The Signal, 1917-12-13, Page 11 i A Chance to Save After New Year's :be sub- scription prise of The Signal will be 11.50 in advauce. You can save Fifty Cents by paying for 1918 now at the old dollar rate. tiIZTY-NINCIB Y$1 -Ne .MII 1 rye, �y ryrc1 GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. UEC. 13, 1917 4. b 111E STERL1N6BANK; OF CANADA - SAVE,Because-- A carefully nurtured savings account will be a comfort in old age - .11&611 B'I OCSE TO RENT. -ON KEAS tree, • seven room-, all crouveideuox., re. e .sstglr reprttred. Stable ou lot. ADM). to {.1r. 'V $ALKKLO 1). odericb It. R. No. 2. telephone a11t7. Mon lITOKKB TO HENT.-ONN lately occupied b1 W. H. Harrison ani the mer by James Y. Thomann. Both on the titanate. Apply J. P. BROW'S. Pett FOR SALE OR RENT. LOST OR FOUND. jjOUNCS.-oN THE ROAD SOUTH of ShepWrdton, on November fish. a sum of Rorer)•. Owner may have same oo proving props-. t and paying_ for this advert cement. Apa ply to M. J FINLAYSON. Lorne P. O.. Ont. PUBLIC NOTICE. TAMES CONN(pl.1.Y, AGENT FOR Buffalo Fertiliser,`') in. Wind and Live tiluck Irurance, and Cattk Buyer. Residence INergate street. (.o derich. - pt BLIC N9TICE: TOWN -OF GOL)ERItli' 10 .cure payment this year of Accounts against thews potation of theattwnol (:oderich. all ash accounts must be rendered on or before the I lth day of Domtar. •L. L.KNOX. 9&2t Town Clerk. FOR SALE L'OR SALE. -RADIANT HOME r double 1,'atrr coal stove. No. n; hot class condition. Apply w'•1. CARTER. South street. 1(1.11 • FOR SALE. QUANTITY OF GOOD sinter apples WM JEWELL, R. R No 4, Gaol. rah 1'b a. r .1 Gonlerah. 14 oral. 141-Im CRAIGIE'S ASSURANCE and REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 2 -.tory- brick -veneered dwelling, hot %%met heating. large fireplace, ;.;legit t ie light ant bath. situated 4 i Wellesley street. Thisisoneet the newt dt•strable holnpw and as lately occupied by J. H. Marsh I. C.P.R. agent. Immediate possemmi AUCTION SALES. OUR CHRISTMAS NUMBER. Anybody who thinks that getting out a Christmas number during the last week of an election campaign is a picnic has never tried it. The editor and the staff have worked hard and late, and herewith present sixteen pages which they trust will meet w th some degree of approval. Readers should peruse the advertising an- nouncements carefully and so be able to do their Christmas shopping with the best results. MR. CAMERON IN NORFOLK. 4ddresses a Good Meeting In Favor o1 Candidate Wallace. AUC'TION SALE OF F:1R\I STOCK. IMPLEMENTS. ETy;. JOHN A. McHARDY. • lot A. concession 9. Colborne. half -mile north sof Loyal. will otter lot sale at ho prrnusea owl THURSDAY. DECEMBER 2.011. commencing at 1 o'clock. the following. • Hotists.-One matched team. general purpose. h and 9 year. old. 1 general purpose mare. 19 years old; 1 general purpose mare. rising ,years old. I road mare. CATTLE. -t ne farrow cow. it years old; 1 eows. supposed to be in calf; pair Angus steers. 2 years Id; .1 tat heifers; S Angus asters, rising 2- years old: pan yearling steers. 7 calves. NI(.s.-(Me llerkahlre brood sow. 10 pigs. months old. Stmt.. - Fourteen well-bred Leicester ewes. 1 purebred {xicester ram. rising 4 years old. Fowl.- About I00 hens.:! ducks. 2 turkey hens. Iwetgoth1.. Massey -Herrn binder, ti -ft. cut; 1 leering mower, :rlt. cut, 1 disc harrow. l culti- yator. 1 art harrow'.:( walking plows. 1 Kangaroo two -furrowed pIows 1 F bury 'Kutner, 1 wagon. 1 road cart. 1 set larbacrghs. 1 gravel toa. 1 Notion seed drill, 1 tanning mill. 1 set 1211U -1b. scales. 1 hay fork. rope and pulley. I set double harness. 