The Signal, 1918-5-2, Page 1• x V Most Poorer - in Gosfa icA read The Signal. Any per- son who is not already taking it may have it for One Dol- lar from now to the end of this year. $1 to January let, 1919. atvu 3 T.rtRsTYRAa-ho arts U !M Whrton I and IS tin Horton Boulevard w 10R SALK (ATTCCTHTING laying_ strains. S - WHI WY 1sip per la. 61LLIt HEFFERNAN. Atoms etrwrL t QBFD POTATOES FOR SALE.--IRISH gJSALE.-a-IRISH COInaits*1 75 per bushel. other Sp =Ss trWBpuCede- room o*7tn R. TOR SALE. -LAUNCH DOROTHY, E about 11 last Ma MI. von in good nus g harbor island; at 110. t.gette et SIGNAL OFFICE. beggaih SEED PLYTATOES FOM SALE. --IRISH 10CTijlll 1AL1L. ttION PROP- ERTY OF GODERICH FRRTY There will be offered for sale by public auctwo o0 TUESDAY. MAY 14th, t91n, at 2 o'clock p. r. the following property. namely: The east half of lot rwmming number oneLino- demi and Meant! (970) oa the so„tb Mk of ew- ws" strwe& in the town of Goderrh On the property tare 0 • frame dogging house. one .me .t moos e -hall y. rime , wan bathroom and con- ve0NKao. SO,an MAW. There is .Mo on the lot a valuable beck beading. formerly .sed as a med)tny laboratory, whtcb with Night alterations CAM be adapted mor a dwdani- ALSO HOUSEHOLD FUR ITL' KE. Piano, 1 small much sad 2 chews. 1 throne/room ccoULSR . hoe table ,trMteoLic'1 table aid 4 chairs. 1 Idttng-k0f cheery table, 2 res. 1. B. COX R. R. IYo. A a. bookcase• s beds with mattresses and strum& 1 Telephone 174 Be.milkr. OR SALE.-SEVERALG OHO eD tie, Apply WEST STREET B=1; 6ODERICH. Ux*DAY. NAY `'e 1918 PERSONAL MENTION. "EARN ANO OIYR." la connection w Dominion - curryY. M. C. A. fir [ands to curry on work lir aha is a move- ment twilled "licen and Give." It is a plan toboys in town sod country to help in thio 'bort. The sun is to secure pledges ftaas 0,000 boys to give 510 each to swvide soldiers comforts. tier raisitlj 000. It »estimated that 510 it the switamt needed per soldier to plaijdt stationery, entertainments. MINIM athletic sports. etc.. free f r the MIMI in tamps and at the front. This stn can be paid in Instalments. 11 or 12 at a time, till October 1st, when the whole amount is expected to be in. A bond with coupons attached has been prepared. As the payments are made the coupons are filled in and when the 1110 is paid in full the boy receives the bond to keep. Each boy mud ugn a pledge that he will earn the matey him- self, so that he may, give what is his own. Two brothers may Join in taking a bond: otherwise it is to be an individual effort. Mr. G. M. Elliott is in charge of this movement for Goderich distnct and is being assisted 1 s Rev. J. E. Ford, Pt4nci- pal Johnston and Mr. 1. C. Carrie. They wish to secure twenty-five or more bonds in this district. PUREBRED STOCK FOR SALE. One good Scotch Shorthorn bull. 14 --- montha old. a farm. Dam. Duchess of Gloucester 2nd limed o. Got by Fyvie Chief e 77500= . _ _ _ Two dual purpose Shorthorn bulla -one >!{a 1 Street. Goderich, an dark red. 11 months old. Dant. Emily SATURDAY. et (. MAY ua 113934 = . Got by Fyvie Chief = 77E0fF= • at 2 o'clock sharp. nodical is the lot are This bull is of tilos tamely that won the Bedroom gales. uon bade. • mi• attres... milk contest at the Wor:d's Fal. Chicago. One 8 months old leery t tawvs l aoverran..e kitchen tarot-biew couctet•., ng Alice Got 'sot by Fyvie dark red. Daae. vie Chief .0d kitchen chair& carpets, antadder. kitchen umlaut4.. shovel. and other garden toe =77500x• Two good quid driving horses t seta tit side Also Chester White pigs, of any at -0e• hareem, 2 buggies, whips etc.. i gropers' dMnKy Good aged brans also for sale. .qts rq. lea _ shape. will carry 2,061 lbs.. 1 i 77 s.es , end other articles. sad 10-tf R. R. N 8, GoMES O ..Xwe • sses e -y►R) If. IttART HOY WANTED. -TO LEARN tie twisting trade. thin who IoM seemed tate hh .chid 10Ir a mammalian 'preferred. A pod oppmtent1 for the right kind et boy. Ap- ply at once at THE SIGNAL e cot -bed and m itrr. a gan 0tity of silverware and dishes. a member of chairs, pstuces and other articles flatus.