The Signal, 1919-7-3, Page 14
June --
the Month
`of Weddings
Have your invitations, an-
nouncements, etc., printed
in correct form at this office
Samples and prices cheer-
fully furnished.
The Signal
for the remainder of
1!119 for
1 North Street Nrthudint People Kid
If you are considering farming on a larger scale.
consult tl-e Sterling Bank branch manager. He possesses
interesting news regarding farming in general, and can
be of material assistance.
See him when passing.
There is only one 'genuine Beaver Boats]. We
handle it: Write or phone for booklet. "New Rooms
within Old Walls." It is interesting and will save
you money when remodelling the, house.
17 NIanager
Good-bye to Dr. and Mrn. Rutledge.
4In Thursday reviling hist the wrw- _
IM•Ys Id' the congregation of )(nth
street M1e111.slist ehurrh guthere l ie STRANGE CAKE HEARD KKIYIKE
the Suu�hty- aimed room to bid peel- JUDGE P1('KMON N'11.1. G A
b1•e to th,• retiring peetor. Bee. lir. ' HIGHER (.'OUST -I$ ('LA ol'-
Rutledge. and 10 dies. Rutledge."AM %, A CRI.1/04.%I. I'K-t(T'l('E
T)...Hgh they had been at North rtreet -
ex presteti that failing ott retort h Ina
nowessitated lite retirement of the
Doctor trent the active minbary •fter
forty-nine yenta of Nervier. I 11)4 h. was t; largest nailer a ms lion of . to commence operations as soon as e
After a time spent iti axial eliat„. tit, i.eilitititti (.,„1. whi,th ,1,,,is „ith bylaw is finally passed by the trash ; '
Mr. tf. R. 111111141 the ameemblage fortune -wiling and kindred PraCtirn.i, (OUTIC:f anti they ate given posses ton. 1
to tinier. A ',boort, latereeting pro- mi.. poolha.e ha. fs,i• year.. hod ii The vote by polling sub-divisionsi was
grain was given and then the pitetor repOtiltioll UM a elatirvoyafit tor .41drit- as follows:
end Mrs. itutiedge were culled to the , gli.thith. isat the partiettlar CW4' 1111 . . . . . For. Against
Only 31 Votes against .Agreement for
Salle of Wheel Rigs l'iant.
The b)law vote on Jaturday. while nut
being 405 in favor ol the bylaw to 31,
against. 1 he bylaw erribo,Lies an agree-
ment with the dorieneh Mercantile Co...,
Limited, for the sale of the old Wheel
yearly instalments, and for the exemp- ,
The Robber*. Memorial Fiend con.
ether,. who samisted in making the -tin:
Chairman Me la Fund Committee.
platform. Sherinsin road 011 1111- / she woks chargt.d PUS if 11 aritrome Pu.line _sub- rs ision
1111•Sel N Was amormoiliffst by the of the theft of Millie grain filen a No.
1 1r. !Rutledge and a (honer %agog 10 friend sent to Mitell Poolltals /up a
st Ire. 1'hey replksl 1 11 their «he ...mild assist then. in dial:veiling •
lomat pleasant ma orwr, expreeshig i the ettlprit. ,She Kai*. 11 u .otrate 6
1 tlwir storms' at buying to have Gtotie• desetiption 44 the 'firf.111i.f. fronW which
rich. and North street. The Thwirir a the firdili had been, ntolen a1111
IStiert athirewes. were Intel? by nitudty watt set by tip. ears.
' severe! tileitiloers of the tsoiterestitthau. 'Got. defendant In her m.i.lerise
63 ti
tip :1
else There was one rejeeted ballo,t.
sane t,
et the ...rile,. retelered by the pootor 'L to Inlet. the power or taeulty .4 4' 41a-":11- General' Peaee Cellebratian " lialur- €
and Mrs. Itiltlesige lo every th.port- lisettideartrin with acearttel spirite. (Relive. J4111)1113**. 247-1YT.'104149.3' 1 10^ 1'''''' 1 wh-o was eighty five years old on July lst.
mem otf church work, ill141 PlInlihasizillg Pipe twr 44111111Nriolt. •11). s1;111. Silo 1114111
I tr. Itutledge's eseelleut *proem., hillgib lids power alai fsr eetue tine. ooli'l. sig.i...thry twfi diepaitei„ tiatol July i. , • Loorrilroton uay is also tne natal day of
, which were tett only a delight but a . did not ren Me HVIlt in this respowt s which i„... iiii, mioh. 1,10.14,.. , ft1r. William Campbell. the veteran as.