1 set plr,w harness. I art single harness. lurks. shovels. chains, wholl traes. and other articles too sumer,! to mentum. Taints All sums of $loand under. cash: oiler that amount. II months' credit w II be given on furnishing approved pant notes. A discount at rate of 5 per cent. straight allowed for carhop -credit amounts JOHN McHARDY. THOS. GUNDRY. Proprietor. Auctioneer. • 7 m onuel brickweneered dwell- ing. all modern conveniences, atrdl on Ht. David's street. Lately occupied by John Yoangteon. Ini-. mediate Iswstsesiop.' FOR SALE', OR O RENT 2 practically, new rd- rick mod- ern houses on Huron d, with, considerable land attach((! Also, several other 'moped rude of to rent. J. W. CRAIGiE Have You Insurance in Case of Accident and Sickness? The Ocean Accident and Guar- antee Corporation is the largest Accident Cotl»pany in the world. Its policies,are liberal. Insure yotir life in the Great` West Company • A. M. ROBERTSON GEO. WOODS -----INSURANCE AGENTS Port Dover, Dec. 6. -The best meet- ing of his campaign so far was held last night in the Music Hall here to hear J. Alex. Wallace. independent candidate in Norfolk. discuss the issues of the day. Mr. Wallace was splendidly supported by M. G. Cameron, K. C., of. Godericn. Wilson Porter of Port Dover occupied the chair, and n opening the meeting dis- cussed brie the issues, and laid par- ticular rmpp si the fact that the s on farmeris sufl 'ng under the load of a high protective t iff. H -e- advocated a re- duced measure of protection, with free agricultural implements. . Mr. Wallace addressed the meeting and was followed by Mr. Cameron, who gave a powerful address, in which he showed clearly that the Borden Government was is the control of the big moneyed in- terests. He flayed the Borden adminis- tration foe the war contract scandals. w'hith they had allowed to pass uncheck- ed. and for their general incapacity and lack of statesmanship in conducting the war. Of the Military Service Act they had made a political football, and had hoped to win the election by using that issue to blind the people to the scandals of the • past six years. "They would lead you to think," he said, "that all the patriotism of Canada resided in the bosoms of those who supported the Union Government." Bourassa and the Nationalists were ,shown up in their true colors, and their alliance with the Borden party in 1911 was scored. • It was the Borden party icht had educated Quebec against con 'ription in the last election," he said, "in order to' defeatreciprocity and the Laurier Government: Now they were reaping what they sawed, and they are en- deavoring to drake their friends and connect their name with that of Sir Wilfrid Laurier." - Mr. Cameron paid a' high tribute to the unquestioned integrity -and states- manship of Sir Wilfrid Laurier,. and the audience responded with • prolongesd cheers. The independent movement.in Norfolk, is gaining strength every day. if quality Counts, use Blackstone's delicious ice cream in bulkor bricks for all occasions. - Phone 310: SPECIAL LUNCH COUNTER In Connection with "The House of Plenty" APPLES We have a few barrels of nice Apples for sale. Different vat-. i ies-Nos. 1, 2 and 3 ---at 14.50 to 1..' I per barrel. Inqui - of . HAMLINK lA 'When down town look uv over. It yon at hungry we can relieve your hung r, it you are thirsty we can relieve your thirst. Our prices are right. You are all welcome. W. 11. HAiNES, BRITISH EYCHANOF: HOTEL I4OURI1t*l Required Large quantities of SCRAP IRO Terms -Cash on delivery Please phone or write us and our wagon will ca The National Shipbuilding Co., GODERICH Limited Lauder's Vopg Contest. Thending of the leading competitors in the voting contest 'at Lauder's drug store is as follows this week: Miss Alma Sturdy Miss F. E. King Mise Emily Griffin Missi-illian Fox - Miss E. Elder Miss Lois Challenger AK,cs McDonald . 3134:1 .'1990 . 