The Signal, 1918-10-17, Page 5THR SIGNAL - GODERICH ONTARIO For Storage Batteries and Battery Supplies you cannot do better than come to East Street Garage GODERICH - - - ONTARIO O- - "Owned and Operated by Practical Man" Arthur M. Glover iTi'' '�" I LOCAL TOPICS Your' � Porfraft 1 i 'Mrs. W. G. MacEwan has -returned from a visit to (renis at Toronto. for your boy— i Mr. Chas. H. Humber spent a few days the past week visiting fnends at Peter - in the Christmas package boro . from home. Make the appointment to -day I. Owing to the epidemic. the regular Meeting of the town council will not be held this week. The regular monthly meeting of the Ahmeek Chapter, L 0 D. E., will not take place until further notice. I Miss M. E. Cameron attended the win- • ter millinery oopening• in Toronto on Tuesday and secured new noveliues and shapes...___ - - - - ' Mr. tapes.- Mr. J. SAtey'nofds. of the Huron road, ha; been senuusly Ill the past week with LJ. T. FELL Lumbago is Rheumatism of the back. The cause is Uric Acid in the blood. If the kid- ney% did their work there would be no Uric Acid and no Lumbago. Mak* the kidneys do their work. The sure, positive and only cure for Lumbago is Dodd's Kidney Pills View Farm, Benmiller. announce the engagement of their daughter, Ella Mil- dred, to Geo. W. Feagan, sem of Mr. and influenza complications. hut is n,w re. Mrs. James Feagan. of Colborne town - ported on the mend. ship. the marriage to take place the latter Owing to the can.ellin. of Ole services end of October. in Knox church next Sunday, the special' • Mrs. Alexander has returned to her amms. ammo • �m offering for the soldiers' boxes will be home at Cleveland. Ohio. accompanied Coleman's Bacons The Kincardine Bacons are unexcelled for sweetness and taste. Boneless Back Breakfast Bacon and Boneless Hams A trial order will convince you. Fresh pure Pork Sausages FOR SATURDAY Robertson & Mair Phone 161 Cor. Hamilron Si. and Square Canada Fsod Board License No. S 1p1• taken on Sabbath the 27th. by her mother. Mrs. J. H. Williams. who to Cleveland. Mrs. ire Market street has N[r. Geo. Gould. of will now be a ' Rev. J. E. McCauley. who was taken I• wen resloe curs nor ill two weeks ago and went to his home N iUiams residence at Tara, returned last night to be present been chased by at the funeral of Miss Donaldson. Goderich township, w resident of our town. Tom Gundry. jr.. who has been attend.1- \ ing Upper Canada College. Toronto. is Voters Lists for ars-EI ion. home for a while; the College having The voters' lists to be u rite forth - been closed on account of the epidemic. 1 coming bye -election in North �t`on are - Mrs. Patrick Finn. of Detroit. has been being prepared under the direct of the vsoiting friends in town, and also attended , registration board for the,county f Hur- the funeral of her sister-in-law, Mrs. on composed of the cpanty Cidges, James Dean. at Kingsbridge yesterday 1 Crown Attorney Seakson ger. Sheriff Reyn ds Miss Agnes Hamilton. of the Kitcar- 1 g and the registrar of the High Court. .. dine high school staff, is at the home of U McDonald. Enumerators prepare t her parents, Rev. and Mrs. James Hamil-'lists for the various polling sub -divisions; t r. Hamil- ton. lasing taken the pYvailing grippe death occurred of Mrs. Catharine Welsh, Elgin avenue, an old resident of tbe tow n. Mr. C. G. Newton, upon whom an operation was performed on Monday, lingered in a very weak state until Wed nesday night, when the end came. Mr. Newton was probably (;oderich's oldest business Mao, in the sense that he had been in business here longer than any othe person in the town. The funeral takes place from his residence, North street. to Maitland cemetery on Saturday after- noon. A further reference will be made in next week's Signal. I these are submitted to the registration Miss Irene Pridham. of the Seafunh , �� and are rintrd or ty wntten, and emulsion is then made for the hearing of appeals. The system is a new one winch has come into effect along with the exten- sion of the franchise to women. Collegiate Institute stall. is at her home p teere, the schoo:s at Seatorth all being closed on account of the influenza epi- demic. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oke. of River THE HOME OF GOOD GLASSES 6iGrs �... .y• • 111‘.015 *QP,^OP IAN( ?