The Signal, 1919-6-12, Page 6Thnrvlav, .Thur 1". Ifll`I
ORAL ADDRESS. ; 11x, whirl' drurtimd s•rllus esu coal industrial ,•u)erpris•s. \1'41 surely ; to w sn.- t., consent a• in'er't .111« I up. llama. who. NM as sdMIU)rr of
sideration. If the Church is 14411 10 are hiking ud41ilw•i411 grulu,d when our ' fitth•r'$ wetlrh MINI prove re react to money a1.1• frequently sspoken of as
lose 111 influence. it 'must interest itself 4;eli •r,ll 1',nfefelly. «tate» itu. tarsitiou ;the owrral ublig4timis handed down to •'l.iytgars." Hca%el. forgive uN fol
R l'111'K( IIF:♦ 111 '1'111' iii 'these questimp. 'relating to the ,lis. "'.V.• de•51,um1 noshing less tha it Wu,. taruuitl•ss. \)hy should the 1'hurrh,
pull'.• good, 4111,1 measure up to a Thal the 1G41,.t,e'•ia''• of the whole •M•unowie needThere is great need 'Igilant'. will' which has brougls( .51eli ty,estlmabll
I f{NINI\ 11h:TH/1111S't
CONFERENCE. is witsr9ed 0r it in bringing ulallll 1\ system trout the basis of competition reference 1a the' of the blessings both- temporal Nod spiritual
ilea ,.'dei. • - awl prolixs to one of 411-010.11 41 1014 u51d al witty ,, Lord's ord's tiny- Beier- • to ed us. need Io sa
ttod 4414 in 11811.1 Ns 11
lastly Beloved.- 1. Leadership. scrvi.•e" W11411 a tnul.formntl..n ,uiitoel eff..rts have been Made to beak ''critltt.le pauper asking111111....We
shave our I11ot'•annnal- tM«lorsl ad 9'he'pivldetu of ltutl.•i'thtp Is a burl.- would be e•ffestel on all a"..xtwl• Iiue., ' down the wife/1141111s n111,11 prutt41•t 1104.4 pews• 414,41ing tall our gleaning.,
.1ras will. oat 10 you. very 'tient : 1114 •1111•. N'iele are 1111 .1,.slllnts who.If sett k'.' ,r.uI.l I1• wade Ills• 111.40'114 i ..111' %I 41.14 IV lest day. 4411d Itl' 111a lie it a anti. 1••rN1.' till' la•st of the ripened
t' bltl.Rt•s have take.' place 111 1111•_111111 T':td its 1111,• :1 Ix•t lel' world than .... tire i1.N i•1' 1.1 114.11..11 1711 ta•r 111M11 ,ill'' f,11'- pleasure seeking NMI of glues- .1,. '.t' for 1111• garner 41 '11tr lstnl.
w'orld's outlook. TIM cruel Wal', 1 Ire Iluw io.-'.s'' 1111.1 are'the Melt Ietlipuii,g prin't's. Thr pr..p.tsitlou that Ii,uLtble I7r•1',Miliun'. This most Limo 4411.. gove oolhtug less than His It'NI
which for over tour years .roke sl. 4''w will Amp.. Ib,• {..chic, Yue the new the 1'11001. -InOdd .7111 it t'11glreN fir 144• Ifni.,, I. Yamada has fhr 11'.( f. r ns. Instead of tiugdatuhlg of fie
o Mil •cite 1111.11 114/114•11•S 111 our prominent i'hristinn business Melfi, legally 1e•gall)' pr,.tr'ted Sabbath in the world, number of calls upon our money-. let
many hearts and drrastNl,Ml sit uca Ny ;order .11,1
1'•uit., IIN* e•ude).and now happily Wei . 11 caul srurely he .1.4'1,51 that 10 prepare alt. iatl,Islriul program ..n and it is our business to hold the world u. rei'4."• Hint fie Irate 50 many 0.11111r-
h,.."Iht I*;tterh'g wings at 1h.•'dtre'1'hristiait statesmanship and I'lo'istia n (•Iu•isti.ut lilt•._, .41.41 suited0.. the MN* re•ord h) (Ili. regard. \\'e needour Ilultlies of helping t.. relieve the
of pifetl. 111 Part al'1ei.1, the prnyt•' Rt•tli•1•a1.11ip had. a lance 'curt in wits order, Is ,1 III .ane awl tell bre , s4iblwth 1►ilt wth
wily as a nest day for e , a..rldVectra, ectra, ,;'MMge Bernard Shaw.;
of ,., 'toile Bornoffered in the I ' the 'war. 1t, was the ('hur•It ..nee.. 14.ert• l...1 hiug which would i toiler. but Also as 011 iueeut her to 1.11. sus right whey, ll.• s+•id. ••Nee bare no
eighteenth 'rent111'y, hits Imam 4 N'Iio-1, 40,1 L. 111.• sltitw •111.11 L'.•Iw•Mds ,glt'e 4'14t'1•111edPiy -.:4tp 1•1••singl• and ill. 11e'iiragt• tailing. s-trstlltl, withal 1s 111..1.• right 111 consume happiness
:taswort•,{• l0, 1.0,11..1 'nig and 1 'un'ir, Mud' sae•b Haeme i*414.14 ,i Miss of p„ph• Who ielcsas(ial b• 41ge life of 4 'hrlsttauity. a tt creating it Hutu w.. have Gr
„1,e44.... 114).ulivI,bnitir'h 1.‘4,14,1,.,,,,,,,I,.,,,,,.,,,,,,,I,..„4,1,.4, Its
•.i• -Dir \\'w. 1to1N•rtimu, seldom it eVor .yl•ter a •'I,nroh 0100r...Ulow public worship to decline aml ,.,lips • wealth wlth..11t pirwhicing it."
