The Signal, 1919-4-17, Page 6• • , • 1 •r • • • 1—Thuraday, April 17, 1919. What COMFORT LYE a 0. 0. 0 Cagefiere Lye to • very powerful *sower. It is used ler Gleaning up tlie oddest sad herdest dirt. grease. eta. cess/.ct Lye is bee for making sinks, drains •ed closets sweet awl clears Ceeefere I.ye ran.. ...ice. rotsolue • insect pests. Comfort Lye will du tie hardest e yrie* olesaiag you've gat. Coaster, Lye la good Is nuking suss. lee powdered pert aimed • ad 100% P.,. is splendid for — • • 1 a a a 00 Tlec riernal cast save _you money on e'en daily wiper. See the clubbing list ou page 7 of this issue. di/161 CENTRAL6-4e, STRATFORD. ONT.. Is recognised as one of the most reliable Coniwercial Schools in Canada. The instructors are ex- pciienced and the courses are up-to-date. Graduates are placed in positions and they meet with success. Students may en- ter at any time. Write at once for free catalogue. D. A. MCLACRLAN,PrinOipal. 1.••••••• MODEL BOOT AND SHOE REPAIR DEPOT The hoot and shoe repair shop of the late Thos. Hall', corner of Hamilton and New- te street's, -has been re-. tied and orders are solic- ited for all kindsfof Footwear Repairs Good work and reason- able prices guaranteed Saml. Ward & Son e••••••••••••••••••••114 nN account of pres- ent weather con- ditions the wholesale companies have been able to make better deliveries of Coal and we are now able to supply : Chestnut Stove Pea and Egg Coal Soft and Cannel Coal in any quantities. MacEwan Estate Feb. ist, tot() 1 A BUSY YEAR This isgoing to be a busy scar in Goderich There will 1)c many dwellings and business eliFes to be refitted olicl rewire - Get roil( Order in Early. A full line 31 - Electrical Goods always on hand. We are ex pens and can help you get what ycu want We are not tied to any particular make of gOods. tWen Sever : Near Postofftcr firaiintea-K Shoo 1 /. tiaras 153 Call and see us. Robt. Tait eall•WW111. SITTING TIGHT. By 11 F. Gadsbs. sum to investigate the relations between capital and labor, which the Hon. Gideon Robertson announces. It is quite true that there are at least two reports on this suiNect already in the possession of the Govgniment which may embody the facts. but these reportsare four oe five years old and l'Inon Government claima the right to a new revelation. The con• daltons are the same, only more so—that will be the substance of the report, which of course will he delayed as long as pos- sible. Thr idea is that it you can get the people talking loudly enough about cap- ital and labor—Whitley councils and such --the tariff stay get by without being tioticed. by the way. the Minister of Labor dis- plays a sense of humor. It is to be a commission of live. two of whom are to be capitalists in whom the people have every conlidence. Where are these two miracles to be found? • Is one of them by any chance Sir Joseph Flavelle. whose cold -storage fnends threaten us with dollar butter for the simple reason that they prefer selling their goods at famine prices to Europe to selling them to loyal Canadians at a reasonable prcfit? When is UnionGovernment going to take these extortionees by the throat and tell thein that their first duty to a highly protected home maiket is to sell .to the Canadian consumer at a Canadian price. not at a price fixed by the pinched bellies overseas? • In a word. we are not willing to starve just to enable Sir Joseph Flavelle and his tribe to become exporters. Vi hat they are free to export is their surplus after our waists have been satisfied. Ottawa, :April 14.—Satmg tight and breathing hard—that is the position of Union Government after Parliament has been in session tao months. The lid heaves uneasily. but Pandora's box is sale enough until the Easter holidays are over. when those twin troubles, the tariff and the franchise, will be let toose to do their worst. Their worst. the Government hopes. will not be so bad as was espected, be- cause the Unionist members of Pat hament seem much more resigned to let sleeping dogs he than the voters at home. Some say it is a lively senseof tariff reductions to come which keeps the Western members quiet: while others say it is the chlorofork of environment which puts members on the Government side asleep in the assur- ance that they have