The Signal, 1918-10-10, Page 3?c` THE SIGNAL - GODERICH, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCT. 10, 018 8 THE 0r1GINAL 1N® ONLY GENUINE BEW•a1 OF IMITA- TION* SOLD ON THE MRKITB ON IIN&RD'S WWI 1 1 ■YiCAL DR. GEO. HEiLEMANN, OS1 - PA7 H. epecialut .n women's and ch,ldra e &mast., acute, chrun.c and nervous diseases, eye oar, twee and thrust. partial deafness, Iulumbagosad,, rheumatic rundowns. Adenods removed without the knits, (Mice at residence, corner Nelson and St Andrew's street. At home uthe ksoadays, Thursdays and Satudays, any evening W eppaatmeut. DENTISTRY. [R. H. G. MAcDONELL-HONOR Graduate Toronto University. Gradwte al Co' liege of Dental Surgeons. Successor to the late Mayor Sale. Offices carom COW* rr.0 Mist wet.. Gaeerah. AUCTIONEER. THOMAS Gl'N DRY, AUCTIONEER. Poe 47, Goderah. All inetru[iWN t) mail o Mt at Signal (.nae will le p.yoiptay attendedto itendence telephone /Is LEGAL. 1D C- HAYS il. BARRIST X, SOLlC11'OR,,NO?AItY; P1.bLIC, ETC. O 1iQ-Stecknrie bank( Block, Hamilton Street, (GGeder,ch. TebrAsune m. Real Estate. boas, and Insurance PROLDFOOT, KILLORAN & COOKE, • BARRIS7LAS, SOLICI7URS, $OTA1M1i5 PUBLIC. ETC. Office on the Square, second Idwr Iran Hated Le Street. Goderich. Private funds to loan at lowest retool W. Pwa,ortxn, K. C.. J L.IKtu.oa*n H. J. D. Cuoaa g Ge CAMERON. K. C.r 1BARRIS- tnkutsx Oates 111.7 . ch, d ton bums. <.oMrucb, third door Mai ere. At Llama 7lrreaay .1 ash Oak fa ea Albert Surat escaped by Mr. !!Dopar. tbourse a. m. totep.m. 1SNHARf ES GARROW, LL B.. BAR - USI kn. suoinay, eosiclutr, etc., Umtata. lammed at lowest rats. SOL- I R BARRISTER. GE SEA V. Il.1TOR, .s., l public and wee'ytis CJ6ee-buurt Home, t,tntnc n. .h-lJO • INSURANCE, WMIAR RTC. • 6KILI OP MUTUAL FiRE INSUR- AIaCE CO. -Farm and :Rotated town prop set imsowea. l Js. Connolly. Pre.. GodenchP.0; Eas. Evaas, Vice -Pr, beechwood P.O., Thomas Ee . Hay.. See. -Tres. Sealorth P. 0. Directors- D. F. McGregor. R. R. No. 3. Sea- red). John G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton, William Ruin. 14 K. No. 2, Sealorth, John Bennewies, Wwdlugen; Geo. McCartney. R. R. No. 7, sea- arth, Robert Fen Harldck, Malcolm Mc- Ewen, Clinton; James Evan. Bcecbwood. Jame Connolly. Goderich. Agents; J. W. Y Goderich, Alex. Leitch; eo, 'he Sealrelh• Agee No. 1,Clinton; William C R kchC net', H„icJile. SealwiA. Pulwy-laiden can Da all ppymmeegqb and ggeett thea cards rereipted at t enema's Clothsng Store, Union; R. H. Cwat s Grocery, Ki tom street. Godeicb. of J. H. Red's General Stage, Bayaerd. Wei WO PLOAN.RIVATE .Apply Fa Barrister. Hamilton street. MUSIC. GS TO .CJ- lericch. ISABEL R. SCOTT, TEACHER OF Voice, Piano and Organ.- Pupa prepared trw Conservatory examinations. Apply at MR, P. W. CURRIES. Britannia road. 4rophe3 Bros. GODERiCH e Leading g Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefdlly attended to at all hours, night or day. The Saults Coal Co. eunceaaorx to McDnnaah & Gledhill EXCLUSIVE AGRNTS FOR LEHIOH VALLEY THR COAL THAT SATISFIES We deal in Hard and Soft Coal, Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood, Maple and Hemlock Slabs. Fresh cars of Lime and Cement just received. OFPICE PHONR - - - - 75 A. ). Sanits' Residence 275 W. W Sanits' Residence 202 Dungannon Fall Fair. THE PRIZE LIST. HORSES • (1000ae, Mrs. C. Dustow; Mrs. J. Kil- l:ersteN Purpose -Pair of matched ! aQetelek. Johnny cake, Mrs. C. Uro n : borers In ham«wit Archie Kirkland; !mho J. Lyuus. Short bread, Miss .1. Richard aleouWan• W Taylor eft solo ILyua.. Luokie., three %setoff's, Mrs. Aseleultural-Bru,d mare with teal yah' Me • Mrs. C. Dustow. h.,v Ph, hot'side W Taylor 1 sua• Jas apple, !Nes. T. C. Itroanr,Y: Mee,ra, C. Dun - Furter; T. t.ulhert Foal of H1$,(tow. PIs, pumpkin, Mrs. C. Duette%. Aaron Fisher: W. Taylor di Son. 2 -year Pie. lepton. Nes. 4140. Hyan: Mn.. C. old filly. Jae. Gaunt; W. Taylor & Sun. Dustow. Fruit salad, Mrs. Mary Men- * year old bedding. John Webster h art; Nra. Ilu4Ww, Vegetable salad. ism. 1 year old filly, Jas. Gaunt; fru_ Mra. C. Ihlatuw ; Mrs. Alex. McCarron. rat BU►e.. 1 year d.1 gelding, J"•Iln Jelly. three varieties, Denied, Mrs. Alex. W'ebMer & Son. Team In ha es, Me'larrnll. Pickles, four varieties, steadeoeteyson; Jsa, Foster; two. named, Mita Jeau Lyons; Mea. Ain. Heavy Draw hi -Brood mare Culbert., Metarron. ( dozen ten's eggs, ith i weight and A mote cunsltlered, airs. A. Culbert: Ito Jean Lyons. Hail i! soap. homemade, two ;mingle, Mrs. 1. Mt'larrt.II Jarub Rr41. Judge•-1:IfuetOW, .Its. t;1r'In. VBGETAIL6I4 AND 11001>h g 2 heads Babbage, F. Barker: W. J. Trawl in harness. J. T. 1)1141ll)'; Jas.lea%on. 6 blood Woe*. A. (ulbert; Forster: Jelin \\'cbeter • Son. Jas. AIWn. 6 luuit bhfutl testa, F. Bark- _ -Julio Marrow. Varna. er; ....Alton. 