The Signal, 1918-10-31, Page 517. weirwr .0•8118Par1e1eareeMMIIMMISPRes • THE SIGNAL - GODERICH ONTARIO 444. ,1444" Tamisp AY, Otee 31, 191i 5 in./.../01••••••~401101..1011.•••••••••~1, For Storage Batteries and Battery Supplies ' you cannot do better than come to East Street Garage "°wIleaPtaaactIcaltatek iY a GODEIUCH - - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover Building for the Future A generous response to the Victory Loan will mean national security. It will prove to the world that Canadians have confidence in their own future. BliTY Victory Bonds J. J. McEWEN 'Phone 46 - - Goderich Canada Food Board license No -1St; TEA We are over -stocked with Tea, having what we purchased from Mr,. Hern, and also what we had in the Kingston St. store. These Teas were bought at a specially low price: and we are going to give you the benefit. Saturday and Monday Nov. 2nd and 4th 4 lbs. Black Ces lon. IlUc a lb., for 5 lbs. Spbcial Kew! Black. 50c a lb.. for 82 110 Japan Tea, lillc a lb., for Robertson & Mair P110116 164 Cor. klainlifart Si. and Square Canada Feed lasanir locense No. 8- 2s49 6.111 The Pictures 1 1 1 you are planning to send to that Soldier of yours -- they must soon be on the way if you would make sure that he has them to gladden his heart Christmas morning. on J. T. FELL LOCAL TOPICS To Reopen Next Monday. The Clinton School of Commerce wilt reopen on Monday next. November 41h. Ned Cross Annual Meeting. The annual mftting of the God. -rich branch of the Red Cro,s Society wiii be hem in the jurv room ,ff the crrirt bus.- in Thfirsday. November 7th. at s p. m. All intereeted are invited to attend. Savings of School Pupils. 'Ascording• tn information handed out from the head effice of the Penny Bank of Canada. there is a total amount of $1.44098 vs the credit of the school chil- dren 01 Goderich who are depot -etc -es in the institution. Centra; ,,choot has 129 depositors. v. ith an aggregate of $4e0 49. and Voctowia school ha. 215 drpursiterse ith e1.000.39. New Manaser of Sterling Bank. Mr. G. J S. li,vnes. Kane tune ago manager of the Sterio4 Rank at Dungan- non. but latterl on the head either staff. has been appointed manager of the locel branch. witn supervisien over the six branches in this district. Mr. L.oynee. is already well ervesn to manj people in Godench and vicinity as he has acted as rel eving manager here on several us: casems. Fie expects to ewer his family to town shortly. The Loan Campaign. The Victors 'flan campaign in Gneetich as ushered in at o'clock Monday m rr - ing with a great noise of bell -ringing and whistle -blowing. The caneaseers have met with good success so far. and it is cronfidently expected that Goderich will win its honor dag by fully subect ibing its quota. Up to this (Thursday; evening the amount subscribed in Huron county eas $141.750 • For Prisoners of War. ' The to/hating subscniaions for the prisoners 04 iivir are a:I,n evledged: North street 111sthodist church. ..$ 11 10 Baptist church 3 6S .... ..... Mrs. J. G. Standart 10 00 hliss Etall . . . .. .. . 2 00 Mrs. liutchinsnn (by sale sof se eaters. etc. i `Si3 00 . $ .12 •75 tut it now field ol tab. Ttie (...aptaiu a member of the Ministerial Association and it was intepded to have a united meeting on -Sunday -evening next, iv, charge of the Ministerial Associatien, to bid farewell to him, but owing to the orders of the board of health this will be impossible. Captain and Mrs. Fox. leave Goderich with the hear ty good wishes of U. and the earnest prayers of many to whom they have ministered, tor their f uture welfare and bleseing. Helping the Loan. Giderich merchants are showing their heart} gixidwill towards the a'ictory loan by giving generously of their newspaper advertising space to the subject. as a per- usal of thii issne of The.Stgnal will show. eleestee Acheseen as Son. whe-se change of ad. was received too late for this issue, also added• th.br voice to the chorus in endorsat ion of The 1 an. To Enlarge Salt Business. There is good prospect of a large de• velopment of the salt business carried son here at the North American Chemical Co. plant. -Some time ago an improved plant, o t6e acipm system. was installed, and a was planned to increase the output largely. but the death of the leading spirit in the project dtslocated the