The Signal, 1919-6-12, Page 22-Thurrttltyy, June 12. 1919.
t ODnlf11, ONT.
Pc Meditates
Thureeii . June 12. 1919.
Tien:: are h •ginnint to m we at Ot-
tawa. T e budget has been introduced
an1 Hat. T. A. Crerar, not satisfied with
the sli:ht tariff reductioa•s.rhas resigned
from the Cabinet. 1t is expected that
fifteen or more Western members will
follow his lead and will vote against the
G wernment 'on its taxation policy
This weld not upset the Government, '
but St w .u'd f)reshed aw a breakup of tht ,
i'nioaist party. Tuley. m fact. a ,
LT:tionist Government can hardly be said
to exist. There are only one or two
members ,of the B edea Cabinet who are
Good Quality Tea, properly brewed,
takes away fatigue, and is absolutely
harmless, as A daily beverage - TRY
once, and you'll
s s+s
never forsake its use. home of his uncle neat London. That 'lire rule of tar as {lent deed wh th
uncle was the father of Mr. Jotin Dear- wou for hila tux I.i!Itiugaishe•d ,
- ness. M. A.. prii cipal of London Normal I ain't Medal ham already b.'7 told iu
School. who is Mr. Heddle's cousin. the coluwu+ of The Signal. but we
-\1 hl 1 t t 1" ' He has igen a continuous reetdent of tale the opportunity of recounting It
1 A BK.NMud.1911 Et'ERAN.
Atdr•ew Middle Has Ikea ■ 111spearer I Private Glean Deed (area-
of Sunshineand Cheer for
Nearby w» Menages.
(Written aur The Sgaal
. i
ickd in "Meals of Valor." I j
Asa Colborne old boy 1 was pleased to 1
read to your lieumlll •r t'aretp ndence 1
last week an appreciative reference to' •1 little "ilutar. "`""i''' of 1 saw•."
that loved and honored old resident of the r+a'wtutiutt war of the deeds of 1'rhappilyvillage. Andrew Heddle, whose eighty Iola'. vulare " ..ot" 111 the herr tufts 1
eighth birthday was celebrated on the I happily domed. has bees booted toy the
21thofMay itutarwi'
, 1pmrti .'nt of Education for
1 should have much tiled to be there. its lu the school-. The pupil" of
I have known him since 1 was a wee chap • Hurou comity whom,. 111 the year's to
; and 1'd liketo supplement the reference roue will be proud to Irsru front the
to hem. ' hook of this little ok of the hendxtu
Mr. Hedile came to Canada as a young ' of nue of Mimeos own boys. l'te. '
• man in 1654. •.t Scotchmau trona the .erne Gledhill. the young war of Mr.
:kney Islands. and male his way to the' awl Mrs. J. W. Gledhill of Ite :ltler.'
By H. F. liadtby.
(rear` to . earn i e the p. u e: a
hums merktt pays the lop prier _a see. Be: miller since leita. His sae, who also 11144M11144M more iu tar ww•d" lu which 11 Is
1 s worthy
.fall honor, wee Sarah Hart a . lutwrl. L.1 in th p V t
t• e Ii+uti .0 of the
er price titan Europe pats -tor tae is
rof a well-kown and reseec.ed Ih•prrtmeut of $diwarlou:
leaciue;s alter the expert trade is satisfied pioneer fame gGledhill.Durin all these years trivet,- Gledhill. who heed weir
This explain.'explain.'why a country of right e has been an example
of sunshine and C•tdnri.-h and who was. at the thaw of
million people like Canada pays more tor ' cheer and uprightness to the whole cum- the tattle of !deo-le-toy. uuly eighteen
meat then a country of forty-four million
peon e eke Great Britain, although Can munity. His skill at his trade of carpenter • pears iota. wou the le e. a('- b! a lest
ad n c
has only a million lees '+tel t draw
was known far and wide. and many of the
" handsome term residences of the tarot
re:eitniscd as Liberate or who can depend Ottawa. June i. -The expectation was on J x its much smaller pupulahon. Unr
d bl d f Liberal h h tier Robert returned th'u's weed almost rvarct these attar o wm 'trttie-sof Colbtiew•ere his handiwork.
