The Signal, 1918-1-24, Page 5Wenoe THE SIGNAL • COi)EIUC 11 ONT:1 I;I(l SS • I Finance—R. J. Acheson, A. D. Mc- I Lean, Thos. Gundry. When You Put Up Your Car i Grounds—Thus. Gundry, J. W. Craigie, 10.^ .11,16 •vrvt. for the Winter---- H. E. Hodgens. The first named in each case is chair- WItha"r'ry don't leave the Batts • the car. as�l(tAe/aw,a Rattery..9 pian of the committee. Isasasselrtstr, Deterioration will surely result. I Dr. A. T. Emmerson was appointed r Iiring it Isere MI01 have it properly to the („ ollegiate Institute board. The ap- uaral for. We. iusgoct and tout Wintment to the public library board it periodically, insuriug your bat- 1 was deferred. I tory to lie In A -I ouuditiou in the spring The charge is 1101eival. East Street Garage "Owned and Operated by a Practical Man" GODERICH - - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover = , lraaMMM■MMMMsi LOCAL TOPICS STOP THAT BARK WI FM White Pine and Spruce Balsam If inn hair a *luhls.rtl cough, i( your Inugs are inflamed and your air passages irritated, this splendkl Cough Syrup will afford I the relief yon seek promptly and without ani banufulatter,effecte. Penslar White Pine and Spruce balsam fs a healing namely ecuu- lenmdevt of Pine Hark. Spruce I:uur, Tamara:'dark, Wlld('herry and utheie well•kuown iugrelients of recognized inertia. (ret a bottle -of this effective rarely as slam as dxoss4ble and rid yourself of thatar, gh, Sold in two sizes - 25C and 5• J. A. Campbell, Phan. B. "Central Drug Store" '.Pith ht. and 'square,Gtsleric•h MM■MMMMMMMMMM Winter Footwear This season we are better prepared than ever to supply your wants for winter Foot- wear. Everything to keep your feet dry and warm. Shoes, Rub- bers and Overshoes of the best quality that are sure to give satis- Faction and solid com- fort to the wearer. The prices are most reasonable. REPAIRING— Geo. MacVicar North .ulr Square, (:ts1. rtrh Masquerade Carnival. The lirst masquerade carnival of the season will be held at the West street rink on Wednesday, January 30th. Prizes, will be given for the best costumes in various classes and it is expected there will be an interesting competition. The hand will be in attendance. See bills for further particulars. . Death of Mrs. Pasmore. The sad news was received this morning of the death of Mrs. Pasmore, a former well-known and highly esteemed resident of Goderich. She passed away at Chi- cago, where she had been slaying with her son Ed. The remains will be brought to Goderich for interment, and although arrangements are not yet completed the funeral will probably be on Saturday. Public School Trustees. The inaugural meeting of the public school board for 1918 was held on the ltith inst. Me. G. L. Parsons was re- ' elected chairman. and standing commit- tees were struck as follows: Contingent—J. W. Craigie, A. Saun- dery H. E. Hodgens. School management—A. D. McLean. R. J. Acheson. A. Saunders Eyesight and Its Care is a matte am you d your lab , ire 'specie At the e with 'Ma ('all at o about y'1c s of great importance, wnd upon[ it _for all and pleasures. \V.• stain the exalll i hall 111 and fitting glasses y years' experience. rofficer when in doubt r eyece or glasses. E' 5 FAND MFG. Pl OPTICIAN RIOT AT tilt POST OfrIGE GUELPH. OHT Aavac roan Be Photographed This Year on Your \ Birthday Mother- Son Daughter— Friend— Ther''ssomeone who'll treasure a photograph of you. and tinnue far away will receive your pic- ture almost as if it, were a viriit from you. slake a resolution to lits ,photo- graphed this year on your birth- day. J. T. FELL BOLSHEVIK! NOW SUPREME. Has Taken All the Power Inas Ila Own Hands. PETROGRAD, Jan. 22.— After an "all-night session the Central Exeru• five Committee early Monday morn - Ing promulgated a decree abolishing LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. the Constituent Assembly. "It 'las killed Itself," the commit- ..'