6 improved sugar beets seeelal a.)s' Jadsla11 in issues t. 2 for f n", Ye. Hattie; R. Mcllwain, and :1-1r.ea 12 to 15,, John KIlpetrirkl6 man Id W'urtz.'Ie,'W'. Bailie: A. l;uh unl \1 tet. Alton to, ; rtt{r+t f6 W iib fwrl. Wurtzel., mammoth yellow 11t�,o { lnterutrdi A. Culbert ; H. klo alt. Rea�et T mare, : H foal 14> e her I e \vrdr t fM. W side. Hoyt' Treleaven: Hayes M..yere. rat Blake. Fust of tele, Bert Treles'.n; Hayes Blake. I:arru Meven'. 1 year 1.1,1 ally ..r gelding. Mcllwain; er. Jacob. Reid; N. J'. Treleaven. Simile rut AV &ate. hones to harness, Dr. Whitely: W. H. contemn. fair of tuatrhed tioraea in harmers ',Nevin Detente; 2ud. ,l.arrtase--iirmsl mhat.•, waab fo.;l by her ei.ts', Thee. Culbert. Foal of ten, Thor. Culbert; Jacob. Wilt Lady driv- er, Melvin Irvin: W. H. Cameron. Judge--Jolui l.iliespw, W'hitteatureb. EXHIBITION (W SPF.ED IN TU RING fuel by her eel', Jacob Hunter: Fisher- Ernrat Blake. Foul of Jacob Hunter; Jas. gaunt. 2 year 1111v, W. Taylor di $on; Bert Trrleave 2 year old gelding. Joha Webster A 4.0. 1 year old ••Idiig, John WebeJer & Sea. i Jou, Kilpatrick; Ern- 'rrystune turnip., Ernest intermediate, white, R. lee. 6 early horn car- o y F. Barker. 6 intrr.- uteate tabic car te, K. Mellwain; F. Barker. Perk of Moos, V. Barker. 12 tomatoes, F. H )ser. ti earn of Marden corn. 131x5, : •own. 1 Will - ter squash for table, A Metairroll; F. Harker. 'Omuner squash or table, Mr.. Nice -erten: F. Barker, ick early Hone, potatoes, Jas. Alton. ' 'k lrist, Cobbler p••tat.w•s, H. Mcllwain F. Bark- er. 1 pest l:h.rn Mountain p"• 1,410.. J. Held. 1 peck any utter eerie p- tat.•ee, named, Ct.ar, »row»: R. Men - wain. t heads of celery, F. Barker. Citrons. Mee. M emovelt. 6 parsnips, A. Culbert: F. Harker. Collection irard- en vegetable., F. Barker. FRUITS Whiter .lplea, S et eseR-spies. Joe. Mallongl,: Geo. L,tithwsite. M+al.lwfns jos. Malluurh: Jan. Alton. King of Tompkins Counts, tleu. Ryan: N. Mc- Dwain. o-Dwain. Thlnhan Sweet, A. Culbert; .;eurle Ryan. Canada Red, R. Melt - wain; Jas, \iton. Cut.ert; Ernest Blake. •;,.Ileo Rosen, 114o. Laithwaite; 53115. Brown. Wagner, Jas. Alton. F'allawater„ Bert Trelea- ven. Runeel Ernest Rieke: Jas. Alton. Mush; island Greening. acro. Lailb- waite • Jae. .Alton. Cranh.4•ry Pippin, J..., Malluugh; R. Mcirwaif. Phoenix, Jas. !Moll. Mean, (wu. Laittivvaite; Jas. Alton. Stark. Chat+. Brown. 4 named varieties, the of each, Geo. Laikiwait'; Jos. Nlalleugli. Ben havie, A. 1:ulheel; Bert Treleaven. Pewatik.r. Bert Tre- leaven; J•... Nlallnugh. Fall 6pptrn. Fite of Eneh-Wolf Riv- er, Joa, Maltnugtt:.4 Culbert. Itibeton Pippin, •'.e.. 1.eilhweilr: John Ktl t- rick. 20-ounee Pippin. Joe. Mello i • Gee. I.stl.waite. Wealthy, A. Culbe Joa. Mallnuah. Screw, two. Hyan; 4.o I.aithwaite. IWcherab A. Culbert; Jos. Mellr.u*h. Holland Pippin. Jos. Mal - easel). Blenheim Pippin, Join. Malluugh. crab apple, se,. laithwaite:.1. Culbert. 3 named v trietlea, 5 of sack, Jus. Mal- Inugh : A. C subset. F.Ie, named %dri,)Ul;' of I.em-e. 5..41. L.It1.u,tite: 4. Cult*IR. S Bartlett l'••arr. Ernes) Blake: A. Culbert. J Netters t,;{yillar..•s•n, R. al''Ilwasn: Win. W ats.•n. Plate of {wars, any other var- iety, .irn. Laithwaite: Jas. .Alton. 2 named varieties of plume,-:, of each. R. Mclhvafu; _A. Culbert. 1 mantel var- iety' of plums. R. Mcllwain; Mrs. M. Menarv. Collection of erapifrr , .iso. 1.uIthw•aIte. 4;,fi,rtion of 0t'htoil gar- den products. 1 tunvarin.li School. Judge -I). F. Harnlint:. . FLOWF.IIM •; asters, not Ie.,. than 2 eolere. N1r.. \lex. Meu.arrs.11 Mrs. J. Howrie. 