- Tea per centof the purchase money to he paid at the day of the ask sad the balance within thirty days thereafter. Furoitur,. etc Fufurtrttter p.ruculars apply to -MRS. MARGARET MaLEOD. T GUNDRY. 11 ,at llapnev••s. Mamma. OF ' 1 AAJ N II R UCTION • tsHORSES. tT IES D AWNS WANTED. -A GIRL TO LEARN PHDNZ CO. Away iota office BELL TELE- S ANTED TOform in the PURCHASE. or eGoeeoech, GOOD or Seeforth. mum have good hdld.nga. be tear waiter or haus meted on pleat. .owe nom 0ppk crammed and other fruit trees. pasture for cattle modern improvements: prefer one ahead y raided e0d stocked. Apply to M G. CAMERON. Gedench, Ont. - RTI GODERICH HKNITTING cO Y THE (AID ED. -FOR SM ALL famil W Apple MRS A. M. HEF8HARD• ajt - Y.ncent street. was POTATOES Choice selected Delaware and Irish Cobbler SEED POTATOES for sale at reasonable price. In stock at W.Sytnonds' store, Saltford. Also good table Potatoes. R. R. ELLIOTT ' Phone 42. mei 10R BALE OR RUT. IMIllik t ON'ni DEATH. Mr. Roy Sperling, G. T. R. stat ion A Gast De After s the away from town the past 'aIek, the Il t Arthur Riley. and written a hoop On (Captdn) Ped W East street. shows thdsdufl of al at Hume has been nem which Isd En khaki are GM ase porta agent at Norwich, was i THU SIGNAL PRINT ING CO., LIMITED. luast11taala• TE LADS IN I AXL in town over L+t*-ala Useful Life. I week -end. Ths following kttr received by Mr. xj, at noon. Mos Miss Syttarogts , Blyth. Viol Frank Riley. of Iowa, from his sun. tSergt scenesol earth alter an active, eventful a tttryt°n is th 't'lr James borne it ' malt' We that will UUyla a few years of round- T(ronto for a few days owing to the sltti- mg out the 1844.. hetes Gigod was bsonee in was out illness of his mother, Mrs. J. P. Hume. horn July 13, tb year, and, although so I Mrs. Callow and Frank have returned her lot thef.tlrah y tits biter years to their home on North street after far past hp tthe apatr nd ing the winter out of town. Capt. HOUSE TO RENT. -ON KEA1'S acted: seven rooter. All conveniences;; re- en1ky r.psired Stable m lot. Applyr tepnot, • SA1.I7EU). Godricch R. R. N.. 2. T t 2Hr7. we rt marked 85 the vitality, cher a low rs dill at 1.txtdon. k. ysical, 1181 characterized her whole Mr. and Mea Hector McFadyen, who Mrs. Gibaoa a Paired C u par, I arrived recently from Calgary ori a vtit rt used to it in time. Happened to get Filature. maiden name to Mr. and Miss Polley at the old hose on April Fool day• t areas he toiled was Agnea Neal) hsr fluter. George tel North street, left lad week fa Texas I me all right. Well. T)ad how are you and other Western pants. cnrsg ox1 Havt you trot tnontt Y 1 s in "My Dear Dad, -Jud a few linea to say et last 1 have landed a 'Mighty,' a pretty bad one. though. in the face, and sorry to •y my loss u one eye and three parts of my nose. 1 have about twenty ditches m my head. It does feel out sol the way with one eye. but I suppose Grant, bangtwchant at Caper. and Apr. and Mrs. Colin Patterson and ►stet a< Kr Y' was o °f family lett on Tuesday for Brantford, amd twelve children, of whom she was the last where they will make their home in future. to survive. 111 1848 the married Captain Mr. and Mrs. Patterson made many Robert Me111rusa. and of this union there bends while living in Goderich. were five chiidl'an, of whom but two sus_friends Rev. John Currie. late Presbyterian vise? Rev. J.dOhio B M r4.. , ri 11,1minister of Belmont. Ont.. and Mrs. d Ckvelyd. thio and Mrs. Christena Currie have become residents of Godes Hayes, telt[ in Tem' As the wife of h. and have taken Mitts Inglis house P she wiled with himon Lighthnule stmt. We are pleased to Captain the globe ald visited realty interest- I welcome them to Goderictt• ing rnmums and places. notably India SALE. -RED BRICK HOUSE. .ttk all conveniences. Apply W. A. CH IS- OLM. Trafalgar street. 31.01 WARM FOR SALE. -100 ACRES. ON P arks 7th concession of Colborne. story -and -a - bull Mick louse, hick ben. shed 3.010. straw abed. hen -house. hog -pen. abeep-pen beim. Evorythna en fair orJder. Watered by spring creek. eight acre plowed. all the rem in gram lis every way one of the best farms in the township. A very peed orchard. all kinds of fret - appkr. pl0ms, party hes, black cherries. red cherries. 