three years to run yet if they don't stir things up. Fur those who do riot expect to come back at the next election this is soothing syrup enough. But for those who do expect to 1 observe on She order paper a number of leading questions by Mr. hlitidleboro. the chief Government whip, whose drift is toward the high-tariff,doctrine. For in- stance. he asks what lathe total estimated current and modal expenditure for the fiscal year 1919-20; what are the chief aoutres of revenue and the estimated revenue from each source; what other sources of revenue are available. The answer Mr. Middleboro expects to get is that the tariff, like Abou Ben Adhem's name, leads all the rest. Another question will bring out a comparison of income. war profits and other taxes with the costar= duties collected and may reasonably fortify an argument that Mr. Middleboro has in mind- to wit: that the East paid the lion's share. Another question raises in- vidious contrasts as to the amounts con tributed bs• the venous Provinces to the war baps; shite two very tong questions at the last are calculated to bring out a statement that the customs get a nommen in again. other sedatives duties collected on agricultural ith- have to be invented, plements are relativelysmall and that the Even at that, things have happened price of wheat in Canada is relatively a loch throw a rude jolt into this drugged large when we range it alongside the slumber. For instance. Maharg became i Argcntine. India and Australia. deliriously truthful for a few minutes, put j As Mr. Kipliag says. East is East and Ins nightmare two words and almost West is West. and Mr. Middteboto evi- raised a rough house. It 'Would have been a rough House 11 the other sleepers an the (,ren Chamber hadn't been so thoroughly under the influentm. As it was. they tossed a bit. moaned in their dreams, and let at go at that. Next morning they made excuses for Maharg. They said he must have been lying on his back or he wouldn't have screamed otic like that. Then there was the McMaster resolu- tion. There is no doubt that this was done delibesfately by a wakeful Opposition wlso had ffecided to see a hat b dash of cold water would do to the sleepers. Jar- . red out of their repose, some of the sleepers complained that it was a party trick—which it was. and a pretty good -one at that— white others muttered that ' no gentleman would do it. Please go 'way and let us sleep: don't distutb our slumbers deep—that was what the ' argument amounted to. It was a shabby ' trick, PO they said. to face them with a picture that had been turned toward the wall, to hit them on the head with a name that W3.$ not to be msntioned until acme - thing could he done about it. The con- dition the poor unfortunate tariff has got into is considered disgraceful, but nothing , to be gained by talking about it in public. But human nature is human nature. and if you tell people they mustn't do a thing that is the vet y thing they'll do—as Mr. Russell very sell knoss—it ou don't give them something else to play with. So the Government has gone into the business ! of providing toys for the mischievous fellows—pretty toys that will keep Satan away'. One of these toys is Daylight Saving. They gave a to the farmers to take their minds off the tariff, and a sick -looking toy it is now—each party to the quarrel having gone off with an arm and a leg. The farmers are a great deal more gullible than I take them to be. if they accept this kind of green cheese as a substitute foe tariff reform. Incidentally it goes to show what the Machiavellis of Union Government think of the public intellig- ence. dent y believes in sowing the little seeds which will keep them that way. With the interesting body of statistics which Mr. Middleboro gathers from the replies. we may reasonably expect that he will deliver a good old-fashioned high -tariff speech when hell breaks loose over the budget. Another diverting toy was the Depart- ment of Publis Health -fathered by Mr. Rowell. but kft by him. if rumor is true. on Mr. Calder's doorstep, now that Mr. Rowell has tat interest in it. Mr. Rowell lost interest in it because the House did to it what - Dr. Godfrey would do to the criminal classea—that is to say. sterilized it. The bill was rightly