The Signal, 1919-6-26, Page 3a gt• • • • e Omo ,41110.,OMO401.1111,../..00110. ORM...........MIMMIIIMOMMAMMIO•••••••••""°11.1*. 1 • ' 4. THE SIGNAL GODERICH. ONT. Os' Thursday. June 26, 1919.---3 THE / ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE !BEWARE Or IMITATIONS SOLD ON THE MERITS OE MINARD'S UNIMENT GERMANS SINK MPS. Pt.BLIV "W TOLD M-11, •%11111 '1' 'filE BATTLE OF tit11/EKIt'11, TANLAC. 4 4 ity William Swatticha WAR VESSELS AT SCAP.1 FIAM' tuthoritit”, Non Show Just What Tide Notwltlistaininig the bloodies,: rime SCUTTLED RV THEIR 'Medicine Walls I,. actior of the Feuhili Raids, as compared OWN MEN. with the terrible+ struggle that has just London, J • 22. 'Die (Vomit offi- In recent issue of this paper announce- '1""41 r•un'Sw. 11."I1 - errs and editors. f wining le eomnin- mint Sas made that 'fanlac no* has the iiiii estate -went thsterieli sur- lIti ....ant re in Isla; ha then• went of the Germ sleapit Flow, sank tieley. All the big DR. GEO. HEILEMANN, OSTEO- PATH, specialist in womens and chain's' dreams. acute, chronic and mistier diseases. eye s*,, nose and throat. partial dealorse. lumbago god rheumatic conditions. Adenoids removed without the knife °Owe at resubmit, comer tioleon and St. Andrew's streets. At home Mike Mondays. Thursdays and Set today.. any evening by appoirdinent. DENTISTRY. ships interim! at largest bale of any medicine of its lund in that GoderIch Itself might 1.• air oh the battle- Million bottles had been sold during the end of their MY. t the %odd, and that more than twelve was in 1914. There wils 11,.. eluties• ulscrs, exoyptIng past four years. .fret (YIP of. 1 ht., , iii•iiders nisi warliko• the lholi•ti, and numerous sandier These. are unman! figures, and the 1:repa ra thins vere mode it,•,•orat ugly ships and ler i•riift weri• sunk. While others recut question naturally arises in the mind of 'flw awn of Illunii: rallie4i to the yall in ashore in a half sunken condition. the reader why this phenomenal success the *31"e 1" "1".r " "wit1'0'5 °id TM wholesale sinking or the fier* and why has this preparation so far out- when the greater eall some- from tii•• man ships. Willett til Me to Hew* FlOW' stripped all other medicines ut its kind. 11 "Medal"' av"riS halt a 4-TatIM It is . nly natural.,therefore. that the manufacturtrs should offer some replan- ati.,n to satisfy public interest. In the first place, Tanlac is manufac- tured in one of. the largest and most Ft. 11. 6. Mm.DONELL-HONOR otalCollege ol Dental Surgeons. Graduate. Toronto Untrsity. Graduate Secremor to thtlizte Mane Sok. Othcao canter square and West set, Gotta/orb. THOMASGUNDRY. AUCTIONEEIll.\\ Boar, Goderich. All inateuctions y mail or telt at Seanallettse will be promptly • coded to to surrender' nutterhe tterm. of the armistice. was carefully arrniiged by till' falticers' it nil crews. 'All 4 e.X14144- ,h i'* Md heeM il' iaowed. and there- fore, the only nwstio 44 tlestrtiying the fleet Was by opening the Ken- modernly equipped laboratoaes ut t ts wheels have been illstoontlet1 or how , rocks. 'floe' ships went alms ly dowu country. Its formula is purely ethical with the German nag which the crews and complies with all national and state 411ma1ea red. '_ r I .14- c 'wide. are V•41 and little hail hoi.ted. showing al the Masthead*. pure food and drug laws. Altogether extinct thy... mall!' The ereu s nouposed entirely of there are ten ingredients in Tanlec, each rentailla hilt the Memory of dose Germans. under the terms of the arm. 04 which is of recognized therapeuticst_rr_i l ng time.. 1 have seen the last !olive. which did not perUlit of Itritiett value. Main- of tile itos.al *G.s.i.g.