The Signal, 1919-6-26, Page 1eg ne e Month Weddings Have your invitations, an- nouncements, etc., printed in corrtct form at this office triples and prices cheer- ully furnished. t' 11 Hilt ton I .tug lu The .Signa ek'. Burton Bunks ard w Y -FIRST YEAR -No '7a9 • rr • >:l y eiperch ION; 18' 11 t .e '-1 we-- • •.'1 ...r .._.'.. - Ia.......�� , r A��l3�Ye ` THE SIGNAL for t ft -ma kr •of 191'9 for 75c SIE STERLIN6BANI( CANADA OP CANADA O P FARMERS' PROFITS Conditions in the business and financial world have a direct beanng on prices for farm produce. Our managers can give you valuable information along these Tines. They are in touch with conditions, local and in other parts of the country. You are invited to call at any time. Especially we urge you to call if you contemplate larger production. BEAVER BOA RD There is only one ge handle it. Write or phon within Old Walls." It is you money when remod THE GO Phone 4 xx�s� cxx mine Beaver Board. We e for booklet, "New w e Rooms interesting and will save Ilan g t} house Dose. DERICH PLANING MILLS, Ltd. J.Y Hl'CH:AN. 1N_ Nlanagt'r XXtMOCsoossMcMCc AUCTION `SALES• ING AUCTION SALE HULL) FURNITURE AND MISS MAN �y+mime auction, at la's r beet. Goderich. ,la SATURD ►Y. JULY Sok. Itg at J .clock. all the contrats ▪ [orrtat.ng .n part cal parlor stiInut tables, chairs, easan folding amt. couch. lardm,eres sad � plate moray. pictures. curtains, lnac. 1•M.' i... Doorlatoom Iwm are. es. !calm1 walnut pates All .*,alves. ikon, spend cutlery. hoot um. blinds. curtains m furniture. including two pod Moires. two good wont carpets, tolet '; aim Y walnut bureaus. two stretcher. vI.ns,ls. including almost mw range R.n*r, cupboard.. refr.yer tor. laws p,aeum. •trpladder. Al beet Worm hese stave. winnow screens. seems dawn, lent her and numerous other art,clea its wilt be sold, as the house .e do OF FU R- e nee, lab T. GUNDRY. A UC normer TENDERS WANTED •'S FOR BOOTH PRIV- the refreshment booth townsh.p pawner. to so Friday. July Nth. w nod up to Monday. o scesesody accepted. LBERT MUGFORD, (CHARD MOORE, Commit Ire. portieres at be held at the 11 be recewed June 'nth. WANTED. -GENERAL SERVANT. W. L. NORTON, St. George's S -POSI TION AS HOSE - where child of six could be kept. tea to high wage►. Apply at CE. RAGS, ME •Re pay lig -GENTLE ALS. HiDES hest prices. 'Phone 66.11 and ■ c. ■ horse wi errch P.O. MAN WANTS hatable home or th a refined family. 0I.tl BLIC NOT ICE. FORSTER. , NOSE. THROAT. .on New York Ophthalmic a1 aaartant ■1 Moorefeld's Golden Square Throat Hos. ., Stratford. Telephone M7. 1. Goderich, from Wednes- an.. to Thursday. 17th. at I iGIE'S CE AND ' ESTATE • SALE Runabout, in •ndition, newly overhauled. . at a bargain Y BONDS and sok!. ccident ani 1n.turanee FOR RALE. L'OR SALE. -MASSE Y-HARR1S ANDRmoEWerJOHSTg0(4Joh. v\i4Good( eicahl. rs�t VOUNG BULL FOR SALE. -PURE - II aOED Polled A• surys.� amen month. old J.R. VARCOM R. R. Ni. A. Cadence, .s it 0,OOFARM FOR SILL. -0,001)One hundred acres Colborne townsh,p. nn main road ( crick to, IHvot. five miles Iron. Goderich, hal .1M from ser,�pt� half -mile teem store and thrw mike t� Ne .a. ►anon, rnl amoista d a Mood day loam; no weste land; solid heck bunt with Mood cellar: cement nobles ander large ba.n and shed: cement under hen -house, ton neve,-I}ding wells. owe twee m hour well fenc,9 I. .l arbt; municipal teMone rural 11, man delivery. A. W. WISE. R.R. 'w4t PUREBRED REGISTERED STOCK FOR SALE. One Oluo Improved Chesterw:ete hoar. •, months' old. re. One O. 1. C. row, due to Jarrow ,n July. I year oldOm O. 1. C. sow, t months old, due ,n August. She Also some young sow. '. reek• old, ty, wah t edlereea. 