The Signal, 1918-1-3, Page 44 THURSDAY, JAN. 3, 118'
Starting off the New Year
with our annual
Never was there a greater reason for buying your
year's supply of Shirts than now. Cotton is scarce and
in great demand, prices are soaring and you will have
to pay double what you have been accustomed to pay.
On Saturday we put on sale twelve dozen Shirts,
sizes 14 to 17, regular price up to $1.75 (and worth a
good deal more than that now), at
Clearing lines Collars, ioc or 3 for 25c.
Clearing Knitted Neckscarfs, regular$Z,00and
$2.50, for 51.19.
Waiter C. Pridham
20th Century and Art `Clothing
'Phone 57
A Happy
New Year
To Every Reader
of The Signal
We want to make 1918
a banner yeajr in the his-
tory of this business. and
will do our part by giving
the patrons of our two
stores the very best service
possible. Call and look
through our stores at any
time, whether you want to
buy or not. •
You will be welcome.
That Plumbing
you have been thinking about
all summer -Nen, V is the
time to get it donefore,the
cold weather sets in.
If you want a batliroont
fittest up, you will An
your advantage to consult u..
Hamilton Street Ph,,,,
Cushion -sole Boo
The comfort and ease will surprise you. l 'e hav • a 'number
lines at popular prices which have been iii\
stock for some time.
See,our windows for up-to-date styles.
Sharman the Shoe Man
TUL9DAY,.Jan. 1.
ars elected for 19113: R. C. C., Wesley
\'anderburgh; C. C., S. McPhail; V. C.,
J. IL Harrison: prelate, Mrs. Potter;
recorder, 0. W. Potter; treasurer, James
Cox; marshal. R. A. Porter; warden,
Geo. Wilson; guard. Geo. Vanderburgh;
sentry. John McClure; medical exam-
iners. Dr. Thompson. Dr. Emmerson;
auditors, S. McPhail, J. H. Harrison. The
installation of ()dicers will take place on
Thursday evening, January 10th. A full
attendance of members is requested.
Nares. -Mr. and Mrs. John G. Potter,
of Hickson, visited at Mr. 0. W. Potter's
this week Mr. Peter McDougall,
sr., returned from Detroit on Wednesday
last .. Mr. and Mrs. \'anderburgh and
Mrs. Weston visited 'at Kincardine this
wrek.,,-Mrs. Weston. of London. tsvisit-
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cox.
...Mr. Sam Emmerson. who has been laid
up all winter with neuritis, is not im-
proving as quickly as his many friends
would I,ke to see Miss Pearl Potter
returned to Toronto on ‘Wednesday to
continue her course at the Faculty of
Education Miss Campbell returned
on Wednesday from her home at Oro to
take up her work in the school here '
Mr. Milton Woods wears the smile that
won't come oft. It's a girl.
Mr. Benjamin Draper, of Manitoba. is
tis ling relatives in 1 ort Albert.
Mr. Roy Fritzley returned from Erieau
ao omaaanied by his nephew. Mr. Johnny
Fritzley ,
e Miss Minnie Dickson spent a few days
sith her friend Miss Margaret McNabb,
of Dungannon.
Miss Sarah Baines, of Goderich, is
spending a week's vacation with her
sister, Mrs. H. Schoenhals.
Mr. and Mrs. David Martin, of Detroit.
Mich.. spent Christmas with the lady's
mother. Mrs. James young.
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Cunningham
had the pleasure of having the r son, I'te.
Wallace Cunningham, for Christmas.
Lieut. (tway- Hayden, of the C. A. 10.
C., j-ondon. and Dr. F. Humphrey spent
New Year's .with the former's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Hayden.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Young en-
tertained a number of their friends on
New Year's night in honor of a family •re-
union. All who were there enjoyed the
occasion very much until the small hours
of the morning.
The entertainment held in the hall at
Port Albert was a grand success in spite
of the ,. • roads at the time. The pro-
ceeds at tdour amounted to $16.10 and
the cake a) • for $30.15, making a total
of *46.2.1, e money goes to the hene-
tit 01 the soldie
-CA' sW-,
TUESDAY, Jan. 1.
