The Signal, 1919-6-26, Page 6C
to •
the f
hot r
Alai '
-Thuraday, Jn1)e 26, 191
-• GOD1UOE, oars.
Safety Razor
The Shaving Service for Every Man
No Stropping
--No Honing
No. 20
A perfect shaving edge is the daily privilege of the Gillette Safety
Raaor owner.
tew men can bone or strop a razor sharp enough to stop it pulling
.n the neck and around the awkward places. With a Gillette you nu
not depend upon your own skiU in stropping and honing.
The perfection of the edges of Gillette Blades is assured by our
highly specialized machinery.
The new Kit Set shown above is most comped (especiaUyconveniert
when you go away fora holiday or on business,)and enables you to enjoy
the most comfortable shave in a few minutes every morning.
Your jeweler, drugg44st, or hardwa . dealer
can ,hour you a variety of Golden. Sofa at
$5.00 the set
r -11-ejtet--1\ MARI(
The Gillette
lilli 811.1. FROM 111 ORA',
l'rotfn•ial ('uniafilwlott Sends 1'kaaant
Little Ikrrunient to tfw•al Board.
It the hist rl•t;uLu meeting or Me
o :1 ter aint 141111 /.11111111..1.111 Ihe
re.iivalt ion ..f \I I'. .l. til l'N 11.111 !IN
tnwrtlrvr war aveept..l'Vital Mr. .1. It.
Kelly war. n{ttNriuttvl In hls pta<•<•. at a
salary of /ha/ tier notion.
til was decided that the llyd t•1) ,tor'
M1/1/1$111 he dosed on Wednesday lifter -
nouns during Jnm•, July aid .luglst.
.l voto.of 348.175.'.11 to the 1'rovluilal
,lwuti..i.11 on nrr.•ars wit. Ia1sw,.L,
.l new w'he,lnle o4• rales. 1t,. prolwl.wl
by the l'r.i '„utluisslut. was
adopter!, The principal along 's ars:
4'uw.11mptiou Charge fur quwesti.• light -
Ing redie.•tl trove 41.1• and '1',1.
to If:. 'anti .c. and for isi muervial
lighilug n•llmvll from Ile and 4'yc to
lit• and 4e: 4teatimes. .1ret•t lumps rto.
dueed from $I4 10 SIO.Ist, nod eharg.'1i
for the standards oti 411, lquale ntsat
vmi,dt ening<.vI. This will wean
a Ivotelderald.' .avfug to the town In
'street lighting elbtrevs. The town a1Nl)
is to be allow/s1 a .a491 of ten per
twat. for prompt fury/noir. the stole a" .
prise to is:Lo ares.:.
The following' tetterwas reelvrol
(nolo the Provincial 4' .:
Slay :N*, 11)11*.
.1tor 4114 Light 1'outai=sign, /
thole -rich. erlt.
!War' tetk.: ---
1 am direete•.1 by Ihell 'Jana/i.'situ to
forw•ayvl to you Ude ets•hisld 1441,,411)4, waste- rruunts 11,1, lung tn.
w hl..h represents the :pursuit' due by
the water and light ruwluisxiun tI, 'testiner- decays I=1)tLc
this 4'oamliw.ion In Iw.prl to the tope - and nper.s the win her attack 1 '.
and transmission Ufsjaisi.•r during ►111• the germs list cause na•rr:ule
Period Fel.r,i,i .11114. to Iletulwr :11, dirhtlur'.., pnci.rrtyyta .1)d 4 tnu'-
191.. You will nate from thin invoice Tnoel, of „1 11s
that the reedit. (now the sale Ito
power 1.. your municipality during tithe •1 he rul.1,.4.)c hobo of using silts,
pills. nout•ral waters, coon( oil,
err , to, f..rec the tkewe!s t.. hone,
'MAC, tjt;! cond.ttun even- stake,
as"constirart,:) returns alitiost *n.
Nujol ,is entirety, di:Terent from
drug'. as it dors not force or Irritate
the bowels.
Nujol pretests sra),matnon by sof:-
ewe the food waste and rucour-
emg the int', inal 'Muscles to act
mail paid. _ • naturally, thus remoting the cause
You will ohw•ree that IIw 1'0!1)1141». of constipation and -elf-poisoi1ing.
serer Wive le* Wit n.. chance int sennet It isahsooluteiyharmless ^ndp!easant
o of slaking fon( for the reason that
e s Nature establishra*y, .