.... -- If quality counts, use Blackstone's de- licious ice cream in bulk or bricks for all occasions. Phone 2.40. The Red Cross Society will meet in the jury room at the court house on Monday evening next, at 8 o'clock. Remember the Hospital benefit, Feb- ruary 7th and 8th. Forty performers, six end artists. New songs and jokes. A axial dance will be held in the Masonic Hall, C,uderich, Friday, Jarytary 25th. Dance starts at 8.30. Everybody welcome. Goud music. It is reported that the final vote on the wardenship in the Conservative caucus was 9 for Reeve Elliott of Stephen to 8 for Reeve Lobb of Goderich township. The Rebekah Lodge had anuther'iiuc- cessful social everting at Oddfellows' Hall last Friday night. In the card game the winners were Mrs. Alex. Fowlie and Mrs. C. A. Reid. Dancing, with music by the Blackstone orche tra, followed the cards. Mr. T. H. Race. held secretary of the National Sanitarium Association, was un - I able to be here for Sunday as intended. 1 his itinerary having been interfered with by the recent stormy weather. He arrived in town on Monday, however. and re- mained for two days making collections for the work with which he is connected. THE TOWN COUNCIL. Appeal to be Entered in 0. W. S. Rail - bay Case. All the tuemliers were present at the regular iae.et:Mg of the town council on Friday evening last. Councillor (oke, who had not been pot the inaugural meeting, heiug stornfstaywl at lieusah, was formally welcomed by the Mayor, who expressed the holes, that the asso- ciations of the year would be pleasant. Requests were received frau Mesysrs. Walter Hero, Edward Dunt and Jahn Sturdy that they be permitted W have old trees in front of their respective residences cut down for firewood --one tree at call place. The requests were sent to the public works eommitteel. I Mt. H. Kemp, who has been getting fifty cents a week forkceleng the town clock in condition, asked for an increase. ' Referred to finance committee. The fire brigade alto wrote asking for an increase of remuneration. Referred to finance couuuittee. A request froul the Ontario Astocia- tion for the Illind, that a reeolutiou be passed asking for the creation in lila Province of a gtrnianeut commission for the blind was sent 10 the special committee. Reports of the finance and special eoruinittee's were received and adopted. The finance committee recommended a grant of $10 to the hospital for.8ick Children. Toronto. and with regard to the overdue bondsof the Dominion.Road Machine Co. reported that an effort w•aN [wing male to have the bondholders hold these until June 1st next, the Company offering to pay six per cent. interest. I The vadat committee recommended that a bylaw he passed leasing a small piece of land at tow W heel Rigs site 10 way switch, and that Mr. Justice Sutherland's judgment do She O. W. S. Railway case be appealed. as alvified by the town solicited. The (;rand 'Trunk Railway ('q..wat given permission to erect a snow fel to protect the turntable at the eugine- house. In reply to at ueathon from ('nunelllor Story, the ayor a la e town Solicitor was attendidg to the matter of the Baechlerinsurance and hail gone as far as he could, suit having been en- tered. A resolution was pettiest accepting the offer of Mr..IatuesUhisholm for the old Melvor• cottage at the lake bank. the 111atedal to be cleared away • by the bat of March. Mr. Chisholm pay's the town $101.5.5. ' Bylaw No. 4. appointing Mr. William Campbell asSesstk•. •1444 10100 np 01111 the salay was lncrc8t•d from $700 to $750. the motion being carried unani- mously. This bylaw, and also No. 7. authorizing the lease: to the National Shipbuilding Co. above mentioned, were - j tut through their final readings and i stied. . be council adjourned before -9 1 Cl(lck. the National Shipbuikling Co. fora rail• tee announced, "by opposing the wishes of the laboring masses repre- sented by the, Rotahevikt members." Nikolai Lenine, the Ilolshevikl Premier. was the chief speaker be- fore the committee and was greeted with tumultuous cheering. He said: "A conflict between the Workmen's and Soldiers' Government and the Constituent Assembly bas been grow- ing since the Russian revolution. The February revolution was a political bourgeois revolution, in which the Coestitutional Democrats scored suc- cess, overthrowing Czarism. In Oe- tober • social revolution occurred and the working masses, through the Workmen's and Soldiers' Delegates, became the sovereign authority. "By creating the Workmen's and Soldiers' Delegates the Russian pro- letariat brought something new into the revolution. There is 130 equal in the history of revolution in West- ern Europe except the Paris Com- mune. The Workmen's and Soldiers' Delegates are not bound by any rules or tradltiotfs to the 01d bour- geois society. Their goser•nment has taken