inset help hi the spiritual life of these i VoliS 4 II itIMIllit (1.01. orielr porride, hitt , setssor and tax collet tor of Goderteh. tie
who heard them. - I at lelegth • she 4111/44.01'rred that other \ 4),,!ill.kail,111:;ii.::,(11411*,,:mi:17014,71.1",l1"47:18ipsUll; was born July 1st. le3:34. anti teas throe
, no e regret to say that the hot weather of
Will I*. long remembered in Gisierii•ii i ii peliite sin! prigiiene., et 001' kind kat no," 'll'or °HP" 4"' "1""'r''''l in all ' otisly. but we trust he will soon. he better
sell by peewit auction. at her reesdracet.
h street, Gadenth on
ming at 2 r -'clock, all the contents
the Mama. coassatend im part of paler
tore. walnut tablas, „ chairs. meal,
n. folding mat. coach, Jardinieres lead
.. large pude Mirror. prelates. curtail
wore and cutlery i:nol um, bonen. curtains.
Bedroom • cr micas,. including two good
facie aunts. sow/1 W001 Carpeta. toilet
.; reservoir. •uplamed•. •releigetat01...lawa
weed its* otw. s,esiene *creel*, Krems doors,
Verything aold. as the house fa din.
las cash.
by pablet sachem. at the reside ke of the
Stratton. St. David's street. Goderich.
ornamenting at 2 o'clock sharp:
Aram Home coal heaters. in good con.
dining Chaffs. 10 kitchen chairs. 1 oak
suite complete; 1 white enansel iron tied.
fervent. I vacuum sweeper. carpets
cutlery, quilting frames. 1 secretor 2
I cnh. several bird cages. kite
garden tools and other arti.les.
THOS. GUNDRY, Auctioneer.
Wt. Titus. boXTON
by mei* suntan, at hio tessdence, Elgin
Godench. on
g st 2 o'clock sharp. all the contents
quarter cut oak davenport. 2 large
illet141 walnut •framed chairs, large
et, ▪ I pedestal dining table. ti leather -
dining chairs,china chohet and cutlery.
sweeper. 1 handsome brain bed. mat•
aprings. 1 enamel bream bed, 111011101011
malt carpets and obi a; stair and hill
Rachant Home heater and pipes, drop.
er sewing machine, mortal rocking
km -backed alining chairs 1 oak -framed
hanging lamp. 3.hurner oil stove. I
(Ache, chairs. ;In quarts of fruit 1
oil can, tubs, pada, ice box, 21 white
Leghorn hens 1 poultry house. and
other guild...
ure practically all new, is of the
y and will he told without reserve. as
is leaving tiodench.
T. GUNDR Y. Auctioneer.
1917 Runabout, in
ss condition, newly
and overhauled.
be sold at a bargain.
ght and sold.
Ile Insurance
GRAHAM. haat 'greet.
TIRED phaeton. In good condition. MRS.
BRED Foiled A. gut. organ months ald.
One hundred Colborne town.lop. on
main rood_tioclerich to Myth. five mile. horn
o tomased trite, auks from McGarretanon.
under large bat n ard shed:cement hog -Pen ander
hen-house:tart never-lailing wells, one with pump
111 home well tericed. lots of fruit; murtat spill
tetenowee. rural mad delivery. A. W. WISE. SLR.
No. 5, Cadent h. itei.44
.Unlimited Quantity of
at 13 per single cord, delivered,
(Foot of Anglesea St.) Phone 61.
Gr. and Mrs. Rutledge have left I people had too knowledge ef the spirft
their 'mitres', for geed on the people a mid such as glen imemiesseil. Poe
111.1. 11V01•1 they huie touched and years her assist/Otto. lweli MOROI
brightness jii3 owslissar of their mete ff eliarge 111 P.10.11 lattiop Oa) I•nited Kingdom Sat- I
tr ity. July Rh nod the hope le ex -
Presentation fa BOY. J. H. Ihderhout. Sitieliiir. loirrtster. or liross..1.. Was a ,.it , ji.iii us far .1, t.sositoie ill oioieheitt. 1 t'ilited multi:ger ef 511.110•4.111116: l'airk
!at the.' biotite tot lir. •riti Ilrs. 'leery
e, /1 S/1 Int k to proettre iwr
. Iment allil fatality loefort. they leave for 01 011 to' lier 1,7 tier lard hint. Illitri , with kity,... ,,,.. Ili.. ..10•1113, hilfj.,11...• tin, , eviiittli was ',erg, ly otttenthel. .% 1.1.1z..