Skating is the order. ,
Mr. Aubrey Walter lea this week for
the At est on a business to
Mr. Jas. Wijson, ni Cochr
Mg the holiplae with his paren
Nliss Tena Johnston has retu
alter spending a few days at Luc
Mr. Sellers. who has been visit'
'jieter, Mrs. Jackman, has return
5, arb,ro.
Rey. Mr. Thomson, of Nkmkton,
cupicd the pulpit 10 Jmuth's Hill chart:
last Sabbath. '
Miss \lay Glen and her • arc. Mr.
John Glen ul Alberta, are vieitmg their
Ir ends in this vicinity.
it IS evident that the council has given
good sat, tacttn in the past when it Is re-
\elvct.d by aechpmation.
Ms J. S. Craig, Grand- Master of the
). 11. F. and manager of the largest oil
t 'm 1\ isronsni) visited his sister.
as. Glen. of Car)y, past week.
\WEDNE:SDAY, Jan. 2.
'ter seseseweeseseieeeseeeereeseesesee...........e..0%evewewenwieHrs.Wers•
tai Ontario
The reg
Ciuh will
January 9th.
Vert/torus V,
Patriotic S ice•ty
ing at the home of . (rs. G. Laithwaite on
W.dnesday. January ,9. Anyonehaving
liniehed articles will p1t
this meeting. as the ne
ping day. Following es
the S. sate y's business the
Rec• ipts
Cash on hand 1st Jan., 1917:. .. $ 6.16
(:rants from county council ,,,161.110
From social affairs 96.25
Sale of rags and. papers ....... ,1:t9ss
,Nations of cash 31.10
M , hers' fees - 68.05
Pillows nt overseas .
Pounds i yarn bought
Yards of 11. melette • '
ar meeting of the Farmers
held Wednesday evening:
'n the Orange hall. Topic for
'as Engines. their l:sesand
as. -Taylor's Corner
II hod a sewing meet
case bring them u)
Tuesday is stale
a statement of
Bast year: j
(;ave tet hoscal at Byron
Expenses in co . ection with social
Christmas boxes s tt to boys at
Paid inward Christmas dinner for
161st . .... ,S ;.,,,,,
Sent to Halifax. quilts . ,
- SIRS. 1), GINN,
1 'r
. 6.25
. 5.00
Happy New Year to all.
/ Mr. and Mrs. F. Ross spent New 1'e
'fay with friends at Auburn.
(hir public school opened on Thursday
to resuffn•-thc dutiee of a new year. •
e Miss Myrtle .Allen visited friends at
Strattoed and
Mr. .1. R.
house a few
The Ioc;ccd antlers.
ISeptember lied (htober dor • 8
the riettne• ardente the Aunte
neenstnnalle Amara-sp.) Ron)nds of
nrrine rnmbat between those giants
0' the forest, the hull m se With
their fnrmilahle antlers t e hell'
ruafirea can scan a ynun birch
t op. •Ilke a piece of mateherm& and
rtrhueh tt 1s only rarely that the
•11 nr•n•e will attsek a eras, if be
a •• An so the man his 11tH• chane••
un14.44 h. :.I nnfrk with his hien
new. -.4 :P. Tho Witte Aa, on •'.
lenses I.Isnet t• •enty.nne mi!...n••t
e Rra•nnrt .ori the (- P. R . • noir e
s• bs4 mon.• war^a war teen. ,. t••^
t,o•rtr ?Petrel of a enmhat '1' .,
• •• .•'•rein 1•..r f ghtln♦ when the helve IIrk.A AMa
en• hoesre..tttanele4 an 1 unshle'
5, „55„,„5.5..seh 5,0,54 0,5 tar sol- hears who prowl 111.0111114
teals and there 01 etsrraUaa, Metr forests of Ontsrlo,
bull moose,
tor obs
nngville this week.
cNab was confined to the
ays this week with a severe
amhly. of Iknnvbro)k was the
Miss Amb•r ;McKenzie for a
r. S. E. Sanderson spent the New
ar holiday visit ng his sen Percy,.
o ono. -
ITsr t
The anneal meeting of the Presbyter-
ian congregation wiI be held in the
church on Saturday. January 12th, at
:p m.A full attenuance is requested.
The following teachers have returned
to their various schools to resume duties
on Thursday: Misses Ethel Case, Pearl
McKenzie and Jean Stothers to Toronto;
Miss Edna Pentland to Metall. and Miss
Lilian Pentland to Lancs.
