The Signal, 1918-3-21, Page 7itel1K4M pill fir13 - 1111gff1it ightJ af There is pleasure at every stage in the use of Sunlight. In the washing—for the , work is greatly lightened. In the iron• ing—for the - clothes have such a fresh. sweet air of newness. In the wearing —for the clothes have inherited the exqui- site purity of Sunlight itself — and are clean indeed. • A SEASO g.araaaeo smoke tie nay of Swislialit Seem. AS grocers era k. 1s ngIGNAL - GODERICH ONT.1Rit-) 1uUNU111$IMMiINSIMIMY11111Nr 1IE and DISTR George Palmer, of Crediton. died m March 6th at the age of seventy-five years. Henry Rodd. a swell -known resident of tlsbortne. died March 3rd at the age of sixty year,. • J. Glenn, of Henlall, d ed addecly on Wednesday of last week, in his seventy- seventtyyear The 53 -acre farm of A. McCuaig. near Walton. has been sold to Thos. Hackwell for the sum of $4.700. • John Coutts, of Walton, has purchased the 100 -acre farm of Wm. MoCalium on the lgk concession of McKilloprjbe price being 67,300. D. G. MacKenzie, of Paramoent, Ashfield township, has sold his farm to Alex. McD.armid and will probably move to Luck now. Peyer McNay has sold one hungked ems of his land an the 12th concession Of Ashfield toStothers Bros. and fifty acres to A. Ketchabaw. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Telfer have gone West to live with their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mn. W. G. Farquhar- son, at Provost, Sask. On Friday, March 8, Mrs. Leckie. widow of the late John Leckie, died at Wrosteter in her seventy-ninth year. She had been in failing health for some time. Trig SEED t,'ORN SITUATION. (Bulletin from Seed Branch. Ottawa.) Supplies of seed corn usually available in Western Ontario for Canadian ensil- age rowers are this year insufficient to meet -local requirements. The seed corn Crop of the more northern States is also insufficient to supe y home needs, which leaves as the only source is arie- to Canadian ensilage growers ties Mown in or south of Kann. Mis- souri, Tennessee and Virginia. These late varieties include Red Cob, Mastodon and Mammoth Southern Sweet. which al- though giving a large tonnage per aae are somewhat low in drymatterHaw- make silage of rather poor q�i How- ever. the ensilage growers of Eastern On - tario and the southern part of Quebec may this year consider themselves for- tunate in obtaining even late varieties of seed corn. In districts where only the early varieties can be grown soocessfully, fanners may grow outs and vetches kc ensilage or hay. Canadian seed corn dealers negotiate The deceased, whore maiden name was Jessie Vesper. had lived in the same neighborhood all her life. Atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Reid, London, of Wednesday, March ttth, their nephew, Thomas Butt of Kip[pen was united in marriage to Miss Mae Glassier of Clinton. The ceremony was performed by Rev. De McCrae. The young couple kft the following day for thew new home at Enchant, Alberta. CLINTON. Principal Houck is planning to hold a school fair. Mayr M. D. McTaggart. paymaster of the 161st Battalion. is expected horse in a few days. Major Broder McTaggart has left on his return to Europe and the battlefront. atter tour weeks at borne. C. J. Wallis left last week for Rose - town. Sask., where he will work his sec- tion this year for wheat production. At the annual meeting of the Doherty Pianos. Limited, W. Jackson was elated president. The factory is quite busy at the present tune. On Tuesday manning of last week Rev. J. E. Jones tied the matrimonial knot un- iting Herbert R. Jenkins, of Godrich township, and Ivy Lorene. hoer of Mr. and Mn. Bert On return from the wedding trip the young couple will reside on the groom's farm in Godericti township. Sergt. Cameron Geddes has arrived at Lucknow from England, being unfit for further military service. He was given a reception by the civic committee on his arrival. Ann Clark. wife of Nal Thompson. Huron township, died February 26th at the advanced age of eighty-two years. The resemble were interred in Lochalsh txaneter1. The marriage took place on Saturday, March 9th. of Ruby. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Manning, baro'. and Albert Hunking. of the same place. Rev. C. C. Keine dhkiated. Pte. Maxwell Baynham. of Centralia, who was taken prisoner by the Germans in June, 1915, after being wounded. is no longer a prisoner, having been trans- ferred to England. where he is undergoing treatment in a hospital. their purchases direct with United States seedsmen and send their orders through the Toronto offsre of our Seed Purchas- ing Commission for confirmation and as- sistance in securing export permits and transportation. Dealers are allowed a net profit not exceeding five per cent. on catlots and seven ano a half per cent. on heathen cadets in whotesak goanuties. The Only Medicine for Little Ones. 't'HUasW.ty, MAke:ti 21, 19t11. 7 Young Mothers Reserve strength for motherhood is of two -fold importance and thought- ful women before and after maternity take Otto a mother has used Baby's Own Tablets for her little ones she will use nothing else. Their use teaches her they are absolutely safe; that they never fail to give relief and that the little ones do not dread taking them as they do castor oil and other harsh purgatives. Concerning the Tablets Mrs. John M. Weaver, Bliss - field, N. B., nays: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for the past ten years and have found them so good 1 always keep a box in the house." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 2.5 cents a box frau the Dr. Williams Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gascho, Bronson line. Hay township, on March 8th. the daughter. Fanny, was united in marriage to David Desch, of Blake. Rev. N. Hunsberger, of Waterloo. perforating the ceremony. On Monday of last week Mn. Joseph Clegg. Sth line of Mrns, departed this life in her seventy-eighth year. Fiiftys6ve years ago she and her late husband located on the farm on which both died. Two sons and two daughters survive. • A. F. Johns. formerly a school teacher in this county, and of late a resident of Tcronto..1ms left the teaching profession and gone into business. He is one of the principals in the Ford Candy Co., a con- cern oo-cern that manufactures and retails its own candy. On Friday, March '8th. Mrs, George Penha1e, of the 3rd concession of Stephen, Prices are not fixed, but will depend onseed away at the age of fifty-one years. the market when orders a3a pieced- des her husband. two eau survive. i .j\ t111/4 AFTER the publication of his Receipt Book Dr. Chase found himself over. whelmed with the dernapd for his services and his medicines. Not only did patients come from many miles to throng his office, but the mails were filled with letters ordering medicines. Rather than disappoint his patients and admirers, and always anxious to relieve suffering, the doctor desid1 to give to the people the gra' p re- ttcripptions which had been se r- ougttly tested and so remarkably r - r of Sore ceasful in his private practice. And so it came that Dr. Chase's Medicines were placed on public sale at nominal prices. To -day you can scarcely find a drug store that is not stocked with a full line of these medi- cinesoand that home is the exception where there is not one or more of them in use. Llks most artleles of exceptional merit and large sales Dr. Chase's Medicines are widely imitated, and substitutes are fro- gtsatly offered in their place. On this a• count It Is very important that you shot see the portrait and signature of A. W. Chase, M.D..the famous Receipt Book author. on the hos you buy. They aro Minted on every bo= for your protetttoa, and imitators do not dare to um them Dr. A.V. Chase's tiidneehLNtr Pills, one pill a dace, 25 cents a box. , sea -for 51.00. Dr/A. W. **Nerve Fas4(Plas), 50 cents a box. 6box for$2.7.. W. l► . 'it Oiw Dr. .4. W. t 's Ca blower fres, 6 for $1.00 . Chase's Soar pest ents a bottle. Family, Dr. A. i Dr. A. M $acksishi Tl r: 26' tents each, 6 for $1.00. ..i ' Litwgo , All dialerLldmanson, Batea-i Toronto. 1 1Idli11 s26 a ben. . cents a box, .