!urge itioniber of prol,le assr•isilple.1 Witn"4 fur tit*. der"1"1" awl r111'1 ur 111g 0.114.1. 011 1111r 1111y. 1111101. WhiCh VI III ()pall ton Stititriley of
leitentlielt am war is still !wing wagtel title seek. Sittwitil features s ill be on
their 111.W looms. at I Irestleit. T111. l'olleck. omit! the Witness. deseribed her ri;,„,.ninwia ,„„ worship eiihte.i was awl MISS
gatheritig represented some of the . 11 lw"" tufithei' *1141 l'w) tip' that a later date %Amid lw mimeo "up- ;aid 31r. Wil-
• However. ill Ww lib.
procla manor' and having
destire aft to ei
1 fylowls. The vent 111 cottion 211/.1 Mr. 4".811 rite. Gurrow iploraitiwt of peinee
fur mit the moire. the 4:overflowed- lots
many Gotierieit friends of the minist.•r o r hone. awl pre her such udriee roprlit
and his wife and hieltioled teettile;re 'of '1" 11'1111.91 11•1 her 1." "'ring tit' )1aiestr
"'1""•1"*'• 1-1".11'41111". "4'14"" u1"1 4111 me' itistiory itt the law dealing with $111-1 11111.- getieral tha iksgiving for the lolesellog
they 11:1Vr 41 1a0
t 11f. 19th tiny
001111. 01.101/111 1011. ell
; The feline ing address ea., read by :or 1110101 N 110110A 11 1411 WPM'. 1/111 app,j11211i
1.1 1... . lord. the joresentootitai beteg " • " "11 oof four
ikoigenstis Div pletelle welfare. lie
; and family. --l'he gathering this even•
1 ha represent. a few of your wanly flow. by ow
,"1141n1 "ye 1""'" quite' 1.1"4.4 "an. Mr. Gaol's* Oilfired that there had of town, :11r. 'Alich
•••bit.ol a 00 you hi 4'1111st la n work Issm evielenee la show that Ids yesterday at the R
their lirde•t aim et r•cia still reworded Ala Ets of the
tied mider the law it is
, friends. the maliorillY
C,ARL.-An old
Iffaloricli. two years ergo. ,
nd esteemed resident
1 Carl. passed assay
old age of eighty-
tbs. He had been
veral years past.
r 11 11141 oil ally 4.1'11 shin told any- . five yearr and six mn
thillE that weso in.f the' truth. soul no in failing health for'
We have user to pity N tribute of re.-
Iwo to yen and '10111' f lief • sw. „um. hy intmliatt. but was able to be a ut until tao
FUll SALE OR BENT. rim, it eould not be erluilnal to tell three days before his death. He hal
t awe Mello rtore to the new tiehl tot thy, t
1 July. August and September, seven.
roomed home, electot lights and all modem
conveniences Situated on Glmecester Tenet,.
overlooking lake and river, ha...! *nab., on
101/11. Apply to C. RANCE; 'ardente,* toed.
Godench. It
II 11P g 14•1 0 you /3 t of recent
onteretwe. Ali Snot' etee'ag."1 (0" defielirmrileilmw-"itritelettir"....":111171 late residence. %Vest street. on Friday
years. The funeral takes \place from his
the pulpit sere 11 1.1.144'inleil ylu. 1 111.. ••.1.1 rils;••• r„ afterr.00n to ColbOrne "'Met rY•
being straightforward t "meta haat ions
'file eonsidereol lilies
et lit the rr14... Niles. .514011. 11
to, hied Div lea Irons 1...1 1%1411 11.111141S. 4111111
11111.11. 11 1.11: hit
CORM tin WIDPifett1111.
Regular dances the big dining room
Nil. be held at Menesetung Park Wednes-
day of each week, aith the .Buckley.
' au.,mmted orchestra of six pieces play-
ing the latest jrzz music. A jitney ser-
vice will he tun every fifteen minutes,
lireat Pletare to Be Seen at Model
Theatre Newt Week.
