The Signal, 1919-8-7, Page 3'4! p. .?t• '".0•4 .ta a* rw-4INIIMNIIIINIIIIIIII110111111111111."111"11111111-10,0W6 • ., THE SIGNAL tt, GODWCE. ONT. 4 4 . - 'of t Thursday, August 7, 111119. -3 tt. • .4 rttl, 't THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE BEWARE OF IMITATIONS SOLD ON THE MERITS OF WARD'S LINIMENT NIDICAL. 1) R* GEO. HEILEMANN. OSTEO- • PATH. *pertains In trotera's awl cbildrirs' Iseesses. acute. chronic and nervousi • am, nose and tbromt, partial deafness. lust sod rheumatic constituent. Adenoids removed Without the Mule. lUfbce at resedeam. career Season and St. Andrew's et:Mc At Mum sere 11.goodays. Thursdays and Satudsys; any rears apponstment t... ere DENTISTRY. G. MAcIX/NELL. —HONOR Ili Graduate Tur.,nto Univeroty. Graduals Royal College ul Socceseor to the late Alts)..1 !tole Office" COMB ignore and nest (..,dch. AUCTIONEER. THOMAS GUNDRY. AUCTIONEER. Sera 67. Codearkb. All instructions by mail If left at Sataalltatce trill be prout.ptly_attended to rosedence telephone 119. • LEGAL. M G. CAMERON. K. C.. BARRIS Mi. TER. solacitoe. notary pubis . 0111•• . =tom Street. Goderich. laud deur BIM ltuall 1.04. 1. loan al knout rat s. LICITOR. NOTARY PCA LIC. ETC. Othre- Sterling:bank, baca,.kissullesa Saud Genera 3 en pt.urs as. Real Estate. Loans and Insurance. FROLDFOOT. K ILLGRAN & COOKE • ISARttibTERS. SOLICITORS, NOTARIZS K. !UAL. ETC. Oda, on the Square. rescnd ,doefrom Handl OS Street. Goaroter Portrait. tunds to amen al Mem retest W. Pautrurroot.K 6.J L. hitivAtert H.J..D.CU.AII. I CHARLES GARROW. LL. 11., BAR. % 1 et t‘tt Day. *waits*. etc.. Coderic.b. hisser Urea at merest rates. HAARIslER. SOL - • SCTuk. notery. public and conveyancer. Conn House. Goon is h. • us- fltStfitAIICK. LOANS. £TC. Nr.KILLOP MITUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE CO.- t arm and toolaled taws me*. arty insured Oamtee•-Jaa. Connolly, Pres.. Gaderieti P. 0: iragn::Try,-P"sg.bi:rta :117;113.1.- (1; Th°61a. • Directors- b bitt....aor, R. R. No. Sea- .th; Jubn G. (awe. Nu. 4, Balton; 'AUam fRem, le. R. No. c Seatorth. John Benner tee, • \ Beodbagen; (;to McCartney. B. 12. No, i.Se.' l Gelb. Hubert run, Harluck. Makolm ▪ Clinton. James Evens beethnuod. James Commolly, Cadence) 11 Agent.. J. W. Yet& Godersch; Ales. Leach, R. R. Nu I. Clinton. William C hesney. Sealant: E Stalorth. Policy holders can pay psynout• and get their cards receimed at Ft.'1 Allaeosir's Clothing StOte. Clinton. R. H. Cutty C00011111 1 an street. Goderich. oe J. H. Iltand'a Store, baybeed. zi • 114 KUSIC, W. C. T. U. CONVENTION. Encouraging Results Reported at Wu11g- bern Meeting. The Huron county W. C. T. U. conven- tion was held July 24th and 7,5th in the Methodist church. Wingham. Mrs. Beavers. of Exeter, the county president, occupied the chair. The afternoon session was spent in re- ceiving the reports of the superintendents of the various departments. On the whole. the reports were splendid. but two or three superintendents regretted that the influenza epidemic had broken their plans, not only in the fall. but it had been im• possible to make up for lost time. Special mention was made by the principal speaker, Mrs. Pugsley, Provin- cial vice-president, of the reports of the superinteodent of iiallor's work and the superintendent of prison' reform. The former stated that early in the spring the Godench Union held a social evening at wilier; the sailors were the guests. In teresting talks were given by the ladies and their guests; refreshments were served. and as the Sailors bade farewell, after expressing their appreciation of the very pleasant evening. one from each boat was given a comfort bag containing bandages, thumbstalls and other articles Inc emergenc es. and also a Testament. a mothei's letter and all kinds of literature The superintendent ot prison reform stated that during the last four years the number of inmates in the county jail had decreased from 72 four years ago to 24 this year, and during one whole month this year there wasn't a siogle guest at "Castle Griffin." This is. indeed, en- couraging Mr. Sinclair. of Toronto. gave a very clear explanation of the lour