1101 1.11 wild war hit. rat ago' end, Lloyd 4;"n'K•' and \\'•1.11row Wilson than it IL'4ewelll of Ilii. kinin. L11'1401.11 will 11114111 I0'01 111 N'altt•. 111 roll111,40ti, let 11s remind you
. i -\aitnIR the guest .lat'hueu$ of the wen l I.141'. Ng"..'tuuiod Rorke said. -- 11 tisklu, )eetrs ago, told Kug1141w1 that !hilt there 51t'er las 155.11 au Nike 50
Mau With brullu•r turn to Meet
•\tai s. brother ►144411) greet"; who li51e1 up fru 1111.Iwtt1e YI•lyut*. ill, 0'
1'1.1di, .1.4 41'. Is it mighty heeler -";1114• hour on when whethe people • tw
rt•it41ogs14 .'1'1144111 athe e 411e' in
'Ceen the war first broke ant, people: France lied 1.I,1101ers mei.. the Ia.ys 11', itte 1.4.0 !s'lo't 1titg the truth of left behind thele the diel 411d dust of • wll.'h ae arc 1441w living, Changes
*ret. 1,NitKt askioR the gn'sti "Has ; w'loo wen• alae graduatesy,( our $uwi*Y tlii::rtu 11.4.111 iu the ''1I 'sit ion Whit 11144 streets awl value a•grtlN'r to sur• litre taking - pillet. WWIslarllhlK
4'hiistN►liI% f:1111`41"- \ow 11.01 it has ,St•114ols pled Tomtit1'eupltls Societies.. is ieing raised to the g1'1gnof titles. .hep,Witec the hour wt' her desttuy. It tytpldil}'. Al thaws. the nky look'
' ''ripped,' 1 h 'on.,•ps,l« 41 opinion 17t ton'' tea sell N -by our 10.`11 fought .+. Mal a1.•, 10 time ,lrtifielul distinetfoits
that it kit gl..ri"lisly 1ri•nuphi't1 'A ' Nell was 1,,, ants• of til.• sUpl•tid I. ''k• - trhh•h. w•t,.t, 1.•t'tt,.0 the .101,..4...441bol>. t
bony. hat threatened) the 1111401 ie. of nig •4414••.. thew 1,y oii.Jt urgauliz.rtiotn •,«'ial gra.i •sof ul.ulkiu.l. We tamp,.
r 11.0.4 1(1 .41141 x111 41,•.1 :.flee sorb' ,as the Sulcntiuu.Ar lye the Y. Il. 1'..1. NHOrd In .1+•5Pei+.• our 11.11•.14 Llrn petro
ft the uud the 11141 l7os »•i,•1)'. It will he they are not ..f nor eves' or nation.
41 alai..11, cul. Ms•11 .Ion cit
PS mat lei' of'i'rlo11. tott"4'lut•1N•r,. if. 1'he Italia flautist Is. more to Its (111th a
,IIItlg .1lie ta'l'l.»' of reeou.n'ul•1iuu. "I1ago,"..:e".1 t)ii" Ara."mow. Mali a
our churches fail 1.. do what i•,,•'- '•Mhe•11e,," 'roc aorta 114,411« it -revival
i1e 1. t of !trail, fn.lenaIi•n,. ' \..thing esti. lie e4/11-
S. The Returned Soldier. •idelel 4'hri.ttr411 whf'1, is riot cordial
'Elie, problem of reiaurialiuri 0..w alai kindly. Tu be selfish and iidiff.r-
0.41 111141 h,. IMO uri ti . ' '044 i. ly;ug
in Ihr• 10.1. 11 i. .141 ••••4I Ilut1 1tle
t, 1'11)' Ne 1..,1t• won has 1»;•U a mural
4111.• 11',• 1' •'.• Iri11ulid,."1 IN.eatis'• of
Ili; rh•ou•n1. of righl,M•usnes. which
IWr .'..leen"' fir fatlurs 111111 1111•
:/rt . •1.• 'Ii, •'1110'li «'awls higher in faces os. The task ..f getting nearly ••ill to ale• u.c,is .d our fellow Men Is
•rl half a millinu ween hw•k again fur.. «'spay Iutg,t t. 'Ther• wary be os •h
Map life is it.. .tis. one. '1111;glfl) religion in a ••wile its 111 ,1 prayer, ani1
• fur g,'l4 •wm.'Lift
t our dirt :t Ild-g1'u.p 11:1re as wu'Ii
1,4111.•, n, this 1fo.• .'na.•r (111414 tri• Hrwt •4' •"11"'lislu iu 1111".!... at rrllort,itiou,
111. pobl. .•t.• I1•':•14•e 01 110• nuthn'I,uti
pat • 1. • h :.. L,1..•11 in defroli tg the
to •t -,, Ilan • . i possibly her prestige
w t.• net 41.• 40') than i1 i, 111 pres•nl.
