The Signal, 1919-3-13, Page 3In your soap, purity is not
only desirable but its an
absolute necessity if you
want your clothes to last.
Saslight Shap is aholeuly pore
—so Spon or .d.1terasts of .ay
kind 1 15000 of this.
washes .lathes beeetifupy ekes'
—fresh .s sew— without the -
eternal weer end tsar .f the
wash b..rd.
The propaeh new 114i.Iilg legisla-
tion of the Government uttade consider-
able strides in the Legislature durlug
the week, .144 I* 110m out of committer.
Several days may yet elapse before Ilse
measure receives royal a.w•ul. !lur-
ing the dismission of the bill appoint-
ing is Dlrejtor of Muulrlpl Affairs
who will eoitrol the adtuiuistratluu
of the housing legislation, .1r. Wm.
P1'oulltoot, the Liberal leader, strongly
objected to the rhtn.e permitting a
nwmlwr of the Ontario hallway and
Muuleftml Hsar.I to I' the D�rector of
Muuljpal Affairs. Mr. I'rs.y(Ifo of Mall
that 1w felt the position o(( a mrmlwr"
of the Itallway Hoard was suflkelently
Important for one luau. Hr also ob-
jected to the payment of two salaries.
1t is understood that Mr 1 1 Pills of
the Itailwily Ilford Is to be appointed
tie 1►Ire•tor of Municipal Affsh•s, and
111 the event of his (wing allowed t)
occupy the dual p sIlton lee w01114I be
entitled to a double s.Itry. "I don't It le In the public luterest that
he .1 141 Ise allowed to draw two
,ualarrlea," said Mr. ('1 Ift1d. The
Premier defended the Gove•nnuent'a
proposal on the grouts) of Ilse de•sir-
shilily of co-ordinating the work of
taw hallway Huard and Mtuticipal
('on%ers allve Attacks Liquor Polley.
The thrill of (he week ens caused
by the hotting of ('ol. H. A. I'. Machin,
l'oneer1•ative tneadwr for Ketiors. who
took the oppNortunity of tin debate ou
the "*litres- to depouac the uuturk.
Tempemtsr Act ■dal the pr7wIt Cosi-
serest ire Govrnanent. Tile spiv ker
Mated that iw was sorry that ile 41141
not support Hon. Mr. Rowell'« "abolish
11w Isar" measure It ft•w years ape.
That wan the proper thing to do; the
people In the I'rotin a had no use for
the liar. The 1'olulwl tu.iutained that
t11e Government should cauIwnsale
the liquor people who had been putt mit
of huskiest by the Outarb Tee►ulwr.tse
Act. " lie also sulttte•e'tel a system of
(utenlmeul vendors to veil liquor In
each municipality. Lie w:IN Issrish 1p
lila praise• of taw late lair Jsanes Whit-
ney and -strong lel his denulM•Iation of i
the present lirerst Goyenmw1'ut.
First Division in Two Semitone.
Tlw first division slay the M.eatk,n
of 1917 took place sharing the debate ;
on the speech from the Throne, when i
an amt•oahmrnt peel by Mr.
hrw•art, detnauehhlg a return to taw old
mtnlelial pnse'clurr for the prepara-
tion of voters' lists. watt voted down
by a straight party vote of :d( to 2.3.
Allan 14ludholuw, the Labor member
from Ifamlltm, supported the i.Ilwrsls. •
The two l'tiitd Farmers 11111 1101 1141'.
Mr. Itewart strongly elittclrel lbw
Government for Its method of handling
by- ele•tkw. t during the least /.,11(111' of ,
year.. Ile expressed curiosity- as to i
the propelled amensinl••uls 10 taw
Ontario Temperance Act. soil deplored
the fact that there was tis. prospect of
the uta' will wear tax (wing removed.
In regard 10 the war tax. however. tlw
Products! ts! Treasurer std,.. -1 iently In-
timated that the saute u..uld be dis-
loniti1111ei. •
The debate on the "address- was
couIpletel of 11'eelmeMday. anti 1100 the
Hous• w'111 .tittle down to tnt.hwss.
Iludget Figures. '
The ',adept brought 11u0-11 by the
I'ao1-Ineial Treasurer claims a surplus
of $I,WM1,719.1Ni, which he fibre ins by
deducting ordinary expenditures of
$17,44M,.404.05 from ordinary revenue
of *19,27(1,1:n.71. lie mel01.itad that
tlw Proyhse laa$Mr$Me1 1lgnid assns to
the vnitlr of $7 1,11.10.01M: %list Its total
,_...11ailllhtiee atnpuntO(I t0 1173,001,IMMi;
and that therefore 1114' net debt re-
tnained at only $4.I10,(N11. He esti-
mated the rest.ures of the Province at
ft*MMt,(MMI,IMMI• and the receipts and ex-
penditures for the coming year at
51x.1151.1111 and alri,INMn,INNI respect-
ively. Ti,.' most important nnlMnMc•-
me•nt In the speech was the elimination
of the Prollnc•1s1 wear 1414. Ata,tlwr
announcement n -ns that a brslleli of
the T. & N. 0. Hallway would 1w Milt
to Kirkland Lake, and that a truck
read would he constructed Into taw'
(Iowan oda dist Het. St • proposal
expenditures on capital aeetrnnt for taw
present year are as follows: al1.(NNI,-
O711t on Hydro -Electric, $S.twoo.(MMI for
highway construction (lin ivIoda I and
county), 03,0111,INN/ on housing. '1.1011.-
000 on the T. & N. O. hallway-. 52.4451,-
000 on Northern Ontario development,
and about $2,500,000 on public build-
A live session is fonwinitei by the
number of questions which ilia Liberal
Opposition Is placing itpnn the over
paper. The Inquiries include such
matters as the cost of foreromen.
