The Signal, 1919-6-26, Page 4Iss+.....,... ,. *. aT• 4-ThtttatJune 26, 1'11 • ', TNN .IIONAL GODIK ICIt ONT. Clothing, for Hot Weaher Nice, cool Combina- tion Underwear, 'Ar- row Brand "; Negligee Shirts, Wash Ties, Holeproof Hosiery, white duck and flan - nel Trousers, Straw and. Panama Hats, Lustre Coats, Palm Beach Suits. We have been taking a number of orders for nice two-piece homespun Suits. Let us take yours. Walter C. Pridl 1 Phone 57 Goderich a Beads ! Beads 1 • a They are more in demand than ever before. We have the very latest New York styles. .The long, medium and short strings, in the new shades of red, green, amber, blue, pearl, silver and gold, antique and black. Hurry in and secure a string before they all go. Smith's Art Store East Si, Phone 198 WATER AND LIGHT COMMISSION Change of Lawn Service .r Owing to extreme hot weather, the large use of water has caused conditions that the town pumps ar working to capacity, and any per- a found using water contrary to any rules and regulations will be prose ted. Hours from 7 to S a.m.. 5 to 11 p.m. Lawn sert-ic users are requested to save the oat as much as pos- sible. No person is s11 ed to use water for lawn service tit appli• cation for same has been ade Pay your watetrates for thtnext quarter before July. 1st, and Ate 1.5 per cent. discount. All water and Tight rates payable to J. B. KELLY. Collector. • Water and Light C:lmmiasion Town of Goletich. KLNTAIL. i ` you of our heart)- co-operation and help TUESDAY. June 24.to the work of the Institute for the cow - 1 ing year, winch. 0014 -that the .war .Is Mist Bess e Mackenzie is hem;. front' elver, may btu true wore of a pleasure than a task, we were well pleased to have you accept it uuce wore. The work of the [immure during the laat fuer. Stratford. .•..-'r • Mn. D A McIntyre and children went to Detroit on the Gre-hound. Mrsllin sad children. of Cams, lachte. ' yearmince the outbreak of war. hart been me visiting at the home of the former's most atreuuoua, eutattiug a great drat Mother. Mrs. D. McLeod. of work. worry. carr. time and patience. Miss Isabel MacLennan has returned We can easily untterstaud that. no mat - 1 to Chicago• ter how well all may help iu the work. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Thomson. of the groat bunlrn of the ease and worry falls on the president. all of which you have *bouldered willingly. A.. a slight token of our /appreciation of what you have done in the Institute in conuectiun with the Red ('roan work, we ask .your acceptance of Oita gift from ybtr fellow workers and we hope that the aawe harmony that has' alwaya prevailed among um Aa an Institute tuay still con- tinue with us In our work for house and The anniversary services of Ashtield•I country. • Presbyterian church on Sunday last were i (Signed In behalf of the W. I. 1 untended by large congregations. Rev. j Mrs. Beckett replied. thanking the Dr. Jeffrey. of Detroit. who occupied tete , weuthera of the Institute very kindly 1... pulpit. was heard with great interest an their thottghaulne.s,The lurch utclose,t appreciation. On Monday evening Dr. ' with the singing of God Save the Icing. Jeffrey gave a lecture which also was heard by a Targe audience, PR I'�F:NTATI)N Ti• MRs. RF..•KETT.- PORT ALBERT.. rhe Kintaii V, ouire's Institute held the I THURSDAY, June 26. June meeting at the home of Mea. ]. The garden party last evening on ,the Cowan. Mrs. }linen. of London. ad- grounds of the Anglican church was quite dressed the mooring with a very inter• a success. proceeds of $10 being realized. eating talk on "The Ideal Community.'