• ao, one of the greatest picture
stor10,4 yet placed beftue the public.
"The Heart ol Humanity," wi 1 he
shuwu at the Model Theatre uu Thurs-
day. Friday and Saturday of next week.
What is the Ulm, about? It ten* the
old *tory. A story which vlbraten with
Duals, yet in 411 401 'table. epie teuder-
the patish lest, is mauled to Juba
4101.14 of the widow Patricia. Ili the
told.% or the fenivitiem a courier of the
t'anadian Northweet Mounted Police
(oodles' up to ttie Northwest village
'tie loothilln of Canada aud imarts tile
-pond to the call of the- Empire! John
lege tart.sell to hes brideand with three
. army of freedom, joining the C. L. F.
t Later on the fifth son of the widow eri-
' lists and the young wifeteela the call'
of duty. leayea her rittit mon to the care
of the widow anti take. her place with
),with the little orphane of Fiance and
!Belgium, bereft by the .war. Wbile
t eugenic)] in Red Ci 144S Welk Nanette
captuteti by the Henn am' brought
had Inlet, been her bugle' l'.4
; friend at eollege and Who tiled to wakes
love to her in the little awaken I,
; age. • Ntratet tries to force his linen -
She etwapeis to another . t 111 allot
plangent a knife tutu ber b000sei. Jura as
,..(1• 4404 !alert 411 ilinflotai. alio la decor-
' 141.1.41 by the French Gtoveinnient for
1 valorous service with the ikel roes
and in perotiaded to to. twine. Laker
them IN a happy reunion in Lanett& -.a
it union which etowne with complete, •
happinese i he worts of Nanette.
Love loons the central theme of
"1 he Heartof Humanity," and. an the
grand passion which plunge., humanity
k. do and dare' for what good and
; right, even to the extent of tacrificing
life dam!. Dorothy aa Nanec e
typifier' Canadian wornablitiod in its
moor inspiring and appealiu,g form of
The only excurtion to the O. A. C. this
to ▪ the instauhon, which 13 being ariengtd
!severed counties. the eltturs,oh Will be
held i.ome time in •July and it is expected •
that between 1.200 and 1,;;CO people *ill •
at teed. The counties represented aril be
North Wellington, Peel. Brant. Kent•
, worth and Norfolk.
1st tor July- tsichration was the ball
g111111.: the other, those who wore Prid-
"M.,021 1/141:12" is an added haunt f ihe TIN. efts.' ithint tatty 1.1111111. yet ----but
• dar ces. Dinners will be a specIal feature Illitekst&te? your.. ice eream alwatys
at the hotel. with an extra Special on born -
Sunda. eveninat. Picnics. .cornroa.ta,
ete.. will h.! given every c nivenience and The cfrilerleh 4 trehestrit Neill IN. in
made welcome. ' lit 1011141111W 711 the perfortimme of "The
of Gullet nity" at the Model
o a higher onto by emiewel for the YoUNGSOX.-Nitu regr 4 was felt 4",,
men to turn ro Gad. ill 01%11.1011 11/01.11/1 of toe new. of the
ft 41 11 oinielay school. sowed' rowel? , PERSONAL lEs*TION.
interest and intelligeett ability.
We desire fro ass111... y4.11 that 4.111'
thr North !street entegregation was not
through any disagreement with pm or
1111. 11111.11.4.1 Methoiliten MI MP
K1111111 lllll fort ter N. peeved
, by 0110 111111011 1.1111g11.001 1120.
Ie desire else tto y1111 of one
' motioned interest In your welfare, *nil
hope Mal pray that your way will be
1 gnided pen 1111.W field of Mien. and
thott great +twos., in the loest Nen*. of
411... term 11 Waits you.
I/ T. S HAMILTON. ke c 'melanin
Dergarem have sow by preying prowler and
paying espenses Ins*
e two rooms and • comfortable home
wining to share rn a home with a refined fomily.
Apply BOX 2A, Goderich1P.O. 110.41
township. Diana to commence Septemberlse.