'Eh • uuvhl ,•-. tor. es in. -the world on -
Ilea' are ....wards N•hen found'. %outing fu the • wehoiir .' .
0gbtuy: f1.) 'Jess than tate; tended 10 dies. 110Y1.• Thos' heroes of wu.phel"• a- •ntl'h us by fear of 1.1.
light If it welt'• nM for this. the 1pr.•. :,l.'1 1•nSt•114.1nl:u•1e arse una11•sf 1111.1.7a1 g"ria,.. The 4'144444•14 of 114.
41111. Il. nl 0411'{„•1 would. s}array hese 4:•11.on•. :':..i t1.1n4 Intl.' ..1 the hard- intim' "141 I•' . rein: And InHneutinl
111•44il• 1111.1 I''.i411 1 .elf In the tidal .hip. '1.. 1,:.ct' .•u,:need.,. They 440 not tl%rough its T.1 -hips, •
rw,s.•e. of fatalism and nulwhef. In• i e4Ir•:1 1.. h•' !i..:,it -'1, mile they .11. 11x•1 / tl,. }:aa is I:.iN. and the Nest is
_ ♦tr,l l ,,f 1'10 i.l t -.till) I1•01g ii. •11.41 awl, fur a 101• • : %Vt. .:,10141 .peek
it 1•.., been' eonnr.u4l, !lemma' is a ' get them r. .• , 1,1, with thi• various .full tett)' til.' twaii, shall o,er•t.
11.1..• u.'nMI Ihimg ii,•w 1111111 before the uud.,'. t.:. ,_ h.••, anal alsl ,Ti11 Earth and Sky stand presently
M'rt 1«y:ran. The elude aurid has fell .'.4,4. 0 ., ., • ;1, •Ietiywiuiug the. Ih•tnrr. the .luJgnte,l Seat.
111ert, of a !tali 1n breaking els word pr.g'.. u. wit Sorel)' bin`t11er.' is n.'ftler East nor Nest,
awl 1(111:i11g 1131.111 a sacred treaty as a 4lo',e u.• , '-'4' 4' l,.ne ,.i• tuu1'h tf. !i'0 1:414114, ler br•.rl, it... birth. •
Marne esu ion of 'mutt•,." .1 M`n.t. ..f 44411.14. 1114.ic, nip _ i il.i 4:t'.• scow"thing,., \\ittet, 11tH l.l i''ii wen 01:411.1 Cue• t..
le•4ul..lnu has 1111.1 the public mind a, fo u.) rrg.u•liu: :h.• 11,11'.••1'• future..' • fae•
a t utl o ab•• :awful pnlgh:nn n( 3.
The Social Obligation. •1111: they 'eine 115011 1111 rude ..f the
inl,.b4lolUr•. which ha. been .n ' 11 lin, been • u.i t1r:11 the niiterisoith F,"
• - ver -. 1.' c:u1i,,1 owl by ion' foe.. Ila 4,nl11ry .11.1.1.• the u.r1.1 11 {irightr.r- . `1i0r0,mi ant
1A' ri India. 111111111,11141 113/4 114144/1 III-' 1110.41..1:1.11111 b
it 1. (Ia. 'I.ita...'.t the 9'114• Y,.si.•n.,ry b!ig.,rien I. laming
omit .44...11.1 *111 111,..1 by the mxgnaninlun.' I0eu41.111 to mat, it :l b;nlhtr. lug The. • .I:.)-. soul Ix• taken
l'nriurl of i;r Al INal:aiu Pu Reling the h.xxl '1'!..' 'r:tl' sh•!tt.i 101:.4 tyi• fhr more ;wrion.ic th:ui it has ixr•ti Lr otir
{•'111 at a big 111 111 her awl coating ro 111e •i• '•.i-' ' 01' ;ser 1111-! •Il.. N'r• '•ougrrg:u 1..'445. It 444 gal tir)'iug' t41
•Il'fln:.• of n weal, nal iaul. a1 a tee- tient, 11144•-',1'. 11,.11 a.• arse yet aa' long nate 14.0 '1111'7ug 1Ix• ix•rI.MI of the waar
a1layJnas rq.t 1.01 le in I4004 :nn1 way Intim re.11izitig Ilni.' ideate ..Nee 'It'•r- ha!' Ix,•u :a snb.RUH1:tl iuere•a..'
Iwvs.rl . The emery inst,uwe. of self '411 bn,!h,'r.,•-fain ,I401 .111.1,'' i•, til•• in 4.1 1S/4011H •,% gi111ig4. N',u• filmes
ascii 1111:1• nod e'nn'44" which floe- war •,atiri.:.1 re rk of .l•rold- 1h.ughts, inch•, in t•.' 14:144, 1',•il fol11o441,1 lr
rtes .1•sl• 11'11
441% obi ••1xi11rl11 :!1x''44' •ir11'aite i' 4.4rry w hcr'• to1a11- ' gl"' u... } ..'11411,4 Mud r•If4i..'1.