. The Blackstone orchestra was present Miss'Margarct Mae[eun►n sang a P/110 and its music 'vas much appreciated. also Mary and Margaret Mi(cKenrie. Rain commenced to fall just as the Na - Mee O. J. MacLennan and Miss Ethel tional Anthem was being played. but as T&vIor presented nteel the president. Mrs. it was much needed the people hurried Beckett. with a jardiniere and stand. horn- in good humor; while Mrs. M. C. MacKenzie read the Mr. Jack Green held his barn -raising following address: on Tuesday and it was successfully com- De r Mn.. B.. kelt,-At the annual pleted without a hitch. Good work, boys. meeting of the Women's Institute last Mas you were nnanin.ously re-elected to the president'a'chair, mud' againstGODERICH TOWNSHIP. tour will and wish. It seemed hardly • THURSD▪ AY, June 26. ..r to insist on your taking the chair •r another coag but warn we assuredA Success. -The ice cream social on Tuesday evening at the home of'Mr. and and Mrs. Walter F. Hick. Huron road, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid society of Tay or's Corners. was well attended and was rnu:lt enjoyed. After tete lunch there was a program of music and readings. with speeches by Councillor H. L. Salkeld and Rev. W. H. Campbell. Toe proceeds amcunted to 179. he ladies wish 'o thank all who took oart in the program or in any way contributed to the success of the social. • Goderich. and Mrs. Rohert Scott and children. of Auburn. visited at Mr. K. McLean's on Sunday. ELuort-WEST. - On Wednesday. June 11. at Ripley. Hazel Man. only daughter of Mr and Mrs Jamey West. of i Kintail, was united in marriage to Mr. 1George S Elliott, of Ambrrlcy. ?Ohm Gritlin took `in the trip to Detroit on the Greyhound. KEEP IT SWEET Keep your stomach sweet today and ward off the indi- gestion d tomorrow- try JUi1oiDS tie new aid to digestion. Aa pleasant and as safe to take as candy. MADE err saran a NOWISE (aANUOINI Or .00aT. 2710.111.41014 •. 1 ••• I Egg Coal Soft and Cannel Coal in any uantities. ON account of pres- ent weather con- ditions the wholesale companies have been able to make better deliveries of Coal and we are now able to supply : - Chestnut Stove Pea and q MacEwan Estate eb. 1st, 1919 Sc OI of Commerce CLINTON AND GODERICH, Ontario COURSES : Commercial Stenographic sad General Our work is Metter than mans and equal to any. students may enter •at any time Fur particulars write to B. F. Ward, B.A., M. Accts., Priacipal one 20S Clinton, Ottt. Classes. Tires. and Thins. Nig! • AUTOMOBILE OWNERS TAKE NOTICE We have installed an up-to-date • Steam Vulcanizing Plant and are prepared to do all kinds of tire repairing at reasonable prices. We also DOUBLE -TREAD TiRES This t, done by taking one which has the tread worn to the fabric for the inside and another which has a good tread but rim cut or blown out on the side for the outside and sntched on with a patent lock -stitching machine. This will give you from 2000 to 5000 miles of service and is practically puncture -proof Call and ask us about your tires, and we will advise you and suggest a remedy. TERMS STRICTLY CASH H. J.t' FISHER • .` t:, Tiodettch i. HAYFIELD. TUESDAY, June 24. Major Tolmie spent a few clays in Toronto last week. Mrs. Tolmte was at Fergus attending tbe funeral oft her brother. Mr. and Mrs. Pollard and dauzhter Madge. of Landon. spent the past week with Mrs. Poilard's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Spackman. Miss Charlotte Parsons is 01 ie bed and under the ductor s c ,re, suffering from uemorrhage of the stomach. Mr. Andrew McGregnr and family on Monday of this week moved into their new home .n Ann street Plans a e being perfected tor the cele- bration on Dominion Day. and the cum- ' mittee is sparing no pains