The Signal, 1919-6-26, Page 7_ 1nliliiiiuilllniihlldllllHau11110011111n111111111
:In your soap, purity is not
only desirable but its an
absolute necessity if you
want your clothes to last.
Sentient Soap is absolutely pure
—no fillers or adulterants of any
kiad : SSOno guarantee of this.
washes clothes beautifully clean
—fresh as new without the
*tarsal wear sad tear of the
wash board.
oll!lll cod 1111'• '
( )t.•
, K4,
. ion
ti la ti
f in Trouble
with a' leak in'your p:umbing.
call its and let .us mend it:
Don't put it off until it
liecon)es so bad that your
place may be' flooded. "A
stitch in time saves nine.'
shone 35
watn,uon Street
PlumbingEare.t1 . ighiIK
�L•Inl t\'��k
Hard Wood •
Light Wood
From $200 to $5.00
per cord
MISS I.AI It.\ JACKSON. pupil of
u I F. T. Fttt•uer, Yue. on
IM pre-
er I III) l to r pare {+u.rl+ oar the platin, STRONG
1'upfla pn•{wrt41 for Toroulo Cou•
w•rt•irhn•y exanihuttions up to and In-
cluding iuteruiedlute. For terms apply
June I1, at the age of seveut, -.'lute yea's rut
Over twenty years ago Mr. Cbne'came to I irk
Wingham to take the position of, lair- 1
Ileader in St. Andrew's Presby erian
ichurch. He held this position for 1etgh• I
IN1 tcsn )'rar<. and after realRu'nt movr{letd to
C Leamington to reside. Atettut a unth
�ggo bring in poor begot'. t
MINK LAI'I1.\ J.N'Kt+uN, Althorn.
Garfield Dunbar, of. Ethel, died on ± Positive --Convincing Proof
Wednesday of last week, aged thirty -foto We publish the formula of Vinol
years. I to prove convincingly that it has the
Mr. and Mr. W. A. Lamont, of Ethel. power to create strength.
have started on a holiday outing which - Cod Liver
Beet tteew Peewees,
will take in the West and California. I am.nd M. ,nese., L. •, I d• 4
They will be away for several months. i niycrrophitspbetu, casoana.
Mrs, Alexander Ta; tor, eldest daughter , Any woman who buys a bottle of
of John Anders m. formerly of East Vinol for a weak, run-down nervous
Wawano'h, die 1 re.e'rtly at her home at & condition and finds after giving it a
Woo1slet , Essex county. Her husband I fair trial it did not help her. will
and three daughttr.• survive. have her money returned.
Ed. Weston hts purchased the Com-,, You see, there is no guess work
mercial hotel at Baytte arum H. Darrow. about Vinol. Its formula proves
and take; possession at once He intends' there is nothing like it for all weak.
to conauct an up -to date summer hotel. , run-down, overworked, nervous men
Mr. and Mrs Darrow are m wing to the'' and women and for feeble old ipee
and delicate children- Try
Queen s. and be convinced.
Air. and Mrs. Alex. McNeil. Morris' J. A. CAMPBELL, Druggist,
tow;nshiP, announce the engagement of
their e:dis: daughter. Mary Gladstone I:ooihrich. Uat
tGladvsi. to Arthur J. Hull, of Grey
uownchip, the marnagrato take place thisSeaforth: and 1. N. Kernighan.of Cul- of (it.enfell. Sask. r •
• , , to came to
Wingham for treatment. In his earlier
years M°r Cline was for .r,mr )ears a i
resident of Seaforth. being"cnotrmaster in 1
the Presbyterian church there.
Exeter old bi y. W. . has, entered the of dstate of I
matrimony. The bride is Edr.a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. W.}i. Smith, of Toronto.
the wedding taking pace at the home of
the parents, Rev_Dr. Toombs!! pearformed
the ceremony. ---,--
Co. gratulat ions 'are being extended to
Linden Harvrs. B. A.. son of Mr. and
\frs J. S. Harvey, who has graduated at
ictori t College. Toronto with high
t ultra, winning the Governor -General's
silver medal and the Sandford gold medal
in philosophy. Mr. Harvey has had a
brilliant University course.
Twodau hters of Mr and Mrs Frederick
Luxton of Exeter wets mar ird on Wed-
'-esday of last week. The eldest daughter,
Margaret A., became the bride of Charles
(Isar McFalls. ref Loran. the marriage
taking place at London. The youngest
daughter. Edna P.. was married at
Winnipeg to James M Curcheun Irving.
