The Signal, 1919-3-27, Page 3. • lfs' • ^ •
. 11:;;, ,,,:, ,H,Ikk.i:,..L,Iiiippi,
ENNIEINN---116-4..1.-- we 7.71"--
Office workers should
ase Lifebuoy Soap
Think of the hundreds of
dusty, germ laden things you
must touchever! day.I Think
of the dealer to your skin
You aired the hest soap --
end inure - the hest disinfcct-
set You get both in
House the Department of Education
would receive the attention it. deserves.
Major Tolmie strongly advocated the
establishment of a Ministry ul Labor. He '
said: ''You will agree with me that every ,
man is entitled to life, to a little leisure, a
little treasure, and a little pleasure in
life, and it iti up to us to tar that the
The budget sclebate was concluded late laboring man gab Justice."
Mr. Z. Mageau, Liberal member for
on Thursday evening after the prevent- Sturgeon Falls, urged the Government to
ation of an amendment by the Opposition collect $1,500,000 till due in taxes from '
protesting against the character of the the nickel companies, and suggested that
financial statementof the Government. fuller provision should be made for agri.
cultural schools throughout the Province
The Liberate objected to the huge main- and less money expended on the O. A. C.
tenance charges on Government Howe. at Guelph. lie maintained that the sale
and specifically mentioned this matter in of liquor under the present s) stem is
their amendment. Over $21,000 was paid nothing but graft.
out for repairs and maintenance during Another Liberal member who is always
heard by the Houee is
the last financial yeai. The building, site OnWatheticallY
and lurniebings cost almopt $1,099000. Mr. S. Ducharme, of North Essex. Mr.
If the cost for maintenance* goine : to Ducharme is of French extraction, but
continue yearly at around 124,000 the speaks remarkably good Engli•h. and be
consider that the
pwiesi is used his considerable ability in defending
the farmers from the charge of profiteer-
Some fireworks were let off in the House
during the closing hours of debate when
Mr. Hartley Dewar, of Southwest Tor.
onto, introduced an amendment request-
ing the appouoment of a committee of the
House to investigate the accounts from
It-. heeling soothing oils sod
grateful Jisintect•ots thor-
uuthl y cleanse •nd disinter:
tartiouisety useful tor
bruises cuts, wind sores. etc
ib. eareena &Jeer n I t45.., •i •
•••• of on IM•t•clIo•
••••01111•• ••Ial•
Illikont FIRS
timely and well taken. Other matters
which the Liberals dreapproved of in their
amendment were the concealment of re -
crime under the heading of 'Casual
Revenue," as illustrated by the entries
made in respect of revenue received from
the sale of tractors. seed wheat,etc., which
Thursday, March 27, 1919.-3
should have come one the reerip
the Department of Agriculture. They1 I
,191— clown to date relating 10
IflS en -
also protested against the treatment of , forcement of the liquor law in Ontario.
Mr. Dewart's motion was thesequel to
receipts from the disposal of capital as-
sets, such as timber, as current receipts. an attack upon the Goverment in refer -
while at the same time treating the pay-
ence to the recent Homer liquor case,
capital account,
, where liquor WdS placed in the riding al
it bein
St Catharines dorm the recent bye -
apparent that those experchtures show
be paid out of current revenue. The cost
, of civil government also was deprecated.
' In 1906 it amounted to only $4214,000,
1 whilst during the year 1917-18 it reached
the huge sum of 11,013,000.
A number of membera on both sides of
the House contributed to the general dis-
cussion on the debate during the week
Amongst the Liberal speakers were F. W.
Hay of North Perl. Major ToIntie of
Windsor, Z. Mageau of Sturgeon Falk. S.
Ducharme oi North Essex and Mr. H H.
Dewart of Southwest Toronto.
Mr. Hay advised a thorough audit of
the finances of all chartered banks as a
protection to investors. He criticized the
Government's receipts in regard to seed
wheat. claiming that forty-five cents a
I had been lost on the Government's
Side. for The Sigual.
election there. The on. Mr. Lucas re-
pudiaSed the allegations of the member
from Southwest Toronto and challenged
him to make a formal charge upon his 1
responsibility as a member of the House.,
The amendment was kat upon a division '•
of the House. but the Prime Minister has
since announced that a judicial committee
will be appointed to investigate the
charges. .•
Upon the proposal for the third reading •
of the bill which woilld permit Mr. -J. A.
Elite ot the Railway and • unicipai Board
to act as Director of Municipal Affairs for
the purpose of controlling the rew housing
legislation. Mr. I'roudtoot. the leader oi
the Opposition, reiterated the rotests he ,
had made upon the prior readings of this
venture in purchasing this wheat for re- bill and moved an amendment to give the
sale. 1 bill a six months' hoist. hlr. Proudfoot's
Major Tolmie, of Windsor. congratul-Istond is against the principle of allowing
i sled the Government on adopting the , ainan holding a 114,000 position to -net a
Liberal party's poliy in regard to probi- , farther 12.00s by holding down two jobs
bition and woman suffrage, Major Tolmie ' The Government. however, forced the bill
is particularly interested in educati ,n and • through. ,
i hoped that now the Government hadl The Housing Hill itself has now passed
secured a Minister from outside of the ' through all three stages and, together
. : ' with the above-mentioned bia creating a
Director of Municipal Affairs, received
' royal assent. It now makes available
The Hopper
of a concrete mixer has a good appetite and a great
capacity at the top.