A patient ionic stating experience and salary. will
tPe received hy CHRIS. JoHN.STON, R. R.
in rag E. or Joan 13.0.1•7111, LATE or Tar
HURON. FARIMNR. Oat nasal,. •
WI. ask you to 114.01-111 11411 romp and
1 HO emitents ex 11 10k011 flf MIT (NM-
I 11111.114.1. initel.111.
of your friends. I
NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant In the statute
in that behalf. that ail mesons having claims
against the estate of John Heath*, late of the
township, of Goderich, in the county of Huron,
farmer, who died on or about the lath day of
Match, 110111, are required on or before the lot day
of August, 1910, to oend by post, prepaid. or 1
deliver to the oredertigned. Mary C. Beanie, I
dmeated. full particulars n1 their claims. and 1
1We feature of the. security of tiny) held by theft;
and that after the fain date he said executrix will
proceed 10 diotritoute the stisets of the mid !
detmeed among the parsons entitled thereto.
hiving regard onl to the elairmof which ohe
▪ I then have notate end that the said ette•
catrilt well not he liaMe for the oast ammo or any
part thereof to Any person or peronne of whose
claim she shell hot then have received notice.
Dated nt Goanieh Otis nth day of June, IMO.
NIA Soliciting fee inn genuine.
75 cents
Ho tl Furl d
Don't forget the menace of the deadly
fly, Somewhere in every city. town or
village there are diaeasetweeding places -
places where you will find filth and dirt,
garbage and disease, It is in such places
that multitudes of flies breed. And it is
from these places that hawdes of these
disease-lad,n emlssaries of death scatter
and enter homes- your home. Many a
fatal Illness owes its origin tielie hardly -
noticed fly bite. The menacellYthe fly is
so deadly you must not ignore it. You
must fight the fly in its gathering and
breeding places. Flies keen away from
tion, les cannot breed in wall tra ks and
floor cracks or in dark corners if these
places are sprayed or washed with water
kills the eggs. A little spra,ed on cattle
will keep the flies off them. too. We s4,1
it in al. -sized bottles. or bring along your
own bottle. Try it at our suggestion. E
R. Wigle, druggist, Goderich.
Our loe-creani Is just right -e0 our
dettontere Asty. Try It told ace for
yourself. H. T. raiwn rap.
Low Howe Sergeon New York opeteensie
Rye Hospital snit Golden Stware Throat gm-
pAtal, London, Eng
AA atatertoo S Stretford Tete Monne Re
At derflord Hotel, Goderkh. from Wednes-
Mrs. E. C. Acheson. of Toronto, was a
visitor in town this ‘icek.
Mr. J. Ernest Roberts n and family. of
Toronto. are visiting relatives in town.
rs. Stewart Lane and son, of Van= t
Mr. ahd Mrs. C. W. Ball and children, r
of London: spent the past week in town
re atives.
Mr. Herb. Stoddart and family. of
Morden, Man., are visiting at the 'home
of Mr. and Mrs. D. Stoddart.
Mre, Gene Cooper, of Getroit, in visit-
ing at tile home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. T t;, Commit. Lighthouse street.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Finn, of Detroit,
are visiting relatives in town and vicinity
and will be joined later bir their family,
and ell will spend a few weeks' holidays
in their old home town.
Mr. and Mrs. George 13uchanan, of
Santiago, Cuba, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Armstrong and Masters Donald and
Charles, of Toronto. motored to town
this week apd are spending a few days
with friend'S' here.
Mr. Walter Moore, formerly" of the
town police force, now a Provincial officer
witb headquarters at South Porcupiae. is
spending a few days in t-wn and is being
warmly welcomed by many old fri. rids.
Mr. Mhore is doing well in the north
country. but he is glad to feast his eyes
roe a few days on the leafy loveliness of
Decorated by the Khig.
Weill has le.en received toy f'apt
51;teKay that hie eon. :tinier
!head.) Nkieliay. retelved the
floisorat. of the Order of flap igiRtiodi
Empire, having Ims•ri summoned tn
1 tuctk high's in 11114. tr. Inni.lrf. the
deeorntion at the holds of lib. Majesty
King (Remote. Major MacRae enfieted
early In the war at Viineemeer and lies
lawn Fr/1 1101. /111101. early In 1 o
to III. Irresrent rank. He im expected
Patriotic Bazaar.
A patriotic bazaar in aid of the Gode-
held at Mensietung Park on Wednerfav,
!lily lath. Ail the usual feeturea and a
ft tIM hen' Of added at tractIons still he
there. Keep this date pen and help the
returned bort.