• Sind tin. guards aleatrol. teok to 'the boats Many of these ingredients have been "1144 MN H.' a the lia,l I li' .of Waterloo. when elle Vessels began to mettle. They individually known and used since civil- goon. 1 eillasees ...beset,. will 1... were pi,•kiel Op by the guard ship* ization lust! began, and some' of them Pointed out as the hist man of the and there were 44 few casualties. TIwy ' have he en used and prescribed by leading battle of thelerich. Were Made forisolWrs. . ! . physicians everywhere, but until they For aboUt six Week. after the 4.4111- : Rusts Were Fired (ht. . were brought together in proper propoi- metwoment of hostilities hi issaif Imo. , The first liens 44 the sinking of tion and association, as m the Tanlac !less of all kinds in 4;1.•riell and its i the former neer was emit:Meal In a formula. humanity had not hrretofore sfirroundinge was at a standstill. 1 Tel ilesisito•11 to the Excluing.. realized their full value and effect. well remeniber When 1 410411144 the Telegraph loninany. ln referring to (Inc of the more import badge of thane ilnard awl night and En 1.1 iii the ntler11.11,11 St 1.6.114ort WOK ant ingredients of Tanlac. the Encyclo- day trumped up 1* **'l iloaii to ihe mu- • circulated loy the Exclioitige T..leuraph pedia Britannica says: ••It has long been bor. where trouble might Ors! have i• pally that virtually Gm whole Ger- the source of the most valuable topic been expected if the ims•Icr r‘eolied man ih.,.1 at asatat ish,„. had been meditipiee that have ever been dis ov our shores. r,.. garrison soma -tot or -- ; feed. •In referring to others of the nil a rt illery ',Nowlin sis. a ride 4( 41111111*' . news *genes asked Gat the des/mash : general tonic drugs contained in Tanlac, illiii 41 11 Infant ersaermusny, and lin„. sunk but 4 fere 1111tiliter hater the 114. eaneelle41. the thirteenth edition of Potter's Thera mien. reinforce.' I.%the -righting 1 risle. .t later despatch by' the As,,,,,,int,,i peutics. a standard medical text book. wen" from G..lerieh ns ioa hin alai fl„. . Presn. from Thureo said : . states. that "theY impart general tone and ildlollaltig votintry. . They callie matins: "'h,'hsting of a red strength to the entire system. including all Ili ut the tirst call..forcparisl to take woo. flu. signal for tlw er.*'W-4t II 161.111 1 IP . organs and tissuee.•' their stand with the ilefoloders. the Germano wor,,Iiite, hi 1141494*roiHag 40 noon . 1.1„,.. , fhis same well-known authority in de- 1 stippo:A. some .of tg(,II hod gni- TI.'. .•rew A took to tin- Inuit. 111111 scribing the physiological action rof 51111 of their 464'11. 1 .1,. tea rementhee all rowed towanl the shoreWhile „wk. : another of the ingredients of Tanlac. the classes .1 weiti.iiis. lett t1447 Were hot for the shore tie. boat. were clial- which is of valbe in treating what. is erepared to fight 11111-94).Way. . lentael and call.s1 upon 1.. siirivlider. Commonly known as "a rundown condi- The Hand ha kery. opp.ait.. the pr. 14. - of them ign. oreil the 14 iiiiii 111011,4 1i0f1, uses the following expression: -It reit Purl: House: ans toi'.....ii .over nil 1,.. and were tired upon. A f*.riI.Unll ill. is highly esteemed in loss of appetite giant -numb awl rift.. pits wets. remit, ilig. • during convalescense from acute dis- struetell along -the hike -batik. ''I'94'''' T111. stroke apparently was all en- the reel:le:we l' '4'4 issaiithell- hy G.