The Signal, 1919-5-1, Page 5iwsnually Bicycle Week May 3 to 10 DO YOU KNOW k's cheaper to ride than to walk when you ride a Bicycle like the C. C. M. RED BIRD OR MASSEY! Why not get iu line with the crowd and pick yours out of the new ones just arrived from the factory ? East Street Garage "Owned and Operated by a Practical Mai" GODERICH - - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover X 1 BROWNIE ‘As A BROWNIE fortheyoungsters will keep them out of mischief. It furnishes them good clean fun and you will enjoy the pictures. Toilet Articles TH1 $IG* LOCAL TOPICS. Mr. Knox Appointed. Mr. L. L. Knox hue been appointed secretary -treasurer of the public ,chool board, succeeding Mr. A. Straiton. who recently resigned. Harada -Radom The wedding took place on April 23rd. at fankltek Hill, Ont.. of Mr. Edward W. Durnln, B.A., principal of Essex High School, son of Mrs. T. E. Durnin, Gode- rich, and Henrietta Rowena, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Barton, • of ankleek Hill. Lawn Bowlers to Most. A meeting of the Goderich lawn bowling club will be helot on Friday evening of this week, at S o'clock. at the secretary's office in the court house. AU interested in the game are invited to attend and take part in the reorganization 01 the club for 1919. {'letory Medal ('ontest. The !twat W. l'. T. 1'. is arranging for a 'Victory" Wedel contest to be held In tlw l.eture reace of North Ntr,e 'Methodist ehun•h un the evening of May 24th. Three silver medals will he oferwl for contra** In instru- mental music, weasel music, and elocu- tion. The Nine -hour My. The nine -hour day has gone into effect in several of the Godench factories this The athletic girl is a fitting ex- ample of what Pander Palatable Cod Liver Extract will do for the run-down and weak. TRY IT. $1 .i 0 A BOTTLE Developiag Asti Pri.tiag Prompt Service CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Cady THE PENSLAR STORE Mae 90 North St. and Spars Hard Wood --AND- Light Wood From 52.00 to $6.00 per cord Delivered to any part of the town. Also a quantity of KINDLING WOOD Phone 165 Robert Wilson Hamilton St. Goderich a M 1 r - IOAOh81111111111111111111NI1I111pllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllM11plIIIIIIIIIIIIINNt FINE NOME SACRIFICED FOR IMMEDIATE SALE Beautiful, well kept, 9 -roomed all modern house, surrounded by fine fruit bearing trees on !; acre of good garden soil. Goes for $1500 Cash to immediately settle the late George Barry estate, 37 Elgin Avenue, near Huron Road. Apply to ELIZABETH BARRY 43 Strathcona Ave., Toronto. OODEEIOU. OIiT. THIS WOMAN SAVED FROM AN OPERATION By, t Lydia E. Pinkham's egetable Compound, One of Thousands of Such(aaes. Block River Falb, Wis.-"As Lydia It* Pinkham's Vegetablemf Compound saved an open 1 cannot say en inIso ruse of it. seed from organic troubles and my side hurt me so I could hardly be up from my bed, and I was unable todo my housework. I bad the beet doctors in Eau Claire and they wanted mo to bays an operation but Lydia E. Piakl►am'a Vegetable Compound curd me so I did not need the operation, and I am tailing all my friends about it." -Mrs. A. W. Burzta, Black River Falls, Wis. It is just such experiences os that of Mrs. Binzer that has made this famous root and herb remedy a household word from ocean to ocean. Any woman who gaffers from inflammation, ulceration, displacements, backache tservouaneu, irregularities or "the blue*" should sot rest until dui has given it a trial, and for special advice write L dna E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, l .1 residence on Maitland road, the engineer reported that the coot would be about 8400, and it was decided to notify Mr. Bridle that the commission must be assured of an annual revenue of ten per cent. from the extension before the service can be installed. It was decided to ioin the Association of Municipal Electrical Engineers, the membership fee being $7.50. A letter Irom the Provincial Hydro Commission with reference to cost of power did not hold out any prospect of a reduction in the prices cbarg'd to the local commission. To Take Over Wheel Rigs Plant. .