The Signal, 1918-5-9, Page 4they look barren and cold. Make your hone more attrac- tive by adding a few new pictures this Spring. We have a splendid variety of subjects, artistically framed. at prices to suit all. Come in and see them. - Rutherford motored to Zurich on Wed- ate resday. to attend the Merrier We. DUNG NivIA ON WEDNESDAY. May sth. Mr. Hugh Swart is sporting a new Ford car. Dr. Irwin. of Wingham, was a visitor in the village last week. Mr. Jas. t)urnin. of Goderich. spent Sunday with friends in the vlltage. Miss Amber INcKenzie is assisting at he telephone office at present. t Mrs. Wm. Ryan has returned home from a visit to London. Mies Hazel Augustine took part in a concert at Ebenezer on Friday night. Miss Ilene Miller attended the funeral of her uncle, Mr. Govett at Clinton on - Mr.da Robert Bailey. manager of the 1 Tim Griffin 82 r 18. Mr. Myers has ten Sterling Bank, motored to his home atm ore ore 'phones ge the to put in assoon. Owing to as war he con can - Miss Prank McLean. o[ Lucknow. Hayfield on nktucL}did ions material is scarce and is difficult to i spent Saturday and Sunday here with her • procure even at the greatly advanced brother Tom. Mr. and Mr*. Fred Rosa. Mrs. B. J.1 THE NORTH Hostas NOk4INATION.—We Crawford and Mn Saturday.(Dr.) Cane motored tie holding Ja nominating convention at me the Conservatives of North Huron to Mr. Dish d 17th, in Mr. Datlald McKenzie intends return- A'ingham on Friday. May mg to the West fit a couple of weeks to preparation for the, bye -election for the Iool( after his interests out there. Local House. There is a general im Mr. Harry Bellamy has a Government pression. that theto nominationnate n will b job in connection with the Dominion' tenderedsome oaf a Spa meof re a of rn,, registration scheme. condi- tionroads are in a very rough tion this spring, especially for cars; but Lorne says the 6th is all right. Mr. and Mrs. -F. J. Pridham and Mr. and Mrs. Loomis, of Goderich, called on Mr. George Jackman on Sunday. We are glad to be able to report that Mrs. Davidson. Mr. H. M. Duff and Mr. Arthur Culbert are improving nioely. Rev. W. B. Hawkins. of Blyth, occu- pied the pulpit of the Anglican churches of Dungannon and Port Albert last Sun- day. Mr. and -Mrs. Jas. Medd. Mr. Robt. eves. of Auburn, visited friends in hevdlage on Sunday. George Case. who has volunteered fon military service, is going into the artil- lery. He left last week for London to join his battery. .,"- Mrs. Jos. Hamilton is visiting her father, Mr. Robt. Straugban, of Auburn. prior to his leaving to spend the summer in Cali- fornia. The meatless days have been done way with in our village. The Auburn Regular 85c, Silk Crepe de Chine All shades of this cloth will be on sale Saturday. Nothing is prettier or more suited for waists or ,dresses than Crepe de Chine. It wears well and has a good finish. Saturday sale. Regular S0 $1.80, for per yard Goddess Corsets No. 716 GODDESS Corset will be on sale Saturday in all sizes. This Corset has a written guarantee for one year,meaa- ing that if anything goes wrong we will replace it with a new corset free of charge. Saturday this Corset will be sold at $2.50. Regular price $3.25 each. Cotton Specials 34 -inch factory 1:5c, for per yard Bleached Cotton. for per yard 29c White Cotton. Regular 20c, for per Collars on Sale All Collars will be on sale this Satur- day at the following redactions : 60c for f50c, 75c for 60c, $1.00 for 75c, $1.45 for 98c, $1.50 for $1.00, $1.75 for $1.25, $2.00 for $1.50. All stoEare ofand flat llars the beSt and ll be on sale. The designs the cloths the newest. Mulls and Voiles Voiles and Mulls in lightsand, dark bine, yellow, white, flesh, green,anand, copenhagen, mauve, champagne These cloths are mercerised and are wonderfully adapted for dresses and waists. Regular 6(lc, on sale Saturday at per yard Gloves Just a few silk (:loves left in black and white. Regular 85c, for J. H. COLBORNE THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY. .,ONIUM IIINIMIIMIMIIM01111111111111UIIIII1111N11u111111111111 MIIM IIIIIM of the present board not being up to the , any other person whom we have seen the Doctor and we should like to we our Conservative friends mike a 'scud ch n, -e requi Myer and of the busiinss oldMr. asmkr Mr. as a probablehis claims not to in their collective wisdom. Myers and his men were up a Ashfield ' be f compared th those of the worthy thse past edst epho and builto line and of No. ed65 telephones a, Billows: Chan Robb. 