The Signal, 1918-1-24, Page 11
Save Fifty Cents
On and after February lst, the
subscription price of The
Signal will be $1.50 in advance.
Von can save Fifty Cents hy,is
paying for 1918 now at the oh!
dollar rate.
-eser-re 'see
Signal Calendars
left. Pay your subscrip-
tion at once and get one
before they are albgone.
TIIF SIGN AI. PRINTING 11), 1.1MITED, ruauwgas,
see,sawawe+sill11.asiarcat -+1.
SAVE, Because --
There is nothing more noble, more worthy
of striving after, than independence.
roto SALi< 0n miner,
tiut modern conveniences, alsogood well, sort
water cialerik fruit trees, lawns, vegetable rrden,
sable. etc. A fin minutes' walk from the , u:tr ..
Far hal pertaculars addreae. Boa 32, HE
SIGNAL OFFICE, Goderich, Ont. 40-11
111 acre. of choice clay land in good shape
on kit 13, a)ncSasaw 3, Godench township. lour
mob from Galerw h. wash five acres of young
orchard in tearing. also small fruits. A large
hank barn with cement silo and as modern con-
veniences. also large dwelling house and maple
Meru shed Telephone and rural delivery. Also
our nod three-quarter acre 01 good land plaited
•n orchard, part of lot 10. concession 4 Toms
reawnabie Apply 10 GEORGE SOWERBI',
R. R -,No.; Godench (pito., 233 r 2). tw-23
Fourteen acres of good garden pmp•rty just
otards Wwn hm,ls la sale on easy terns. Theta
is s good frame house with lull -weed cellar. frame
stable. dosing shed. hen house and other out - A large watertsnk. piped Iron well
Five scars in orchard, and berries, all in mod
w hape. Firms and gales aU ,n order. Hydra
tine passes plate and can he ,netaned cheaply.
Terms S1.01) cash, balance can be arranged to
sou purchaser
r.Iy acre. in township of Colborne with
krone dwelling hank barn; fences and holdall in
g ood .hap Near school and church. S.s and
a hall nates from town. Price, $3.2o0 -sigma)
rash. b.d.mca to siut purchaser. Wawmr.on at
Eighty acres in township of Goderich,
mins from Clinton. ten mules from (;oderrh.
Go.1 buildings: barn with stabling underneath.
40113 This farm has all been cultivated. Most
oil 11 has beam ,n grow for the past eifht years
1'r,.srwiioe at pose. Prune 1;:30U. Term.
The annual meeting of the McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Company will he held in the Town
Hall. Seaforth, on Friday. February 1st. 1915. at
o'clock p. m. The business of the meeting will
be to receive the annual statement and auditor.'
reppr • the ,lento( of three dratcrs and two
auditors, and other business which night be am-
rdered of beneht to the Company. The retiring
directors are Malcolm McEwen, D. F xlcGregor
and R. >G. McCartney. who are eligible for re-
election.- -
President. Secretary.
Cuuarr of HURON. \
I. Lisrw;C. M. Hogarth, of the tOwn d Godr-
rich. ,n the county of Huron. married woman. the
firm carrying on business as dealer an live
stork at the said town M (;orlench under the
name of "Andrews and Cr,mpany,'• do hem1by as-
ter* that the said hrm raw partnership) reason the
second day of January. 1418 dissolved. - \\
Witness myhand at Guderrh the tenth day\,uf
January. 1416.
04.31 '•LIZZIE C. M. IIOGGARTlI.'r\
IV Hudak, Fertiliser. Fore, W)m and Live Stock
Insurance. and Cattle Buyer. Residence Newgate
street. Goderich. -
ranged to a nt.
Nell give you particulars Of thew show you theCARD OF THANES:
peotenies at any time.
THOS. GUNDR Y. Gorier ic h.
thank their many lred
rs for their kindn ,
L'O1t S.\LE:. -iW ACRES, HURON a .ym'nlhy shown them in then recent t..
Hanknim • .hawses- rr.)rd}osis-. nweem•ept, a4o 1rt aafkis 411"a's
barn l t.ew to school. 5.., 3p) J.