24!30 194.5 1420 1345 Mrs. S. Drew •` 125.5 Who was the lady who said she would not let her husband sleep another night until he bought her that kitchen cabinet at Walker's ? f An advantage in buying gifts at Wigle's is that something suitable may be found fry_ every member of the family. The compelling power in loot• prices is an- other reason why you should shdp here. ti ( WANTED.. WANTED. -DRUG APPRENTICE. Lady or gentleman. Apply to J. A.'CAMP- tEtLL. EN WANTED EVERYWHERE TO show samples or mad circulars for large mail order house Permanent position. Will pay 120 weekly. THE CONSUMERS' ASSOCIATION. Windsor. Ontario. CARD OF THANKS. THE FAMILY OF THE LATE WiL- LIAM McGRATTEN wish to extend their thanks fur the kindness of many friends during the illness of theif father and also in their time of bereavement. THOMAS McGRATTEN. ' LIBERAL COMMITTEE ROOMS North Street OVER UNION BANK Open Every Evening All citizens interested in the election of Mr. Arch. '` slop as member for North Hti en are invited to attend. \"`C. A. NAIRN, Chairman rt Sixteen Pages PART TWO THF. SIUNAL.PRINTiNO ( ., LIMITED. Pc misuse A LAST WORD TO THE ELECTORS. On Monday next the electors of North Huron will choose their representative at Ottawa for the next five years. What are the issues ? The Borden Government introduced the Miliary Service Act, to provide 100,000 soldiers for the firing line, and ever since has been playing politics with the question. W'ht n the farmers objected, the Government promised exemption of farmers. When it was announced that the married men would have to be called out to stake up the required number, the Government said, Not so. It looks as if the Government were afraid to conscript any class who put up an objection. And yet this is the.Govenllnent upon whom we are asked to rely for the reinforcement of our lieu at the„ front. The Military Service Act is .now law and Mr. Hisrop could not, if he would, interfere with it. He has pledget, himself to see.th&t reinforcements are sant- to the front at the earliest possible ntoulegt, and to support 'all other measures f.r the Winning of the . But a union overnment is the only right thing for -Can- ada now, they say. ' ° Is this a union )oveinment in any real sense of tIe term ? Does the fact that Rowell and a few other ambitions Lib- erals havee taken a bi et seats along With men they formerlyl y condemned commit the whole country, to theirsupport ? We do not- think so. Judging by results, ie old Borden Government hassimph• swallowed • the few Liber Is who went in. What change of policy has there been ? Tl e ?. N.4. deal, formerly opposed by these. Liberals, is stilt ' oing • through. The iniquitous Fianchise Act, formerly den need • by these Liberals, is still in force. 1*utirllssa, •who has-been allowed to shout treason ever since the war commenced, is still ,at his old, gaine'of mak- ing trouble in Qtlebec„cnd the "union" Government has not interfered with Quebec 'nuhle ot.f the largest ovines in the Dominion-- is ahnost entirety unrepresented in hes&called uuiou Govern- ment, creating a very dangerous s ate of affairs. We want Quebef with us in this war, and Sir Vilfrid Laurier is the only. plan in sight who can bring Quebec Ito real union; with,the. rest of the, Dominion, and he will. o it if given the oppor- ' tunity. Sir Wilfrid promises a real union Government, repre- senting all the Provinces and the v died interests of the country -agricultural, manufacturing, at (1 labor. Mr. Bowman.• the ''union" candidate, Parliament. What is his retort? ? Has h rights of the people on any single occasion .? • of the--peonur- was being squandered, did N as had six years it) stood,. tip fur the When the money Bowman utter - does not apx)lo- otie little cheep of protest ? . Not a cheep: H gine for his record --he just ,want's tis to forget'it and let hint have another five years th do the same -thing. Mr. Botta knew he could not be elected on his tecord, ant therefore pose as a "union" candit:ate. Can he get away with jt? • Mr. Hislop, while he is the candidate of the I. beral party, promises to take an independent stand in I'arliatne t. He has ono axeb,to grind -be will not be the tool of thc.Big nterests- his interests are those of the toilers, 'the common toe le of the