7pes. and al kinds ol small fruit. Nice semis- Um. tua3- tion, rear school eat alchurch. three miles to Me- dreaa lion. Ad- ANDKEW JOHNSTON. R s to Auburn aR. No. 3. ( 'ens telephone led). FOR SALE -SOLID BRiCK HOUSE, all modern conveonce& also good IPA, soft water criers. krait tree* lawn, vegetal/4e stable. etc. A few minutei walk front the e For Mil address Boz 13, L SIGNAL FF Godeetci Ono. 93-14 -- ,Australia and the island of St. Helena. She was in Lo arhoo at the tune of the death o[ the Duke of Wellington and witnessed the funeral procession of the great a ens° defeated Napoleon. Being an West ad and interesting con- versatloos Mahe was able to speak most entertainingly concerning these voyages of her earlier Ateldrum's chip teas In 1860 Captain lost, with ab bed. in the China Sea. In 1808 deceased married Cap- tainSamuet and with him carne to Canada. whir. he had already settled. in Usborne t 1874 the her second daughter. son of town. PUBLIC JOTiCE. O SAT' HAVE YOU ALL SEEN MR WM H. NDLZYS standard -Med herr Hygrade. No. We which will stand for mason Hike mem. oat .ger us + smilei,vaaat)tgs a., i %R E. J. R. FORSTvR. ghee • A weorent fimmaris" for use on credit mounts. a tjirt.. LAR, NOSE" THROAT. Ti e. GUI 017. Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF -FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS. ETC. DAVID G. HENDERSON sell by public anmioa at 101 17. Maranon 4. West Wawanoah.on WEDNESDAY. MAY Ruh. commencing at 1 o'cbek Hoasas.- One standard -Med sorrel driver. 1 wilt -thatched team of standard -bred gelding. rising 2 and r years old, by Bay King Traveler: 1 Clyde mise. rang 9 years old. in foal: 1 Clyde filly, rising 2 Year old Carrta.-Ithie y) cow. II earsoi n dueg• 24th. oldP;a e2 years ol4.Yorkshire 2 ye.rhe sMJ6th. years Pine.-havinsees, Eee.-oee bin. binder. 1 sit. All citizens are requested to examine k Lem House Surged. New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, am.ant at Moor,add's Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hos- pda1, I ondoo, En M Waterloo St.5. Stratford. Telephone 2&T. Al Hotel Bedford. Goderich. Wednesday. May 16th. 7 p. m.. to May 1812. 1 p. et. NOTICE TOWN OF GODERICH. in this county. and in Moved to Goderich. By e Mn. Gibson had one • now Mrs. James Wil -1 Gibson, who i8 : dill weJI r ' in Godench as a i man devoted W every good cause. died in 1900. aad Mrs. Gib.gn had since made her hone with Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Gibson's religious life was a very active and pr!v church, was was a 44- theI voted rtterrrber organizer of the Ladies' the time Society her that hoagrel orstryon president. and was death its honorary pr deeply interested in missionary and tem- perance worh and other benevolent ac- tivities. While holding strongly to her own convictions. site had a great depth of tolerance for show ttho differed with her in religions and other matters. She had a most retentive rnernsee, knew by hart much of the lllble. and frequently enter- tained her tt4it wilt l the redtal lhood,, poes►a sloe Iles fail !)d gw Hera was indeed a nest deligntful person- ality, apd Unclench is distinctly poorer by her removal. The funeral took place on Monday af- ternoon to Maitland cemetery. The ser - vied were conducted by her pastor. Rev. R. C. McDermid, assisted by Rev. Dr. Fletcher, of Thames Road, and Rev. James Hamilton. The pallbearers were Rev. John Currie, A. T. Emmerson. M. D.. W. Coats. Alex. Saunders, M. G. Cameron, K. C., and David Stoddart. Two favorite hymns of the deceased, "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," and "Abide w th Me," were sting in quartette by Messrs. Taylor. Sexsmith, Thomson and C. K. Saunders. Besides Dr. Meldrum, who spent the last few weeks here with his mother. Mr.'and Mrs. J. A. McLaren, of Toronto. and Col. J. I. McLaren. of Hamilton. were present for the funeral. et had a visit from Amy and Cousin Mary today. Lucky 1 got so close to them. Well, Dad. 1 will write more when 1 feel better. Give my love to all at home. Tour loving sort. Arthur." Official notice was received on Mon- day ; day lad that Murray Welsh. eon of and Mrs. Matthew Welsh, concession 4. Huron, who was attached to the Royal I'ersons desiring to have shade trees planted in front of their properties are asked to leave their names at the Tarn Clerk's office at once. ewer• n..r1y new. both Memey-H.rrr the trees on their properties or on the ,nate: 1 atcTocmnck 0-11. rake. with street in front Of their properties for the N drill. 