The Signal, 1918-1-24, Page 8p
eIIDA911AV Po : 21, 14)1R
(then x
assEmitR► the Boys
*oast lion , �
u( annus
the social
(ti •t !r to ht,sole keit)
bRv' jia' u.tlua.1e2 two
,cei , Jf cocci )spore
(:oit/alilsd -4,e u.:. aloud your
tendo& s!aulrCWests
Also two CAt;i of
Old Homestead
fs. 1,041 1 (w<:ii
Wit, AIN* He r•
Dtrecters Recommend Some Improve
asentsat Ealubitson Crouads
The andualmeeting of the Godenclt
Indusutat tied Agricultural Society ea
herd on Friday. 18th inst., in the town
hall. There as a scanty attendance of
members. no doubt In part owing to lis:
state of the roads
The retiring president. Mt. G. W. An
drew*, declined renomination. he having
ervext very faithfully for two learn. Mt
' T Mtune>, 1st vice-president for
47. was elected president for 1919
deligh . Thomas (.undry 1st vice-president
Shortly after S ,Aaron Fisher 2nd vice-president
Rev. Gordon M. fir were elected as follow.
In the chair. the b.Y. s. O. F. Edward
upwt, after a devotion. O Sturdy, Isaac Salk
from all departments eaten, John Fowler, tool
terest, splendid attendatlabb, Wm. Toni, M. is
tial financial support, Fol Wallis. L. L. Knox
about $1,625 was raised dnrirWigle.
this amount. ober LW) w•a; W'm. Lane and An
'purposes. It was shown 'that to
contribution to missions was t hunts 13owman, M
per cent. in advance of the same tt1'm. Proudfout,
11111,. The numerical growth Of 'd. Chas. A.
church was very slight The number dailhwait%,
ceived into me mbership was (offset b irk, Wait.
thoer dismissed.
Tire election of officers was carried id dele-
through enthusiastically, not one appointee :Ddu. N
refusing to accept the position assigned -jeer)
The following is a partial list of the war
nticers appointed: -To the board of un
deacons. D. Cameron and A. H. Clutton gat
• -�.-•- - .- �- rte- �.
fThe Singer Store
Wile and get ideas in
crochet centrepieces, lunch
Seta.; bath towel edges.
camisole and gown yokes.
Mending wool, marking
cotton, linen thread, dome
fasteners, collar supports,
. hooks and eyes, pins,
needles, etc.
•I xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxlx
Career of Essad Pasba,
Who lsthe AlltesMan x THREE WONDERFUL Bargains'
comntodwusly, is better lighted and is
cleanly. The increased number of
poultry exhibits justifies the erection of
the new butldiii , which is a striking con•
iyr rest to the miserably ruinous condition
o the cattle byres and small stock pens.
;-sch calls for a similar snort. Were all
buildms;s torn down a larke amount
--(arable lumber could he secured as
Dr the erection, of new stock
'Wu .. lowgrawl boesee to every is ill,
wawia 4041 child tate tact lbst .ervua
k Ike atelier ...rat a fustier slope toe
Vic ael•fier sea .a.Wr sad munition
visitor .
Ther- 11 week, reverrare work, for
r•5.o roue k3 J1., .d the way of aloft and
b ool... ww fwd to do tees uoit, Stealth
i. the Ord ca."oti51 hese the moot
'wrong *111 fwd tw'ugre•., .: ileo 11 thin
/.1X1111.110, tis r. mrk t t onnes°. Dorn 1.1 tt nt
nw.(.w61ho,••.lo.n,t /uo o. as tljka
I:. ho .cb • wo.k wily cause , tired
teeing* nisi will es et y (.issue twit tiro,
bvk nI(• tis .1 .Iu,oe:t d.ethi s ne- no t,
se nidi, tf.ow of • cont ,(,on of the :t .-
t(sa ties .•erit•. (. (•.Monnet The Kidney
arc worms. erolence of their wsnkreo-
-arritabe atigooe. .Ladd he twinkle( to;
. Ike timely srwlneggoven by Hr.: (.1c/1
• Ylte gs(ckgit a..d wre.t [Turf trent
)61( k;.,he-s5'4 t.elllteenl w1111 Poli,..