u wa arty crash era a egret o i tat when'
s t e
would trove rapd'y and drop yuddealy• hr¢ sail t, b: eaten at say phos.. but I think Mr. Heddle is one of the new
support, and 1( Mr. Carvell, the it
said Such a high rate of speed was exlectrd to + left of the veteran et twi a.:o Joined the
of Public Works, withdra'as-es is said develop in matters parliamentary th" Havel e teem care that that dots not , company, of home guerds organised at
he intends to do -Sir R �tert may a` well the legislators world have to wear their Kapur t the time of the Fenian_ Raid by that
fn-<• "credit:' air t'n: •xeir1est kind •
reorganize his Cabinet `oa old-time Con• hats all the lune IJ keep their heir on. larwous Benmiller schoolmaster and
Sir Robert could proceed to delouse ,the of hnaacr, pv'ticularh when you con- Crimean War veteran, A. Molesworth.
sen'auyt lines. Government. so to speak He woull oder that they must be paid -ti they ever What a stir was made when Molesworth
Those wh u indulged the hope that a ataen the Franchise Act through: he wouldare pail -Lein hods which are finedthirty hest got his Iiritieh uniform on and lined
B Int 'k he w wad hustle hve per cent. for -entering thio country.
Unionist Government could continue in• doe
smash the a ei t s, S, Ione as Frty •I a and his crowd get this up his awkward squad.
definitely wrrr in a dream. For one 1 the budget. he would do this andThere was a debating club in the early
that. sort of help from the Government the secrntia at The Hollow,- as we called
thin¢• they mast have Lxgo ten the Welt. three weeks have passed and Sir conium±r will tini th tt the only aces to . Beremdler then. Of this one of the star •
tariff: Se Sete as there is a large body of Robert has done nothing to take Parlia• reduce the high co -t of living is to con- Aebaters was Andrew Herddle. His clement
public op ni .n in favor of hilt protection.
mint's breath away. The Franchise Act some himself. But even here he is up nil homely logic made him a
goes by the beard: the Bolsheviks are
against it. for \1r. Rowell w,Ltd prob humor a. og
and an tilter opposed to protecti on. there .• stilt unser
silted: the Cabinet remains in• ably head hits off with law' 'aganst sui popular debater and one to be feared of
le on the instalment plan he was not on our side. As h junior
plait: ore bond to be teeto Parlia- tact el
tntnguers and -all- Nethtne has d ,+( apla member of that Tour
club I rem tether
mint championing each its own cause. happened except the budget. and that is The the cease p ;the boa k is Ih, contests we had with another aggre-
d sh -own ie i the.huizet. which I need net elaborateforth on
ofIt the tariff q'tesuoa were wetted. there end ng the ars d. hone mwhic.h =peedly a,m?lished , bere. Give it the once over and v ,u will gallon
and dtfthtoeoncslessienaheld Dirk Jewellhee
wpul.i be other q.w•ti one up n whe_h the be the sinter teethed of pouf ig o;I till readily see how it shifts the load from the being one of the chief managers thereof.
pepple w old divide. The two opposing ;o meson ahat be dose to day i( rich few to the Impoverished mem, while One of our challenge debates was held in
p gat the same time it says -Tomorrow'
pantie= may lose their el -noty a- Chiesa: the Government had the courage to do it. to inequities that seawall be adjusted Bob 5traughan's house en the 4:h conte:-
T'hey used to cal( Sir Joan Old To -m x- ; tion. The return contest was held at the
and Conservative. or these term me. row• and eomttemes To -morrow e. a ase rl„ht away• Benmiller school, where Ibe dectston aa,
seams to mean nnthtn . hut until tete policy. Tortraxrow means watt and see. Aud when the budget is over the back ; given to the visitors by the casting vote
dean of the millennium people will des- let time heal the wound- But what. will wilt still he prism The h.l session is of Tom Ginn of Goderich township.