1•siiltitn) 111 the fact 1111,1 men and fast. tis',utent is )4e111.11 .11. nitmi. nwit1. 4 ., _ 1 Ices 4411' .Ittl'ii'iiLu'Iv
1:w11r11 a••,i.• 114.4,4 better or Mater lat.:0 j.: trrtai11:; oil ill,' r.ue of 118*. !rote et ♦,.I.'i.' t.i' tears. wbru Ihr
10.1..1. rs ' Itrifi•h i ..•ign 141Lle' Society was
.'roirenn War 1...I. the
.• followed by the
which -left such
is *1111.1*1111.'t and 1111?t'onaN'
ge hieh M'a'll- il
.•111111u11s, illi.' the elerudote
s hang t
blit, any ira.litai•nl. 11'111114.111 it, we \\'e kix1N' not whit? wiir haoil the
41111141 /410411111.01• up fhr school or the mon'..w. It is a' time for ....rime.
4r'ser)'. Thr rhruu,•. 1111 ran• track, 1114augls( 111141 P11111111. faith.. Be N ours
the baseball navel. all 40W111 their exist- to tae calmuud '4.1 5t•un4, at a 111111.411111.t•et• to 111414•1•w ho Iwerouizt• thew, It 44114.11 the storms signals are ant and
is not ue....swry 1.. set tire 144 a 4•141111'11 '1'1 114'11 l•rhe (uo
g-hrn t+ .441111411111,4out its
i1, order ll. o
11111 it ut .1 e.istetwe 110 n mournful warnings. The 4'liristlun,
place of worship. T.. attain this cud of nil aleft, st be .ptimistl'. 1t 14
all Boit is ul'.ssti4' is t.. Veal Se 110.1114151.' that I;,at1 is iu he 11,ar.•oeve..', ve..
Ing 11, Mud 'sou file 1»nerds will be if it is not all r.ght with 1110• world.
1111101 o'e•r ?Ile a iitdow'S. The st11.• 4'IWus 1441444,4,Mashy« 11441•114•11 411.1110..
tiling may I1' :aid of any of the swan. 1).•slr11'tiin 4141•. it>f work It then
4.t grafi•, tour prayer meetings and 'olstru,tioi follows! The sur'i'e1 of
ria., Meetings are tock)' • WN -111g the i. rte•.. more ultit11,•st to tile
serious signet ..f 4114.1144114.11411/1111`.,. been 111441. o
f moral world that' im e de'n
thaly, of
xnu,•ynttwl. 11.1• 4'tlaan•II must out he 1".1.1.'11.0 Ix' frighrt•y,wl *4414? from a being porly atrrudlel. 14111111.41at' Ilature•. She is ...worthy aid is sou
11.11113 INV 01 public worship is restou- 1.. Ip rim alien hotly'atrsm,l 141)
silde for small •oun•Kation" and Ms- the aleg ler0iV1' (441%.4•44,,,
o[ riK6t.,uilu•s..
...unitized 'Masters. The greatest tour talcs are toward flue .1:14411. , TiN•
eu••l t ..f the 4'hlir'h is toot the Mtn randxiw tl( h.q..stalls illi• lowering
who- 141.1444 111 1.1•111:14111..I.iu rather the 'loud.. giving promise of letter things
who prove.). to love it and yet yet 140 be. We arc 411! the •eve of the
delflt'rateh' neglects either to attend uto.t glorious era the world has e'e•r
its s•r'ies or to .aplort-thwUpheavalse. seen. May court, lust the
\1'e should also sw to it that any foundations stand «cure, ('beds
mesal train. ...cured .111011‘1 the war w' change,• but troths re -manes
are :•••us•r'el. N',• acne not ll. the •l -troy,. my' alter-. it. thlrlries frau age
w'tlr lung IN•f,r,•N,' ais•ocrrel That a to age. but the stars .rill .111114'..11.
country couldn't light .11s.f1111y 1.11.1Th.M.11.gie., lent 4:..41 i.
,tu'ry the dl•hlk evil on it. Iw'k. 1l. eternally the same. N'11t1,- the 1114-
4oasgalrlwe•. this Mil was placed uu.Ier ,4.,111s of life rem,lill. the wuri•I 44111
UM ban of the, law wort -our hand has need it, saviour, how,. hug`' a, (ll.•
!Nall enjepiug the laments. s'lob ' it:, v.' ttiIint• .pmt in n- t.•tltt,a to ail
followed. ,1 strong etTort is lying iownrd Sinai. the -sou! will cry for
maple by the liquor twen's's to r," a 1:.01 W1141111 fie 43111. w..rshlp and
the li.en•e' .)-tela. This .t ador.•.-. 4INn in his weakness oval guilt
never he allowed. The bur r10.nt 10 has "fallen anti his *right tf 'are
as touch elf a Raglans. as 11 jungle with up'11 1hi• w..rld's greataltar-stairsthat
its snakes and wild eats. T.. ,return shape1111'01101 'hrkue•ss .tip 10
1.. the• treattlig •y't••n1 anti Id lap 4nee the archway 44111'11 Spa 11$ 1Ile
.ly re( 1111/V1•1111.111. ate11n.•N41b
r 1lg op to the. Ileal world
'There .1411 h• 11.. Ileo 'r,, if W.. 'ate 10 order.1.'( 110 writ.• the illw•ripti..n :
retn t.. the ...II.N11i'h obtained "Girl is T4we.'' The victories of the
IN• the war, It ai11 not be long (afore will not ix• theme of force ofd
M•fi.r• we• will he v71111.11 11114'11 10 extr- Iib•. brit rather those of truth and
cis.. -our fnuo•his•s t•gtrdilig this '11141•IHshness. In the heartening '..u-
gn.'aion. 141,4111 4lerll.xhist. 11114',' 11u.oOrf
1- s•t•.es' this fact we apply mar -
way• been the 0111%1141 11111141111.1110 of 11.1'"5 M 10';I4', the duties of another 1'wll•
theliquor truth., :nal withunt a doubt femme year.