On t1-ednesday. June iS. at the Luth-
eran church. Zurich. Rev. H. Rembe per-
formed the ceremony which united in.
marrioce Miss Violet. dauthter of Mrs.
C. Fres, and Henry Aitken& of Hay
1.1'l'KNI W.
The home of Joseph L. Foster. 1st Miss Sade Boyd. of Chicago Is vis ting
concession of Stance) township. near Der relatives here.
Bayfield, was the, scene of a pretty Med• John Joynt has returned from an ex -
ding on Wednesday, June 11th, when his tea ded husinesskrip through the Maritime
daughter, Mabel Isabelle. was united in Prostnces -and the Eastern States. He
h its he was
township. I marriage to Earl F. M. Switzer, a prosper- states that to Messer, use
The biro on the f rem of Robert Ashton' farmer of Godench township offered t4., a ton for any hay he could
2nd concession of Howick, was totally'
destroyed by fire, together wuh its con -f
tents. on Friday. June 1:3 Thi cause of
the cererenmony was performed by Rev. , dehcer there. Hay was selling there at
• J. L. Foster, uncle of the bride. assisted by . S0.
Rev. E. L. Anderson. The happy couple
Wily n, u( the Ca ary L.ght orae• who An
auto m ibile belonging to W. T.
Walkerton Telt:Wove: Trooper Max the fire is unknown, There was some have commenced housekeeping on their giihck, of Culross. which was stolen at
arrived on the h pita! ship Metfantic ori
H h insurance but not enough to cover the farm on the lith concession of Goderich Kincardine on the day is the race. [herr,
foss toscn`ship. was recovered a( -the G T. R. station
Jura dth. tripe ding the week w•ttp hi= Owi q to ill health B� l TH herr a few days ,(ter the tlwf Evidently
sister, Mrs me A Ertl y. I toper new in the hu i
Wilson came through without a wound.
although he hurt his knee badly by a fall
while carrying ammunition at Amiens.
Canadian battalion
He as. w h the hest Ca
to enter ons. For some time after th
armi.D • he was. down with bronchitis.
but is h•eling rte again.
I)cliL(-red to any 1t,:t ttf the'
town. --
Also a quantity 01
phone 1(1.5
Robert Wilson
Robert 1. Bowman
has sold h s 100 -acre farm on the 3rd c n -
cession of Morns to Ernest Caml bell.
who has lived in Michigan.lor a number
of:years. The price was $ .l0 is toich
include the crop. and possession
given July 1st.
•i cress and had
Wm. Shepherd, of Hullett. Sas pur. ,the thiefwas
chased Luxton Hill's residence on Dinsley onno plaran of i oeingLucknow of tdhe booded rto y.gand
street and will becably a move
to of Bon. remainder of tars way by tram The agent
Mr. H 11 will probably move to t undue.
The gross receipts of the 'lune 3rd and his assistant noticed the ser standing
in the yard and on ime;tiKatingdicovered
celebration were 51.545,16 and the that it bore the numbers - of the car
Hamilton St.
(; ode rich
)/%OTOR parties will find
,,` every convenience and
comfort •1 the Srnallrnan and
Ingram store.
Whether you corns on a pur-
chasing or a pleasure trip. we
invite you to mak* free use of
these conveniences which have
been installed especially for the
service and comfort of visitors
from out of town--
A Free Cseckroon
where your luggage. wrap., etc.
will be cared for.
Ladies' Rest Ross
and Lavatories
on the Second Floor.
on the Fourth floor where you
may dine at any hour. Break-
fast. Course Dinner. Supper Gridll continuous Luncheon. also
Soda Fountain
on Maim Floor. Ice Cream and
Fancy Dishes and drink• --ala
short lunches quickly served --
continuous service.
Make this your stopping plana
while in the city. without feeling
under the slightest obligation to
make a single purchase.
On Sunday. June 15. a pioneer reg- I reported stolen at hu carders,.
dent of Turnberry' passed away, in the I expenses $6tk1.63. leaving a balance of Kincardine police was c tmmunicatt'd
person of Isabel Wads. wife of Frank 1 rete 53. This is exclusive of the any unts with add the car has since been restored
Carruthers, in her seventy-ninth year. I Red Cr by the Women's Institute. Ole with.iolts and
She is survived by her Welland. two sons, Red Cross and the G. W • V. A. The
Walter and Andrew, and one daughter. I theememorialave a rhall et fu df a -fid the00 io aamounrt SEAFORTH.