% project for the taking over of the Wheel itiwe plant for the manufacture of w1111e of the linea formerly made i1) Beet (amara has been lwtore the town .• 41 .Ibis week. Messrs. '1'. Pritchard. R. T. Millar and A. F. Sturdy are usso•iattel its the enterprise.. Mr. l'ritelulyd wain ane of the stag of the •11'heel Itigs Company when it was in op•rution here, and has a praetk'af ttequu111ta 11/'e with the mw tioni sal end of the business. A proposition was worked out et a special, meeting of the luau Ivnmell 1111 Tueseluy eveuhlg 111141 Will . • up 111(41 ill ►..•fore that body before. it is tilu.11y rotifllvl. The. yaugg men interested in the project have the iewflde11ce pf rhe ton tispe,ple, aINI theles will 114• general plaNune it the old factory. which for a long time has been uansel.•,beroams the home of a 11111%iae industry. Reeeives Fatal Injuries in Fail. Mr. .lames 1.iuklater, a well-known former resident of the Lake Shore nw.l. Colborne.. e.. passed away this morn- 1 hat at Alexandra hospital. his death ' n'sultisig from lajuriea a/•a•ideutally sustained yt•sta•rduy morning. He re- ; tired from 1714• farm a few years ago and had Ia'•li living in town. latterly Iwith Mr. and Mrs. 'rhos. McKenzie. Yk•t*ria street. Yesterday morning he arose at 1111 early. hour, and 11) some week. In addition to the Goderich Organ manner fell (r the whitlow of his Co., the National Shipbuilding Co. and nloeteirs testi-tom to the ground below, the Dominion Road Machinery Co. have sustaining very severe lajuriea. He adopted the shorter working day, and the war taken to .UexaINlra hospital, Western Canada Flour Mills'Co.also has a ; when. he diad as above stated. He new system of shorter hours adapted to the I was in his eight ill h year and was not distinctive conditions in the milling busi- I Inarriasl. The funeral takes plats` from 1144• nesidiosee of his brother, Mr. John I.fuk1*ter. Caledonia Terrane, -011 Saturday a(Ierneson at 2.30 o'ahrt'k, to 1'olleorle as•metery. Mr. l.iuklater before his is. 'a1 to town re'sideel for Many ,rears at Lee - burn. He wens a kindly o1.1 gentleman, with u hearty greeting alwayw for Ms friends. *'ho will hear of his death with rsimere regi •t. A Toronto Wedding. A pretty wadding took j,iaco at Holy Trinity rhumb, Torolito, o1) Tuesday afternoon, April 221111 when X1 1101 Lhyllhi Raker, daughter of Mrs. Mon- tague Baker, anti granddaughter of Mr.. Hi,raee Horton of I:aarrieh. was married to Mr. Arthur &,elle, of To- ronto. The bride was given away Iia IM•r ttnele, Major 4'. S. Pole, nail wore a smart .,,It of Ka ow -colored bnsedck,tlt, with shoes to latch tier becoming hat was of nigger brown straw. wily,. wild-colurwl matrleh feathers. Her bouquet was of sweet- heart roar•. Miss Madge !taker. ler slater, was bridesmaid, and wore navy hhe with blnrk' bat. and carried pink roses. Mr. Lkiniglaal Atkiusrn was best man. The tittle soothes' of the bride. Master John Tote. i s a smart white salla stilt. nail little Miss Beatrice Tote: -In whin. muslin and lace and a incase An Old Resident Gone. The .hath on Suttirdsy last of Mr. John o'. Marna rewnvra1 1)u ole resl- dent, vv ho wail a few years ago was a prinnineet figure in the tosvu. For suite years he Iwd leen in failing health. and for a Tung time had boon confined to his bed. The funeral takes pine tomorrow (Friday) aftern..,,II from his residpiN•e 111 Auj10sem street. A more extended reference to the de - 1,11 Sell wiII he wage text week. Harbor Notes. As recorded elsewhere, the steamer Sarnlan arrived oniMonday morning Irum the head of the