The Signal, 1918-7-25, Page 5THE
East Street Garage "chnletkai'Pree b"
GODERICH • - - ONTARIO Arthur tit. Glover
LOCAL TOPICS The number of the offending car was
taken, and Mr. Powell says there will be
an action fur damagee if the owner
doesn't settle.
Donations to the Hospital.
The following donatima to Alexandra
hospitaL covering the period from May
to July. are thankfully acknowledged:
Three jars (31 truit, from Mrs. Holt; oid
-11nen and teaspoons. from A Friend:
basket of potatoes, from Mrs. (Dr.) Tay-
lor; two of fruit and one of pickles,
1day. August 1st, at 3 p. m. A short
time will be taken foe the regular meet-
: mg. A good program of games and
, races is being prepared for the remain
!der of me afternoon. Come and bring
your wa-tinit lunch.
Many Visitors Yesterday.
A large numher of picnickers were in
town yesterday. having come in by auto-
mobile from varioue points to i -pend ihe
day by the lakeside. There were about
twenty-five crs along the bank during
the afternoon, and each brought from five
to ten passengers. One party of six or
Godsrich Orchestra Dances.
The Goderich Orchestra will give dances
at Menesetung Park Monday evelung of
sa •h week and at Hotel Sunset on Wed-
nesday evenings, continuing this program
during July. August and September.
For the dance* at Menesetung there will
be a half-hour jitney service from Ham-
ilton street to the Park each Mon y
Farmers' Club Pecnic.
Under the auspices of the Colborne
Farmers' Club, a big picnic gathering is
to take lace on Thursday. August 1st. at
"Lorneside," Mr. E. V. Lawson's farm on
the Lake Shore road. at Dunlop. Public
questions are to be discuseed,by local and
outside speakers. and there vdll be a pro-
gram of sports music. etc. Everybody is
invited to attend. This is expected to be
one ol the big events of the season.
Placing Farmerettes
Miss M. C. Straith, representing the
from A riend; supply of new Imen. from Ontario Government women s farm de -
gamed by the D. A. M. I. D. K. Club of partment. was in town this week looking
Ahmeek Chapter. 1.0. D. E. 1 seven cars was frorn Blyth and was or -
Automobile Overturned. into the farm labsr situation in this
Mr. W. J. Powell while motoring on I Teeswater, Baytield and other points.
that town. Others were from Wingham. neighborhood and the opportunities for
Sunday Lut with a party of (fiends had ' the employment of "farmeret t es. "
his car overturned into th- ditch by an- An Invitation for the Ladies. Though the fruit crop is particularly poor
this season and there will not be much
other car which attempted to pass too Members. ex -members and friends are demand for. h lo in the orchard M.
close on a narrow road near Sheppardton. cordially invited to the annual picnic of - . - e '-
. Straoh discovered some ,places'in which
Mr. Powell's car was badly damaged, • tbe Godench branch of the Women s ss.„,.„.„ heis may be welcomed at the
but fortunately nobody a as hurt severely.) Institute in the Harbor Park on Thurs- I --'-'!' v —:
right time.
Lawn Bowling Totrinament.
The lawn bowlers bad tournament in
doublee yesterday for handsome prises
contributed try Mears. S. Henry. F.
Sixteen players took part. In the first
event tbe first pri two saver fruit
bowls. WII• won by S. enry and H. Mc-
Dermott, and the 'Kora prize, two silver
nut bowiti. went to Dr. MacDonell' and
F. H. Martin. In the second event the
prize. silver fruit bowls, was woo by H.
lalacGregor and C. H. Humber.
bob:hors of the Sail.
Mr. R. C. Sidenius, travelling repre-
town over the week -end ei connee:tion
with the S. 0. 3 movement and ar-
ranged with local men minated in the
movement for the Presentation of bedees
badges are to be presented to boys of
"teen" age who work on the farm for
three months this summer. including
thOse who work for this period on their
father's farm. The date *selected for the
presentation of the badges is September
Girl Lost --and Found.
A girl of about seventeen years of age,
named Mortise. from Liscknow, was en-
gaged by Mr. Madden of the British Ex-
change hotel and joined the hotel staff on
Monday. She disappeared the same day,
and Mr. Madden becoming anxious had
inquiries made through the town and
neighboring country. Tueeday afternoon
it was }earned that the girl had returned
to Lucknow. but instead of going to her
own home she had one to the home of
Chautauqua Week m
August 5th
1110111111111111111111111111Mffilifil Six days of unique opportunity in education and recreation
Welsh Glee Quartette
Some Features of the Program
William Osborne, Violinist
Herbert Elwell, Pianist and Composer
Russell H. Conwell, D.D., LL.D.,
Popular and classical music ; songs in. costume,
musical readings.
Colonel George W. Bain
Lecture : "If I Could Live Life Over."
Miss Bertha Farrier, Soprano
Miss Martha Alexander, Violinist
Miss Madge Williamson, Pianist
Hartwell De Mille. Baritone
Rev. P. J. MacCorry
Madame Florence Bodinoff, Prima Donna
The most popular lecturer and preacher in the
United States, with a world-wide reputation.