11o11se, nk•keI, Hydro audit Ithis has
141114•' Morn brought down,. the. sale of
remain pulpwood limits. the non -
appointment df the general purchasing
oared authorized last session. the
amount collected under the Provincial
war tax, whether the+faekson Lumber
Company has wiled out its agreetne'ut
of 11112 In regard to settlers, with
reference to the expenditure of $42,151)
In connection with the employment of
Miners, the development of ele•trk•ai
pn+"- r on the French Itivrr. and the
coot of the Toronto -Hamilton highway.
An Important debate is likely to
arks' In the near future upon a motion
pr sante) by Mr. Nelson Parliament
(iAlwral mrmhrr'for Prince Edw•arl)
In regard to taw 'ewrkms shortage of
farm help In the Province.
Mr. lien. IMwman, rhttwe'n(ativr of
the I'niteh Farmers from Manitonlln,
made his maiden speck,' and created a
gaol Impreeewkln.
Mx. WIddifield from North llntario
was dining the week granted 11* right
to take his Meat.
Get your
Counter Check
at The Signal
New Head for C.P.R.
Demonstration Farms
Y b•irg aide to re-
cure the servt:ea
of Geerge H. Mut-
ton, R.S.A.. as Buten'
tnt.odent et Its Agri-
culture and Arirlal
Industry Branch, the
Canadian P•clfic
,Railway is :o be con-
g ratulated in finding
a wortby 101
10 Dr. J. 0. Ruther-
ford. who has been
appointed to a seat
on the Board of Rall -
way • ('mmnlsrloncrs
forCanada. Dr.
Rutherford. who baa
!man a prominent
S pur* In Itrestork
circles all over -the
onetinpat for many
years. has been bead
of tilt branch for
more than six years,
during which period
be earned the esteem
of tanners. stockmen
at:d others through-
out the country. and
many farmer. In
era Canada owe
a large ma,s.ire of enrr.s* to III.
spits and a••-letar.••r
R. t r. Ly hill His
_vs-- elf. !Br Hct- G. H. HUTTON.
i:...'i..: had air*fd ratite experience in Western Canada, and Sew men are
better informed thea he on the agricultural poalbilities of Western Can-
ada and particularly of Alberta. Since 19041 be has been In charge of the
I)onanlon Government's Experimental Station at i.acombe In Centel
Alberta, where his work. especially In connection with livestock. has been
of Ili,- 1;''molt value to farmers throughout the province and elsewhere in
-the t'^z:•4lpu Wet.
fir. Hutten Sas been consorted with farming so long that he does not
Tememt ^r when he Orel began. Hs Is a thoroughly practical farmer.
i)urtns his boyhood days he did those tasks which usually fall to the lot
of • bov brought up on the farm. Later he went to college attire be
ohtalne"l his R.R.A. drgr.'e.' in 1900. After operating a firm of his own
In Kesrrrn Canada for about six years, he went %Vest to take charge of the
(:ovcron:eat'* Experimental Station. which he 1s now leaving to take up
h'* aonnlntment with the Canadian Pacific. He Is known throughout
Western ('ans'a as one of tbe foremost agriculturists in the eouotry, and
his •.ti.Itlrs !:1 connection with the live stork industry may be gathered
trim torr fart that he Is preeldent. vlre•pres'dent or Inst president of six
different breeders ar*nriatlons. besides bottling numerous directorships.
Few men have done more than he In promoting mixed farming
en rig the farmer% of Central Alberta. This he bas done by shew•ing the
Immense noes'h!Il•lrs of the country and by proving In the practical man-
ner hew favorable the conditions are for the raising of live stock and
dairvin cent to Lacombe to operate the Government Experimental Farm
there tt tib a view to au'ertafn,ng and demoas'rsling the toilette% of grains,•
a•rasses fritts, and vegetables most suitable to local conditions. and the methods to employ tosecure moot economical results. be soon sew
111,1 If 'here was a treat and useful field 1n this work, them was also a
veru calonh'. ane In 1''. lire stock Indurtrt In all its phases. He arror4•
tnz'r *t.scostcd to tC: f,.t'artment of A.rtcnittere that the 'rrrk of the
w 's'ien nhre1.i Ir ;le.•6• eN• erlmentaticm with llvestork An addition to grates
end nther err!'* and aurret4144 In eonl•lneine the bend of tbe department
or ehw wolfs n! rho* *r•a;r*rlen. From tatiya'I beginning*. Mr. Hntton and
.,*OI*tar 'r '*y. bnl't ••p et Lacomhe the largest flocks and herds of any
t tt►wnori N' ration In r'anada. with the possible exception of the Central
y.,r••• it Ott:1''a.
