The Signal, 1919-4-17, Page 1A CALENDAR with each Paid -is -ad- vance Subscription to The Signal for 1919 SEVENTY-FIRST YRA13-t4. 1761 FOR SAL& OR RENT. wELL LOCATED HOUSE FOR SALE. -1 built woe as permanent and complete r posatble for e y own ole. Has laundry tubs, weird for ea electric app Lances. etc. Clan to 0aocg rhenium and Square On Brave strut, between Vicious and North. on north ode. M. W. HOWELL. L1OR QUICK SALE. -41,800 WILL r taffy three iota. tno houses sod a tarn. Ow menu or Victoria and Bran areata (era tare ~' Yr bath and closet. ons hes bet, bath and duet Pay pert down ret to reveler) on Mery aag neo east w fwetaeer. Apply to N. W. N(Irr, St. At drew's strut It FOR SALE. -MODERN. RED BRICK hove an Trafalgar street; sine Wu. bright awnss., every covariance. Apply u R. C HAI S. Godertch. or MRS. C. BECK. IVs Donde street. Toronto. PROPERTY BARGAINS. A wen -built frame hones eat Tufa/gar wrest. ed den. close to schools and churches. 91.70., Parson May 1st. Su vacant tots on Hume rout, in c ne block. tete beet garden ground in God tick. foe 1430 The W E. Kelly bole on Ch.rch street. One 416 the bast properties m Geder.ch. A1 toe- seuences. outmost, tabs. garage. etc. for *kROn. A mud fume home. two 1a+. new ramble. tea iowee. good Into trues. for 91.500. T. GLNURY. • -41 'Phone 119. Goderich. FOR SAL,. CLL FOyRr, SALE -PUREBRED BERT MUAGPO*D. cR R. Nei 4. G* 4lcf SALE. -MAXWELL CAR. AL - FNM aprw ow.. Apply THOSE H tUTCFIIN• sies SPECIAL OPTICAL SAIL of warranted high-grade, gold-filled named spectacles dud eye -glasses fitted with 'welt quality spherical leaare. Regular $5.00 value for only *1140. Eyre examleed free by our well-known and palestaking spe•tallot, Mr. Hugttton, formerly optical expert for Kent's jewelry store, Toronto. The pries of all optical 'tombs lure advanced PO mut•h Ton will do well to take advantage of this chane and rouse early Three days only -Thurs- day, Friday and Hatunlay, April 'lith, 25th ■ nd 'Lett h. 141.1114'9 Art Stere, (lolerkh. At the last meeting of the Collegiate Institute board it was decided to have all the roans m the school wired for electric light, the work to be done during the Easter vacation. The dwelling on the lot of the rear of the school is being re• moved and the ground will be levelled so that it may be used for tennis or other garner CARDS OF THANKS WE WISH TO TENDER OUR mare thanks to adpg*Yors .ad friends fes kindness and sympathir Penni the illness sad .t the decease of our beloved husband ■nd father. MRS. ROBERT McILWAIN AND FAMILY. f ODZRIQA. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APR.. 1 HARBOR NOTHIL Navigation so far as Uoderlch is emiertad, ulr•neil this (Thursday) morning. when the first of the winter newt eteanvl. F'ur moue tlmr pest work utas leen rushed aboard the four ('aaada Steamship Lille boats, for in- structions were to have them ready to primped as 00011 as the Insurance would tte•ume operative on April 15th. How- ever, it was uouu of the following day when all reprint were complete((. By this time tlw wt'ather was nut very favorable, with • strong gale blowing from the last which increased during the alternotn. awl by evealog it fairly heavy ata wait rolling. Early this morning the wind shifted to almost south and at 9,:t0 the Msrtlay, with Capt. McIntyre ion ter bridge, last her lines *nal started her find trip for the meson. With intervals of a few minutes the Rlekerdike (Cape. John - 0011 1, Midland King I Capt. Alkin i ars' Ionic (('apt. Wing) Irft their winter berth for the head of 1Iw lakes. All throe vessels will lead grain at Fort Wildlatu. . • Superintendent McLaren. of the ('an- ada Steamship Lint's. has hewn in town for the past few data In tonue•tlou with the 'death Inv of that company's ate -rulers which have wintered here. Mr. Mel.nren Infnnus The Signal that their entire np ,o -r hike fleet is now In commission. Today at 1110111 when the unloading of the Negautie- was complete) the last of the ander cargoes had been taken into the elevators. Tlwre Is very little stir on ter three .tmeritau resmels, ltrtrtung. Negauwr• and ('entrol West. Only on ter latter have the engine r•o,w crew arrive) and they ha vr finite exteusI'e repairs to rake. Tlwne is no definite lmforma- tluu avatlablr a0 to when they intent to open the oason, hut it will no doubt he quite late. T1w Alguuts Central moats, the Agawa atal Ib,me Smith, pure both their forward amp after crews nuxy fitting out. It Is expected that they wUl clear early next week. • On Tuesday last two of our local fishermen hail nearly 1100 lbw. In their lift. ''his is considered a reorl, for large catches at this perierl of tlw year are exceptonal and if it is an irt)ha- th,tt of a fist Is to ase expecte) the present w•41s4411 will be one of the very 'test. AUCTION SALES. An a result of the Are whieh has Iscn continually horning all winter w the Western Canada creel pile, the company has leen .-.Ripen'%! to Utak,. xuwte extensive r•patlrri. A nnwlwr of tlw bents of t11r t-alwrrier w AUCTION SALE OF A SPLENDID LOT OF GRADE DURHAM COWS AND NG CATTLE. %1G1i STANDARD PAINT FOR burnt off autl theme nr• Is•ing replaced SALj.-fisted Vwant.ty. at price lees MR. JOHN 'A NIC OLSON a eemY to bo..1ht rr m ate mat.ra today. eMfl sea by .sm Lmwaaa'e Hotel by m'w uaar. of steel. In other ways Y aq d its err needy -s. sad pet. trate tkaswee►. w " =•__ - dee preaert ion w !H he token to pre- arrker M. W HOW, LL FT.SALE-- ONE cow. COMING 1- w years old. due in Juin. one beer. ragtag three peers dd. No. 1 driver. can pace in 1 'Mates, some chickens, all layny sad two hop. JOS MURRAY. King Edw.rd Hotel, Kinston Street. A6t1 RUFF ORPINGTON EGGS FOR HATCHING. -Fleck has proved to be antra good layers. M. W. HOWELL 61.21 DURE SEED OATS FUR SALE. -NO. C A. H. CLUTTON. Phare 1414. Bss- rl6rr. te-tt Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD F04 SALE at 63 per Single cora. delivered. THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO.. LIMITED. (Foot of Angksea St.) Phone 81. - WANTED. 1!OA' WANTED. -GOOD STRONG boy or yours rg mto dove delivery rig. M.O'BRIEN.Eest Street Mut Martel. AIRL WANTED TO LEARN OPER- *, ATING. Apply to BELL TELEPHONE ObMPAN Y. 'DOY WANTED. -ABOUT SIXTEEN. 1 to trim plots in cemetery. Apply to CARE - K f1ER. TEADY WORK. I1 77 for iyst wades Tailors, Operators. minced Pressers, On men's fine clothing. E. G. HACHBORN & CO.. 60 York Street. Toronto. Tntnorrow 1e Good Friday and ■ piddle holiday. CRAIGIE'S ASSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FORD 1917 Runabout, in first-class condition, newly painted and overhauled. Will be sold at a bargain. VICTORY BONDS Bought and sold. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance J. W. CRAIGIE FMDAY, APRIL 26(1. c. ----....g at 2 o'clock sharp( Ing newlyplved Ours; 1 young owes, to freshen this month, M1 cowl to freshen in May. 4 ming gran cows; 15 yearling dem and teflres. These cattle have been carefully selected, are n goad cordiuoa and wia be guaranteed r repre- seated. Tomsk -Cash, or approved Sent notes. at 3. a. We months, bemiring interest at 6 per teat. per annum. J. A. NICHOLSON. T. GUNDRY, Proprietor. Auctioneer . cISHINGS.LEARING AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND FUR - Mr. Mr. Thomas Gundry. auctioneer, is helmeted by MR. J. P. BROWN, executor of the estate of the late Mrs Charlotte Green to nil by public auction, at the premises. Trafalgar street. Co -dutch. on SATURDAY, APRIL 26th, at ?o'clock p m Parlor and dining/room furniture. 