The Signal, 1919-8-7, Page 5"MARY" THE LARGEST. LIVING. LAND ANIMAL ON EARTH. /MCMtf TALLER rNAN✓t/NB0 ANO wo/LN/N4 S TONS. ovrAr APOSITIVE FEATURE AT EMS EXHIBITION !� 11 PERFORMANCES DAILY-RAINceSMINE 2 AMD H O CLOCK 1010'. re re Macros !Keys Eeettr silt 1 Authorized Ford Service Station using only Genuine Ford Parts Also k: tl Storage Battery Service Station Repairs to all kinds of Storage Batteries "Owned sed Operated by a East Street Garage PractiC Mas" GODERICH - - OKFARIO Arthur N. Glover LOCAL TOPICS. Kumball-Hanot(. I Announcement is made of the marriage on Monday. August 4th, of Charlotte E.. ;daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Fair Hanna and the late Robert Fianna. of Milverton. to Mr. Caswell J. Rumball. of Toronto. son of Mr. and Mrs. E..) Rumhali. of GOderich, the ceremony being performed by Rev. J. H. McLeod. The groom's Marty friends in Goderich wish the young, coupe rhuch happiness The honey- moon trio will include a visit to the groom's old home herr. • l'Isiu'kal Speekslist Engaged. Muss Beatrice L. Fletcher, B. A.. spectailst in classics. has been engaged to take the piste on the staff of Goderich Collegiate Institute vacated by Mra. Urquhart. B. A.. who has resigned to take a position on the stat of Guelph Collegiate Institute. Miss Fletcher Domes (rum High River. Alberta. havettg taujht for four years in the West• and �Iuiuniuxlu�tHtuux�niiii?onulliiux�ulnnilnxliili�uinix betas going West she taught for sortie —years in Ontario tchoo X k. She assumes alher new duties at the beginning of THE HURON CANNING =September Mrs. Urquhart before her marriage taught for several years in the school at Guelph to which she now ',K • returns. She has done excellent work in & EVAPORATING CO — hertwaoey a mG, i'noxhhuciLh. havWttg • = taken a valued part in the work of the church. She is at present in town making the final arrangements for her is prepared to buy any quantity removal to Guelph' Prior of RASPBERRIES • to t11Y departure Will Live st Reheat*. li Call and see of Mr and • Mrs. 1t. 1'atuer..0 fr town. they Then wee Lam -BUIL. Tbere Is usthing so soothing for tender. aching or blistered feel It will ea' the burning. draw out the soreness. prevent blistering and give you perfect foot DotefurL Also there ie sorbing se good as Lam -Bok for sunburn. bat rashes. blistered hands. ach.to muscles, mosquito sad insect bites. outs, bruise, burns and all skis meanie sal ailments. 50e. all druggists and stores. rut tlie a'I tt uttile F. Weir uuil I(U$M4l Couto, field the i••iole for 1hr warded mere. ' Fifty-four Years It ,sg {d ilia farm laborer of Banking Service The Wsatern Crops. i t about 15.000 men will be required to workas to assist in harvesting the crops in Man itoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta. The Cenadian.Pacific has arranged and is advertising usual special (area( 112 to Winnipeg. and will run •pedal trains from "Toronto, Tuesday. August 12th. and Thursday. August loth. LOCAL TOPICS -I BIRIEWi. t fG fiend on August est with the ob- 'skip,. lett of reaching some agreement with re- • The W. C. T. U. will meet Monday. gard to the respective liability of the two August Itch. at 8 p. m.. in the Temper - counties for the cost of the new bridge to ance Hall. Will the latices of the different be erected over the Aux Saubie River at chttrchga cpme and join us in our work? that p.nnt Although -so tt is held by The W C T L want to express their irwe anon steamers were at tlw hurter title week --ole• irndlat. with 117,0w.r1 feuded,. of oat" :end wheat. aid the Iilrnlltnt. with 1:11.1*s1 buebels of Date. It.th ,..re wi+ were for tlw tio.Iw ri.'h Elevator Fred Huni had a ink in the Exeter lawn bowling tournament this week and winning three games got into the semi -- - -- - Time has demonstrated the soundneew of the petioles; on which the first Board of ireloh rs f itis this Bank fifty-four years ago, end have contin throughout its ezlstence. 