1 moon 1 err *arrow. =s,, r1 new No 2c OliverivOliverutiles/ plow, mu afrom the spt0gs. seep lbs 1 rot office on application. t of @Nigh& 1 two -stated I • 1 ash Diamond barrows. t Verity No. 18 walk. tussock moth. aad if an y 1 Mer. the trees. Steel ushes for Ibis brare found to roller. 1 fanning mall. 1 cutting box. 1 root will be loaned oil t Town 1 Adams wagon end box. i set of waive CRAIGIE'S Assurance and Real Estate FIRE LIFEt ACCI DENT INSURA NCE AUTOMOBILE Place your In.ursnee with one who specialize.' in gs in the above line I will gins roe the latest word- insad see that you are properly 1 *111 future your eutorn bels while bor United ss M rennabie testes. proq in aO parts of the town foe wife sad 4o renin. A number at immense cottages 4o -rest. J. A. ORAI0It poit0o rwbber-toed surrey. 1 top buggy. 1 rubber -toed L. L. KNOX, tap buggy, 1 Portland cutter. 1 gravel bolt 1 Town Clerk. l I A rack 1 set 0f obram-mounted ay aas6o dot to leanness nearly new; 1 eet of rubber - masted single harness, whiaktrees. neckyokes forks and .hovelt FUSNITllaa. Oise dining -roam attension table. parlor table, kitchen table. cupboard. churn. bed- room suite and mattress, 1 cream separator, 2 wood Maters, kitchen chain other otharticles too numerousto mention. Several thasan d feet of hemlock lumber, 1 -in.. 2 -in. and 2.4. Everything to be disposed of, as farm is sold. TRIMS. --All suns of $10 and under, cash; over that amount. 6 months' credit will ha given on furnishing approved joint notesA discount at rate d 6 per cent. per annum allowed for cash on credit amounts. DAVID G. HENDERSON. R. R. No. 2, Auburn. T, GUNDRY, Proprietor. - Auctioneer. LOST OR FOUND. LOST. -APRIL 20th, iN GODERICH or southe.at of • the town. a lady's grey and red lrr. Finder Ss wilt plealeave at THE SIGNAL s CARD OE THANES. 'MRS. ALEX. ROBINSON AND MR, [111 and MRS. HARRY K. ARMSTRONG wish to thank all their tneighb friends for kindnesses and sympathy in the be- movements which have recently come to their inl the taking • ay of little Kenneth. and Chas Kennneth. BOYS! Invest ten dollars in Earn and Give Bonds. Earn $10 and give it for Soldiers' Comforts through the Y. M. C. A., and get your bond. Ask G. M. Elliott or Rev. J. E. Ford or your teacher how to do it. ROBERTSON t WOODS Inserenos Agents TOWN OF GODERICH. DOG LiCENSE. The owner. possessor or harborer of every dog in the town shall obtain a license and get a tag before the first day of May, and otherwise conform to the town bylaw respecting same. Dog tags to be obtained from WM. CAMPBELL. 11-2t Collector. w Standing Field Crop Com petition lois The Go detach Industrial enol Agricultural Society offers the fol- lowing prises for two crops this year, viz. Spring Wheat and Oats: SPRING WHEAT 1st $25.00 ; 2txi $20.00 : 8rd $16.00 ; 4th $14.00 ; 5th $11.00 ; 19th 08.00 ; 7th $8.00. OATS 1st $20.00 ; 2nd $15.01 , - 3rd $12.01 ; 4th 110.00 ; 5th $8.01 ; 8th 16.00 : 7th $4.00 All entries for the competition muse be is the halide of the Sec- retary not later than May 22nd. 191a. Black entry focus may be obtained by apptylsg to the Sec- retary. J. ADF•R FOWLER. P. O. Rex 171, Goderich. GMateb, April 44th, 151a. • The anniversary services of Victoria street Methodic church were marked by able sermons delivered at both services on Sunday, April 28, by Rev. E. F. Arm- strong, of W Ingham, who was heard with much interest and appreciation. A thank - offering of over 1175 w..s received. On the following Monday evening a congre- gational "at home" was held in the