all the power and rights into its own hands. The Constituent As- sembly le the highest expression of the political ideals of bourgeois so- ciety, which are no longer necessary in a Socialist state. The Constituent Assembly will be dissolved. It has not met to -day. and has, in fact, ceased to exist." The Bolshevlkl have not yet an- nounced any plans for a legislative body to replace the Constituent As- sembly. The All -Russian Congress of So- viets is expected to meet to -morrow. but the meeting may be postponed to enable more delegates to attend. This body is looked to as one which will neither declare itself a sovereign body or designate the means for creating one. §xxxxXXXtcxxxxs€xxxxscxxacX)91 uU 1 1 Nevi l IF YOUR Men's Wool Underwear Made from Nova Scotia yarn, elastic -knit, KIDNEYS ACT BADLY all sizes, a regular $1.50 garment, for 'x $1.09 1.09 Take tablespoonful of Salta if Back hurts or Bladder bothers—Drink Men's Mackinaw Socks I 11.1.. ,011 3. to .11:1 69c Boys' Overalls St toprd and hint, testlt lnh, vs, 69c Boys' Sweater Coats $1.25 M. ROBINS OPEN EVENINGS XXX CARSON LEAVES CABINET. Baps Out Owing to Differewee,, era Irish Question. LONDON. Jan. 22.—Sir Edward Carson, Minister without portfolio In the War Cabinet, has resigned. This announcement was made om- clally Monday night. The Rinse Minister has advi,ed the King to accept Sir Edward Car- son's resignation. The correspondence published shows that Sir Edward's resignation was on the Irish question and had nothing to do with the conduct of the war. Sir Edward In a letter to the Pre- mier says that when be joined the Cabinet he had no consideration in mind except the prosecution of the war, and had not anticipated that the Irish question would be re- opened duriLtg tbe war, "Subsequently," the letter con- tinues, "when the convention was proposed I used my Influence to In- duce friends to participate In an effort to reach a settlement, but on account of the dual position I held as member of the Government and leader of the Ulster party I felt 1t incumbent on me to stand aloof from the convention. 1t, however, Is ap- parent that whatever the Issue of the convention, its proceedings may lead to a situation demanding a deristow by the Government on grave matters of policy in Ireland. t-• "After anxious consideration, I feel that it would be advantageous for the War Cabinet to discuss this policy without my presence. "I Mso desire to be`entirely un- fettered in forming judgment on any situation that may arise, tak- ing account both of the supreme duty that rests on us all in assisting the prosecution or the war, and my per- sonal obligations as leader of the Ulster Unionist party." We are a nation of meat eaters and our blood is filled with urio acid, says a well-known 'authority, who warns us to be constantly on guard against kidney trouble. 9'he kidneys do their utmost to free the blood of this irritating acid, but become weak from the overwork: they get sluggish: the eliminative tissues clog and thus the waste is retained in the blond to poison the entire system. When your kidnevs ache and\feel lik1 lumps of lead, and you have dtincin, pains in the back or the urine is etetudv, full of sediment, or the bladder is Irri- tsble, obliging you to seek relief during the night; when you have severe head- aches, nervous and dizzy spells. ateeplees- nese, acid stomach or rheumatism in bad weather, get from your pharmacist about four ounces of ,Tad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a gleam of water before breakfast each morning and in a few days your kidneys will act Ane. This famous wilts is made from the add of grapes and lemon juice, combined, with labia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidnerys, to neutralize the arida in urine so it is no longer a source of irritation. thus ending urinary and bladder dlenrders. .fad Salta is inexpensive and cannot Injure; makes a delightful effervescent liths• water drink, and nntnIly can maks a mistake by taking a little occasionally to keep the kidneys cleat and active. QBITUARY. W ARNER. —The death took place 11(11 'Toronto on November lath of Samuel Ell \Varner. formerly of Bulk's Fall;. The deceased came to Canada- from England about ten years ago and wai a carpenter and budder by trade. He is survived by two daughters and three sons. Mr. Ernest A. Warner. h nierly of (:ederfch (now of the Ilil,t Battalion overseas), is a sun. Wll)DER.