/i4t. italics mail Aat Tat POST MIKE. PtnoK/psr(, GUELPH. O..v; Where Poor Eyes and Good Glasses Meet, J IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIl11111111111I11111111111111IIII1111111111111111111111I1111111111111111L -- THE Goderich Board of Trade I s Says: - Prepare to Buy Victory Bonds Thea will be tniight by Canadian looney. They w ill remain lu Canada. and be owned by Canadian people. The Inuney- will be anent 10 Canada for the benefit of E'ana.lians. • VIten you hoc a Vietory Bond you simply lend to yourself. Yon will receive a diiuble return on yonr investment niter : You will receive five and one-half per cent. on your Bond. Sitcom, : Your %hats in Cana.la's pnroperity. = Victory Belinda are not simply "scraps of Paper," but the 'best se• cured investment in the world. 1 nTh.i space donated by the Goderich Board of Trade. MOM inoiIIINIIIIII111111111111111111111111111i111111iII11UIIIIIIl11111111111111111111111111111r THE FORWAKI) MOVEMENT. Special Meeting of the Presbytery of Huron at Cbaton oo Wednesday. A special meeting of the fresh tory of Huron was held at Clinton on Wednes- day, to confer with a deputation from the Assembly's committee on the Forward Movement consisting of Rev. Dr. Neel, Dr. R. P. McKay and Prof. Kilpatrick, all of Toronto. Dr. Aitken. of Kippen, moderator of Presbytery. presided.' Notwithstanding the prevalence of the epidemic. the at- tendance was quite representative. and many were present from nearly alt the congregratwns of the. Presbytery, besides the regular members of Presbytery. At the morning session Dr. Neil rapid- ly outlined the home mission work of the church. making special mention of the problems in Quebec and because of the large foreign population of the West. In a brie( address Dr. R. P. McKay made a summary of the work entrusted to the church in the foreign field: among fifteen millions of people in nine targe sections of the world's population, and pointed out not only the immediate re- quirements but the estimated needs for the next five years in staff and equipment if the work is to be efficie fitly carried on. At the afternoon session Prof. Kilpat- rick spoke on the need of men for 'the ministry'. The population has been in- creasing, the church has been expanding, and yet the supply of men has been de- creasing, until the probable number of graduates in the theological colleges for 1918 will probably not be more than twenty-five. He felt that the only sure way to keep up thasupply was by keep- ing high the spiritual life of the church. Dr: McKay spoke in the interests of the aged and infirm ministers and of the ministers' widows and orphans. Valu- able suggestions were made by Mesons. $sunders and Gladman. Jn the evening Dr. Neil contributed an address on stewardship. Dr. Kilpatrick againspoke of the work of the ministry, puttingthe service therein in the highest rank. t. McKay spoke the closing words o the conference, and laid em- phas.s on the necessity of earnest prayer by all the hers of the church. The follows resolutions were heartily agreed to,by t Presbytery: The Pres- bytery heartily concurs in the Forward Movement. approves of its great pur- pose. and promises tern earnest and Loyal support. The Presbytery decides to ap- point a committee with, instructions to use all practicable means fpr. the further- KIPPEN. Mrs. Beer and young son, of ortxtto, are sing a pleasant two w. s'rwith friends in Mr. Thos. Meths' home. Mess - Nellie McGregor, principal nl Wellesley school, who is ill with iniluenza, is here with her sister, Mrs. James Mui tard. Mr. Thomas McClyrnont, of London. is visiting friends herr and at Varna. He is always a welcome visitor here. Mrs.); B. MacKay. of Goderwh, and daughter Mary were visiting her cousin, Mrs. Johnston. over the holidays. All scnoo s and churches are closed and all public gathennes are forbekkn in Tuckersmith township. The tioderich tlrchlstra. Open for engageuenta for Own socials, garden parties, daces, etc. For terns, apply to C. V. Henry. 'Phone 19. Sentenced for Stealing Cattle. - in the County Judge's Criminal Court today. before His Honor Judge Dickson. William Brodhagen. of the township of Logan. pleaded guilty to three charges of stealing cattle. In one case he stole four head of cattle from a farmer, drove them nine miles to his own place. and sold them to a drover. using the money as part payment on an automobile. It was six weeks before the owner found out what had happened to his cattle and recovered them. Two head of cattle belonging to anqther farmer were taken at the same I time and the•third charge dated back to December. 