�....,. .U.s es SEAFORTH. Thomas William Jarman, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jarman. ot Sea - forth, was married at Shaunavon. Sask.. recently, to Mies Hilda Louise Harris. of Treeion Sask The young couple will JEMULSIONJCOTT It supplies pure cod liver oil for rich blood and contains lime and soda with medicinal glycerine, all important ingredients for strengthening the ner- vous system and furnishing abundant nourishment It is free front drop. insist op the genuine. ',sett a rime. To'oaS.. Oat. tial toon. They will re,ide at Salter, Sask. Mrs. William Dauncey passed away on Tuesday of last week in her seventy- ninth year. She and her husband were residents ot Exeter for nearly a quarter of a century. \fr. Dauncey died only nine months ago. One daughter. Mrs. Geo. Mawson, survives SEEING ELGIN COUNTY. F Written Ey a Huronite Written by . Farming in Elgin county differs con- siderably from that of Huron and its neighbor counties, in almost all forms of agricultural pursuits. The scarcity of competent hem help is very acute in this part of the Province and as a consequence the land cannot be tilled to produce top- notch results, which, from a monetary standpoint, makes it rather hard for the, average farmer, as land in this distrid reside on the gr'oom's farm near Shaun- averages about 6100 per acre in value— avon. when it is improved. A rational study of ' , James Hays has received from overseas conditions rather kills the foolish and often tete medal awarded his son. Corporal reiterated cry of many who do not under- stand the true state of affairs,viz.: that Howard Hays, for bravery in the field at the batik of Vfmyy Ridge. Corp. Hays the farmgg are in strong on the war-proh- mlitited with the -Princess Pats" and has taring garner. Corn and roots are grown extensively, been fighting in France for nearly three wheatanxd rye are about equal, while there years. In (November last he was severely is very little barky grown. Oats along wounded by etre bursting of a shell at Lake Elie produce about theme results Paescioeridaeie and after treatment in as along Lake Huron various French tats he was taken to the Duchess of Connaught Red Cross hospital in E where he is now convalescing. 7lus is the first military medal to come to Sea Orth. and not ooiy the proper blood for dairying go under Mr. Hays but the town is proud of it and the butcher's lode at a very early age. its Young owner- The Holstein -Friesian is the prekaknt Rev. Patrick Corcoran, parish priest of class of cattle and the majority of fanners St. jaures' pariah, Seaforth. died very wisely want the beat. Therefore there atrddenly at the parochial residence on are some large herds of purebred cattle, Wednesday, Lith .net" Apparently in his ranging in number from 50 to 100, and in accustomed health he had celebrated mass individual value from 5100 to 113,500. on Wednesday monism -miasmal. and was Some of the milch cows of these herds entettainttig the seer ate school inspec- have produced about 100 Mends of milk tors. when he was suddenly stricken with per day. and over thirty pounds of butter paralysis and died about 4 o'clock in the in one week. Canadian records have been afternoon, without having regained con- made in this irnn:bate vicinity. sciousness. Father Corcoran was a learned and zealous priest and had been pastor at Seaforth since 190L He was born in Longford. Ireland, in 1$49, but was edu- cated in St. Michael's College, Toronto, and the Clerical Seminary. Montreal, be- ing ordained to the priesthood in Septem ber, 1372. He first officiated as curate in London, Arnherstburg and Strathroy, and then as pastor in Parkhill, Ls..Salette and Seaforth, euezessively. The (funeral ter - vias were held in St. James' church on Friday morning. Bishop Fallon. of Lon - con, being the celebrant. and the inter- ment was made in St. James' cemetery, Seaforth. As the leading industry of this part of the country is dairying. raising stock for beef purposes is out os consideration and all ,alvesthat the farmer considers have not i i MING HATS 1 Semi -Ready Tailors The Square, Goderich 111110 —�--� OUR SPRING STOCK OF Has just HATS CAPS SHIRTS TIES, Etc. arrived. Call and see them. McLEAN BROS. 1 Regular Take -ins. In a certain Western State two fanners were conversing about their periodical trips to town. "How is it you no longer put up at the Golden Crown when you dove to market?' ' Why, they are re- gular take -ins," replied the -second fanner. "Last winter when 1 lodged there for the night, they made* great fuss and gave rax a big bottle to take to bed with one, and when I opened it. what d'ye think it was Nothing but hot water. BLYTH. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Blacken expect to leave Blyth about the end of this month for Detroit, Mich., where they will reside. Mr. and Mrs. John Cole and family, who have been residing at Stratford fo, pest year, have returned to Blyth where they will reside. At a recent meeting of the directors of Blyth Agr cultural Society a number of the canvassers appointed to solicit funds to place the Society on a more sound financial basis reported that in the neigh- borhood of 5200 had been subscribed. it M expected when all the canvassers have completed their work this amount will be augmented by at least 5100. i►s�o Even on the farms where there are thirty or forty milch cows there is no but- ter made. All the milk is sent .to the large condenser at Aylmer or to the few ch -est factories. The latter, however, are grad- ually going out of business, as the com- paratively low price of cheese makes it un ossibl . for the cheese -makers to com- pete with the condenser in buying milk. At the present time the condensing people are paying $2,00 per cwt. for milk, pro- vided, of course, that it contains a reason able amount of butter fat. To .eturn to the subject of farm help. This unfortunate condition of affairs for the Dominion as a whole, both producer and consumer. has made it necessary for the proprietors of two of the leading stock and dairy farms of Ontario, ahich are sit- uated here, to sell off practic- e ly all of their magnificent aPot herds. s These are \fes. J. Van er & Sons, of Roodlawn Farm, and \lesars. Laidlaw Bros., founders of toe famous Ourv-illa Holstein -Friesian hock. Leading dairymen and stockmen from all parts of , the country were in attendance at these sales which took place this week. WiNGH.AM. Wilfred Fryfogle has Purchased the old evaporator and will use it as a factory in which to manufacture handles. At the recent convention of the Ontario Flax Growers' Association, held at Lon- don. Amos Tipling, of this town. was re. elected president. Arthur Irwin, eon of Dr. A J. Irwin, while playing with a number of other boys ran with great force against a brick wall and broke one of his arms. C J. Rintoul has sold his house and lot on (Diagonal street to John E. Fells, of East Wawanosh, who is removing to town. Mr. Fella has sold his 200 -acre farm in East Wawanosh to Harvey Black, of Manitoba, Isabella Carson. wife of A. Taylor. peened away at her home in Howick on the 8th inst. at the age of forty-three years. Mrs. Taylor was formerly a reel - 'dent of Wingham. and Alex. Canon, of town. ie her brother. The death occurred on Friday. March 8th. of Mrs. Ella Barrand. after an illness of several months. She was a sister of Mrs. W. G. Patterens, of town, at whore home she died. The remains were taken to Listowel for interment. EXETER. CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS - Tolls Hew Te Get Quirk Relief from Read -Colds. Its Splendid! In one minute your clogged nostrils will open, the air passages of your heed will clear and you can breathe freely.' Ns more hawking, esuaiag, blowing, headache, dryness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh will be goat. Get a small bottle of Fly's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, heeling Bream in your nostrils. it pen- etrates through every air passage of the heti, soothes the inflamed or swollen a twos membrane sad relief comes in- stantly. It's just fine. Den'. stay stuffed -up with a cold ce nasty oatarrb—Reli Demes ab quickly. STOW E'S THE RED BARN, St)I;TH STREET FOR 'BUS, LIVERY AND HACK SERVICE 'Buses meet all trains. Passen- gers called for in any part of the tovsgh for outgoing trains on G. Y R. or C. P. R. Prompt attention to all ordesaot, telephone calls. Gose hones Fist -dams rigs H. R. STOWE Telephone 51 