4 bedroom sets, crpxm, rugs. mats. 'eine-errant. washing machine. coal heater and coal-o,I heater. sewing machine, 2 hanging lamp• 2 areas. some dishes. crockery. and many other things too numerous to mention Everything .ill be add without reserve. Terms cash. J. P. BROWN, T. GUNDRY. Executor. Auctioneer. PUBLIC NOTICE. e Warning to Bicyclists. Keep Off the Sidewalk. • TAKE NOTICE that the bylaw prohibiting the riding of bicycles on any sidewalks of the town will be strictly enforced. R. C. POSTLETHWAITE, Chief of Police. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER. EYE. EAR, NOSE. THROAT. Late Hour Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hoopoe', aaastant et Moerefield's Eye Hospital and Laden Square Throat Hos- pLLradon. Eng. M Waterloo Si. 4., Strattnrd. Toileph &.9. At Bedford Hotel. Goderich. fmm Wednes- day, May 21.7 p. m., to Thursday. 22nd, at 1 p. m. vert. K po.slbl•. ■ repetition of the doisage 'sneer? by the tire. PERSONAL MENTION. Mies L. Whiting is spending a few days at Sarnia. Mr. G. H. Nairn, of Windsor, to in town this week, MINS M. It. MneVi.-r IeoVes on Mon- thly for Tnrooto to attest the .summer millinery openings. Mr. John Sharman returned to town last week after spending the winter months in California. Mr. T. W. Nairn. of Walker illi, is in town this week. coming up to attend the wedding of his niece, Miss Delphine Nairn. Mr. nod Mrs. W. J. 111,ir have re- turned from 1'ct.rls,rottgh, where they spent the wluter months with their .Ianghter. • Mr. Harold W. Aitken law left for Hood River, Oregon, to assist his brother. Scott Aitken. on his fruit ranch during the stammer. Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Oliver, of Brus- sels, were in town on Wednesday attend- ing the marriage of their brother. Mr. Athol McQuarrie. Mrs. Milne (formerly Miss Mabel Det for 4. of North Da>', made n brief x1544 tel town this week and was the guest t4f Mrs. J. H. Colborne. Owing to the small attendance on Monday evening last, the annual meet- ing of the (lolerich Curling and Skat- ing Association was adjourned for a week. The Goderich Rebekah Lodge, No. 89, purposes holding a social evening on Tuesday, April 29th. in the Oddfellows' Hall. Cards 8 sharp. Business is the science of human ser- vice. This fact ,has always been fully appreciated by us. and during the many years in which we have conducted a drug business service has been our hobby. We realize that drugstores exist as public conveniences and for the promotion of public health and safety. Therefore. our store has thri••ed and grown because of its service to this community. This thought of service extends to every department of our store . Let us serve you regular:y. R. R. Wigle. Druggist, Goderich. THE MUSICAL EVENT OF THE SEASON GAUL'S GREAT ORATORIO, "THE HOLY cITr' IN KNOX CHURCH,, EASTER MONDAY EVENING CHORUS OF 00 VOICES Miss Kati Lyttle, soprano Miss Mande Million, contralto Mr. B. U. Cott, tenor Frederic Tristram Egener, Mits. Bac., Baritone and Cond'r Tick a 25c. : 1. A GOO 1C8 FATHER 'WRITES l SOLDIER SON. It fe some time share The signal has been able W straw* tot pubttcatloq a copy of one of shoos letters. The fol- lowing may be of Maoriet: Goeerlek. April 1.1. 1919. DEAR SON, - VeII, my hoy, 'tis springtime again ansi with the return ache robin and the Crow and the bud- ding of the trees, tiro shooting of the grass blades and the glowers he precious and magnificent handiwork God's nature -we have also the hon cleaning at hand. ant some job it la:\ believe me. It seen;% to me, Son, that the longer your Ada lives the more peevleh and obstinate she b000mes. What she didn't say t., me on `Satur- day while 1 was doing; my level best to asxist hey with the clean-up is not worth nowntioning. Uid you ever tackle a !macre/tat If so, yon'II understand hilly how wy pathos was bored Isar week -end. "Now we have the stove moved. get that mattress ono o shore." *be cried,' "and what's more, dein'% Ione any time." she added. .1 went to the boyishly and it reminded me of being at such a +olema spot many yearn ago when our good old friend (censored) was paled,. cwt after being severely kicked &boot the yard by his mule, Yes, &gain it eau a solemn moment. I realiaeel the great tank before. 