lakes with a cargo of grain, the first art 'vat of the season. The steamer Breltung left at noon today for Fort William The Negaunee is now the only boat of the winter tleet left in the harbor. She is likely to remain in port for some weeks yet. The !term of Tart week was eery dis- astrous to the Goderich fishermen. who lost from f500 to 51,000 worth of nets. 01d Resident of (,oderfeh Township. il, v Rut1e• igr. willow ole the Jaw Robert Whitely. who passel away on Suwley last i11 her ninety third year, w'114 a former resident ..1 1:04eri,h tlrw'Ilshlp. The Bine raI hook 4,1/1ee on Wednesday from the n•sideuee of her mon-in-law, Major J. W. Parmelee. St. George's I'nebeut, to Maitland .em- etery. Itev. A. 1.. G. Clarke, rector of St. I:erurge's church, elndncterl the funeral *•11114,.. 111111 four rephew•a were the palltearer•. Presbyterian Summer School. The dates July 13 to 19 have been settled upon for the holding of the Pres- byterian summer school in Goderich under the auspices of the Synod of Hamilton and London. The executive committee in charge of preparation is headed by Rev. R. C. McDermid, with Mr. James F. Thomson as secretary. Further an- nouncement will be made from time to time, and it is hoped the public generally will show a helpful interest an what may be made an important annual event in Goderich. New ('. P. R. Tine -Table. A new timetable conies into effect on the C.P.R. on May 4th. The new schedule for Goderich is as follows: Leave Goderich 6 a. m. Arrive Toronto 10.35 a. m. Leave Goderich 1.40 p. m. Arrive Toronto 6.30 p. m. Leave Toronto 7.45 a. m. Arrive Goderich 12.25 p. m. Leave Toronto 5.10 p. m. Arrive Goderich 955 p. m. Water and Light Commission. The water and light commission met on Thursday evening last. Several applica- tions for new electric light and water services were granted, and the engineer was instructed to make a canvass of the town with the idea of securing new light - takers. With reference to the application of W. T. Bridle for water service to his ga Marla* Specific Removes ja11 Sfones 24 1Iours Never -Failing Remedy for Appendicitis indlgestfon, Stomach Disorders, Appendicitis and Kidney Stones are often caused by Gall Stones, "and mislead people until those had attacks of Gall Stone Colic appear. Not one In ten Gall Stone Sufferers knows what in the trouble Merlstt's Specific will care te-ithcstt nein or oper- Midr. For sale asclnefrely in (lode - rich ray ...JAMiRS A. CANITRIOL... J .W. MARLATT & CO !SI 0018110 NT. TOROWIt Cler houmatism. is Uric Acid in the blood. Unheahhy kidneys are the cause of the acid being there. lithe kidneys acted as they should they would strain the 1'ric Acid out of the system alvei rl1euma- tism wouldn 1 occur. Rheu- matism is a Kidney 4is- ease. 1)oda's Kidney Pills have made a great part of their reputation curing Rheumatism. So get at the rause of those tearful shooting pains and stiff, aching joints. There is but Dara sure way- Dodd's Kidney Pills • Thursday, May 1, 1119 5 C.spIta1 sod Reserve.- - - •A►8(N1.000 Zeta) Assets. Nov. 30th.1918. over f 1513.000.1:00 SAVE AND BE SAFE It is the only way. If yon would feel inde- pendent nd♦pendent in lean years you must have readily avai iable uloncy, preferably in *savings account. While you have the opportunity, open an so' count ,and assure future prosperity. A joint accvul,t gives I:rO i1Cople equal privileges of depositing or withdrawing. ala UNION BANK OF CANADA GODERICH BRANCH, F. WOOILCOMBE. . • - Manager. .a` white hat with blur ribbons, were flower Moaners. Rev. J. It. rot he•ring- 1u1HI, of Brantford, officiated. Mr. Holt played Gar wedding music. After the ceremony a rteeptlou w•as held at the hove of Mrs. Pots•, who wore a blue suit and navy blue hat with eerisa fitment, with a•orwegp of cerise flowers. Mrs. Raker, another of the bride, wan in nosy blue with a black hat and uonth ge of red ros.