The Signal, 1919-1-23, Page 8R Tfiniittla7, Jainary 'L't, 1916 How to Economise 11 you want to ECONOMISE. huy your Stationery School Supplies and Wall Paper roto us. Onr ,Mock is lel ge and uo to -date, which means remoter quality and "'cheaper prices. Waterman's Ideal Foun- laiu Pen, priced from $2 (dl up, fully guaranteed. Columbia Grafonol3., Records, Needles and Supplies. Coder,* f4.r+w. Gad. Cate - ROSS. -Mrs Wm. Trehle has receitei ! INTESTINAL word of the death of her tuece, Mrs. E. L. Roes. of Unity. Sask.. which occurred at that place December 23rd. The de- ceased was a daughter of the late lames Jewell of Goderich and was married early last year. The following is from a local paper: Before Mer marriage Mrs. Ross, then Lottie May Jewell. was on the F. R. MacMillan staff of Saskatoon. Sask.. for over four years. before making her home at Unity. At Unity she won the respect and admiration of the town by her on - tiring devotion to all things nuking for the beat interests of the commuoit). Stricken down by Spanish influenza. she aveptqt'nature birth to a child, a daugh- ter. 1 tierpneurnonta set in and this proved tap touch for her strength. The remains I were interred on Christmas Day at Pleas- ant View cemetery. Unity. Mrs. RAYS was a daughter of the late Mr. and M. James Jewell. of Goderich. Ont. Aa well as her husband. she leaves two rs, ' Mrs. Claude McNeill and Mise Jewell. and also two brothers. Herbert and Roy Jewell. all of Kenaston. Sask.. to mourn her lost. sTEvI:NS. --on Tuesday last. in the death of Mr. John Stevens. Col- borne township lost one of its oddest n•sldrnts. Thr 11ewus*1 10.111.1t10111 II land out Iwo in the last ut lwalth fur some tiuu•. but the immediate cause of death was .an attack Of pnattmonle. The hate Mr. Stevens was Iw,rn in e-eI- Is,rtw township in Initi. and was a son of the late .lolun Stevens, one of Uta township's ploiw. rs. (In Jaoiwry 1st. 1574. la was married to Mb.. al J. Allen and .r,nth.uel to reshie In hl,) native township until about fire years ago. wIwu is retired and came to Gu.lericli 40 llvr. lie -files for widow there is our son. William. of (cot urn e township. „awl one deugbtur. Mrs. Reuben Grigg. of Galerh-Ii township. Mrs. Wm. Treble. of Goderich. lir u sister. and ', brother. Satunel, re- sides in Saskatchewan. The 4 1141111141.1 was a member of the Methodist ehun•I, and in former years assisted the choirs of both the Bethel and '/.ion chnn•hrs. 1i��• was al.o u member of the 1'a11- adhau tinier of Foresters. which linter (Orbited at the funeral. The funeral took pian• from the residence of his soIt this IThttr'.luy1 atten.sai to Colborne et•m4U•ry. 114'KY. - For the second time in ten days death vh.it.I the laone of Mr. William I,r. ky on Siuuhty last. when Mrs. le -'..y passed away brow an shuck of pinPtimouta, following haffnepfu. The date Mrs.. Lemke. Ishose maiden natrw was Mary Ann ahirshnl, was born near Irnw•krttk in 1/445 and when quite young 1na,VP41 n. 1.1111011. whrne. she was residing OBITUARI . WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED SOME Clinical Thermometers Campbell's Drug Store Godericb Ont. ■ ���■lilr�r��NiK11[ ▪ SINGER x▪ � • STORE ■ IN ▪ We have now in stock a r LI new and good assortment N of white stamped lunch N cloths, trays, centres, scarfs - and pit% Cushions in pure M ■ Staten Also a new lot of re gowns, day'slips and child- • - ren's dresses and a numberMI M a of pretty stamped runners, ■ a tan cetltres and cushion's. . Qori►eeand see our tine N mi before making a choice. M 1� 1� MISS S. NOBLE N. 1st The Bathroom What a luxury is a nice bathroom itt your home! The cost is repaid many times over by the added comfort and convenience. Let us give you �ttces on fitting up a bathrdbm in your residence. FRED. HUNT "THE PLUMBER" Maetaton career Phone 13 Plumbing F.aveslroughing Heating Metal N'Vork ?u EMU PARALYSIS li frust -a -tires" Quickly Rellered This Chronic Usable MN6 Cert./woe Stearn, Moaratsez. "In my opiutes, no other medicine is so curative few Constipation and ladigeattion as'Frulta-t[ves'. 