agree on palette questions and will maze they call Sir Robert' l'rohaal+' the Day the forth case in pont It is the easy %Vhit interest Mr. Heddle takes in
say of giving the members of Parlia
themselves in appring peitical camp:. Atter 10 boo( row -Manana, a the lotus ment. who hungered for a our thousand ; politics now 1 cannot say. but �n early
enters in vwtherw leads phrase it.hurtdays he was an unc. rapromisiog Literal
Ant it is well that this r sur if it were Of course. passing the buck --that is to dollar indemnity, two twenty-five , of the Alexander Mackenzie type- Many 1 I'"!'F. v6tt\M t;I.MI oHll.l.•
not so the results would be miseeyern- say• shifting the responsibility -Postpone dyed dollar sessions instead. Four , a good story he cat•d tell of the old -
!Tient and stagnation.
ing the wrath to come -is an old dodge. theeeend dollars at a crack wuuli have time elections. w hien hrill- rhe trey out of seer.
but Iiuharaeat w beginning to wonder if been raw w'r...,nut five th amend dollars • Here's health and good cheer to the obi 11-n,' I'aradiao.
in two bites is the height of diplomacythe people are of getting wise W It veteran. May he wbo has shed sunshine N• 614 I:rrnwu• wdvrMlirnx down
and one th ei=and dollars tetter- The
How much oftener can the Governmentun many other lives have a bright. un• the trench mud airn saw that only
do a and get away with it? Within the/ test way' to kill a cat is ss choke it with clouded sunset himself at the close of his throw I'd eediaw wt•rr hat In the
tact raonth the Government has passed of cream and th it tiara the'sand dollars liie• trust. two, with ter tai. kine -tuna and
will pass the buck four times. ah:ca will c•tm• m neaty id' ele-ti rt expenses Benmiller has another worthy old resi• -
next cr+r, net to• mention its soYatp; himself. -1e the I:rrmau• advao.•ed.
event? to h•• aoadm the reeled fx pro•
Sir TO ernes Wt, to in ide hi; ine- 1 cra+tin+ur
a influence meanwhile. tient. Mr. Jase Gledhill, who, though he a how!. .- ploded tinder him ami.
ora When I say the Gnarrn ie six years the junior of Mr. Heddle• wonderful to towbar. lauded biro nuttier(
the buck four times t do The Franc n• A_t, n( cyu +e. tf•e carne 40Calbxne (an y cera easter. T•I the trwt.i with hl. hruken
awaited hul;et seer -h
Com -nos on Thursley
possible in the space at
attempt any detailed
prop»ale The nati .r.a
of the present fiscal veer
in the 11 tune of , melt passesover It ie a`swt the only real excuse or
not count the dilatory commissions and him 1 shall poy my respects at another.:rine. Nr picked up another rifle xud
last- It i; im i a fall eve -eon and in that light it m ly beri ten to ire until be ars friffe l to
temconze war twarde and committees time. C• U. lie
our diapnsal to ,which are already in existence. Imran r is a att l t u a of pas -sin; tae J 2. 1919. roereare While ref rettlog tautlowaly.
the four rhea laid s which I name m buck. Th. war -let us It roe -will be
he sttimhrwl oyer 1.t.41te•rast Brown.
who had hewn wtl1nd.Yt. ;,ice offer.•.\ to
take him beeL. The wounded nether
4.1.1isd /fiat he .-onld crawl, and when
Poirot, I Il.ak lined 4tletthIM whether
h.• souse hale bits be replied. "Sure"-
Irnt oak wee 11 berry man,' and.
ttl.slhill could not emery lotus- So.
g.•Itiue down •11 lel' h-tnds and knew.