The Ben Greet Players
A celebrated'organization, giving one of Shake-
speare's immortal plays.
The Tschaikowsky Quartette
A remarkable company of musical artitts.
The Royal Dragoons
.k singing hand.
Dr. T. W. Davidson
Address . "The Camouflage of Kaiscrism."
TICKETS —$2.00 for the whole course of five afternoons and
children six to fourteen years.
six evenings. $1.00 for course ticket for
Besides the afternoon and evening prograrn. there is a
special one for the 1x”s and girls each mornihg. 9 to 10
o'clock, story -telling ; 10 to 11, Junior Town (lessons ill
municipal government); 11 to 12. games of all kinds. At
the end of the week there will be a junior Pageant, "our
Allies," in which boys and girls holding tickets will take
PENNANT CONTEST-13oys and girls who earn their
own money to buy their tickets will be awarded points.
and through the course points will be awarded in the
morning games, and the town in the Chautauqua circuit
that has the greatest number of points vvill be given a
NO parents can afford to neglect this opportunity
A limited of course tickets may lattice
after August 3rd. Make sure of securing your ticket
The Chautauqua will be at the Hotel Sunset and grounds.
For tickets or
the instruction and training of their children.
it NOW.
gr. Lee
none will be
sold at
being the guarantor.
ha sister-in-law. She bawl ev amity taken
ht of homesickness, but her action in
leaving without telling any patio,' of bet
intention was the cause of toneiderable
smutty for a while.
The following officers of Huron Lodge.
week for the usual terin of six months:
Plait; Warden. 11. II Potts; Con -
Creek Murray; R. S. S., Robb Bell;
The installation was conducted by
accompanied by other members from
information apply to CHAS. C. LEE, Hotel Sunset, Goclerich.
Chautauqua Week.
Everybody in Goderich. has heard el
Chautauqua, a few have visited it, and
now it is to he Nought to our own town
for a week, August 5 to 10. when a cepa'
lar Chautauqua course 11 to be given at
Hotel Sunset. The program, many copies
0 which have been distributed through-
out the town and neighborhood. shows an
amazing variety of talent. all of the very
first order, and 3 week of high-class recrea-
tion. entertainment and instruction ism
store for those who await themselvee of
the opportunity. Farther information
with regard to the couree is given in the
advertising columns on page 5 of The
Signal this week, and we would .3dVice
everyone who can poesably attend the
course. or a part el it, to purchaae at
once a course ticket for the small price of
en -
National demands snake it essential that mare
or go under " - the smog way to go under is by
sot keeping the Allied asmate fed.
The profit of raising utile is enormous oa
account of the prices bow prevailing and pares
Rain srore cattle as a duty to the nation sod
your bank account. If 6 panels' help is tesiu it ed,
consult our locat assuager.
a young man, anti V.11114 a rqeident of
Aahneld for forty•two years. He wee a
inetriber of the Baptist church and Glebe
who kuew lain can beauty to his thor-
ough knowledge of the Bible. He is
survived by three brothers John,
of Park street, Dotter's:1e, and Thomas
and William. of Colborne townehip. The
burial took place in Ball'is se•metery, the
pallbearers; being two of the brothers,
John and William, and four of the
isepliews of the dee:emoted: John J. Rob-
ertwon, et Colborne, J. Ernest, of To-
ronto, Elmer, of Loudon uillitar_y map,
and Charlet; M., of Ooderieli. Rev. Mr.
Vorde.of Auburn, maths:Jest the funeral
Local Bank's History.
An adick in another eolunui of The
Signal tells of the new bank notes being
sued by the Canadian Bank of Com-
merce in commemoration of the comple-
tion of a halrscentury's service with tbe
Bank by its president, Sir Edmund
Walker. lei this corwiection it is interest-
ing to note that the Goderich branch of
the Bank of Commerce has record of an
inspection by Sir Edmund Walker (then
Mr. B. E. Walker) on November lOth,
1879. The Goderich branch wan one of
the first four er five branches atablished
by the Bank of Commerce outside ol
Toronto. this branch being opened June
27th. 1870.
Some of the new bills Hemel by the
Bank have been received at the total
branch, and they are very handsome
pieces of work.
A Costly Bit of Mischief.
An escapade on Sunday night was
rather costly for five young men of the
crew of the Government supply boat Dot-
ard, which was in port for a few days the
et. week. Breiking into Ed. Lynn's
le store at the freight shed during the
quiet hours of Sunday night, they carried
off quantitias of cigars, cheynng gum
and tobacco, and next 'limning ahen the
theft was discovered the boat had left for
Kincardine. Constables Gundry and
Postlethwarte went up to Kincardine and
after some enquiry got hold of the hve
boys. who are about seventeen yaks oe
age. On being brought back to Goderich
they pleaded guilty to the theft benne
Judge Dickeon, and this being their hest
offence they were allowed to go on sus-
pended saitence on paying a fine of 110
each. making restitution to Lynn and
paying suet's the sum being 144.15 tor
each of the culprits.