DAY and night -without
ceasing --a struggle is
going on in your body be-
tween the germs Of di.ea.e
and the ulhite blood cor-
puscles -the police force of
t'.le human body.
f this police corCe iveake'n�,
disease germs !:tin a ftkrt-
Constipatwn h the comtnu:,
and d:u,Lrernus w„y of `corrupt
the hurnun policy tune
la-1'I.MI Ib141' 144.•11 in+utth•it'nt fo .11"let
f114' op•raring eXp•n'o•s fu.•nrr.',f'7ty- the
1'ttttt slot fit •ria• operalt1o11 1)t' your
pn,is.rr4ouatr• mbar,' of the Niagara
Thr 4'o9un4.41,141 iustruetel Ma the
win of tt1:t.17.i.:11) he token 41p fn rhe
Isurks of t'nlir o1.u.wl.csio,. to be Nhuw'n
as an "a.1.,lnit4 lu.tnb1," • 1111.• tin'
11yilro-E1..trij• l'nwer Commission of
Ontario. and ave s e11aro.• against your
surplus .......11111,. The hallow.• uwinto
homely, 313.177.:ill, will bear interest
at the rate of 4 (1)•r ,'.•1ft Iver anmltn
U4.0 41.141' dw•4dwf dr t'.• 14've all n i- hlulol h 1p
Safety Razor Co- of Canada, limited. 4.f4a14i14o. frolu',..Boal ..barge• in th.•fr thorough bowel esacuawon at ree-
Montreal, Canada. 4.!:8 ifuenution 441) 41411o1)ot of x14114111 frond ular intervals -the healthiest habit e
Heti, W. U. McPherson Ads Ise% Early
Nomination of Candidate,
ILundun Pere 1'.e.. Report i
Wingham, June 20. --Much interest
centered 1)t the annual meeting oI the
North Huron Conservative Association,
held at the town hall here this atternoon.
There was a large attendance, including a
big contingent of ladies. The
of the alternoxtn was Hon. W. D. Mc-
Pherson, the PTOvinCial Secretary.
Dr. Redmond, president of the Con-
servative Association. occupied the chair
and in his opens :g address touched at
considerable extent on the events of the
war. He referred at length to the family
feud which at the last election led to
the election of the Liberal candidate, Mr.
Mr, Fraser, the speaker declared; was
not elected by the voice of the people,
but as a resat of the Conservdtave spam.
He was not loyal to the country.
In closing, 1)r. Redmond expressed his
wish to resign the presidency 1)J the lesser`•
ciataon on business grounds and urged
the burying 0t the hatchet and a return
to old time unity amongst the local Con.
ger va t Ives.
The election of officers resulted as
follows: pr. nistrung. (;.rues pres.
dent; Mrs. lt'esiry Juynt. Lucknow, hest
vice• preucent: 3ens•,n Cruu4 shanks,
Turnberry, second ' Tii4-preslden. Mrs.'
Walker, Gowrie, secretary, and Waith'
McKabbun, Ntngh;am, treasurer. The
executive committee was re-elected en
masse. as also were all the polling diva
Ston reoresentat:ves, with the ex,rptiJn
of 1'urnberry, lir Shah division Arthur
Wheeler was ei,cted in place of Wr.
Mine's. resigned.
The members elected to the committee
on resolutions were as follows: John
Joynt, Luddism: C. R. Bennett. Wing
ham; 11, \letcahle, fiowick, and Natter
McKibbon, W Ingham.
Some discussion arose as to the right of
members of theexecutiv'eetor vote so the
electron of (Ahcers and a vote of the
meeting was taken on the question. the ,
v.oe beim favorable to the executive
members Young.
Hon. Mr. :McPherson. in opening his
address, cungratutated the Can,setvatrers
of North Huron on thesplendid atten
dance and on the good teeing rv,denced
at the meeting. Mr. Fraser, he dtc:a rr',
was not the true representative of the
people and would nut, but for the unfor-
tunate family feud, have been 1n Parh..-
men t
7 he speaker then dealt at length with
questions an•mg out of the war, which
eventual;). closed with the great defeat of
Germany and her allies.
"It a in the dIs,retxm of the G »•ern-
ment,'' he declared, "when the next
lection 45,11 take place. Premier Hearst
as filled the office Wirth general satisJac-
ion during a most trying period and the
Province today stands in a positron
superior to any part of the Walsh do-
Speaking on the temperance question
Mr. McPherson declared that the acti m
of the Government was purely a war
measure In the interests of the peop:e.