1:7.11 G M. KID) GODERICH, _ONTARIO, THURSDAY. J(JNE •'6. 1914 CARD OF THANKS. T HE FAMILY OF F T H E LATE EA ALEX- ANDER -ANDtR STRAITON dare to convey their to all s for and ayrapsthy to them In the, recent bereavement, PICNIC The annual picuic of the Col- borne Farmers' Club will be held at Point Farm on Friday, July 4th, 1919. An interest- ing feature will be a discussion of public affairs by Thos. Find- lay, EMI. of Toronto. presi- dent of the Massey -Harris Co.; F. S. Fulthorp, of the Farmers' Co-operative Co.; Miss Mabel Bailie and Mr. G. L. Lamb, of Goderich. The amusements will con- ist of boating and bathing: ebildren's games and a baseball match between Goderich and Colborne township. • Refreshment booth on the ground. Everybody welcome. No ad- missioncharge. Bring your baskets •d enjoy the day. VM. YO • NG, President. ,DAVE SC W4NZ, Secretary. DOC MODEL THEATRE PROGRAM • FRIDAY and SATURDA Ibis WEEK JACK • • D IN "SANDY" MONDAY. TUESrAY, WE BIG B111. HART IN "SHARK MONROE" THURSDAY FRIDAY, SATURDAY SF\SSUE HAYAKAWA iN MASON/I AT ST. GEORGE'S. Nev. A. L. G. Clarke Speaks of the Evolution of Naaeory. The annual chuffs b parade of ?lull laud !.ester, A., E. • A, 1I.. took plate on 13uudMy morning to St. r:w.rge' chur('l. the local Masons being ue•om puniest by members of Morning Star and ('11 lodge.. Tice rector. leer. A. 1.. '1:, Clarke pr.a.hel from Uwe worts of 1 Cor Y:HI- A wlse truster builder." H. said. In part : The ecomn ouhy nisi -voted dcltuitiou uc.)blounry as a p.o'IiItr tenantry, is after years Nent its quota to the 4'rnoadrs. The eat !Mimi. built for local need P, (. c rte a centre radlat- -Iins light MINI intim-me: the colleges .f the bylaw vote on Saturday. 1t i. %outliers Mill Property. l►sforl and t'uwlridgr were swept hopeel that a large tote will be rolled At the I'ral sittings of the Supremo. Oahu, and made their ...attribution to, tip to encounter the young men who, 1'"nl't ,.f untarlu last week. die law. N I tine [rear tide of European scholarship.; are intestine time and morn) in an "f 1.11'1.10'wWt'neu Mil" vs. Taylor Su the Maxon, whoa• obllguUoua are I enterprise which i, ralrulalwl to re- lean heard before Mr. Justie' J.oek- In the nret place• footled his MasonicI store to activity a plant that ha. been The defendants are John Taylor awl brethren, d(Mo ant INr.ute a tries H Mason until 'love, relief Hood truth" . characterize his active life ural are • i recognized anti acknowledged, by all the meet,.. I A third consl11rrati,.0 emerges: the Mason Isrv,wes u builder of elm reefer. i The world knows little of the aurone and ritual of Masony, hot it does know that the Mason voluntarily lea ' taken ,•w•taiu obligations of it high mond and ethlal nature. ('fyll(iwt' intla• novel by 1 1.risti„uity, demands a vertu in standard: tlie Mason has THE SIGNAL PRINTING Cu. LIMITED. PtILI* I. THE BYLAW SATI RDAI. JUDGMENT FOR LCCKNOW FIRM. T n u The v fgrtal again calbt attention to iia{un .ler an .4greerlwe t 1 rung/are 'Totrw of morality, et,•., was twit al- ways ale11fit••. Time was wh•'u a liaison was exactly what the term lin.- plies. In the "age of great batld(ug." wild, lasted eau, IIx the motherland, from St. Alban 1311/1 t,. Queen Anus. 1171110. when kltlg,. and bishops and barons took plc Mauro. 