clauses of the referendum ballot and the use which should be made of the ballot. Mrs. Pugsley conducted a School Methods and a question drawer, giving some splendid suggestions. In the even ng a public session was held whe- in addition to a pleasing pro - gra m of musical numbers and a reading. addo saes were given by Mrs. Pugsley and Mr. Sinclair. both of whom touched un points of vital interest in the coming refer endum. On the following morning. after the general business, had been transacted. a memorial service was held. The county Union has lost only one member through death: Mrs. l'aul of Brussels. Fitting tribute was paid by a member of the Brussels Union. The election of officers resulted as fol- lows: President—Mrs. Beavers, Exeter. Vice-president— Mrs. McGuire, Brus- selt. C orrespordirg secretary—Mrs A. T. Cooper. Clinton. Recording secretary—Miss M. Aitken, Godench. L. T. L and Y. recretary—Mrs. Hato - land, Exeter. • Treasurer—Miss S. Bentley, Goderich. The county W. C. T. U. has reason to be proud of the fact th .t. during the year. five new Unions have been organ- aged The twenty second annual conven- tion was bought to a close and the delegates launched on another year's work. FREDERl• T. EGENER, Mus. ; c. SINGING PIANOFO TE PPE GAN Studio neat to P. J. MacEw n's Garage Brophe3 Bros. 'Inc1' Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers 11 Orders carefully attended to at all hours. night or day. GODERICH 041110110116•1001Wornetwen END STOMACH TROUBLE, • • GASES OR DYSPEPSIA °Passes DispepsIn” makes sick, atior, gassy stomsctis surely feel floe In five mlnutes. If what you Jur! ate Is soaring ea year stomaoh or lies like • limo of lead, or you hel'h gas sad @metal* seer, nadigeotod fond, or kayo a feeling of dizzintate, hearthurs, mew* bed taste in mouth and stomach head- ache, you can get Nino( 15 the minutes by rotralloing aridity. Put an end to eneh stomach distreee sow by getting a large fifty -rent ear of Pares Disperais front any drug sters.• Too realise Is See ailnntes how see.II.wa It I. to suffer from larligtotatiou• slysporetserasy AM* *eh disorder oaneod by food 1. montane's Oise to excessive acid ia stomach- * TRAVELLING MAN THE TOWN COUNCIL. GAINS TWENTY POUNDS ?do iou Passed Favottng Appeal ta West Shore Railway Case. Crull Eats What He Watts and Sleeps .‘ special met' ing of the tor eouncil • lf a mari calls an a woman ..1-e is pleased —ei bes ben he co:nes or goes , was held on Friday. July 2 h, the Like a Log Since Taking Tanlac. membra being present. Bylal No. 17, embodying the akreement "My opinion of Tanlac is that it can't with 14e Goderich Mercantile 1Co., was be beat," said F. II. Crull, a well-known read a third time and finally passed. travelling salesman, living at 312 West I Four sewertheir 3Ist street, Indianapolis. Ind., while dis- I three readings. %wise provide for sewer• cussing the medicine recently. Mr. Gull :an Hincks, Oxford. Wilson and Wolfe has lived in Indianapolis for the past streets. twenty years. He has represented the An inventory of the plant and equip. Taggart Baking Company on the road for wilt at the old Wheel Rigs factory (now twelve years and is one of the most being turned over to the Goderich Mer - papular -Knights of the Grip" travelling cantile Co.) was aubmitted by Mr. A. S; Indiana. Chrvstal and was referred to the -public ••1 can testify to both the immediate works and special committees jointly Inc and lasting results that come from its examination. use," continued Mr. Crull. '•A -little over Mr, T. G. Connon, treasurer of the a year ago I got rid of a bad case of stom- Peace Day celebration committee, sub- ach trouble from which 1 had been suffermuted the list of subscriptions to the ing for two years. hy taking Tanlac, and funds for that day, amounting to NW& do you know I haven't suffered a particle asking for the cheque of the council.for a from indigestion to this good day. 1 had similar amount as promised. Referred to been having a world of trouble with my , finance committee. stomach and awful pain'. in my right side I The finance committee passed a number and was finally operated on for .appen• of accounts, and in the matter of a request dicius. After the operation 1 still suffered for a grant for the G. W. V. A. regatta with indigestion.I hao no appetite and I recommended, that the Association be what little I did eat would sour. causing , asked for further information. gas. bloating and intense pain. It looked The special committee reported upon a like I would never get my strength back complaint from Mr. J. Priddle to the and I was as nervous as a cat. Many a effect that the chief ol police. alter being night while out on the road I could not rotified, did not take the necessary action close my eyes for sleep. This condition for the recovery ol Mr. Priddle's horse kept up until I went down to 1:30 pounds which was stolen on Sunday. July tith.. in weight and was almost a complete The committee found that the chief had uervous wreck. left town that day after obtaining the 'Abt ut this time 1 read a statement ' necessary permission. hut before going about Tanlac that described my case so had made a thorough search of the town well that I decided to try a bottle of the end had also communicated with the ad - medicine. Well, the first bottle helped • mining towns and villages. which action me so much that 1 got another and it finally resulted in the hor-e and rig being sasn't but a few weeks until I was free located. The committee was of opinion from all signs of stomach trouble and I tliat Mr. Puddle in making his.complaint found that 1 had actually gained twenty I was not fully aware of what 'the police pounds in weight, besides, going up from I had done in the matter. 130 to 150 pounds. I could go out and The committee reports were adopted. do a hard day's work and sleep like a log The council, on motion of Councillor at night. and it made no difference Humber, secondeJ by Councillor Parsons. whether 1 was at a hotel, on a Pullman or again took into consideration the question home 1 could sleep soundly just the same. of appealing the judgment in the Ontar o The medicine gave me wonderful strength West Shore Railway case aga nst the and energy and such a big appetite that I , Toronto*General Trusts Corporation. It could hardly get enough to eat. Well. to I was decided to favor an appeal if all the make it short. Tanlac fixed me up in fine ' other municipalities interested would , shape and I haven't had the least bit of ' rin. the motion being opposed • only by trouble with my stomach since I finished Reeve Davis and Deputy Reeve Clark. - my first bottle. more than a year ago. I The council then adjourned. just got another bottle of Tanlac the other day and my wife and I are both Itaking it. We had the 'flu' this past Mount. !winter and neither of us had gotten over the effects of it. But Tanlac is going to Iset us right. Inc 1 already see a great I improvement, especially in our appetite. 1 am only too glad to recommend Tanlac. , Inc• it is one medicine that can be depended i on for results." I i',I IIIIII 16 sold in Goderich by E. we• igle. in Seuforth by C. Alterliiirt, in Wingliain by J. Walton Meliiiihon. in Heitman by A. M. E. Hemphill, in 'Myth by White City Drug Wore, in Wroxeter by J. N. Alien. in Lontlesietro by John 0.. Lonuilsberry. In Exeter by W. 14, Howey. In Drucebeld by Peter Merry, In Dashwood by Tienian & Edighoffer, in eredltou by J. W. Orme, in Clin- ton by W. 14. 11. Holmes, In Slieppani- ton hy .1.11. Siorteeni. In Gorrie ity H. V. Armstrong, end ill Furdwl'h by -1#: 8a mama. t • * • "Oh. George." murmured the sweet thin. reproachfilly, "what would papa say if he knew that you ever touched liquor '" "He has discovered it already', dea: est," admitted her fiance sadly. - "Mercy! What did he say He said, 'Well, George, I don't mind ill do!'" :„ Zt • „ II!' T 14; I 4 4.11,, iiiiroti";;411:1#41•:° 11.rommett.tvzIWII " 11;li I Ill ssr-v -#1•,••••••••••••• • .