6 dahlias. not leas than 2 ,calor*, Miss T. C. Dreaney. 6 gl.diolter not less than 2 coliore. Alrs. _Siete .McCarroll. 6 pet- Innias, nut leas than 2 ciders, T. Bark- er: Mrs. Ales. Metarroll. 6_ phloxes, perennial, not less than 2 odors, Mrs. .kl,'x. Nit-tarroll; Mrs. T. 5:. Ilreaney. .A,Ileetun of rnarigul.ls, Mr.. Ales. Mc - Carrell. reelection of sunflowers, Nits. .11ex. Nl'.arrell. Folia..', Miss loran - eV.. Geranium. .any ether variety, mina - 1• et'' .1 Dr an , , r' here: Brown. n. iant . bouquet. Mr-. M•rarrot•l; Miner Drewry. Besket of annuals. Mn. Mrcarroll; Miss !Wean - eV. Ju.tg•.-Nlr-. W. T..Murn•y; Mrs. D. F. Hamtirtk. LADIL'4' WORM Patch quilt in Woul. :Mrs, NI. T. ee- Re IY,Hf>e* A1ye M tenet' quilt in eottenr A. Culbert: Mrs. -N1. Mrnary. Patch quilt in silk or velvet, Miss Liv- ingstone. Crazy guilt. •NIr.. C. Ilnstow. Knitting, collection of cotton, Niles Liv- trtsistone. 1,ne fair w,.oterl "loves Irandruadn, Mrs. Ifewrie, Bath towel and ward' cloth, knitted. Nliee Living- *tofe; Mrs. Howrie.. Ladies' fney wool mitts, Ernest Beate: Mrs. K. McLeod. 2 pairs wool corks, t•andntade, un. coarse, Mfr fine, Mrs. M. NI.nary: Mrs. K. Meleaod. 2 -pair' weal etockines, handmade. , he coarse, ono tine. Mre. 1. Howrie. Rag ruat, Mrs. M.11waile; Miss Livingstone. Japanese yarn neat, afro. •A. Mr4:arr•dl. Knit slippers, N11814 Livingstone; Miss Dreanery. 2 pair' vise,' mitts, ons` retiree, one fine. Mrs. K. Meleeof. Crotchet, collection of wool, Mien Livingstone: ♦ire. H.iwrir. -Cro- chet, coll'ctlnn of cotton, Ness Liv- ingetene. Crochet, collection oef *ilk, Mies Livingstone; .Miss Iter -an.>. 3 hand- kerchiefs, lane. handmade, Mies Liv Ina - 'thine; Mrs. K. MtLeol. Lace, honit•.n or point, Mrs. K. Mcleod. Lase, duch- ess. Mrs. K. McLeod: 4lj.s lavingstene. Lunch cloth, and denies to motet', net Inc.. than 13 pieces, Mr'. R. Mrllwaln; Jean Lyons. Set burruoie linen, pair pillow rovers, sheet and towel, trim- med with crochet, Mie. Lyons; Mr'. C. iluetow. Underwear, ladies, 3 pieeee, handmade. '.vfio+ Lyon..: Mies Livingstone. Tray cloth, MIs:. Lynn': Mrs. It. Mcllwain. Crowfeet( tattle mate In cotton, not lees than 6 pleeee to match, Mrs. R. Mellwafn; Mrs. Howrie. one pair plltnw slips, Mies Lyons; Miss Liv Moreton. one pair tritest towel., MIs.. Liying*ton; Mist I.yone. flatten - burg lacy table rover, Mi.'. Livingston; Mee. C. Duet.ny. Netting, MI** Living- ston: Mit. Howrie, Tatting, Mins LW - Moreton: Mrs. M. Mcllwain. Wash eland splastwr, Mrs. R. Mrllwaln; Mies Liv- ingston. Pillow in stet crochet, Mrs. R. Mrllwaln. Sideboard drape , Mr'. Hewn.: Mrs. Mellwaln. ,rorlset per', Mew Dreano)•; Miss LlvIng*tone. Hotton hems, dress, Mr'. R. Mehwain. Sofa Oleo, howl embroidered, MIRA Joan Lyres; Miss Livingstone. Sofa pillow, hand painted, Mies bvnng: Mise Livingstone. Sofa pillow, ledge, any order. Mrs. 14. Mcllwain. Table cen- pieee. colored, Mr'. K. McLeod; Mem. R. Mrlhsaln. Table centrepiees, white. Opre le all -Trot or pare. Beat three in five, toile, heats. Four W renter, three to elate. Entwine' for. $2, R. Nfel.ran, Cwferlch; Jus. Shelton, Kin- eanline: Peter Rutlebre, Hrussele. 1411 Tr.t or parr --Beat three in Uwe, Mite heats. Four to enter, threr 10 start. General exc.•Ileney, style oaf nuualneee eenel1ered. Entrance fee ft.. Hoy' ti.ivhl. 7'0vewarr: Geo. meq all, Auburn; A. Millsou, teieku..w. e CATTLE Durham, Purebred -Mitch row, hav- ing raised .or with. calf in 1918, Arthur t:ulbert: Jas. Alton: Arthur Culbert. Heifer calf, six. Dionne% and over, Artie ur Culbert. Rolf calf, six months aria over, Stuart Ruhrrtson; Jae. .\It.rt). Bun tlelf, haler rax month., Jest..4.1tnu, patted Aapta? Thorouphlreed-Milch cow, having ral4e.l calf en fele Yvan. Bailie. 1st and tool. Wafer. 2 year* old, Wm. Bathe. JAI', under one year,/Win. Bailie, fat and end. Hereford. -Heifer, 1 year old, .yatt: A1= tun, 101 and end.. Grade Cath -Milch row, ilriilking, liavttlg raised calf in 19111. .1 or Cul- bert. 1, 2 and 3. 1 year old Her, Jas. Alton; Ardour Culbert. tete e.