The Signal, 1919-3-13, Page 44 -Thursday, Mara% 13, 1919. 1 0iir•11.r•••0r111i'•0•0•••••••_ : BORSALINOE HATS : • ITALIAN] • • The greatest selling high • -grade Hat in Canada- • • • worth two of other makes. • • • Buy your Borsalino Hat early - the demand is • • greater than the supply. • • • Price $8.00 • • • • • • • YOUNG MEN See our new young men's models in Suits. We • • • have the new waist -line style; this is going to beIII • very papular this season. • • Suits made to special measure if you wish. • • •• •• • • WALTER C. PRIDHAM •Borsalino Hats • 20th Century Clothing • Phone 57 • ••••••••a•••• ••••••••••••• "In Flanders' Fidds" By Lt. -Col. John McCrae (of Guelph; Candia} and "In Flanders How" (an answer to Lt. -Col. John McCrae lH By Edna jacgties These healthful verses, hating for their background the land - serape. showing the crosses and red poppies -hand -colored -are very artistic, and appeal to all. Price 50c Smith's Art Store East St. Phone 198 SHEPPARDTON. , TR111 IQGNAL t'.tlt1 I)W. _ Wtrlls•adby, Mercb' 12. Mier Florence Young ept•ut Sunday iu G.slerl.•b. Mrs. M. Emanon, of Parry Sound to visiting her Iwr%uts, Mr. and Mrs. AUan tVU,wtt. Mr. Earner Silty, of Paisley, spent Sundry at Mrs. T. McPhee's. Miss Edith %V 11/1.11. of Stratford, was at Carlow for the weekend. Mr. nisi Mn. N. Johns. of Saskat- chewan, arnt visiting their daughter, Mfrs. Alden Allen. l►ur enterprising ten-lutut. Mr. Wm. Clayton of the arm of Clerk k Clayton. la oar a Nedra -tut trip to Stratford, St. Pants and Roalato.k. We wish hies the 1w,it or luck. Mr. McGillivray. of \Viuultwg. is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Jas. filen. horses are ehatigilgg Itremli very rapidly Just Isrw. !feels Young ex- changed three with Mt. lieu. Mesall one day this week. Null Mr. A. Wllreu purchased oto 41st week. Mr. frank WIh.ou has rt4nrrwd to his hour atter epeudlug the past uloutit In Northern outwit' visiting ,with tris relatites. A CHURN. N'k:DNk5D.1 Y. Mar 12. Mr. Chas Beadle and Mr. %Falter Pfeffer have their supply of ice har- cobted The --itiaens were surprised on Sun- day morning when they looked out and raw the ground atvered with a foot of suuw. which had fallen during the night Mr. W. B. Patterson i; busy tearing down the house purelta.•ttd from Mr. Herb. Goviett and hating the material drawn to the village. Miss Sadie Carter it with her uncle at Nile, who is very ill. Pte. A bent Bunking arrived by C.P.R. from Goderich The following is the school rep.irt tot Ion Turedaly woruing having been detained at Halifax by the worths of January and February finers. His many friends are pleased for union M. S. No. 11, order of and to see him Lome sate trout the scene of Colborne. Names in of merit. Ito 6p Thome marked by a star were absent ries ladles o�the Red Cross bociet) for three or lucre of the weekly tests: I packed In the library roumson Monday. Mr. IV. -(;race Eby, NY.7. Hector Tlgert 63 4. Harney $lpib' iii. resnIrllistviug Antabed their work. The Hawkins•, Tommy Bogle'. Hr. 111.- I Auburn Red Cross bas done a great Erwin Foster 70.6. Bertha natter el, I work during the last four grant and Laura Graham I Clirene Bryden JVroomaa i deserves the thanks of the whole cum• 1 111 ity' r OOD1RI011, 11■■11111.111llK■■■lirailiMi11111•ir■■11R■1RSSIIIIMION 1 11 1lt I4gdiia IChy. Sr. II. -Frank Vroowaa, I Lieut. D. W. Patterson lett for the Elmer Graham. Primer claw -Lloyd Brindley. Clayton Foster. Those having 10 or more perfects in spelling -Laura Graham. Grace Eby. Haney SlDlb Those with S or more perfects to arithmetic -Frank Vroo- man. Edna Eby. Present every day in February- Elmer Graham. CLEML.YTI%a A. E. Wit-Ltams, Teacher A HANDY THING to have aroll 01 the house is an Electric Heating Pad For all purposes for which a Hot-water Bag is used -and it can't leak. THE HYDRO STORE North side of Square Goderich Rent on Monday morning with the best wishes of many friends. Mr. 0 E. Brratt unloaded a oar of salt on Tuesday. )Jr. Herb. 5logrid4e receival a car of fertilizer on Monday for the farmers'. St:LX:RJA'FL:1, E\TERTAINIfENT - the concert given last Friday night under the auspices � oth Baptist the p a Sunday For Hats Take off the trimming when wiled and dip up and down in a bowl full of Lux suds --rich. copious. creamy. Never rub. Press out the water. Rinse carefully aInd stretch to I dry. Your fabrics will be fresh, clean and sheer as when new. The Lu s way mean. econ- omy is has things- it washes theirs splendidly. L IVU atOTn. OTN3 M . we. Lingerie 1 11 1 1l ■ 11 11 11 11 11 ■ 11 I1 11 1 1l e ■ ta Kinloss. Miss F. loynt returned home on Satur- day 11 day after speng a few months visiting intends at Hensel), Seaforth and other p oxnts. Miss Clara Woods. of G ielph, and Miss Mins, of Belgrave, were home uve; Sun- dayy 84 flees was no service in Calvin church last Sunday. on account of the illness of the preacher expected. Mr. Amos. of Palmerston. will preach next Sunday. Mrs. Darragh. of Lucknow, is spending a few days with her sister. Mrs. J. Smith. MEETING EETING -The West Huron Board of Agriculture held a meet- ingA at St. Helens on Thursday. Mr. Matlough. Reeve Bailie. Mr. Gavin Bar- bour, of Crosahill. Mr. S. B. Stothers, dis- trict representative. and Mrs. Thomas of 1 different widths. in white and cream, in Beamsville, were present. Mrs. -Thomas l l .'['idle and Georgette, at 90C and $I.25 school was a grand success There spoke to the ladies in the afternoon. Mr. was a splendid attendance. and the Feane Todd had some of his Galloway 1' per WEAK, WORRIED WOMEN excellent pr.>,traiu w&A beard with cattle on hand. and Mr. Jars. Durnin and 1 11 1 D.MIILARUSON Hours of Business 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. ANNOUNCING THE New Coats and Capes WE announce the advance showing of the latest New York styles in Coats and Capes for the coming season. The styles are entirely different from what has been shown for many seasons. The favored materials are Velours, Gabardines, Serges, Tricotines, etc., in colors of bark. castor, sand, navy and black. Prices range from $25.00 to $37.50 A Dress Special at $12.50 New Chamoisette Gloves $1 Silk -faced Poplin is the material in this attractive dress, in the newest style that is most becoming to misses and small women. 'n the following colors, cogen, sand. navy and black. Sins 16 to 20 years. Special $12.50. itiainty New Neckwear and Frills 1- For wearing with the new suits. The 1 spring Neckwear is really charming, and ■ we make special mention of the vestee Keffects. The new Frillings are in great 1 demand. They are accordion pleated. in great &ppreci t ton. 1 he program Mr. Foster had some good horses on ex - included instrumental duets by Mr. R. Irbil. A good Meeting was held in the 1 Hedmoed and M.s+ Winnie Howson; hall in the evening. when Mr. Harbour and 1 s vocal oleak by airs Fingland. Mien Ella Mn. Thomas spoke and Mr. Stothers Can Find New Health and Hoheiteton and Messrs. Elmer Robert- gave a moving-pit/ore show. A good x number were pet -writ at aach meeting. 1 Strength Through the Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. It is useless to tell a hard working woman to take hie easily and not to worry. To do so is to ask the almost impossible. But. at the same time. u u the duty of every woman to save her strength as much as possible: to a her i cares as lightly as may be, and to ib up her strength to meet any unusual de- mands. It Is a duty she owes herself and family, for her futur health may depend upon it. To guard against a complete breakdown in helth the mu, epi blood t be k rich red a and pure. No other medicine doss this so web as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Thi. medicine actually makes new, red blond, strengthens the nerves restores the appe- tite and keeps every' organ hehlthily toned son and Earl Wrghtman, and also a sweet silo by • new addition to our local talent. Mies Winnie Vanstone of Benmlller: and readings by Mies Young of Carlow and lines Rivers of Oode`ce� Addreemess were given by onr minietegt. and Mr. Uavkl Hawiltoa played a number of records on his Edison machine. The proceeds of the evening were pito. The members of the Sunday school wii.h to thank all Chase who were so kin.) in assisting in the program. NILE. WEDNESDAY, Mar. 5 