TI)uxtn)N, Ilarristnn. 91.43.
..til fruit farm. three miles limn (.rder.ih,-
rr 1. rr eldha .nae. It has Sight acres H d. florn. , ` OTICE TO CREDITORS.
aigd. orchard, :Il per tent. Sins and HaMrins. a T
numlwr all cherry. pear and dum terse. Thr Al-
1 IN 1(1t ,E.T trg 1N JOSir,i CLIFTON. ng&CAS&D.
Iron( on a rich sandy loam. wet suited Inc small
trues or vegetables. the back a meet clay loam in
l;mvwoat condion. The buildings are good, water ,n
and barn. Also silty acres nearer Gork-
r•rh..uitable for either grain or pasture; sprang
creel. 3.54) rods of tilt -drains a gond been and lig
hose Apply to MRS. w'M. BICHAN. K. K.
No. 2. Goich. or phone' 258 r.3. m
%I OOD RAILS. Phone No. 5)7.
1. H. C. gasoline engine. Will sett cheap
A- . UKK K. lis No.2,
Goderich. O[ ' S'.
phone t
r 11. W-21
Assurance and
Real Estate
2-stor brick -veneered 084Ilinc.
but water acing. large fireplace.
electricTight anal bath. situated
on Wellesley street. This is one pr
the typist desirable homes 111 town
and was lately oorawled by J. 11.
Marshall, C.'P.R. agent- Immedlat
7 roomed brick -veneered dwell
in33, all modern convenience*, situ
attd un Ht. DevIl's street. Lately
occupied by John Youngteon. Int
mediate possession.
Y practically new red-hrlek mod
ern houses on Huron Road, with
considerable land attached.
Also several other propetttes for
salt' or to rent-
Notice is hertby riven that all persona having
claims agunat•tISe state of Joseph Clifton, late of
the township:MWrat W'awanosh, in the countyol
Huron, yeoman. deceased. who did on or about
the 10th day of November. NI 7. are required to
deliver to Charles Clifton. the administrator of
the sad. estate. 01 his solicitor on or, before tf,e
their chins, together with particulars thr•reol
and the nature of the securities, ,f any. held by
them, all duly verified by affidavit.
AND TAKE NOTICE that after th. .;not IAst-
menhonevt date the said -admotntratur sill pro-
ceed lo dist the estate OI the said deceased .-
amunRattfe persons entitled gr•
tleA rrtu, haven re-
gard Raid only,lo such claims as he shall have received
due notice and in accordance therewith.
Dated at Clinton this 17th day or January.
A. D. 1018.
W. RRYDONE. Clinton. Ont.,
90-3t Solicitor for Mesad Administrator.
Have you increased
your Insurance
to meet the rising value
of property, goods,
furniture, etc ?
Attend to this matter
Insurance Agents
1 If II 11 J
Large quantities of
Terms -Cash on delivery
Please phone or write_us and our wagon will call.
The Naional Shipbuilding Co.,
that a Trove will he made some REEVE ELLIOTTtimein February.
So far the weather has been very
seasonable for an English winter and has I ---- --
Corp. E. A. Warner Tells how the Blsof the 161st Il n much more pleasant than it was
y year, when we were stationed at 111 John W Y hased le
Spent Christmas Day --FI `►ht -Lieut. Ryan's
Narrow Escape.
County Council 1a Madding Its First
Meeting of will.
r. o n Yeo
The editor of The Si
`nal has the fo
lowing letter from Corp. E. A. Warner.
of the Hurons:
Witley Carlopp.
Ike. 79, 1917.
DEAR MR. ROBERTSON, -This is just a
short letter to let you and the people of
Goderich know how the men of the
181st Battalion fared at Christmas
Leave was granted to five per cent. of
the men and this was taken advantage of
by a number of the men who had hom s
or relatives in England.
Christmas Day was clear and frosty,
but the snow which had been covering
the ground for several days previously
had disappeared.
A divine service was held in the morn-
ing at the Y. M. C. A. hut, at which Rev.