hr weleei 1 Ilya k to take bold of his
%Vold. erpnipmeut, wed it this manner
he drew him eurefnlly to within a few
Yard._ of the boas. trench. Ilere he
left l'ilo'k inkier cover. rut some wire
from the eutaa¢le•ruents, threw• the
looped end tack to 1.4lrs•k, who put It
about Ili- body: awl thru I:Ir.lhlll
drew the wounded mat hack t.. the
para(wt. where be wa' taken charge
d by the ,iretcbrr-heurers. Thin
breve de;•1 era- carried out from first
'to la -t rider a veritable trollw:•t of
tare awl yet Gledhill moue tliruugb It
BROTHERLv I O 9.. Ortoucb••1.
the r of as.
offi:' over end peace sizn'd by next
it b; the en1 Firstordeand (oremosthn a s theassnIndustrial Un- autumn. s -I the: the q ijum' Ebctions
*el am vent to rets Commisaon-shat title -whose Act will no Inneer apply. The Gevern-
ac_ouwt of hie
hI Sed the nerve to et Air
man 1) woman and •hill in the D.miniop ing about and make a report on it. Phis eiq len ri ; i.
$l'1UJ) UJa J- about $_,!U fox every object ie to find out what labor twgrouchmale"\iter ( a; h n h • mi a any de faulters
report may be ready in time for Pante-
bill t t'l ere end -eading. '
Tariff taxation is slightly decreased, and meet to act upon this tieision, ne i' may but the threat still st rods a= a club.
the income tax is increasei. A -other . not. 1(11 is not, so much the better -one
loan will be fleeted. probably next fall. Government has not loss its knack at 1 '
to bridge the gap between revenue and •orders-n-counce. At the latest it will be • I:III.I:ItI('II 1YIWNSI1IP.
expenditure. reads for the fall session. ter which time The regular mason np rnr C wren
the fryer may be out of the situation. Women's Club was held May 29th. The
The bulge( is being criticized 'from the Manana'i program cunni=ted 61 alinterestin s and
Liberal side of the Nouse as not going far , Everybody knows. of (sourer. what is instructive add e"s he \1re. () F: Ed -
enough in the directi n of 'tariff re1•ec- - the matter with labor There art re ,orts we ed, on woman's pert ere r'w.n-truction ;
1400. on it already -many reports from many an i•wtrum••ntal selection. he. afro H. L.
Fine growing weather.
North street Pais lonely without the
long rows of au'om Oiler belonging to t
members of the Conference.
.sources -all neatly shelved and gather• Salkeld: \kiss Curwen took up cuirent
ing dust. For four years sensible men 'events, aced Mrs. G Andre t; gave an
• have been observing what was the mat -
interesting rending. The next meeting
• ter with labor and for the same length of I will be held at the home of Miss M. E .
time they have been p:uphesyng how
Thousands of m (hers throughout
Canada -many of them your neighbors
-speak with thankfulness concerning the
use of Baby s Own Tablets. Once they
have used the Tablets (d- their little
ones they would use nothing else. Inc -
Tablets are an absolutely safe medicine
for even the youngest baby, be,ng guar-
anteed by a government analyst to con-
tain neither opiates nor narcotics or other
harmful drugs. Concerning them Mrs.
David McRobb. Divide. Sask.. says -e'1
have used Baby's Own T ablets and have
found them so satisfactory I would not
be without them." The Tablets ars told
by medicine dealers oe by mail at 25
cents a boa from The Dr. 11 ilhams
Medicine Co.. Brockville. Ont.
• labor would at up after the war. But it i Salkeld. Bayfield rnl, June 19:h. at $.30 ,
seems that the G,rvernmen a Id t' el PATIENCE AND s
• other report to gr' a the profiteers tame to
make another killing. The cause of labor
3t unrest is the coptinued injustice of the
he ; high cost ,.of living. The war is over but
' war prices go on. Nobody is willing to be
the first to let go.