` V •••• • Good -Looking, Durable Stockings You can get long -wearing durable stockings for your boy without sacrificing appearance. We knit good looks into Buster Brown Stockings as well as long life. You'll find your boy likes their comfortable feel and neat appearance. We use extra -long yarn, spun. in our own factory. We knit the stockings with a two-ply leg and tbree-ply heel and toe. Only employees with long' experience knit Buster Brown Stock- ings. Special trainling is necessary to knit Buster Brown quality and durability into potiery. Buster Brown Stockings are made specially for boys who are extra " hard " on stockings.. You'll find they are longer wearing. You'll find they save you a great deal of time formerly spent in mending. You'll find it costs less to clothe your boy. Sold everywhere. Ask your dealer for Buster Brown durable hosiery. The Chipman-1101ton Knitting Co., Limited Harniiton, Ont. --Mills also at Welland Che Trc,"11.0.,A.,4 A.41' ki It is estimated that about 15,000 men 5-- % sl ' The Western Crops. will be required to work as fartn laborers „1. \..-.:.-, 1111 to assist in harvesting the crops in Man; itoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta. Tte CPnadian Pacific ha ° arranged and iffausgmligHantallIMEMMS'hall7rIPIEWTSIEZA.143filIMMIP21:1NININIINREWNS • advertising-iiSual e ial fare of SP to t'innineg, and will run special train. from foronto, Tuesday. August 12th, and , flunsday, August lath. . BUSTER Baowr.cp SISTER'S STOCKING beater Illeown'a Slaree's Stork. .511'f the cols i• a splendid looking stock Ind • • esoder•t• price. A two-ihre•d rner. wired Hale stoking. that 1. •neped to at and wears •aey leen n deed . Color. Meek. Leather Sheds Tan, Pink. Blue and Whit•.. OWN tiscatairo The Brotherhood of Nature • d ••;"!;', • " •• • , ',„ • IN those day. of beetle reeonstrue tion It might be well for some peoples of the world to look on the way that community animal life Is of dominative os all the other hill's in governed. on ttis placid contentment. 'the pastures. Visitors mart el at his 16. aspiratioas and Its administration, bulk and his very apparent !Ise and No true contentment exists excepting power. He Is a ton weight of life there be a leader. Sheep follow the driven brawn and hone and flesh. bell -wether. wolves follow the pack Yet he is a usurper, nevertheless leader. hands of moose, or mouatain He ger:2d Into the place of a better \ sheep. herds of goats are all led by in- through force of circumstancee and `divIdual manters. Ante and bees arethe ability to we the opportune mo- irenialning nutted. None were will- kiet without their kings and queens, mem. For many rears "Sir Donald- ing yet to dare his anger single - while the industrioue beaver would was emperor of the buffalo.at Banff banded Sir Donald ranged in soli - Dever be satisfied In his aquatic home He more than topped Mx feet im the • tude. his former wlves shunned nim, unlem there was a head to the coiony. shoniders. his head was ea hard and Ibis children ignored him. the Young The bull whale niiste his herd, the as heavy u a granite slab, hie agility 'bulls rumbled w ben he rame In sight, Then ram• a frosty night that se stiffened hie rheumatic Joints that hs rauld not &rine whea the morning sun poured its golden light down in the broad valley. A wandering young hull finding him thus helpless rowed the flghtlog fail of, the herd as he charged-. The iron -hard earth irem-• bled al the otter groat brute, Uute. dered to the wen,. and soon all that was vitible asp a half dozen buffalo bulls trampling and goring a heap on the ground while the ar was filled with the Decennia of virtory. Strang* to say, -thongh the body was pulpsg by the hoofs of the bulbi the macula - rent heed waa unmarred, and mon took It away, had It mounted, and now It hangs In the 'Whims at Ottawa, broken horn and *11. The p.esent king saw his opportun- ity. 110 challenged the hunklevit of hitt partners In tho depopition murder and thoroughly whipped him. He worked Ono triumnhantly through ranks of the otter., and anon his nonstnance was admitted and the ether brutes obeyed the swing of Ms hoed as prwriptly as they had that of Slr Don•Irre. He rules oxaetly es -smart, triton' slitz (1) King of the buffalo. (2) Buffalo herd at Banff. (3) King and queen buffalo. head. This alt leads up to the king of the buffalo herd in the great park s Hanft beside the towering piIe of l'as cade