Capt. McKinnon, who for some time had
been our chaplain but who recently had
been appointed to duties in connection
with the Canadian Khaki College, gave
the address. Capt. McKinnon also sent
a printed message to each man of the
Battalion, a copy of which i am enclos-
A number of prizes had been offered
for the best decorated huts in the linea
and the inspection of huts took place
after church parade. • (Suite a number of
the huts were in the Competition and
looked quite cosy with the decorations of
tissue paper, flags and holly.
Dinner was served in the men's mess
room at 12 o'clock and you will see by
the enclosed menu card, one of which
was presented to each man, that it was
"some dinner." In addition to all that
is ment oned there each man who cared
for it was given a glass of beer from the
canteen funds. Atter the dinner had
been disposed of short speeches were made
by the Adjutant and by Lt. -Col. Murdie
and a boast was drunk .to the Battalion.
The sergeants and officers who had acted
as waiters for the men then repaired to
their own dining -halls.
Many of the men took tea and spent
the remainder of the day in private
homes within a twelve -mile radius of the
camp. The Y. M. C. A. officers had ar-
ranged'for this and also looked after the
Iu c•JlinealtttNi sdfh
''The House of Tient)"
W lieu
duw11 t tit
11 look k 11N over.
It you are hungry w
1 can relieve
you- hunger, it suit are thirsty we
can relieve your thirst. Om
prices are rif;ht. Yon are all
welcome. "
W. H H A i N ES,
transportation all tht men to the homes of
the hosts and hostesses. Fcr all who re-
mained in camp a London concert party
had been engaged and entertained the
men in the evening at the 1'. M. C. A.
Christmas messages were sent to the
men through he medium of Battalion
orders from H. R. H. the Duke of Con-
naught; General Turner. commanding
Canadian tr(i)ps is Great Britain: Sir
Robert Borden, Premier Hearst and Lt. -
Col. Murdie.
It was hoped that -a number of original
181st men who are renown to be in hos-
pital in England wyuld he able to spend
Christmas with us, but although invited
they were unable til oxime.
Since 1 wrote yon last we have had two
more deaths in camp. One man named
Warner, of Sarnia, was killed by accident
by a motor bus, and another lad, named
Adair. of Wingham, shot himself while
mentally deranged. Major Campbe 1.
Capt. Vanstone and Capt. Woods also
were the unfortunate victims of an ac-
cident in which a motor car ran Into a
light cart in which they were riding.
Major Campbell bad a bone in his leg
broken and Capt. Wood was quite ser-
iously injured, while (;apt. Vanstone re-
ceived facial inj es. The two former
are either in hospi al or in convalescent
home at the time df writing.
Sgt. John Murray whp for ifoe time
was away from the mBattalion owing to
ill -health, has been defiled Al and re-
turned to the unit again. It is expected
that Pte. Wm. McDougall will return to
us shortly, as application fur his transfer
has been made.
Among recent visitors toe Battalion
lines were Ekes. Harry McCI •nth, Harry'
Ervine, Joe Mugford, Geo. MacEwan,
Wesley Roth (Blyth), Lieut. John Millian,
Lieut. Hall (formerly of the 181st, now
of the R.F. C.). Sam in Geo. Bridle. '
All the\Goderich leis: received a gift
of money from Mr. Wm-. Forrest and
they wish to express their appreciation of
his kindness through the columns of The
A very large number of Christmas
parcels have been received by the boys
this season and we have had several
good feeds of the products of Goderich
No definite word has yet been. 'received
as to when the Battalion or th Division
is to go to Franlg,,but }lis generally ex-
1918 NOW DUE
:end if laeidi January 11) per
sent.. discount 11 1N• nlliu*otl•
Those in erns
a o
it r 11'at+•
+113,1 Elus•tri.• Light Lire t1'tlnestet3
to settle early, els all aStstisirm will
!is spr•uinlly dealt wit.lpt ail
early dot«.
W. T. Mi-RNha-, A. NTKAIT.IN.
1'hrlirnuul \\ k1.,t .11.
Subscribers who have not yet
paid their subscription to The
Signal for r 918 will kindly
notice that - on and after
February ist the rate will be
1.50 in Advance
Pay now and save 5oc.