'Doctor. It isn't exactly "our funeral, ' I( it is quality. then buy your drugs No. &i r 19. Russell Bisset, filo r 17, R. J. I as we do not sit in the Conservative from Wigle the druggist Mullen, 65 r 13. John Cowan. sr.. 65 r 10. I pew; but we have a great adm ration for Smith's Art Store East Street ' P1 • 1181 ARE you A MAN' 9 • 1f you are, you either shave your- self or go to a barber If yon visit a barber you may have the unfor- tunate experience of Mr M Butler. of Bridgeport. Conn.. who ,levetoped what U known as "Barber's flash" on his face through the use of as Infected razor. He writes "My face was covered with sorsa, which caused me a great deal of suffering and Inrnovenlenes, and I was unable to shave for four week*. Repeated applications of lam -Sok. however• entirely rid me of tole trouble." To avoid the poulbllity of such as ezperlenes, Itamedlately yn't see a rash or spot appear. treat It with tam -Rett This balm will destroy ail get'ata. prevent the disease spreading and soon end the trouble. For eczema. old sorsa, ulcers, blood poisoning, burns, awl rests there is *meta, to motel Sam But All dealers SOe box, 3 for III 5. 4 THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1918 It WillPayYou TO SPEND $25.00 for a Suit of Clothes, that is if you buy the kind we are selling ; because, first, the cloth is a pure wool worsted ; next, the tailoring is strictly high-class, and then the styles are the production of a first- class artist. We have had splendid success this season with the above Suits. High-class All -wool Worsted Suits $25.00 Buy now They will be higher in price later on. WALTER C. PRIDHAM Borsalino Hats Headlight Overalls 'Phone 57 THE SIGNAL - GODERICH ONTARIO PORT ALBERT. WEDNESDAY. May 8.2 Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Young. of town. spent Sunday with friends in the vil- lage I Mrs. W. Mcrotten. of Dungannon is visiting with her daughter. Mrs. Jas. M, is hinny, of Port Albert. Mr. Gliders, of Detroit, left this week for his home there after a pleasant visit iwith his friends in this vicinity. P.c. W. J. Ruddock returned last week from overseas service. His friends are 1 Ilad to tee his Wilde once more. Rniev. W. B. Hawkins. of Blyth. preached in Christ church. Port Albert, last Sun- day. All who were there enjoyed his ser- mon very much. 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. Stowe and daughter Jessie. of Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs. J. ' Cousins motored to Kincardine last wreck and spent the day with, friends of the lat- ter. Mrs. Jas. Oliver was called to F.xt William recently owing to the illness of her son-in-law. Mr. Robert Johnston. of that place. We hope to bear soon of his complete recovery. Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown and little daughter Doris and Mrs. Wm. Bell and Mr. Lloyd Bell. aU of Amberley. spent day with their relatives. Mr. and Mrs. ' Jake Bell leCousins this week for Gteellph. where he is in training. We notice that some of ow neighbors seem t be taking advantage of the scarcity of help and the greater produc- tion cry to criticize the travelling mer- chants. We know of many cases where the men. women and children on the farms are working from daylight till dark and also working all their horses. and when the man who gathers the butter and eggs and brings the groceries can tall at so many farms in a day and in that way leave the farmers and their horses tree to get the crop in. we think he is helping production to as great an extent as some of the people who are talking about him. GRAND TRU NI<p.Yi`TLM A Sensitise for Year Sauer HOLIDAY THIS YEAR ALGONQUIN PARK Highlands of Qatari* An ideal slot f.,1 summer vacation midst wild and delightful scenery. Excellent hotel service at the "Highland Inn." Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent. or C. E. Horn- ing, District Passenger Agent. To- ronto. -77 F. F. LAWRENCE & SONS Town Agents Phone 8 JUST ARRIVED AT WALKER'S A SPRING SHIPMENT OF Linoleums and Congo eum Rugs in different sizes. Also a new stock of Rugs worth seeing. A call at the store will con- vince intending purchasers that Walker's is the place to deal. W. Walker THE FURNITURE MAN ON THE SQUARE For the Boys Overseas Soldiers' Comfort Boxes lOc and 15c We carry many useful items to iuclisle In these Boxes. Swan Safety Military Fountain Pen This Pen is constructed to contain a year's 'supply oof f ink in tablet form. Ai is oeceswary in to 1111 the reservoir of the Pen with water and drop in an ink tablet. This make' a per- fect writing fluid. These Pens are gu •ranteed and will suit any handwriting. Complete with pocket clip and ink tablets, t$3.00. Alan Rternesu Alcohol Stoves, Military Brushes, Penslar tread -easy Font Powder, Tooth Paste. Trench Lunch (not choco- late). Nut Bare, firm. Air Pillows - $2.00. James A. Campbell, "C.stral Drag SW*" North at. and Somme, flr.rlerich CAI Tourist Sleeping Cars mean Comfort to the Traveller The interior 6 somewhat more modest ia appointment than the .tand.rd or .First -Glass sleeping car- 01 solid steel u,derfr.me and with high) polished dark green finish. the' Canadian North, ern's torn -t tars present ■ very pleas- ing •ppearanct. The Interior is finished In mahogany. with wade carpet to match and cork composition flooring deaden dden sound and omen vibratirw. Commodi.,us smoking room sad to. - lets; kitchenette with applrares dor tight cooking, running water. etc.. are greatly .pp.eeiated. Roomy bath,. accommodating two persons if desired. are just ewe -halt the fire class rate iecood-else ticket holden may also occupy these cars. and the Dining Car isIwo s available .t mal time Trains leaave Toronto Moon citation 10 p m. Moody. Wednesday. .rid Pridsys tug Winnipeg and points west. For Tickets. Reservations. Liter-, attire and Inlormatlon. apply to J. W. lob or rw rite Insurance. L. Fwirhalrn, U.P.A., U King St. E., Toronto. A SoIdIs(s Str8nth Every enlisted man would stand up stronger and resist much sickness if he could have the benefits of SCOTT'S EMIIISION because it fprtifies the lungs and throat, creates strength to avoid grippe and pneumonia and makes rich blood to avert rheumatic tendencies. Send a bottle of SCOTT'S to a relative or friend in the service. Scott & )sows. Tomato. Out. 174e 1ST. HELENS. MONDAY. May dth. Mrs. John Metier, jr.. and Nurse Webb left on Monday for London, to attend the nurses' graduation exercises. Mrs. NORTHERN OXFORDS —ANT, PUMPS The latest creations in Ox- fords and Pumps are here. The fancy of the particular wontaa who takes pride in her footwear will be more than satisfied by these new creations. Tltey are made in the finest White, Black, Mahogany Kid and Patent Leathers. White Canvas Shoes and Oxferds are now in stock, al- so a full line of Tennis and Outing Shoes for the Boys and Girls. —REPAIRING— Geo. MacVicar North side Square, Goderich Columbus Made an Egg Stand Up on End -but He Spoiled the Egg! We can remove from our portraits any temporary facial blemish that may be preventing you from hating that photograpt$Ulade TO - DA V, :and We Do Not Spoil the Likeneu! J. T. Fell M etier's sister. Miss McKenzie. of Lang - tide, is one of the graduates. We extend oar oongratulatiots to Mr. and Mrs. Chester Taylor on their wed- ding. Mr. and Mn. W. Miller. of Wingham. visited their brother Mr 1. Miller, on Sunday. Mr. Cliff Murray returned from Wing-, ham hospital on Monday, looking very we 11 after his recent operation. We are sorry to note that Miss Maud McQuillan has gone to Wingham hospital E for further treatment for throat trouble. Mrs. Baker received a cable stating ,S that her husbsrtd. Pte. Baker. had been I = slightly wounded on the shoulder but had returned to duty the same day. Messrs. W. Webster. C. Aitchesort. E wyard W f Miller and Wm. and Hugh Store 'TheeTHE COLB O R N E STORE Henifsi SATURDAY SPECIALS The following Specials are for Saturday only. Grasp the opportunity to