• M. aSieg There are certain other el in te in moo. Th,- ii'. .117101 111411 stnti.m...1 tire 'surprise. Dial the *1 *-'.t nen . Tanlac which r....-cauee of theire inenlluen‘e 1,, them at um Gm, night and o1,. tient who wits informed by fernier,' in . • • . .• • • ' ' " "" "11 le ' ocis,‘. barrel- ann elimination. improve the nutrition salt were uttits,..1 i„ mak,. ii resiclied 14,1141.1a through a Vett-res1111•11- upon the appetite digestion assimilation pi 441 1 .1 • ti 1 • the ,lbeigiliwir114.441 'That they had *Wen and vital aciisaty of all the tissues ad i • • • i the German iiiIiilett iiiilliiilig. Wit II their bod - , "1" ' " rY Preeaut-oi .of ilefefue - later. When pence was finally proclaimed 11. Paul, the Government took steps to organize rise Itillitiai. and drill sheds and armories ai•re and companies organised for drilling. Ind now (444 reordeace telephone . LEOAL. organs f the y. and produce tha' taken. The Iiiir,ii loss, meant leis* Rug. le lid t. state of general tonicity which is caned ne,o, • . .... TIICY WOO' ,.II tentity tie eilitHit. w heti the leNik -Mit. alifiiill1H-151 that It strainer knit 1.4,11 siglitt'd 011 4 114. Mk,. EVeltt-Iiielit pre% a iled. and the 1114.,. of the garrison at the, iiirbor mei the 1'lii• admiralty at first denied the re• to invigorate digestion and 'ythefla- riflemen on the' bank i•rt eN"'Pl ll," l'H%14“len. "tell i''' dilation of the gaitric blood vessels. .1:r..71.1013.1.„.1.. port but\later confirmed it and issued crease the general nutrition. It is U510, 10 action. . Tlw v.....41 1,..m.s1 larger and an offirlal !element. dyspetwia. chlorosis. anemia and various heeded for the bailor. 4411' lent says: other disease., m which the tone of the il dinetly tinder the gluts of the • 11,.' 104.0 report.4 front stomach and alimentary canal Is deficient." , garrison. Not ii -11:11 fien' 11.'1' 111:11st Still another ingredient tap head or her .I.-ek. to niftiest.. whether Settim Flow a the interned battle- Concerning shins awl istilles\.•ridsers have snak• some standard authority says: cause, .111` was friend or foe. 114141 Wit II the Mimed lint Vitalii -.lie real -lied the iniWr still ntloot. - Vivi. li il cruisers have ' creases secretion of the gastric juice. and losin. Then. c hen iiin•ther nuotuent stunk, lout three linv, been benched. causes greater activity in the movements , . . lingo, day.. me.iiit her destructiois si•.• Eighteen destroyer. we beached by of the muscular layers in the walls of the- a litifurlial the Aniericait nag. It turtn..1 local tugs. Four destroy s are still stomach It also tends to lessen the mit to be the Untied slate. Govern- efloot. Tlw rest of the ilesaoyers have ! sensibility a the s*smash, and »0 may slink. - I relieve gastric pain." The guard ships tired at the dermane I The United States Dispensatory makes who inallIsal osPrie.ard ,,It .4Willn t the following comment regarding another ashor.. a here they were r ttt • t ailed ,if',ts. ingredient: -It may be used in all cases With regard to tie. sinking. T • Of pure debility of the digestive organs or Sunday I ili.ercer says that while iniveil \ where a general tonic impression is re - opinion at Portsuemth holds it would Cnted. Dys; epsia. atonic gout, hysteria have isem Wetter te halve had British ark intermittent fever are among the tan:asIs on the Germans ships: their man)\affectiun• in which it has proven sinking Intl y be considered as remov- useful.".'., Ing a difficulty which might have led There re certain other ingredients to Ma 1 -inuring among the ti MP, 4.011- described cerning their 4lisposit ion. The (ler- and in matt ...keletion .