will prove that they still ars... N'Ien the "1 may ma sv' the .lay
time ..4011124.0 111 east their 'sites, tour \\'yeti the great Saviour shall bearlegislator• a 1'
111st is• 4••11 10 ur 1I1,1e•
stand that a ..niter' '.,moot afford 1.1 ,1M1 J:arth "hall glitter In the ray
the '
tolerate the evil a11)• more in That entombfr..iu above:
times of '7t1' than s 411 in timeof peace.. Ito? it f11..t•.lr come It slow,
1t 1• u mitre ell/1141111Wpritw•i pde that 'Twill t•• at last 1 surely know,
/hint they ani. today, 11 has. been , tiL . and .4 p14.414% 14 Is 1 ttar •
.-1r.1.1, 0100, n IIla 1 i414/.1 Is id 11.1 right loos kits's afford: e'ide„e 111:41 in- "rn'u'i'•
',1.11,1 nor Mightier 1hm1 Iwlwilxers and da,arial 0'011,111 ion. are nal wilt.- Iwli:rl. U
3514'1o11r Stale 1'l. re 0141a410s are •ho•toy. Ilii- hue.. carry- Inept :
"a„. in4dlw 11.1.• Ili ut soldier». 4'orre,t ing ors au ill' five prrrtatgaud:l. affil u..w' au iw1 , . ... ' 1:rnat Itrit41u'au.1
i'l,».1. ,•.•• the :.II eowtieriI4 fares it 1. to-be•fnwal in nlulo.t e'"ry part Ili'• 1 a Jiniging frbw tax.
of the wen id. Wrnmgjletit 4«111;114.- al' 1111 aurid. 1'11.4.' et fl.
Lac. lull ten ,' 1,•41 a great f•rrw'arl
1011 w I,OIq«era ry Ihl'ulh•, and in more or 11,. .I.11..I.11..-i-••act. Iq tllj llstll•a . ,anal 'fun ..Id)'
m,.' ' nl 4411. t.% the' .11•.
II ''•w, pl,l''furl l)' '.elle
1 i...,
11 .1ee-lem •ol Seal I»• •,.,.,'Ira by „1:114 thaat,every' eau•
:4'4 e '.elle;
• al
4'nia.,in halts 1M. pow/4- alot t reetIes fair at,I 114111.•-1 trent ipN•dt. `1i4' "f Coifed State.
Ih,.l *.ilx Plata was right Alien 111• said. -loll \feta.'!.- ..pal»•ars as it a mightier
. o. •.1-. thn• ..un -and Illi. is ,1n.te,'. • •Sinn, .11,.'4. Pe'''''' Initil )nn lure •'suet 1• :.i,.i�; to Iw' wad•• to bring
hl •, jnaie,•..:11141 J111,1 /1.41 I.t•'44.1-i Is ,r11llor- :,lout 1!I. I4''tugo•IMw ..f for Marla Ih:u,
• ,.Heel •.I lel 11111',,p1,(41, 114•v.'l' acres, It)' (ui the .1:41.•Illrht.-..'I'In•t'r 'a •a I1 'Iw• r' ter hehire, Tit.- .effort to
Ito. Inn• rain fall: nod ibis is 1\>41w' ton 1,-filtg Is•a"• whirl: i- I411l1 1411'4y t, xilt luilli.n, d,fl,u•. f..r 1}is+lolls
ho" non fel It .hnin4 ih" u••'t (4'.' ynrrs is surely
I ':sees. is Ib'• Iad fess 1.14 a1 4.1•)4,11 V14 for 1 'auidiat
ural ws h-'. Iran the parr nineh the• go ea. saunter alai 104 tL1 great leveler, Nioi..disco_ it is Iw•li.•v4a tlwt •.n'•h
I h....•4, 111, had in winning the war. "r rigid st•fat1.1i-,11.1iuu•. 44,1
wti11 {;1'•..1'•4 is the phut .l.• tuna 1'11"1.01. bas- p1aee:1 it..•!t r.,'ur.l aw 'a ntrit"t ' 'ort '01 Iselin'( of enezto al
1 .1. • 111 It • walk Of reconstruction. ''I•I"'s•"1 1.. tail• e''ils ill Ila•►MlLstir
,l- well as her other great 'ome3ioond
1.111 11 4- to (41141144'. Z11111411 411,'• i11•ol, "teal 111141 tit fx'oul...f eo.'tw•ratton •.pirit.t., ' 44.1(41.1 result ih 44 4r.rir
1 u, .el in,ln,lr:,I am4 moral, roe.• ralb.•r that' -pirflnal r,'trat Il. the hearts ..f'om-
roulp»•ri•i ,u if. •e'n.n.,•n•:p1 „v qe. I'.v,ut •e lip
1, 1 1. m. lot' 11[ 110