,,f rx inted minister of Victoria street Medic.
11.r of 51r...felin lotingsen. formerly
i Sunday next..
hail les.11 in woof* health hor st l . time.. 1; iy-t- will take. Platitte of 1111. 10.11-1/.../1
T10. funeral took plait) en Jaw Istli. Ill Sr"l't 11 *trPi't Metliodi-r e'llm411 11.",:t
the intermetit loving made at
ltattr. 1 1. 11'1'1110 1.0111111011.11 the
...twits.. There were many beautiful
Moral tributes. 1114'101in severel from
140.411.11 frIollds.
RIVERS. -On Saturday last. in his
eighty•ninth year. Mr. Samuel Rivers de-
parted this life at the home of his son,
Mr, Albert Rivers. Nelson street: Death
was due to a general break-up of the sys-
tem from extreme age. The deceased %vat
a native of England, cr, irk to Canada :),
the age of nine years with hp; parents,
who settled near Bran ford. For many
years he was a farmer in Carrick town-
ship. liruce county. 'and on retiring from
the farm six or seven yeareago he remoYed
to Wet Wawatiosh to live with his son,
Mr. Albert Rivers. whO recently removed
to Godetich. HN wife died three years
ago and a family of live sohs and one
daughter survives: Richard. of Laeonier,
Pa.; George. of Woodsttcic; Howard, ol
Teeswater: William. of Ltitknow; Albert.
of Goderich. and Mrs. Chas. Wake, of
Owen Sound. The funeral took place on
Monday afternoon to Dungannon cern-
etery Rev. J. W. limey. Methodiq
pastor at Nile. conducted the services. as-
sisted at the houfte hy Rev. J. E. Ford. of
town. and the pallbearers were Richard
Rvan. Chas. Girvin. Wm. Bailie and John
Dustow. Messrs. Howard. George and
William Rivers. sons of the deceased. and
Mr. and Mrs, Wake, of Owen Sound.
carne to attend the funeral.
The film adv. noel, at the Wee!
Theatre' for next Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday is ntitled -For Husbands
!.Only." but the manager dettinctly states
that it n intended kw the whole family.
It is Lois Weber's latest ard greot•st
, picture and Mrs. Charlie Chaplin i•
starred in it.
In tinexperterl -demand on few *mare
Nat el -thief,. the last moment
oteriottaly curtails th. amount of local
matter in The Signal Ohio week.
, The detailed report of the Dominion
Do, celebration. the report of the ..-
eellenf entertnInment ender the
eiropires of the St. George•••
. Guild. and other Item. are imasoidahls
left ever
Thril rt. • one 'literality, lorlilay and
Tooastily, July 11.-Elecutoes sole of household
furniture .1nd etfecrs 01 the late Alex. SliattOT.
at hoi late residence. St Davad's street. Goderich.
SATURDAY, July Sa e of household furniture
and turnoitonito, property ot Mom Ms Init.h. at
her 1r1,111e01.r. Church shit*, Gudench. at '2
' The annual church parade of 1. p. L.
.' No. Is2 took place on Sunday evenina
1 Knox church. *here !hey *ere addr.ssed
last. the memb,ers atterding
morning of this week for La t, t tioucluth-
sitmdauy".. Oliveto, aged ria year.. 7 usanthe and
ing, where he is to be in 1 harge ol the
• mitsion study class at the At'glic.ti Sum. CARL -It. (1, der;ch. 011 Wednesday. July .
' at all se. vices in St. George's on Sunday. ate, *Oa stieet. on
'11•11'' lii111,11 tt7 Kate N it hotel, nett Stith the bees.. at 3 o'clock. •liflar. July 4. at 3 ir.
i 'Of, a a m . to cobs* nig cemetery. Servi.Cr 111.
11,'Y W111 1.0 Hilts] by titicisn•rs In eon-
.ion:e. Wiwi. is. .t.. of, 1.1.towol, will Palle. .
Lreach and in the 1'1 1.11111g Rev. Or.
. Buggy tor Sole -Mtg. Geo. Graham . . . .. 1
f'S1A111 IstlIDOSIR 110o YEARS
Savings Department
Deposits of $1. and up-
ward received, and Interest
allowed at highest current
rates. Savings Department
accounts given special
Deposits may he made,
and withdrawn, by mail as
easily, readily and safely as
in person.
Wog cericg,m(erteRtAle,