•rew• were reliev.si text books monthly and retlirned to Ilertila ny. 1 action upon 1 They were fed only such provishons as 'whose proper fun they would limy.. olotnined In their own purification of Inc ut try \ Crews Made Prisoners. health. lkA 6. CAMERON, K. C.. BARRIS- T ' _he Gi•riiiiiti officer, and have In discu,sing another ingredient the 1311.. TER, solicitor. notary pubis . Oftce wit motile pri.oner. "I , Encyclopedia Britannica says: "It *14 00» =too Sueet. (oUdetiGh. third door Irmo litchi:Is tonight would ouer an opinion of the most efficient of that class of sub - Inset funds tO 'n at lowest rel.*. t 11.1%* they sire t.. 1.. .1414 It with. stances which act uron the stomach so as R. C. HAYS. BARR ItiTE14 , SOL IC ITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, LTC. 011ice-Steihnellank4 Ilainiltos Street Onamcb. letespnone ss. d 1141044 LASSO and Inesrence, PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN & COOKE saitittsruts. soLILITORS. NOTARIES PUBLIC. ETC.. (*re on the Sousse. second ,doot horn Hasid 01 .4(1411. Gude... h. Itsvate gums to lose .1 lowest ritual W. iikuvurou•. K - J• 1-.111.masmais H. J. U. Coosa. . ttttt litiARLES GARROW. I.L. B., BAR - kW ants nay. solicitor. etc.. Godorwli. blowy loaned at lowest rates tilSAA.LAGER. BAhR1STER. SOL- • liction, notery. public end conveyancer. • t House. Goderwls. tet -Ilan 1.1)ANS. ILTC.. IICKLLLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- "Uers-fedjas. Connolly. Pir,e.s.. Grtrich P. 0 Jim, Erma. Vice -Pres., .: Thor* . 1114%1. I».4.1) 1 lie only ...total's. of the War. IL. Hays. see.jtem..Seolorth P.O. N se. A Breach of .11rmintiee. able and penemous ingedients o Directors- D. P. McGregor, It. R. o. Il. a- ,trInilrel ttir ry viten Bridge. emir:el, • blood'are removed, and the entire sys.tem orth, John (..ii. 4,11Y11.. No. 4. Salton; William The ttovitspeople were pillared for Burn, R. R. No. ?.. Sealortb, John Benneumes. former director of the ititelligenee ! is invigorated and vitalized:\ B•onasnen; Geo. MccarawY• K• K• M°. S. Sea" i department, interviewed by The i Tanlac was designed primathelS, omafor ethhi- gliiiitst.. .8,triwri'.,. "1""k":::::.s,n;11.1'.,Tui- fi.iini,:: orth. Robert Ferris, Hai lock . Malcolm Mc- Weekly Dente telt with regard to the 1 correction of disorders of Ai Chime' Jams Evens. beechwood. James bc • I. At the sam itessed ready to move lily fitntily anti .1/1111.. ..f itiy latits..144441 . goods Pu .• %%lien- inland if thi• enemy ennw. • .tt one time word 4 ante that the 4.111.1ny 11.1.1 left l'hieligo. i•ii route to • iderieli. At another ! time it wa.: ti out that it number Id ve.e.el• hod • Th.- state -Aeroriling ment ship Michlgaii with General Sherman He, knew of fir eitement here and I believe he did a lint 11'' NI WY What the ItilitroVisie41 garrison nand do. 1 thought there should !Mit. been a shot ;terns. her Ism.", to funk.. her declare her Iwosition before Alio- reached rim or. Th.. posting ..1 sentries Omer Ge- lato. hank was vontinued after till- iiicideut. 1 with a volition.% which lind a post further ereund the in the D.spensatory lake hank nein the prisouit Motel Sun her standard medical having a beneficial ''''• I"' 4.4004 In itIont daybreak' ,o organs of secretien, groundhog or .aoine • *11C11 lit lie. aulnitti startled a ',entry a. it" Moved alitini timing results in the the honk, and the +entry *hot at it. Streams passing them.