- .nal al.r..i,d, ur51't 10 rec,.gni7.»I as .,fie
f the 144..•1 1114.4.:10 tit factor.' iii'the forty• f...• good in our 4'hnlr11 111..14141
It `ork of !..•ouain.•tinu. The only way 1s• harnessed' np to 1.141,' 1•11411•11 Vie'
.' "V" 1114' 4'1.'•14. from til.• 4•'11. 44lifell 1110% 1•1114•111. '.v.• ecu s•y,d out from
thr•eu.•u it. __ is to e4iuig,lire it, 1115 4i011ferelkee 110 Metier slogan than
Henlfa•nian is a memo, and a plague. tali., -To rv.•ry mal, his work." It i,
No •nn1• untie'. 1- safe %chile another regrettable that th4• nm)or testi of
pati.11'i,,1•,-I. '1o) ,.Ice .04,..•14.•,. we. 4 'hristlan work i» .41,11•• by the few'.
!Mill .+114,• tb•• u,.rJ.l Lt'••:.t iies.:1u'I Ihdtittides of our people or...excusing
weal irlr':•••'s ra:ik,- 11.••11 11att,4 4111.1 tia•y,is•1%es for' il,IuL' notlditK ..n Iil•
prtoit''ia1. Ii ,.tie• 104 .I.t ' 1.14,11 ..t' gaoled or having 10 time for religions %f"• fresh• per tins. ..
;moon awls tlelt (ar,t'•r. 41,4• 41,41)- ,e•ti411y. The claims of the farm, the Ovine.., per barb... 4::;.I.°0 I ^'
�. •ill - • n 'lel 1.4•: ra .r an.t Cattle, bate• i'r• cedl.tuimier. {•rr;cwr. I:S'• to - • -'
' ••sw"lediten spirit. stare. the 0art,ry atoll the, are all Csttle,botrMr.'m1a11utn,
{Kr cwt to -'••o
•i, ('ons'oo4,attun, z•eatously t• seat Ira•t. "(111. A1tte ate 445)1461, (• 1' cwt,. •r
Lamb .. .. I: 0, to Is
w h •1f prune. 1.. 114• go...I when war and
•Ii•t,-tt•i•' of c,u•I..u.- kllwbs prevail. Is
equally good w h.•it 10.44"' anal pros-
perity exist.
6. Organization.
Timed• 4011'..41 Is. effe•tivet11•ss ite
f'hri.ttatt work wfthon? good organ-
IZJltion. We may have organization
.''ithont efft'ti4,1a•.', 1.111 we ''iunot
11.111• eIe•tirelle.. 011hoU? glrg11ni7-
11114,11. The hydro.E1e•trie. Sy't••nt to
Mit 11111K 1.411 lower 441101 11Z441. F:Very
Dealers.504 Box,
.Ind !leaven and 1,irth s11a11 feel the
•.1m1 ul•+tl .hall 'all It ian.'."
It'. H- I:B.1H.1Ii.
President. •
T.. )t.1RTf.I 'r.
Tauawar, turf
VP 40 II
•., 10
,., .4.i tot
1 a. to •
.' t0
311, 10
.173 to ti's
410• to 44'•
p. 1. 10 -
I5, , to •
.I to I
,•' 1U
tl boat, r., 4411.11
net., pet be. -h-
1 alley ter b".h,.,,,,. ...
how.. {Irl bush
Rotkwl•.Nt, Per bust,. . .
p!t urs ntiutr, pat , wt ..
oat, patent, pec cwt
05511, p•rtre' •....
411111 U,. per ton . . .
Pa), Irl roil
Straw. loo-', per ten sees.
Dalry Movs•. per lb ..t.
crs.nlrt) Bute' pet Ib ..
d ' 15
Use only three level tea-
spoonfuls for five cups
TEA's good tee
Sold only in seated packages
The Tintaganti- Hera' Resiene.
}:very it Mle•r w•Iwr know. the 11111
thrill of l ndiog a "big fellow" desires
1...11.1..Y the sport that the amoler(ul
'1'itoskumt nKioni of Ilulurio ■(fords.
Nlotrsmeu 1-110 hal,' H.11.r1 all 1 h
1.. Ill• 'uo.,nule•r.r1 iu rent -him: '1'im-
rgannl,• .1 tea minutes after leaving
111. I;n41n1 '1'ruuk thr..11gh train (roil
the .11x•1+1411111 Hwls blw+rlt
ll.- the 1os•111 of Ila• forest, and ly a
Iab)aluth .•f Ishlult.. Inlets m'441
important wv41,•rs of the ronlhw•ot dr-.•Kliauuel+ int II hog loon 1.o go north.