The Infnrmaticn pale• d as a %cool% of Ile .vnerttnen'a rondurtod at
1 • ••one have been very irh'rble to ferment throughout Western Canada.
r . ..' • .'ror.•r "`r -• end milk reelection are all subjects that
I '•t ane.' erre•%:' .• r'nn. DurInd the !rot thrre yeah more that
t, r•, • , ho''*rt:d t K* h t• •• boon used on the farm in beets of varton* bree4s
t ns . rata which were the mm' .r•.eemfr*1 pork producers ander local
d ot.dlti. ns la • grant% tc-up ex;,eriment with sheep naw, being eendarted
p ore 'lines !Ore Sun !vet rites are Included. An entellert herd of
re **
torts ''e1' •'r.^ t •.n •.'n!''•' e4. and the trot^G•'tl
t'rl err t!Mt'•'r1 Fre',• the sale of lire atm•k, '''o f'aI t"3 a (*seeps:a
Tern'ne Into ,•11117 thousands of dollars annc"t'ty
I'r Nor'ma'l stork with the reran•" PaM9• '-t'1 (, ''c• -•R Iin.1
Nhrror to those aicne which he has previ-e•*1! 1. ills ne •
e!•lN•. "1'i the Ivper'lston M It. *!•sten• n' M'•ron*tr+ttaa farms
n.rnt.J by this comrany. at which **hien In W'r-3ero Ca**da may rut
e'•1•" "1°lot
1— -ell or the.'perf.ree of many Sec ' •• to t,•e host farming
n•erhot• 'n ant' Tey, thus (living the pew settler a (hence to avoid many of
f�. mtet tk.y nate to he nide he farmers o0r11ne 00111a century where
l Probably privets
rallwaror say other kind—fa a )roeetry has invent es IsrR11 a sem M
takes es great an interest is getting the !artmor started rilbt as Me the
('anadiaa Paelec Railway. and the oodetatmerat of a MPS of lar Hw'teee'a
Shinty and expeller..* to be the heed of fts Agriculture and Ante -11 Inde
outineL114k1110 tk t N ek 1$I 911011 !MOO es eastMnsM► . J .
To improve West Honig.
The ex'rnt11•r committee of the
West Huron Teacher*' A*sw•IatIon met
at Exeter, cm Itaturloy, the nth Inst..
to make prepantlone for the next
teacher*' ISsNtnte. it wail deckled to
hold the next convention In Exeter on
the Thnraday and Friday Immediately
preceding Tlwnkngiving Day. The De-
Mpartment will he rgn.ated to send t)r.
A. Stevenemi of London Nitrated as
lecturer to Me convertin.
A revolution was forwarded to the
DNldse Oeveresseet urging it se
Thursday, Dlareh 13, 1919.-3
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• • mdnths—for, which
make the prohibitory law perfect.
1t was .Iso deckled to cirri:divine
the treaters arab teacher% of thil in-
spreMrate offering • reward ft ten
(Milani to the neetkal that twill the ;
giratest Improvement in levelling and
eroding the ra•dskes, planting of
abode trims. Improving belMlng*, or-
chards, freer%. and in any other way
in whM% the beauty of the Inspect-
orate am well as the value d tbe
gsspaet► tory le emeasee. the cow
harp hope' that this will were read from Miners Nellie Meld of
g minim
greatly heti. +, - cease the beauty of (915(05, and M. 1.. Coleman of Varitn.
this 'intend', • • (y •
A spletalr' ; -Jam far the mat
c0nrention • , .ng prepared. The
following n.. • ; . of rite ronitalttee
were preens' is K, Ire •linoed, prv'*1-
dent. Deigryr;., ' , . H. Johnston. *e're- I
tory, /Omen ' o. Maness and Mien
Jean /ferrny,!tet; aid O. S. How-
ardt Dlankwatd. Lettere et everet
Ipeamer M tiat.Wty to M yestrsat
Clever Interviewer.
''Mies Paw is a very bright woman.
my Interview with her.
What did *he my ?"
r uthing "much. st&avmoved of Dmf was elle only sena 4e=e1
what i said —Beam T ipR, i &w� �'t spoiled by Ming littl�li
IIdle curiosity (sews a lot at maple IP
` Mvetflw r Tia Waal. It pays. i work ~Wee.
1 heir Training Helps.
"Ministers ought to make good evi•
"Why to r
•Aren't they already sky pilots. --Thu
Balthnin American.