—Many m Gods' rich learned with regret.of the death, which occurred on the lath inst. in New York City, of Charles A. Wilder, eldest`son of the Lite Charles Widder of this town. air. W'id- der was connected with the Rank of Montreal for a number of years, but lat- terly had been living in New York. He is sun ived by his'entother, two brothers and three sisters. Oro brother, Fred, is manager of the Bank of Montreal at Paris. and the other, Lionel. -is at New York. Mrs. ODr.) Arthur Jukes John- ston, of Toronto, is a sister, and, Mrs. Wielder and her other two daughters. Miss Wielder and \liss Blanche Welder, alai are in Toronto at present. MEW.—The sad occurrence of the death of Percy Frank Mew. the fifteen- year•old son of Mr. and airs. William Mew of town, took place on Wednesday of last week. The deceased lad was born at Portsmouth, England. and -came to America with his parents in 1912. There -ue two brother;, both of whom have been to military servile—Charlie, she. returned from overseas nt November after ..pending considerable time in the trenches. and William, who tS flow in France. The funeral servi- ices took p'at. at • the Salva- tion Army hall on Saturday afternoon. being conducted by Captain Fox, and the pallbearers were Hector Ward. Fraser Newell, Harry Leach and Gordon Down. PRAISE FOR CANADA. Reason When German Srx•talist Fears rncle Sam. AMSTERDAM, Jan. 22.—In tbe Lower House of the Prussian Diet on Saturday. Dr. Franz Mehring, Inde- pendent Socialist, made the follow- ing enquiry: "If Canada, with loss than nine million inhabitants, has been able to throw a quarter of a million soldiers into Europe, who were not able to Sy or swim, what grounds has the Finance Minister for denying to the United States, with 110,000,000 in- habitants, any military capacity:"' Dr. Mehring proceeded to reprove the Prussian Finance Minister, ,Dr. Hertz, for such criticisms, which, be declared. was likely to bring heavy penalties in Its train, especially i' coupled with empty threats. The Minister, replying, admitted that he was unable to prove his state- ment concerning the American army. but was .011 convinced that it could not coupe over. G IBBS.-•Thr death occurred last Thurs- day evening. after a long period of 'll- neee, of Mr. Richard Gibbs. Victoria street. }tetrad poen ailing for the last three years front a cancerous affection, an operation in Alexandra hospital nearly twenty months ago prolonging his life for a time. He bore his long and severe suffering with a patient Christian spirit. Mr. Gibbs was born in the year latil at at Port Rowan, Norfolk county. but re- sided in Saltford and vicinity fee the a -eater part of his life. removing to Gode- rich last September. He is survived by his site and daughter, Miss Minnie. The funeral took place to Colborne cemetery Sunday afternoon,,the services being condu""'' by Rev. 2. C. 711cDermid and Rev. J. H. Osterhout, assisted hy mem- bers of the Canadian Order of Foresters, to which the deceased belonged. The pallbearers were \lessrs. D. Sproul. A. Hadden. E. Correll, Samuel Bisset, Chas. Fuller and Jas. Wilson. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved ones in the sor- row that has clime to them. LEWOI — m Tuesday) last, January 22nd. there -were buried in Forest Lawn cemetery. Buffalo. the . last remain: of a gentleman who was well krown to our older citizens, namely. Jerome Dwight Lewis, the eldest sort 'of the late Ira Lewis. Crown attorney of Huron county, and brother of Judge E N. Lewis. Mr. Lewis. who was ben in Goderich in 1851. was married early in life to a niece of the late Sir Frederick Carter, Premier ni Newfoundland. He moved to Buffalo. where for many years he was the rep- resentative of the Grand Trurk and international Bridge systems. In later life he had charge of the interests or the • Terminal Transportatiod Cor- poration. The deceased was a great lover of flowers and the (heal remem- brances were many. The pieces sent by the Terminal Company. the Standard Oil. the Anchor Line and other corpora- tions were handsome. Ten children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, of whom seven. besides the widow. survive. The sons and sins -in-laws, who have all prominent commercial businesses in in- be' n- beYers• HUNTER.