country, and he will not betray theta. In 1898.Canada was in a turmoil with race and cried ,lis- sension brought about by the unwise policy of a Const; vative Goi•eruwent. ;ii'r,Wilfrid Laurier, the Liberal chief,e to lents of discord to flight, and the ol rio(l, in all the history of Ca servative rule, we have a tt state of affairs than in 1896. Is it not the duty of the elect to recall Sir Wilfrid Laurier to )st which he filled se' ell -for fifteen .ears, and to eutr),st hits ere more with the to k of bringing harmony -and good -feeling o of chaos and dl' cord'? ' Your vote if cast for Mr. Hislop op Monday next will in the best interests of our Country and of our effort in the great war. NAVY LEAGUE TAG DAY. Over Si: Hundred Dollars Collected - County Council Gives $1.o3o. I At a meeting of the officers of the newly formed Navy League on Widnes-; day afternoon, a resolution was passed expressing most cordial appreciation of the work of the Daughters of the Empire alio s, willingly and successfully carried. out the canvass on Tag Day, December sth. A resolution of thanks also was' passed in appreciation of the deputation ' who waited upon the county council, resulting in the generous gift of 11,000. Thr total subscriptions for Tag Day amounted to 14115.52. In this were in- cluded membership fees as follows: Members -Mrs. Burritt, Miss Clifford.' INFORMATION - FOR -ELECTOR-, Wm. its. Rev. A. L. G. Clarke. Mrs. --_ • 0. F. Carey, Mrs. J. C.,Ellitott, Mrs. W. TOn+e- &bur 14 The anal. L. Eliot. W. L. Iwo, C. Carrow, Mrs. C. Garrow. Miss E. Gibson: Mrs. Horace Notion. Miss !lodge; TO THE WOMEN VOl ERS. Remember that the ballot is secret. No person has a right W know how you vote, unless you !wish to tell it yoursel(. Do not be bull- dozed by anybody. Vote as you think is right, and be on your guard against fairy tales that are being told by '•unionist" canvassers. The election officials are bound under oath not to violate the secrecy of n the ballot. Ik't be afraid. - SIR. -1 have been told that Mr. Bos - man's son has applied for and riceived J. P. Hume. Mrs. F. K.Ibrton. exemption. As Mr. Bowman voted fur Geo. C. Hill, M. Jordan. C. 1Mrs.-.lack :Vt, an Act to conscript other peoples sons, I rs Wm. Lane, Judge Lea is. Mrs. -W. T. the f , s are of .some interest to the rlee- Murney. B. C. \lunnisgs. C. A. Nairn, tors of riding. Can y u give us any Geo. Porter, Wm. l'roudloelt, Mrs. Wni."irdormatirn'?. • ELELTOR: Proudfoot, A. M. Robertson, Sheriff Robert John Bowman, son Mr. James Reynolds, Dr. Taylor. !Sirs. ilmer SnUth. Bowman, the Conservative c Ididate in F. W'. Woollcombe, Gov,. Williams. A. L. G. Clarke. Mrs. Frank Elliott. Miss exemption by the tribunal B' k u ssels, onNXth !loran, applied Gltatxwa,branttd Associate memrs-1rs Carrie, Mrs. power and.put the e ,stied the most prospero Ttxlay, after six years of en- ada. orse rs Farrow, Mrs. J. M. Field. Mrs. Felker, Miss Mary Gratin, Dr. dllunt, Mr... R. C. Hays, C. J. Harper. Miss LeTouzel. H. R. Long. Mrs. Wm. Lee; Mrs. D. C. McLeod. Mrs. W. le Murray. for. L. M. Mabee,Rev.R.C.Mclkrmid,Mrs. Mac- farlane,1)r. Niel Moen,. Misti Ethel Nairn. Miss Jean Nairn. Miss Susie Noble. W. Nadel. J. H. Pipe: Mrs.'Reynulds. jr.. V. H. Robertson. Miss Irene Saulto, Miss Mabel Strang, 1h. II. 1'. Stran,g, Why is the workingman's dollar worth Mrs. Strang. Mrs. B. J. Sanits, Mrs. A. only about half -a -dollar today, compared 'l'aj'lir. J. E: Tom. Mrs: J. E. Torii. • J. with the values of a few years ago.' Ask W. Vanatter. , - the "unionist" canvassers, - - H. through' any error. members or Mr. Hislop has been holding successful associate member; aro not included in the Meetings in Colborne. Ashfield and West.:, zbtve list, will they .kindly notify the Waw.anosh this week. - At Iiungannin ' ffi ocers of the League :' ' on. Wednesday night the-cha irman of the It has been arranged to keep the fund I(isluli meeting was' •Mr. David