plans and. although the plant has been in operation nght along. nothing on a largescale has betn attempted, and the concern is in iquidation. The pro- ject again seems to be taktng sham. Rep- resentativ ot the liquidators. from Tor- onto. sere in tosti on Monday and met thr water and light commission with a view to arrangtng for the large supply of ater needed for the isperathn of the plant. Whether it iy the same company'. or a new company. that is behind the present movement has not been made known. Doing Her elite airs. McFa yen. dauehter of Mr. A. el. Polles• ot wen. is lending her cap- able assistance tu the Red Crbss workers Of Toledo. Ohio. A Red Cross ware• hoo-e has been established in that. city. to which contrihistors bring all sorts of articles. to br sold :or the beneilt of the Red Ct•ase funds. Tas Ness - heumatism.. is Uric Acid in the blood. Unhealthy kiviiley% life the cause of 11i.... acid hciiig there. If the kidacyr rated as they should they would strain the Uric Acid out of the bytdent oJ rlicrimi- 101/11 W061411.11 VCCur. Ft!ii•ii- matistn is a kiiilney II)i•- ease. Ilmtirs Eislaey Fitiq have made a greittgart cf timir reputation C Rheumattpm. So get at the cause of those fear(.1 shooting pains and sod, aching joints. There is but one sure way. - THE LADSINKHAKI.' Dodd's Kidney Pills BENM1LLER. WEDNESDAY. (kt. klth. On Thursday evening a number of people of Benmiller church and commun- ity met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oke. in honor of their daughter Ella. on the eve of her marriage. After presenting her with a silver cabinet. the company spsnt the evening in social en- joyment. School has been closed during the past two weeks owing to the illness of mu teacher. Miss Dyer. We are glad to learn that she is improving in health. The -heartfelt sympathy of the commun- ity is extended 10 Mrs. Robt. Thompeon and family in their recent b!reavement. Mr. Thompson died of ;serum mia on Bee has the folliAy refeience to Mrs. MyFadyen's sharehn the. ,Aork: - Tuesday morning last. -My husband works at the nitrate J Mr. William Hill is hem, this week plant. He doesn't some Willie at noon. from Fladlingtore Ont.. where he and his 11 n't have a thing t di' 1 c sew SOD. Hugh, have a sawmilling business. and I can t knit. Ail Fve ever with a thousand acres of land. They ex- dene is paint. Is there anything .1 can Pineigiwtitneritget. out quite a large cut the com- do for you?' With this int. (Auction Mrs. H. Mc- Next Sunday the quarterly communion Fais'en. 3134 Tatin ave., begged the !service of Benmiller circuit will he held at Bethel church. commencing at 10.30 a. m In the evening a special men's service will be held at Zion church. The official board meetin r will be held at Benmiller in the earehous.e. on Tuesday evening at S p. m.. F ortani daj•s Mrs. aleFelyen has been I • FEAri - OKE. -River View Farm. the -pising the brush on tugh-cheirs. rocking i residence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles horses and tea tables. She starts at 9 in Oke. Colbcrne township, was the the mornhit and dorsat tal.e. spron . scene of a very pretty event on off until 4. I Sa turday. October 2601. when theor Can I spend all my time here?" she daughter Ella Mildred was oinited in mar - asked at the end of the first des. I riage to Pte. George W. Feagan, ves of Heads of the Red Cross are enthusias- Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Feegan. At 11 o'clock tic over the artistic pieces Mrs McFad- the bridal couple. who were unattended, en turns out. tool: ths ' -lace under an evergreen arch Organist of Knox Church. • while th. ohengrin wedding march was Red Cross to use her. • Mrs Ham Bag- gier in the (Slice of the Red Cross ware- house. thought of the stack- of weather- beaten and scratched furnotire upstairs ' played by Miss Lucy Feagan. sister of the Mr. Frederic T. Egener: late el De- groom. The bride was becomingly at- tired in a beautiful gown of white crepe de chine and carried a lovely bouquet of Ophelia roses. After the ceremony, whit's was performed by Rev. P S. Banes of Benmiller in the presence of the immed- iate relatives. the guests sat down to sumptuous dinner. The happy couple left on the 1.45 p. m train for Toronto and other points. Many useful and beautiful presents testred to the high