There passed away at the home of
his sister, Mrs. Geo. Macintyr , on Satur-
day o1 last week, Charles McRoberts.
ahs had been ailing for sometime. The
remain+ were interred in Uun,;annon
cemetery on 'Tuesday. The funeral
service was conducted in the Anglican
church by Rev. Mr. I-ccleson, of l.uck-
Live Stock Sale
:>I) HEAL) :A)
at 1 o'clock p.m.
at north half lot 1, concession 13,
No reserve. Nine months' credit ; dis-
count tor cash at 6 per cent. per annum.
John Purvis. P. R. McNay,
Auctioneer Proprietor
West Wawanosh were re-elected by
acclamation. it speaks well for the
otiicers and the good sense of the public
to avoid an election. ...A very fair
representation from the township of Ash-
field met at the council room on Mon-
day to nominate the council for the
year 1U1S. Reeve Stewart resigned. and
Mr. Joseph Dalton, Deputy Reeve. was
elected by acclamatjyn to the reeveship. •
while Mr. Hackett was elected deputy -
reeve.' The following were nominated
for councillors: Messrs. John Johnston,
Richardson, J. Farrish, R. McDonald, F.
Johnston and J. Jamieson.
STOTHERS HONORED. -On Friday evening
of last week a large audience assembled
in the Agricultural Hall to welcome home
and to honor two of our returned heroes,
Ptes. Earl Wilson and Carman Stothers. '
Dr. Case was requested to take the chair,
which he occupied in a very letting
manner. The returned soldiers were called
to the platform, and were given three
hearty cheers by a standing audience. A
choice program of solos. quartettes,
speeches and instrumentals by the home
orchestra was rendered. Probably the
most interesting feature of the evening
was the short addresses delivered by t. e
honored guests. They both showed
evidence of having dune their part in t Ic
great struggle for freedom, and th •y
certainly had the sympathy and goo 1 I
wishes of a grateful people, who rejoiced
tosee them return again. Rev. ' M. .p.1
Craig. Mr. Wm. Bailie and Pte. Bellamy I
spoke very interestingly and touchingly
of the gallant part played by the return -I
ed heroes. The meeting closed with the',
singing of the National Anthem.
ST. HELENS. • • •
MONDAY, Dec.3lst.
Dr. Mudgue, of Galt. spent Christmas •
at Mr. John Webster's.
Mr. M. Collins, of Kincardine, called
on his friends here last week:
Mr. Stuart McGuire returned home
on Monday after spend ng the summer
in the 'West.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Day, of Toronto,
visited at Mrs. R. K. Miller's during
Christmas week.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Phillips and Mrs.
Gaunt attended the funeral of the late
Mr. James Gaunt. of W'ingham. on
Rev. Wm. Mackintosh and Mrs, •,Mack-
intosh returned, to Napier on Friday
after spending Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs. Clark.
Mr. A bert Phillips arrived home from
the West on Friday to visit his parents.
Mr. and Mrs: S. Philips. I( is seven
years since Albert left 1 Yellow Grass,
Sask.. where he has beet a very Success-
ful farmer. -
The teachers -Miss Nina , Waods,
bias May Cameron, Miss NI. Little,
ss Co;ena Clark and Miss Pearl
ster- will return to them schools on
esday. Miss M. Durnip returns to
d Normal. •
TUESDAY. 'Jan. 1,
• A happy Ne ' Year to you.
.Mr. I). F. Sch • nz spent the week -end
with friends at Cr • iron.
Mr. M. Allis, of auburn. spent New
1 -ear's Day under the ., , rental roof,
Mumcipatmatters. . - -very quiet.-lhis
year. the ' old counc 1 • ving been re-
elected by acclamation.
Mr. Ezra Durst is inte iewing the
farmers in this vicinity this k in the
interest of increased hog pro duo on.
Mr. Wm, Baer, who•has been . • nding
,some- years in Western Canada. is siting
with his brother. Mr. N, Baer, this
\REt (.Ross WORK, -The Colborne R
Cross Workers for the month ending
December Istth sent in 66 pairs of socks,
., shims, 6 suits of pyjamas. The socks
were kbit byy the following ladies: Mrs.