Sent Back to Industrial School.
the death on Monday last, at Alexan-
dra hospital, of David D. Buchanan,
younger won of Mr. Allan Buchanan.
Colborne towoahip. It was only on
the 5th a this month that Nlary
RUCS/ALMS, the slily daughter of the
weed away suddenly, a few
days titter her brother now donisiesel had
arrived home from Montreai for • holi-
day visit. Mr. BuchanatCs death fol.
lowed An operation for an internal ab-
ates's. The ileoeased wait Ilfty years of
age and WWI not married. He leaves to
mourn their 41QAIble• beeveVellbellS
&fed father awl a brother, .111,1114.14, of
Colborne. The funeral took place froni
the family reisidenee to the' cesiberne
cemetery en Wolinetsday afternoon.
lie••. c'. Mt:Denim' officiating. The
pallbearer% were Mensre. Chat McNeil,
Deo. Fowler, A. J. Goldthorpe, S. Yates.
Win. Walter's ancl'il. Curren.
• Four boys were brought before Me
I• of breaking into the Ocean House and
stealing a vanety of articles one night
)1( last week. The boys belonged to the
mg party that has been employed cultiva-
''` ting sugar beets in Colborne township.
▪ and came from the Industrial School at
Mimioo. The magistrate sent three of
'" the boys back to the Induarial School
a and sent the other. who appeared to be
Ithe leader in the misdemeanor. tor tr al
by Judge Dickson. His Honor recalls-
mitted the lad to the Industrial School
gg for a further period of two years, unless he
IN - Elliott, Children'sAid Societ y officer, who
mg managed to secure an influence over the
boy. left with him yesterday for Mimics)
II with the prospect that he wouki join His
utMajesty's naval forces and thus go under
▪ a needed discipline.
o I Board of Trade Matters.
Mrs. Henry McBrien has returned Ds
her home at Detroit after a week's visit
with her sister, Mrs. A. C. Jackson.
With the arrival of the new earetary.
a Mr. W. S. Bowden, Boarded Trade affairs
Iare taking on new activity. The cue
tive committee air t on Monday night and
X took up ,several matters relative to the
impeovement and enlarging of the organ-
. ization. It was decided to put the acre-
* tary's office and the Board rixons al the
alMasonic Temple in better working order,
and the secretary is now collecting in -
X formation and making other preparations
it for effective work.
The committee in connection with the
INgaged in rounding up matters affecting
local trade.
The industrial committee aleo are eh.
Igaged in active work relStive to their de-
partment. and the publicity committee
a and the committee on finance are map-
jgg ping out their work for some .weeks to
in come -all tending to the promotion of a
11 -Greater Goderich."
a For the Prisoners of War.
* Over one hundred pereons were present
at the bridge party given at Hotel
in Sunset on Saturday evening for the Pm-
* oners of War Society, and the proceeds
were S88.50. The refreshments were
donated. so that the whole amount of
X proceeds goes to help the prieoners of
war.' The prizes were as follows:
a card case. ?Nes. Boucher; bid, handker-
11 case, Mr. Macdonald; '2nd, pack of cards,
Judge Dickeon.
For hve hundred- Ladies'. 1st, pen-
* painted powder box, Mrs. Button; 2nd,
▪ handkerchief. Mrs. Gallow.
For tive • hundred -Gentlemen's, let,
* match -holder and soh -tray. Mr.ellutton;
s. 2nd, pack of cards, Mr. Coulthurst.
111 In behalf of the Prisoners ef Wu Soe
X ciety Mrs. Hutchineon wishes to thank alt
• who assisted in making the eveoing
Cars and Carnage' Painted. also
Tops Dyed and Repaired.
Pens* teasonable.
Next to Wes. 'Cleorinemate black -
1,11111h h4,p.
elliaillealinewaellialiM algae
Necessary 1
Start a savings account for baby
by all means. That's for
baby's benefit ; but haw the
baby photographed as soon ac
possible -
That's for your
We never know what is in store for
us and • photograph of hob) .0 he
Ickday Tay be more pewee., then
rubies later on.
The Good
Old Summer Time
This is holiday time.
You will need a new suit
for yonr vacation trip,
and you cannot do better
than come right here for
it. We have new goods
for suits anti light over-
coats that we elsoirld like
to show you, and- we
guarantee- sat isf act inn in
cut and workmanship.
mouth Wel, Hetuesre, Hsotertrit.
11011FAITVON -Tbe funeral of the
late J&Illt14 Rob's two°. of Ashaeld tows -
ship, took place es Franey. July 19th.
clay after an illness proionged over sev-
eral years. The late Mr. Robertnon was
born arivesty-flve years ago la the Ork-
ney Dams and came to this ossuary whoa
"Heavy. heavy hangs over
Your head."
You held it too close and I
smell it— it's WRIGLEY'S!"
"Righto. sonny — give your
appetite and digestion a
treat. while you tickle
your sweet tooth."
Chew It Atter Every Meal
The Flavour Lasts!
Made In Canada