A few Calendars left.
early ate - Reeve W. R. Elliott of Stephen town-
Dibgate. gram from his glen. Lieut. 1.. E. Yeo. to ship u 11'ardrn of Huron county for 1918.
The food supply of late has been excel the effect that he was about to sail fur The council met on 'fuesdag afternoon
lent, boubas regards quality and quantity ; England. He was at Hamilton for two and the first business was the election of
without referring to the Christmas (red. weeks and intended to eon* home on the presiding of icer. This was settled in
Trusting that the new year will be final leave, but was prevented by the re- caucus, it being the turn of the Conserve-
prospperroux to yourself and the people of `enc storm• tives to have the wardenship, in accord-
Godent'h, Yours sincerely. - - ante with the long-standing custom by.
ERNEST A. WARNER. Pte. Frank Riley, who returned from which Liberals and Conservatives alter-
- active service in November last and who nately hold the ounce.
A MIRACULOUS ESCAPE. has since been in convalescent hospital at The Warden was sworn in by His
_- Guelph, has res.eived an outdoor patient's Honor Judge Dickson and then addressed
Flight -Lieut. Worthy Ryan Falls ewe pass and is. now home for an indefinite the council bnrtly. lie spokKuf the good
period. roads system which has been inaugurated,
Feet and Is Only Shthti Injured. - pointing out that the undertaking would
The Signal has already mentioned the Pte Frank Riley has written to' the require a gold deal of consideration dur-
to fqg the year. The county had been do-
ing of the Royal Flying Corps, while get his son Arthur, who is now in France. Ing well with Patriotic Fund and Red
accident that befell Flight -Lieut. R. W. military authorities at Ottawa to try
flying in Italy in December. His parents. • a three months' leave. • 'Arthur enlisted in Cross grants and he holed the council
Mr. and Mrs. k. W. Ryan. Albert street. the lith Battalion and has seen -twenty- would continue in the same way. tie
have received the followine letter from nine months' active seivice in the front thought the council should take up tine
their son: line trenches without toting wounded: He matter of providing employment for re-
G3ma, Italy, [kc. Isui• 1917. has workteib himself up from private to tartled.wlidlrrs.
DEAR PARENTS, -I have just been ad- sergeant. Among the communications placed be-
mittrd into hospital. Now don't get 1fore the council were several from • dif-
shocked: nothing ',serious. Three days( Pte. George Cockfield is home on per- terent bodies asking for the appoint -
ago six of us wirepr
' trolling on the Ha-manent pass, pending has discharge, ment of a distract representative of agri-
lian front and the ader of our forma- which he expects to receive goon. culture.
hon made a sharp to t into me and be- Mendrials
from the Kent county
lore I could get out 0'( his way we col- Pte. Ed. Spahr is home from London council dealt with the matter of a pro -
tided. Ile couldn't see me and he collided' for a few days on leave. posed more stringent control of dogs to
with me from underneath. My prevent the killing of sheep and a pro -
engine was acting badly)and everything CHURCH NOTES. poral that the Provincial Franchise Act
happened, so quickly thSt
we were into be amended so that residents of rural
each other before we kne• it. Both our The annual busirxss meeting of the municipalities may have the same rights
machineswent eretxe all s tachher in a spin fowe !Junin l'resnyterlal Woman's MissionaryINt as ti )n prioran Loan election.ts in the nailer of rrg-
about 20X/0 feet (the acci ant happened Clintonlely, which was to have been held at These and other commul}icatfons were
at a height of f111(X) feet). rill then we C hon January Ib, was on account of referred to committee.
sepatated. At first 1 did not\othink there the storm postIx)ttrd till Tuesday. Jan- Meagre Peter (antrkm, of Clinton, and
oars 2'!1.
was any hope for mc+, but bel e 1 reached Mr. A. T. Cooper. of Clinton, field Abner Cosens, of VY'inghanl, were ap-
the ground 1 got a certain mount ofN pointed county auditors Inv this tear,
control and landed without inj ring my- secretary of the temperance forces of On Weduesday a deputation from the
self. My machine. was in a ter ible esti- Huron county, will speak in the Baptist Children's Aid Society appeared before
(Idiom and 18) one can underst ltd haw church next Sunday morning, The pastor the council in behalf of, the proposed
1 brought it down. i will preach in the evening. A cordial children's shelter Inc Huron county. AIr.