- In thi manner obtertion. I don I knolv wheth.:r 1,1* killed 11,, - through groundhog or toot, but if so it mu.* Coonolly. Goderich. Agents J. N. Yeo, Godersch: Ales. Leitch. . R. No 1. Clinton, Viaitam Sesfort1. E. Hinchley, Sealorth Policy -holders can 1417 .44 Palawnts and get their 'cards receipted at It. J. Morcott Clothing Store. Clinton. It. H. Lutes Gmeery, Kingston street. Goderich. oe J. H. Resrs General store. Lbyttetd. MUSIC. F REDF.RIC T. F.GENER, Mus. Bac. SINGING PIANOFORTE PIPE ORGAN Studio mixt to P. J. hiacEwan's Garage ...--...... Brophe) Bros . lne Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully attended to at all hours. night or day. (1911ER1(714 salassaiiniowessaoseava••••••••••••••••••000•0•• sinking, : It in a breifeh of the armIsfiee unit therefore almost aantannomit tei a new act Of war, but at this juncture it ap- pnre to mean that the German:I in- tend to slgn the peace treaty. It looke like a plan coneocted In Ber- lin." "A (lemon rear admiral mid most of the (fermium froin the ships are now 111 custody aboard British ships. SOW. 1101141. from the ships refused to stop when ordered and V. fief. fired up- on A small number of liermans were killed or wounded. '1., 441111 terms of the armistios., the German ships were inti•rored with skeleton crews as care- tnki•rs 141141 without British guard.; Not a Berlin 1101. Wigle, in Seaforth by L. Alwrlitirt, in commander Ketiworthy. M. P.. told The Despateh lie did not think the Winglinm by J. Walton MO.:Union. In Mensal' by A. M. E. Hemphill, In Myth sinking,. were ciirriell nut by order of by White City Drug Store. In Wroxeter the I frrinan government. blit were Pli- by .1. N. Allen, In Londesboro by John gineered by i4 few hotheads oilek of 0. Loundsberry, In Exeter hy W. S. existence at Scapa Flow. time, however. it is a powerful reconstructive tonic and body builder. for it naturally follows that any medicine that brio about proper assimilation of the food and the thorough elimination of the Waste Middle Aged Womem Are Here Told the Best Remedy for Their Troubles. Preemont, O. -"I was passing through the critical period of life, being forty -biz years of age and had all the symptoms incident to that change - heat lathes, nervousness, and wits in a general rundown' condition, so it was hard for me to do my work. Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound was recommended to me aa the best remedy for my troubles,which It surely proved to be. I feel better and stronger in every warsince tearl Lakin it, and the annoying symptoms have diaap- "-Mess °ODDER, 925 Napoleon St., Fremont, North Haves, .-"Lydla E. PinIcham's Vegeta- ble Compound restored my health after everything else bad failed when paasi through change of life. There is nothing like it to overcome the trying symptoms." --Mrs. MAW= lam.t.A, Bps 197, North Haven, Conn. 4 lit Such Cases $ - aws LYDIA LPINKHAKS VEGETABLE COMPOUND itas the greatest record r the greatest good IYDI t MEDICINE CO LYNIIII.MASS. Predicts must therefore have a far -reach - 1 ho. mg and most beneficial effect upon the ivrt s • tem twee 's,nread like wild-9re. As 1 11 44, 1 411(11 phases along the lake. ulf litteMpt Might he made •teil out in Gel night with 1.. warn the si•ttler- hore. They in tifroo •iits along the Boo is time Ilietrio.1110•11 W:rri%1M44;.11"11.419.1111-1h1 vt14-141 roasI ni iii4s.lt the enemy. Not I of thetn had jt was reported that one of the reertlit. hail joined 11•• as it marched along. his "illy weapon 1.