Mountain where the 1 1' 11 tracks skirt the her. Six to•.t high at the shoulders he stands with a mighty'depth of chest. a freer-tench-iu. head and a patriarchlal heard of brown silk that sweetie on a level with his knees. He ts a stupendous eren amp and has impressed his powers sre 5. • hull walrus administers the high jut., was that of a eat, his charge waa Pke th#. the Middle and the low In his the rush of the avalanche dowb a own little world In every band of steep mountain side. Ninth Paget he wild or half wild horses that ranges kept the young bulls in secono place the prairies they. le one who is head„ Inelnded In their oumber being the keeper of order ,.ad striet govern- present leader. Is time It needed but °lent. • slow swing of the heavy head te Always excepting the ranee of that mak# the other bolls teamper. Like busy boo. the Meek *keep, or the sex- a wise leader he pald little attention les. mule the i•ader to a male, always to tho private quarrele of ynnng when rebellion nr InsurreetIon breaks males, and naturally they fought forth It Is from among the vigorous among themselves 10 prove simmotor. youngsters of the name sex. When .ity. The present dietator whipped the blood of youth runs hot In the them all. And it came to Imes that mono of a walrus hull, or the monis: he looked &rein on flIr Donshl With a non Durk. or the male young wolf or , red eye and that sturdy and astnte whale or ram, he aspires to outlast* leader recognised the need of the EA to lead application of fleet prInetplea. Ile To one wi o has made even superficial study of the habits 01*Ai broke a horn on the hard skull of the °linger animal, hitt he trampled ell mats there in eomtething akin to, ling! nf equelity or °peewit:on himan In their methods and charmed frAm that vanquished beast. terietiee. There to deer an enviousi The years rolled on. Air Donald feu who envoi leadership. there I passed the tblrty year rnhlenst. It!* • Ittaya a large !limber willing to teeth gtew poor, winter (nand him H ush with flog and ..law and ripping thin. A touch of rheumatism slot%rd horn to destroy on• who had lad but , him up. and hie eyesight dtInmed. It who hap loot. And It IP al *my* notIcad wan the hoof of the young hulls. I#4 that the dictator of any herd nr hand . by the Putt defeated ronteetant the, 'teem a watchful eve on his reetioeslattseked the veteran efilaftaln on • sir 1 3 zerr 'nuns mellow and MAIO& over ready tiemass., and. 0111 rpertertful of his did his produrmoutr. 11. bag ninon. mash insure...sloe and high aapirstiprowesa *Pro satisfied with kuenlelt and a groat dignity, and has aS pere. Hon wick teeth Of boot or catalog MR outside Ike herd by salting sadiersed for some years. —L. V. IL t ti '07 7. • i&4It 4t. 4 s: Refreshing TimeL a.ma. A time to look forward to with pleasure and a time to look back to with satisfaction. That is what you can make of housecleaning time if you visit WALKER'S TWO BIG STORES, where you will find countless ways of brightening up and freshening up your home at little expense. Since Christmas time we have been selecting and preparing, for the spring rush and we have two stores full to the doors with all manner of merchandise for the spring trade. Few Lines in Siore No. 1 FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS I4UGS OILCLOTH LINOLEUMS JAPANESE MATTINGS 11 FURNITURE COVERINGS SILVERWARE CRETONNES STATUARY PICTURES ELECTMC LAMPS CLUB BAGS TRUNKS SILVER CABINETS MUSIC CABINETS TRAYS LACE AND MADRAS CURTAINS AND CURTAIN MATERIALS • \JARDINIERES. IN BRASS AND POTTERY In Store No. 2 FANCY CHINA OF EVERY DESCRIPTION NOVELTIES PHONOGRAPHS PHONOGRAPH RECORDS, CABINETS, Etc We do Picture Framing neatly and promptly. A visit to our store will be very intrresting--no obligation to buy. It is a pleasure to show you through our two stores. You can be the judge as to the best place to spend your money. Wesley Walker House Furnisher Often the Cheapest Always the Best Phones: Store 89, Res. 197 Unilertaking • . •),a '7. -I nimmummmomniimumiummumminummnimmumummumiummimmoimmumommunummuliiii --"'"47 1""r"""'"""'"'""ittcwwwesea„,,, '',;"•;" . „ .771 131 41. It 4 „ 4„-t