PATRIOTIC Wow:. - The Patriotic League held its regular meetinglast wee). The work during the month oFebruat y has been in aid of Belgian relief. The sten of P17 has been raised by contribu- tion; front the people of this community and the ladies have done the seeing. A up Women cannot always rest when bale of clothing has been shipped to tt e they should. but they can keep their relief work headquarters and th. foIlow- strength and keep disease away by the • articles were sent: 23 children s occasional um of Dr. W'ilhams' f ink Pills. which have done more to lighten the cares of weak women than any other medicine. Among the many women who have reason to be thankful kw Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills is Mrs. Milan Bailey, L'ttereon. Ont., who says: "Two years ago 1 got weak and badly rundown, and ct,uld scar, ely do my housework. 1 grew so thin that my friends used to comment upon it. At that time my baby was sig months old and the care of it and my housework was almost too much for me. It was at this stage that my husband got me a supply of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and before 1 had been taking them long dresses :34.50; 23 sets of underwear. 114.15: 2 shirts for boys. 12; 5 pyjamas, 110; 24 pairs children's stockings, tM:fA; 30 pairs men's docks. $3 2 quilts. W. The Society is grateful to all who kindly co-operated in this work. KiNTAIL. TUESDAY. March 11. Miss Irene McDonald is visiting friends at Detroit. lilies Annie Macidurchy has gone to Toronto. where she intends to take a course of training in tate of the hospitals there. wecould see an improvement in my con- Mrs Rota has returned front Detroit. dition. For months I had not been sleep- ing well and my natural sleep returned and 1 wasn't so nervous. Then my friends began to comment upon my improved condition and tell me how much better I was ',looking. By the time 1 had taken six boxes 1 felt completely cur pl I ed and have Miss Loniss MacDonald. of Toronto, Visited her aunt. Mrs. D. MacLennan, last week. Mis es Ethel and Isabel Taylor haveon1 gone to etroit. Mr. Bain MacDonald is busy hauling DUNGANNON. MR. hf! F. WHYARD is the agent to THETHE'SIGNAL at Duneaanon. Orders left ort', 4s for sew lotions. advertisements or yob printing will receive plump' attention. Telephone (Godencb Rural) ria. the material for his nes barn. - since enjoyed the best of health. Now 1 The West Huron Board of Agriculture never fail to recommend Dr. Williams' held meetings here in the afternoon and Pink Fills when any of my friends are evening of Friday. March 7th. The ladies ai ing." were addressed by Mrs. Thomas, of You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a add : a class in judging of livestock from any dealer in medicine. or by mail I was directed by Dr. Reid. Addresses were at 50 cents a box or sox buttes for 12.50 also given by Mr. -S. 13. Stothe. s. district from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co , agricultural representative, and Messrs. I Brockville Ont. Goderich Board of Trade NOTICE The regular meeting of the Executive Council of the Board of Trade will be held on Monday evening, March lith, at 8 o'clock, in the Masonic 'Ifentp1e building. •This'ptomises to be a very interesting meeting, and, as there fink several important questions to conic up for consid- eration, every member should make a personal effort toile present on that occasion. 0. L. PARSONS, „er- G. E. COLBORN ii, Secretary President. March 1:t. 1919. Barbour and Bailey. ST. HELENS. TuEntAY, May 11. Mr. Jas. Hyde tock a business trip to London last week. Miss W. D. Rutherford spent the week- cameTThe heavies'ssnowfall gal and there was a end home.shovelling Miss Ethel Anderson is visiting friends busy time Sunday morning g Thos. G. Allen DUNGANNON Issuer of Marriage Licenses Conrnw,oner for Affidavits. etc.. and Conveyancer Wilk, Dash. Monaco, Awewnen.. e c . Grdvilr ..sc NJ and Maw Sw pl.ed fee Mona'.