Sir Joseph Flavelle's bacon which sells
Without being su?erstitiou.. McCei. at :ens.n three cents a pound , England,
lough may consider Friday, June 1:1. an . and perhaps kf.y cents a pound in Ger•
needs n p• m. 1 o im•
many- yes, he is !hooting a Out of his
unlucky day That is the lite of his post cured stuff Into the enemy -costs at
hanging. home sixty ants a pound. Other prices
are in proportion. The feud tankers and
all'he other junkets are out re sack the
Goderich has seen its first aeroplane. last drop in the orange. Well may we .
and now if that submarine that nonliving sing -0 Canada,." If the industrial Un-
its way up the lakes will give us a critng ' church prnpaws no bring them to-
there will be nothing much left to see but 1 the trouble is greed. ' it would be 1 will g,•ther. Nobody Is asking for the altos
the naked truth, but ao doubt it will Muth sympathy was felt in this city
the steel plant. dress it up fetter than that. for D[r. �Dorsp, who met with a ills- litfon of capital, but the, work of the
1 Labor rets Ates in kind. If • the profs• t lig aodldeot where Ws foot was ''lurch le to Ineplre the people with tux
Leer can be greedy so can the aorking- entombed in an elevator. natienee and brotherly love Weeessary
it was ,stated before a committee at , man. There is more feeling than thank- The shoot • to the nervous y torn mita thee', shalt be no etpitalistic elates
Ottasa the ether el ty thet it was a cern- ing behind the workingman's demands. was so great that Mr. Dorsey was lit rs ,li-tfwct from labor.
mon practice (or Cenedianepackiag con- There s a measure of revenge in the H $t� u� I •nf to that ng Nag:
"gre Whir;
is tot tithe work
oof the ch Ilea
c1 hto
wages he asks for -and who ca■ blame I
evens to buy up cord storage space on h m' He does it in self defence 1 here attired his mother's Dare nearly all Idea m. hat Mm' thnrrh toll wj that er
Inter. That is old. Thr ioon. to(Uay
is the relation of tax whole community
, to that avert of IKe wltkb ie re-
spa-ible for the supply of toad and
clothit*. That Is, all the pr.yyle of the '
act toget
Neeeasary in Adjusting Relation.' in Nod br ('Ari-tiaas. H.• mentioned the
Industrial Life.
Cadburys alai Kowutree.e i■ t►is coo -
0o Nervous A spiking addreum wa- delivered i,e.•tion. Ile poirtel out that the lay -
before the Methodist Laywen'u A'nstrei• meu should post themselves thoroughly
allows by Rey. EraestThomaa. secretary on the o tor'te's prowra m of recon
e on
Clearance of Spring and Summer
Do you wish a Coat for driving the car or for
the cool evenings :? About 25 Coats of tweeds, Berges,
silk velours, etc. stylish and newest in every detail.
$25 and $30 Coats all at $17
$35 to $45 Coats all at -$25
Silk Foulards
40 -inch Dress Foulards fill new patterns ; blues, greens,
greys, etc., light and\ very serviceable, at per
yard $ 1.25.
Organdies and Voiles
42 -inch White Organdies for dresses, finest quality, in
two patterns stripe. Regular value $ I.25, at per
yard, 50c.
Colored Voiles
36 to 40 -inch dress Voiles, in a large choice of pat-
- terns and colorings, at per yard 35c, 50c, 60c
and 80c.
Silk Hose
Adanac Silk Hose are well known from coast to coast.
Superior quality silk and with deep garter welt
and double soles and heels. Black. white, greys,
browns, etc., in 9, 9 1-2. 10. -Regular $1.50, at ner
pair $1.25.
The boot and shoe repair
shop of the late Tho". Ifall,
corner of Hamilton and New.
gate streets, ha'. been re-
- opened and orders are solic-
ited for all kinds f
Footwear Repairs
Good work and reason-
able prices guaranteed
Saint Ward & Son
ON account of pres-
ent weather con-
ditions the wholesale
companies have been
able to make better
deliveries of Coal and
we are now able to
supply : -
Pea and
Egg Coal
Soft and Cannel Coal
in any quantities.