get real bargains on seasonable goods. Cotton. Regular 12ic i YOUR WALLS may be prettily papered. but without PICTURES SPECIALS at McEWEN'S When you have your garden ready don't forget we have the new seeds in Dutch Sets, Irish Cobbler Potatoes from the teed - house, Government inspected and marked. You have read of the duty on Tea, Coffee, Tobacco and Matches. Get in your supply. Our values in Tea cannot be beat. Our coffee is No. 1. Special in Matches for Satur- day, 5c a package. Special in Washing Ammonia. A few Mets kft et S cents a pkg. worth 10e Bow and some at l0c worth lbc. • Our line of prunes is moving at 12ic and 15c a lb. A nice assortment of children's school Hata at good values. J. J. McEWEN 'Pima 41 - - Goderich although ar opinion that the new mer should Came from their class. The T. E. Case has been mentioned on several occasions in this connection. and many believe he is the right man for the noini:ration. The Doctor. as has already f been stated in these oolumns. has been s Ganem- bfelong active supporter of ativ'e party, and he would make a repre- , sentative of whom the party and the constituency would be proud. He has I two sons in France and his third son has recently joined the cokes. His standing and record are away and beyond those of I a and Lucknow butchers are now making regular .ails. Messrs Joseph Mallough, Matthew Lockhart and Pete: Scott are all canvas- sing their chances of nomination at the coming Corservative convention. A letter from a subscriber opage of t he Rural Telephone Co.. pith 2 of The Signal this week. should be read by every telephone user in the district. Chris. Sanderson. the fruit man, has made his appearance again. on his weekly trips. He has the game old song. "Nice ripe bananas." but not "two for 5" this year. Our merchants report business good. even it the egg market is unsettled. Egg are king- cash comes next. Ninety-five rents worth of eggs brings one dollar—in Dungannon. Mr. and Mrs J. B. Benninger, Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. H. Myers. Miss Ilsley, Miss Amber Mc- Kenzie and Mr. Lorne McKenzie were at Goderich Monday night to see the p. o - duction of "Intokrance" at the Opera House. congregation will hold The MettdiK services at the frilbwittlt hours, new time: Sunday school, 11 a. m.; church services. 12 o'clock and ap. m. There will be no service in the Methodist church next Sunday evening, when the (lddfellows sill attend the Presbyterian church. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robinson. formerly of Du noes, visited at the home of Mr A. Disher last week. Fred is mana- ger of one of the largest Detroit and came up to move his family, who have been living in Goderich, to the City of the Straits. The River Valley Creamery Co. madek two shipments of butter the past Manager ihsnhgand er reports prospectbright for the _ to handle the htreased business another truck has been put on Mr. Henderson. of Lucknow, M contracted for the buttermilk for the seawwt and at present is feeding ovetjotie hundred hogs. Tal HPHONR t n. N tttal - -The Rural Telephone Co. is booming just now. im- prove,nents are being made at tete rem tral office here. including * new Jnnf and a new shed at the melt of [he osteo. On account of increased Weiner a new switchtrv*rt1 it Swing rot In. the coplltoitT Like to Work in an Automobile Factory I Positions occur In our organization that offer steady work. good wages and an opportunity to learn the automobile badness. Vie want to pat in touch with enterprisint young men or e aged sten who recognize the value of this oppor- tunity. Write or call In person, so that ys wt name may be added to the list of applications with the Idea of entering our services as soon as a position is vacant. GRA Y- DORT MOTORS, Limited Chatham, Ontario If you are wise to an advantage you will buy all the Groceries you will require for some time to come. Conditions fully warrant heavy buying in almost any line. and especi- ally so in A word to On the Square Teas Spices Canned Goods Matches Soaps of these goods will not be hi a short time. the wise is sufficient W. J. Powell. The Grocer Telephone 91 .