Jas. Scott. tespairs: Mrs. Johnston, 3
pairs: Mian Sheppard. ti pairs; Mrs. Wm.
Walter, 5 pairs; Nits. J. A. Walter, Mrs.
A. Young. Mete S. McPhee, Miss Clara
Young, Mrs, L. Fisher. 4 pairs each; Mrs,
McBride. M1s. S, B. Pieter. Miss Tabb,
Miss P. Yo ng, 4 pairs each: Mrs. A
W. Young, rs. C Robertson, Miss I3.
Clark, .Mrs. .evy, N1rs. R. M. Young,
Mrs. Gallagher, Mrs..,T. Hamilton, 2
irs each; Mrs. W.. W. Walter, Miss
tuby Young. Miss Celia Mcllwain
Miss Reta Young 1 pair each. The sew
init. was done by Mrs. Clark, Mrs. E
Fish r, 2 shirts each; Mrs. Duets, 1 shirt
Mrs. Moore, 'suits of pyjamas; Mrs
E. Fisher. 2 suits of Pyjamas. Mrs. E.
e -
pxeiple of Nile a their friends enjoyed
one of the most' delightful entertain-
ments last W'edneday evening. Every
mher presented oil•, the program was
ca ied out with empire success. The
puri ,, beauty and ex tion were what
e- • ted conning fro the manage-
ment 0 so artistic and eflil'ient an in-
structor..Mrs. Hedley. The audience
made the aquaintance of famous charac-
ters from the, Wise Men of the East
down to the risk-hedeckexl fairies of the
Rirest. including such interesting person-
ages as Laura accords Reuben and Rachel,
South African heroes veterans of "*'37.
"Three (ltd Maids of`Lee." soldiersiof
Herod's court and -Would-be Soldi
of Today." Shepherds of the East a
"shepherds' of the West, Cinderella and
the Prince, els() Eastern ladies and
modern beauties, pretty childom and
athletic youths, all artistically anti ap-
propriately costumed. The plate
carpeted and decorated, had a very pleas-
ing background of. patriotic drapery,
blended with Solt lights and flowers,
producing an effect quite in keeping with
the high-class program given. it was
a treat we do not often have the privilege
of enjoying and the thanks of the
community are sincerely given to Mrs.
Medley and all who took part in the
pleasant event.
now.. 'Another report of this entertainment
MUNICIPAI, NOMINATIONS. --.All the has reached us, but we will not duplicate.
members of the townsbt council in We thank the writer of the second ac -
count, however, and we wish we might
hear more frequently from our Nile
friends. -EDITOR SIGNAL.'
The regular mating of the Ashfield
Soldiers' Aid Circle will be held 011
Tuesday, January 8th', in Blake's church,
9th concession, Ashfield. The meeting
will commence at 2 o'clock. A hearty
invitation is extended to all to come and
Mrs. John Ellis and son spent Christ-
mas with her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Bow -
brick, who is visiting at Mr. John
CAMPBELL -TAYLOR. -At the home
of the bride's parents, East
Wawanosh, the marriage took place
of Ella Pearl, youngest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. B. 11. Taylor, toohn J. Camp -
bail, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Camp-
bell. East Wawanosh. Because of the
absence of the groom's brothers, Major
Herbert Campbell and Sergt. Austin
Campbell. who are overseas with the
mist Battalion, the marriage took place
very quietly in the presence of only im-
mediate friends and relatives. The bride
was given away by her father and wore a
gown of white duchess satin and geor-
gette with tulle veil and orange blossoms.
Rev. W. J. Taylor, of Metz, Ont., offi-
ciated. The wedding .marches were
played by Miss Viola Campbell, sister of
the groom, and Mr. Albert Walsh. After
a short visit with friends Mr. and Mrs.
Campbell will res de at Vienna, Ont.
Saltford Red Cross Society.
As a result of the contest held during
the last month the Saltford Red Cross
Society packed on December 17th 264
pairs of socks and 18 trench shirts, the
winning side contributing 1411 pairs of
socks and 11 trench shirts, while the
losers had 119 pairs of socks and 7 trench
THE WINNERS. -Mrs. A. Goldthorpe.