111 erw•ting rhos• magnifl,ent +truetures which dot the land. Mud et en tortes arra wtaeli'r Mod delight, Masons weer real builder+, to faithful and paaticut work, .kill will art cuthwlrah, and eville es and castle" today Tear mete w Itneso, 1111)1 bead 1111 to acknowledge That w',• ennuot pinpliente their work. The age of great building- 1181,.x101 e away : yet sonwthing made ihrrjde 1111- 1 willing to allow the organized "guilds- , 1 idle for many )ran, !.Dais Taylor, mauufactun•ro, of To - Besides enlarging the industrial root,.. It was v10wool that the d,'- pa)roll of the tool'''. the succi.s of the ft•udaats 111141 agreed to Iur'IIllo• the enterprise undertaken b) (het, )ount )Dunwoollen will property at 1.gcknow for awn will *este' the Icon lrra.ur) h)) 0..7111.1. 411 the agreement lint Imviag turning into it a thou(.iiNl thither. rash been carried out .11).' Ida 'Miffs suet fol year for len year.. E-tw bylaw pro- i,erformaurc of the. agr'e'ement or for vides amply security for ' the 111\%11 and 'Iamage".. IV. I'roudUwt, K. e,., 111,- thr agreement is one which .Mould IN'u'I-.,I for the plaintiff. arab tile de- Ita%e the cordial support of the toter., (eudHutl not IN•Ilg r•praruted the judge, after hearing evidmiee, gate SI :1rMER SP(/RTS. \ judgment for tt2.7111,1 and costs. Sellers et at v. Stallvan rt id, au Lawn Howling. • - action over lbe w•111 cat !1n• late TleMI I It•i1,111te11el this Nfa1a1ar11 for himself. The lawn IN/with( chili has 11 rot ups Geniis'. of Hie t.w11shtp of ](orris, The world has only our w11,1 of judging/ u 1 e.ii'Prt(t- 111 Scotch doubles, to lir 'h,. diel AlIguot 13. 19 lel, was I...Ailed. July _cad, -.ueve 11 nwsAdde'''aylwl h)' a will or August" in, !Indo Is wet thrrrfureadlug uito chithspurit oItf seh'•u(n,, thed At ctheaClinton tournament last week "sl '• Awl that of Manch ca, 1914, is Impetus of a aumtwr syull,df+m, the the first prize wens t • (.I •Itr'Ia el to Ile tilt. 11'111. will. rnier of a iwuutiful ritual. to the hu- ton rink, second to A. E. Cash Strut- - Lou, *. \\'eolern Trust Corporation :Tuns. affui•dwl by the world's appraisal, lord third to D. C. Ross of Brussels, and 'N''ting.for the "lute of the het.' 1►. F. ms mast M• mow', stillnum- fourth to J. W. Stevenson of Clinton. fh,wline of I:o derieh t v. 1'. 1', It. Co. ,.f nw.wms. with the swur'M aid 11sw- imd+ of their era ft, to disappear. H,•u.'e the mesliflcatlou which allowed nil "good well Rud true" t,. lw admitted 10 the craft, um eoutemplative car free mesons, who shuttle' mwHtute 11111111 the slguln.ant symbols, tools and laws which are tart and parol .4 py(. nes Wnh« .'raft. What store,i thin unerilliingn,•so. M allow "Stasnnr;y" !u .lino!!!? First. r sense of if talite us M h.1111tuith'e agent and a realization of 11,.• poositive; contribution It had made to iia• wel- ter? of ,the T•omutl;y. A fruitful thought at the present time. when raid all the demur o' d.•«tru.'tivr erlticlom, arab iINle•ri disreptivr awthoilo, tlwre is a singular la• s of any o'O(l,tmet ire proposal.. 1.et Masons r•wrwiter their origin and be builders rather than f.•allot•ll,t, : {ill- gllers not destroyers, mold ratlo•r re- frain from adding t0 tie colons. of crlth•lom, till.'sr they have sono•• I11rs- Dye suggestion to offer: Standing with the NY11,' 1011,1 reaW.ra t.Io elements or owlet for conotnal ion and not `lest motion. It 1s Interesting flirt lir h, observe rN in the nation: of go.l citizruship, u Iudi*idnul hlarect•r. A life whoa• Iltefrrity IN as- trite a1N 11w U11r• Baseball. On Friday last the God rich baseball m,deria ing in honor as the plunfnet team Journeyed to Belfast by autos and ' from the l.'rtfeal, complete roll pwrfeet played a promised return game with the as 11w Orel.. described by Ilio •Wmpews. team of that burg. Goderich got even orlenel as the laws of the world, for the defeat Belfast gave them on the guided ley the 1.4.14: 0. life Nn.'h a life home lot, but as we do not wist� to hurt to h Is t,' a master builder. a true rip -the feelings of " the fa '' nsof HeI(ast we preitir of the (:rand Are'hitect of the. won't say anything about the score. 