But all that goes into it must pass eall'ly through the
narrow outlet et the bottom. If the man on the job goes
away cod leaves the mixture to harden in dr- hopper
he gets fired—that's all.
And the mechine is put out cf wo:king order fcr a time.
It's easy for you to satisfy your appetite with food. But
if you neglect yourself, and the food waste e.,ies out.
hardens and stagnates in your lower bowel—if you be-
come constipated—your body machinery will ander; and
if you try to get rid of the mass y taking castor oil, pills,
salts, m:neralwaters, etc., to force the bowels to move,
you will only make matters worse.
You fire yourself for neglect. And you can't cure
constipation by forming the habit of taking medicine
every time you want your bowels to move. But you can
overcome the trouble by taking Nujol.
Nujol brings about the habit of easy. thorough bowel evacuation at
regular interval*, beceuee Nujol is not a drue.does not act Ike any drug.
Nujol brines about a return to Nature's methods by supplOng '
necessary lubr:cation of the Bowe I contents. by facilitating intestinal
muscular action. by *bombing poisonous matter, and thus securing
necesseary cleansing of the intestinal canal.
Nujol makes )0U regular el CIOCkWcsk— Use it, and you'll not have 10
worry about the size of your appetite or the C.biltty of your body
machine 19 get rid of dangerous food waste.
Get a bottle cf Nujol from your druggist today. and send for f -ee
booklet "Thirty Feet of Danger."
Warning: ik.:tittl!:°
abse11,:linonglIiel 71117ccil
Trade Mark Al all thuggish,. Insist on Nujol.
You may suffer from substitutes.
Nujol Laboratories
SO Broadway. New York
Nujol I .aboratories, Standard 01 Co. (New Jersey), Snilroadway.
,New York. Please send me free booklet "Thirty Feet of Danger"
1—constipation and auto -intoxication in adults.
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Woman Won
Recognition in
War ---Now She
Preparing for Peaee
gre , •• Women drove ambulances.. They nursed. They became cooks in
the army. They made munitions. They tended graves. They ran
‚5" telephone exchangeS. They did everything but actua, fighting—and
% NI at that they were the inspiration, the unfailing inspiration. of the fight-
.. I • • 4. ing men. .
and, even eIN t;•CY have. placed themselves upon a , pinnacle by their efforts in the
past, so will they rise to greater heights in the future.
n •
Women must be the balaee wheel (lurig ru
nthe Reconstction. Theirs must be the, hunil
- t stay the impatienee of men who, having returned from the active, strenuous days of the bAt-
tl fields, find it difficult to reconcile their past four years with the mundane routine of life.
• • •
So there was never a time When newspapers had so much to tell about women: never a
tim when womankind emild read in the day's despatches so much about .henielf. She has be-
schoentLrowortaensdonmtohree sinamtemitseids intraheenb.road questions of National Government, and in ()dant)
something like $10,000.000. of which the
Province : loans 12,000,000. and the
Federal Government about a -.01/0.00D,
for the building of houses costing not
more than $3.500 each, including land.
Major Tolmie. a Liberal member who has
been at the front, proposed a Government
grant of 1200 to a returned soldier. or the
widow or widowed mother of a returned
soldier. to enable either of them to pur-
chase a lot and so be able to avail them-
selves of a c ause which authorizes the
advance of the full cost of the house to
such a party. The Government ruled the!
motion out of order and did not adopt it,
and in consequence the soldier will have
to find the price of his lot before he can
take advantage of the Govarsoment
ing scheme.
The death of Hon. W. J. Hanna elicited
expressions of profound regret from both'
:the leader of the Government and the
1Oppodition. The House adjourned over 1
Friday until Monday out of respect to the
decease of the late Minister.
The Liberal leader has moved for a
return showing the expenseoot the recent
bye elections. particularly the r \prediture
I for the services of enumerators in eacb
, bye -election. He also desire. inf rmation
, as to the number of Crown land agents in , a
the districts of Muskoka and Parry Sound.1
their duties and what they are paid. 1
, e Mr. Sam. Carter, of Guelph. is inquir-
1 ing as to the number of separate prescrip-
tions lowed by physicians under the
U. T. A. legislation during ,he•wast year.
Re -Invest War Bond Interest in Will" -
Savings Stamps. ' -
Holders of Can dian war bonds in i
Canada will draw nearly Vi0.000.000 in'
interest this year. What will they do
with it' If they are wis : they will invest
la large portion of it in war savings stamps.