1911i. Mr. J. M. Best, of Sea - 1 forth. who appeared for Brodhagen. put 1 in a strong plea for leniency. His Honor { sentenced the pnsoner to three months in ja 1 and a fine of 5200 and costs of lilts and $30 for compensation, and in default of payment an additi sial six months in jail. Crown Attorney Seager prosecuted. ance of the m cement. E tion within the bounds is calls co-operate in the work, ate gested that .wherever It is series of c stgregational m stings for the purpose of conveying in ma - non Co the people regarding the atm and scope of the movement, of quiNt- entng ibe sprttuste dole. sad of deepening their interest in all the enterprises of the church. Further action along such lines as the following is suggested, viz. : 11) Careful preparation for the series of meet- ings to be held by formation of a League of Prayer; by holding district meetings; by conference of office -bearers and of workers: (2) procuring suitable literature and distributing it in the homes of the people that their intelligent support may better be secured; • (31 formation of a special committee whose duty it shall be to seek for young men of fit character and capacity for the work of the ministry and to bring such influence to bear on them as shall lead them to enter upon this great calling. The following committee was appoin- ted: Mr. Gladman, convener; Messrs Wm. Wilson, G. Aberhart, C.H. Haugh, A Saunders. Macfarlane. Abery, Telford, Hogg. Aitken. McDermid and Carswell. :h cungrega- 1 upon to \ 1t is sug- ible a held Death's Harvest: In addition to the fatalities from the influenza epidemic. there have been an 1 unusually large number of deaths in town from other causes this week. Mrs. Lane, wife of the county treasurer. passed away I On Sunday. On Monday Margaret Jessie. the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Bedford. died of spinal meningitis, in her fourth year. Wednesday morning the --- :1 CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. iady graduates of last term ore now earning as high as 'BIM and even CY) per week. while young hien are earning still better sal - Aries. We can not meet the demand for trained help. Write us at once for particulars regarding our Com• inertial, Shorthand sir Telegraphy Department. Students may enter a[ any time. D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal. The Gondola ..440.0444.64444, in Wartime iTR tbe Hermann awl Aar Waits almost with* Met of the Campanile. the Venetian canals and 1a - goons have lost their familiar holiday aspect. Tourtstls who, stretched upon eke luxurious euskloas of lbs most TBOR9DAv, n • e I7 1'111 THE FASCINATION OF $ 1.400,000 1301000.000 SAVING Say ing is a habit that brings true satisfac- tion- Thele is something fascinating ahead watching the dulla.s mount up. A feeling of independence and ateurky vows with the knowledge that you have Mune, In the Mink 1'rrl.a,r for fbture uneertainti i by opening a 1n.c reg i A. cutlet wilb )his Souk • wow. yid Interest allowed at currest rates. . r UNION BANK OF CANADA IILAD (3 FICE . V lNNII'EU, MAN. GODERICH BRANCH, F. WOOLI.COMBE. - - - M•e•• see UNION SERVICES CLOSED). 'The worst thing about the 401012 ,i111 the family closet is that it refiners 10 re- main there. A prudent ger fee the bravery. Special E'$ngebstrc Meetings Termin- ated by Beard of Health Ruling. The union c - ngelistic services that were being held in orth street Metho- dist church have terminated by the order o1 the board alth prohibiting meetings were wee and the Sunday iegree of of in- nes - ell public gathering.. charming "carriage" In the world, increasing in interest and dreamily watched the slow swsylagl attendance on Friday of the steel ferro or prow, have fled evenings showed an rrxouragl ,asm spite oi( the pid to the mainland wlih the gondolier,' r eI enthuflurnza>. rexm rawest and (orcefu Issuing behind mast' a regret fur lbs sages of Mr. Johnston, delivered abanduoed gondola, or "popper" aa manly Christian spirit. have been ap the uneestimentai hotel porton pew. !crated. Prof. ,wartzhaugh's kading slated in calling it. the singing was inspirinonal .int was 'the supported by the actssnpaniments That tie gondolier will return 10 ,00 piano and organ by Mias fhlzell and dols old post by the foreola do