1 1'uirers•. Monday morning Manager Barlow re - meed a telephone message from the ,I. r L ,, Manager of the Zurich baseball team • IiR3: 1 asking M• :ederie'h nine fo go to that village tn, afternoon ani take the place n InteTettkkg use of CaateRq.of, the of the Ailsa Craig team, who were billed �� Issue.to play there that day but had cancelled the engagement. To accommodate The G. C. I.' Review for' 1919 is nut. ' Ztrich Manager Barlow says he drove •Its leading feature is tier honor roll o.1 around the Square at dinnertime and students and ex -students of the school picked up anyone he thought could play who served In the greaV'war. .Pains were' ball and went to Zurich to help the team taken to have the list made as nearly there out of a hole, as they were a•.xrous compete as. possible, and the school, that the Zurich "fans" should not be makes a splendii showi g with 194 Names disappointed. Of course, owing to the of it; young men and young women who short notice the Goderich team was very enlisted, Of 'hoe twenty made the weak. and met with defeat by the store sacrifice of their lives, and twelve re- cat :4 to 9 in seven innings. Manager ceived decorations - . for conspicuous Barlow says: "Watch us get even on bravery or distinguished service, . the First of July." Since the last issue of Tne Review the honored ex -principal of the echo. 1, Dr. H f etranft, passed away, and his great INF\II\ION DAl IN GODERICH. services to the sch*N.l ar d it, edeca- on :n general are recalled by an article With favorable weather next Tuesday published from The University will probably see the 'greatest Dominion M'Jnthly. Day celebration in the history of Gode- Lipij James %RCiintcn, R N. V. R.. rich. Preparations are bring made for sit of the British navy, with which he the acct mmodation of large crowds, and ved for two years, and there are other' all who can are urged to come early in tides on school sports, tee, activities of " the day a d take in the whole pragl'am. e "Lit..' and Aitcs ty Hand. " - -' foe Great War 1'cterans have leen lata for works or tit• 110041100403i.Mof old t w e•nlargM as t.. their sphere of re tiw'fytlnes... The ':.stir, built as- a local protection and defence against I w•IHsw wall,. and under whose keep treaded the (rottagii (4 Artisans and "HONOR OF HIS HO USE" During July will run two changes each week ht Show 8.30 p. m. Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at $3 per single Lord, delivered, THE GODERICH MANUFACTLRJNG CO.. LIMITED. (Foot of Angkaea St.) Phone 61. LOST OR FOUND. §TRAYED.-ON THE PREMISES OF G. S. HAMILTON, lot 4. c,ncess,on 7. Thorne township, a red two-year-old stem. Owner car have same by proving property and paying expenses. M•. 't L OST. -ON FRIDAY MORNING, IN the court house park, a small pocketbook containing 19 in 11.14. Finder will please leave at SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT / There are several rrpuhlisheI short training hard for th' Who Lies tram This w 111 bra unique feature. / Poe fhb The Colborne Farmers' Club, have ing secured E. H. Walters, merchant, Benmiller, as purchasing, agent, ere prepared to fill orders for general house and farrn supplies at a small - commission. =UC Mr. Walters' experience and trade connections are at the servi.