� till, un- « e ye aHeif- erone err. Ja...Alt n 1 xt�d 2. r colt, 'rooter one year, Arthur Colbert : Jas. Allan. Joobres-J. W. ys1lkelel, (;otesrMll; W. A. Wil.'o, lou.know. epeeist Pelee by iderllee Beal, Dus- •1000n Rest female. any I)rr#d, exhibitor only Allowed one tt ntry: wieners barred from any (b••r l9•..., .Arthur .,t14Yerl; Jaw. w Rutty Joll ilp.itrirk. 1,R .1 ram, moat be re- tattered. . - Y 'a r coir. u i. o 1. and d. tl� • Bret,. 1 K 2J? aiesrling rltou, Paris Bros.. fat and !net. Aired ewe, talaifut Iand,s in HMP, Purvis Bro.., 1.t and 2nd. Sln•arhng ewe, Pur- se' Bios., 1't and ltd. Ewe fund,, Pur - vi. Br...., lit ',And trod. ttatr. Iamb,, Pur- vis Brea., 1451 and ltd. `oxford registered,, Ing lain Parrish. 1and mild i veno. -.Aged ram, must be .14,n Table. .Aged ewe, rais- in alein 1918, John Tabh: John Shearling ewe, John Tabh, Ewe Iamb. John •Varrl-tu. 1 Ilam IItnb, John Tab+, 1 ane 2. Claw 15 Svt'eepelake prize for beat pen of sh p env breed; pen 1. crtMist of one m1(1. anti three females, John Tabb. lilt sheep. any breed Purvis Bro.. w Judge--i.rar Salkeld. PIG14 Berlshiree-.\grd hoar, Jas.' .ifnn. Sow littered in 191e, Jos. Alton. Veekahire-Agell boar, J.,hn Parrish: Jae. Alton. Sow, having raked t i s in 19111. John Farfdl. 1 and 2. Hoar, lit- tered in 191s. Jas. Alton: John Farrish. Atom; littered in IIM11, Jas. .Alton; John Yarrisll. Tamworth -,Aged hoer, Jae. Alton. Sew littered in fff11, Jas. Alton. ' - Judge-ri._.1. tlrrrr. Lueknow. f'OWL Brahma, light. 'Jas. Johnston. il and t. Leghorn. whits, chickens. Jas. John- ston; ; Jas. - .Alton. -Leghorn. brown, .414 ken., la.. Alton. Plymouth Rork. barred, chickens, Jas. Alton; Jas. Johnston. Ply tlh Hock. buff chickens. ,has. Johnston. \Iinor•ras-. black, stricken., Jae. John*un. .lmtalmtfans, Jas. Jnhv(ten, 1 and 2. nrpinriton, huff, rhi.•kens, Jas. John- ston. Leghorn, whit•, old fowl, Jas. Johnston; Leghorn, brawn, old fowl. Mrs. Howrie. Plymouth Mork, barred, old fowl, .fas..JsJrnsten: Manan Heid. Plynunith Rork, white, oh1 fowl, Ise. Alton. Mlnorcas, black, old fowl, Jae. Johnston. Wyandottes, white, old fowl, Jas..fohnston. V1'yendettes, buff. old fowl, .las. John*ton. Orptrblta)n, huff, oh) fowl, Jas. ,Inhn'.ton. Ham - Mimi, Jas. Juhnttton. AnHalusian, Jas. lohn.lon. Bantams, Jas. ,lotinston. Barnyard foss', Mr6. Howrie; Jas. Al- ton. l:o•roas, Jas. Alton: Rett Trelea- ven. Pair ducks, Jas. Alton. indite -Jas. T. [ovens, Lucknew. GRAIN 1 hnshel fall wheat, white, Jae. Al- ton. 1 briefest fall wheat, red. Bert Tre- leaven. 1 btn'I spring wheat, John Tabh: sant Phillips. 1 bushel 6 -new barley. Wm. Bailie: Bert Treleaven. One hushed !-row barley, E. 'Blake, 1 tni.hel oat', white, .1. Alton: W. Bailie. 1 bushel oats, hlaek, J. Alton. 1 bushel was, entail, Jae. Alion. 1 beetle, Uln- thy seed. Jae. Alton. t pees beano, le. peel Rinke, 7 ear...orn, white, Chas. rn. 6 ears corn. yellow. Rise. -Rohit. M. %Meter. BURY 10 Um. ATI : Ifts. table Ittan; R. Beni parked butter, hi he salted to keep, A. t:olhcrt: Mr... S.\Kirkpatrick. 10 1h.. fano table M11ler,\:Ja's. Alton. .Indgs'•-M. J. gentile...et R. McNabb. Wm in netts, Ml's. Gen. Ry- Kirkpatrick; A. Culbert. 'ter in prints, Mrs. Geo, "r:.A. Culbert. Vl) lbw. DOIIEMTIC N.ANI Two loaves homemade Mrs. C. Ih4Atow; Ntr5. M. It Metes; homemade bread ACTIJRIN read, ohne, ry. Two wn, Mims T. C. Dreaney; Mr.. J. K11mitt fek. Fnrlt cake, Jean Lyons; Airs M. Menary. Laver cake, It I aim. 1; Ihrstow: Mrw. 'HEAD SALESMAN SPENT HUNDREDS. Button Suffered Twenty Years Before Eroding the Right Medicine. In speaking of the marvelous way in TORONTO MARKETS. which Tanlac has retire d him of a long- TORONTO, Oct. 3. -The Foard et standing case of rheutnatism. B. E. Bur- Trade quotatlotu for yesterday were ton, head salesman in the who reale fruit and vegetable department at Lutey as follows: Wheat (In Starsb Manitoba Bros., Butte, Mont., living at (i412 South ManNot Including 'fiFort Winsome Montana street, recently nl said: sc). ' le is aim No. 1 northern. 13.24%.yy astonishing that just a No. 3 northern, 92 7114. few bottles o Tanlac should fix me up in No. 3 northern. {2.174. almost rig time, alter 1 had went almostNo 4 wheat. 