regarded by the House as our old friend Social Welfare in a s-ery thin disguise. There was one omnibus clause in it which 'voted have allowed the Depart- ment of Public Health to do anything to anybody rbort of interfering with the law cf gravitation. The /louse sniffed in this the Uplift Menagerie in which Mr. Rowell finds his greatest delight and tamed its roaring by reducing it to a mere whereas in the preamble. Social welfare. as visualized by Mr. Rowell and his almir- ers. is a congeries of German ideas. pauperizing -palliatives offered by the Junkers to the laboring classes. instead of fair wages and better treatment. Old -age pensions. unemployment insurance. and maternity bonuses are, as I recollect, the chief features'of a r rogram which aims to keep tbe Workingman under the employ- er's thumb by giving him just enough sop to keep him out of the poorhouse. Of a urse, the right way to mend the workingman's condition is to give him Mans pay and shorter hours. the two together making a margin of thrift and leisure wifich will enrich his old age. Moreover, any other way than that has no place in a new country like Canada, boundless in hope. opportunity and re- ! sours -es. Hut Mr. Rowell thinks it has. I Ater when the House planted its foot on I that Social Welfare dame, which was the ' kernel of the whole hill. Mr. Rowell jug naturally hacked away from his offspring and handed it riser to Mr Calder. who will probably he wi e enough tiS let it die through lack of nourishment. The 11 -dee may not he in a hurry to afford tariff re- lief, but it is not in a hurry either to add costly farts to an already. overburdened Iftnitiry Another pretty toy is the punt commis • A••••• — • • • II WONDERFUL DISCOVER1 An ezzelcant scleotist. the other day, gave his opinion that the moat woaderful discovery of recent years was the ddlcovery of Zun-Buk. Just think! As soorg as a thin layer of Zam-Suir is applied to a wound or a sore, such injury Is insured against blood poison! Not ons species of microbe has been found that Zam-Buk does not kill! Then again. As soon as Zang-Buk la applied to a sore: or a cut, or to skin disease, it stops the smarting. That Is wh? children are such friends of Zam-Buk. They care nothing for the science of the thing All they know to that Zorn -Bak stops their pain. Mothers should never forget thls. Again. As soon as 7.arn-Buk is applied to a wound or to a digs eased part, tho cells beneath the skin's surface are so -riulated that new healthy tissue quickly forrned This forming of fresh tissue from below is Zam-Buit's secret of healing The tissue thus formed Is worked up to the surface and literally casts off the diseased tissue above It This la why Zam-Buk cures are permanent. Only the other day Mrs. Hector McDonald. of Oyster POIAII. wrote to the Zarn-Buk Compigny and told them what Zam-Buk had done for her. She said that for over a year her hands were novena with eczema. Dictor's treatment did her no good and the numerous salves and blood purifiers she tried also proved tselecs. Theo 7.1m-Buk was recommended. Treatment with this wonderful balm soon brought a decided Improvement and perse- verance resulted In a complete cure. To -day. after several months, there has been no return of the diaeatio. All drugeets sell Zain-Stult at 60c bee. sr wind We al•erthievroont and le stamp (tor return postage) to Zans-nuk ea., Toronto for free Wel For Good Reliable Shoe Repairs, try Smith & Ring 10 East Street. Oppoote Knox Church Give Us a Trial OODUWZ, OPT. F YOUNT. OUT.OF TOWN AND I BUY OUT OF TOWN, WHAT WILL BECOME OF OM TOWN? X weggellegli The Dollar You Spend in Goderlch will "Come Home to Boost" The Signal `BUY.---AT=HOME' Campaign Read these articles with care. They may present something you hadn't thought of before. Patronise the people whose ads are here. They are your neighbors and will treat you right. The money you spend with them stay, in cir- culation in Goderich and neighborhood. NEW VOILE It L t' S E S.