Successor toT. M. Dards n Farm tractors, milking machines and other labor-saving devices have been in- ' troduced by some local farmers. The physical features in this county are similar to those of Huron. Natural gas has been mined, which is areat I asst for heating, cooking and lighting purposes. The hrst-named service-heat- ing—is a good thing this year, and the coal famine is not felt so keenly as in some parts of the country. There is also con -1 siderable wood here, chiefly beech. elm ' and maple. sCanada'. rational tree has still a good root here, so sugar -making was the current talk during those few perma- i tune spring days.) A good deal of wood has been taken out this winter. A large number of In- dians ate engaged in cutting lumber and; firewood in a neighboring woods. The , red men have built for themsetves a good-sized link village on the outskirts of the bush, and. although these tempor- ary shanties preseCtt a rather frigid *D- pearance to be inhabited during the in- tense cold of the; winter, the indians seem to be happy and comfortable with their squaws and their papooses and their dark bread and their tobacco. They never make any of those dreaded raids on the -pale-faces" such as a e cheonkled to early Canadian history. - 9p the contrary. the only *rare:Sof i their toma- hawks are brought into requisition is the 'scalping" of trees. Elgin is mine county, but. taking it from all viewpoints, it hes nothing on old Huron. "N Av1LL CS." Aylmer. Ont.. March 16. T. A. P of Toronto, who was re. cantly l Tt onto,f tbe Canadian National Myon, Toronto, is an Ex- eter old boy. . The icy sidewalks have been respons- ible for several accidents lately. Mise AnnieFWn shaped and broke • bone in her ankle, and Mrs. R. Downie fell and fractured her left leg near the hip. Samuel J. Sanders and Mise Jennie Mc- Culkeigh. both former residents of Ex- eter, were married last week at Saska- A faced apology is worse than none at all. Malty 0 living picture of health is badly framed. An entertaining man stays little but iistensirnpreesively. (Ate! in a while you encounter a matt who works more than he ought to, but the average roan doesn't do half as much as he Is capable 01 doing. roof- with aritford Asphalt Roofing \ , \. Don't let a leaky roof damage the wall paper, carpets or furniture in your home, the crops in your barn or the goods in your store. Tear off the old shingles or other worn out roofing material and put on a lasting roof of Brantford Asphalt Roofing. This\Toofing is made of a blend of hard and sqft asphalts On a long -fibred felt base. By blending the asphalts aoofing of remarkable elasticity is secured— one that 's xible, durable and capable of resisting all kinds of eve climatic extremes. ilrantford Asphalt Roofing i-, in addition, surfaced with silicia sand on both sides, which adds to its weight, fire -resistance and durability. l'ou may be offered other sanded roofing, but uahty of material or weight of saturation fing. , s :-60 Ib., 70 Ib., 80 Ib. per square. it will not have the of Brantford Asphalt Made in three wcig Brantfor • Ruobsr Roofing is the sante quality as Brantfo surface instead of the sand. it decks and floor coverings. Thr lb. per square. Asphalt, but has a smooth, rubbery . partkularly suitable for verAndah weights: -4O Ib., 50 Ib., and 60 Standard Moha consists of the came grade of mat t Roofing bort is lighter in weight—a t a low p ty d h Sanded on one .ids Onewc weight k Roofing Is as Brantford Asphalt outhly reliable roofing at a. given entiresatisfa(tion. lb, perequare. IMohawk Rubber 'ng The same quality as Standard Mohawk 'ut with a smooth ' surface. Used for ail classes of temporary w rk--shed., bunk- houses, camp sites, even dugouts in the trenches, 35 ih., 45 lb., and 55 Ib. weights. Leatheroid Roofing Slightly lower quality than \lohawk Rubber. Used for same purposes. 85 ib., 45 Ib., and J.l ib. weights. Samples of any of these roofings and prices will be furnished by either the makers or their agents in ibis tocldity. \\ Brantford Ronfin8Cur . Head Office and Factory, Brantford, Canada Branches at Toronto. Montreal, Halifax For Sale by W. R. PIN15EeR w