1 was a sufferer trona them com- plaints for five yeas „ sad my sedentary oceu pat ion, Al tssie, brought about a kind of 1sleate's! Paralvse's ; with waste 1fesds,-11es, belching gal, drowsiness after eating, and pain la the back. I was induced to tq 'Fruit-a-tivea' aed wow for six smooths 1 have been entirely well". A. ROSl3NBURG. 50e.abox, 6 for V2.50, trial slam 25e. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruits -Utes Limited, Ottawa. ▪ 00DZEOI, OW. ante charge for last year to suhacriben I ININN •• ININNIINNIIN ININNI 11111NINININ 11.111111011111111111111111 see ..e TIi E COLBORN E STORE "°`" was 113 and to renters 510. Mr. Arthur Fisher intimated his desire to; retire from the position of commissioner, and Mr. Geo Bean, jr., was elected in his stud. The other two commissioner were re- elected. and the board for thisear is therefore: John Linfield. John McLane and Geo. Bean. Jr Mr. J. N. Kernighan was re elected secretary -treasurer and Mr. O.R (J=un ster was appounted as the deleaale oft to ��MI Provincial co nventioo companies.I Eleven telephones were added to the lye- tem yetem last year and a new switchboard has been put in at the central office and the system is now in good shape when she was ntwrrlel thirty-five gars ago. tlr. ural Mrs. I..r•ky lived In Lortlou mild vicinity wall their rr- mural t0 (,,Mrleli 11 11401 right years ago acid have shad• resided on IJtielwr .•aroma Frbrun rc int h, w the Ura ugr street. 'rine.• molts were Toru to hall. lir. N. It. brothers of Clinton. alma: Joseph. whirr death mus h• - 'the comity agricultural representative, eonlel lust week : 1'Iwrive, of lkwlr- will 1•p pµes. ut on this iwo asiun to Rive rich. and 1't.il, of London. There are out addrts- illustrated with motion three sisters: alta H. Harlow, of till- gale tures from the IMpertment of 111111: )las. Jus. Fur. \'atavntrer: Mrs. . grit-rlturr.. All will la welcome at lie tresis lluea u, rill tutu bmthrrsc this unsling. 11 ▪ JANUARY SALE • CONTINUED ,. • t.O1►ERII'H ToW:sI +HSI'. N. Tuesday. Jan. 'Sint. . • John Yulll 1s ar.nud again after b•11gr .eat the Ark list for a weak. ,111 Sterol.' \Iuutguw 1y and Win. Wit aim an• again feeling flu• good of the flue weather after as couple of weeks xenon". illur.s of the fie. Miss Eta Cox has r.turu*d to her studies nt the 1'li School of Coup NINI niw•r.e after a couple of weeks. admen ve .911 111.0 fits. It101l11040 Iws NO prospered at Porter's Hill store that the proprietor, Hr. \\cut. \\'illlaws, has s* tire' the mi help of a young clerk. h11. wife !wing presented ilea with a sou yea Sunday Mlust eeting ('snitched. --awing to the 1111 continued epldrwlc of hidueniJt it tuts ■ been tit -4141'l by the executive atm-. mg mitt*• of the Farmers' /'Stub not to hold a me -ting of the Club this month. KW Tia next meeting will la o11 Mumla)• ■ 11r ,losrph 111111 TI,,m,ns Jlarslmll of Iwn- doa tow nsl.ip. 1'h• remains were taken to London by the 1'. I'. R. On Tuesday last anti Interment was made 111 the family plot in alt. l'Iessant cemetery. taro. G. 11. Sage. 1t. it.. who olik•tated at the w*Idltut of Mr. toad )lase Le ky, was present and tow ducted the futirral servitr. Serl.ian Relief M -I:WF.N.-I in Sit titrduy, January Carlow Uel 'rocs 1:lociety,,..$25 0(1 lah, after a short Ul110s0. there passed away at her residen.w. Montreal street. 4 athrrila Daisy Barton. wife of lire .I. J. M* I:weu. The d*cai:el. 0'410 was aged thirty -tilts years. '.a mouth and live days, was n ,angbter of the hate Mr. and Mrs. 4,. 1111141011. of Hawick township. and w:ns 114 11'11 1 1 1'nrnM•rry township. neer Wirytluuu. 1p11t*9it as short residence in Toruuto she resided in Turulterry until her marriage to Mr. McEwen six years agar. Since tooling to lire in Goderich she was . member of Knox Preshy- Fee Sleighao and Serbian Funds. The follow lug donwtiou. Imre Iaru made to the Brtglau Urplwtw' Relief Four : Ashdrhl motilin: Ald l'Iri•Ie...1 n 00 I'arlow lard Cross Society.... 25 SNI L,whurn Steil Cross Workers.. 