It is of the utmost importance to the
country that they should do so.
than lci8, p
000.4"rt,lahabldeyrs otf
• 10.000 were owners of Canadian gov-
ernment securities before the outbreak
of war. Ninety five per cent of them
had never invested in securities of any
' kind. The great majority probably were
not regular savers.
11 they do not re -invest in war savings
stamps at least a portion of their war
bonds interest, there is grave dancer
that they may he lost to the large army
of savers which it is desired to recruit in
Canada. This would be a misfortune
both to themselves and to the Dominion. '
The burdens following the war are Sol
heavy that no person can att:rrd to waste
money. Those who do so take a long
chance. Not only should people savel
but they should also put their saving into
a security of unquestioned value that will
nay well and they can get nothing better
than war savings stamps.
I 'tient —I want to sec for e divorce
and an sllowanee of %LOIN§ ii
lawyer --What is your Mishit tol'a
Client—It's Minot tits). I wmiliitit
ask for mon, than s lium imike.i. I'm
not that kind.
not merely Irt ,.ocial chronicle, but a mirror of what womett are aehieving.
Its trrty-one exclusive correspondents (including two women) tell of the work
of women th world over.
In midi 011. Vie Star publishes daily fashion hints; Bedtime Stories; for kiddies;
enon —kee`ping well" and "doing things." all of which interest both men •and
Every worlian should read her loeal newspaper because it tells with intimacy of
the people whom . he personally knows. But woman's place in the world's affairs 'de-
mands also a WO ,D NEWSPAPER --a paper which will bring her into "reading
touch" with things ar and near, as the telephone hes bro,ight lier into "speaking
totteh" with. those fr la whom she was onee isolated.
Women. eannot rend The. Toronto Daily Star for a short while without feelinit
that it is "the paper t ey need." The truth of this shown by the many women who,
*ending in a trial subsc 'ption for three months, renew their subscription for a ear be-
fore even the three mon hs expire. ,
Send your subserip ion in now. We will mail The Toronto Daily Star to you
tiltelt day at the following ate*: For 1 th, 25e. For :1 months, 75e. For ti months.
Iltls.. ' For 12 months. ticl.
Defects In the S)%teni Render it a Con-
stant Danger to Public Health.
MelialleP/4 frupi.•ntly bie•
(-nine temporizing meitaiii ea Expert
opinion ham atotertNi tint, and again
that the disinfection of a contamin-
ated water anpply by ehtiaine 41%ollid
IIPVPr he ilnpted as a permanent poney.
Inworeaa , every corn minor s ml lllll Id
earnestly endeavor to obtain ft pure
wooer supply, either dIreet1). or hy
means of filtration. 1 ntortunately,
howes et., many eentrem. having mei
adopted the chlorinated roster expedi•
ent, MY loth to provide a 'permanent
To lishers:
Tomtit Daily Star, Tot•onto:
Dear Sirs
Please nter me as a Ruh
Daily star f months-
enelosed sten' s or money ureter
Name and ail& .s in full . . .
Tiber to The Toronto
for whieli please find
pl... %NM. pininljIted ago,sitiAtter %Ir.. ar Kew.
system. In brief. it temporiring policy
Is adopted and i totiosist until 11111
alarm is sounded in the ahape of a
floerishing little onthreak of typhoid.
American engineers have been the
leading exponent% 01 t c1ioiin5t4l
method of treating wAter. It 1* het
names' to expect...therefore, that the
aygtem wonld be most high's perfected
in the United Fitatea. Neverthelette,
dnring the. pant few mord he, eerie% lieve
come to light there that Meliorate motile
of the Inherent defects of the method.
At mho/alike*. the offensive taste from
the chlotine in the water was intensified
hy the gas -house Waldel.l. Condition'
were !Inch that it was even angora ed to
revert back to the old nwthexl of 001-
vidual boiling of the water. Invitee(' of
sterilising at the pimping !dation. 'rhe
tnt ility of attempting to have every
citizen boil the water need for drinking
purposes ham long mince helm demon-
mtrated• The mold nerions aepect in
this instance, and one w bleb may nerve
as a warsisg to other places similarly
sitilatirii, is that an employee at the11
en ea pin g %tat ion. to w he in complaints
had been mule, eliminated the chlorine,
treat nolo; for a 12-lione petioil. As a
result tire main, became mica with'
contaminated water and there WPM an
increase( t •ohoirt incidence. Mil%1\111-
ker now t ving experiment, In n Ater
fittest ion and the conelmelons that will
be reached when these have been cote-
' pleteti are tieing *welted with keen
Intel -era.
At Xenia, Ohio, a small typhoid toad
tmic net, Riftrtra %/pent!), owing to the
inferior ititalit) ot the chlorine powder
mord la the water supply. There, to. a
movement is on foot to procure from
another femme water of a settee...chary
and sanitary quality. Such illustretionm
serve to show the result of teinportring
meaenres in matters relating to jintilic
heslth Itis a
t strangehatofco
of 0. greet community noodortime will
arrow it to demand civic reform.—
Conserved ion.