to make 11 a success The sports will be heal iart the Square. as on former occasions and the Patti tic society wilt serve refreshments. The proceeds of the celebration are to go toward purchasing a new piano for the hall. 1 he anniversary services of Bethany church, Gid •t ich township. will be held on Sunda v, the 29th. The preacher will be Rev. T W. Neal. of the Toronto Methodist Union. a former resident of Porter's Hill Services at 11 a m. and 7 p. m. Baby's Own Tablets of Great Help. Mothers. if your baby or growing chid is sickly; if he does not sleep well at night; if he cries a great deal: is cortstt- oated and his Tittle bowels and st.,tnach .Ir; mit working right. give Baby 's Own Tablets -they have proved of great help to thousands of mothers.- Concerning tete Tabitts Mrs R. H. I)ecater. t o:em's bidtng Ont., says: "I have used-Baoy's Own Tablets arid have found them excel- lent for the little ones awn would not be without them." Theg(ablets are a m,:d but thorough axative and are guaranteed to contain no harmful drug -that is why they always do good and never harm. They are sold by me trine dealers or be mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. )on notisl net Ire natside of "Hur- on's 7.oLlen Gate- ter advice on how to nvui.l "nlortgagiug your farm,- If you will go n1 \'i, tori. I )psora House I ridny night. Jniw _'7111. rust let some 1 of our young, folk tell von in .,,,it how III their extr„tugsnt. they almost *nut• {s'1 the "old f.dk.- to mortgage the farm they lore but whit] is Preutuslly .local from disposal A repetition of tills ndvIce at Victoria 4)pent Hesse. .July lat. Marlatt's hecific Removes �ia11 $fones in 24 llour,s TU Never -Failing Rasaedy fur Appendicitis llifgastion, Stomach Disorders, Appendicitisand Kiel ey Stones are Otee carved h Gall Stoney. anti 'Mideast by until those bad attdeks 010.111 Stone Colic appear. '1f of one its ten Gall !Rose aartivers knots what in the trouble tfaelstt's Specific will tore with pain or opar. sties. For sale excluslvM. in (stele - Mel) b7 .. Ja11FIS A. 114WfltF.1.1. .. 4,W. ht RLATT&" ss ONTARIO ST. rsamor,C OR' That'. the feeling you h..• .bout everything washed with Lifehooy, especial') stockings, underwear, night- gown., sheets, blankets, sad everything that touches the skin. The rich velvety lather of Lifebuoy has wonderful cleansing power, but more important. the antiseptic Qualities in p to germ., disee•e- microbes,(aod they are pre - 'lent everywhere),a.d perfect cleanliness results. Levee Brothers I.,mited, Toronto. Oat. ■NMInt* /Alit X*u*a1 ///Judi UM■■a>�[ Al Al X 1� Al • X X * Special Wash Skirt at $1.95 XWomen's White Wash Skirts, made from X good quality middy twill. neatly made, with two patch pockets. trimmed with large pearl buttons. Special, 11.95 each. Hours of Business 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. On Wednesday (during July and August) the store closes at t o'clock p. m. Warm Weather Requirements White Wash Skirts Are Just Right for these Warm Days White Pique Wash Skirts, from $2,50 i Women's White Middies, ■ $I.75 each ilwomen's plain white Middies, made frbtn extra quality middy twill. large sailor X collar, brai('. trimmed. This number is•a $ big seller. All sites. 11,75 each. X Children's Fancy Colored X Parasols, 50c to $1.00 each DUNGANNON. Al MR. N. F. WHYARD is the X agent for THE SIGNAL at Dungannon. X Orders left with horn 1.ir subscriptions, X advertierments or tab printout will receive prompt attention. Telephone tGoderich X Rural) r39. '111 Thos. G. Allen DUNGANNON Issuer of Marriage Licenses Commissioner for Affidavits, etc.. and Conveyancer W.1l,. Deeds. Montyn. Atrwiswns. .a.. Gnful.y row ,ed and Money Sup- plied fot Money.. AGENT FOR Fore. Wind and Lir lnsurence. e, the best Co, pant. anly. Than ltay, .Mute _''IB. Rev. t:. Gomm. of Itlai•kstock, form- erly of i►uugauu14171 11101 fort Albert Presbyterian ehurehe•s, visited friends WV, 011 Monday slid 'r11e•wlav of thha-- week. Mr. no nlni bus received * uulauiunus r:tll from fine River I're,.