'bare that. th.. (1shnig 1l. Tiwagawi o•uh. east cool w1•�I. 'There are good
runout be 4.xe•Iled. Lake Tfivagawi 1.1111111hlg 014111111•. 1411.1 111..1 1.etwe
with its .istw•u hundred island. alai 1»xurI,iig r4tallMltluentl, but 11141
thee th,u*.uto i miles of else.• line Is great 'tt•►i..0 1+ still absolutely 1111-
th' home ..f 1111• bla'k 141 ss. alae 9•r'ok 5,J(.'111 d, For full Pel Initiates and in-
troit' and -other goiue tish, ahi •• the f,n'n,., regarding this territory
irtuy,w.•Ir.11, smaller lakes ar acs. a11.1Y to '1ryo,i 'Trunk agent
avIL ,,t,1•kwh There t,,»' to hardships Bonding. 11: N, .1.. Toronto, 41114.
p r6a ,Ar
AS MRIr�O"*t secs .-"
15 sl.tlas
�t pr-'paration which has won its enviable reputation
solely on its merits. The safe, sure and speedy remedy
for all Rheumatic complaints.
11 1 rel ':1,•11•, 1'II.I. It., 4'hernial nn.l Iimagi-I, Redford IlInck,
Agent !..r U'»Irri'h. Iblil 51,414 to Ihls,addr•os or to Templeton's, 142
, 'Pound:,, and '1'. 1t. 4'.'x will he sett' {al»tiNtI11, -
r'« ion ,n• n 1105• int.•r1•st. 41( 4,10, r "Ins• are , NMs«, 1wr Ib ... .11 io .It
eriulN ,Uc-'1'le'rl' l• it 1111,11• Ma- allowed 141 440 hr drfalrlt. 1 n•teld .d abreo.Mlt.+. 1. . rn '2.v
:portant ....owl'', „11.011 10 Ie• '•rusideret making-flr-1 things first, as t"' should
than anr 1,1. f4erta. wines. 111•„ (Ito, and hpkhlg 110,.' to IN• 101).''.'• are
all fy,otthort ntlif 41154( 1114.11 i,to'r••ors tire, lfrwluently (,1111.1 ,','legating ,111' 1"
4'11 ra.•t11' o.1111' IN• il.•'eloi.4,l. stilet. 1liKloUs anti•. to a s,s•olw11.r'.' plae•. ..p
r .•I..• (nils, trot 1'11:1 rt114» bare altoge•tla'• neglecting then'. florae,.
Is,n.-'•rfonsly w••,Ikeneel through riett•h.•r makes the startling shite
lapse- 'I'In'n0g1, removal- ••si1,•ially 1 men(, "\f. 1 M Is r.•"INr•tabl" 10'111'' is
front rural 46 Orkin n centre.. malty ..f toot doing 1111 Iwsf." ,.\"nnlinK 10 this
"or famibi,. l4444.• here o • 1..`t to the 'ices, there 111101 be many so-called
4'htir'h, It is .easy 1.. g,•t 1...0 in a ' 1'Ilristlaas who are not resp,•table.
big city. .1 , ll'. ,f timidity and .A large number of our members
-tet naetiesa has the ••ti'.,•t of keening r1e11*.4• thelnw'Ivt"s for not living active
many pismie away from 4'hlnrh.s ill 4'le'fst131 11 work, on the plea of in• '
1h.'t'.• they are not at,pllriutc,, This ability or lack of talent, This is often
tart enq'ha.fz,s the illlort,tiee of , on'frued ns un e4lden'e of tntslesty
np Mel hnmilily, when In nwlfty' It is
that this leakage may be preventsI. • pl,giug the Iblrt of the prltnoll. I!
We naps' 11 lot gi'e more attention f.4 nn easy matter t.. bury our talents.
to the religious instriwtiwl of the 1:ver' marl Net as 15154 /lw'tl *.I•'lnto
'•hildre11 of our 1'51611' and Suit }}.1111' "it,) renx'leti•. am 11511111)• Ilettr al;
Sp•h'o15. 'I'Lr 5'hurch of Il.rltle p.asl'ar 114444111'. If w4. eonl.1 Ret the men and
.111.11144444.1141 111 1111. regard. tour boy.. women or our Clalre11e. trl'g/11117AM1.
,hit girl.-l.ouit IN• "to'aalragod to at- with everyone doing the work hr or
tend public worship. Khat guarantee ; she is able to 110 and N'Ith the '0' me
ha 4'• we Ilia! .1hey '4f11 do mit 0hell they 7A•:t1 for holy toil as patriot'.' citizens
•IM•'•otto• adults, if they Inn tont fm'l11 the e'1,ildt,l during the war, it would not
habit whet they are young? There fr Is• long lt•fore the Kingdom of (34x1
n.. Metter kind of evangelism them that )'onlal c.. • end Christ would 'cel'.'
of keeping our I'.q's and girl.. In the the homage of a regenerated world.
1:4.40 Sh'q.hi•rl's fold and thus can• 'I'h.• need* of the hour wall 1 Ilya
aer'e then. for the' Kingdom. of 4;441-'artf'41larly for the organization of
It is simply luitenlnble that so lamely the men of our l'htir,hes. Illlr women
of the cli,Idren of 'Jurist hot. homes lose have been orgauai,A41 into 111411' narMll,
ht411•rsl ,11. religion Hod turn their• ...IOW,. 1111.1 have beim doing splendid
hock s np»aa the 5'hu4rhes ha whirlo work for their ('hung' and 'onntry.
their fathers and mothers retofitrly Every 1'hnrch al 1.1 hn'e its brother -
Met for worship. ,, 111' natty o1 our 111041 101111 N virile program 10111111
4'hnrehe•, the outlook for the Noire is I a mild moment' Its4f to men's minds,
ant paF41'nl11rby bright. Mra11s• the. 1t is gratifying to kit4>7' 11110 men's
rattier*. and pothers sop were leaders organizations are (wing rapidly fnrtuei
in atoll supporter,, or great moral ! h, many places, and that they are
.•nterpris•s have 114. ane•emilr, in their ''InR rmn*.o• opedlsnits
sons and 11:uaghr.•rs 1t Is no credit nlRIn,, e•,Vm.n,iel, 110.1f1' Nnldnmldornlrbile,„
The 1'hnrrh athe ?More., to Ire
etTecth'.•. must not only ,'nave• Bo
energies organized, but its wealth as
well. TI11' big program proposal by
our lo'od,4r, will require. if enrried out,
strong financial support. We hare.
hem' thinking in terms of 11x0115411(1,1,4
of dollars, lint we must no44 think in
terns of millions. We moat feel that
there is as 11111(•11 religion in giving it,
In praying. (living should be char•
Aa•terizel by system and regularity.
I U. 1111r girls s1 Ian Ile the 1'1411401100 of
1� J,-�1{•� It oar 111''1•. Ito people give 'eery notch
ser gthr��11 ) ns fila ;r nil 3' faces. 'Y'Itllrch drier." la
food to nourish the boa nn nnfnrhnmhe term and convert a
if you ',amid conquer 1j. alto tg Imprrsslota, The horn's i.:c.
MS* Incrtroxp Emulsion
nttLAdltlte►- i oheInet' «honk! he enriched. not by
take Scoffs Emu's/On often, foxes, Ins( by offerings of lore. It 154
I unfortunate that Phare,' 441111 phfl1n-
heave Toronto 7, I:1 p,lrt,
Arrive Wlntdlw•tt 0.05 p.m. 21'4141x'
" ('Apgar),Hndda'
Banff 12 .11. p.m, 3rd 41114
" \'ancon\•.'r 10181 N.M. 4th dsv
10.1-<'ias1 ttleiping ('/r Paio.'n4ct' nn!'
nll p.rtit"'111'44 /rola 011,1 agent. JOS. K11)1).
('. P. Agent, tioxlerl.'h.
('ompare Fuel Costs
Redu"e the cost of cooking in four home.
1 .e the e.onond'';d New Perfect .,m (1;1 Conk
Sone tlrat hurts Imperial kosahte Coal Oil
instead of costly ru,1 and wood -that does
away with ash pan Ilrudgery-that `icas you
gas stove convenience,
The New Perfection 'provides abundant
heat her etcry ,ewrktng purpose -,,n instant'ns• heat tun• .111rat'51 (brevity on the
cooking--, he result of he Long Blue i''hnnney
burner. Its clean flans, set high or low
stays put --needs nal wa.tchin4-L'urns with-
out smell or snake.
The New Perfection keeps the kits. hen
mol in swmtwr -rl.;en t'tc year onus!. Already
4111111 in nore than :3,0111,1100 hones.
Select tour Fitt• and style to -day. -
For Via!, by !)raler. Err rya herr
Powt•r Heat - Light - Lubrication.
Brinche.i in all Cities - -
by keeping your powers
resistance at highest peak. k ip
as natural for
Scott's Emu
Jeal R Bower 1'n"e11 nee N, thrq)ie Institutions are generally hard
Save the Money
You Waste and Make It
Earn Your More .Money
In how
Cad $441
How much of your wages do you fritter away each week on
trifles ?
If you reckon it up you will probably find that at least five per
cent. disappears thus "like snow wreaths in thaw."
If your weekly wage is $15.00 you spend easily 75 cents of that on
"mere nothings" before you know it.
But suppose you said to your employer: "Each week I want you
to keep 75 cents out of my pay envelope and invest it for me In
War Savings Stamps, As you buy each War Savings Stamp put
it in my pay envelope, and go on doing that for a year."
You will never miss that 75 cents. But at the end of the year you
will have over $36.00 invested in Savings Stamps. By then they
will be worth considerably more than $36.00, and by 1924 they will
be worth $45.00.
War Savings Stamps are guaranteed by the Dominion Govern-
ment. They have the whole resources of Canada as their security,
the same as Victory Loans. And they bear an unusually high rate
of interest. You can cash them at any time, however, if you
need to.
War Savin'. Stomas
eon fee bought t11her•
Wear this aye, is
Make Your Savings Serve You
and Serve Your Country -Invest
Them in War Savings Stamps.