The Signal, 1918-10-3, Page 8R THURSDAY, Oct. 't, 1918 Wall Papering Hest (.caro• U, (10 wall papering is the fall, when the psapor- t'&Owel, arc out ..0 busy Ow• sI. A i very coutplele. and pi ((1.,'t rras.11s1 ;lt• 4lidin- ary Iwls•rs Ilk• and 1:w• per 11.11 (1sglu•r gv't I 'MIN'S, 101 a1• a. «I ;Ile• 4111.1. roll. Soldiers' Comfort Boxes le, I nrv.-,. 1i1.-, 12,c and 1:s•. 1\ . 1 •, nu.n'� 1d(val Fountain 1•en. O_ al up. and nnu) and ny. y !nk Pe11et., rawly to be d,: , ol. • d i', water specially Mei L.ibl; fur the boys ovenwas, 11Cw• ).-, l..u'I.ryr e.• 1 C.aist. '44.44•41•s Colder, ( ,. • ord has been received from Mrs. yt els... (rf bark's Falls. that her bus baud. Pte. E. A. Narver. formerly of 11s Signal. ho was ielx,rted a few week: ago in hospital Hibernia from (,. no n gas. has recovered and by now m. yI'e ha.k in the (.ring bre. 1 Ise (kl(ar meeting of (he Children's Aid Si b•oily wall he held ((t oll Tuesday. Nth riot , al 4.15 p. m , in the court home. All w bo can do so should attend the.... meetings and heroine acquainted with the cxtuil end %nutty of this'aork lira ucyk•ctid and destitute childrt•n HAVE YOU TRIED THE I AataStropRMR? Until you have you will never know the pleasure N at a perfect shave. THE SIGNAL - GODERICH ONTARIO IN SPITE OF BAD WEATHEI. Concluded from page 1. guessing competitagn. For ten cents you were allowed a guesses to the number of seeds in a pumpkin. There was a great vanity of pleases. Miss Del. Nairn being nearest with 320. The actual number I was 313. The pnze was a collection of vegetables (rvgt the garden of Mr. H. Banter. Mr Thos. 11. Mitchell was tbe winner uI the guessing competition for the autograph quill. A Good Program. Though the performers weer $II on hand, and on Thursday a program was put un before the grandstand between showers. and in the evening 1 the main hall. at was not until Fnd., afternoon that the outside events could be put on an proper shape. Then an exceflynt pro - 8m au gwen. The Western Qatar* Regiment band front London. with forty one pieces made itself very popuW act its splendid mope. The Monroe Brothers. comedy acrobats. were skilful and funny. Morns Manley and little Mildred Man- ley made a great Tut with their s�uaaiartg. the little out having a evondetJully developed voice. Prof. Dan Marlyn. aith Mr. Frank B*echler and other dancers. and Mr. Roy McKenzie as piper, put 041 a good program of Highland danc- ing. The Track Events. The track was altogether too wet far use on Thursday, but by Friday after- noon it had dried up wonderfully. and although in two of the events the entry lest was small the committee decided to be generous and CO gave the spectators and the horsemen the benefit of the full program of four races. The result was a great afternoon's sport. which did not con- clude until after 0 o'clock. The results: 2.09 amt or pace-- Alfreda i Fawn. Mitchell). . _ 1 1 1 FreddieGrattan (Yearley,Crediton) 2 2 2 Royal Dundee (McLean. Godetich).3 3 3 2.20 trot r r pace - Royal Dundee (McLean. Godetich).1 1 1 Free Bond (Litt, Mitchell) ,712 2 3 -minute trot or pace - Mayo (Litt. Matdtdll 1 1 I Auburn Boy (McNeil. Auburn .. 3 2 2 Duster (A. A. Young. Cwlow) 4 3 4 Barney Wilkes 'McGee. Port Albet)7 b 3 Re -Peter (McDougall Bros.. Porten 1 545 River Hall (hlcCartiley Seaforth) 6 8 6 Cherry Worthy (Milson: Lucktaw'I 3 dr Fanners' trot ur pace- Queenie Smith (Yearly. Crediton)2 1 t 1 Sun Maid (Reid •Lucknow 1 1 2 2 3 Barney Wilke.( McGee. Pt. AlbeFfll 6 3 2 ik Boy (McNeil. Auburn) 3 3 7 6 Duster (Young. Carlow) 6 5 4 4 Farl KaplintJ. Reynolds. CIantonl5 4 5 5 Toddie Mac (McMichael. Sea - forth). 7 7 6 7 Goderich 6, Strafford 7 The baseball game on Fnday after- noon between Stratford and Goderich was watched with interest by a large crowd. it looked like Strat(ord's game until the seventh innings, when Goderich gut things going merrily, -winning with one run and an innings to spare. The teas were: learns Stratford-Corot., a s. Item. 1 b. Wel- son. 2 b; A1cKenze. r; Flannagan, p; Gough. r f; Harvey; d b: Livermore. I f; Solider. c f. Goderich-W. Doyle. c: B. Townsend, c f; E. Cooper, p; Morris. 