83.1154. Manitoba Oats (in $are, Fort William), every dollar 1 earned in the last twenty No. 3 C.R'., 114sc years trying to get rel of from that awful No, 3 C.W.. 764e. rheurllallgrn." Fstra No. 1 food, 76c. Before corning to Butte Mr. Burton No. 1 feed, 1$tsc. t lived for ten years in Spokane, Wash., American Corn (Track, Toronto). No 3 yellow, kiln -dried, nominal. where he was salesman for the Imperial No. 4 yellow, k1In-dried, nominal. Trading Company of that city. Ontario Oats (New Cro., Acc.roing L "I tell you what," he continued. "1 Freights ouu.de). havegone through all stages of rheums- No. 3 white. T6c to 7e. 3 No. 3 white, T6c to Theo team, and the agonies l have had to en- Ontario wheat (Basis In store Montreal), dure simply cannot be desaibed. The No. 2 winter. per car lot, $2.31. trouble hest came on me about twenty No. i winter, per car lot. 32.37. yearsago. My shoulders, knees and No, spring wheat. 12.26. No 3 spring wheat, $7.27. ankles gave me the most worry and ached Peas (According to Freights Outside). so at tithes that I hardly had any use for No. 2, nominal. myself. About three years ago it got so Barley (Now Crop, According to Freights Outside J. bad that J was laid up in bed for six long Malting 1105 to 31 to months. and when 1 got up again I had to Buckwheat (According to Freights Out- go about on crutches for three months. olds). Buckwheat. nominal Rye (According to Freight■ Outside). Nw-e. 2. nominal, Manitoba Fur (Toronto). ar Quality311.lo65 Ontario Flour (In Bags, Prompt Ship. msnt). War quality to;d crop), $10.75 Mont- real, $10 76 Toronto. MWl.ed (Car Cots, Delivered, Montreal Freights, Bags Included). Bran, per ton. 337 23. Fborts,• per ton. 842 35. Hay (Track, Toronto). No. 1 per ton, 921 to $22. Mita, per ton. $19 to 820. Straw (Track Toronto). Car lots. per ton. 39 to 69.60. Farmers' Market. Fall wheat -No. 2. $2.18 per bushoL No. 2 spring. 82.13 per bushel. No. 3 goose. $2 09 per bushel. Barley -Malting, $1.16 to 31.18 per bushel. Oats -Old, 93c to 94c per bushel; new, $lc to {8c per bushel. Buckwheat -Nominal. Rye -According to sample. 81.75. ' Hay -Timothy, 822 to 923 per to Maxed and clover. 619 to $22 pern. ton, and t111 recently I never did get it out of my 0>stefe. although 1 have spent hun- dreds a1 dollars in trying to get straight- ened out. i went to Hot Springs, .Arkan- sas, but without result, and then I tried the mud baths nearer home, but got no tenet from that treatment either. A little while ago I felt it coming on pretty bad again. My appetite left me. nothing tasted right. I was constipated and suf- fered from awful headaches every few days. The pain in my shoulders and knees was soagoniging that 1 could hardly sleep and 1 would wake up six or seven times during the night racked with pain. Why. at the time 1 started taking Tanlac I couldn't raise my arms as high as my .boulders to save my life and was unable to put on my Coat without somebody helping me. and my knees were so stiff and hurt so bad I could hardly walk. -After reading so much about Tanlac I decided to try it and I hadn't finished my first bottle before the stiffness began to leave my joints, and now I never suffer a bit of pain or inconvenience. My second bottle gave me a whackinglbig appetite, that constipation is relieved and 1 never have a headache. I sleep like a log all night, and am lucky 111 wake up in time for breakfast before going to work. certainly am glad to endorse Tanlac and Only hope my experience with this won- derful medicine will help someone else WINNiPis1G GRAIN MARKET. Winnipeg. Oct 7 -There were In- creased oferinga n( oats and barley to- day, but the market was alga• and fea- turelea. Oats closed 2•ac lower for October and 244c lower for December. Barley closed 5•tc lower for October and 6%c lower for December. Flax closed 714c lower for October 3%c lower` fog" November and 344c lower for Dec.l[ bar. who may be going through what i did." Deoata-r Tanlac is sold in Goderich by E. R. Decebmber Wigie. in Seaforth by C. Aberhart, in Rarley- Wingham by J. Walton McKibbon, in Hensall by A. M. E. Hemphill. in Blyth by White City Drug Store, in Wroxeter by J. N. Allen, in Londesboro' by John O. Lotndsberry, m Exeter by W S. Howey, m Brumfield by Peter Bowey, in wood by Tiernan & Edighoffer. in Iton by J. W. Orme. m Clinton by