—Much regret was felt in town and country at the news of the death of Mrs. Hunter, wife of \tr. J. W. Hunter of the Lake Shore, Colborne, which occurred on the 15th inst. after an illness of several months. Airs. !hunter, whose maiden name was Jean Proudfoot Kerr, was born in Goderich, a daughter cif the late Witham herr. After her marriage to \1r. Hunter she went to live on the well-known Hunter (arnt on the' Heron road. Gxk•rich township, anti twenty years ago they removed to the (ar,A.in Collone which had since been their blame. Besides her husband, Mrs. Hunter Iet•es.one daughter Miss Kate, Irving and Terence. Mrs. • W. Rhvnas. (o1`..town is a sister. The funeral services iq Thtirs 'ay last were conducted hy Cato. „Hill and Rev. Jas. Hamilton. the intermeit.,b•ing in Mait- land cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs. John W.. Isaac and H.L. Salkeld. Geo. Andrew;, Chas. J. Wallis and Rs* s Jenkins. Plague Sweeping China. PEKIN, Jan. 22.—The pnuemolne plague Is spreading In ShamM.S1 Pro- vince. There are numerous eases at Kivef-Huachung, where the author- ities are doing nothing. There have been many deaths at Tatung -FI. but these have not been determined as plague cases, owing to lack of support of the Plague Commissioners by the central Gov- ernment. The measures taken local- ly are inadequate and the Commis- sioners are telegraphing to the Gov- ernment urging it to assist in tak log energetic steps to combat the epidemic. The missionary medical men are making error's to keep the plague outside the Guest Wall and to close the entrances of upper Shan -Si. Dead bodies are lying In the streets of the city, and the coolies Wires to remove them. Till'rtrAv 1•1N 21, 1919 rt Thrill, a Proiliabk Duly It is not coital yout*1ri, • but what you save that . c (oun1S And remem ber, too, that 11 V of little use to pare down expenses it the ,honey. Is) saved is not put to work. Asa personal inti Aattildc duty. save every 'dollar you can, and let 11 earn interest in a Savings account Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCONI i;F., `1 holster. The Saults Coal Co. eucer-roe• :o Hcrtooagh t (-Irdb1H EXCLUSIVE AGENTS I'oi LEHIGH VALLEY Telt: Co.%l, THAT rATIrsI'll.S \Ve deal in Hard and Soft Coat, Lime, Cement Fire „I}rick,. Fire Clay, also. Hard and Soft Wood, Maple anti Hemlock Slabs. Fresh cars of Lime and Cement just received. OPF1eE_ PHONE - I �> B. ), Saults! Residence .2,5 \V. W Sanits' Residence 202 and two Nn1 Better than_ an Alarm Clock. Exe—Why not have Bridget shut the kitchen dor mornings ? One can' smell the breakfast all Over the house. Mrs. Exe --Shut the kitchen door ? 1 guess not. The smell is all that gets the family up. BRIGHT'S ISEASE is the deadliest and most painful malady to which mankind is subject. ilrald's Kidney Pills will cure any case of Bright's Vi.r•aw'. They have never fail -11 in one single ease. They are the only remedy that ever has t'ored it, and they are the only remedy that can. There are in vtation% of lldd's Kidney Pins—pin, box and ,s? $ne—but imita- tions are dangerous. The original and i8ily genuine cure for Bright's Macaw: i' DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS i rind's l' dney Pill, are II ..civ ..•sty a 1,0* at all s - Clothes Make the Man --- they coy but we stake l then. We have be. making theta i' quite a while, too, and have g vett satisfaction lo a wit o lot of people. -11 you want a new suit or overcoat, why not call and see ? R. ,.Armstrong t1ERCHANT TAILOR �. nth Side Square. tinderieh. The hest' Newspaper Vahi.e YY . - t• in Ontario E•be (Loaibon EtZwerttscr School of Commerce (l lhlON, (ATARI() Winter term . begins Monday, Jan. 7,1917 Students way ClltCl any tam, LotiesP'S in BOOikl{I,1;PIN3C., STENOGRAPHY, _PEN I,NANS.HIP. • SEC R,VTAR1AL WORK, ETC. •, • EFFICIENCY is the motto of this. School and it is the .1101 to fit studretts for p0,itiou, nu which they will do credit to theut.elves and Cdnttu:iced goo(! .salaries. (:tris way room is the Sehoul. For pwtrculaTr write to B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Acct3. I'1t.,til. 21)4 Principal IGLEYS For Your Soldier! 11 s. is r M "Bless the girl! She never forgets to keep me well stocked with WRIGLEYS Teeth. breath. appe- tite and digestion all benefit from it. Thirst and fatigue fade away. Pluck returns by its magic aid. After every meal MADE IN CANADA The Flavour Lasts! ,a, 4 .w.