000 ducted lee Jany o�rvativ have conatuntly been et protreseloe dudes In a sone, general tsar pubho manner, p depositor d g NTA alike is amply UNION P RANK ,t OF CANADA Goderich Branch F. Woolcomb, Manager` finals. where he met defeat. The nnk was composed of C. A. Nairn. Arthur resentativet was held at Taylor. Chas. Chapman and P. Hunt ...err tlw auest5 of honor at to social us. We have a quantity of new O ,.snit.¢ held in (lir Itaytist ehumh. is X and used i r -quart Fruit Baskets X �;t�;M:r,�p,_ i,;;r behalf ;f the eon- = "um'tion with whirl• they had taws j;,; = I „uley. presented them w itti a ruiner • for sale at right prices. • -- Iuu iwr el the Nim.• rim. expressitla • what we are." Tao other interesting and helpful classes meet at the same tour. Members and visitors are wi 1- tome to 311 these meetings. At the brut; of public worship the redo' 's morning theme will he "Jesus. the Man of Joy.- In the .vesting: 'Drink and be Sober." Sort ial wee one to sununc visitors. the Huron county authorities - the thanks to the-editor"f each local paper bridge is wtwlly wtthin thr county ot; fox servi.es rendered during the past Lrmhton. Huron county has in the past year. especially during the trinket cam - contributed towards its maintenance. and ign.-Mrs. M. A. Davidson, Frees .� the claim was put forth by Lambton that Cot this county should pay one-half the cost 1 of the new bridge. The good roads, . commiast„n of this county representedl'Hl'R/'H NOTES. Huron at the Joint meeting and it w. ti i agreed t • go ahead with the erection of; Rev. H. E. Thorrxlex. of St. Thomas the new bridge. Huron to pay oris -half I alit again .ucuty the pulpit of Knox tlog cos Amputated atter Accident church next Sabbath. His morning subject Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Content were' wits be: "A Grateful Lite." evtning. •[)welling in the Secret Place." dolled to Veinditor tart week by the tile- mot b I l f h rr f ! accident to i r e. and aO'sNI wishes for th.•ir fishier. their wn, Archie. It apprtinr that the _nits in Victoria scree ,. . Iwr•h'a u . ,re' ration u t r ser- their Pa newt. o N ver Ous ac. rn e I Methodist chcrch there. wit! be union ic XIIIIUMIUXUIIIIIIIUIXIIIIIIIIIIIIXXIIIIIIIIIIIIXIIIIIIIIIIIIXIIIIIII ► Mr. fans roti Irtr on .11"1 144 for young man. who a few immune a deveni evening and J�F' Rr aft tux I about hell. GODERICH 2 PerformancesWEDNESDAY AUG. 1tslwwa, where tow family w'll i, Fe- returned fens overawe. wire- working minister, will preach on "What we know utter reside. shit Mr. 1'auarrou std rx In the llw*y- ynrlr at Winwhendsor beu Iter grandma]. 1'anwr.M. went to Al- hr fell tinder:r a train at fointreu ears i mono Mich.. to dell Iwr daughter,, wswd over his leg. The limb war so' The W. M..S_of Victoria street chur:h Mrs. Derby. before jniuing her has- badly toughed that •it had to be ' held a public meeting in the schoolroom barn) et l,ehawe. :Anther daughter. amputated below the knee. t ' of the church on Monday afternoon. Mr. Mrs. 1.. Itnnikeld. has Igen living sit Mr. and Mrs. t'ouuun are 'still at Burwell. a returned missionary. addressed ltshawa for some time. I..alerieh is N•iudsur. where *their son is in the .the Society on -'The Work in China." worry to 1os.