(.tu PUI; Imp tit skd .4•cn`b'c for tis •
alias d Itre Kedeer5 Arynse /1•,..•
• w r to perform brecorbes. ion Jut, r .
IM AN«. Doo Ihw a .tr t ti.,.••. ,....;
4.(r netl.olu hxt*acise Gas Polls.
MI Aeae•ra-G abet, .r 1
'f..ritator 42.411 afeeer trkk
ir•.• set '.ti141.•1. force '.tgnpl nn
• "►•vtit 4'b N,ttoeal clung & lheun:.I
C<1 eI C•.ntils, 4.lfuded, Tomato, or t..
tis • fl , Ad,trr;e, Na -IA -u -Co Inc -
M t, St , Mosso.., N Y.
- W 1'1.11 A
hi Lie of Electrical
1140TWATIsR Curs
end RATTI;RfJ;,s
W(lti(\11OC4lt HOMI(
end let hinr tell you what it will
el.....8081. TAii (11
!'Anne 4'ho•nr
4')3 771a iasis-i•nnr5Ah Ft
klecfrie aiepinliea of All kind;,
always ore hand.
coat, wtme4 -oe s t to Poet. (lfti< e
P>•nph• with h
end long troubles
touch by !loins a
ti -es. Why? Be
beelike the healthy a
Pines. Peps contain
Pine taseners, together w I
medicinal ingredients; a
bps. you may bring into
frame a veritable Pine for
When a Petra la placed in t
mouth the pine essences are turn
eel into herding vapors. These
ate breathed direct to the
hregs.throtet and bronc$ttal tubes
--not awstlowed dolga to the
sio.uacti vehlch is not ailing. Try
Pops toryou rcol d,cough,bronrh
Ile oa Mdtma. 50c. boa, all dealers.
chttie, e.ethnu,
benefit very
ongst Pine
use they
a est the
re-elected, and A. Ittevers newly elected; (1
church treasurer. J. A. Campbell; church ; f
clerk. W. Fuller; chUrch organist, Mrs. l a
H. Stowe; Sunday school superintendent,1
J. A. Campbell I s
At the dose. the pastor made an earnest " A
appeal to his people to adopt a spiritual i h
budget besides the financial budgets
K'e would recommend to the
that they take action in
or to bring up the .shed.
,ccs and ladies' home
.r treatment. For a
front could be pro -
ce in the rear
'mild he kept t .
d dust More
;jetted at this
'tbitor•s to en:
I idin; proper
be taken
hased a
• the
r. Many voted by rising to their
w adopt the spiritual budget and
im • ayerfully to reach it.
T business meeting closed with the
inging of the regular doxology. and
nought o a c ose a year that marked
:oniony tween pastor and people, and
plendid e t in the Kingdom work.
LAKE LOSSES IN 1617. dered: capacity °,900; value *30000
I Barge W. nd. in Lake Huron,
Last Season's Record Better than
That of 1916.
Y•- Coiling. owl BottomThe loss of lefeduring the last season
was much smaller than it was in 1911,,
and tete property loss was very small
when it is considered that all the shins of
all classes were in commission from start
to Mush and that conditions were very
bad during the best month or six weeks
and during the latter part Li the season.
The Lake Superior traders had to work
hrough ice up to the middle of June
nd about a dozen steamers were stuck
on Ituluth harbor on lith of that mon
Ice dershers had to force a channel
twern Lake Huron and Lake Superio
May and while a number of boats w
forced ashore and damaged not a sitwas lost.
Steamers that were out after the f1
week of December had to be tak
through the ice fields by carferries a
tugs. The ice crushers succeeded in ken
ing the Soo River open, but the Than
between Lake St. Clair and Lake E
was blocked a large part of the time fro
December 10 to December 22, when t
last boats 01 the downbotmd fleet reac
open water in Lake Erie. The steame
Henry Co, which was sent out to assi
the brats through the ice, was sunk
collision near Isar Point, but she w
irobably he floated without much da
arse in the spring.
Twenty -live lives were lost on the fou
een vessels that passed out of existenm
uring the past season. compared wit
seventy in 11116, when thirteen shit
'ere total losses. Seven members of 9Dan
rew of the little sand steamer eo/
were drowned when she foundered (
Lake Michigan, and the other men ger
lost en ord barges. The steamer Georg
. Graham, which stranded in Georgia
lay, ata Ibe steamer Goudreau, whic
as driven ashore in a sixty -mile -an
r gale on Lake Huron, were the ono
teal boats that were total losses. 7•
;oudreau, which had a cargo of pyrites,
as the biggest kiss of the season. She
ca;Barge H awatha,l in Lake Ontario,lue
foundered: •rapacity 1; value *45.000.