Miss Tues, all residing at home• received from the dinner was 5410. The death occurred at G.
on Satur-
OnTuesday. June loth, at the hlnso e 1 slay morning, 14th inst.. of Mary Ann
dist pars'+nav-. Ethel. Rev. J.W.inhnsor.• Wall, widow of the lair W'dliarti Sloe in.
assisted by R v. H. 1• Fair: of To-oxite, Fateful Years
tied the m: trimonial knot between IvDeceased lived in Seaforth most of her
ah life, moving to Galt from here in 1907.
May. daughter of Mr. and Mrs George John Sovin,of oeGalt f, is a stn. and there
12th concession of Grey, sty. for All V� women.. areotwo other sons and tsrte %ought he
Stanley Machan, of the same locality. A former tnown resident of Sea.
Georee fa Muldoon adjoining
the aofg his forth passed away at Toronto on Mon
1:15acre farm: Moody
Hng the vi lags n. !low Best to Overcome the day. .lune loth. in the person of Susannah,
Brussels to Moody Holland. of Walton. . wid, w of the late Richard L. Sharp,
for the sum of $11,000. Mr. went West.d sold ; Troubles that Afflict •arab righty five years• Her late husband
his farm last thingsgset and liking
but; Women Only. ra'- the Grip hotel here for some years and
not finding there to his liking het ,later in partnership wan 11. Livens
returned and has invested' in another; conducted a grocers business.
farm. The most fateful years in a woman's
Dr. Andrew Gordon Shiell, son of John life are those between
•tf rttefiv ve andrnd hfde-
Thursday, June 21i, 1919.—'
We have a full line of up-to-date
Hats for summer wear.
They will please you --come and see.
Sem-Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers
- JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111 L
A•gtiantity of dry summer wood, 1 2 -in. lona,, at
$1.50 per single cord
or $2.00 delivered. Terms c<.sh with order or
C.O.D. We will fell only on cash terms.
Orders may be left at house cr stole.
c 'Phone l5�
ed t Many women enter
Have you renewedySignal for 1919
H.G.Harper.( London blood and so they suffer y
Shiel' of Fast Wawannuh. war mart'
Lnndnn cel Thursday'• l'2th ins'.. the Pressing conditions through overwork,
bride being Grace McLean. daughter of worry or a nehlected condition of the our subscription• to The
.heavily. Stift.
and Mrs. b Rev. ' variations of health at this time can sbe
which was beautifully decorated (or the; head Ichee and pains in the hack and'
t ccasion. - I side;. fever -flushes, pa:pitation. dizzinea•'
A happy event took place a' the home and depression. Women stand in and of
of Mr. arta Mrs. W. N. Austin. m .7 urn- rich, red blood a11- their rifle. but r ever
berry, on Wedriesda)'. June 11, when more so than ii middle a;e. when the
their daughter. Miss Isabella Auxin, was! I e Des are also weak and over -wrought,
united in marriage to James S. Sap eton. N lw. every woman tan prove the p ompo
of Tur berry. Rev. J. F. Dingman Stapleton
offi bap afforded to her health by renewing
tinted. Mr. and Mrs. Stapleton have tet blood supply It is a test tha• any
since taken up their home on their farm ai itg wo nan c. n make by las it g lIr.
in Turnberry. I Williams Pink Pols. lex these pills make
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. James H. rich, red bloc''. which in turn helps the
Fulton. 10th concession of Grey. on Satur-I appetite, strengthens the nerves and
day, 14th inst.. their (laugh er. Ada Irene, restores robust health. 1 housands of
was united in marriage 10 James S. Arm- women have found in Dr. Williams' Pink
soon.. son of Mr. and Mrs. William) Pills the means by which new health and '
Armstrong of the same town -hip. The a bn htec outlook of life were gained. in
ceremony was performed by Rev. proof of this is the voluntary testimony
W. E. Stafford The young couple will o Mrs. H. S. Peterson. Milf2rd. Ont•
reside on the grr om•s farm. who says: "1 have suffered greatly from
During the settle electric storm of 1 those troubles that afflict my sex. and I
Thursday evening. three valuable horses have found that Dr Williams' Pink Pills ,
bel toJames Cooper. concewion 6.1 in such cases not only do all that is claimed
The ceremony was performed Y ' relieved by home treatment.
D. C. MacGregor in St.Andrew•'a church.
the commonest symptoms are ,
three miles east of Ripley, were kil'ei by for them but more. Dr. Williams' Pink
lightning. 'A large harn belonging to
Mr. Montgomery. near Kinloss. was
totally destroyed by tire. C hares Wall,
a young farmer of Kinloss. was rendered
unco scions by a bolt of lightning, and
his condition is considered serious.
A large crowd gathered at Tyndall's
grove on the London road near Clinton.
on Tuesday of last week. to entity a picnic
held under the auspices of the U. F. 0.