15 IN) $74 (14* 1:. MAT 14T1►DI►ART. Treasitrl'r. PERSONAL MENTION. Miss Margary Moore. of Toronto. is visaing Mrs. C. A. Nairn. Mr Robt. J. Armstrong. of N ingham. is itt town for a few days this week. Mr, Jack Patterson. of Brantford. is taking a course at the School of Com coerce here. trrian church and was very highly Mr. S. E. Hick has returned to Toronto e.twnuel by a large thole of friends. to take the management of another drug - She was an enthusiastic member of store for a few months the Rebekah letlar and only rrcrntly We regret to report that Dr. H. L mss Int'tallel us Nolle (:runt) for the Strang has been seriously ill for several current term. Resides the Inisba11il• days, We trust he will soon be about two thildreu. aliwer. 4.,n,1di1u' and Pauline,. her nolther. the hrptliers and el.( sitters are left to mourn this sad Iw•reavemeut. The fit I.% are: James Parton. Howiek h.wtn+hip: Joseph Barton, Goderich; It. .1. Barton. Har- rlston: Mies I:wm•, Garton, iselawar,' Miss Jrsale Itlrrtun. Toronto ; Rev. W. H. Hartley, itelaware; John Hartley. \'ankle•k 11111:airs. Gilman-. St. Mary's: Mase luwrey and Mrs. Ed- wurds. Millbank: airs. \\'anion, 1'o - again. =Mrs. D. R. Witmer returned to her home at Detroit today after a visit of several weeks with her parents, Mr. and i Mrs. D. Stoddart. Mr. Gordon Drinkwalter and family. of I Lucknow, made a brief visit to town this week. Mr. Drinkwalter, who recently started in business at Lucknow. is estab- lishing a large and successful trade. Mr. W. L. McLaren. of Winnipeg. is few da s with his parents rondo. nearly all .d whom were prr.writ spending a y -at the fitneral. SI•rt Wes were held by Mr. and Mrs. Dan McLaren. Victoria Rev. It. C. N1c1)rrmld "n Monday last. street. Mr. McLaren is connected with II s who have branches at many points throughout bright little fellow of three years. is all Canada. and on Tuesday next he leaves ready for a good home. and will be worth for Prince Rupert, via the Canadian asking for. Four children have been tiiortltern"cR Pacific and will spend some madaiwards by magistrates two boys time on the Pacsinc coast in connection and two girls. one of the Later already with the firm's business there. It is three placed in a foster home. One child came ' years since his last visit to Goderich, and from Elul ett township. one from Morris I be notes considerable changes. and two from Gtderi _h town. The matron of the shelter. Miss Bentley. is Have You Started? making the best of everything. as is evi- dent by the comfort and happiness of the after w lhirl interment took place in lltirke & Son wholesale 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 )cwt er . Maitland cemetery, t'4'LOUGHLiN.-Thr Spanish in- Illtsensa (limed another victim in the person of >tlas Maymie O'Loughlin of Xabfield, t•lhhe•it child of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard (VJ.. iichlin The det•as.d was nn n visit to her unlit. alarearet O'Neil. of Goderteh. wheu she '-"0- tracted the dreaded disease, which earrlet1 her off in a few days. Like all other cases of this virulent type. it tattled all efforts of medical skill to save her life. She fell ill on New Tears limy and died at an early hour on Sunday morning, J:uan,ry r.th. in her twenty-tldrd year. The funeral was held from St. Jost-p1n's church. Ashfield. on Tuesday, January 4t31, at 10.10 a.m., the services befog eon - ducted by her uncle, Rey. M. P. O'Neil. of Parkhill, Ont. Besides her father and mother she leaves to mourn her loss her slater Bernetta. in tmt*ing iu St. Jcereph's hoapttal. (.1lutimdt, Ont.. Wilfred and Leonard at huase, and at Mount Carmel, tsnt. The funeral ILE: ens private. on atrount of tbe tpl- cent. comp ounded half -yearly. Very attractive offerings for this week's selling. Read over what we are will find real values in everything offered. advertising and y9u Although each month Corsets are advancing in price we ate for one week offering the follosving bargains. Every pair guaranteed to give perfect sathifaction. No. 254 -Back -laced Corset made of English coutil with four hose supporters. Has mediutu bust and is a perfect -fitting Corset in every way. Regular $1.50, on sale for one week only, at 11.25. No. 540 MARMOLA BELT. -This