— THE very hates! is !Haug slum 11 lu voile blouse» and the Valliee are ex - (*Whom!. 1:iieh waist has an in- cl iyultim 1 t ouch a hitt makes It different from anything ever shown be:fore. Every waist Is new aud the GRAND TRUNK IltalLYV AY SYSTEM Improved Train Service BETWEEN GODERICI4 and TORONTO L. Godertch 5.50 AM, Ar. Toronto 10 50 AM. Lv. Gocierieh 2 20 PM. Ar. Toronto 7.15 Ploi. Parloe-Buffet car between Stratford and Toronto on afternoon train. For further particulars as to reservations or ',cies', apply to Grand Trunh Town Agents, P. P. LAWRENCE & SONS Town Agents Phone ft ••• • materials are of the Attest. New skirtings are being shown In the newest mud best cheeks. They are e lsywn in small ends to make them See the goods we are showing lwfore mewling out of town. —J. H. ('olisorae. 1-A1)1E:4* CNIgERWEAR. LN GAR - melds designed for wear with preo- Mil styles, and the hest values offer - VII 1111 torlay's market. They are. Dill tilt and aectinstely sized. Hortiery for spring and summer. Our hosiery atrium's fur top-notch comfort. 'p- i/ear:ince. wear wad valiw. are their Membrane—Parsons' Fair. LISTEN: Bik SOtR (iRO('ERIE.ti sir ripe's and yui will lw serfs tly satisfied both in prive and quality. THE AFTERMATH OF INFLUENZA. --4 'old.. grippe mud influenza tend to lou er .111100.• vitality. To overt this condition there is nothing better than Iron Pius. They are a • ri I, tire tonic. One hundred. pills for :Lit. We have not advanced the prior.. BABY DA1 —MALLOWS* STUDIO.— May 1, 2.3 will be devoted to taking all children under eighteen months, at eat I, will be provided with iv photo 11., WHY SEND OCT OF TOWN FOR your 4;r,.eries hen t,lt 11111 get Merl 11, 1111.1 quality at the right Kits. front J. H. Leath. NEW LINt.S OF SPRING GOODS are nos arriving. come and see our itosuetnient of Spring Caps. We are ben. to ilt. business snit can cotupete • with the Lund order houses -dr any- body else.—C. G. Newton. SPRING LS ('OMING.—AVOID THE rnsh. Have your hiume wired now for electric lighting and be tip -to Moo. We fueuloth everything but the juke and the work will be done right—Malseet Tait, Weed street, nett Postotfite 1 HAVE A LARGE ASSORTMENT or sprit's and Summer Millinery in the new shapes sod idiots; also a ilia-,' line of ready- o -wears st $2.75 and $3.25. --Miss Itaumiltoim si met . OUR MOTTO— A square deal to *IL Phone 104. Robertson & Mair. YOU CAN GET BETTER SATISFAC- non and a lower prim ou printing in town than you can by sealing to the city. If you doubt this let us Imre a talk with you. Besides, o lien you have your printing done in town, the printer's wages are spent In town.—The Signal Printing Co.. Lignite& CALL AND SEE WHAT VW. CAN boy 1411111er and Pulite Package nate for on Friday and llaturthiy.— - J. Spahr. THE GREAT FUNDAMENTAL factor In winning and' keeping the better trade at home Is to handle the best inert liandise. Hats that attract are of Quality. Exclusive - was and Refinement. —Miss M. R. MaeVkar. MAKE OU S GARAGE 10('R GAR - are. It your auto Is Rick we 11111 doctor it quick. Full line of acces- sories and Ores on hand. Of course you know we handle the Ford. the universal car. Get In your order for spring.—P. MseEwan. NEW SPRING FOOTWEAR ON 11?. 1m ate -minute lasts. We hate them plain and colored romblitations, hoth on the Cuban and Louis !web'. '414, these Dew styles at Sharman% Shoe Store*. JUST PICK OUT ANY ARTICUK IN your catalogue, then see ItA. We 'Will nrit only compete In price.. loot will stave you money In Hardware siorea, Tools. Boat Suppliee. etc. Try ris and 1/Pe.--Chan. C. 0.4.. FALSE ECONOMY HAS NO VALUE. Buying Cheap Goods just Because They Are Cheap Does Not Pay—Quality Often Overlooked—Instance Seen in Case of Mail Order Houses Which Make Their Appeal Solely on Basis of Price. (Copyright.) Economy its ope of the greatest of virtues but false. economy is no more a virtue than anything else the is false. To be able to economize wisely is one of the greatest bless- ings that one eau have, for it is the prerequisite to thrift end well-being. Too many persons, however, who think they have found the secret of true economy are practicing a false economy which is worse than wilful waste. For installer, the man who buys a stove from a mail order house for *9 because he thinks he would have to pay $10 for one if he purchased it from his home merehant, practicing a false economy. fair the 'quinces are that he would tone more than *1 in the end if he purchased the *10 stove front the local hardware leader. . There are several reasons why