R. Holmen, in Shcppardton by . Simp.om, in Gorrie by 11. V. Arm- ong, and in Fordwich by 11. Sansom. - ADVT. M. -!Monsey. Ralf -dozen homemade lea INiko Livinsten.: Mies Lyons. Mexican hiseults, white, Mrs. .1 Lynn..: Mrs. J.odrawn work, Airs. K. Nlrl.rore MIs' Kilpatrick. Half doyen home• I.lvIngstnne. lady'' fancy apron, Woo hens, plain. Mrs r,. Dustow; Mrs. el, Lyons: Mee. Howrie. T,e rosy. Mrs Menti. telt-posiia eill:tmilliorned R. 7dellw0a; Mlip LIvisgstuse. Fancy • pin " shior, ' Mrd: R. Mellwaiu; Miss C. Du ow. Hapdkerrhief •achel Mrs. R. Mel sin; Mrs. K. McLeod. Wallet( holder, •4.8rs. !emote; Mrs. R. Mcll- wain.:. Pillevvt aflame or day slips. MINS Lyons; Me,. H. Mea:wain. Laundry hair. Miss' 'Livingstone,: Mrs. Howrie. Merlin wool wnr•k, Miss Dreaney. Fan- ry Mein. ams, Miss Livingstone; Mrs. R. Mcll 'alt. fancy head rest, Mrs. R Mello in. \ia8 LtvIawlunr . Kitchen apron, Miss Livingstone; Mrs. H. Mcllwain. mhroidere its Wal - Mclean, Mrs. H wrier Miss Lyons. Sheofew embroiderMiss Livingstone; Nasi.. Lyons. liar e1 neer work, \1r,.. Howrie; Miss l.ivin tone. Nine but- teenholee, only worked n blas of gnosis, Miss Livingstone; air 11. Mcllwain4. Collretiien ladies' work, 0 pieces unl.e, Miss Livingston; Mrs. K. McLeod; Mru H. Nlrlhvain. ,budges -Mary Phillips. \Mrs. Thos. Stothers, FINE .%RTii Painting on satin, Mrs. T. C. reaney; Mrs, Blake. Painting on moles n, Mrs. H. Melhwain. Painting nn oltin• d cloth, Miss NI. Lh•fn tun: Mra, Mc- liwain. tailleetitfn of oU painting six purrs only, Miss M. L Irylaton M. J. S. Hnwrle; Niro. R. Mcllwain, Coll e- llen of water colors, 6 pieces only. Mr M. Livingston; Mrs. R. Mellwaln ; Mr . n . H ,veer Collection I , c f t n o pencil' drawl Miss N1. Livingston; Miss. H. Mrllwaln Cutlertion of crayon e:rawings, Mrs. M. Livingstone. Collection of pen and int sketehinge Mrs. R. Nfeilw•ain; Mrs.' Hewrie. Collection of flowers painted on glalwl, MI" M. Livingston; Mrs. H. Mrllwaln. C: Ueetion of frill painted on glass, MIPs M. Livingston: Mrs. R. Mcllwain. Collection of animals paint- ed on glass. Mtge M. Livingston: Mrs. lis Mcllwain. Painting on• china, Jos. Nlallm."h ; Mrs. .1. S. Howele. Cotten tion of autumn loaves, Miss T. C. lirean- ey ; Mrs. K. ;McLeod. Colleetion of cab- inetware, W'rn. spent.-. Specimen of penmanship ny boy or girl under 15 year* of age, Chas. Brown: Jacob Reid. Judges --Mrs. Steadman, Mrs. MsNahh. Too much of the time of Canadian workmen is being purchased by us to make things that are for show and pleas- ure. Too great a quantity of material that our soldiers could effectively use against the foe goes into the making of superfluous things for us, whom they are to valiantly defending. The man who saves for his country helps himself. 10 CENT "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick Headache. Constipation, Biliousness, flour Stomach, Bad Breath -Candy Cathartic. Igoodds how bad your liver, stnmaoh or bowels; how much your head ached, Drew miaerahle you are from committee - tion, indigestion, bilinusnssa and slug- gish bowels -you always got. relic.( with Olasaareta. They immediately (dooms stead regulate the stomanh, remove thn sour, fermenting fond and foul gapes; take the creeks bile from the liver and earry off the eenatipated wase matter and pelson from the Intestines and bowela A 10-eent hoz from your drug- gist w411 keep your liver and bowela clean; atoroaelt sweet and fwd clear Inc months. They work while you sleep. Open. Close 82 11 7851 76% October J.83 .99 Decen.ber - 1 41454 1.0051 Fla x - October 1.43 3.63 November 5 83 3.834` December .3.46 3.4454 Cash prices: tats -No2 C.W., 811%c: No. 3 C.W., 78e; extra No. 1 feed. 78c; No. 1 feed. 70',,c: No. 2 feed, 7$4ic. Barley -,\n. 3 C. W.. 99e; No. 4 C. W,. 94c; rejected am] feed. 90e. Flax -No. 1 N W C.. 81.47. CATTLE MARKETS UNiON STOCK YARDS. TORONTO. -t et. 7. -e -Whether ow- ing to peace rumors, or the beavy lo- cal Ontario and western receipts the tattle trade on the Union Live Stock Exchange yesterday was very unset- tled, accompanied In nearly all classes by a sharp decline. The receipts were in the neighborhood of 5,000 • head and added to these the local packing houses on Friday and Saturday re- ceived heavy western consignments. Yesterday's receipts were made ,up largely of ordinary cattle, and steers, with weight, fat and quality, sold probably 25c to 40c lower; heavy stockers and feeders, 50c lower; and other grades of cattle might Ste quot- ed 50c to 75c lower. The run of sheep and lambs was 2620, choice lambs selling at from 16'4c to 17%Ac; light sheep, 1234 to 14c; heavysheep bucks, fat eep and bu s, lOc 12c, with trade none too good at these prices. Choice calves, 16%c to 1714e; me- dium calves, 11% to 15c; grassers ,and common calves, 7 to to 10e. The run 448. .• The run of hogs baa 1333, and the price 19 lee fed and watered, with the packers quoting 18esc or 50c lower for to -day. '$AMT BUFFALO LiVE flOCK. • t Buffalo Oct. 7.-Cattl.-R.- cal to, 5040. flood, active; common• s;o prime steers, $17.50 to 118: shipping steeriiiiii,,,,,, $16.50 to $17; butchers, 113 to $16; yearllsas. 713 to 916.30; heifers, 110.50 to 713.50: cows. $4 to 712; bulls, $7 to 711.50; stockers, and feeders, 97 to $10.50; freab cows ani( springers, $4 to 7145. Calves -,,Receipts, 1730. 8tltady; $7 to j1Hogs-Regelpts. 14.400: 60o lower; heavy, mixed and yorkers, $18.75; tight yorkers, 118.5 to 116.50; pigs. $14.23; roughs. $16 10,516.23; ■taim. $13 to 714. Sheep and iambs-kacelpts, 7500. iambs 25c higher; sheep, steady; lambs $10 to 716.50; yea lines. $7 to 113; with srs. $11 to 111.60• wee, $4 to fib; .mixed steep, $10.80 to $1 CHICAGO VE STOCK. Chicago, Oct, 7.-H ger-Receipts, 29,- 000; market closed d II,' mwule y a to rbc lower; 'early top, 19,25; few lou above $17; butchers, $13.. (0 $19; lights, 813.10 to $11.76; packing, 17.75 to 716.50; rough. 717.33 to $17.75; las, good to choice, $16 to 717, Cattle-Recelpts, 19,000: tee steers steady to tower; westerns stteead),; but- cher stock Mostly steady; caiv 25c low- er, Beef cattle: Good, choice a d prima, 515,25 to 7110; common and medium, 110 to $16 25, Butcher stock: Cows and holl- ers. 57.35 to 313.76: canners and cutters, $6,50 to $7.60. Stockers and feeders; Good, choice and fancy. 710.75 to 813.75• ,in- ferior, common and medium, 17,78 W $10.16 Vial calves -flood and choice, 717 ba $18 30, Another Hospital Romped. PARiS. Ort. 8.- Many French sol- diers were killed or injured when a German airplane honebarded a hos- pital at Chalons on the night of Oet. 1-2 At the time of the raid German prisoners were being sheltered in the cellars of the hospitals. Writing to Deputy Margalne, of the Department of the Marne, Pre- mier Clemenceau declares that the bombardment of the hospital Is an episode "In the long suecea.lon of German crimes which will be taken Into account at the anal settlement." There are now 1,480 U. 9. soldiers priRonera of war In Germany, Rays an announcement from the once of the adjutant -general. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON, ONTARIO "If a man empties his purse into his head no man can take it from him An investment in knowledge al- ways pays the best interest:' ---Benjamin Franklin Young man, young woman --you are the architect of your own fortune. Your success or failure in life depends altogether upon yourself. If you would be successful you must LEARN TO DO. Genius is fifty per cent. TRAINING anti fifty per cent. WORK. As you carve out your future you will slake a most serious mistake if you fail to provide a strong, secure founda- tion in the way of practical husiness education. "It is only the trained, qualified Iran who makes his life tell." The time to lay the proper foundation is NOW and this is the school. Business Secretarial COURSES : Stenographic Civil Service For further particulars write to B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts., Principal M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, Vice -Principal Shwiests may eater at asy time. Phone 20> Best Cartoon Gets 11150 Bond. In connection alth the coming Victory Loan campaign. the Dominion Press News and Feature Committee announces a cartoon contest. Artists are invited to submit sketches suitable for a two -column engraving. which will be judged on their merits as publicity calculated to assist in the selling of Victory bonds. The com- mittee offers a SOO bond of the new issue for the best cartoon. A number of car- I toms will also be awarded special men- ,. tion. The sketches submitted are to become the property of the committee and a nom - Mel fee will be paid for any that are used in the campaign. Mr. C. F. Crandall, managing editor of The Montreal Star, and the editor of Vic- tory Loan National Press News and Fea- ture Service will be the judges. The contest will clove on October 1:,th. and awards will be announced a few days later. RED CROSS NOTES. , The Society thankfully acknowledges the following contributions of socks: Mrs. Reynolds, 43 pairs; A Friend. 19 parrs; Mrs. W. L Horton. x pairs; Mrs. J. Lynn. Mrs. Gordon, Mrs Horton, sr , Mrs.. Bishop. Shirr ay. h p, M1ss Shu ay, 7 pours each. Mrs. Platt, Miss Montgomery, 6 pans eache Mrs, Bullard Ars. C. Lee. ' Mss LgTouzel. Airs. lohn Sturdy, Mrs. McKim. 5 pairs each; Mrs.' B Saults, 1 Miss Tiffin. Airs. Morrish, Mrs. Woods. Mrs. J. Clark, Mrs. Burkholder. Mrs.. Ed. Farr. 4 pairs each; Mrs. Dumin. Mrs. Lee, sr.. \urs. Foster, Mrs. R. H. Cott, Mrs. f)rinkwater, Mrs. Wei- ler, 3 pairs each; Mrs. Ball. Mrs. Gold-' thorpe, Miss S. Dark, Miss S. Cunning.; ham, Mrs. Parnham, •Mrs G. Cameron, Mrs. McKinnon, Mrs. H. Carter, Miss S. ; Clark, Mrs. D. K. Does, Mrs. Felker, Mrs. Howell, Miss G. Saults. Miss Far- row, Miss Helen Cooke. Mies Jean Cooke. Miss M. Dark, Mrs. R. J. Ache- son. inn Mrs. Wm. Young.Mise Scrimgeour, Mrs. J. Griffin, Mrs. Hill, Miss L Fergu- son, 2 pairs each; Miss Ball, Aiisa Olive Goldthorpe. Mrs. H. J. A.MacEwan, Mrs. F. EItiott. Mrs. A. Davidson, Mrs. R. Clark, Mrs. John Cl.isholm, Miss Parnham. Mrs. J. P. Brown. Mrs. J. A1c- Math, Mrs. Swaffield, Mrs. Carrie, Miss Driver, Miss Taggart. Mrs. Leitch. Mrs. O. Sturdy, Mrs. ( 1)r. l Clark. Mrs. S. Armstrongg..•.Miss J. Foster, Mrs. J. M. Stewart. &Wise G. Porter. Mrs. Long, Mrs. 13. Newland (Chicago,. Mrs. Mack- lin, Mrs. H. Morris. Mist C. Dark. Mrs. Rhynes, Miss Robinson. I pair each. w ♦ e Yarn department at Dr. Gallmr's of The Singer Store fires, North street, Tuesday's and Satur- t days, 2 to 5 D. M. �� 1 Massey -Harris Shop - FOR BINDERS, MOWERS AND • CULTIVATORS. DELCO-LIGHT PLANTS. $UCKEVE INCUBATORS. GRAY AND McLAUGHLIN CARRIAGES. GAS ENGINES. WIRE FENCE. OLD HOMESTEAD FERTILIZER. Robert Wilson Hamilton St. Goderich For Good Reliable Shoe Repairs, try Smith 8i Ring 30 East Street. Qppotne Koos Church are Us a Trial Tour Labor Counts -every move of work you do hellsn some moldier who is fighting over there' The war re bring fought as truly in the household and in the work -shop as it is in the trenches. Some of our Canadian women are borne down physically and mentally, by the wesenesseslof their se.. They suffer fmm backache, dragging sensa- tion, very nervous and pain in top of head. 1f they ask their neighbors they will he told to tape a Fnsvtnle I'rrwcnption of i)r. Pierre's which hae been we well and favor- ably known for the past half century. Weal; women should try it now. Don't Wait) Begin today. This woman's tonic and nervme will hong vim, vigor and i vitality. Send 1)r. V. M. Nieree, Buffalo, N. Y., 10c for trial pkg., IabiPtm. Pori,. rho -"Abort three year ago 1 was i11 in bed end suffered pain lb, dnetnr said 1 heel gall atone.. but 4.s mewl► eine did not help me A neighbor 4.d been rak- ing Fevnr,t. Presents - twin' and .t had hem- ono her an moot. that .4. urged me to try •� M,T* of hen. and that hest dome h-tp el me w •Jt, wurh .list I sent at need,, tit, �' In. aAnt, le Iwo very mneh mrpriard t the prnmpt n(e.l t h,. mod. - OM gave to me altar the Aortnr hart luded. and 1 *vs mem had such a moil sinew, tout .bon•e'n 1 Nal the least bit rva.tnwn or in need of • tone 1 Mk. nus Pavers. Primeriptionague for a Ire day.. It has novo, failed to ninon ors to perleet hseltb."-Ye. att.ah.A•erewm. P. 0. sea 732. Come and see our line of FANCY GOODS. Embroidered and stamped centres, scarfs and. cushions. Trimmed bath towel. crochet yokes, fancy hags and hand- kerchiefs. Stamped lunch cloths, centres, mats and towels, pure linen. New shipment of ladies' and children's winter under- wear. ' MISS S. NOBLE 4 aA