is a heavy medium -bust Corset suitable for stout and 'medium stout figure. Made from very heavy email and guaranteed in every way. Regnlat 53.00, for 112.50 for one week only. ' HAIR NETS We are selling Hair Nets at reduced price. These are Cap Nets made from real hair, and come iu colors black, medium and dark brown. Regular price 15c each. On sale at two for 18c. WHITE COTTONS 34 -inch white Cotton in a good weight, regular 25c, for 20c. 34-Mch white Cotton in a good weight, regular 30c. for 25c. 42 -inch circular Pillow Cotton, regular 60c, for 53c. 72 -inch white Sheeting, extra heavy weight, regular S5c, for 75c. CONGOLEUM RUGS This is a Rug for every room in the house, The colors are colorings used in Carpets, and the patterns are of the best of carpet designs. They come in all sizes and we can fit any room. For the coatiug week every Rug will be reduced in price. Come and see these Rugs and the bar- gains we are offering in them. LADIES' WAISTS Just a ver y few Georgette, Crepe de Chine and Voile Waists left, and they mnst be cleared, so we are marking them at prices th at will carry them off quickly. There is a real bargain in every Waist. MONARCH FLOSS This wonderful Yarn for knitting sweater coats is carried by us in all the wanted shades, and can be had at 39c a ball. The stori closes every Saturday evening at 9 o'clock. Shop early and help us carry out this plan. ' Corsets J. H. COLBORNE Standard Patterns. HELPING THE CHILDREN. The Stielter Recently Opened Is Akeade Proving its Usefulzoos The business transacted at She tsgu- lar meeting of the Children's AM Society for Huron county on Tuesday of last week (being the first meeting held since the openine of the new shelter) included many items of public interest. and already the benefit of the new home is I very evident. Since the opening etght children have been received. five girls and three boys; two children have been placed in foster homes, ,and the others I are still in the shelter. One of these, a Ha‘e you started to; use war savings children, and any contributions to the and thrift stange? If not, you should 11 be 11 applied do so at once. All should save wittier tang, it matters not what their mrning poser may be. To argue this point is hardly If Canadians do not save from now on • • • • It NC aillIMNININNHEINSINNUNEINNINININUNDIENNta : The Hydro Office and Store • following contributions are . grate- I tiiiy acknowledged since last meeting: R. I Harding. Howick. f2: Miss Lottie Bent- I and Mrs D. Millar. SI each: Mrs. Wm. it will not be through lack of a system Coats. $5; Mrs. A. Halliday, basket of North Side of Square Electric Heating Pad NI ili A most convenient X article in time of • sickness. a Irons. Toasters. Grills, Vacuum Cleaners, Heaters, etc. it i Use "Hydro" loops See the Electric Washing Nadas X II W. & L. Commission ii II IN illamISIMININSINanisSINININIENUNINININSIN • • that makes saving easy. Nothing could app'es, jar of fruit andaickles: Mrs. J. , plan. Pour dollars buys a war savings Mrs. Dr. Strang. children's nightdresses: stamp, for which the Government will mee. E. wiee. appees, nut., candy, I pay 85.00 in 1924. Twenty-five cents tea and sardines; Mrs. A. D. McLean and buys a thtift stamp. sixteen of which may Mrs. Beattie, clothing; Knox church I be exchanged for a war savings stamp- Pastor's Aid. clothing fora woman; Mrs. I Could anything be easier? This form ot saving is also profitable. paying 41i per be bttter than the war savings stamp Jenkins beans; Mrs J. itchell, peanuts: HOCKEY BOOTS ' AND a Buckskin Moccasins Fiefore-}our size is gone have a look at our complete range of Hockey Boots,;;Moccasins. Shoe Packs, Felts and winter Ruhber Footwear. We can:interest you both in quality and prices 110111 il• raging lit the time. Mr. and Iternetta HMI t 1141W V1,01101 10 were the only relatives pet -tient from • ont of town. After letivIne the white school MP yttile 1. I AMOrl din Mina 111441 home heisting her parents on the farm. only leaving them for an 1 11111- $1011111 111 111011ft 111'r riP11111/1. She was of a rpry bright and sunny but retiring disposition and tery naturany elie WS% the pride find the Joy of her I iod took her to betno• tots There is a reason why you should buy at home. --THINK IT OVER. fainih !alive the deep sympathy it( w hole coninitinit in their PSI! berm'. vement of tow. so young sand KINGSBRIDGE. Mostroor. Jan. 20. VicauGeneral O'Connor. of London, spent a few days visiting Rev. Father we are pleased to state Father Dean is recovering nicely from an attack of in- fluenza. Quite a number in this vicinity are still suffering fmm thisdiseaae. Miss Carrie McCann. of Dungannon. is visiting her sister, Mre J. O'Neil. Mies Lassie O'Connor, of Detroit. is vi. tong at her home here. Engineer T. O'Connor arrtved home to spend the sinter svith his parent•, after another succrs/Aul imam on the lakes. sailing on the steamer Wolfe. We are always pleased to fee Tom around again. Monerleff postoince, in (trey town- ship, is to be closed. LGIFIOR NE WF/30fItSDAT. Jan. 22 lite auntie! meeting of the Colborne MunicipalTelephoor System was held in the township hall on Tuesday. Ttore wee a fair attendance of etibicrihers. The auditor. Mr. T. S. Hamilton. repotted a balance ou hand of Iran. The mainten- Glover. 8 pounds fresh pork. . J. Irwin, Wingham. f10; Clinton town. 1110: Exeter. 810: Hensel!, 9$; Hay township. 810: Seaforth town, $10; Grey township, 810. A new sewing machine has been inMalled as a necessary in work. and a • Take Peps at Once! Peps will eafegusrd you against mere serious •Iiments of which "sore throat" lo Usually just the beginning. By keeping a box of P'eps on hand. therefore, you can avoid much unnecessary suffering and needless expense. Pep. P1.441114.4. dissolved on the tongue. throw off a medicinal Pine •spor. which is such a powerful disinfectant that it de- stroys all germs and prevents the soreness - spreading. At the same time the healing - quality of the vapor soothes the Inflamed membranes and soon brings relief. Peps pro equally beneficial for laryng- itis, a ath ma, bronchitis, coughs •nd colds. Ail dealers or Pepe Co.. Toroato. See. box. 3 fur ELEC. 1 E S • musical instrument, either piano or organ, • would be a most acceptable donation. the , matron being able to interest and enter- , UM the children. Foster homes are wanted for small boys, also for a baby boy. and for a healthy baby girl one year old and one about ta•o months old. It would be impossible even to men- tion, not to go into details. the separate cases dealt with at thit meeting. Some of them are pitiable and sad. and one almost revolting, and all show the great need of this charitable and soul - saving work. If the casew which have been dealt with in the past fwe years alone, arising in this county. were simply classified and described. they would be a surprise and a revelation to the people of Huron. Probably every municipality in the county has furnished one or more of these cases. and the needs of the work will doubtless continue. But if. to offset this. a het of the children and their pres- ent conditions and proapects were given. the value and benefits of this method of dealing with unfortunate and neglected children would be demonstrated in a de - hateful manner. Any person who would like to help in this worthy cause should send his (or her) contribution to either the treasurer or the county agent, Goderich, or if wanting 'information. write the agent, Mr. G. M. Elliott. Goderich. The Signal can Aare yon moles on your daily paper See the .11.1.1.Ing 011 tinge 7 of this issue. THE (300ER1014 MARKETS. For Good Reliable Shoe Repairs, try Smith &Ring 30 East Street. Opposite Knox Church Give t a Trial Wheat. per boah 0 VA to 111.06 Brae,. per trot 1114.00 40 40.00 Rai. ter top 11.11 to 14.0 Pinter. loom. pee tne fart ts a.110 Vont. Ma, nem' elegem pee eel- 10 00 to 110 botcher.' ingelltarn.por owt Y.0010 10.0 PROGRAM Week coeunencing January 27tia, Monday and Tuesday ANN PENNINGTON, in "SUNSHINE NAN" Wednesday aid Thursday "THE SILENT MAN" Thomas H. Ince presents ENID BENNET, in "The Biggest Show on Earth" "The Biggest Show on Earth" has everything except 11m pink lemonade