Mac Ewan Estate
Feb. Ist, 1919
To Sleep
IIBnM Wre6lrsd by Accident
Was Afraid to Go to a Crowd
or to Stay Alone ---Tells
Of His Onre.
of the army and navy department of • stew -don.
the church.
'4o our •pinion.- said Yr. Thomas.
•'there le nn trios between ealuhtl and
'n the
e the Um*. No faired ._Dread, could
reamers comms l o Vancouver from h f tawon m heti clamtx for pre opwruriou old Christian service shall
s i s settee
oa n r not stay alone and could not sleep
Australia. keeping the space vacant. If Big Union, when the One Ilig l'mmo al- _ snppluut ,•o•rap•tffon and class distinc-
ready in existence --Union Government.
because of 06e weakened and • atgd We must start with the old
this be true, •both the packers and the copditon of his nerves. \(rthoali+t doctrine of px•rfmf toy,.
s'eam,hip c tmpmy sh•wld be broweht to wit -seems to do nothing but skin him Detente doctors ltd what they could
for the benefit of ens (Wends Give him for him. but he could not get back hL "1 aro not going to ori anything
sharply to time. his eight-hour day', his forty-(ourhour mre1,gth and vigor uattl he'f•rtuneite- stout 11-. Menkes in Canada etewpt to
week, and his collective bargaining. and he y heard of Dr. Chase's Nene Food. eel you wkitt stirred up the people.
. will still chert*( a smouldering resentment ' I4 is ao moire accident that Dr. ' 1 -nu don't mean to eny it le pro -leer-
When one rthat the Dmininri , for the wrongs he has endured and stilt Chase's Nerve .Food proves to be ex- • monism. Everything the men In ('am -
Textile Co. heel net Prof1 of over 31 per : endures at the hands of Flavelle and his tidily what 1s needed In so many eases • ed. are noting for Is law in England -
cent. on its watered stock, and that the trite. It speaks ;sell for the Ices-ahidng of •xhausUd aervt It f. cornpos•d the right -beer day and Hee minimum
character of the Canadio•t workingman et the ingr•N1•nb which nature n- wtigw--mea law.
same company has a taritY protection of that he handles himself with the re- quiresw sone torose Ferathla reasond and ate ft '-it it time we Rut nw-av into this
from 23 to :Li per cent., in addition to the , straint he does. even in the presence of _ talk of igunrxww• among the workers.
i te per cent. war tariff, he begins to 1111r. Arthur \/eighen, who is a rawer on melds twh n'•rllaar Medicinal tall.a - The raxks of tmsklllerl Tabor In rein -
think that the high -living problem of encumber to send West to excede Mr Lauren** B. Doreen 3t Stanley ads are honeycombed with university
sunshine among the strikers. nowt. leonaew. Ont. writes : "About graduates who have ■ thorough utast-
may not be such a puzzle after all. A ; three year' iso 1 got my foot smashed *try of r.'nunmk s•
few mare bricks knocked off the taxi? The next n stable case of passing the is an elevator to ,Detroit. which Com- ••Tlie worker totter the present myn-
wall would help •considerably in bringing , puck is the Cost of Living Cemmissir.n osier *reeked my nerves. i loo- tem is only a small, in.lgnitl.rot far-
bent reasonable1' f tehkh is not mows than three weeks old tared with the dootore there, but they ! for Ix u vast Im(terosonal machine. He
abbot tpaces in miry encs of
aWI expression In the In.htstrial
We had a coot of living revolt from Mr. ltd not seem to be able to help me.
goods.' Coate !sore than five years ago -a two- Illy nerves were to suah a state that I
, volume rep est -both exhaustive and ee- 'mull not go down town atone or go
The Methodist rural preachers are • hausting - of which Mr. Crothers spnl.e any pyo when there was a crowd.
evolving "class consciousness " lacks;
cin„htigh f pivatiose at the
ee We v,hadn a r Seen
Mt stmwesatem:
omve6•mre waot ulnshat,hveantt
like a Rood sign. Hitherto it hal seeCtrd , O'Connor not so long ago which caused oemeMmea I could not get any sleep
*elate But one day last winter I o•otw-
that the rural charges were regarded as : Joseph to be, discovered by his brethren. m'aIL apes Or• Chase's Nen• Food.