Athens. in Lake uron, laundered.
five lives lost; carted 3.500; value
Barge Abyssinia, in Erie, was
stranded; capacity 3,700; v lue 820000
Barge Aloha, on Lak Otltarin
foundered, e life lost; capa ty 1,000
value $5.000.
Winter % c;.tis•
!-kiln t1 ort t le ones
t h.
fid nel
m -
was insured for $195,000. The Goudreau
was formerly the Pontiac. The Graham,
which was abandoned by the owners,
will cost the underwriters $125,000. The
other vessels that were lost did not cut
much figure in the general trade.
The passenger steamer Germanic and
the steamers Case and 1. G. Boyce were
destroyed by fire and the steamer John
Plankington, which was sunk in the De-
troit River, was the only boat los in a
collisiorr. Seven of the boats foundered
and two stranded. The st. amers•Pentecost
Mitchell, Saxons and Nattronco were sunk
in collisions, but, they were all raised.
The fourteen ships that were total
Imam had a carrying capacity of 26,750
tons a trip, or 535,000 tons for a season,
figuring twenty trips for each boat. The
ships were valued at about 1614,000.
The boats that were lost in 1917, their
capacity and valuatiottk, follow•
Steamer Germanic, lost at Collingwood
by fire, no lives lost; value 875,000.
Steamer Case, kat in Lake Erie by fire,
no lives lost; capacity 2,600; value
Steamer J. plankington, lost in Detroit
er, collision; capacity :3,000; value.
if 000.
St. mer 1. J. Boyce. lost in Lake Erie
by fire, cripecity 600; value 8'20,000.
St Graham, lost in Georgian Hay,
stranded; . purity 3,000; value 1125,000.
Steamer t . . reau, lost in Lake Huron,
stranded; ca. ity 3,600• value $195,000.
' Li/emend, • Lake Michigan, foun-
dered; *even liv lost.
&large Geo. Ma in Lake Ontario;
foundered; 12 liv lost; capacity 350.
value 14,000.
I Barge Magnetic, in e Erie, four
Our Canadian winters are extremely
hard on the health of lithe ones. The
weather is often so severe that the
mother cannot take the tittle one out
for awaking. The eonse.puence is that
baby is confined to ewe.Leated, badly
venula ed rooms; takes cold and be-
comes cross and peevish. Baby s Own
Tablets should be giver to keep the
little one healthy. They regulate the
stomach and bowels at d pr vent or
cure colds. The Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mal, at 25 cents a
box from the lis. Wilinam; Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont
The only gambling tip which amounts
to anything is to keen . dm the game.
Not a Bite of -
Breakfast Until
You Drink Water
a to
c'. b�
aims a,
sad we
the Oen,
as an op
enemy G
peace, wit
Contains Mach Mystery a
: •Y•, e -e -c •d+.v:-i i'n.N.e.cv0+'•i-4+i..+•.+ 1
N the days before for war, when 1
all Europe was greatly concern- x
Ing Itself with the fate of Al it
Ureic when the elpret, the x
quondam Prince of Wled, and Ismall x
Kernel Bey, Prenk Bib Dada, and all
the rest of that amazing coterie were 111(
doing their best to live up to parts 1
assigned to them, or usurped by x
them. Eased Pasba was one of the a
wost-talked-of men in all Europe. x
Must people have a penchant for tbe lar
picturesque. And Eased Pasha, with Lina
tbe most supreme unconsciousness, 1M.
was always picturesque. He was, 1g
moreover. according to all the ii
canons of diplomacy. end interne-
ttonal law and political morality, ab-
solutely impossible. Dignities meant
as little to him as did the most
sacred conventions, when they
hhanced to stand in his way. wbiist
ter of Consequences had never,
at ly- time. any place in his
out( . Thus when his bro-
ther bani, who was in the
sei pre Abdul Hawid at the Yildiz
Kiosk, suddenly disappeared, as did
many other favorites of the Caliph,
Essad bad no thought but to carry
out, with thetmoat punetillious-
neas, the vends a required by the
"law of the mount •ns." He left Ma-
cedonia, where he Id a command
fa is. army. and ca to Constan
tfnople. discovered . brother's
murderer, and with a utmost
calmness, "rut him down 1 e a gen-,
Last week we put on sale a clearing lot of Coats from a big Montreal maker.