• the Cameron family. but hospital. and their dsnghter. Mrs. Three new members were received. Re - win iw glad tl. Ie-er of their prostwrity cooper. also Is with thews_ The an- ' freattments were served and a very enjoy - la their tow Meese. fortunate young man visited his par- • able time was spent. As Aged Traveller. tints here after lits return from mill- ; The Men's Sunday Club of North The following from The Hood River tan• ditty orrreelts. !street Methodist church. which meets in e y y ver Sunda • morning (Oregon) Glacier refers to d gentleman who has visited in Goderich as the guest of Mr. ani Mrs. J. L. Aitken: "One need not sit abroad to see beauti- ful attnery." was the comrr.ent Capt. Another Greyhound Eaeurnien. the church paetr NTtw White Star Line. Is'rroit. en - 'at 10 o'clock. will discuss next Sunday IM •Ila e•N I I11+ ,4144. the date, ..f rise •ilii aabtect"•What w , look at determines September ev•ursion from 1i.elerieh. The big steamer l lreylnittrni will C. A. Schetky. U. 5. N., retired. who, arrive from Detroit tan Wcda•sday. recently celebrated his ninety-second eeptember Ord. and the same evening birthda., made alter motoring up froth i will nun an ese•ursioo on the lake Portland with the family of his son -In- `nesler tlw auspleee of the :Gird Ftegi- law. Scott E. Aitken. Capt. Schetky went load.made the trip to Portland by train. Tlenr+d*y morning 11. Greyhound Despite his extreme age. he arrived here wilt levee for Introit. returning eu Tess ured. he declared. than it he had' sanlrtity evening. Riving the excur- taken a rail journey of the same dettance.rinnists it (nil day acrd a belt in the Capt Schetky has sailed the seven seas, r-ity. tow of rite attra.'ti.nl- ,1 Introit. world and has travelled extensively in-, tiro L.uiIi :.ad Ih•truit. With rn.' famuu- _MORAL ENTERTAINI INSTRUCT' PAPK wORID•fAMouz SHOW S A SRO Vila SD A PROPOS 25 YEARS Of HONEST DEALING WITN THE PUBLIC.. TREMENDOUS EXHIBITION'�yof WEALTH*" AN5 SPLENDOR , PEMFECT SPEC:YENS OF THE tart wet CURIOUS CREATURES GATHERED TOGETHER ern ONE S000 user wILL SEATS ly SEAT (ONf0ATp85000 PEOPLE. T MTS THAT ARE PoSIT1VELY WATERPROOF. Two TRAINSIOF MONSTEP RAILWAY A GRAND. FREE. STREET PARADE tIIYATIOT.OAM IMMENSE MENAGERIE THE CHAMPIONS OF ALL COUNTRIES COMPETE •1 FEATS OF DARING AND ORACE. THE PCINCELY SAlaalEa PAID ring MAMMOTN ENTISPaltt( let MINS Ill IroaN ti r141 MIT VALUAULE ANT)ITS MALI 111 FEMALE RIDERS, AERIAL ARTISTS. LEAPERS, TUM•LERS. GYMNASTS AND SENSATIONAL aaT►M0M FEATS OF SKILL AND DARING BY BOTH MALE w FEMALE PERFORMERS - 1 IK !NUN IF 1II1-111001 VISES, THE wopLD's 5E5T 11011 N (MITES SEALS AIa ILI UNS, AN IMMENIE In, sr wNKIFIILLT T1111E1 ELEFIIiTS, Too Was ei Flour a 11U-iltUUIS UII$ Nt/MMl a NIAT 115[1 INCLOSURES. 111(1 AT INS 1. Y. has visited all the principal ports of the sill Iw,. !sage.. I.as.•taell mow- lute eu :and in foreign t.untnea. but he sae's no Tv Tubb piny tug for tin Ttr.•r-. region has a greeter stent appeal than Thr eIrevhnnnd will 1. .r ih.deri.11 the mod -Cot umbra. The limpet Bend Bridge. A onnt meetln4 of Huron and • 14111iw (Oils 1,4•1,11. e- .•(IlrliwS. Niel Flirt -kit 1h1 Vi. Whitis. st reel . Mini!) 11"auuMuni adrl picots at � - Wednesday after ,Ne 11 rt 'Ti'TheItaptist Sunday Khoo t. kt a n,c at the Point Faun on the c•rvK' holi- day. There WAS t,eotod attenldaike. and tin. Dating Wigs much entoyed. Bring back the joys of your vacation with a KODAK Sunday morning on the hual trip to i Detroit. Lamb i Trtr fares fur this trip will he the , ample es for tlw Juni. exeursiou-real ' ; trip a..211. one ens* S1.7:1. Semi -Ready Talk : '-There can be no success with - nut true merit -no lasting success. "The man who makes ten mil- lions, and gets it unfairly, can never be, happy --he will be rail- roaded into obloquy. "Nor can a' business builded on any other than Quality and Service last for long. "•Twenty-one ready Tailoring tried out. �� "After seven years of what might he termed the experiment stage, the idea of making better clothes was perfected. "Today the Semi -ready system still stands head and shoulders above even the American clothes. years ago, Semi - was launched; aid St. Peter's Garden' Part) Harbor Park w'+.s in gel* attire on Tuesday afternoon anal evenipg. the ,ua, u+lou twine tlw mobil party under the anspicee of St. Peter's church. 