• AGENT FOR F,re. W,nd .rad L,H Inmarw n .M bew Compeer ant.. WEDi4AY, March The young people enjoyed a dance at came frightened and ran away. No dam- n' Mrs. ivers' last Friday evening and part age was done worth mu1tipl of. plfl� �p� WATER Signs of spring are multiplying. Crows tt1UUU1, "1 yard. There is no Glove just as suitable for general wear that we know of as these Chamoisette Gloves. They are Kayser make too. They are warm and soft and well fitting. they are also easily washed. In colors of grey. mastic, white or black. Special per pair $1.00. Blouses of Crepe de Chine and Georgette We are famed for Blouses and are often referred to as the Blouse shop. This season is no exception, our stock is better than ever. Blouses were never more popular than now. The styles are moat attractive. in Georgette, Crepe de Chine and Habutai Silks. Priced from $3.50 up. Our Mail Order Department is at your service McCaII Patterns and Publications Nemo Corsets 1 r astaxxxxXxx1[x1111xXXXIK/1K>rIK ixxxXxisiXxxxa 1111 ■ PHONE Si Millar's Scotch Sore'o� 'H % X 1$l•IO IIIIXXXXXXXXXX1K1KXXXXR/1RI[1K<1K1K)R1r1Klt•/XXXX IN 1 1 M • INX i • les ■ 11 ■ ■ ■ a a • ■ •• ■ 1/ • in■ "the beautiful." , of the Agrociat.on. An entertainment in the interes sof the; For this unprecedented success. the' public library will be given in the Agricul- I Association is indebted and desires to tura) Hall next Monday evening. There tender its thanks to the Lounc 1 of the will be instrumental and vocal music, I town of Goderich. Huron county counal. readings. speeches. and a mirthful play.! the businessmen of Goderich. and many "Mrs. Spodding's Nieces." and during the other friends who gave generous support. evening a presentation will be made to; lire Association owes a debt of gratitude the returned *Wien. Everybody go and I to The Goderich Signal and The Goderich have a good time and help a worthy Star for splendid service rendered -they etre. !both always had a good ward for the Mr. Harry Cluff is improving slowly 1 Poultry Associations after his illness The election of effacers and llrectors for n .r✓,rt -�.1. -.1.. r..ILw• Mrs. T. E. Durnin. Mr. Garrison a- Mr. Marvin Durnin, of Goderich. are here President --George Beacom. - -- ----- - today visiting Mrs. Dreany. 1st vice -president -Wren Sbrardoan• THE GODERICH MARKETS. There wax a little excitement here today _ - Taunos►. March II 2nd vice -president -John Webb. Secretary -treasurer -M. E. Lyrnburnev. Local directors -John S. Howrie, R. C. Postlethwaite. Wm. Doak, Thos. Bo.Aer, F. Woollcombe, Thos. Hoggarth, Frank Jeffrey. S. G. McKay. Sam. Sheardown. Hector Hays. John N,vins. H. 1'. Lash brook. all of Godetich. Refretentitive direct es Wm. Carter. Londesboro'; Thomas Bower. Wmgham: Walter Rose, Bruenehe W. J. Hamblyn. Clinton; Harry Edge, Ed. Daley. Seaforth: F. Smallacombe, Henan; W. 11. Dearing. J. H. Greive, Exeter. 12. when Mr. Gordon Congram �s horse be- of Saturday mornining. a dance in dieAgricultural Hall Thursday Horses are changing hands. Thornes 1 from our enold and su s goods, a get any length McLean sold and deliveredone this week. choose from; prices right. Pr.dham the Bat tem seat sad take gaits fig "di.Wiggins sold one last week and Thomas they require. Hundreds of samples to j Geo. Swan and Geo. Irwin held success- tailor. North street. Bentralisea acids - Vete avid in meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked; gat sluggish, The Yount Lathes' Patri:kic Club gave , are here and a groundhog has been seen. evening I Ladies may select any pattern they wish If KIDNEYS ER ache or Bladder troabls•- ful tales this week. Mr. Samuel Treleaven has bought Mr. Silib's house and intends moving into the village. Mr. Henry Thompson, of Kalamazoo. Mich.. was hare last week visiting Mn. Wm. Thompson. Messrs B. J. Crawford. Henry Ander- son and Herb. Caesar went to Goderich on Monday as jurors sir. J.'hn Hamlen is here from the West visiting his eister, Mrs. Samuel Pentland. It is eighteen years since Mr. Ilamlen was here before. Now that the G. T. P. has fallen back . on the Government's hands, with a prob- ability that the G. T. R. will follow suit, the issue of the text election. as far as Dungannon is concerned. will he a railway f r Dungannon. Politicians take noticed A CHILD MUST GROW A child cannot choose its period of