
was th• quality that •fter a thorough
recleaning, there remained slightly'
over ten bushels per acre of the bIgb-
powallsi• grad.' of seed. At Ala'
epring's retail mire,' each acre pro-
ctored a gross revenue of upwards Ole
At the same Ware another plot.
cemproone &Imo, r ai acre and a
111112. was plantnd whit. Dutch
Inc.' in 1915 This crop had not
looked to.. -y well throughout the sea -
env the irtisnoi havinr hoer thin and
the growth r•thest indifferenl. vet a
treat yield ‘,1 208 noonds ,•1 send nf
an estellent klad wore te cured from
Ins, *rest ,n 1917 The •Vara140 fiord.
Irma 142 gonads per acre. As this
roped was worth 40 Inuit fifty meta • ,
We are pleased to be able to inform the public that we
are now in a position to supply any quantity of hard coal
in all sizes. Also any quantity of soft coal for domestic use.
We wish to extend thanks to our customers, whohave
been very patient during the stress of. the coal Shortager and
now that it :has been relieved -we -will give otw -cald-time
service and protnpt delivery.
The Saults-Coal Co
• Phone No,
B. J. Saults' residence W. W. Satilte' residence
o. 275 No. .'n.)
(1) Alsike clover at Carseland, Alberta.
(2) Field of alsike clover at Tilley, Alberta.
' pound, the returns secured were very; therefore, amounted to 11103. Of
eatisfactory. despite the poor stand $36.31 per acre; not • bad rotors for
, and indifferent growth cf the clover.' one searson form land that ewe only
I twat year the yield from this plot fifty dollars an sere, although the
was somewbat better. 201 pounda Of, crop was considered rather' dist*.
; Need of an equally good grade being pointing.
Iposineed. on the als,,ve basis. tidal Rut atueh better results were se.
1.1epresents a gross return of MOTO, cured with whtte clover on the same
than $100 an acre. I farm. or tide, three setes pr-dueed
The following example relsted by 1,144 ptemds of nsachine run seed.
Mr. Bark shows the prolifir nature of which when thoroughly recleaned
(-toyer tinder m nditiona in Southern weighed 1,033 pounds. White clo-
A !tart& , ver send la now being sold en the
In the fall of 1917. a one -acre laws , Calgary and Winnipeg markets at
of Kenturky Blue Gratis and WhIte!trixty-five rents a politic! The grower,
clover at Cassile, a small atatiol. therefore, m*bt reaeonably expert
west of Medicitre Hat, on the main' to receive fifty cents a swmad Mr rt-
inc of the Canadian Pacific Railway:cleaned need in large celantitlee. On
appeared to nnotain enough ripe this Nixie the groom return from the
clover heads to that it would pay to three acre plot would he no leas than
harvest it. This seeordingly was 95411 1,41. As in the cape of the alsik•
done, and the area threshed 105 clover. uhe .aetual cost of handling
pounds of White Clover seed cif an was ears -fully kept. It amounted to
excellent grade and quality. Thls 1110.20 or 116.73 an acres ft will he
11110-1I, thrrefore. produced oxer 150 seen. therefore, that the actual not
otorth nf !PP(' 1110110 11 was not Profit from thes• three acres was
planted Inc seed product'on purposes. 91191.30. or neer 9130 an sere. With
Mn. Barb Nix gradually extended. eueh retinae It data not tak• many
his eXperimenta over a larger nivel- acres In provide a man with a rood
tory with equally favourable reaulta. twoorne.
Three aad a bet acre. platted 10 Now that th• poisiblittlea of grow -
'talks clover at ROOTOISTf. north of lag clover mead no the Irrigated lands
Bsevdrooks. 1A11cin
borta.d lt
waerix% htied Inc of Routherin A I bortd been rime
have be-
is2'igh the stand neatly deeveneistrat.4. it will not be
was oily fair. an &versos y1e1.1 ne lens hefor• ever, farmer In the dt•-
Mtn powide of ?WW1 per erre was pro. triet Is growing at least • few arms.
Awed. Casspiete rector& were kept Th. demand tor htsch-elaas swag fa es
of Use Goat at handling this won. eat greetaad likely to be greater In the
at the rote of forty cents per hour future. that the &anger s1 roug •
per am, and fifteen rent* an lam ghit ma the sisairltet le very ran;rez
per aorao. worked out at 142.07, or sad the tirtureer du rely ni•
117.73 per sere Tao total 110.41 pra- is little ileum stoat
(Need was SAS pounda. whieh at *Rhea the nett few rears the tads's-
twenty rent. i Doom!, la worth 1177. try will ilissidd• etilidderobile prepap.
The net prs11t front the three sem *lei& sonnbana AWN,
Leave Toronto 7.15 p.m.
Arrive Winnipeg 9.05 p.m. 2nd day
canassy mein pen. Srd day
" Banff l24"p.kds1ay
" Vanconver 10.110 ei.m 4th day
rst SleepingiCar Paesengers only
Pisil partienlare from any agent. 308., KIDD
C. P. Agent. Ooderich.
15,000 Men Wanted
Western Harvest Fields
thfieltillATE F.kfri.OYMINT AVAILABUt
bar: tt m.o..
Coardisetable Trahur-Tlararash gitridoe-erporial
Annarnmodiation far 1/V01111011.
Per 1101bor sisminerre sogry (log ay. Aose. is cenium
Illsamago• Agsant. %awe**