Nearly one thousand people were present
during the day. There was a program
of races and games, and speeches were
given by Mrs. Brodie. of Newmarket.
prerrdent of the' U. F. W. 0.: NIessrs..1.
Ratcliffe. of Exeter: R. McMillan, of
Do not coffer
another day with
Itching, Bleed -
int, or
ing Piles. No
surgical oper-
ation required.
1)r. (•hase • Ointment will relieve you at one*
and as certainly cure yen. fete. a nos: all
dealer., or lilmanson, Pate' & t'o., Limited.
Toronto. Flamp'e bot free if you mention this
paper and enclose 2c. stamp W pay post. Re.
Pills have done so much for me that I
urge every weak woman to try them: and
they will aeon realize the great difference
in one's health they make.'
it you suffer from any of the ills that
particularly afflict womanhood yob
should avail yourself at once of the
health -help of Dr. Williams' Pink Pill.
You can get them from any dealer in
medicine. or by mail postpaid at 50c, a
box or six boxes for $2.5.0 from the (.yr,
Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont.'
ClalyS Sunshine
is after a furnace is installed and
TT the first cold snap tests it that you 1
know whether your investment in ,
COMFORT was wisely made or not.
Don't take a chance on it.
You can he sure of it under the McClary's
guarantee. McClary's engineers will plan your
heating system without charge. They will guaran-
tee that the Sunshine furnace, installed according
to those plans, will heat your home comfortably.
Take advaat•ge of
Slave ! comfortable. welitsehce
Sold by
_-.�-...•ter•-r- _
William Bu -len. for forty year( a resi-
de nt of this section. died on Tuesday. inst.. in his seventy-fourth year.
He is survived by two daughters.
One of the cylinders on the engine at
the Doherty piano factory blew out -one
day last week. Fortunately nobody wail
injured. hut the plant is partly shut
down while repairs are being made.
Donald Kennedy. a well-known resident
of town, passed away tin Thursday, June
12th, aged sixty-three years. after a hmc
I and severe illness Ile leaves a widow
and -grown-up family Mrs (Dr.i Black-
' all, of Blyth. and Loch Kennedy. of
Wingham. are sister aid brother of the
At St. Paul's church on Monday, June
16th, the marriage ceremony was -solemn-
ised Emerson Heard. son of th
late John Heard of Bayfeld, and Mi—
Annie Hewitt of Setcofnbe. England.
The rector. Rev. S. E. McKegney, of•
floated. Mr. and Mrs. Heard left the
gime evening for their home at Baytie:d.
Caude C. Maxwell, eldest son of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Maxwell. former resi
dent! of Wingham, died in Mersa
' township. near Leamington. on June
12th. The young man. who was in his
twenty-first year. was horn in Wingham
and spent his boyhood days here.
Wiliam J. Henderson, of Wingham.
was ole of the principals in' a weddink
ceremony at Knox church manse. Galt,
ton Saturday, June ith. the bride being
Miss Margate. Stewart. eldest daughter '
of Mr. and Mrs. Inhn Stewart. of Freel•
ton,Ont. On their return from the
weding trip Mr. and Met. Henderson
will reside ext the groom's farm near
A well-known resident of Wingham has
been removed by the death of George W.
Cline. which occurred on Wednesday,
Your Boy Needs These
Long -Wearing Stockings
You can't prevent him from being hard on stockings when out
for a tramp, or at the "swimming -hole."
But you cart get him stockings made to stand such treatment—
that will save you considerable mending --Buster Brown Stockings.
We had your boy in mind when we designed these stockings. The boy
who will play hard. We knit them from extra long yarn with a two-ply leg
and three-ply heel and toe. The operators who knit,set to Ings haveur'ability had
years of special training in knitting 'Buster Brown g
ood into hosiery.
For good looks are knitted into Buster Brown Stockings. They're neat
and ance attalltting tim .they Your present a boy willgentlanly be proud of appear-
(:et these durable stockings for him. They coat
less because they wear longer --and they require less
mending. Ask your dealer for "Buster Brown"
durable hosiery. Sold everywhere.
The Chipman -Bolton Knitting Co., Limited
Hamilton. Ont. Mills also at Welland
Rueter Rrnwe'• Slot er'• Rtoe k
Ina for the title 1• • •plena.!
I n.,l lel •to klot ata mod.r. e
price. A two -thread F nall.h
m•rreNuel 11•le startle!.
1. *lured to at an& wear. arty
. 11 Indeed.
trams lash. Leather Rhode
Tsn, Pink. Rlue and White.