growth. Nature attends to this with laws well-nigh inalterable. A child of retarded growth or feeble vitality needs and should have help to promote healthfulgrowth. SCOTT'S EMIJISIO abundant in nourishing substances that promote growth and strength, is invaluable in its help to a growing child. Scott's helps a child over the weak places. Scott's holes a backward child developItslsesM � bear a town.s s, rrs,tn. ,nit. Omooting money. Experience in talking about Wi- dens of dollars is different from deal- ing with concrete facts In reference to. those immense sums. It wu said recently that an expert cashier can count 4.000 silver dollars in as hour, or 322,000 in a day But to count would require his constant work. at that rate. day after day. for 102 years' Tunhe Industry. Nn manufacturing 1s carried on In Tunic except jhe soap -making indus- try. which Is dependent upon the olive -nil Industry: lone or two cam - nine establishments of little Report- anee and the native shoemakers, rug and textile weavers. aaddlemakers, etc. HAd Prrp•retl Proof. 'i (1011'1 believe you lore me:. pouted the preI1% maiden. "1 anti- cipated that remark,' cumin .hied the methodical youth. as he reached into a packet. "Here la an aMiaVlt, duly sworn to, which deposes that 1 do love you. ' A stITSOR!'l'L ?EAR • wheat. ewe Duals, ................ $ 114 tet 1.1* 1ht1.. per bo.h... .'A to w narley_ Der bosh lar 1.A, to Tlw H.irkwhewl psr ltgtla..... .m 1. r• lour. (rmilp. par owl S.0 to 5.75 klonr, glue ,1, per soul .% i to teb Hewn, per ton '1 m to cis Short.. p.r ton .. N 10 to ilea Har. e••w tea 15.1e1 io ire Straw, loss, pwtN e.sn to tier Dalry Hut ter, aselh ./2 u a Craarten Reiter per Ib tit to .b k,.. rrw h. pee jet Man a P,aatoon. our Loh 1.40 a is vattte, butch.r'.'chMee. perewt. win u to s C lett. An telt. a.' medlum.per cwt tear to 1r S H vt.. live weight, per ewe1715 to I7 Y Lampe ... 12.011 to hips Bwee, parte to .I' t. .is eaeeMt 1 �u to A« 1'c..., par h.uh - ache, awl feel like lumps of lead. The -- striae becomes eloudy; the bladder is irrl- '- I Acted, and you may be obliged to seek re. ; lief two or three. times during the sight When the kidneys clog yon must help I them flush off the body's urinous waste 'or you'll be • real sick person shortly. At nest yon feel a dull misery in the kid- ney region, you stiffer from backache, sick headache, dizziness. stomach gets sour, tongue coated and yon feel then. matic twinges when the weather is bad. Fit less meat, drink lots of water; also roe from any pharmacist fore ounces of ,tad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass o1 water before breakfast. ' for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, eembined with litbia, and has been used for generations to clean clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity, also to neutralise the settle in urine, eo it no longer is s sonree of Irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Rafts is inexpensive, eannot in- jure; makes a delightful effervescent IttAla water drink which everyone stoald take now and thea to keep the kidseya elate and metier. Druggists here aav they ae11 lots of .Tail Salta to folk.. Al he believe in es erenming kidney tru,.hl. ' t1. it 1a nate trontle. Huron Poultry Assowlalien ilolds Amos! Meeting. The Huron Poultry and Pet Stock As - incision has lust closed a very successful financial year. At the annual meeting. held in the munch chamber, Saturday evenkK. March eth. the treasurer's report Mewed a substantial balance, which, to - Rothe. with the Legttsiative grant for 191!4, now pending. will leave $70.01 in the 'treasury. which amount eerceeds the teal; lance of any previous year in the history For Good Reliable Shoe Repairs, try Smith & Ring JO Eire Sews. Opposite Know Church Give Us a Trial Footwear For Spring The season for spring footwear is here. in anticipation of the demand we are carry- ing a selection of Shoes that is so extensive that were sure we can pleas you if you'll only le us try. Come in and see what a variety of leathers and patterns we can show you in our store. -- REPAIRING - Geo. MacVicar North nide Square, (It -Klerk),