'targe crowd,' attetulwl. and the park prostrated a busy wrtw. (especially at the supper hour. when hundred,' pifr- tnotk of a bountiful sprsed wet out 011 tables In the pavilion. Booths for the NNW of candy and ether refreshments. bill lee' fa n, vwork. ere.. were *ell patrontatd, and the pompon rulmin- *owl in dancing to the timlolllous must.. of the Gorlerieh t trdwstn. it Wu, midulght when the dauetitr erased and the 'tethering ellols•reed. all will ; plea:eel with the evenings entertain mint. The v.-innitaV ticket for the etN•yelopu,edla donated by Rev. ruttier Menai wise held by ale. Makstim Mc- Intyre. of Iherkluill. Tose pedestal was won by Mr. Thick. the cushion by Mr. P. .1. Kyiut. anal the l:oly'e fancy yoke by Mrs. .1. 1,. Klllors n. The pensee cls of the day were in ex-. .ass of Ai111. and the htifnat-of the shirr In, w'he of 4..twee air t•hirlly responsible for the ru.-eesr of en affair of thtl+ kind. are t.. Ile w tignitnlatell upon the .au,l.stii ,,l it result of their efforts. -, Among 'those present were 'ter. r*therlt It%Pll. of Parkhill. Moran. of Khtkorn. 810 1 ua0- sit Kingsbridge. McLean Bros. iloa,klnarter., for ielni-ready R. Tait Electrical Contractor Wiring of all kinds up-to-date for Telephones, Burglar Alamos. Police Patrol and ?ire Alarm Systems. Private Retiidences and Roams., Pieces -a specialty'. All Work Guaranteed. Knox K. S. Disrupt. Ttw pleuie ..f pox church Salable tlt ,.'hush. held Wets u•r.hty of Net week ret the h.spltal.1.• ItOlne of Mrs. A. 1'. NielA•an. Huron rued. w*s• it very en- Jnyeble 'Maar Nod prJYI.lwl N g•ssl afh•rttaoub rt.-rrnti.nl for large nnnt- her of memlwr, of itt. w•h, 1 rued their friends. A seep•+ 1.1 1111.01. wee run of. tie following being prizewinners: Girls under 7 --Mary t'Nrswell. M /(lye Ma'liregor. Hath Caldwell. Hey', tinder 7 -"1. Mehey..1. fear N. I 'a rte r. - Girls ander ' 10 -unite McAllister. Irene Johnston'. Vent McGrestor. tkn•. under 11t --Urinals McKay. .Tack 'Wombs Fleassl- Nivens. Girls under 12 -Thelma McAllister. Annie Newell, Arlene JerdhM. Hoye anter )2 -Reg. Hell. iong. Nairn. E. Armsh•ona and K. Stows tied. Girl,' under 14-- Annie Newell. Thelma McAllister. thesis HWN. rein. Three-legged rave. girls -Ti chis McAllister anti Annie Newell. T.n•y- 1114Irexar and Rhoda McNevlm. Three-hraaPd rate, hoyl—t'. Stowe au.d It. Newell. .1. Woods and It. Matheann. ttroud Jump - it. Nairn, H. hurray and E. Armetrona ties(. Hop. Keep and ferry --H. Unna.. 1). Naim ilItndfotd rate. stele -Thelma Me-' Altlder. Annie Newell. 1tHaTfnld nee. hoot's --H. Johnoton. It. lletheam. . Ladhrs' ram -Mrs. R. tot. Mre. .luhttstnts. Nis. it radio!. Morn. ('aklwell. Men's nese- F Wotr, .1. 11.41. .1 P. Donee. in A imsehnll game between Ht Andrew's Club rn.l the married men. the 1'hdt won veore, x to S. W. Me Aseesmgr Donald and W Wrtr were the battery Electric irons. Toit•ters. Grills Fans. Vacuum Cleaners. N ashini; Machine'. Flashlights a n d Batteries of all kinds Al way'• on hand. ' Ring up sY sir On and have nes give von An estimate nn )nor a iriag. 11 will be done right. Robt. Tait t,VsM Street : Nese Patoff.ce darn+ --Shop It, Nnu,s 113 is Rheumatiem of the face. Uric5. id left in tie blood by disordered kidneys lodges slang the nerve which brat,i'hes from the eye over the forehead. and Across the check to the side of the nine. The cause is the ...one a. in all Kheumati•m -- disordered Kidney. The cure is like- wise the same-- Dodd's Kidney Pills 4. NOTICE Robins, the up-to-date Gents' Furnisher, Phone 90 Developing and Printing Campbell's Drug Store THE PEN$l.AR 19TURE .nolo St. and Wanar.• r RIGL announces that the Store wills Closed Wednesday Afternoons during . the months of June, July and August A Flavour for every taste ALL sealed air -tight and impurity -proof. in the wax - wrapped. safety packages. • obins OPEN 11:VENINOS South side of Square Be sure to Ret WRIGLEY because it is supreme i n quality. s°`>' ZICOUGILS Made In Canada The Flavour Lasts wt O