•s. Mr. and Mrs. Kill.• left for the States. ail will, on their return, take a flat in tie I peer 1'1114111111 apartments at Toronto. I:01►1:lt14.11 TOWNSH II'. Wednesday, April :iii. Mrs. W.L. Gemmell, of Iowa, is visiting Mrs. Thos. Cox. Mr. Joe Wilson delivered a va uable young mare, for which he received the handsome sum of 5240. . Thr ('ountry W enes'a Club. -The first meting of the remora. Woueu'n club w'a.. held April 24th. 'the attend- ance was glut as large a• was hoped tor, lent several luterestlug subjects were brought before the wrr•tillg *1141 d1s•uswd. Au eze•.•Ile•nt paler was given by Mrs. .1. T. Salkeld ou tie broader *1141 brighter outlook for .country women, also eaIlilg the atten- tion of women to their responsibility i1) regard to the 11,1lliig referendum. A Immorous raw Ihlg, "Rumen 111 Poli- tics," given by Miss Mae -Ewan, added much to the enjoyment of the weetiog. Plato of text meeting will he au- IN.uneed later. 111:NMII.I.ER. lfedites.luy, April 30. We an' very gaud to Iwve Mr14. Jas. Long lining in tt.nmiller cure more, after an n1s•INe of a year 111 the Rest. A.-eo111plldlel by her este, Mr. 11. R. Lelia of G.wh•rich, she jotirm'vwi 1, 18,1441411 last Th11r*luytu meet her son, Pte. Elwyn 1,011X, ams join.•'., the ninnies that welcomed the return 4.f the fa441011s "4'anwdia11 Firsts." A Record to be Proud of.-hennailler friends extend a very hearty welcome to Pte. Elwyn Long upon his safe ar- rival I , utt.•r alt aleseIM•.• of four years and eight months ut the front. Among the eugage•Iw•elts in which Pte. !Attie participated were: -111 1015, Ypres. severely *4ouudwl .tpril 21: i1) hospital 11 11ns. 111111. 1114• Sowa14•: wuuwls' -luny 11. 1017• Yimy Ridge. Fre's,Mry, 11111 711, 1'a ss•heudlarle. 10144, %gran, Amiens, Fn•..11ew, ea nal du FOOTWEAR FOR EASTER Easter is the opening of the season for Oxford Shoes. At my store may be seen a variety of Oxfords to please every taste. The selection is so exten" sive that we're sure we can please you if you'll only let us try. For those that prefer to wear high boots we have the usual variety of stylish and attractive shoes. All of these patterns -both high and low -are offered in all the popular leathers and style of heels. Our prices are most reasonable. - REPAIRING -- Geo. MacVicar North side Square, Goderich Nord, entrance 11111) ('ologie, c.eran& utter the armistice. Church Note*, The fourth quarterly meting 1)r Be•umiller circuit will be held at It.nwiller l,.dt Sunday et 1030 n. m. 1 S.- T. I, when the wn ra Nicol of the Lorene !Supper will ler eduliul.ter.d. The quarterly latiehul board n sting w'111 he held the following , TuesL• y evening. service at N. Z1011 Wit - Sun- day 111 :.:to p. 111., following the' Sunday seined. z x x '111.• %ming lana ('144,, of Bethel Sunday s-114)(,1 ban M -nl- ►mesh a 0 the following Y with 1 U organized. R errs: '1'earher, Mr. Wm. Snyder; president, Mr. EIrreli M.M,ie; 1i.e- lire.hd.•ul. Mr. E'.,•n•tt Ailin; seere- l*ry-treusnn•r, Mr. 4'hurlie Breekow. Re wish the boys real siteess lit their Iew uudrrhlkini;. ) c >. At the a llll1ltd meeting of Benwil ler Sutdeyr *•14444.1 last week 31r. R. Ii. Slew was re-eh...fe l superintendent, with 111ra. Jus. 1.41111 as 11,11,0111111. All the leach- ers 411441 officers were re-eleCt.vl• wills 111r. Arthur Fisher ate pres.ideet of the adult Bible class. Something Ne Reform MonoEra s All initials in stock. Ask for your 'initials and combine your monogram to suit yourself. Useful for marking linens, etc. ■ -- ■ .NNelties and Notiegs r ■ r M 4 roll solo 1i .1 r 1 ■ MISS S. NOBLE ■ ■ rrrrrrSINNI MINX 4 LOOK for the sealed package. but have an eve out also for the name That name is your Pro- tection against inferior Imitations. Just as the sealed package is pro- tection against Impurity. The Greatest Name In Goody -Land -