2 b; J. Wig -1 gins. 3 h; K Babb. s !; 1. 4yle. 1 Ib;' W. l.umby. r f; H. Alteesorl. 1 f. Morris and Wiggins assisted in the (itching for Godench. and Harvey for Stratford. Chas. Black was umpire. 1 he score by innings: Goderich 0 0 0 2 1 0 5 0 x,- 41 Stratford 1 0 2 0 3 0 0 0--74 The list of prize -winners will he found on leases :t and 7. Cts Or irritation Stropped in a jiffy Mathis last a lifetime eia4to edge always keen and sharp Ala tiuuble to clean ALL FOR $5.00 INCLUDING TWELVE BLADES. SYROP. AND LEATHER CASE To Avoid In tluenza. Dr. ifunter, Godench's health officer, gives the following advice for protection against what is called "Spanish influenza." now causine trouble in'many Icalilios. Avoid crowded places Comfy in and take one on trial Have abundance of fresh air, Recoenize the Y rioU5nr5. of pose iMe You'll never return It. complications, such as pneumonia. Go to bid if symptoms show. It fol a shaving weeder. James A. Campbell Druggist Phone 90 Goderich. •Ontario ••11un,n's Gulden (:ale" • CODERICII TOWNSHIP. Spr. Art Patton. of the Engineers, f Quebec. has transfered to the Signallers, of the Siberian force and is stationed at' Ottawa Miss Evelyn Cade and Mr. and Mrs. Maw and Mrs. Maw, sr.. motored from Windsor and spent a few days with Mr. and Mr. O. F. Edwards. Mr. Will Hicks has sold the Spence' faim on the Huron road to Will Prouse. COULD NOT STOP THE HEADACHES um She Tried "rnianm" -Made From Fruit him ll! Corona Yr. HT. Joac, N B. "1 fee( 1 must hell you of the great beaelt 1 base resolved from your wonderful mndieeae, 'Fruit -a -fives'. 1 have been a sufferer for maay gears from L'iofewf Ilad. hnr, and mould get no permaaeat relief. A friend advised me to take 'Fruit- s -tires' and 1 did So with great suooess; sad now I am entirely free of Headaches, ttsaaka to your aplead,d medbioe". MRIs. ALEXANDER SHAW. 40o. a bog, 6 for $2.50, trial sloe 25e. At all dealers or sent oa receipt of prloe, postpaid, by Fruit -4 -tire. llmitod, Ottawa. CHURCH NOTES. Itev. J. E. McCauley preached his first sermons as pastor of the Goderich Bap- tist church on Sunday last. The new minister o a young man of prepossessing appearance and manner, a good pulpit speaker, and evidently a student and thinker. Ile has been in the Baptist music suitable todhe occasion. The services in )(nos church next Sab- bath will be condi eted by the minister, Rev. R. C. MCDermd. The morning subject will be: "Tbe Forward Move- ment in the Cburch.'• In the evening a memorial service will be held in honor 01 those who have made the supreme sacrifice. Subject: -Our Falkn Heroes." A aeries of union evangelistic meet- ings aUl Degta next Sunday in North street Methodtet church. The word- ing service will be conducted by the pastor, itev. Dr. Rutledge. The even." lag servloe, la which the uniting churches jots. will he In charge of ltev. E. D. Johnson and party. Standay school and Bible classes meet at 3 p. w. Everybody welcome to tbeae service,. EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGN. Union Services in Goderich Cosemeuce Sunday Evening Next. The drive is on. The evangelistic cam- paign for a better Godrnch begins on Sunday evening in North street Metho- dist church at 7 o'clock. Each of the co- operating churches will hold its own serv- REV. J. E. McCAULEI' Pastor of Goderich Baptist Church. ministry fur six years. four and a -half years of which were spent at Glammis, in the Bounty of Bruce Educationally he is a product of Port Elgin high .school,Owen Sound Collegiate Institute. Strat- ford Normal School and McMaster Um - versa y, Toronto. Ria ordination took place June 7th last at Glammi,. Evangelist Rev. E. Johnson will preach at the meaning service at Victoria street Methodist church next Sunday. Sunday school and Bible class at 3 o'clock. Rev. J. E. M.Cauley will preach in the Baptist church next Sunday. Toe morn- ing service. at 11 o'clock. will be iu keep ing with the Sunday school rally which will be held at 3 p. m. It is announced by the Presbyterian General Assemb ly's committee on church praise that the date of publication of the revised book of praise *ill be November 1. A cablegram has been received from London stating that the first consignment of the music edition has been shipped. Further ccnsigjnnents of this edition and of books of words will follow. Mr. F. T. Erener, Mus. Bac.. of De- troit. who presided at the organ in Knox church last Sunday. gave a short 'coital after the evening service which was heard with much appreciation. Mr. Egener will day at both services next Sunday also, and m the evening• when a memorial service will be conducted for the soldier, alien an the war, will render some special SOUR, ACID STOMACHS. GASES OR INDIGESTION •Pape's Diapepsin" neutralizes exces- sive acid In stomach, relieving dyspepsia, heartburn and distress at once. *111111111111111111111111111111111111 01.... Il lll� M 1111110/111111/11111111111111/11114t ■ 1 ask r lana, fdu fl'to maeid ty, awlillt° o. r +.....www ... _ No indlg.etion, heartburn, sotireeee mor ielebis6 of gas or eroctations of undi- tnod, no discinesa, bloating, foul reatb or headache. Pym s Diapeprin is noted for Its speed In regulating upart stomachs. ......It is the surest, quietest stomach sweet. ener le the whole world, and besides t4 is harmless. Put en rad to stomaeb distress at onee by getting a large fifty rent case of Pape's Diapefaia from any drug store. You realise in Ore minutes bow Needless it is to suffer from hall. «esthos, dyspepsia or any stomach dis- •rdet caused by fermeatatbu due is ezeeaslvr acids la stomach. A SHOE STORE -FOR- EVERYBODY! OREVERYBODY! E New Fall Footwear Teri. ,* i' -,n we are in a position to quote you last .e-:,.(nt'?, price•s on our new lines of fall and winter fts,twear. See our new lines of black, grey and e h... kid high -cut styles, high or low heels, at popular prices, Neolin Soles We have installed a new Landis stitcher, and can now to sole your boots with Neolin Soles. T s.. SEI; OUK WINDOWS WM. SHARMAN THE SHOE MAN 1.1 a NiMUIIIIIIiIIIUIIIICIIIIIIIIIIi • ■ a IN ■ a IulllulIUilllllllmilllnullllli IN ENGINES FOR SILO FiLLING WATERLOO ROT TRACTORS Just what ,.s, n.wd fnr silo MIing, thr,.bing, pinwinR, cul- (.ivrrt ng, diarwng or any work on fat m. Wo have Ihens iu stock for immediate delivery. Rebuilt Steam Traction Rn - Ones: 70 h p., IR h p., 17 h p. and 16 h.p. Pnrtab'e n4naitt I i,gines from 12 h.p. wpwend's. fleperato a from 24••zl0 for individual farmer. All for immediate delivery. The RAI. Bold Fagioe & TLres er Co., Ltd. S lt,r;It. tint. REV. E. DE WiTT JOHNSTON Evangelist. ice in its own church onSdnday morning. The union chair will make its fust ap- pearance on Sunday evening at the apen- ing of the campaign. t)on't fail to attend this opening meeting. Let all the people of the town pull to- gether for a better as well as a greater Goderich. A special meeting of AhmeekChapter, I. 0. D. E.. will be held in the jury room of the court house un Monday afternoon, 7th inst.. at 4 o'cloci.. Important busi- ness is to be transacted. DUNGANNON. W EDNESDAY. Oct. 2. Buy '•uctory bonds -if you have the price. Joe O'Conner had a large delivery of Iambs on Tuesday. George Dickson. the Blyth horse -buyer. was around this week picking up some good ones. Ed. and Mervin Durnin, of Goderich, visited their grandmother. Mrs. Dreany, this week. Mr J. R. McNabb and family motored to London, Aylmer, St. Marys and Sea - forth last week on business. Mr. S. B. Stothers, district agricultural