esteem in which the bride is held. the groom esent being a silk -plush coat' trimmed with beaverette. The best trofie is the nee srganist and cheirmaster of Knox churce, the engazement com- mencing at once. The position has been vacant since Me Tayloe t f.,rnyte ganist. erlt to Brantford. Mr. Egener is j sell kno‘en in Gaderich. this town having ' been for some years his home. and Mrs. ' Egener is a furmer Godench girl: so that tooth are coming back home and are heartily selcome. Mr. Ege er has Eels' a number,( imp etant rettons. as organ- ist and choirmaster uf Zion Presbyterian church. Brantford; organist and choir- master of Cealmers. Preebjterian church and principal of the Conseishesof the community follow the young e vatory of --' Music. Woodstock: organist and choir - coup le m their wedded life. master of St. James Anglican church, In- I gersell: concert organist fur the Marcus - ',new Theatre Corporation. New York Cay. and latterl% in a similar capacity f ,r the Regent Theatre Company, De- troit. Mr. Egener poeteessee an excellent baritone voice and in 1900 was awarded the s.erior honor singing diploma of the 1. nivetsity of Toronto. and during the present year received .from the Potomac University. of Washington. D. C., the. - bachelor of music degree. He is a mem - bet of the American, Guild of Organists. New York City. Mr. and . airs. Egener and their two youeig sone are alrealy in town. and Mr. Eiseuer is arraneing classes in pipe organ. piano: voice culture. etc. Leaving Ciodcrich. Capt. and Mrs. Fox. of the Salvation Armv. alter ten %ears of earnest working kw the cause of God and right in Gnde- rich, are receiving a change of appoint- ment and will be leaving town next week Sul t or vercoa tlirIctithigroPiereiebh,it,.1? Icu.pht,,iielt,v). arco.tilsj i. tians and even the non-chutchgoer. the keynote of the whole being thatof evan- gelism and the spiritual uplittorceligious life. Professor Kilpatick is fine`.01 the great leaders of the Presbyterian church. and is everywhere recognized as a POwer- ful and eloquent Gospel preacher, whO\ is alway, heard with profit and del.ght. kris messages. and indeed this series.of services,\ should be especially appreciated at this time of puhlic aniciety end stress. The seesion of Knox church are making every arrangement for the success of these meetings and have sent cordial invita- tions to the .congregations adjacent to -Goderich, as well as to those in tewn. to attend and share in the epiritual benefits which are prayerfully anticipated. If the ban on public gatherings is lifted this week. a senes of prayer meetings for the spiritual success of these services e ill be held in Knox church next week. of ehich it is hoped to be able to make Cefinite announcement at the regular terse -es oni Sunday nest. WE HAVE THE BEST $25.00 Er Pr Prof. Kinsatricies Coming Visit. From 9unda%. November 10. to Sun- day. Novetuber 17. including the inter - venire week 'nights. will be devoted to a ser.ee of special services en Knox church which should Make it a red-letter week in the hiStory the.coneregation. and have a decided influence' on the relieioui lifs of Goderich. l'rof. `Kilpatrick. of Knox College. has beerisseced Ir these meet - hue hich are arrafleed in connectien • e ith the Forward ateve'etecnht olruceuinraTda (MADE TO YOUR MEASURE) IN CANADA TODAY Lower or higher quality goods if you want them se•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Medium Price is Good Enough UNTIL THE WAR IS OVER • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••41••••••••••••••••••••••• PICK YOUR OWN CLOTH We will do the rest Mr. M. G. Cameron. K. C.. is confined to his home by an attack of pneijmonla This morning he was reported as some. what improved. You know what that means Lieut. VI illiare Proudfoot. who hns been visiting Capt. Snotheran at Lindsaj. has been taken d ,an with pneumonia. ard his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Proudfoot have gone to Lindsay to be with him. Mr. and MDR. Chas. E. Bowden. Of Toronto. are visiting the former's fa' her, Mr. W. S. Bowden. secretary of the Bneri f Trade. this week. Mrs. B ostler, who was ((innerly Miss MacVartell. was for atinw, some years ago. On the staff of Round the corner therroderick Collegiate Institute. PRIDHAM THE TAILOR •"0!XSorth