Re (erring to ;the "present di strut rive
strike at Winnipeg." he declared. "law
and order muse be upheld for the home c
the nation.''
In cousin ; he urged that a candit!ate fo'
tee Legislature be brought out by the
Conservatives of North Huron as early as
N1r. :McPherson was given a rousing
vation as he sat down.
The meeting concluded with the pass•
ng of a very hearty vote os thanks to
Ih. Redmond. for his able services as
resident of the Conservative Assocfa-
on for many years and. regret was tx•
rsserl at his resignation.
11ry lip!
y K tuna wlto pendatwl in
f *hive, Mg lordly to lite lady 0•11(1
firm simper Moil hint st a ,.ympt y
i.tneett, telling her what the music
t"ao•.tnt:' what wort of ImwuIKe *1144
leaning next. and Mr on, 1'anw•41 werious
slnnnyal..• to everyone of hit im-
amrli,ete neighbor".
l'rebeurly lie rltesod his eves and
141111 to ,1,1. eo1414uul1on.
**1 1111 Aon ever try 11ste1)I)ig 1, 1)11).1.•
with yowls eye,. .11111'! 1411)',• Ilts idea i
how lovely It wuld+..
Theteulu'11 it 1[1.11111111111 11 w•111, Nut 111
the vena -in frons of the young man
twiet.'1 hiws.'If /1 11.1111 and *aid gravely :
"1'otutg man. dh1 yon ever try listen-
ing to tnllsk'uth your mouth shot?"
Adrertllw In he Nigral. It pays.
IN the beautiful and graceful Tines'
of the Hats for summer wear
there is a wealth of interest.
There are correct tailored models in
Milan and Panama Hats that droop
gracefully, or sweep back sharply from
the face, transparent styles that are
tilted concealingly over one eye, chic
turbans. pokes 'and sailors, which are
very smart.
These Hats are wonderfully trimmed
with flowers. wings, smart ribbon
bows, and ostrich in its manyL forms.
Miss M. R. MacVicar
ngst.m Street
xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxexx x
until this tu*nilef44)Itty lute. completed. in the world. h
it,. Shit full year .1f op'ratiun: 4,m-Gett
menoime 1st the xfxth rove the deferred bottle of NujUl from you►
puylneut+ o1) xh,kinK food, ns provided druggist today. and keep your ponce
for in the -Perta,'r 1'onuuisaon Act," force on the oo.
will be taken up (41. a yearly twxlxQ, Natal is avid is sealed
tiler•I4'ler. FF ij� arnstih
Yours truly. ' bottles bearing the
f1vivito I-la.l:1 'TIM• 1'4I\l'Elt COM -Nero! Trade Mark. All druggists. i..
mtsslIIN gib' tINT,11t11►. oat on Nupt. You may au*, free
mbatif wet.
'W w. Pope.
See retarc, s: •
'I'o.illfrerele•e la'tn'etitt the .1.1 WI! 1:1111
of ismer la. diL111,91 hereunder I fie-
11v.r•d .1n ring the p•1'i•s1 I"ebrittry
'1914. to 31st (Sootier. 11)1s. and th,•
atm tx r.•rive.l neeor,ling to hill.
it 1)JMi Orr.
Tu rof plower at NIIK,lrat
For Constipation
luter.'st on (tri.p,rtfolio w• 1
share. of capital i1)rested23.2(2.9) _ 'V"basas
l'rop,rti.ii.ate -bare of main- Clockwork' p
awl operation,11.411.4)41 1 ti
l'rupirtiolult.• share of ropr
morals and 'out lugene fes14.1'4:1.154
interest 1111 .1..11 11.1* o4a•naiauc
deist lulhun•e,. 1,394.42
#ta►,412. i
ity 14tubtl11*'r.eiv..I a1e,t,I.
fnK 111 ;ewer 1.111+ reuder.',)*4frArak!ra
Profrortissuate .I4s4r.' of profits
rm 4s,44•er skid to private
ponies /*quern 1914
1911; 1.320.22
E4%•147.': '
ltil 111 owe
X xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'xKxx
Snaps in Organs at
Thomson's Music Store 11
l'✓e have .evernl slightly utsed piano -ease. Organs, ns damn as
new, at remeniable i►rieex. '
.11..11 one Weber Square Piano in good order, a fine pearl lee
plow, for the children, which .we will sell for $8:i,(X).