When i got back to the aerod )me 1 welcome await, all who may attend. J. J. Kele') of Toronto. Provincial Super -
found that we were both report • killed I The pastor, Rev. J.11. Osterhout, 13. D.. intendent of Neglected Children, and
by the rest in the formation. an they
couldn't believe thrir'ests when 1 w Iked
in on them,
, The poor fe(li,w Who collided with me
was killed instantly and there was . ' • h'
anything• left of his machine.
The brigade doctor decided to send
away to the hospital to have a res
Ile said he had only known of thrt
other collisions and no one had cone out
of then alive. .,
I think 1 am extremely lucky. It just.
andWs you how well 1 am being protected.
St, don't worry about it. I am quite all
right, and am going to have a good
time away from the line.. 1 am glad I
shall have my Christmas Slimy from the
will have charge • of the services in Magistrate Kelly addressed the council.
Victoria street Methodist church next I This afternoon (Thursday) the e't cu-
Suntay. In the evening Mr. A. T. ' live committee brought in a rec.nimenda-
C+roper, of Clinton, wi•l give an address. ' tion that eh effort be made to interest
Sunday school and Bible_ class at 3 Bruce county council in this project. so
(i cluck. All welcome. j that a junta shelter for the two counties
eRev..]. C. Rutx'riw,n, D. D.. secretary might he provided.
of Sabbath schxds and Young Peoples'
All the members of the council are in
Societies, will occupy the pulpit in Knox atteiidance. -
church on Sunday. On JNon day an in- A further report of the proceedings will
suitor, on young people's and Sabbath be given by The week.
howl Werk will beheld atterno n and; Keep thieetr (date-., 7th .ltd Rth of Feb-
;vening. Allo workers air crdmlly in- ruary. fir cite lady Mmstrrls. Opera
V led. I Huse.
he services in North street Meth-
dis church next Sunday will' be can- I The Eureka Bible class of a lctoxia
Dr. Rutledge. street church has arranged to have the
dot lel by the pastor. Rev.
Mo ung subject: "All Things for lis." West street rink for Iheevening )f Febru-
Eve g: "A Mistake of Moses." Men's ary 1 Ith, the 'proceeds to he used fir the
Sutter t b meets in church pr at,. yr{slenei of war. Adi»task.n 2ik.i in-
lU a. to.
�fb}a't•'!rrr dtrrttscion• "Where ctudtnAltptatilp Is�ane lip. - A -home-
do 1 loi for my happiness:'" All men made iandy fox sale.
cordial! invited. Bible clan, conducted
Try i?olidwards' biome -made card it to
by Rev. . E. Ford, meets in church at y'•
a }). tit.
-Voce' and tasty.
about Sara).•
• A teat' r -training class, a union of Do you like pancakes ? Remember the
11'rll, d shall write to you again to- I teachers a • workers of the local .8(1)00ls pancake social at (Jdd(ell.,ws' Hall Friday
Cttnstmas morrow and hope you will have a merry has been or anized with Mr. J. 1'.'I lume evening of th s week under the auspice's
l-.,uraffectionate son, as leader. R•v. G. M. Holmes president, of the Women's Institute. yards and
WORTHY.aril Miss M. Josie Aitken secretary. -A dancing afterward&
BIRDS OF HIGH DEGREE. consisting of .t superintendents of the Life at,the hest only elves back again
various schitols, with ismer to add to•That which you give it.
Busy Hen and H Lordly Consort aTl11e hsghlifeer low-lifettc-n,
1 have sent you part of the propellor
ell r
of my machine titan 1-awlg.own in. 1
hope you get it all right, and if get
back sate to Canada 1 shall have the
works Of a clock put in it. It is a very
valuable souvenir. The woof is pure
mahitgany. A propellor when new costs
The close of the union prayer service at s.:wtl all --
Hold Sway at the T Hail. o'clock, as the pr car' soar i(e .ill clot -I It's the way that you lire it.