16 pairs; Mrs. P. MacEwan, 13 pairs;
Mrs. A. McLeod, 10 pairs; Margaret Mc-
Manus, Annie Buchanan, May Mc-
Manus, Mrs. Lippet, 8 pairs; Miss S.
Hamilton, Mrs. S. Bisset, Edith Mc-
Manus, 7 pairs; Miss A. Bisset, 6 pairs;
Mrs. Sanderson, ida Vanstone. 5 pairs;
Mrs. W. Symonds, airs. W. Phillips,
Mrs. Haughton, 4 pairs; airs. Adam',
Mrs. J. Walter, Mrs. Baxter. rs. R.
Walter, Miss M. -• Buchanan, Evelyn
Goldthorpe.:3 pairs; May • Currell, Mrs.
M. Knight, Mrs. D. McLaren, 2 pairs;
HazelsSymonds, Lizzie Adams.. 1 pair.
Trench shirts, Mrs. C. McNeil. Edith
McManus, 5 each; Hazel Sym aids, 1.
THE LosERs.- Mrs. Dew, 13 pairs;
Mrs. W. Gliddon. 10 pairs; Margaret
Bisset. 9 pairs; Mrs. Connell, Mrs. J.
McLean, Mrs. Currell. 7 pairs: Mrs. J.
Bissett 6 pairs; Mrs. G. Bisset: airs.
Kuntz, Mrs. Gibbs. 5 . pairs: Mrs. J.
Graham. Mary Morris. Mary Baxter.
4 pairs; Maud Bisset, Miss McCabe. Mrs.
Gledhill. 3 pairs: airs. Murphy, Winnie
Guddon, Mary Gliddon, Ila Currell, Mrs.
Fowler. Mrs. C. Dhrrnin, Mrs. Grummett,
2 pairs: Jessie Green. Miss Cunningham,
Miss Macintosh, Mr,. A. Hend'er-kin, Mrs.
McPhee. Miss Videan, Mrs. G. Noble.
Mrs. M. Knight,; Mrs. Bell, Miss Bell, 1
pair. Trench shirts, Mrs. Harrison,
Mrs. Steep. Jessie Green. 2 each; Mrs.
Daw, I. • - •
Don't forget to pay your subscription
to The Signal before January 13th and
salve 50 cents.
A,New Year's Gift,
Every home in Canada should treat
itself to The Family Herald and Weekly
Star of Mi�t'real for 191s. it gill bring
pleasure and'happiness to every member
of the family for every week of the year.
The price is only $l.2ai, and if yotir sub-
scription is receiv on time you will re-
• eerie a -copy of t it great War Map,
-size 2 4 -3 -feet A-4 • deet:.-. in (our odors
and surrounded with- a border of fac-
simile badges representing nearly every
battalion,, that left Canada. It is the
biggest value ever offered the people of
Canada and no home can well afford to be
without it.
The Family Herald and Weekly Star has
no equal on this continent as a great
family and farm -paper.
I intended for Inst week.)
• WEDNESDAY, Dee: 213.
Nei• Lester Walters arrived home from
the W t on Monday.
Mrs. Wilhelmina Maedel has been under
the docto 's care for a day or so. a a
Mrs. Ja es White, sr., has gone to
Detroit, when, she will spend a month or
Mr. Andrew Idle has been confined
to his hed for se al days with a very
bad cold.
Miss Edith Dyer, t' cher of S. S. No.
2. is spending her vacs 'on at her home
in Goderich.
We regret to hear th 'a( Mr. Jacob
Elslev has been in poor he th for the
past few weeks.
Mt. and Mrs. Arthur Maedel
nd son,
of Detroit; spenf a few days wad Mrs.
W• helmina Maedel
- Miss Janet Mugford. of Detroit, "and
Miss Perna Ohler, of Toronto. spent t
holiday at their respective homes here.
Mr. John Vanstone haf purchased the
house and lot formerly occupied by Mr.
George Newell and is now residing there.
A number of our young people attended
the Christmas tree e itertainment at Zion
South last Thursday night. Holmesville
and Carlow on Friday n'ght and Colborne
Evangelical church on Monday night.
The Christmas entertainment held last
li dnesday evening was largely attende 1.
The program was quite long, consisting of
nearly forty numbers, and each of these
was presented in a way retesting much
credit on those in charge of the training.