Erring - open a few days longer,+ so that those tern. who haa•twent y -:;even. r. halves in ihaki. ' The Glotx .publishes a list` of prominent He is a'farmer and has been w( his father's farm in the township of , m ws\ -I About six months ago the fartW*, deeded to young Mr. bowman, 4, \ CAMPAIGN NOTES. t • "Has the Borden (oVernmcnt made you rich?" "Not roe: ask Flavelle." wishing to become members or , • make further contributions May do so:- Mem- bership fers\are as Icillows: citizens e t (Ontario who are supporting Mrmtnrrs, ' annually: 15 vea•e the so-called union (�'1!vernment, and we rnrmlxde TI' Jn ier mcmhen Is years make the w.Nxlerful discovery that our soil under). g. own Mayr \lunnings is among the, Tt itarlk Gdk)wdies shouldhbe ,adtes' oof f trIi the listing of tlahose 1 the only name tlimi Ceslerich in the list. "unwnfst" sup{tortel. This norm. to be already . public but soh) were BRITISH RED CROSS FUND. I A WORD TO THE WOMEN. I Acknowledgment and Thanks 110111 I "DEAR SIR,-Ik) the women of Code- e untary enlistment be throwing a political Provincial Headquarters. (rich and North Iluron who had no sons )nkeywrench :lit, the m'chiwry." f(eetof trge cedar an ! Iting MatEwtalinarac l tat ts, s a[• )d 9 The following letter is self-explanatory: or brothers or a husband to give to the Asserting that n was impossible for the ap• lbut we hear a rumor that :11r. Wdham pointed to cglleet for the Navy League: Camptxll alsr !socio, Ire calx for the Mesdames Noble. Williams. F. Doty: C. .-union" candidate iite and that even John ' Dunlop: and the Misses 1'jttean, Clady- ' tinlombe as wavering. -it's awful, ain't Saults, Gibson. Aust•bltxik• Seager; W- hine Nairn. Helen Galt ant! Dorotiy.I Osney. - -- RETURNED SOLD! - --T- R One of the fairy stories that are being spread by "unionist" canvassers is that if the Literals are returned to power the FLAYS GOVERNMENT. t ,mood -States will bolt, up all shipments of diol to Canada. This is simply nen- Lt -Col. Welcb, of Windsor, Resigns' sense.. The United States Government ' is not bothering its {orad about \Cana- ian politics: if it were. it would to more h ely to shut duw•n' on the Tories than on he had resigned his command ,f the.etht Liberals. as the Tory shalt -in -trade ' 'Windsor mobilization 'centre, sr. that he for sears 'was hostility to the United might be in a posit IOC to protest `against • States,. T'in•se people whoshouted "No the cry of Union Govtrnment" sup„ariers truck or trade with the United_ Bute*." that Canadians who voted for Liberal • have amazing nerve to turn around nrtw candidates at coming electirnts wrtold sold say they are the only people who can thereby prove themselves to hlo• disloyal be friendly `Kith (mile Sam.. If any - Lieut. -Col. T. B. Welch. of Windsor, who• hdy-is to blame for the coal situatirnn in went overseas with the first Canadian�,t'a^:oda. why icor put the blame un the contingent, an afterwards with thi tvuvrnmmnt ,slirinlls who are drawing big Ninety-ninth fiat) lien, to4 the platform!' s;ifane- but arc falling down ,n tonight at' *iid-., rl1r�t thio i1110s. ls.1 11'.'1 thit,rbrh pilo -oil krvrping ihr pdq)le supphed C. Kennsety, the Lilxk;d candidate., wuoi:' Ile 1lx mai', the "uni•nusts.. The appearance -of Col. Welch - in the must f htdlj s.ared when they circulate such hurt'hul. Command to Express Hia Opinions. Windsor, Ont., Dec. 0.-Ikaaring that political arena N%115 hke4;l txmib ttu,w.n into the e.rn4.. f C.4. 11'tjt % IIW "owp candidate. The large audit ice at Odd - fellows' temple gave him .•ot•tion after Air. 1laine' u( ,the: British Exchange ovation when, in the course of It . speech. hotel. announces another stance to he he charged that the Borden Gov rnnx'nt held at the hotel int Murxlav night next. had purposely killed voluntary enlistment lilacksterne's,rriwstra • will Ix in attend - had by withdrawing the machinery to obtain once. l'he election returns will be 'an- recruits.nounced as they come in. "We recruited more than three thou•- - and men at 111ndsir--," Col. 1\rich said. For Sale. \i. til sixty ctrl r piles, 20 "And we could have got many none had foot long, swt:ul Sur le k'phnne- use or not the (rivernment put aii end to sol - rattier uurlxmst.. :� s) a Grnitod numhe 1 Oarrce Monday Night.'