lecture room. and reports were received from the various organizations of the congregation. These reports told of encouraging progress and of excellent work accomplished. The Eureka dass raised during the year eerr 5100 peewees,t patriotic perees, and Vic- toria Helpers 1130, also for patriotic pur- ee. In addition' to sending Christmas boxes to all the overseas soldiers on the honor roll of the congregation. A social hour„with lunch. followed the presenta- tion of the reports. The pastor. Rev. J. H. Osterhout, presided. Spraying time is not far off. Get your lime sulphur at Chas C. Lee's at 16 per barrel. He has also arsenate of lead and other spraying compounds, and spraying pumps. Miss Violet Austin and Mr. Albert Sut- ter, of Detroit, sister, Mrs. e thee visiting r . John Chisholm, Bruce street. POPULAR SCIENCE OF FUMIGATI',N AND DISINFECTION. --Fumigation it, in the pres- ent acceptation of the word, the use of fumes for the purpose" of destroying disease germs. insects or vermin. For this purpose disinfectant gases are used. While there are a considerable number of these, there are two in common use. These are formaldehyde --the best germi- cide; sulphur dioxide - the most practical insecticide. The meaning of the words germicide and insecticide is clear when we renetnber that in each case the latter pat of the word -"ride"- comes from a Latin verb meaning to kill; hence germi- cide. germ -killer; and insecticide, tnsect- ki0er. The b^ -et authority we know an disinfectants says: A lea is the ideal weapon for destroying such an invisible foe as the infection of the co0smuniable dioceses. There is practically mils One gas suitable for general applkatiom--viz., formddehyde. This subettanre comes nearer being an ideal disinfectant than any of the lases so far exploited. it is not poisonous. does not injure fabrics, colors metals, etc. We have formalde- hyde ha liquid Mon or candles, sulphur in powder or candles. Disinfect now. E. R. Wiest. druggist, Gode- rich. THE "GREATER GODERICH" CAMPAIGN. 1 f Headquarters have been opened at the Masonic Temple for the "Greater Goderich" campaign of the Board of Trade. During the next three weeks Goderich is expected to give its chief attention to a diitcuslsitna of the value of co- operation in the building of * city. The inovement is planned to form in Goderich a ii wire Board of Trade or Chamber of Commerce. To be a ive-wire organization it must have a large and active meral.ip, adequate work- ing capital, and an experienced man to give his entire time to its management. Committees are now being formed to have change of the campaign. They will in a short timeissue a general call for all citizens to join in the forward Urpvement, and make it possible for Goderich to have the larg. commer- cial orgilnization in Canada in proportion to population. The campaign committees will have the. benefit ,of the active assistance of Mr. D. 11. McFarland, campaign man- ager for the Town Development Co. of New York City. This Company has been directing reorganization campaigns in the United States and Canada for eight years, and its work has extended from coast to coast and from New Brunswick to Florida and Texas. Its representatives here will mike a survey of the pos- sibilities of Goderich and will maksrecommendations con- cerning the scope of sic.ftitivo of the reorganised Board of Tr.de. Two weeks )o]nrswarsterk- aid edata- tional work and one ween tel the campaign proper. This effort to bring about a general forward movement in Goderich is founded upon the principle that persistent and intelligently directed organized effort Is the best means of stimulating community growth. The experience of cities everywhere proves that each city is master of its own fate. Some cities, it is true, are favored with develop- ment by outside capital, but such development usually comes only to the new countries. The feature of Goderich rests largely updn the efforts of its own people and such effort can only be successful if it is backed by the entire citizenship and has adequate financial support. The first