1 threw oil my coat. leaned across the Iron etfbel-tore and in the first attempt tome The hilly thing upright it slipped. at, as • consequence I stood right cm m• head. while my pencils and watch lima /tamers fell from my pockets. I do not recall my language of that moment, nor do I we'd to recall it, bat 1 remember gaging through the side window aecl thanking my .stars that none of the local clergymen had hap- pened b be paasllt.k for, surely they would have believed 'hat either 1 was beating my wife or .he wee heating me. However, 1 gos et ra3gbtenel around and took a (yeah heel on the thing. I gave a jerk sod It ee.nse over on top of me, 1 called aloud for Ma to come and help, but before gibe arrived on the xoene 1 wax stretched out 011 the floor beneath the heavy mattreaa. When all danger of asphyxiation hail paxsed. I swore to conquer wad bade your mother stand ar-ide and watch a modern Napoleon wen the day. Some- how or other, lip% as over my back and with my right toct fire. I began the march past Lb. stating room and tab the . , , castd,deme roast• *0 4 of ,7lgglkaq' of wee iiia ami another and I fees the presence ut half -e - dozen neighbors watching my plight. Smash' A picture fell to the door. "Oh, there goes grandad's picture," a voice not unlike your mother's shouted. "Hang grandad's picture," I replied. It may have seemed' mean, yet the bloomiug thing had been hanging fur the past quarter of a century -and as Fred Pridham would say, "It's all right; nobody '% hurt anyway. ' All the while, 1 kept mouching along. The next collapse was when I came in contact with a table and hurled eleven flowerpots to the floor. In trying to get away from the table, the end of the mattress caught slC'* beautiful fern - and now 'tis beautiful no more. As I felt myself near the outside kitchen door, 1 made a mail rush, only to knock down 9lrx. (oeneored), who was carry-- ing her daughter's birthday cake to show Ma. She had to bake another. "Gay there. ye old devil" said I as I tossed the bed apparatus upon the ground. Mrs. (censored) thought I meant her, as she still struggled between the garbage barrel and a bandbox. 1 have not yet had the op- portunity to explain what I did mean. I will never tackle a mattrews again. Of course. Son. 'you know that 1 Mu %oma sort of a port laymelf. At least, I alway* considered myself a poet. Really. 1 never did care for the consid- erations of others. anyway-. Well, what I was going to say was that during the past few weeks severed of my poems have been appearing in The Saturday- , an' since that time 1 am simply pestered to death with effusions from old maid amateurs from far and near in Huron county. Just Chico morning, Jennie (censored) of Chu - ton called on me and she said In part: "1 merely want you to read over a few verses of m>' best attempt." I read. It begaq thug: The nun is sinking in the west The sky, a purple hue: It 1s the part I love the best Just 'twist Cue and you. You know, Son. my heart fairly nips about when 1 read such stiff. I *tank back In my chair and when 1 regained conOciouMnese I tried the second verse: 'Tia In the evening when we flirt In twilight here we alt: Whene'er I kiss my darling Bert, -and the last line was misuing. "Oh, yes,- Maid she; "I couldn't anioh that 41tauro. ' - I did not wonder that the eouldn't. She asked me to do set for hos', if I could but have some Inspiration. This Is what I ttlggested: "He always has a fit " In any event. 