• stepping -stones to the m we desirable i And we have had several cent -of -living and C•for• I had ••ohpI.tsly used tM
pulpits in the towns and cities. If some
reports in between. all hinting. if not B1et herr I amid see a difference in
, openly stating the causes. which are just eonittea I continued urns these
of the ministers have decided to devote the same as they were before the war pills ter some Unto. The result was
elhe.itielves permanently o cocary
t t splendid.only aggravated by the golden oppor• splendid. I Mei se much better. can
mean a
it should mean an elevation vatfon n( the t t famine stricken Fuente provide; Gimp well at sight,man se out en t •
for the ruthltse svante of the cod street• rest or
and steel gatherings ilk• the
status of the country church. In the
people. 1 am se pleated to be l
storage brigands.
tf able t• tell yes what Dr. Chase's N•Nerve
world. on know that toooften dirt.
decd• lire blond mnuew--pront' et the
1.11111.11.4.•f safety. Tie rxilrosd.e kill
many tide way. We in 4'enadn killed
42010 lathier. holt year 1w Ion.lINous of
linnet ng and Irving which we• Could
-hang.- It wo wantel to. Thls shows
that under the eomplexlty o1 modernorganizations the individual will m6y
be Mit Indy enhoed lnated.''
••Ir Is nsvde,es to stead: the 111411-
glans!. 1Vhms novelle was attacked
ou ti11 side. the otter profiteers all
hollered. "Hurrah, they are utter
rimteile. We are safe. Tiw system to
Presbyterian church some .of the, This avarice has no courage at ee Foie has done for me, and to recent- safe."
outstanding men of the deAomina• back of it. It refuse to take any tido. Foie
It a ether pNplw'• The speaker concluded by urging the
tion are in charge of rural Canada gives them a "credit" -that is Do. lw,s Nom rood. SO centsa laymen r.. snow In the vamp*hen of
to sa .backs the' debtor country's Holt Mt; a fall treatment of a boxes for education on eotwlltione. Ise• ndvlswI
co.t.trez.ttions. aid the same• thing might-, -and if that country defaults then Can at all Icahn •r )sdm•aven,
be mein true of the Mathidist church, if i ada pays. In fact, it has paid already .' mates ! Ce., LImuN, Termite. De
the sheet p'sto re! term is rat tom great a ! bet 'use our profiteer has already die- set be talked into aeoepting a embsd-
oottnted the paper at the Darn inion , nests Isal letloee nab lleseeelst.
the spneed of the principle* In thee
"British charter of labor- anal told of
the r,'eent tae'tlntz of Brltieh (pinker
mamefnetnerrs, who decided thtt they
could apt ma** 4 statue 'Il" i
Soho. ribs• for The. :lineal noon.
Rates for
Telephone Service
THE new rates for Long Dietanoe Service, effective Mar
25th and based upon air -line mileage, correct inequalities
in the old schedule and embody both increased and de-
creased chalfrges.
Following is a comparison of old and new rates for a
3-rtainute talk to points %most frequently called by local sub-
scribers: '
Old Rate New Rate
1 .15 1 .15
Goderich to Clinton -.-•
Seaforth.... ,,,,....
The hours during which reduced Long bistanse rates (night rates)
arse la effect are sow
From 8.30 p.m. to 11.30 p.m., 60 per cent of day rate
From 11.30 p.m. to 6 a.m., 40 per cent of day rate
Night rata are based on Standard Time
Rates for local service to present subscribers will tee increased ten
per cent. effective from July 1st neat.
Applicitnts for service will be charged at the increased rates, from
May 25th.
Seery len Tetehons is a Long Distant.* Station
The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada