The Signal, 1918-1-24, Page 3..w • THE 0t101NIL IND ONLY •ENGINE BEWARE OF IMITA- TIONS SOLD ON THE MERITS ON IINOP'S UMENT MEDICAL DGEO. H111LEMANN, O8TEO PATH, Menalist in women's Sad oan grows di....ee. acute, thronlc and nervonsdlr order~ eye. ear. owe and throat, partial deaf ova, lumbago and rheumatic conditions. Ado ased• rewovel without the kudfe, Omoe at 'askance, corner Nelson and BL Aodrew'• •'cola. At home *Moe Mondays, Thursdays sad Saturday.: any overlies by appointment. DENTISTRY hit. H. O. MACDONELI.-HONOR it Graduate Toronto University. Graduate oy• (College of !ental Surgeons. Sueosr,ur to the late Major Selo. • Omoes mad Square ani Went sweet. llodse4ch. AUCTIONEER THOMAS GUNDKY AUCTIONEER Box 37, Ooderich. All Instructions by mall Cr left at 'Mahal cmc. will berometty et .end to. Raidonce telephone 119 LEGAL LU. HAYS *BARRISTER. tittLICITOR, NOTARY PUBUc, ET(. Alpo -Marling Bank (Bock, Hamilton Crest. ederk:. Telephone Boat kiate Lotion and Insurance. PI1OUDFOtfl , KILLORAN & COOKE BARRISTERS, 8OLICITOII114 NOTARIES PUBLIC, ETC. Ofce on the haunts. second door from Ham- IBf. s*eet, Gorki atilt. u • Private tune. to loan at lowo.t nil.. TORONTO MA/mars. TORONTO, Jan. 22.-Tka, Beard of Trate edictal maiket dgotatle far yesterday: Manitoea Wheat (In Storrs, Pert WIIIII,, Including !Vic Tag), No. 1 northern, 2 231/ No. 2 northern. 13.205.. No. 2 northern. 12,17%. No. 4 wheat. 11.111%. Nannies pate lin Store F.rt Wllllasaso N.. 1 C.W..A%c. No, 3 C.W.. 62 c. Extra Me. 1 Mod. S2%c. No. 1 teed, 7$1,%c. American Corn (Track, Toronto). Ne. 3 yellow -Nominal. Ontario Oata (According to Fr.lshte Outside). No. 2 whit►-ile cos 86}•, nastiest No. 3 white -84c to 85c nominal Ontario Wheat Basis in ' tore Montreal). No. 2 winter, per car lot. $3.32. Peas (According t• Freights Outaldo). Nu 2-43.70 to 53.60 Barley (According to Freights Outside Malting -51.46 to 11.48. Buckwheat (According to Freights Osen sid. ). Rurkwheat-51.55 to, 51.58 fly (According to Freights Outside). Nu. 2-$1.711. Manitoba Flour (Toronto). r,rst patents, in Jute bags, 511.50. Second patents, In jute bags. 111. Strong bakers', in jute bags, 81e.N. Ontario Flour (In Bags. Prompt SMp- mnt ). Winter. according to sample. 111.10 Montreal, 59.95 Toronto. 19.90 bulk, sea- board. MI1Naod (Car Lots, Delivered, Mentr.al Freights, Says Included). Bran. per ton, $35; short.. per 80R $40; middlings, pet tun. $45 to 146, goof feed flour. per bag, 13.25. Hay (Track, Toronto). No. 1, per ton. 816 to 117; mixed. 413 to 116. Straw (Track, T), Car lots. per ton, 13 to SS. Farmers' Fall wheat-311111ns, 12.14 per buahet. Goose wheat -12.0s to $2.10 per buaki Itarley-Malting. 51.46 to $1.46 pair bushel. Oats -89c to 90e per bushel( Buckwheat -51.65 per bushel. Rye -According to sample, nominaL Hay -Timothy, 81* to 120 per ton; milt- ed and clover, 115 to 117 per ton. r THE SICSNAL - (;ODERICH, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JAN. 24, 1I8 HE COULDN'T RAISg NAND TO HIS HEAD. IwNRRE surioRTIT1os RF:It: i 11��.:11/11111j1]��11�MaillialaxilaniaMMON�xx■xa�i,llarlia.� Rheumatism Overcome by Testae and Witch Doctor Hulett Thousand. In the x Garbett Able to,Work Apia, 1 "It's thirty-five miles from here to • Schormburg, where 1 live, but I'd go that as far for Tanlac any day." mid James Gar- bets in an interview at the residence of Ihis daughter, Mrs. Berry, 14 JUlson avenue, Toronto, recently. Mr. Garbett has lived in Schormburg for more than thirty years, owns a valuable farm near the city; 1a also noted as a hunter and trapper. and is highly respected by all who know him. Continuing his state- ment, Mr. Garbett said : "My daughter has been tellingme for a long time that Tanlac was the t medi- cine in the world and now 1 know it for myself. For the past two or three years 1 have been bothered with rheumatism whichof so bad during the past sununer and tall that 1 couldn't do a bit of work. In fact, 1 was so crippled up I just had to L bubble around. Every muscle and bone in my body seemed to be affected and my left arm hurt so bad 1 couldn't raise • my hand to comb my hair. My Shaul- , der' and sides, hips and Ings and lock were all right stiff and hurt a0 bad w 1 got up out of my chair the folks couki 1 hear me groan all over the house. The leaders and muscles of my kgs crampedf and hurt so 1 could hardly walk and kept I me from getting my rest at night. My joints Just ached and pained and kept me in agony nearly all the time. "All my neighbors know how 1 suffered and now they can see how Taniac has helped me. 1 always believed in the old- fashioned remedies but now I have to ad- mit that Tanlac has them all beat. I have hardly finished my second bottle and I have never seen anything knock out ' rheumatism like it has mine. Being well along in years. i djdn't expect it to help me. but I can ser tile?biggest difference in the world. I haven t been bothered by that pain in my muscles and bones since i started on it and my stiffness is fast leav- ing me. My legs don't tramp any more. my back doesn't hurt and I rest well at night. I'm ably to go to work now and when i get back home I'm certainly going to take some Tanlac with me. ',In fact, one of the reasons I'm here is to get Tan - lac." Tanlac is sold in Goderich by E. R. Wigle. in Seaforth by C. Aberhart, in t Wingham by J. Walton McKibbon, in Hensall by A. M. E. Hemphill, in Blyth by White City Drug Store. in Wroxeter by J. N. Allen. in Londesboro' by John 0. Loundsberry, in Exeter by W. S. t Howey. in Brucefield by Peter Bowey, in Dashwood by Tiernan & Edighoffer, and in Crediton by J. W. Orme. WINNIPEG GRAIN MARKET. Winnipeg, Jan 21. -The 'nasion wail very quiet and little ,rWing wan trans- acted in •Ither cash or future markets. The demand for No. 2 C. w' oats was exceptionally poor. Lower grades wore M fair demand, with spreads improving. Cash t,arley was lir good demand, with No 5%c under :May and Nu. 4 10540 under. Casts flax was quiet ,very few Irenese. [Ions taking place. Oat■ (inures closed 14c down for Yat/ and %c )ower for July. Barley ,'lobed %c lower too Mar- ries closed 65yc higher for January and 11 t- for May. Winnipeg market: Oats -Old contract -May closed 63%c New contract -May, u�t to 85%e. July opened 83'.c to Barley -]lay, $1.51% to 11.5184. Flat-Ja uary closed 13.18%; May. R7.27'i to $3.!5% Cash pricer: (fats -No. 2 C W., SS%s• o. 3 C. ' , 8214c; extra C. 1 teed, %c; No: I feed, 78%c; No. ! feed. Barley -No. 3. 11.45%; No. 4, 81.46841 end and rejected, 11 21 Flax --No. 1 N. W. C., 83.1846: Ne. 2 W., 8:4 15%; No. 3 C. W., $2.97%. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET.. J. P. Bickel) & Co.. Standard Banti wilding, report the following prices eta e Chicago Board of Trade: Prete. Open. High. Low Close. Close. Corn - ay . 11414 134'4 11384 124y, 124 n. . .. 127% 127% 127'4 127% 121% Oa ts- y .... 76% 761,4 -5% 76' 76% n ... 