this is false economy. The first one is that dollar for dollar, the greater part of the merchandise mold by the mail order Ionises is of less value than that sold by the retail merchents of the smaller eoqi- munities. The mail order business, as a whole is built upon cheapness. In order to attract customers the catalogue houses must sell gpods cheaply and in order to do that they must sell cheap goods. Their bushiest; is built up rip priee and not un quality. The retail hardware dealer, like retail dealers in other lines. probably can match the prices of the mail order houses. He probably has a $9 stove which he ean sell to the man sshi. wants to get a stove for $9. The trouble is that the man who buys from the mail ordeEhouse does not distinguish between price and quality. Thinks He Is Economizing. The man who bio s the 1'9 stove from the mail (miler house probably wouldNoot buy a *9 stove from his local merchant for in the latter ease he would ace just what be was buying and might realize that the „slgl gore Ispuld apt meet his needs. He orders -a *0 stove from the mail order house. however. just because the price is $9 and not because he has any assurance that the stove will meet his needs. He thinks he is saving a dollar or to by buying thin stove instead of pa ing $10bor $11 to the home merchant for ane that he has seen and knows will give him satisfaction. The chances are that when the stove arrives and he has used it for a short time he will realize that he has praetieed false economy—that it would have been more economical in the end for him to pay a dollar or two more to his home meriltaitt and get an article that was guaranteed by the dealer. - The patron of the mail order house, also, often fails to take the matter of transportatiod charges into considera- tion when making his purchase. He sees only the price of the article as listed in the mail order catalogue and does not think of the expreme or freight eharges, which with the cost of a money order and postage often make the total coat of the article greater than the prise at which the name thing could have been purchased at the local store. Another ease of false eeonotny. Buying merchandise of poor quality bemuse the price is low is often false economy when the Purchase is made at the home stores but it is doubly so When the me4ha2idise itt bought frim a mail order home. When buying at home one can be reasonably sure that the article purchased at a low priee, white there is no such assurance when it ix bought by mail on the "sight unseen" plan. idea 11xploded. .'4 The idea that the mail order houses sell the mine quality of goodn at lower prices Alin the home merchants is quickly exploded when onelearns of the large profits that are made -by the majority of the mail order housea and the large Bell- ing expense to which they are subjected. The large mail order houses spend hundreds of thonsands of dollars annually for advertising and the selling expenses of the mailer eoncerns are proportionat,ly as large. Their other expenses. such ea rent, taxes and labor, are also higher than those of the local retail merehante, in proportion to the business which they do. In apite of these heavy expenses, the mail order houses distribute millions of dollars in divi- dend,' among their stockholders. In one lance mail order concern the profits of the stockholders, itt Nish and stock dividends; have Aggregated as niueh as 1,000 per cent. on the capital invested nt the short period of nine years. This does not indicate that the mairorder hums are in business - Inc their health and are giving away merchandise to their cuatomers. The mail order houses have capitalized the desire to economize that is inherent in almost every one. By placing price above quality and making cheapness the fundamental element in their business they have inculcated in the -Minds of their patrons the idea that they are eeonomizing when they.bny cheap goods at cheap prices. A WORD TO HOUSEITI1 ES. JUST almply Inaba nn having yonr bread orders' mune from home hakeelem. }'very lost of out-of-town bread you pet just hurts our town that notch Try our home made products -- J. W. Smith. HYDRO Di CHE.1PER THAN ('OAI, on. OM my figures for uiring your home with a complete outfit. No Money rerpilreil 'Intll passed by the Hydro inspector. which ensures' yrio ti statisfrolory job. --Chas. J. Harper. WililE ROTAR1 SEWING MA. 4111\1'. .kl. this waitron of tier year ellen you are busy with your spring sr -ulna mini are Ink{ 1111( difficulties, rcuietniwi 'here is a good remedy. Ctiii lit Thesmieses Mere and May a itritar, White. Your troubles Will (veer and you will wonder how you eser got ohms without a . AT THIS TIME 01, THE VICAR, o I,. -am you are intending to go sway on your t:oster tacatlon. you will mosimi nee club Rag. suitcase er Trunk. 4'801 ut our store and WS 111 supply your need. Everything at reasonable priees.—A. J. Path ridge. DEANS% SPE(11A11. BLEND TEA Mr 71k: pound will please you Black or SMITH'S ART STORE Ls TUE. place to buy your Mathis% Shades. The best quality and largest mop, of colors to *elect from. All 1.1Z*'. 1.1t S11311141 Lod in otock. WE BELIEVE THAT* A MAN OR woman who places himi or her con- fidene hi ims is entitled to the bast merchandise and the best attire arr- . vire to be secured anyw here. --Gee.. AlaeV tear. 111 • 1 1 OUR KODAK SOW AND. Own you will be prepared for taking early spriug scenes. lieveloping and Printing. Prompt service. Give no a trial order.—Cluispbell's Dray Stare. WALL PAPER WITH I'S IS A speetelty. not a aide limo Let ne help you in your de -orating prob- lems, which Is more than mail order Mumps can do for you. 111.11111.11111er our prices are lower sal valuers better.—Forter's. A SAFE STORE' TO PIN 1 01'R faith to la the 8101111 Store. where goods are sold on their real tuerityi, 1101 011 11111Y1.11 -11P values. 11 it ha anything In Drygoodm you want. call On 111,1 and 111. Will do our hest to please you.—D. Millar & Sea. WAR CLOVDS AMR P&RTRD. Now let us all boost for a bigger and better GorIrrich. We can do it by all of us buying our enmities' at home. It will help wonderfully. Mee us fur Hardware. Wove.. arid Plumbing --Fred Hunt. ALL WE ASK Di A COMPARMOK or our line of Furniture with °Diens. Get our prime, then draw your con- clusion, Big stork to choose trot:li- tho. I istiertak ing I Wpartnient complete. Buy at hinne.—Brispher Bros. HERE IS OlR TROUBLE --WHIN we hare so repair shoddy [rather shoes with piper stoles. When shows come trots our local dealers we do not have this trouble. We do all kinds of lame retialring and we do it right.--Sannel Smith. YOU WILL FIND TOL' ('AN ALWAYS. save money by doing your trading la llrocerlea. Drygoorte mand General Merchandise with us. Otir prices are an object lesson In buying it home ovary thae.—J. J. MeEwen. MAIL ORDER HOUSES Do NOV partienhiely hurt our business, hut we ere In line with any move that helm our town and our mercluints. For One confectionery still leer Cretin you will find the pure thing at our store.. --C. Blaekstone. ('ONS(LT TOUR CATALOGUE,. then commit us and note the saving In Harness and Horse (:,ods, Trunks, Bags, Horse Blankets. or anything for the stable. We will not be undersold hy any mall order house. ---H. J. Fisher. LIVE AND LET LIVE.—THAT 18 & good working motto for everyday life. (live the home merchant a chance to 110 business with you on a fair basis. Yon will And It the hest plait taking everything into con- sideration. Live and let Rep.—The Signal Printing Ce.. Ltd. IT IS FAR BETTER AND sArra _ to have your old photographs copied or enlarger! by a reap Ann like ours than to intrust them to the fine agent who calla at your hack door. They are Rafe with us. It'e understand this work and do not overcharge. -41. T. Fell NO NEED 70 00 PAST OUR STORE If you are looking for Art Goods. such no Stamped Vinthiorui, etearto ant Centrepieces, Lunch and Tray (loth*, t'os het Threads. ('rocket Curtains'. Rath Towels, and other Nosegtiese Always a pleasure to 'show or Mock -Atha S. Noble. IOU WILL FIND BY BUYING your Flour and Feed from ns 700 will h pleased with ntlf WII7 of doing loudness' Good Mork at eight pricee. Wp believe In tradtrw at home. It will help n. & Ce. IWWARE OF CATALOGUE ruaNi- tura: It all looks alike in pictures_ Better trade at home 55'e carry a full line of Firriii t ore for every ream In the hone., at prices that will bent any mall order houlle.— W. Walker. You owe a Citizen's Duty to Your Owa Town etellainagerw „,...••••••.•••••••i • • • • 14.