1 *hell never be bothered with that old dame again, Now Son, 1 eruct close. Be a good boy. i hope you are getting along all right or. r there Have you an y idea when you will be home? Yes, We*. Walker and Tommy Davis are making name* for thetnselve* in the council. Hi* Wor•ahlp the Mayor say* H they jnot keep np their pep they may fill his chair by and by. With love from your mother and me, DAD. 4 fur ie -ereem Is Jost right --On our rn.torners may Try It and tar for yourself. 11. T. Edward'. 1919 ('OLOOKNE FARMERS' CLLR, Change in Thaw Not Popular -Large Operations in 1Jve Stork. At the regular meeting of 4(1e Col- borne Fetrwerti Club held last Friday, the live stock votnmlttee reported that during tow mums' they had shipped sta'k to the value of $17:610. and the price realized by the Club was very satisfactory. 114 all 2S$ hogs and 32 (mettle led been shipped by them front Auburn and Mt•liaw. Fletcher Fisher had reeeivel the largest cheque, W03.45, for 14 hogs. and Hobert Make of the Maitland tonermadon had re- ceived the -word Inrgrst chegnr for Amor, $431.:e,. The privy to the farmers for the last shipment was 'h(l'( per lb. fur hogs and the two previous .hlpuwuts The eowminee was luatructel to co- I \operate with other shippers at Mceea v anti Aubnru to tr•ure a better hour' fstock shipment. the freight at pros-' en twlug due at Mir;aw at 7.31 1. au Ito mock toe early to hare stock dellepnrl. A ,nstolutlun was :missed tlea iikiug the Dumb. MI 4;uwentwent for it,. action ill list rte-etwe•tlug rite daylight -- outing bill and regretting that the , town of Orwierich had Imt leen mum lly considerate of the farmers' '(vin wiener. alai expressing appreciation of the bean of l'llutuu's action he not 11 changing standar) time. The a 4ntelt'N 0rr4(on of the (9111, 1 forst uriled a 'prgnrst to the l'rlwr ldinisler of 4)tt$arlo that they would revive his asses tar that the I'reiviu- t•inl leets would tt prepared in time to allow- w 11 a rote on the vetoing r'lr re ud o ur .1 nonuser of members acre added No,t 11.,' next aseetiug was stet for .tI 5th. EASTER MMC. )Kaoz Church, Easter Sunday, April 20- 1402/4114G. Prelude -Car lion ` Wheelds Solo -My Redeemer and Mr Locd ..\. ... neck re Mir Mkude hhlleon, \\ Anthem-Unfoid, Ye Portal, (Iroo IiY,Rederp- 11oni . ......... Goosed Offertory -Organ. I Keow that My R. detour Liveth .. .... ....... ....,(andel Sermon. Solo-Jeruulem.... Pesthole -Fanfare L, mere ud Mtr IL Lynk. *VINING. VarNt,ona of -Jerusalem thrGdden",.-.. Sparks Lead's Prayer. Chant ...... .. p enet Solo --Few. Not Y. load ... ....... Mw Gladys Bedford. Anthem Hark. Hark, My Soul...... ..Shelley Miss Mdbon and Miss Lyttle, soloists. Offertory- Organ. Will of the Wisp Nevin Double Ladtes',Quartette-'find ti Riseo..Lore,o Serm-on. SoloThe Way of the Cross ....Solman MM. Esther Home Sevenfold Amen.Star tbuude-Haaelu>st Chew ken tm he Me eah ,finndek Frederic Tristram Egener, Mer Bac., Oran rima and Choirmaster. - I North Street Methodist (;berth. [ASTIR •4 NDAI 'I0.41444. Organ Prelude -The Resurrection Morn .. .. Ilohniton Apt hem - Kiegol Kings.. ...Simper -helot D'Amour Elgar Sermon Christ's Revelation to Three lrwi- I vo luals Rev. J. E Ford Soprano Solo -The Lord kMy Light ...AWt.en Mie Mrjurie Aitken, Wachs great NG. Organ Prelude- Adoremus. .Ravira At Twilight.. .... Nevin Anthem -O, Death. Where Is Thy Sting..Turnr ORert ory - Goo ldier i. Nevin Soprano Solo -Open the Gates of the Temple Mess Isabel R. Scott. Sermon -The Revelation of the Lord. ... ..... Rev. J. E. Ford. Anthem -See Now the Altar