poppe, Miss Scott. Mrs. Johnston proved her - or rowlock, with the return of peace I self a helpmeet indeed and in her quiet and thoughtful way assisted in all depart- ments of the work The campaign was only nicely started when it had to be given up. but good has no doubt been none and a favorable impression created. The Johnston party will be' welcome in t;oderich if at a future time arranee- a and the tourist, there is no shadow of doubt, bat there is leas certainty that the poppe, that ideal crest with Its gracefully potleed oarsman, will eon - Untie long Its missies of a charming prosoeative to perfect Idliag. Any- one who knows his Venire known thatrents can be made to have them return. there was a time when the narrow Imade They now gene to their tames; Mr. water highways of the city of the sea and Mrs. Johnston to,Croton, Ont., Mr. were dry footways, end that there Is Swartzdtaugh to Illinoismot Mise Uilsell a prophecy, or a lament, of a water- to Kansas. lees Venice to come. Venetlasse as - meet %that the lagoons are beemetng shallower year by year, and Italians generally claim that the war ban done WHILE YOU BLEEP away with the siesta and the Mike far oleate of Italian life. Occupied wltb sterner tasks, It la possible that the few gondolas aow In use are 'sweeping up and down the l:rand Gsal and the lagoons bearing muni - Doors of war. But (be rhars.•Ieiletle calm and silence ,doubtless reign as before. Indeed, one wonders bow much of the marvelous ralrn with which the Venetians awaited the ap- proach of the Austrian army was due to (his quality of the canals and the gondolas lbeesselves. The pitch -pot pending forth its pungent fumes, In some bark way of Vesice, and me■ with blackened faces moving about amid the ansoko and blaze, are the certain signs that one has found the aquerl or yard• of the goaded* builders. The beat measurements are permanent, and as standardised ar a marbine. For it 1■ well known that Infinitesimal Telephone Service and Spanish "Flu" In common with the general community the operating staff has been affected by the present epidemic of colds and influenza, and has been seriously depleted in consequence. At the same time the volumeof telephone calls has greatly increased. So many people are ill at home that the telephone has been used continuously and the load of extra calls on our depleted operating force has been very heavy. Please keep this extraordinary situation in mind and USE YOUR TELEPHONE ONLY WHEN ABSOLUTELY NECES- SARY. You will thus be helping to keep the service intact to meet the urgent needs of the community in the present emergency. The Bell Telephone Company of Canada roan Hever billis into dea- ler/plot of :sd sslssnp ISM ,Iaulunnuunuul inim unlnnnmo FOR MEN AND BOYS "CASOABXTB" WORE KINGSBRIDGE. THURSDAY, Oct. 17. THE LATE MRS. DEAN.—The remains of Mrs. Mary Dean, widow of the late James Dean, were interred yesterday in St. Joseph's cemetery, her death having occurred at London. The remains were accompanied to Kingsbridge by two daughters of She deceased. the `Misses Mary and Catherine Dean. of Chicago. Another daughter, Mrs. Hill, resides at Chicago, and there are two son-, John, in Cali torn a, and James, in the Yukon. Mrs. J. E. Sullivan, of this place, is a sis- ter of the deceased. and Mr. Patrick Finn, of Detroit. is a brother. variations in depth or width will make all the difference in the speed and durability of the boat. The gon- dola In not built to lie flat upon Ina water. It Is lllted slightly to one side, and is about two Inches, doop. r in the water on the rowlock side than on the other. Then again, Its side OD which the rear rower elands is considerably Berger than the °Mar. In order to gain perfect talents and control. The gondolier, like ;ler automobilists, soon he omen devoted- ly attached to his n wly-acquired boat, and studies its cha Iter, while be expatiates by the holt Shout !I• whims or its grace% and s riorny over every other boat in r cotton. He devotes hours to polishin the steel prow, and the brass dolphi and sea -horses of the felze or hood, td may take an ioordioate pride In ,u oak that the tends, or summer own-' Mg, and the carpet; and cushlene are tbe smartest In Ventre. 1t la hardly too much to nay that these little decorative weaknesses of the gondolier are survivals from the great 'day. of Venetian pomp and magnificence, when all sort; of sump- tuary laws were promulgated to put down extrayaganre In dregs and modes of living. fiondolas had come into fashion, and they at once became an object for reform by the prying, paternal tribunal, the "Provvedltnrl del Pompe." The rich adorned them with precious stuffs and tapestries, inlaid stanchions, and every kind of allegorical figure. There must have been about 10,000 gondolas In txlet- once in Venice at the time, and the tribunal, of which M. Armand Itashet has declared, that it helped Venice to be great and hindered her from he - Ing extravagant, had a puzzling prn- blem In enforcing the restrietIve regulations. The tribunal bad to quibble about shape, length and hanglnrs, press' the the legal stuffs 1 for the felze, and pee that the cugb- lone and carpets weir just right, and the number and diens of the rowers was the "correct thing." Particularly troublesome must have basin the Iasi In regard to the dress of the gnn- dollar. In three resplendent days of the republic, according' In the cere- monial pictures of art Ime Mike Car- paeelo and Betllnl, the gondolier was a bird of very tine feathers Indeed. lir wore hope of Iwo or more colors, in other words Ain chararterisie fee titre was a lair of brilliant lees. one of which might be white and the other red, 01 quartered above and be- low the knee It with not until the ,evrnteenth eenlnry that the gondola a;sunied It1 present simplicity and sombreness of color. A vain attempt has been made to Introduce it. to other countries, but it has apparently reaiated all ef- forts at arelimyiliaatloe. Rome years ago, It was to he peen on the Thane', with real sondollers in Walnut scarfs asd a sailor attire which sug- gested the rotor and Ilig tit of Ibe la- goons. But not even the lovely reaches or backwaters of the "all - very Thames" could Iadiwe the grate- ful Vepetlan water bird le maim laboda.—Csrttalaa Weise*. Moraiber- , If you were told of anew discovery for tbe treatment of coughs, colds and bronchitis. as certain in its action on all chest troubles as son - toxin is on dipht.heria,orvaccination on small -pox, wouldn't you feel like giving it a trial? Peps is the discovery l Peps are little tablets, containing certain medicinal ingredients, which, when placed upon the tongue, immedi- ately turn into vapour, and are at once breathed down the air passages to the lungs. On their journey. they soothe the inflamed and irritated nembnnea of the bronchial tubes, the delicate walls of the air passsases, and featly enter and carry relief sad best! ing to the lungs. In word, pile no liquid or solid can get to the lungs and air presages, these Peps fumes get there direct. sad at woe commence their work of healing. MIL I. - Cut oat this article, write somas it the name and date of this paper, and mail it (with Ir. stamp to pay reta postage) to Paps Co.. Toronto. A free trial packet will tom be Gent you. All drgggiau and stores sell Peps, b0r. box. PQ For Sack Headache, Sour Stomach, Sluggish Liver and Bowels --- Take Cascarets tonight Furred, Tongue, Rad Taste, Indigos- tion, ndigertion, Sallow Skin sad Mtarrable Head- aches colon from a torpid liver and clogged bowels, which cause your stom- hito become filled with undigested fast, which sours and ferments like gar- bage in a swill barrel. That's the and step to untold mincrp-indlgestion, foul gases, bad breath, yellew skin, mrutal tears, everything that is horrible and nauseating. A Caararct to-aigbt will give your condi/rated bowels a thorough okanaiep and straighten you out by morning. They work wl'tls yea sleep— a iO-eeat lox from you dialgg; t will keep you feelizng Soul fe me.atia Men's ears Tronisers, in grey, dark brn and black striped, five pocke . $2.75. Men's good) stro Work .Pants, in neat stripe. '95. Men's heavy grey OSA Sweater* with collars, two f ektls, 11.35 Boys' $drool Shirts. A ISIK assortment of patterns. Siete 12 to 14. :4k. Boys!. ,cheol-knell 1'.unts,.dark broeyn. tweed, hin-s1, vvilb pockets. Sires 27 to :IA. 11;00to$1.25. Men's Work Shirts, strong, fast colors, black and white -1sipisc and floral shades in blue chambray. Sizes 14 to '17. $1.00. M. ROBINS _ __ OPEN I:VI?NlN4 S IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIN 1 1 The universal military service gum— A Soldier's offering to his sweetheart is naturally the sweetmeat that gave him most refreshment and great- est enjoyment when on duty. The Flavour Lasts