They were the last of his over -makes of the season and he was clearing the lot at a
very small price, in order to make a clean-up. 1f you realized just how scarce Coating
materials are and how high Coat prices will be next season, you would not hesitate a
minute to take advantage of this offer, for you won't get Coats for anything near the
price another season. To sell them easily we have divided them into three lots, at
$9.50, $12.50, $24.50 each.
* \*15.00, *17,50 and *20,00 are the prices these were made to sell for. We cleared the
x . maker racks of all he hail left at the end of the season, which is the reason we can sell them for
x *9.50. and new Coats, made for this winter's wear. Some black, some colors, alt up-to-date
materials. Every one good. Undoubtedly the Coat bargain of the season. Clearing at...46 50
IN Not quite\ many of them. Some are black, the rest dark -colored tweeds and w•hitnev.s.
II Real good styles an splendid maters Is. Made to sell up to *2:1,00, We bought them cheap
)( and are selling them a senile Way: oice of this lot ....,, *1250
1K These are really vett'' heap. Plush a
x *•1.00. High-grade materials exceptionally
x of an ordinary one, see these at
t'elour Coats, silk -lined, trade to sell at *35.00 to
If you want a real good Coat at the price
\ •
Allied Warships *.8-4:1) s'ASHA
mar(,on the 'Galata Bridge; and.
LONDON, Jan, should be any doubt about
ern front in Franc him a card which bore the
military operattoa'd Toptant- Tben he waft-
lncreaaing alt alotoaaonable -time rot the
pared with those 7 be taken up, and •finally
weeks, when little or resume his command an
ceps artillery duels 1
was carried out, aver, was not the end of
Entente allied waQEsaad Pasha was a Top-
barded Germany's I>1. too, of the Kastrinta,
at Ostend, on the IVs of the great ecander-
coast, while around '•! nothing of that kind
Lens and St. Quenti to did not write ''bet -
and Datues, on the on Gbani's account
and north of the Rhlaeorable day in April.
there has been a no when he strode. Into
the operations by the i Abdul Hamid at the
probabilities are with 1us the envoy of tbe
good weather the ezpatnion and Progreso,
ties may take place. nh's deposition. In,
Ocie indlcatioo of s '
early commencement of hthee nationalFetorand aasemtiby-
the resumption of penpal seas deposed, and
a large scale, especially t
French front. Saturday the osltion, Essad
airmen had a good day iearte¢fy Toto
_—! against the Teutons, wading Lt'e. In his
Bari a glass of hot water and
phosphate prevents illness
and keeps us et.
Just as coal, when it burns, leavedl
ble material lie the form of ad a certain amount of shes,
so the food and drink taken day after
day leaves in the alimentary canal a
l certain amount of indigestible ma-
, terlal, which 1f not completly 3lImina•
lied from the system each day, be-
comes food for the anilltons of bacteria
which Infest the bowels. From thla
i masa of leftover waste, toxins and
ptomain -like poisons are formed and
sucked Into the blood.
t. feel -
Ing! right begin to take andwomen
baths. Before eating breakfast each
morning drink a glass of real hot
water with a teaspoonful of llme-
stone phosphate in it to wash out of
the thirty feet of bowels the previous
day's accumulation of poisons and
toxins and to keep the entire allmen-
•'tary canal clean, pure and fresh.
Those who are subject to sick head-
ache, Colds, biliousness, constipation,
others who wake up with had taste.
foul breath, backache, rheumatic atift-
nem, or have a sour, gassy stomach
after meals, are urged to get a quarter
pound of limestone phosphate from
eight enemy machines la netts ;`' reform -
the air. 'it estate
On the Italian front tbe stag like it
again has turned to the fiery 'tcht
wings of the opposing ng sides, the. fn- a
!entry keeping to their trenches ex-
cept for small patrol engagements.