object of the campaign will bE to ask the citizenship to work together in creating a commercial organization with a large membership, a large working capital, and managed by a skilled publicity and commercial organization man. This organization would have perman- ent offices. It would establish a permanent exhibition of goods manufactured in and near Goderich. It would make a survey of industrial and agricultural conditions in Gode- rich and vicinity, and tabulate this information in scientific form and distribute it widely among manufacturers .and farmers. It would work 365 days a year in seeking industrial "leads." It would, through distribution of literature, interest farmers in this section of the country. In other words, the duty of the manager in charge of the organiza- tion would be to build up the industrial and agricultural business of Goderich, just as the manager of a successful store builds up that business. There is an axiom in the commercial organization world that says, "Build tip your surrounding country and your community will take care of itself.'' Many cities through their commercial organizations have specialized in getting more people on the farms nearby, because that increases both buying and selling. The future of Goderich depends upon four things -- increase of farm production and population, securing additional industries, increasing the volume of lake traffic, and building up the town as a summer resort and conven- tion city. Increased retail trade can be brought about only by these things' All can be brought about by organized effort of the persistent and business kind. They cannot 1* accomplished simply by wishing for them. Vision, hard work, persistence and money are necessary. Canada and the United States are filled with cities no better located than Goderich that pushed themselves for- ward through militant teamwork. When the manpower of a community decides to pull together toward a definite end there is nothing within reason that cannot be accom- plished. An official announcement concerning the campaign will nt G. L. Parsous. Then from made in a few days by ee ay to day theplans for the new otgatlitati n will be made public. The council of the Board of Trade Ilett with Mr. McFarland Tuesday night,and authorized President Parsons to appoint several committees. . Mr. Parsons, Mr. C. L. Moore, vice-president, and Mr. George Porter will act as an advisory committee to meet daily with Mr. McFarland during the campaign. Other committees have not yet been appointed. it was also derided to have a meeting of the Board of Trade Friday night,May 3rd,at the Masonic Temple. This meeting will be given to empbeeize the need in Goderich of a well-financed active commercial organization, and to hear the report of the council's action in securing the services of the Town Development Co. Canadian Dragoons. was mining- Mur- ray enlisted at Toronto in 1914 and has been in France for over two years. He was under command of Col. Nordheimer, who was killed in the present Much sympathy is trteaters t the tamely pensed Mr the parents and other em Revit9l m the.r suspense. -Kincardine The Distinguished Service Order has been conferred upas Major Savage, a nephew of Mrs. Galt Clark of town. The deed which won the distinction is thus described: of am - When a shell struck a large pileand munitions, causing a telTific explosion many casualties. and was setting tire to ware ammunition. Savage led menbursting :shells, out six severely wounded with tbeir clothes afire, and remained until the last man living was extracted. Another big explosion occurred a few minutes later. _ Pte. Patrick Kennedy. cee t Mrs Patrick Kennedy, Cypress ntrwho was discharged as medially. unfit after enlisting with the 71st Battalion, recently joined the forces at Montreal and has crossed to England. His brother Joe. who went over with the 161st, is now with the Canadians in France. Another brother William. who went over earl y n the war and returned home woun ded over a year ago, is now working at Paris, Ont. The Kennedy family cer- tainty has a war record of which it may be proud. 