'1,1e winter 1w•tlltry show held tills mtence at 7.30. It i- holed that all thus Live it widione of Pridharn the Tailor's
sees he town (hall b • t
Al t l Huron -'
� interested in Sunday •`hod work, as well suits nn.
(out� Fuulh•\ Rod I t Stock Aswxi
as the -_
h teachers. sill a trod this class - -- - -- -
Linn, has tiro Ipuiti Muu,'eu•N4f111, if ppte thus make it a success h� their presence Goo and enjoy a good laugh' at the Lady
,f the po,stpxnpolen1. l'I-i• nu1311x1 of end interest.• Minstrel show They want your sal{>prrt
birds otsexltihdti0u IV/1S 1101 aw large•
sons! heels Is 4.11 1111• cow' had weather
conditions been less uncertain, shoo of
the breeders at x instants, who brut in• \
basted to exhibit "nu 111Rht fearing that 1t eager i)oy;e rut the Sum
another bl.a'kada,of the railways aright team s The Signal *as int
arteriae.' seriously with the carriage of ingln its •pool of the game 1I
their bunts.. %Vital the situ' lacked in un the IUth.inst.• that the G.xtt Ichtioys The (a(iles.of the W. M. S. of Victoria
ntmlxr of euh'ic. t. n. nimlo up for by "app eared Uig pl tyetl oqt." le Says street church invite the public to an en -
.t r exeelient .{matin t of the I'shtbits.' the trouble w'a*}he interference o some turtalnment to Ix• given in the church on
it 3r included
o I., Itl11110140ille bilvlh In outsiders who went to the boys' r. ) at Thursday evening, January 3Ist. Ad -
111p � the end of the neon& p ereei and c•Ill/d mission accordieS to height -Y cents per
temdanee ues:stators was fair.. thein down for mut p1• Ing to suit t •m• toll and, one trot per arab (or the odd
t la ter than fu'nthe•r years, sent The result was the boys err dlaI�Irap,d inhere.
On W . his• slay sitt'r11..d1 after 'wheel and lost the game. "A I le encoura - i -
honrs 't e h II was crowded with boys ment instead 13f a rebut( a the part a BORN.
and girls -11n , stowed a lively interest i these so-called hockey experts ould be a TKEK,ART11:\. .Ai filo m,.v,ur. on January
(h1 Wednesday the great help instead of a hindrant - to the is to se , and Mn. Herbert John-rrrwarlhar
count cru
in the "Ill 11,11171 -Al
•tp1.loi- t , visited •he show , buys," states Manager _ 1 h,yle, w says'' a dant m.1
en mlasse al I the-seit•milers of the further that arty suggestions anyone has a r -r. Il (, nn Monday. January 73,
county partial' frit ON reaW!/1 pleasmlU' to offer should be given to the muna T Mr. ami :Nes. J C]Ivin Putt. twin sons,
w hh what (hey w.' 1 and will be thankfully received. flit tjA IN, li• Mr. oainEr1:7 C. M. Reihertsmi;
ROIs 'K1Si'N. In (..ekr,ch, on Saturday, Un-
published next wee
'1'he 11st 0f p 'ze-wain ars will tat boys have been putting up
and the public wtxluld show
Good Wong. dation by cordial support.
The informal dance given at the Ma-
Sonis Temple on •Monday evening by the
Blackstone Orchestra was enjoyed by a
Q. If, A. large number and will be repeated. next -
rot in a- •\londay cv •nirlg, laniary 2'7ith.• Dancing
ri Mitchell s 1.' to II. } (rchestta.
• t
1 (representing Ihe two mews- MAi
. Ashttrt i. .m Thursday, January
A citizen writes The Signal as follows 1 paper offices disported themselves in a 17, 'lir Gaoye r, lt11'I 5 oils ur AU,ert
calling attention to an unintentional hockey match at the West street rink nisi,, no years and .. months.
omission on our part. 11'e are glad toSaturdayafternoon. The('11Itu, I
publish and endorse what he says vclo game de- I Richard I.