Ali along the northern front the ar-
tillery duels are of a violent charac-
ter, and at several points along the
Piave River a like condition pre•
The Drink Fvfl. \
LONDON, Jan. 22.—There has
been an increase of 1,600,000 women
in British industry since the war be-
gan, an increase of between L150.-
000.000 and £200,000,000 in wo-
men's earnings, according to Lord
D'Aberoon. Controller of Llgooy
Notwithstanding( this there has
been a decline In arunkeaneas among
women of fully seventy-three per
oent., as compared with pre-war ag-
ures. and a corresponding decline
among women of sickness and moral-
ity due to drunkenness,
Rev. Dr. John Neil 111.
LONDON. Jan. 22.—Rey, Dr. John,
Nell of Toronto, and Moderator of the
Canadian Presbyterian Church, who
is visiting the troops here, is a pa-
tient at the Canadian Hospital at
Basingstoke. Ills Illness fa not seri-
ous. Dr. Nell Is apparently tempor-
arily exhausted from hos strenuous
Journeys, but hopes to go shortly to
the front with Bishop Richardson of
le edertcten.
the drug store, and begin practicing
very little, but is sufficient to make
anyone an enthusiast on the subject.
Remember Inside bathing is more
important than outside bathing, he -
ramie the akin pores do not absorb
impurities Into the blood. causing poor
health, while the bowel pores do.
Jnat a soap and hot water cleanses,
sweetens and freshens the skin, so
bot water and limestone phosphate
act on the stomach, liver, kidneys and
Internal sanitation, This will cost
British Gain 1a Palestine.
LONDON, Jan. 22.—The War Of- I
lee Saturday niebt issued the NI -
lowing statement In regard to the
operations la Palestlem:
"Yesterday ear line was advaaeed
to a maximum depth of a mile oa 4
tour -mile front in Dor neighborhood
of Durab, twelve miles north of
Jerasalom. Some odious' were
y Twenty Odd Muffs selling atligit ba
all backed by our unqualified guarantee.
is a splendid chance to get a Muff to mate_
`tit very much less than actual worth. Ther,
= one Red Fox, two Black Wolf, two Grey Wolf
x an
al much
gain prices.
Nothing ch
a neck -piece
are two Ala
These are good Muffs, each and
about them but the price. It
to be carried separately,
a Sable. one Black Fox,
wo Natural 1 olf, one Persian Lamb,
dozen or more various kinds in the lot. E ch and an are selling at prices very
Below regular, because they are odd.
X we can give you neck -pieces from our regular stock that will nicely match a
ix few of the?l�, particularly in Wolf and Sable. 'l•hesr• •neck -pieces we will give�-
at s •
tall reduce rices.II
XXXXX uXXXXXwlrXXX> [Xl5:11¢sftirflnf51cXXsfYdyw y Cyt •
f You Want a Fur Coat X t
IN We hate two 5 ekrat e.'ogtx, made from rei7 ci i it. Nor -Weft Canadian" Rat ;}t' _
I Skins, full length ; and wo beautiful Hodson Seal, one plain, the other trimmed.
x it
These are choice garments. Today's factor- prices are more than we are willing to
take for- these Coats in orde o clear them out before the season is over. IGyou haveX II
x ,
any thought whatever/of Fur ' at buying, we wilf make it worth your while to take X 1
1 1 tsyttnitre of
trheetsee iif we havel�yourlsize.
Von can make nomistakeboy Mg one. X _
+t�irkaAt i111rY1taf'McXXrfltcrrlrrtltXlAcx arlcrir>h1At1i5tri15saf'1gaf1rltlrafli'at"1r1A(af X •
• ■
]t ■
we Wait to make a quick clearance of the linery before the end of our season at the 1�
close of the lonth. To do it, we have all our ready- o -wear flats and every trimmed Hat in the II
• store. wit the exceptic•ryof three or four, and give yo voter choice of the entire lot, no matter x
1 what the ormer price or astnal value, for only *1.95 1�
here are Hits in'this lot that are worth in the re t
us it is not a Iltlestion .price, but of milt tying the
AT $1.95
Rt, up a. ugt $7 .00 and8st*1. 1I
x Witt-
wayf' I
. how' -roots before we wind np the
season. Every_ shalt we hav, -1
e pia, t,trimmed really for Sat day selling.
x 1
x� •1
111SGoderich, x
• Ontario x
Di po ters HODGENS BR
IN11lt1101K11 11[11[111!■1111[••■•11I MINN •■111t11■t1[11(
AN ACTIVE Lr%ER. - if you are bilious, (-tuft. Geo. W. Stud •,
feet languid, has+ sallost complexion, pxoor' Weed inspector -D. J. Hume.
apetite,.d 1
p dull headaches, etc., it is ' 1 athrtasters — Road division No. 5,
an indicaton that your liver is inactive. James Bell ; 6, Geo. Wilson : 7, T. M.