. • ' Parliament Buildings.. Toronto, Noe. sot h. 1917. Geo. Williams. Ears. Treasurer, British Red Cross Collection. ' Goxlench. Ont. Dear Sir, -We are in receipt of your favor of the Lith instant with the enclos- ed contribution of three thousand dollars for the British Red Cross, which has al- ready been acknowledged by the Provin- cial Treasurer. On behalf of his Honor the Lieutenant- incessantly knitting for the boys -some- three Governor, the Organization of Resources body ;cite's boy --at the front? Why has three mr Committee, which is in charge of this Robert Borden so despised these who. more th campaign for Ontario, and the British having no bltoxl to give on Flanders! many me th k th -Thou by the mil war realise that Sir Robert Morden.• of. dominion to maintain live di visions at - Pictures as offs. e front, Col. Witch said t ..the mil- departmcn* was keel,' ' dive divisionts Anyone With heir wall, of a rrxlm to n trength to satisfy ambifics of , w ,slicers' call their on cannot fail to appreciae sought high commands. . 1 the gilt Of a picture • r1 picture hanging \ t was for the sane • reason that the on the wall is aseonstant reminder of - v battalions. on.. ,f which 1 took t, I the giver. You will tint all the latest •at the hrm of Mackenzie and Mann at t Ottawa, has divided "the sheep from the in goats?" Even if, as is true in many at cases, the son or the brother or the bus- wh band was rejected for military service. it •• matters not - the leader of the Union coup - Government has made "flesh of one and Engl• d, wt re broken up into drafts for i T hams n's \lust,', rt and Stationery fish of another." How many patriotic other unit, " he declared. -len and Store. -Picture •framirig our specialty. and noble women of Goderich and North officers Huron have since August 4, 1911, toiled. the tre from ms battalion were sent Into hes titter they had received only )ntha' training. and in Iry than the after we healed in England n a denizen of the officers and Red Cross, i desire to an you, ' e gave ave their 'widow's mite, and ..a teachers and pupils of your schools,' mighty might, at "home'' The woraan- GUNURY S SALE REE(4ISTER. v11 n1.1. I),, 1 C liar mg auction salt• of who left W'indsr sere kith tl.".j h,,i . 1.41 mesio to, and hnntsl+inga. papwrt y M Mr1.ushall, C 1•. K. agent, who i. Iravmg cls of dollars wt•rc dq)hltldl'fl•(1 a .1VI., t Maple _bion{ will . am son wt rr- the meml p;rs of your women's organo- is rk p rtment by flit ,•quip- . •r r.•. :It Mable _lira carr. {lamdton sot•,. at atiotls, your Red Cross workers, and•all boil of Canada has even said, "We Avid mint u( th • Cansulian blltalinns .being t.a,,.h:nn. stand unil(d." Will they stand united scrapped d. 11'clrh alleged. T11,14-44,. 'Ns la Auction sole w farm now"tt, s who ntaneous and egerousthis respons(cwhi h ' brio and crush a ruler who has failed oil The C,ana(ian s,ldh•rs had nothing t, "47.4. 11 21 nl the i ,m,ifegr 1,01011, o +i 1 Mr. Chattel lx g 1 trust the God-given w•onianhxxl of Can- thank the G?rvernment fir. he said, ix- 7 m Danar, 1) ,- .vo-Auctirn sale of idem you have made to this appeal. • I oda* as a whole with the franchise 'l cause they ha.t You have helped to make Ontario's Y -es, Ile has told the women that if he be and local soca contribution this year more splendid Ire -elected he will see that women's received. than ever before, and may have the franchise In vogue. Why didn't he wee consciousness that the gratitude of our w this when he made the recent divide 1 ,,A� commentary brave men overseas is going out coon- , • I slur on aifiriety for ec,nor to rely on municipalities sow k. implements. etc , property of Mr. John A its for th(' t•ntllfnrt0 they Mcl Lu dv. 1ot h cos-rwlrm 11, Cdlw.rnr, half uulr north n1 Loyal, at 1 ockrk chary. 