L„im iR Your nppnrt llnit" • o !uIreha,.e a g.wul instrnmrut at .a
low• ;lysed+• •
AL1, St,Et:.Pitij CARS
!•rare Taranto 7.15 p.n..
AkWinnipeg AJK, p.m. 2nd day
Calgary pati p.m. and /lay
Banff 12 If) p.10). Rel .lay
Vsnenuyer 10.110 a.m. It)) day
fres!-Maws AleepiaJr(or T*1sengerm only
Fall pmMasiars frown any agent. 1014. KiliD,
C. P. Aga nt, Gorlerieh.
al:1,175.'N1 Dr. W. F.. Macklin on Single Tax.
(From The Square Deal, Toronto.)
iN ALL PARTS OF Dr. W. E. Mackin, of Nankin, China,
V1NCE. addressed the members and friends of the
Single Tax Association on economic ex-
periences in China. in room 7, Y. M.C.A.
Building, recently.
introductory remarks on the religious
and political systems of the country were
followed by an account of the land system
as established by Mencius, the Chinese
philosopher. who lived .4)(40 400 B. C.
The speaker referred to the "Golden
Age" which China looked hack upon, re.
Marking that in those times the Chinaman
had a chance to make his mark. He stated
that in that era each family had the right
to thirteen acres of land. and that we, in
this present era. were looking forward to
the "Golden Age" to which China was now
booking back.
In recent times the land question had
been reported upon by the Royal Asiatic
Society. when it was found that fifty per
cent. of the land was worked by tenants,
nearly the same as United States condi-
tions. From three -tenths to six -tenths of
the crop of these holdings were taken in
rent b the owner. A land improvement
plan in 1pea near the large rivers whose
florid* ha4 occurred yearly for over 1,000
years hada sed land value from 110 to
1100 per t by preventing the flood.
The Doctor. apart from his medical work
in China, had translated a number of
English classics into Chinese, such as
"Green's History of the English People,"
and standard works on political economy,
as "Progress and Poverty," and "Protec
(ion or Free Trade,' by Henry Gentile.
it was through his converting a German
patient to single tax that a modified form
of it was introduced into the German
colon.), of Kiou Chou. A hearty vote of
thanks was given to the lecturer. Mr. W.
A. Douglass occupied the chair.
New Brunswick fairly Tells of Dodds
Kidney ]'ill.,,
McGivgey Junction. York Co.. N. B.,
June 23 (- pedal) -Front) all over New
Brunswick reports are co' ing telling of
the continued populartt of Dodd'sremedyKidney Pills as a reedy f all forms of
kidney trouble. ,No place appears to be
too small to furnish at least inc person
who is prepared to say that she `owes her
health to the great Canadian kidney
remedy. i
Mss Carrie Ferguson, well.
known resident here, is one of them.
"i am happy to say that 1 fou a
great improvement in my health a r
using Dodd's Kidney Pills. They are the
best medicine 1 can find for lame hack. 1
advise anyone who is troubled with weak
kidneys to t•y them. I tell everyone
that Dodd's "idney-Pills are good."
Dodd's Kidney Pills help rheumatism,
lumbago, diabetel, lame hack, heart dis-
ease and urinary troubles because all of
these are either kidney diseases or are
caused hy the kidneys failing to do their
.Among Thief) Thnn'arwl Islands of
Georgian Bay.
The *000 islands of the (;eoxgian I3ay
is one of the most attractive of Canada's
summer resort territories, with its shaded
nooks, wave -lashed shores and rocky
forest depths. it comprises some of the
finest fishing grounds, wh-re bass, pickerel
and rnaskinonee are plentiful, and lake
trout are caught weighing from ten to
fifteen pounds. Among the attractions
other than fishing this district offers fine
canoe routes for long and short trips
among the islands and amid fascinating
scenery. Excellent bathing beaches are
found at all the principal point*. As a
health resort the region is famous, the air
being pure and invigorating. The district
i* reached hy the Grand Trunk Railway
System, the trains connecting with
steamer calif 'h calls at all the important
resorts. For full information apply to
(;rand Trunk ticket agent. or C. E.
Horning, D. P. A., Toronto, Ont.
Jags Clothing.
The Wnrnan-Jas, AIN -loop. are the
latest thing, dear. Here s a picture of a
girl with them on."
afTh you with Men-What
t appalling Int! Er -
paper. -Punch.