Liven it up with Wigle's LITTLE' Woods; 5, Geo. Basting. ; 9, Wm. Hicks ;
LIVER PILLS. These pills tone up the 10, Thomas Cnx. 11, J Torrance
s muscular lining of the bowels and over- 12_ Ernest Townsend; 13,es
i3rute Holmes:
me the torpid condition of the liver. 14• Melville Sturdy; 15. Harvey Alexan-
'e also stimulate the stomach to der lei• John Htidie; l7, Flpward Tre-
•,d,atctivity. A valuable remedy fa war hha: Itt. W'm. J, Finlay; Itis Albert
Nike t in, constipation, biliousness and Cantelon; 20, Robt. Richardson;21,W.
I I doles caused by a clogged inn- H. Graham ; 27. H. U. Walters; 2i8. has.
signs ore system. Twenty -live cents Wdhams, sr., 29, Jr hn Tebbt?tt; 3 John
F McDonald:
Lorne, Jervis; 36, Bert Cox; 37, Jetties
a R. Wigle. druggist, c a1d. .31, Chris.
Hearne;- 32, Al
t descrl )• bert Lovett; 34, T. K. Mair: `,i5i
11�' and till McDonald; 38. Roht. G. Thompson;
lith thought.'' says a :39, Thomas McCartney; 40 (e), Henry
\4Steep; 40 (w). John Lindsay; 41, Frank
ett3er''h a smile'' runs a
W h,Whitmore; 42. Robt. Cole; 43. Alex.
1. a S, tI. iO fol i Elliott; 44, tibert Crich; 45 (nl. Wm.
Rowden; 45 (a . Albert izzard; 46, Clit,
find•i1111)t3rt.s Lobb; 48, Wilt. Munnings; 49.. Dan
"My Pa t" `SHIP. I Rieger.
The following accounts received the
• January sanction of the board and orders were
' esville. i drawn on the treasurer for the payment
Whether it be athe of the same: Wm. F'roudloot, legal ad -
, vice. *a; Jas. ff. Reid. gravelling boundary
Go�•ernnunt llCtlsttre, ; at Bayfield, 58.75; Adam Cantelon, in-
1iS of Sollle . iol0 scall spector's census, *2.50; Wilbert Huck,
shall find the 1 itte "ravel $9.94, H. Miller, posting financial
aterneres. $2.75: G: M. Elliott. Chil-
Paper!" e'on's Aid and Humane Society, $10.
motion of Councillors Holland and
council adjourned to meet, first
Whether it he just the-N,lay 1n February. ADAM CANT$LpN,
for the Kiddies, or .the Fashio, --
New Fork. Paris; and t,on(hin iCOERi�H MARKETS.
The Star" to each of them is "Nrij". ',.1H toy 2.
•.•I►Y.le to gYII/
.70 to 75 i
hYito t.n,
Whether it be a witty ra i»AIa ��
problems in "Bringing [at'wt °a't° `7�
1pt ars w atm
s! ploy to at%
whole fanlilr enjoy the humour 11 01 lo:,:°
.satoo dn6
......� Ras (too aa,
.G to .12
.1S to ,yt
.:rl to :NOW
1.5( 10 1.75
The rice is x3.00 a trot?• stat to 9w
P year to advance. Ya rw'1 r x.M 11
publisher of your local paper, to your postmas� .m to ��
sMto kin
9.09 to lar
.63 to .75
We thank you for past
favors. Onr future efforts will
lie to merit yotir ,commeeda-
The Double Track Route
*celled Dining Car Service
Shoring cars on night train% and
parlor care on principal day trailer.
information7from see Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn -
Mg. District Pamenger 'Agent, To-
ronto. Ont.
Town Agents Pisone 8