7814 7914 7014 79 78 l'ork- ✓ .. . 41.90 45.90 45.75 45.47 45.N n ..... 47.10 Irrd- y .... 25.00 25.03 24.97 25.00 25.02 Jan, 34.31 Ft, bs- May .... 24.40 24.48 24.40/24.42 24.44 Jan. 24.es LIVERPOOL MARKETS. Liverpool. Jan. 21, -Beef -Extra India mass. 360s. ork-Prime mese 360'. lams -Short cut. 14 to 11 ., 137s. aeon -Cumberland cut, 24 to 30 Ib.., 2s: clear bellies, 14 to 14 lbs., 160x, ng clear middles, light, 25 to 34long o 40 .. 159s; short e clear backs, 16 to 20avy. 35 tlbs. , shoulders, square, 11 a 13 110„ Lard -Prime western, In tierces, 13301 American, refined, pane, 134. 3d; Atnert- can. refined. boxes. 135.. Tallow -Australian, In London. 7110. Turpentine. --Spirits, 127s id- Rooln-Common, its Id. Petroleum -Refined, 1s 6%d. W. POOVDeu0T, Y.U. J. L. Kiu.oaak 75 H. J. D. Cools 0. CAMERON, K. CT BARRIS C. M. LR. solicitor, watery pubIIo. Office LO. Stmt. Ouderich, (bird door fr.' Squire. At Clinton 1 holiday of each week in Omw on AAbel t Forret uccupkd by Mr. H Huopet. times hours a eat. to 6 p.m. HA1tLES DARItOW, LL.B., BA it IUWILIt..14ero.7, asllettor, oto., Gide M .M. . al, 1.ey ie.. trod al lowrrt rates la �1 $XAGER, BARRISTER. SOL- . leiter, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Ma 'slew -Court House Ooderiob. eke Ta _ Ma INSURANCE, LOANS. ETC. Ja Ma lA cklLU GP MUTUAL FIRE 1N �1 B U R A N C 6 CO. -Yarm and 4Waad taws property Insured. (mrers-J... Connolly, Pew.„ Ooderich P.O.: Jas. Evan. Vice -)baa. Beachwood P. 0.: Thomas IL flay Seo: -T rear., Beaforth P. 0. Lt ctoes-D. F. McGregor, Beaforth ; John 3,Orteve.K'Inthrop; N Oban Rion (onstaoce. Joh. Penne,. a Brodhage. ; Geo. Rion, Cart.ney, 1 8eaforth ; Ro Ferrer, Matlock : Malcolm F Ye&weu, Bruoeseld. Agents: J. K. Yeo, God, rich ; Alex. 16 Leitch. Clinton ; K'1111am Chesney. tiearorth ; to IC btu, Wry, Soaforth. Policy -bolder& eau pay (gm a-rtam,rnts and et Weir cards recelpted at ib. R J. Mnrrbh'r Clothing Bare, Clinton. R H. 167' l net's Ornery, glnrstoo street, Ooderich, or 1Yts J. B. hold's Oeoeret /tore, Be) field, 120000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO Iona. Apply to M. O. CAM. BON. Barrister Hamilton street- Godwin'. ■Us1C. t J. W. TAYLOR, ORGANIST -. and ('holtmaeterof &pox church. Teacher of Piano. Vocal and Theory. Pnpile prepare 1 fur ('on.er rata examine Bona. Blud10-corner Rtitanola road and South street, Telephone hu. YC1. tat $ABEL R. SCO'1T, TEACHER OF 1. Voice. Plano and Organ. Pupil, prepared for Conservatory examinatlons. Apply at R. P. W. CURRIES. Britannia roof. PRO PTLY SECURED' In a'I cnuntrlee. AO( for our INVi•:N- TUG ADVISICR,whirh wit! be sent fres MARION 4 HAR:O17. IN University SR>\Muntrdat �_- _ - r Brophe3 Bros, to 115.50. ,.Shnep and lambs -Receipts. 1 2000. ar- Ore and strong: Iambs, 114 to 120; year- lings, $13 to 11A: ewes. 114 a 114.60; ws- GODERICH there, 17 to $13 50; mixed sheep, 113.11 -a to 81. Tae LeadingChicago, LIVE STOCK. go, Jan. Sl. -Cattle -Receipts Funeral Directors and Embalmers CATTLE MARKETS UNION STOCK YARDS. TORONTO, Jan. 22. -Alf Masses of cattle on the Union Stock Yards Exchange sold yesterday at from 40e to 50e lower per cwt. than at any time on Nat week's market, which gradually resumed normal condition previous to the big storm. Recelpta were 221 cars, with 3,794 tattle, 135 calves, 3,776 hogs, and 620 sheep and lambs. EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK. East Portal°. Jan. 21.