•e of t he general public, as well as the mem- bers of the Club, to secure t heir sup- plies at the lowest possible cost. 1 Goods from his store can also he purchased at reasonable pricee.during regular ?arm hours, six days a'week, sixteen hours a day. A few more orders wanted at once to complete a carload of salt Ezra Fisher and J.N.Kernighan all% continue the handling of five stock, and ask for the co-operation of all farmers to secure the best results in placing their produce on the market. Notify them at our• expense when your stock is ready, and regu'ar weekly shipments All be made from Auburn and McGaw. WM. YOUNG. President. D. F. SCHWANZ, Secretary. .hi leo ms. one of them. "The Boy ' their Part m the Pro- t Yonder." written on armistice day,ue bean' of a including many of the games and contests kspecial merit. ' ail which the soldiers engaged for rtcre- Personal items and "jokes' fill several at on purposes while overseas. pages and are very readable. and the The three horse races are attracting little book will be prized by everyone who muchattention.and the track is being put has a warm spoj in his heart for the old in first-class shapo for a good afternoon's school. ' going. Another b g feature will be the aero SUNDAY DINNER During the summer months we will serve especial Sunday dinner from 1 to 2 o'clock at 75 cents Hotel Bedford HOW FLORENCE, GR%#IAa1 DIED. Plane nights by an rxoert aviator. The wonderful ship of he air will be seen by •Partieulan Retrlved sf triotal Aeri- many for the first lune. . sent M mune. \ Zurich and Goderich *fill sheet in a base- ball snatch that promises to be ga great Mrs. George Gr,lham. East etreet, event for the "fans " Zurich defeated has reeirwL 11 letter from Miss Nina Coder ch at Zurich on Monday and the Gni hem. of New Turk, givtig [mirth -' heals will attempt to "even up." olio.« reerlriling the death of her «iot.•r, Highland dentine. the baby show, Miss i"lorea.r I/rah,n11. whi.'h. a+ •el- musk by the 33rd Regiment' band, and a ready- rr•onhwl In The S1gu:,1, r -seine) grand fireworks display in th • evening are from Mors Intomobile uhcidt 111 in Eran,e . among the other events of a big day's the lest week of'111y •'sport. Miss (trillium ,old nems' .,three nur«.'n 1 1 party o1 s•ycn l weer;' driving on The pita rtetl,.n treatment for dy11- Sti ?ay afternoon. May _'it h. in x p.'sht I« nimmt n« loglhnl 11« hntti,g ('ad Ne .car, tiled two n.itr« fr ore'« Clint* - n Thierry these w'a« a WOHN1u4' bo ? 1 to bore these it arm Apps•titc I« opt t. he flekle thew• tturut in 11 ,a1 HM1'11 Stan nn N bicycl.' Meted it'e1dl d,lys, but you 11111+1 .rut, View system 1 .hea). Sergeant I1111e►1, well., .w'a« le ),lir'+ food slid, ;rim null«t hate it. ring, 1. }.o.1 the horn. 1.11.1 title IIIH11 if you '1,IIIN11 ,rut midi dIghst t'r.etr fowl kwl Lite titnl alt ►u'rgt, 1)IIlon without subseinent suffering use 1,r. , thought midi. eel for him to taws tK ' Itr,wnu'.. Dyspepsia Tablets. 'These u rho Iw.. Just Rs he wag toweddo chi«, the fl un bicycle .tnrtwl it Across the r. d tln'(auit he mi „u the wrong side)\r1 nd 14) 311•'1111 rnI- 1 1wIK u1•4'l,'' MU! 11111oll �brought the car 1154 Ise sodtl•uly that ,n.,• or the wheels stru')c H small 111.111111 en the std•• of the road with terrine t''Jre•. wheel turned Use err h.mpletely "teer, whw•I« np, in the Middle of the rlslld I►a4 .town a steep hill N« /It first rev Nisi 14alroi w,« kfllrrl Instalnl, sk1111 Io•I,g fractured. Miss (Iowa Merl in twenty minutes of frail, skull. Mis'. Smwllhy and 111o'. i t•Nhnt were (dotted Olivier. The lar ,vas wain Jh.'kel tip Hud they were released, 11101 I although t•,•I;y. s•v,'rely Injuuc'l Mixe h -(irllh,.ri wu15141 aronid s fhw n,(unt,•« 191st :111.1 kept-w'HuiTIlig to d. wnuhthung fur your fir ,,tlief+; hilt omit !meanie tired mud _ Wits fit moll !Olt. .1t m Shelley was not greatly 1njI endo lint MI.. 1: re lane 11I41 it broken voilarlw.ue, seven (n•uken ribs on the left side and a pnu'tllrel left Inig. She wa« taken at • to n hospital at rhat.