J, Faure Postlude---Hallelujah Choru..Hmodel's Messiah Isabel R. Scott, (rgannt end Choir Director, St. George's Church, 110014104. salts 11 R. Prelude- Adoratio... Borowski Te Deum .... .. . ..... Laleb Nmper Benedictas ..Garrett An. hem --Ash Began to Dawn Stotts Postlude---Grand March. from Aida. tr0N1NG IaavlCa- Prelude--Song of Hope Batiste Magnificat.. . .. ...... .. .Maunder None Donate... Maunder Anthem'. -Hallelujah, Christ Is Risen-. (Caleb Simper Postlude-•Military March .. Shubert soloists -Moe E. Watson, Miss D. Dickson, Miss T,chborne. Mr. G. Taylor. Organist --C. Buckley, and Mr. W. J. McNevin. 7 wo credits THE SIGNAL for the remainder of 1919 for $ I.00 THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. LIMITED, Pvult.ua■ THE LADS IN HAIL Among the buy's who have returned lately is Watson Straiton, son of Mr. and hint. John Straiton, who arrived in town on Monday evening last. Watson went overseas with the 161st Battalion. Capt. Roy Rundle, Capt. J. R. Varcoe, Lieut. A. F. Sturdy and Lieut. 1. Hether- ington attended a meeting of the officers of the 33rd Regiment held at Clinton on Thursday last for the purpose of reorgan . lung the old militia regiment. Bomb, Russell Coutts of St. Thomas returned last week and resumed his old position with the C. P. R. here. Mr. Coutts enlisted in the 15th Battery at Toronto on the 12th of January. 1915. In September of (became year. with his battery, he proceeded to France with the nd newly - formed secoCanadian division. In November, 19113, while operating on the Somme he ret-eived a shell splinter in knee the left which kept him in hospitals and convalescent hones in England tor over two years and finally was the cause of his being discharged from the army as "medically untit." His many Godench friends are glad to welcome him ball: al ter his four years of service. wie-ti Miss Gwendolin Colborne-, who has been a military nurse in France. arrived home on Monday evening after three years' service overseas. The nursing sister's life is one of hard, constant work rather than of excitement, but there was some of the latter element in Miss Col- borne's experience. which was supplied by the German airplanes which bombed the hospitals at Etaples, France, while she Was working there. She was able to see Paris and other parts of France on occasional "leaves," and after hostilities ceased she had a trip through a part of the devastated area of France and Bel- gium. including the Ypres district. She will remain in town for rorne time with her mother. Mrs. J. H. Colborne. CHURCH NOTES. The Rester srrvltrs in Knox church will lee tonluctel by the minister. 111 the wonting the subject will 1 "Itesurre•tlou, Question. and Certain- ties." In the eveaing the subject will IK "71w Hemmen-thin of the Ikely." The /welt Guild of St. George's chured w•dll,lts• at hums to thrlr.trlrnds 'rinurwhay terms'''. April 'lith, 4 to li ,.'.-folk-, and In the evening from R to 161. at the rectory. All are cordially Invite'. .\ silver collection will be taken. The pastor, Rev. J. H. Osterhout. B. A., B. D.. will have charge of the ser- vices pent Sunday morning and evening m Victoria street Methodite church. In- stallation at officers and teachers of the Sunday echo.,' at the morning service. Sunday school and Bible class at 3 o'clock. Those who attended the services in the Baptist church last Lord's Day enjoyed the addresses by the Rev. E. 0. Forde of Clinton. Next Lord's Day the pastor will speak on the theme "The Hard Way to Heaven," and "Ready for Heaven." Bible school at 3 p. m. and 13. Y. P. U. at 8 o'clock. Knox church adult Bible class, which was reorganized under the Forward Move- ment of the Presbyterian church some six months ago, and which has attained a membership of