-Cattle--Firs- 1100. Good, steady; common, me- ter: primo steers, 513.50 to 814.50: ship- ping steers, 111.75 to 113.50; butchers, 510.50 to $12.75; yearlings, 111 to 5U; he11.,'. 83.51, to 512; cows, 14.76 to 810.50; Attila, $6.50 to 39.50; fresh cows and springers, 85b to 8140. Calves--Flecelpte, 650. Strong: 17 to 510. Ho t's-Recelots, 8000 Easter: heavy, mired, 'miters, light yorkers and pigs, � SIB: roughs, 816.50 to 516.76; stags, $14 Orders carefully attended to at all hours, night or day. endilinninassellheneneneteintlinsebesensienteas The Best Newspaper Value In Western Ontario Ube 'onion Bbverttser mil pail Editions II? Pee Year 0410. LitsettI.d; beeves, 16.40 a 114: stockers !red feeder', $7 a 510.80; cows and heIf fa, 14 a *11.80; calves, S9 to 516.25. Hogs -Race, 48.000. Steady; light, 515.80 to 516.70; mixed. 516.15 to 514.88; heavy. 316.16 to 616.30; rough, 516.16 to 514.70; pigs 813.76 to 511,36: bulk et sales, 116.40 to sls.N. t Weakep and ; ).mbs, native, 111(60 oto $17 35. Fight Ronny Machines Downed. LONDON, Jae. 22. -The report from O 1 Halg's headquarters la Treace Sunday night says: "Last night an enemy raid south- east of Oralneourt was repulsed. Early this morning we raided the enemys' trenches out of Hargleourt, capturing r -The hostile artillery was active to -day north-east of Ypres and in the vicinity of Nerve Chapelle and Lens. There was much successful air bombing of the enemy's troops and damps yesterday. Eight hostile ma- chines were brought down. Door f ours are missing." I tar fast. Most of the homes in Canada are ruled by the chubby Est of King Baby, but to countries where saner &titles rules, the chubby nal eau only beat Impotently against the roll of torture Into which supeistillon has thrust him. The Innocent babies are supposed to have as many evil spirit r D. 1LLAP 'SON IN 111 111 '1 111 w the grotto -50 se Angola. order I. x****x**r*.xx**��/��ExNLIN�N�,N/�x� �M� were twuated 60 ruts, made to order j I. to let out the evil spirits, on a baby I as1 only Ove months old! One wonders ]� if the evil spirits needed so many11( i x exits. peter rasion his JanuaryS'/ecials "erre'," he Ives his prestige. So be .ay assure the anxious mother Upless the witeh-d that the evil spirits can escape as well through burns as through cuts. Blindly following the only medical advice they know, the parents them- selves will sometimes heat an iron red-hot and touch their tiny baby over the head, peck, and even the abdomen, leaving only a smell apace between the burns. Then wrapping the little form in a clean or. as often, dirty cloth, they leave it to recover or die. If a Chinese baby dies, the evil spirit when released will enter the ,x I* !x Ix x X r1 boll of the next child born. In order x to preven4othis calamity, the parents "tilegg and mime mustard seedto he pody of the dead child In the x Delle? t2gt the evil spirit will not %p- 1sst pear untilthe egg hatches and the Oil meed apron The astute parents x carefully bo the egg and the seed In 1s� order to post»one the date Indefinite- ly." ndefinite- liK ly .. 