•n.t Thierry, her o *-n hospital at .1olll illi **HS I/Witfwl, 111111 the chief uflMt',•« .f the *.'.paroI Im- ailsilatery came 0) her. She kept tip bravely to the end and diel very 1114111 41111y on. the folluoIug Tuesday, Alertly 1o'fhr.' noon. There nus n military funeral, 111e Urns. ntrrs.•r (m•111g I.hl'•.'I In .I,' hirer Krrl'e and ,itmn«t ern -errs( with INrintl- ft11 flowers. Mrs. Dugan I Miss tiro ham's mint t lives ,it Paris. Mit throne) «.tar mis- take Wats n.1 notified of the ,.•.•*dent until Tuesday. and arrived tomo bite to see her n,l•.e' Miss Graham was attached its a mew to the (t'nitwl Staten renew In Frit nee. Before going nem -meso she had been it profes«ketal nme.. of New. York city for a number of years. She spent her girlhood slays in (lalerleh, and afterwards spent holiday« at the IOmii' ..f iwr fatii'r, the hue George (!sham. on East street, sod she la N niciiil.•rel kW* with much affection a tell/atoll/6d (Aeras. Egmmm11uunimm11nnnuimimuiumumuuuuimnminuunnuiimimn tt ,;;,r SIGNAL OFFICE and receive reward. 11 �+ t t>,1 STRAYED ON MY PREMISES. -A nom 10 red cow with white face, white hind leas and earmark in left ear. Owner can have same hs. ppovarr�,� pprroperty and pey,n`exprnses. THOMAS Md:AHE, I(. R. No Y, Auburn. 7A. �t NOTICE TO CREDITORS. N OTICE TO CREDITORS. bN We El/TATO(, JOHN BEATTIE. LATH (lo. TIII TOWNSHIP or GodsaIcM. INT111 Collett* op NURON, , OICIAC4D. • NOTICM is heresy given, pursuant to the statute M in that behall, that all persona having claims I ma. against t11• estate of John Beattie, fate of the township, of Goderich, .n the county of Huron, harmer. oho died on or about the lath day of March. 1919. ire required on or before the 1st day of August, 1915, to send by matt, prepaid, M deliver to the undersigned, Mary C. Beattie Goderich P. O.. executrix of the will of the said deceased. full part.ulan of their claims, arid the nature of the seruri,y(of any) held by them; and that •f ter the said date the said executrix will proceed to distribute the a*aet. of the said de -reseed among the persons entitled thereto. having retard only to the cla.msof which she *hall then have had novice and that the said exec cutrix wdl not be habit. for the nod assets"' Any part thereof to any person or person* of whose clam she aball not then have received notice. Dated .d (:ode, ,, -h this 1Mh day of June, 1919. PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN & COOK E. ,R•'t So :..tor, for *a id Enecun,r. 40. NOTE THESE DATES FRIDAY, JUNE 27th TUESDAY, JULY 1st VICTORIA OPERA HOSE Comedy and Vaudeville Chu. Barkley. Ep., Mus cal Auspiea So. Gaor1a's Church Girls' Guild C 1 Come to Goderich for Dominion Day TUESDAY. JULY Ist. Biggest Celebration in Western Ontario AEROPLANE FLIGHTS DEMONSTRATION BY GREAT WAR VET- ERANS HORSE RACES Baby Show Highland Dancing Baseball Match Band Concerts Floral Parade Fireworks Something doing all day long E. R. WIGLE, WM. LANE. T. PRiTCHARD. Chairman, of Cont Treasltrer, Secretary. tablets will Bite tone No the 11111s• nhu' doing of the Ntumitch and "%Creole*. ferule111) 1foil. 11 Is I 041011 111 r•nlwdy, ROI 11p lu handy form. 1'Hrry them lit ya11r pocket and lake regularly until r•!4•r is found. C:N• a box, sold by E. K. Werk, drngglst, o:.Nlerl.'l. 