4 MONDAY, MAY 6. "Iato3erMse" to Se Presented at Victoria Opera., H A Stupendous Spectacle. The much -heralded spectacle. "Intoler- ance," which was to be presented in Goderich in February but was postponed. is now announced fur production in Vic- toria Opera House on Monday. May (i. There will be a matinee at 2.30 p. m. and the evening production will be at 8.15 o'clock. Seats are now on sale at Ed- wards restaurant. "Intoleronce" is the product of the same genius which brought forth "The Birth of a Nation." and critics say that Mr. D. W. Griffith in the later production has greatly surpassed the former. which was considered a masterpiece in scenic and dramatic art. It is impossible to sive a descnptiom of "Intolerance' with any degree of accur- acy or in a manner that would reflect due credit on the mastermind responsible, for its presentation. Four stories are flashed upon the screen piece by piece, as it were, the scenes alternately changing from medieval France to modern Am- erica. and again from the Holy Land to the greet city of Babylon a Cin his advent. Vete goes gu.deais palace, and the nest rowo d ?be .r scene cloacae -au a poor hone m a New York tenement, then back again' to the wedding feast at Cana in Galilee, where Christ Is represented performing the first miracle of the Scriptures, The film could be compared with a driving wheel start- ing slowly. gradually gathering speed un- til it revolves thousands of times a minute. Each of the stories works up to the great climax in this manner. with the great finales. the fall of Babylon, the crucifixion. the massacre in France ard the ultimate triumph of love over infamy in the case of the present-day story. The film ends with absolute suppression _of intolerance, typified by the soldiers in the present war laying down their arms and gazing skywards at a vision of heaven. Try Edwards' home-made candy. 1t is good and tasty. If quality counts, use Blackstone's de- licious ice cream in bulk or bricks for ail occasions. Phone 240. It's a coastwise steamer that manages to avoid the rocks. GUNDRY'S SALE REfa1STER. SATURDAY, May t. -Clearing suction ask of household furniture, elm tree Hamilton delivery ivey e wagons, harness. buggies. e Godench. Waoo.asher, May' S. -- Auctnn sale of farm stork, implement& etc., property of Mr. David G. Henderson. lot 1;, r aecrsvnn I, Wet Wawanosh. Tuff ttfAV, May 4. -Clearing auction sale of farm stock and ,mplementI including thirty head of good grass cattle, meetly Angus Rode.. prop erty of Mr. John Johnston. lot 1.., B. R. N.. Stanley. Tuw,02r. May 1s. -Auction sale of tows prop- erty. at the premises. to street. Mrs. Mor duet McLeod. proprietress _ BORN. Solomon, Goderlch. s son -Lorne il 17. to Mr l Frederick. ck. FISHER.- In Goer rich. at Alexandra hospital on Peter Tuesday. isher jr- of April Benmdl r, daugh leth. to Mr end Mrs MARRIED. SMITH -DIVINE. --in the Church of .England Fall.. Ont.. on Monday. April 22. by. Rev. Caton van, Ethel Grace Divine. of Goderich, to Robert Lorne Smith, of St. Catharines. Ont. DIED. GIB.SON.- in Gadrlch, on Friday. April Agnes Nes Grant, widow of the late Capt S. Gibson, in her Nth year. DUNLOP. -In Goderich, on Wednesday. May 1. Hugh C. Dunlop, aged 76 year. ARMSTRONG VN Kenneth Goderich. Mr. and Mn. Harry K. Armstrong. aged 7 years and 2 months. A little soder of love That blossomed hut to die. Tratnaplantedenow,in heave shove To bloom with God on high. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- May 2. Page er-Mrs. W. H. Tremblay.... a Rat Destroyer 7 "Intolerance -Victoria Opera Hous, 7 Operator Wanted . Belt Telephone Co Farm Wanted -- M. G. Comma . t Sweater Lost -Leave at The Signal (lake - 1 Hygritde- Wm. H. Brindley . .. ..... Hatching Eggs -Billie Heffernan . 2 Seed Potato., for Sale -Stewart Bros I Auction Sok- Thos. Gendry • • 5 Readers - ChM. C. Lae ..... ... . ............ 1 Queen's University t 110y Wanted --The Signet ...... e........,. Card nit Thanks- Mrs. Alex. 102,0.M aaa t Me and Mrs. Aretnstrana Notice -Town of G0Aarittt . .. ...