1•ktuev. If.•r. 11. Sat, of farm .hw-k. imph•- •IJYn the (',vertlttteilt •a me• in., rIt , the pr.l.Tty on Mr Frank Welch• Stanley No rows r, as the r kx 1h ronrrsaun and cast a never -to -be -forgotten v so msislenl ly urited ' owner m. aunt w..e he1pi ly to you and to all those who are .ihr, noble womanhood of the Dominion?silos the people, was provided by the' helping to make the work of the British � Robert Borden could not go to the luxurious private c r in which the 'I hal. I DIED. Red Cross possible. I country on his past rec(xd, but even a Sir George E. Foster visited Grxlen'ch sW 541' *s:.t.n sit t Ievrtaud, oho,. nn rne.otay, Yours l1-1.faithfully.recently.' In ordina v times no one• -b. - Iu', rrnrer 11, tianah Bruprhry. beloved wile of ALBERT re ABBOTT. I rural pathmaster dews not appreciate oneI b�e•ph B tiw.anrrtA Secretary. Anne term of office, and Robert linden in grudges a Minister 'n the Crown a little {late n.,) A•. Hamiunn rm F,day. tRrrmter his mad plunge and exp of "patriotism" in extra softness, or cony menet', ,r dignity. ' 1.,,,;,. ..,.,mt dautorer sit ihr lair John rate car. provides: I II:01:1..y y,lime•..'and the i -- - it Iii b+ leaders. r n u enprn rge• le:.ne1 { Forstea,r. to deo tht•m- have in the George }: not intend t any rate, the public Ile- `1.10 nnnmont rs and druggist, Goderich.practise all kinds of economy ti, Ip win What would,be more suitable for a man George the war -Sir Grge I':F.ostcr touth' ing t At Walker's twostorers you will certainly I than a nice club -hag :' Go to Walker's: country fn expensive luxury to win the d- w a he has a large shipment just arrivt'd. ection. Several promised subscriptions to thehe the home of regaining the Ottawa throne or whatever a is a- psi HH hi,xl but these are not radon: fund have not yet n pal 0 'has despised and rejected the woman treasurer, who will be glad receive ! of Canada, and has cut a wound which leaders of the people ow., may the accounteffort. so that self-denying e(l r them at once.!will never heal. Hundreds of women in in the self -dugs. g be closed, and the balance rdnitted to, Toronto. � Huron county have toiled day in and day I all. Kut not sir Sir t;e There has been no expense whatever', out in the cause of the war, though with It is for the common peopl ih connection with this fund, the town I not a son, a brother, or a husband to selves the little ttxj• altea council having kindly paid the small ICI -• R,M rt Braden has told these way of comfort: hut Si accounts for inting and advertising. women that he cannot, will not, trust Foster, who has much, does them with the ballot. Will the women of to deny himself anything - Manicure goods area always acceptable Huron stand united? Borden would not' anything he can charge up to •as gifts. Files. buffers, scissors, cuticle trust them -will they trust him'' treasury. Millions for Flay knives, nail enamel, nail bleach, orange-, CITIZEN, a day for the soldier. T wood sticks. See our stock. E. R. Wigle, Goderich, Dec. 4, 1917. people asked to sive their old see h t yo u want for Christmas a NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Dec 13 1 •ap "rv.' 1", tial, - W 1 Carter . .0 1 ni Thank. Thins . McGratten ... t Awl ton 'Sale John A. hien artly . 1 51t•n Wanted The Cosumrr, liar A.sorla iton. W i net so r . . .. . ......1 . 1 1 ('hristmas ('sodic, H. r. Edward'. Chr,ama. Specials- Dean's ..... .. ...-.•..1e Candies J. E. Robbins .. . •, 1. a United Quebec. to Rule .All Canada r The l • Crena' ,)mon Committee Psempto n ;of Farmer. Ibrector of Public In- formation. n- f rmation. Ottawa. .. .. 1 11 Vann,', Cowns' Union Committee, .... Drug Apprentice %Vented J. A. Campbell • 9