- I.yierinu , hun•h. 11r. and Mrs. Loyue•s, of (:olerleh. cull.+1 on friends here 5 u.lneeday. airs. tom. Caldwell is away this week visiting her sister. Mrs. Nicholson. at Streetsville. Miss Payne. who served se milliner at r.a'kas. Riliott's. left for her home at itru,seis this week. quite a Large delegation from here sttendesl the I'onuervatire mewni g at Winton In List week. )\'t• had :, beautiful heavy rain on Wednesday evening. the first of the ,tea 4111. '1'h. funeralof the lad. Thos. Reid. of Went W&iwnuo.h, who was hurled iu 1)lingnllnnll i.•nmtery Wednesday of MI5 week. was very largely attended. Brest prepooriNoonlo are ieing mode for the 7'i orange c,•Ietenitiou to Is• Reid in [hn.gaunori on the Twelfth. Mr. Iloward Robertson. of Goderich.. melon to s'. frioud,. here Oda week. Mr. and ii4rs. Rohl. Davidson clsitod friends in Goderich township this w.ek. We are pheIsett to we Mr. IL Cliff i• Able to get home again and hope his n•revery will Ile sparely. We are nee. glad to knew that Mr. Alex. Petit - 1.11/11 is reruyering from his Illness. Thou. Sandy in b11a1l% engaged I0 ildiug ;, bridge on the Nth 1•nn,r„slon of .\shael,l. Toni is u hustler. Mr. sail airs, I:Isworth June. 'i.lt,v1 :.t the home of Mr. T. G. Aller tel •1'hur.day. Ilr.s, Will Smylie. of fort Arthur, is here visiting her father. Mr. Tho*. %w71 k•. esrd.n party will Is' hell on the 1'r,wh7trrinu luau.* Itiwlt on Wednes- day. July Ilei,. Further partleniers nest week. Rev. D Rogers and Mrs.Rogers. now of St. Thomas. laic week quietly celebrated the fortieth anniversary of their wedding. which took place at Belmore on June lrith. 1479. The greater part of Mr. Rogers' long ministry in the Methodist church was spent in Perth and Huron. one of his charges being Dungannon. He is now retired but is still able to re, spond to calls for Sabbath services- ' flow often In life bare me built "ta•tle. in !he lair," only to pow them vanish like n bubble? ('oma to the up.•rn !loose Friday night and nee the "Ihlhklr,•.-' or Tuesday evening, Jolly 1.t. *titular. Farewell Prose faIMn.-4 hr' Thief*, dal wrenh.g of hist wPek .(11ris} of Me mPinhpr", of t'rcwe \Ieth..11st ,•hutch met at Iller home of Mrs John Meaary sad prv..pntwl Mrs. Aubrey' itlgRlna tfnrmert. Hf.. Mary Curran) with a anal of money and the iollomlm ad - ■ Channing styles in women's white pique Wash Skirts in tbe season's newest styles. A great variety to select from. All sizes in stock. Priced from $2.50 up. Bathing Suits for Men, Women and Children women's smart one-piece. all -wool Bathing Suit. bloomers attached, \'•cut neck. In novelty colors. $6.00 each. Women's black) Jersey knit. one-piece Bath- ' ing Suits, with white trimming. Excel. lent value. 6:J.r() each. • Men's Bathing Suits, Jersey knit. 81.(I) each. Children's • Bathing Suits. Jersey knit. froon 2rsc. Bathing Caps in numerous designs, from 50c to $1.00 each. Grastex Rugs for the Verandah These days are verandah days. Your verandah is not complete without one or of these delightful cool Japanese Verandah Rugs, made from extra heavy X Japanese grass and woven in real designs, in colors of brown, blue and green. following sizes : 18 -inch. by 36 -inch., 60c 6.ft. by 9 -ft 27 -inch. by 54 -inch„ 11.95 6.ft. by 101 -ft 3 -ft. by 6 -ft 2.26 8 -ft. by 10 -ft Iu.UI 41 -ft. by 7 -ft .......... 