fifty-three, held a very en- joyable and sociable evening in the lecture room of the church on April 3, and on Sab- bath, 13th inst., appointed the following officers for the ensuing six months: Presi- dent, Mr. R. R. Ssllowe; .vice-president, Mrs. Egener: secretary -treasurer, Miss E. MacEwan: teacher, Mr. J P. Hume: organist, Mrs. R. H. Murray; social committee, Mrs. Eeener, Mrs. C. K Saunders, Mrs. J. S. Howrie, Mrs. Loynes and Mrs. A. G. McDonald: look -out committee, Messrs. W. MtCieath, G. J. S. Loynes and C. A. Nairn, Mrs. R. R. Sallows and Miss M. MacEwan. In order to deepen the interest of each member in building up a large class, so as to reach at least one hundred before October, the members have been divided into two groups. the Reds and the Blues, under the respective leadership of Mr.0 A. Nairn Last week Mr. Bert Cully, of Forest, arrived in town to assume charge of the hardware department of Mr, Fred Hunt's plumbing and hardware establishment, Mr. Cully has a war record of three and a -half -ears and wears a wound bar. He has had a long and varied experience in the hardware trade and Mr. Hunt's in- creasing business in this line will receive every care and attention from the new manager. Ede -rink' is headquarters for pure' ho •ulnae (-Rudy-the kind you like. "The Holy City" Monday Evening. Those who appreciate choral music are looking forward to the production of "The Holy 4'Ity" to be glvrn 1n Knox chnn•h 011 Al lay evening next by a chorus of sixty cokes, with done Ncdo- I,sts. A great deal of preparatory work has Ixr'n done muter the dlre-lloR Of Mr. F. T. Eviler. nod there shnldd In' a large Nndirnee•. Wats are only 2:e•. ''he production will ronuu,nce ut 1.15 u'clo k. Benefit the• Maple 1e'nf ('hapten, 1. O. D. E., by attending -ern' I (' Bock" at the Abr4•I Theatre, Wednes- day, April 30, MINI Tlmrwlny. May 1. Admission :tr cents. Murderer of Frank Williams lief% Away. Frank Ali '111I,nph. condemned to death for the murder of IA'te•tire Frank %%IIIiarns, ewspil from the Ja11 at Toronto Tuesday night or 11'eltws- day morning and w, far leas not hren non pt., red 11.' doped the (Toffee wWelt his gnarl Edw•a01 drank in the cell aid on well throngli rwu Mrs of the cell window. Mir victim. William., was leenser(y a God e - rich towaahlp boy. are to be given for each Sabgath attend- ance at the class of each. mertiber, one for each visitor, five for each new lady mem- ber and ten for each male member secured by each group. The losing side at the end of each quarter has to provide the' program for the social evening to be then held. The fortieth annlver'ary of Victoria 1 street 1lethoellot rhumb was celebrates on Sunday. Her. Henry Irvine, of Hamilton. a former pastor o1 twenty- two years ago, was the spehtI preacher for the dam' Large euugre- gatlo11s greeter' Mr. Irvine and enjoyed two very lutert'stlug and Instructive sermons. A special offering of $225 wets asked for and the congregation went lwyotsl the ohje•tive by plating it:tli on the plate. $214 In the Lamming; and Ikl(at lu the evening. Vkcturive street clung' IN to 1w congratulated on the very auctet'sful auutrersary. 'rite North street etnigregat iota with- drew their evening cervi a and at- tended the servile at Victoria street, Thr eongt•egttttonal meeting held the prevlowe Tuesday evening also was a dw idwl 41114'1.45 in every way. There NA a large attendance and everytow happy. The reports of the different departments of the chortle fur the past year erre very encouraging. especially the report of the treasurer. A good program was given by )lice's Million• Muteh, Talb, Jewell, Messrs. 