••ing it pitchfork. pluifie of the pe.ople went t 111441101 = esp.riellee. like thoae of the refuge, = In Ettrepe. mill the few survivors .ol = those tiniest know how t.i feel for the • = woe sufferera. ime man took Ids cots oi lel his Iasi. hoisted his bed On 111.4 1.11..k NMI 14.41 the 1.0W to th.. highlands 41 • ol borne tom .1 not her man, = 1',-1 ween G. elerieli Foul Hayfield. made a supply of peneake. hy wily of an ; -iron ration." will took thes•• alai him • to the *ere shelter n log. 1 tom farmer buriisl his new stove. hhe Jedge-Von nay MI» man was at the most tee:mimeo 1,94 44 performance last night aml thnt he broken loy the inviiders. Many other. Although Tanlac's claims for supremacy ac'llia 111i are abundantly supported by the world's 'im' " leading authorities, it is the people them to land. 1 et tel -es who have really made Tanlac what 4 'amid* it is. Millions upon milli, ns have used 111.011,' the lake it and have told other millions what it "allied other reel has done for them. That is why Tanlac l tom Abotit has he&me the rea' sensation of the drug wen. put on duty 1 trade in this country. and that is also why .1 11,1 Barfield. and inf it is the most widely talked -of medicine in rittee tramped along the the world today. THOM. 1,4 'mid In Gimlet -10i by E..R. GRAND TRUNK R AILWAY SYSTEM Time Table Changes .\ change of time will be made on June 29th Information now in Agents' hands XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX x x AN L 4 X X _ We re pleased to be able to infOr ' Xare now in a position to supply any (iii. in all sizes. Also any quatitity`of soft coal 'the public that we tity of bar;1- coal r .domestic use. We wish to extend thanks to our custom s, who have been very patient during the stress of the coal s • and now that it has beeri relieved we will give ou old-time service and prompt delivery. . The Saults Coal Co Phone No. 75 13. J. Saults' resideuce- W. W. Saults' residence -• No. 275 No. 20'2 XXX=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX , I , I , • I , 1,1 I commie mmo MOM MOM MOM 0Mo MOM MOM MO= Mom Mom Omm Mom Mom Mom o•Mi• MOM ,MON, IMMO MINIM 11•11, I=11Mi IMM1. ,1111=11• ••••• /Moo mom 4•1•11• OM= Mimeo OMO, Ila=0 IMOM OMOI, MOM -The adMirnity or the admiral Honey. in ltrucetleld by Peter Hower. s1,111, -mai" 1„, hismpd. In Delliwood by Tiernan Edighoffer. Rather, the armisth..• coinnii..1011 bs In erfeliton by J. W. Orme. lo 1••• ceirored for not putting British t" Si. IlAmPl' In She"nrd" crew aboard. lint we ari. well rid tern by .1.11. Simpeon. In Gorrie hy 11. V. Armstrong, and In Fordwleh by 11 of the ships, which Weire obsolete. - The political correspondent of The Saium'rn• Sunday Tiniest, CoMtneliting On the ADVT. news from Scapa Flow, mays that the Made a 011. sele topic of London suns general ainazenient that nothing 44 ppo rently had been dime to safegnard thio ngninst the possibility of .4114'11 dest rue - thin. -The fact That the prownee of END STOMACH TROUBLE, • British 44114 nissolutely pre - hided . by the armIstive should windy • , GASES OR DYSPEPSIA nweessitnted, more %intim/it obeervation." he odds. "The pub - Ile will want to know how th4o Ger- man commnioders were allowed the free interrour.e necessary for ron• tinted netion Admire* Thelr Spirit. Art him Pollen. the Muttt eXpert. an interview In The 1 re.pat. h rept M- ing the sinking of the German w • r - Alpe. admires the .pint of the Ger- mane in elnking their 44111(1.4 rather than to allow them to pOptsi Into the had tante in month and stomaeh-head- proomeendon of their enemle*. o'Pape's Diapepeln" makes sick, sour, gassy