Street THE HOME OF GOOD GLASSES • IS t _ 44r4A110 Mimi „ MKT /11.111fitisT Prow MIK oGiat.t.Pm. or.x.; 'Where Poor Eyes and Good Glasses Meet. Everyone Should Drink Hot Water in the Morning. Wash away all the stomach. liver, and bowel poison* before breakfast. iloatinued iron 'Age I. early days of 1915. He won his coniniis- sion in the field end *as promoted to be Iieutenant. Suffering from shell -shock. he was granted sick leave and spent a few weeks in Montreal. Ile then re- terned overseas and resumed his military duties. Ile has been in many heavy babies since, and on one occasion it fell to Isis lot to take full charge of the de- tachment he wa, fighting with. after all the other officers had been nut out of ac- tion, either killed or %sounded. He was promoted to be captain in September of this year. Captain Brewer was formerly on (he • business staff of The Montreal Star. No further weed has yet (leen received of Pte. Robert F. ()art, who lee, week as reported seriously 111 at Boulogne, France, 'following the amputation of his lelt arm. His parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Clark, are anxiously awaiting further news, as are also the many friends of the young soldier. "Bob," enlisted in Augusi. To feel your best day in and day out, to feel clean inside; no sour bile to coat your tongue and sicken your breath or dull your head; ao oonstips. bilious attacks, sick beadache, Mids, rheumatism or gassy, acid stom. ach, you must bathe on the Inside like you bathe outside. This la vastly more important, because the skin pores do not &Writ impurities Into the blood. while the bowel pores do, says a well- known physician. To keep these poisons and toxins well Bushed from the stomach, IIVPV, kidneys and bowels, drink before break - hurt each day, a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful rif limestone phos- phate In it. Thie will cleanse, purify and freshen the entire &Mastery tract, before putting more food into the stomach. Get a quarter pound, of limestone phosphate from your Okarmacist. It is inerpensive and aImoid tasteless, except a sourish twinge which is not unpleasant. Drink phosphated hot . water every morphia to ea your sys- tem of these wile poilloms and toeing; also to prevent their formatiew., To feel like young tons feel; like you felt before your blood. nerves aid OW1•01011 became maturated with an se cumulation of body polemic beetle Gila treatment and above all, keep it up? As soap and hot water set oa tbe skis, cleansing, sweeteateg and puritylag. so Ihneatome phosphate and hot WILiet bri• ton nroantaat.sact cm the stoomock liver. ki7 d lovola _ APirritt. • PEsicarvie-a 8400.000 TbTAL. AlliSZT 0130000000 THRIFT Thrift, poisons' and tuitional, is the grad - est teeter Of the hour. "Waite not, ward act" is the lesson every Canadian utast learn and practise. Start now /lake your brat contribution to Thrift, and your country's welfare a Savings Aseount in tbki Bank. Iotereat ;slid at cutteut rates. 2:40 UNION 'BANK OF CANADA HEAD OF FICE . WINNIPEG. MAN. GODERICH BRANCH, F. WOOLLCOMBE. . . 1111anagor. •••••••••••••=0 Mr. Frank A. Elliott 'noun from r•r- onto over the week end visiting his family. He is well pleas -sI with his posi- tion in Toronto. PI E. ROBERT F. CI. A RK, STRATFORD. ONT.. graduate. of last term ars. now earning ii high as 11119 aud even $20 pei week, while young loon are earning still better sal arises. We an 1/041111.0. the demand for trained help. Write ttir at tame for partiririarw regarding mu. Com- mercial. Stunt hand or Telegraphy Department. Stridenta a,.i y enter at any time. 1). A. Ye rACHLAN, Principal. IM111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 FOR MEN AND BOYS •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • I: B. TAPE The Singer. Sewing Machine Agent, has taken over the agency of the 1917, with the old 7th'l3attalion at Lon- don and was afterwards with the Western Ontario Regiment there. In March of this year he went over to England. where after further training he was rated as a first-class sniper. passing his tests in marksmanship with flying colori.He crossed to France at the end ..)1 Augu4 and was there only about six weeks %%hen he re- ceived his wound. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Holmes of Wing - ham received oftislial notice last week !hat their son, Corp. John E.11olines. had been admitted to No. 1 hospital, Dannes Cam- iers, France, suffering from gunshot Wounds, in the right sheukler. Corp. Holmes went to France in February, when he was at- tached to the bah Battalion In April he was wounded in the face and was in hospitals in France for fourteen weeks. returning to. his battalion in July. since which time he had been throughall the heavy fighting until he received his wounds. FROM PTE. GOODWIN. Boys from Huron Like the Homemade Socks Sent by Goderich Knitters. The following letter was received by Mrs. Nairn from Pte. Goodwin. who went overseas with the 101st Battalion: FRANCE, Sept. 13, 1918. DEAR FR IEND.-A short time ago 1 was the recipient Of a parcel of ens ks from the Woman's War Auxiliary of Goderich. 1 distributed them amongst the bilst boys who are with mrs present Battalion, vie.. 1st Canadian Infantry Battalion. B. E. 'F.. Frence. I gave to each of the following Goiderich boys a pair: C. H. Rance, J. Kennedy. R. Bates, IL L. Bates. ansi. your humble servara. The remainder were boys from dear old Huron. On behalf of all of them, who in turn thanked me, 1 wish to otter the ladies my beet thanks. They could not have come at a better time, as mot of the boys were in need of them, and I am sure appreciated your. kindness very much, ou see the chances of getting socks here are very irregular and greatly depend on one's keet io on. There are times when there are baths in the same town. and then, again, we may have 0-n kilos to go or not eves be wa len range of them at all, and yuu may guess we ere not always steels's% Another thing. socks we ^get at the baths are machine -made. Better than none, of course. but cannot get a show when there are home-made ones to be had. Something like mother's cake and those bought ones. , In conclusion, I am thankful to say that all the Gortericit hoys here are 0. K. and looking forward to the time when we can return to the ;nod old town or city, as it may be then. I hope so, any- way. Please give inv hind regards to all friends. . L remain, Yours truly. Wiurium 0. GOODWIN. Since this letter was written we regret to state that one of the Goderach toys mentioned. Pte. Russell Bates, has made the supreme sacrifice. - •• International Harvester Company on Hamilton Street and will handle both lines Farm Machinery and Singer Sewing Machines A fair share of the public pat- ronage will be appreciated. 1 'Men's Tweed Trousers, in grey, dark brown and black striprd.. five pockets. 11-2.75. Men's gsssel strong Work Pants, in neat stripe. 11.95. ' Men's heavy grey Coat Sweatt -pis with collars', t wo leek. la. 31.35. . Boys' School Slii rt e, A la i ige aesortment of pattern,. Niel x 12 to 14. 54k. , Boys'. sChina-k need PAW.), ilar k brown t weeli, li11,41, N•il h pockets. Sites 17 to 34, 31.00 to 81:25. Men's Work Shirts, 'strong, fert " colors, black and white stiipies and tioeal shade in bloc chambray. Size's 1:1 to 17. 11.00. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mr. Geoffrey Holt, of Toronto. is visit- ing h s mother. Mrs. 11. Holt. North street, his dutiet., at Toronto being sus Polded while the t:niversity is closed. If the ban IF lifted by the board of health the regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Bradford, Bruce street, on Thursday, November 7th, at 3 p. ra. Subject: !Slaking the beet of what we have. Demonstration: Apples and their uses. Members are asked not to forget the " shower" for the Children's Shelter. re On account of there he ng no services in lisort church, the committee of ladies is finding it difficult to make arrangements for filling Christmas boxes for the boys overeeas. Will the ladies of the congrega- tion see that sorks, fruit cake, candy, "thing the boys will enjny, is sent to he many" M riday or Tuesday, Novem- ber 4 or 5? Don't forget this will he the fifth Christmas sone of • the brave lads will spen,1 in the trench's., . 7- M. ROBINS oFEN EVENINGS N111111111111111111111111111WIN11111111111111 IGL Six reasons WHY It's a good friend 1 -Steadies nerves 2 -Allays thirst 3 -Aids appetite 4 -Helps digestion 5- Keeps teeth clean 6-14 economicM Keep the soldiers and tailors supplied! WRIGLEY'S 40 . FARM MT pERFEci MADE IN CANADA 98 Chew it after every meal The Flavour Lasts!