3.73 9 -ft. by 9 -ft 111 tel 6 -ft. by 12 -ft g J UQ THE STORE WITH THE LARGE SUMMER STOCK more quality In the ■XX■XXXX■XX■XX■X/XXX*/>i$XXXXXXXXXCIEN ▪ PHONE 56 /'t/Ji/lars SStore PHONE Si X XXX $$$1$1XXXXXXXXXXXX■X■XXX/XXXXXXXXX$X■ • Al •X ■ Al 1N X X Al • X ■ ■ ■ Al X •X ■ ■ •■ ■ ■ •$ i ■ ■ •Al • ■ ■ •■ ■ ■ • Al Al X •■ THE DE M4LLE QUARTET. The muate of the fourth day will be furnished by this well-known • Toronto Quaetet, composed of Artists, all of whom are well known an Solo 9anwew, and aacompanled by a Planlat et note. Their programmes will sonatltete one or the great features of Chautauqua week. The repertoire of the quartette Includes selertlons from the great oratorios and operas, the choicest of the Engllah, Scotch. and Irish moles &as, standard sad popular songs. Not alone as a quartette do they "nest, but 1a e.aeert., recitals, oratorios, and opera selections, etch ins elbidual earnbee stands distinct, having Ixen accorded marked recognitioa ►cerise el him virtuosity. dress To Hes, An7rev Higgiu•, Dear Friend. We. the omen -cotton M 1'rewp Methodist churel,• Iun-Ing learner) of roar lateridiou of Ie:tibia 1 our community fn reside elsewhere. ' beg hale to awbmit the follow fine word. of nppersletfon. is it srua11 11111017e to vonr .bon,' ter and seri lees to the oonn,nnitt In which yon have '.tired all your Iib so far. .\s to your icha{{•utter. we k• v.. sppr w lntell Its turtling g1I11t1.,. fell of energy and Ieolhuslasm. klieg and generou., anel les a word you (O.UP.s the iofth•st Ideals of young womanhood and 11ut.' ever sought to realise thee. id.- s In horde anti «o. h,I )Ke. 1t',. wi.I to speak fteirtitnlarly of your seri y' to the ehntrh. which hs• Men In rapacity ns orgta.Mt. We ail understood flint the position ea ♦ eilsmost t Is n t reup.n adh15 ono iittelkato 10 rnsnegy at times. ant Ave fear meet• 7011 lute I •ssumeil the rtrp„uahllity withnnt • having iti•unv.1 the dlspleIsere of ant, ' atm have walnut disupp.dut.' l rite cone irritation wilt yoiir ah.Ptl r Neal yon knee pltcwl with nn energy !hit hap been most helpful to the spirit of pwb- lie worship. We feel we cannot IM you In withnut ,wnlic• n■•ogultion of Mir thou tar -e words of 11ppreelatk,u. 11r101,r.• the whole totnrrtnnitr hart -1...r,d In procuring a little prevent hirl, will testify to the geode III At all teen yds you. 1\•p 710110 11 will 11e .f V•etby. r.. yell .1141 will help 71/11 to keep ',lice In your heart a feeling of kt:uleiss• and frlendshlp tow•anl, its all ip tutu{r darn. The rhumb. with whl•h you luttl• 4.eo., b)'.ttnlsd yt the evsmmnntt't in -11th vitt het IoM wish you for the filters long ilfe, pr.i.- p•rlt7 and much h.pplors.. Signed nn behalf of the ehnrob, Miss Sllsk• Kilpatrick, 11r- Ler; T1,1,., , t, , A BUSY YEAR This is gong to be a busy year in Goderich. There will be many dwellings and business places to be refitted and rewired. Get Your Order is Early. A full line of Electrical Goods always on hand. We are ex per's and can help you get what ycu want We are not tied to any particular make of goods. Call and see us Robt. Tait West Street !` Nr., rnu.,il,, e `hsn,s-Shop ti 'too.. 191 Redding, Contracting awn Gee.rat Carpenter Work "'The nn.lersigaptl are prepared to take rolltrart• aa.1 t'xPoutP Millers for any work in the above linea. Having had years of experience, they can assure the public of nr1t-.'lutea, dependable work. All orders will receive prompt attention. Gft(►. R FIi'1'lilt(i(iK. Trafalgar Street. M. TiOtvtd+:R, Napier letp.wt • After ea-st Snotty, w'110n a flew ftttlet,hle ()'lire Into .Res t nn the T. It.. the morning train will leers at n,..01 Inste.l.7 of i