Dr . W. r. liacklin is a brother of DT
A. H. Macklin, of Goderich.
Ail engaged p'rw)nn shoold :Mewl
the vslwtetine performance on led -
4' night at l'IetON, (Mea lionise to
IewM lave! what .Ilfffe•nitIt'n srlmre in
married Ilfe. After yon heir the
'•.inmt'stle squabbles" hy two of mor
w..Il known •yoang people you may•de-
ci,h• that marriage Is a Inttery---nnkaw
yon 4mv Ntrlet Attention to the duet.
Two night. only - Victoria ()pen
Home, Pridsy, Jon* 27th, and Tie*
day, July 1st.
During the aftermath of in-
fluenza or any other prostrating
illness, the logical tonic is
which enriches the blood and
strengihsns the whole body, via
nourishment. I/ you would re-
new your strength-- try Scott's.
&eat & &.wet. Thermo. On: 19-1
Full weight of tea in
every package
TEAs good tea
Sold only in sealed packages
The Comfort Kitchen
teak. )',+Ur kir: hen a tenant room 1411 •amour.
Dose t 1)u the old fad..oaed range with is .,.a1 and ash
pas drones.. Ray a New Pertr. tans (141 Conk 4t.e.t a•
know the osnrenlerne of waft Jn' .tial Kayai:te Cowl (al
for fuel.
Wkh-the New Perfection you can keen year kitchen
ort and ansae --fm from the litt.t of a.i.n and ktedm:ag
•--foe from the a has (jai 1)l a lea tool r -:,p.
It Ir a mmpiete rove for hal:ng. Inane. Maine nr
rnamina--M• tae r....ily Lk. tar --u a enol! rrgutated.
Tae lama Woe Cn.mrwy Rnuner - -an radar,. feature -
1r4urea ..gems1 orf,11 or Seen. with "r wahout Oren
uses from two to four burners.
Ge Myour de,.t.r ant tet him elmo neemte one Tor you
Malay. ae lure n has the loan Blue Chimney and that
topertal R.•-.. (.,i ss: ;, ss*, i.r
For Sale by Dealers Everywhere
Puwt r Beat - Light - Lubrication
11, i, c4 .'-. ,;i all Cif,.
M Holes of council meetirg hent on
Tune 16th. All -the members ')resent.
Minutes of last meeting were red and
confirmed. on motion of Buchanan and
Straughan, Samuel Kehoe presented a
petirinn for the construction of a muni•
cipal dra n on concessions 2 and 3. A
copy. f the' tome was orderer1 to be sent
to the engineer ter examination of the
prneerty described in 'old petition As
only one suns (clot had put in a tender
for the balding of the briege on comes-
'ion- r, and 7, and the amount being
consid rably in advance of the estimated
cost of the same. it was dec ded that the
' filo- for ,e.-e;veng tenders for this bei
be exten'!ed till Mlriday, June :30th.
motion ni Currie and, Buchanan.
Scutt was teapp•inted cottectrr for
. p ..sent year at a salary of 1i45.
fotloeinit accn•inta were noel: A. J. R
grease for grader, 41s. The Huron Ex
itor. advertising bridge contract, 12
{. Pn'terfe•1d. rest of road allowance,
1. Jnhnsron, crasH. 1t: drawing gr
24 40; E. Kilbugh shgvelifng gr
21.40: J. Tunnev. gravelling on <once•
4. 23; Wm. Arbuckle. sr,, grading
The council then ,drowned to meet a
at the call of the Reeve
It is patriotic to buy War Savings Stumps because Canada
have money for reconstruction.
But it is also profitable to buy War Savings Stamps because
air investing it ,Government Bonds yielding over 4%,;,.
You dont need to be a capitalist. You can start with 25
Bay a Thrift Stamp for a quarter. When you have sixteen
them, exchange them for a War Savings Stamp, and you wih ha
laid the foundation of a solid investment with your odd flavin
Yon can add to this investment as often as you save $4.04),
in 1924 the Government will pay ti .140 for every War Sa
Stamp you buy now for $4.00 odd.
This is the biggest opportunity ever afforded to wage e
to become investors.
MietelIise fin 'ltia slplal.--It pays.
We► Savings Seawaa
too 4e l aeaa fe whew-
shat•s w tido
t s,
Make Your Savings Serve Yon
and Serve Your Country -invest
Them in War Savings Stamps.