1111 Superstition seems to us only an- other name for I cit of commonest of x common Mage. \Fake, for Instance, ir the African parents who found their child's skull partly torn away and its x brain laid bare by t e attack of a II hyena. Did they 'rue the child to for even a witch -doctor' No. They /sal M• I ran after the hyena, for as long as the animal lived their chit could not recover! In fhb case th parents' ouidn't End the hyena they brought the child atter severe hours o the medical missionary. F un- tely, be wan able to patch up -/he brains and is now developing th m I I one of our mission schools. There is no safeguard for babie.. ' he world over, motherlove, the Es- peranto et human emotions. But oven that power is not proof against he force of superstition. Women ho are now Christians admit that hey have used a heavy grub -hoe to ear and cut to mincemeat the faces , f baby girls, thereby turning aside he wrath of devils who curse their amity with too many girl babies. Rome of these women have cast out von boy babies to he eaten by the Illage dogs with the idea that sick oys are demons in (Beguile,bring- ing care, worry, and debI ``World ADVT. Queer Law Cases. d An Italian corn, er who was wound- ed in the Trentino recently brought an action to obtain a decision as to e the rightful ownership of a bullet ex- tracted from his body'. Both doctor b and nurse elalmed it, but the officer contended that it was legally his. The Judge gave his decision in the omcer'' favor ,by a novel line of argument. - He found that the projectile once discharged from the gun ceased both to belong to the man who fired it and the country which entrusted It to him. It thus became, while on its way to Its billet, a ren nulllus which any Ender is entitled to pick up and keep. The omcer found it in his body. It was only brought to light by the surgeon, assisted by the nurse. Hence the omcer was entitled to keep it. 111 Not long ago an abbe left a French village to take up the Incumbency of another, and the major of his late dock Ilt a bonfire in, the road to speed their departing parson, making merry at his expense and showing unmistakably the joy they felt at treeing his back. Naturally the abbe thought himself insulted and brought an aotlon for damages, but as he could not show any, the cane was dismissed. A certain inhabitant of Switzer- land had a stupendous thirst, which be plied daily with stimulants. His sister secretly put a drink -cure Into his potations, which had the magical effect of curing him of his craving, and rendered drink obnoxious. So angry was he when he learned the truth that he sued his sister for £1.- 000 for the loss of his thirst. -Tit - Bits. ALL AT HOME SHOULD PREPARE FOR WAR The first test a man is put through for either war or life innnranee is an exami- nation of his water. This is most essen- tial because the kidneys play a most im• portant part in causing premature old age and death. The more injurious the poisons passing through the kidneys the sooner comes decay -so says Dr. Pierce of Surgical institute, Buffalo, N. Y., who further advises all people who are past thirty to preserve the vitality of the kid- neys and free the blood from poisonous elements, such as uric aeid-drink plenty 1 of water -sweat some daily and take Anode, double strength, before meals. An-u-ric is a discovery of Dr. Pierre, and can be obtained at drag stores. For that backache, lumbago, rheumatism, "rusty" Joints, swollen feet or hands, ur doe to ic acid in the blood, Arris quickly dissolves the nrie acid as hot water does sugar. ,Send 10 cents to 1)r. Pierce for trial pkg. Thorsil, Ont ek -"I think Amalie Is e base 1 kayo over take. My 41F , ki4soys had giva. o ant n trouble for some tinea I waned suffer from ., barbarians and also swelling of the limbs. Atonic1 took Atonic and 11 Imo estir.Iy cured me of all my backache sed hat strengthened my kidneys se 1 fool safe,'•m in remendin` it Si ethers cob. safler."