representative, of Clinton, was in the vil- lage this week. Dr. Case made a trip to Wingham this week. Mrs. Sloan. who has been on the sick list. is around aga n. Rev Mr. Smith a former Methodist pastor of Dungannon, now of Calgary, called on his many friends here the past week. Robert Bailey. manager of the Sterling Bank, who has been having ten days holidays. returned on Monday night and was hack "on the job" Tuesday morning. Mr. Mitchell. who was relieving him. left the same day. We are pleased to be able to report that Mrs. Harry Ryan is improving nicely. Will Maize was at London yesterday reporting at military headquarters, NEW BUTTER RE(;uLAT1ON5.-The Government Purchasing Commission has commandeered all fresh creamery butter from September 3Q, to November 0, in- clusive. Inc export lir the soldiers at the front. The allowance cf butter for home ('nnsumption is two pounds per month per head. Don't IRowl; the boys at the front areentitled to the best that can be made. FARM Sous. --William Campbell has purchased 100 acres from William Rivers. 2nd Con(iioonre of West Wawa - nosh. James Maefteyre has purchased the remaining fifty acres of Mr. Rivers' farm. We under,tand Mr. Rivers is leaving for Lucknow, to work at his trade of bhcksmithing ' ERSKINE'S ANNIVERSARY SERVICES. - The anniversary services of Erskine church last %May morning and evening were tersely attended. The other churches of the village were cloned Inc the occasion. Rev. R. J. Rnt(e, B. A.. of Auburn, was the preacher of the day and he delivered two very impressive sermons to appre- ciative congregations. The choir. assisted by a number of voices from the Methodist choir, renderer a splendid service in their songs of praise. The collections Inc the day amounted to 4110. The concert which was to he held Monday night was cancelled owing to the sudden death of the late Wm. Stothers, who was one of the members of the congregation. Rev. M. P. Craig conducted the services at Auburn and Carlow last Sunday. Mrs A. Roach on Sunday received notification that her brother. Lance -Corp l' William Arthur Heffnrd, was in hermit*/ in France with a gunshot wound in the left arm. Mrs. Jnr. Dally (!remedy Misr Rohs* Brasier), of W'oxndstnck vicinity, is here vnaifino Mn. Robert Mone. 1 A Sunowt CALL.. -Tragic indeed was the death of Mr. William R. Stnthers, of the 2nd adncessir.n of West Wawanoxsk ' which occurred Sunday morning last. ' Mr. Stothers was plowing on Saturday and wan in the village on Saturday even - 'clock Sunday interning metal.s well as sounds froAbout his 11111M1111111111U111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111U11111111111111111111111111111111111 StOfe '�86°'e THE COLBORNE STORE Hous .M b Corsets that Lace in Front The new Goddess front laced Corset redes•ts every detail or authentic sty Ie. Fashion says ft's tbe thing. They are chic new models admirably suited to every figure. Made by expert uorsetierec, with the finest materials for women of taste and refinement who realise ththis s �. dreaming begins with the n.irset. We want you to (nspe ct our want' models. They are sold only at A FRIEND IN NEED -AN UMBRELLA No knowing when one of those drenching fall rains is Dowing ; It doesn't fay to he caught in one of them. One of our many styles of t'tubrellas bought now will protect you against the coining rains. ''bey range in price from 41.25 up. A WOMAN'S GLOVES Reflect her personality just as surely as her suit nr coat: they tell a story easily underateoxt. ('hamotsette are the leading (cloves for fall wear. and we are show lag theta in white,, blask,grey and mastic, at $1.2.5 a pair. Do not be without a pe4r of these fashionable (doves, $1.1J. BLOUSES DELIGHTFUL TO BEHOLD And to possess them will satisfy the desires of evil woman who is particular. Possession W not a dif- ficult ,,atter either, Inc they are priced very moderately. The daintiest creations of soft silk and georgette crepe are herein selections that afford unlimited opportunity for choice. Ask to see them before they are all sold out. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR AND WOOLLEN GOODS ing. Ladies' all cashmere Hush in slams from N I-2 to In, at 90c a pair. This is a particularly heavy stock Boys' heavy wool Stockings and girls' line ribbed Bose, in all wad or cashmere in all sizes. moderately priohd. Ladies' and children's Underve in all wanted qualities and sizes c.•Wpletr• and in stock now. Lies. All khuds of knitted goods for is s and children. Sweater coats i 1 aarge range of corona and quail. EIDERDOWN WOOL \Ve have in stuck a few shades of eiderdown wool that we are clearing at 10c a skein. LADIES' FALL COATS Ladies' fall ('oats that are oke st)les.-hut suitable 0, be cut down for the cthildren, wilt -he on axle Aatpe- day at 01.101 to 115.iss each. Buying these e(lats will save you money. We are the sole agents for the eetitih,ratrvt h & A ('ORBIT, also Gr)1tDEs s COIISETs laced in front. They are without doubt the very best corset on the market. 'Ju+t try a pair and 6e convinced. D.&A. Corsets J. H. COLBORNE Standard Patterns fiiIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiummilllllllli millililllliliililillllliliinilililiilllimilliIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinniIIIIIIIIIIUIIUIIIIIra room brought the assistance of members of his family. but in a few minutes he was dead, the result of heart failure. The deceased was born fifty-six years ago on the farm on which he died. Thirty•tw•o years ago he married Rebecca Davidson. who survives, with a family of two sons and two daughters: Herbert. of Ashfield; Mrs. Frank Jones, of Dungannon; Ella and Robert at home. Stephen Stothers. of Goderich. is a brother. and Mrs. John Elliott, of Dungannon., a sister. Mr. Stothers was a Presbyterian and a lifelon. Conservative. He was a man much r, - teemed in 'the twmxzsunity. and his death is regretted by aa. The fureral took place on Tuesday afternoon to Dungannim cemetery, the services brine cnrducted by Rev. M. P. Craig, asci -ted by Rev. T. A. Steadman. 1he pallbearers were Stephen and William Stothers. of Gude- rich, brother and nephew of the deceased. Arthur and Will Elliott. n phewr.'Herbert S otters. a son. and Frark Jones, a'en- in-law. The fnends from a distance who were present were- \Ir. and Mrs. J. \1, W ilson, Elora: Mr. and Mr,. Arthur Shaw. Bluevale; Mr. and,J►frs. Anson Shall. Brussel-; Mr. Edward Jo/instil!) and Mrs. Richard Johnston, Bluevak: Mr. and Mrs. Robot Davidson. Goderith township; Mr. and Mrs Joseph Stothers t Blyth; Mr. David \lallough and Mrs Ben. McClure. Luckraw:!sirs. William Stothers and Miss Clara Stothers, Gude- rich.' THURSDAY. Oct. 3. Word was received this week by Mr. and Mrs. David Sproul, of the village, that their scan. Pte. Harold Sproul. had been wounded in action in France. He has a cunshnt sound in the side; Saves Money For The Farmer PRICES of farm products have reached a high level. The farmer can take full ad- vantage of this situation only by adding to his equipment of time and labor-saving ma- chinery. Time and labor are money. When time and labor are. saved, money is saved. Time and labor-saving de- vices for working the land do not produce compete results in themselves. The farmer must have rapid and depend- able means of placing his products on the market. The Ford One -Ton Truck will make trips to town so much more quickly than the horse that you will have many extra hours of time to devote to productive work. A large number of fanners have proven the Ford One -Ton Truck to be a time and money -saver have you? Price (chassis only);750 F. O. B. Ped, Oatarlo Rmiabout Taming _ • elo Coups • • $ a1R - • •• Ssin- 1F- O. e. Feed, poly` *w ..mtM.tr .- i . uass r +saw N P. J. MacEWAN, Dealer Goderich, Ontario