4wattteld and Gree. and libel 1VIloui s (•1x5.4 of girls. Thr Ladies' Aid ovve.l refresh- leebits. WANTED-W'AR RI:('ORDS OF GODERICH OLD BO% 4, Mans families formerly residing in I:olerieh or In the vicinity and now living elsewhere have awna who hate 'wen olerseas helping In the big tight for world freedom. Their old friend* here would be glad to hear of three boys and to know what (Ise> have beru doing. and Thr Sigrnl invites anyone who knees the war reeord of any former resident of these parts to write a paragraph and weal 13 to un for pub- lication- 11 will he a valued and wel- come addition to the Ioeal history of the war. What a Good Rand Meana to a Town. lit stewking 11I.ellt 'studs, 141141 t..wn lands In tut rtlruhar, wv sometimes liens people carelessly Nay, -Wheat good Is a hand in a town. anyway"" Well, first take inventory of the fellow tt ho makes the remark. You may lint not son to allow the -illy question to go unanswered. lint regarding the re- work mune seriously. let ns say that it pool lent( Is nue of the 41Re•t useful things a town ur rotumnulty ten l isst•ss. It Is 11114' of the best nil Ver. a town can have. Emersion says sowethlug *Icon the world mak- ing n henten path. %Cell 11 KOae1 141,141 will wake all tdw rime's lending to the town beaten paths. evert though the town's •other sItractlu,s be not e•11ur- wons. Ewers' merchant is Iaea'fitteel by a Rood land. Many people folk• to town to *ttetae4 the delightful enter- tainments. Had they (-meld nr shopping with this pleasure. The promoters of buslua•ss atlal Utuuieipwnl enterprio•s al- ways there the xatisfaetkun cut kiw.wing fiat their edrk• de'muIstratlotw front I tttne to time win he an'tswnfttl. Mrause they ha a tlr't-.-lass ban' to lad Alto• any nal attract the crowd. The iliun•Itrs are provided with ur•hewtres and .Y1 -1S11 music' berm on Jinni - reran ry and Jubilee recessions. The social fres-nous of a comnmmdt>- are •4• •eitisfactory and de•ithrily more plensaot ler•atu.e untaiclau5 e11W0 to Huy or*•tlon5 are Just Mose by. A liaml, (C-itloostd of able players, 15 a tower cif strength to may town or sec- tion of tonin rr. It cnitirdtei the pub- lic ear to a 'sigh Chinn of unpile. and deem It right a your door, to.. Every enterprl,ing (•44(x,11 *111 booed the hand of his town wherever he gems,-l'au- ad114n 111.1141%MRn. OUNDRY'S SALE REGISTER. FRIDAY. April .O. -Auction sale of ``rade Dur• am cows and young cattle. by 1 A. NicboI,.m, at Lannen's hotel. Godench. N 2 o'clock sharp. SATURDAY. April 26. -Sale of hw oehild furnit- ure and furnishi ag.. by Mr. J. P Brown, eseculor of the estate of the late Mn. Charlotte Green, at the premises, Trafalgar street, Godnnch. at 2 o'clock p m. BOR fee- ---, FITTON.- In Goderich, on Saturday. Apel 5, to Mr. and Mn. J. Fitton, a daughter MARRIED: MCQUARRIE-NAIRN. - In Gorlench. on Wed- nesday, Aprilt'•, by Rev. H. C. Mcliermid, Athol McQuarne, d Toronto, to Mary . Delphine Nairn, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Nat. 5, of God:rich. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -April 1 7. Page Bull for Sale - Albert Mugford .... .... 1 Dalley Baking Powder 4 Card of Thanks -Mrs. Robert Mellwain 1 Special Optical Sale -Smith's Art Store . 1 Hose for Sale - M. W . !towel! 1 Eggafer Hatching -M. W. Howell.. .. . t Paint for Sale -M. W. Howell 1 Car for Sate - Thos E. Hutchinson .. t Boy Wanted -Caretaker Maitland CemeteryI Girl Nanted=Bell Telephone Co f Auction Sale --John A. Nicholson . 1 Auction Sale -Estate Mrs C. Green .... Boy Wanted --D. M. O'Brien.. • 1 Help Waned ---E. G Hachborn & Co,Toronto 1 BANK OFMONTREA ESTAet.ISR on OVER see YEARS The Farmer and His Bank should be on intimate and friendly terms. They can be mutually helpful. The Bank of Montreal is always glad to give to its customers, the benefit of its financial experience and knowledge. A. W.Strickland, Manager, Goderich Branch. dy