Rev. and Mrs. P. S. Banes have been
away for several days,:the former spend-
ing a day or so with his parents at Cred-
iton before joining Mrs. Baines at Ham-
ilton, where they were for the holiday.
ews was received on Christmas Day of
death of Mr. Baines' father.
LEG AMPUTATED. -Mrs. Wm. Oke' re-
teive(d word last week from ter on, Pte.
Lonnie Oke, that the wound whihh he re-
ceived n October 2lith was fin serious
that it been necessary to amputate
iris left I ust above the knee. A letter
was receiv early this week which stated
that his cin 'tion was much improved.
His many (tie s hope for a speedy re-
MARRiE3,--40. en, Ont., on Tues-
day. Decemher' 2.5th. MiGs Emma Baker,
daughter of Mr. and` Mrs, J. T. Baker, to
Mr. Wilson Oke, sons of Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Oke, of Henmiller The hride is will
known in this neighborhood, having
Goes to Press
Jan. I8th 1
Please report changes required to ow
Local Office, to -day.
The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada
taught school re
extend our
DEATH OP J LoNc -There died
at Benmiller on Su v. December 23rd.
one of thelpioneer cents of the dis-
trict. in the person o , , James Long.
The deceased was horn ' county of
Tyrone, Ireland. in Oct • r, 1.35. and
at the age of twenty-one ca . t Canada.
He located in Waterloo ns but
stayed there only a few mont s. •ving
to this neighborhood in the fall f 1.' sI.
In 1874 he married Susanna FI lay.
Ashfield township, who. with eight sons.
several years ago. Wel
tulations to the happy
is left to mourn his d ise. The sons
are: John, of Benmill : Thome and
Oliver, of Lethbridge* Al .; Harm of
Goderich Finlay.of San Fra - es: Harold.
of Lethbridge: Benson. of Calgary, and
Elwyn, with the 1st Canadian Battalion
in France. Mr. Long had suffered front
rheumatism from a number of years and
fur several months past was confined to
h's bed.' The funeral was held this t Wed-
nesda , ) afternoon. to Colborne cemetery.
the services being conducted by Rev. IE.
Ford. The pallbearers were: Wm. Long:
Cherie): _Robertson, Wm. Finlay, of Ash-
field, -and Wm. J. Finlay of jflolmesville •
LIST, 191H
The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe .$4` 5
The Signal and Daily Mail and Empire .... 4.
The Signal and Toronto Daily World 4.75
The Signal and Toronto Daily Star 3.80
The Signa! and Toronto Daily News. t 3.80
The Signal and Farmer's Advocate 2.50
The Signal and Montreal Family Herald
and Weekly Star.. 2.15
The SignAl and Weekly Sun (T,•ronti) 1.90
The Signal and London Daily Advertiser -r3.80
The Signal and London Daily -Free Press 3.80
The Signal and Presbyterian and West-
, minster. . 2.80
The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto)3.75
The Signal and -McLean's Magazine.. 2.25
The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness 2.40
The Signal and World Wide 2.75
The Signal and The Country Gentleman2.75
The Signal and.Woman's Home Companion
(Neff York) 2.75
The Signal and The Saturday Evening Post 2.75
TheSignal and The Ladies' Home Journal2.75
The Signal and The Youth's Companion (Ros-
ton) 3.25
The Signal and Cosmopolitan Magazine2.50
The Signal,and McClure's Magazine 2.50
Including ps stage to ('anadia ,i .nh.erihe•r.•
The above publications may be obtained by Signal
subscribers in any combination, the price for any pub-
lication being the figure given abo4e less $1.00c repre-
senting the price of The Signal. 'or instance:
\The 5iLnal and TheFamily Herald and Weekly Star_ .12.1a
The Fanner'« Advocate (11,50 less ;1,111 ° I,5 )
making the price of the three papers $3.65.
Th •nal And The Weekly Rin
Tho\ T1 oo() Daily Star (13.010 less 11,ub
the three papers for $4.70.
These prices good only until. January 15th, 1918,
when the subscription rate of Tfie Signal 'is to be in-
want is not in above list, let us
almost any well-known Can -
If the publication you
know. We can supply
adian publication.
Remit by postal note
or express order -NOT by flank
Goderich, Ontario