- idr, C. A. Clark., Box 1175 Toronto, Ont. -"ler Ono last eight en I baro sneered with kid - ••r treebl. Sed rhe- meti.n. It boon .12 paint in any bark and dually loft my back sad want down late taw triedw W : • y • .2,,.,,' rase. I Ovary modish• 1 rbold boor of end am gaited sews good doctors, Mt still I kept on saWMag Saint • 'ear ago • friend advised me to give Snarl, s trial, cod a k. r say I en today • well ase -sorer foot trues asy trof my strewn. .. welter w►.1 this weather ..ditiam. fly al As Aaer4e Is • re kld•oy mediri•• in ivory sosae'-a. 1►. earris•e, 9 Matilda !lintel. 1 only handsome Civet Cat Set. Regular $62.50, for $42.50. 1 only rich Coon Set. Regular $37.50, for $28.50. 1 only black Seal Set, large stole, pillow muff. Regular $42.50, for $32.50. 1 only beautiful Muskrat Set. Regular $51.00. for $37.50. 1 only handsome Western Sable,Set. Regular $45.00, for $31.50. 1 only misses' Silver Goat Set. Regular $18.00, for $ 12.50. Many exceptional values in odd ieces marked at prices to effect a complete clearance of our fur stock. This is a splendid opportunity to secure furs at a very low price, as all furs are advancing very much in price. LADIES' COATS \IILDREN'S COATS The few that are left of our ladies' and children's Coats are all marked at lowest prices for speedy clearance. BLANKETS Our special Union Blanket, extra quality, bought direct from the mill, beautiful finish, pink or blue borders, size 60x80, at $6.00 per pair. CHILDREN'S WOOL TOQUES TO, CLEAR 25c A special �,learance of children's Toques, assorted colors, values up to $1.00, to clear at 25c each. A TABLE OF REMNANTS \ANb ODD LOTS We have gone over our entire stock and put 'out all remnants and odd lines and marked them at prices that should clear the lot in a few days. Dress Remnants, Silk Remnants, Cot- ton Remnants, Cretonne Remnants, Lace Curtain Remnants. x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxillx)•xxxlixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE 'PHONE AND MAIL ORDER STORE PHONE 1 PHONE 56 If xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxiir 6 Millar's Scotch Store Outlook. xxxxli1x • Have You Canada's Nat nal Habit? I T IS a national habit - a 1 habit that's a virtu" - this daily reading of Canada's - National Ne •s - paper. That habit once auired, a man feels that he cannot commence the • day �. right without his copy of THE GLOBE. THE intelligent Canadian may rejoice in the news, or he may hr. disap- pointed: But vt h^tever the news, - he wants that news while it is news -and he wants the truth about it. e \f E GETS it through THE GLOBE'S world-wide news - gathering sys- tem. This includes exclusive rights to the cables of The London Times, The London Chronicle, The New York Times and The Philadelphia Ledger. The Canadian Asso- ci'ated' Cables and the services of the Associated Preis, Can- adian Press and The Globe's own correspondents at all im- portant points in Canada complete an unrivalled news 'service. the I� 4. ifa t 0 '•4 5s Canada's National Newspaj On your breakfast I.hl.-dee dol. Iara . )car In Toronto and In ,'III. - and towns where agenlr Ii.t. r.rr),r delit.-r'. . . R) moll, ,nor dollars a )c.r. Order Through your newsdealer or direct. lobe Canada's National Newspaper Toronto • 1' t a'r 40►ss11 41 :+. 0 ,r