'The Heart of Humaoll):" ottela.' W01,11 ihome ext week's Ie o•f' this In•r pe p'e'r for dot.... of "The Hwa rt of Derr Hu11laully,•' to be *I 11 at the Mabel 1 TMat'e. This all-1'nn,ulhtl .h•*ure IM by for the greatest pr.shiction of the year, ,cul -everyone NlhnnI4 se! It. car le' -cream Is Jost right -un our • s rs Ray. Try It urel sae for 1. Iii T. Edwards, - ' was adjourned to the Hees, t 1'nu rt. Plaintiffs chin that ter lack of prop,•r cure 111 t•4O1xit nod cannel g,MMIN shipped by plaintiff 111 February` 1111.1, to \\Tyburn. Sawk., to the value of 1,7:.1., were injured by frost, The ...insigne.- refused 1., invent tlw grails and they were sold by the railway and 111.• 1114 pro,wa'tls, !olid to phlntlff. The .*elfuu" 1M fur T.t(i DAV FOR MEMORIAL FUND. On Dominion Day a "tag -day cam- paign for the benefit of the Soldiers' Me - mortal Fund will be conducted by the ladies of Ahmeek Chapter, I. 0. D E. The object of the fund is to provide for the erection of a monument or some other memorial to keep in remembrance the sacrifice of the gallant boys from this town and vicinity who laid d -w'n their lives in Cite great war. The ladies ask with confidence that the "taggers" be generously received, and 11 is hoped by this means a large addition to the fund may be made. Let everybody put something extr., is pocket or purse on Dominion Day to be placed in the boxes for the Soldiers' Me- morial Fund. .\ dative trill lie held .'tory Well- I,'sdHy "Ceiling dll1*11lt tlw' Mtjiwl111•r .It 7h.'i 's•t1u1g !uck. is, uunent ing ,.n July nth. The hall is (wing put In go.,d «hxlN•. 1'he Itl,ek+toles-Iticklry orris.* - Irn will is. in AttendanW. FurtMv ,,1111 &•uwnt Inter. Thu•• "feel plant may , • )'rt int Itbacli+toue10 1111•• le 1•14•11 III Is Molly, here. Edwards' h,.mewMde Gaudy ham a I repute tion Ill its ow'u. There's a rets)n. Try rut and ser. - v DOR%, 111URRAY.-Al Detroit, on Saturday. June 11, no Mr. and Mn. t)onald T. Murray, a daagh. ter (Lillian Mae). IN MEMORIAM. BOWLER -In loving memory of Michael L. Bowler. whorled one yammer,. June a., 1914*, He bade no one a last Iarewelk Ile said goodbye to none: He little thought when he left home He would no more return. Days nl sadness still corneb'er us, Tears in silence often flow, But memory keeps him ever near u., Though he died one year ago. -His loving Parents, Sisters and Brother, DMLONG.-In I iv,ng memory nl our drat ape and brother, Pte. William G. Iel-ong, who duel for Kmly and country two year+ ago. June 2.51h. Servant of God, well done' Thy glorious warfare's past; The battle's !ought, the victory won, And thou art crowned at last. Soldier of Christ• well done Praire heithv new employ, • And. while et real ages run, Rest ,n thy Saviour's joy. -The Family. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Jung 24 General Servant Wanted -Mrs. W. L. 'torten �� Auctm, Sale -Min Mctnto,h . t New Jewellery Store E. C. Roherteon..., ... 6 Insurance -T. R. Harrison „ .... et Strayed -G. Y. Hamilton ... ..... I Apnual Picric- Colborne Far•neri Clan .' 1 New Hardware Store -R. J. Howard , 5 'okelbookLost-Leave atSignal Office . i..., t pecial Surday Dinner -Hotel Redford ...:. 1 SIunc Clair -Miss Laura Jackson... ... .. 7 Chautauqua, , 4. 6 Card cal Thank*. Stratton Family... 1 F MONTREAL EBTABLJ$RED OVER tri YEAR* Safety Deposit Boxes it is unwise to keep Bonds, Securities, Insurance Papers and other valuables in a house or office, Safety Deposit Boxes in the vaults of this Bank may be rented at a moderate charge. A. W. Strfrkland, Manager, Goderich Branch. • • tt