MR. EDITOK,-Irl our re rt of the bye of fun for the Rplte'tators. PASM Mr, 1 , hicago, on Thursday, January
mY Txthough the player, tarok it mei-musty •'L MIA EMI MIMI*. haunorr. widow a
meed to snow torr reference tioekae.i1 f enough. The final score was a tie. 61;, ` Tthe late Johnll1. . 1.hwv(aumrlmx• re.. rnrr
Y way and another attempt will Ile made to ,ret- of hri inter, Mrs. . Ache on. Trafalgar
which the accumulated mail of five days tle the dispute next Saturday afternoon. .user. (iortrnen. on r.tay. January 26, at
was supplied to' the people of Goderich 7.311 o'clock p. m., to amt renews,. ier•
when it did arrive. 1 had occasion to see I The Record. vice at the M.usr :d s of c \\k
the huge pile of sacks which littered Mitchell was defeated at Seaforth last I IN MEMOM
every part of the already cramped guar- Thursday and wen at home against Clin-
111 41. on Thursday. January 17.
ter, when the blockade was broken, on ton Tuesday of this week. The record MtKNuill? In .:tits buth,vi
Thursday evening. and, to the credit of to date, therefore. is; dear Itu,tand ant 1:0114.1.w
7R, 1417.
the staff be it said, all this was assorted I Won. Lost. (lite Irma year has paa.trt awo
and ready for the public, and the annum• , Seaforth 1 Since we Ia,d dear father away.
ulated outgoing mail for five days was Mitchell,. .. 'a I Now id - tin sad and lonely Rrare,
sent out, before 10 a. m. on Friday morn- , (ioderichl 2 Lies eine oho tried N, hard to save.
mg. I do not know how far into the Clinton ... • ' O :i Goa called Mm Mime, N son fl•s sod
night the P.O. staff worked to accomplish i Clinton met Goderich on the local ice flus 101101M41114 he Iiveth nib.
this, hut I do not hesitate to say it was
done with a speed and cumpleteness that last Thursday night and were beaten x to 11.s memory is as else today
11. As on the hour he Owned away.
were not appreciated (1 ed by those not in a i he tale was different on TuesdayMr.. Wdbam MCKntght and Family
pcositon to See the sial of the task the night ht of this week, when the strongtie
blockade imposed. It is sal rarely that
forth team was herr. The kraus NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - Jan. 24.
any of us gives credit to public servants Played
for the work they do (and especially does well but were up against 8 fast, clever
one often hear grumbling about supposed
team, and in addition the referee O. He.rlrr Thr Family I►rrahlland Weekly Star . 2
delinquencies at 8 pcntnffice),that I feel it flick of and.
-was off color. Tac Harness Shop for sale . 1 Anhui, Auburn .. 1
is but Justice to say this was an achieve- sere was 7-'1 in favor of the visitors. Rradrr Ur. Former
of our
knitting at Home Auto Knitting Co., Tot-
deserving praise. It , ----------
is 01 outof try say ala) that the i)r. Forster, syr. car. nose and throat titin. .... ....
placeEngine for tial • Jas. (hr
new stamp and parcel -mailing wicket is a specialist, was unable to visit (;oderich silortl nsid for sale P1hone No. 207 f
convenience much appreciated and saving on the 17th inst. on account of the storm, Cardol Thanks -Mr and Mn. Win Mew --- t
a good deal of crowding and sometimes but will he at the Bedford hotel on Reader - J. A. Campbell ....
an .
ng. haps u hrd3irist., (con !) m. to R.•ader _Eureka Bible ('Rasa '.. •.. • I
re�useoying to pubwaitinlish thisPerhit of pxyoair towill rx)t the TP mu.s, alaay,, rnthe the1st ,•veningibeforea. after the( Reader -w. M. s, V,cema strut •Chareh,• 1
hard-working and obliging staff. arrival of the train from Stratford. Advance saml,k.-Prstham the Tailor 1