stomachs surely feel fine In five minutes. If what you just ate is souring on your stomach nr lie. like 1 hoop of least, or you belch gas and eructate weir, undigested food, or have a feeling of disei nem, henrthurn, fullness, names*, ache, you ran get relief in flys minutes neutralising aridity. Put an end to limb statism+ distress now by getting a large afty-eria MOP of Pape's Diapopaia from any drug store.Yon really. in *re minutes how needless It is to suffer front indigestion. dyspepsia nr any 4061- dianedier muted by food fermmtatiall due to excessive *cid in stomach. A Hard Stroke. fleet ribbon ch.rk (after receiving n glassy Men, from the girl he mist. on his vaellitiow I : And she did not even speak to nse. Look at the way she holilit her chin tip. Second II. : And remember the houlloyon held that chln up teaching het to swim lass inumaer. took itn and tired RD egg at yotO landed their valinibles. ..‘4-tor-Ne.i. your h . Poo lifter ell tills little war of ts.,, - Judge -And 441114 ft 1111.1? got through 51.1? hont mitell ri 1. = .‘ctor--The egg Wa.. your henor. though It served to show that the to... but the aim was not I1ar4411 ttttt ty Were lover, of pea,.' the great war tame. their sons ; .1 nd gra ndsmie ehowed in a area ter that they were still lovers of HMI fors of autocracy. Nor 41-111 they he lacking In the Nure at any time of teethig. QUEEN'S UNIVISLTT KINGSTON, OWT• RIO ARTS Sri d the 1.4 enurse may he ernered ecirresposelefee. MEDICINE EDUCATION APPLIED SCIENCE Mining, Ovegniesl, Ci•il, Mreehosiesi sod Elsetriesi Ragiotering 111011•111 111111111111111111 Ita ply 5l•tifeoll n4...v.1/144. to A Mil 2,1 GRO Y. (1140W14, Itagiatrar. Toe Miteh *f a *welts. ''What's the matter, fad man.' asked Driver as he met his friend. "ate you feeling -seedy?" -No. not exactly that." replied the friend. "hut I'll admit I've been worri«1 of late. Yvu remember 1 hind a man to trace my pedigree?" "Yes," replied Driver. 'whore the trouble, haeni he been succeseful" "Succeeefill. 1 should say he has." mid the friend, "I'm having to pay him ; hush money." -Ilaroer's Magazine. omm Olino IIMOn e res in A time to look forward to with pleasure and a time to look back to with satisfaction. That is what you can make of housecleaning time if you visit WALKER'S TWO BIG STORES, where you will find countless ways of brightening up and freshening up your home at little expense. Since Christmas time we have been selecting and preparing for the spring rush and we have two stores full to the doors with all manner of merchandise for the spring trade. Few Lines in Store No, I FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS OILCLOTH FURNITURE COVERINGS STATUARY CLIJB BAGS TRUNKS RUGS JAPANESE MATTINGS CRETONNES ELECTRIC LAMPS , SILVER CABINETS MUSIC CABINETS TRAYS LACE AND MADRAS CURTAINS AND CURTAIN MATERIALS JARDINIERES, IN BRASS AND POTTERY LINOLEUMS SILVERWARE PICTURES In Store No. 2 FANCY CHINA DESCRIPTION OF EVERY PHONOGRAPHS NOVELTIES PHONOGRAPH RECORDS, CABINETS, Etc We do Picture Framing neatly and promptly. A visit to our store will be very interesting- - no obligation to buy. It is a pleasure to show you through our two stores. You can be the judge as to the best place to spend your money. Wesley Walker House Furnisher Often the Cheapest Always the Rest Plinnes Store ficl. Rot 197 Undertaking nui1:1;""°"ZIA1;:k"°".$ Y°nr marsh- 111011111111110111111111110111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ffillIMIMIIIIIIIIIIMIIMIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIII